Thematic control of knowledge in the Russian language pigeon.

Russian language. Grade 2 Thematic control of students' knowledge. Notebook. Golub V.T.

B.: 201 7. - 96 p. V.: 2012 . - 96 p.

The manual complies with the Federal State Educational Standard and is a split card with thematic test tasks for the Russian language program in the 2nd grade of A4 format on the main topics of the program. The manual contains 18 papers (2 options each) on the main topics of the program (36 tests in total). The proposed thematic tests, which are held at the end of the study of a particular topic, allow you to test your knowledge of terminology, rules and principles, the ability to analyze the material, as well as immediately identify gaps in students' knowledge that need to be worked on further. Test questions involve not only the fulfillment of tasks for working out educational material, but also the development of speech, logical thinking. At the end of the manuals, the correct answers are given for all topics.

Format: pdf(2017, 96s.)

Size: 14 MB


Preface 4
Theme number 1. Repetition 5
Topic number 2. Sounds and letters 9
Topic number 3. Combinations of zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, shu, chk, ch
Topic number 4. Alphabet. Word. Syllable 17
Topic number 5. Offer. Text 21
Topic number 6. Consonant sounds 25
Topic number 7. Vowel sounds 29
Topic No. 8. Separating soft sign (b) .33
Topic #9. Double consonants 37
Topic number 10. Noun 41
Topic number 11. Verb 45
Topic No. 12. Adjective 49
Topic number 13. Prepositions 53
Topic No. 14. Related (single-root) words 57
Topic No. 15. Unstressed vowels in the root 61
Topic number 16. Paired consonants in the root 65
Topic No. 17. Proposal 69
Theme number 18. Repetition 73
Texts for control cheating 77
Answers 82

Systematic accounting of knowledge, skills and abilities of students is an integral part of the entire educational process in a general education school. It is carried out in order to check the level of achieved mandatory learning outcomes, the thorough assimilation of knowledge and the strength of the formation of skills.
This manual will help the teacher to measure the final result when teaching Russian in the 2nd grade.
The proposed thematic tests, which are held at the end of the study of a particular topic (there are 8 main topics in the 2nd grade program), allow you to test your knowledge of terminology, rules and principles, the ability to analyze the material, and also immediately identify gaps in students' knowledge that need to be addressed. work extra. Test questions involve not only the fulfillment of tasks for the processing of educational material, but also the development of speech, logical thinking.
Each offset has two options. The students are given the pages of the manual on which they work. The entire lesson is credited. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher explains how the work should be done. The atmosphere in the classroom should be calm and friendly. Children read the task, comprehend it, select the correct answer, insert the correct letter, etc. A feature of the tests is the complete independence of students, because independent work is one of the most important means of developing the thinking and speech of students, mastering educational material, consolidating and testing knowledge, creating the basis for developing interest.

The manual is split cards with thematic test assignments for the Russian language program in grade 2 (1-4) of A4 format on the main topics of the program. The manual contains 18 papers (2 options each) on the main topics of the program (36 tests in total).
The proposed thematic tests, which are held at the end of the study of a particular topic, allow you to test your knowledge of terminology, rules and principles, the ability to analyze the material, as well as immediately identify gaps in students' knowledge that need to be worked on further. Test questions involve not only the fulfillment of tasks for working out educational material, but also the development of speech, logical thinking.
At the end of the manuals, the correct answers are given for all topics.

Put the appropriate signs at the end of the sentences. Underline words that need to be capitalized.
Golden autumn has come to the park, the trees are dressed in a bright outfit, maple leaves fall to the ground for a long time, how good they are and you love autumn.

Write off, punctuate.
Late autumn has come, sadly drizzling rain, strong winds are blowing, leaves have fallen from trees, birds have flown away to warmer climes, asters are still blooming in the gardens.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Russian language, Grade 2, Test book, Thematic control of students' knowledge, Practical guide, Golub V.T., 2012 -, fast and free download.

  • Test book, Thematic control of students' knowledge, Russian language, grade 2 (1-4), Practical guide for elementary school, Golub V.T., 2012
  • Russian Language Tests, Grade 2, Part 1, To the textbook by L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina "Russian language. Grade 2 At 2 pm Part 1”, Tikhomirova E.M., 2020
  • Independent work in the Russian language, Grade 2, Part 2, Movchan L.N., 2020
  • Independent work in the Russian language, Grade 2, Part 1, Movchan L.N., 2020

The following tutorials and books:

V.: 2017 - 112p. V.: 2013 - 112p.

The manual is split cards with thematic test assignments for the Russian language program in grade 4 (1-4) of A4 format on the main topics of the program. The manual contains 14 papers (3 options each) on the main topics of the program (42 tests in total). The proposed thematic tests, which are held at the end of the study of a particular topic, allow you to test your knowledge of terminology, rules and principles, the ability to analyze the material, as well as immediately identify gaps in students' knowledge that need to be worked on further. Test questions involve not only the fulfillment of tasks for the processing of educational material, but also the development of speech, logical thinking. At the end of the manuals, the correct answers are given for all topics.

Format: pdf (2017 , 112s.)

Size: 18 MB


Format: djvu (2013 , 112s.)

Size: 1.5 MB


Preface 4
Topic number 1. Word. Offer. Text 5
Topic number 2. Sounds and letters. Syllable. stress. Word composition 11
Topic number 3. Spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word 17
Topic number 4. Spelling prefixes and prepositions. Separating b and b 23
Topic number 5. Parts of speech 29
Topic No. 6. Homogeneous members of a sentence 35
Topic number 7. Noun. Declension of nouns 41
Topic number 8. Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns 47
Topic number 9. Adjective. Spelling of generic endings 53
Topic number 10. Adjective. Declination. Spelling of unstressed case endings 59
Topic 11. Pronoun 65
Topic number 12. Verb. Change over time. Indefinite form of the verb 71
Topic number 13. Verb. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs 77
Topic number 14. Repetition at the end of the year. Offer. Parts of speech 83
Texts for control copying 89
Questions for reviewing what was learned in the course of elementary school 93
Vocabulary dictations 95
Answers 97

The manual was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and represents thematic test assignments in mathematics and the Russian language in grade 1 on the main topics of the programs. The manual contains 9 papers (3 options each) in mathematics and 5 papers (3 options each) in the Russian language.
The proposed thematic tests, which are held at the end of the study of a particular topic, allow you to test your knowledge of terminology, rules and principles, the ability to analyze the material, as well as immediately identify gaps in students' knowledge that need to be worked on further. Test questions involve not only the fulfillment of tasks for working out educational material, but also the development of speech, logical thinking.

7 berries grew on a strawberry bush. 2 berries are ripe. How many berries are not yet ripe?

Using the numbers 1, 3, 4, compose and write down one example for addition and two examples for subtraction.

Grandmother baked 10 pies with cottage cheese and spread them equally on 2 plates. Then she baked 8 more pies with cabbage and also divided equally and reported to the plates, where the pies with cottage cheese were already lying. How many pies are on each plate?

1. Numbers from 1 to 10. Numbering
2. Numbers from 1 to 10. Addition and subtraction
Job 1
Job 2
Job 3
3. Numbers from 11 to 20. Numbering
4. Numbers from 11 to 20. Addition and subtraction
Job 1
Job 2
Job 3
5. Repetition of the studied material
Russian language
1. Word. Offer. Text.
Capital letter in words. Pretext
2. Sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants.
Alphabet or alphabet. Word and syllable. Hyphenation
3. Designation of softness of consonants.
Hissing consonants. Combinations of zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu. Combinations chk, ch
4. Paired voiced and deaf consonants.
Vowel sounds in stressed and unstressed syllables
5. Words that answer the questions: who? What? Which? which? which? which? what is he doing? what do they do?
Russian language
Lists of used literature.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Gradebook, Thematic control of students' knowledge, Mathematics, Russian language, Grade 1, Practical guide, Golub V.T., 2017 -, fast and free download.

  • Test book, Thematic control of students' knowledge, Mathematics, Russian language, Grade 1, Golub V.T.
  • Combined summer assignments, 1st grade, 50 lessons in Russian language and mathematics, Ilyashenko L.A., Shcheglova I.V., 2017
  • Final testing, Mathematics, Russian language, Grade 1, Golub V.T., 2012

The following tutorials and books.

The manual complies with the Federal State Educational Standard and consists of A4 split cards with thematic test assignments for the Russian language program in grade 4 on the main topics of the program. The manual contains 14 papers (3 options each) on the main topics of the program (42 tests in total). The proposed thematic tests, which are held at the end of the study of a particular topic. ALLOW to check the knowledge of terminology, rules and principles, the ability to analyze the material, as well as immediately identify gaps in the knowledge of students that need to be worked on additionally. Test questions involve not only the fulfillment of tasks for working out educational material, but also the development of speech, logical thinking. At the end of the manuals, the correct answers are given for all topics.

Subject. Word. Offer. Text.
Define sentence boundaries by placing vertical lines at the end of each.
How beautifully the stars shine on a summer night, you saw star rain, and how mysterious the moon can be, it appears as a thin crescent
(According to B. Isaev)

According to the purpose of the statement, the proposals are:
Put appropriate punctuation marks at the end of sentences:
Autumn has come How the air has become What a wonderful outfit the maple What time of the year is coming Dress warmer

Texts are: .....

Underline a word that is not a synonym for the word "road": highway, field, path, track

Insert appropriate words (nouns)
Don't close...
Don't find yourself...
Eyes on ..... climb.
Though ..... do not grow.
Reference words: grass, place, eyes, forehead.

Topic number 1. Word. Offer. Text
Topic number 2. Sounds and letters. Syllable. stress. Word composition
Topic number 3. Spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word
Topic number 4. Spelling prefixes and prepositions. Dividing b and b
Topic number 5. Parts of speech
Topic number 6. Homogeneous members of the proposal
Topic number 7. Noun. Declension of nouns
Topic number 8. Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns
Topic number 9. Adjective. Spelling of generic endings
Topic number 10. Adjective. Declination. Spelling of unstressed case endings
Topic number 11. Pronoun
Topic number 12. Verb. Change over time. Infinitive
Topic number 13. Verb. Spelling of unstressed personal verb endings
Topic number 14. Repetition at the end of the year. Offer. Parts of speech
Texts for control cheating
Questions for reviewing what was learned in the elementary school course
Vocabulary dictations

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Gradebook, Thematic control of students' knowledge, Russian language, Grade 4, Golub V.T., 2017 -, fast and free download.

  • Test book, Thematic control of students' knowledge, Russian language, grade 2 (1-4), Practical guide, Golub V.T., 2012
  • Test book, thematic control of students' knowledge, Russian language, grade 4, practical guide for elementary school, Golub V.T., 2017

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