On the way to the alphabet 3. The program of the course "On the way to the alphabet" (development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy)

Kislova T.R., Ivanova A.A.
On the way to the ABC. A guide to the development of speech and preparation for teaching preschoolers to read and write. Part 5

This manual on the course of speech development and preparation for teaching literacy for children aged 6-7 attending preparatory speech therapy groups is the initial link in the continuous course of the Russian language, reading and literature in the School 2100 Educational System. At the preschool stage, the speech development course is provided with manuals "On the way to the ABC" part 0 ("Forest stories"), 1-4.
Provides speech and personal development of children 6-7 years old in accordance with the Comprehensive Program for the Development and Education of Preschool Children "Kindergarten 2100". The organization and technology of work on this manual are presented in the guidelines at the end of the manual.
The manual can be used for classes with preschoolers in kindergartens, speech therapy groups, UVK, as well as for individual work of parents with children.

If you find an error in the description Buneev "On the way to the ABC" Part 5. Manual for speech therapy groups (6-7 years old) Kislova, Please, inform us. Thank you.

M.: 2017 - 480 p.

This manual for teachers, speech therapists and parents is an integral part of a set of manuals that implement the Basic Educational Program "Kindergarten 2100" and ensure the speech development of preschool children. The methodological manual includes an educational program for the speech development of preschool children (3–7 (8) years old) “On the way to the ABC” (authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Kislova), options for an approximate thematic planning and a detailed description of classes with children aged 3–7 (8) years according to the textbooks “On the way to the ABC”.

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From the authors of the Main educational program "Kindergarten 2100" 3
Educational program for the speech development of preschool children (from 3 to 7 (8) years old) "On the way to the ABC" 5
Explanatory note 5
Planned results of the development of this educational program by children of preschool age 7
Program content 12
Sample Thematic Planning 25
Methodological support 73
References 74
Application. The content of the work on the speech development of infants and young children 74
Speech development classes with children 3-4 years old (manual "On the way to the ABC" / "Forest stories") 86
Lesson 1. The story of how the Hedgehog and the Little Fox got into the forest 86
Lesson 2. Hedgehog and Fox cub get used to the forest 88
Lesson 3. Getting to know the forest dwellers 91
Lesson 4. The story of the stork 93
Lesson 5. The story of how the snail flew 95
Lesson 6. About the thrifty magpie 98
Lesson 7. Mouse Rescue 100
Lesson 8. About an ill-mannered lynx 102
Lesson 9. Smart Ant 105
Session 10. Cow Rescue 107
Lesson 11. About the curious mink 109
Lesson 12. About the spider and the chick 111
Lesson 13. About the squirrel and the beaver 113
Lesson 14. About the dangerous and smart eagle owl 116
Lesson 15. About the wolf cub who got lost 118
Lesson 16. Dragonfly - forest helicopter 120
Lesson 17. Meeting of the Little Fox with the Woodpecker 122
Lesson 18. Calf looking for dad 124
Lesson 19. Cuckoo, cuckoo! 127
Lesson 20. Visit of wild geese 129
Lesson 21. About the household hamster 131
Lesson 22. About a caring bunny and a capricious seagull 133
Lesson 23. About the hasty lizard and thorns 136
Lesson 24. Gopher concert 138
Lesson 25. Looking for honey for the bee 141
Lesson 26. How the heron saved the naughty Little Fox 144
Lesson 27. A story about a snake 146
Lesson 28. About the fat beetle 149
Lesson 29
Lesson 30. About how the pike became kind 154
Lesson 31. The story of the crow and the chocolate egg 156
Lesson 32. Meeting toys with their owners 158
List of used literature 161
Speech development classes with children 4-5 years old (manual "On the road to the ABC", parts 1.2) 162
Lesson 1. Toys. Getting to know our heroes 162
Lesson 2. Toys 163
Lesson 3. Parts of the body 166
Lesson 4. Parts of the body 169
Lesson 5. Autumn 170
Lesson 6. Autumn 173
Lesson 7. Vegetables 175
Lesson 8. Vegetables 177
Lesson 9. Fruits 180
Lesson 10. Fruits 182
Lesson 11. Vegetables - fruits 184
Lesson 12. Geometric shapes 186
Lesson 13. Riddle-description 188
Lesson 14. House 191
Lesson 15. Furniture 194
Lesson 16. Furniture 196
Lesson 17. Electrical appliances 198
Lesson 18. Electrical appliances 201
Lesson 19. Family 202
Lesson 20. Family 205
Lesson 21. Dishes 207
Lesson 22. Dishes 210
Lesson 23. Working tools 213
Lesson 24. Hats 217
Lesson 25. Hats 219
Lesson 26. Clothes 221
Lesson 27. Clothes 223
Lesson 28. Shoes 225
Lesson 29. Shoes 228
Lesson 30. Winter 230
Lesson 31. Animals 234
Lesson 32. Animals 237
Lesson 33 Pets 240
Lesson 34 Pets 242
Lesson 35. Birds 244
Lesson 36. Birds 247
Lesson 37. Animals of hot countries 250
Lesson 38. Fish 253
Lesson 39. Bread products 255
Lesson 40. Dairy products 258
Lesson 41. Meat products 261
Lesson 42. Stores 263
Lesson 43. Ground transportation 265
Lesson 44. Water transport 268
Lesson 45. Air transport 271
Lesson 46. City 274
Lesson 47. City 276
Lesson 48. Mail 279
Lesson 49. Theater, musical instruments 281
Lesson 50. Sports 284
Lesson 51. Spring 287
Lesson 52. Spring 290
Lesson 53. Professions 292
Lesson 54. Professions 295
Lesson 55. Kindergarten 297
Lesson 56
Lesson 57. Fruits and seeds 302
Lesson 58. Mushrooms 305
Lesson 59
Lesson 60. Wildflowers 310
Lesson 61. Insects 313
Lesson 62. Summer 316
Lesson 63. Berries 318
Lesson 64. Farewell to our heroes 321
List of used literature 322
Speech development classes with children aged 5-7 (8) years (manuals "On the way to the ABC", parts 3, 4 and "Our recipes", parts 1,2) 324
Lesson 1. Sounds and Letters 324
Lesson 2. Words. Sounds 326
Lesson 3. Sound [A] 328
Lesson 4. Sound [O] 331
Lesson 5. Sound [E] 333
Lesson 6. Sound [I] 336
Lesson 7. Sound [S] 339
Lesson 8. Sounds [I] - [S] 341
Lesson 9. Sound [U] 343
Lesson 10. Vowels 345
Lesson 11. Sound [M]. consonant sounds. Syllables 347
Lesson 12. Hard and soft consonants. Sound [M "] 350
Lesson 13. Sound [N] 353
Lesson 14. Sound [N "] 355
Lesson 15. Sound [P] 358
Lesson 16. Sound [P "] 360
Lesson 17. Sound [T] 362
Lesson 18. Sound [T "] 365
Lesson 19. Sound [K] 367
Lesson 20. Sound [K "] 369
Lesson 21 Sound [X] 371
Lesson 22. Sound 374
Lesson 23. Sounds [K] - [X], [K "] - [X"] 376
Lesson 24. Sound [Ф] 378
Lesson 25. Sound [Ф "] 380
Lesson 26. Sound [Y "] 383
Lesson 27. Friendly sounds. Sounds [Y "O] 385
Lesson 28. Sounds [Y "U] 387
Lesson 29. Sounds [Y "A] 389
Lesson 30. Sounds [Y "E] 391
Lesson 31. Sounds [Y" E], [Y" O], [Y" U], [Y "A]
Lesson 32. SOUND [L] 396
Lesson 33. Sound [L "] 399
Lesson 34. Sounds [L "] - [Y"] 402
Lesson 35. Sounds [B] and [B "] 404
Lesson 36. Sounds [B] - [F], [B "] - [F"]. Voiced and voiceless consonants 406
Lesson 37. Sound [H "] 409
Lesson 38. Sound [Щ "] 410
Lesson 39
Lesson 40. Sounds [B] and [B "] 415
Lesson 41. Sounds [B] - [P], [B "] - 417
Lesson 42. Sounds [D] and [D "] 420
Lesson 43. Sounds [D] - [T], [D "] - [T"] 422
Lesson 44. Sound [S] 424
Lesson 45. Sound [S] 427
Lesson 46. Sound [C] 429
Lesson 47. Sounds [Ts] - [S], [Ts] - [H "] 431
Lesson 48. Sounds [Г] and [Г "] 434
Lesson 49. Sounds [G] - [K], [G "] - [K"] 436
Lesson 50. Sound 438
Lesson 51. Sound 441
Lesson 52. Sounds - [С], - [С]. Whistling consonants 443
Lesson 53
Lesson 54
Lesson 55. Sound [Ж] 449
Lesson 56. Sounds [Ж] -, [Ж] - [Ш]. Hissing consonants 452
Lesson 57
Lesson 58. Sound [P "] 456
Lesson 59. Sounds [R] - [L], [R "NL"] 458
Lesson 60. Country ABC 461
List of used literature 464
Application. Psychological and pedagogical examination of children aged 4-7 (8) years 466


On the way to the alphabet (Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Release year: 2008
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: BALASS
Russian language
Number of pages: 67+67+69+67
Description: Manual for preschoolers 4-6 years old in 4 parts.

The manual on the course of speech development and preparation for learning to read and write for children 4-5 years old is the initial link in the continuous course of the Russian language, reading and literature (the Free Mind series, authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronin), which is an integral part of the School 2100 Educational System.
The organization and technology of work on this manual are presented in the methodological recommendations.
The manual can be used for classes with preschoolers in kindergartens, in speech therapy groups, UVK, as well as for individual work of parents with children. All texts included in this manual are not intended for reading by children, they are read by adults (teachers, parents).
Continuation of the work is provided in the manual of the same authors, part 2, and for children 5-6 years old - parts 3 and 4.

Made from an original found online


IRINA, Simferopol


15-03-2017 07:42:22


Sun, Moscow


17-06-2017 19:11:15


A man was walking along the road (Chiladze Otar)

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Author: Chiladze Otar
Release year: 2014
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Zhukova Sasha
Duration: 38:25:31
Description: The novel "A man was walking along the road" is the first prose work of Otar Chiladze, an original Georgian poet. The novel resurrects the events of three thousand years ago, related to the history of the Kingdom of Colchis, when the first Greek set foot on this blood-soaked land. All the actors are the formidable king of the Colchians, and his daughter Medea, and the foreigner Frix, and the Greek Yas who sailed for the Golden Fleece to the shores of Colchis ...


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Duration: 00:45:31
Description: Radio dramatization of Valery Larin's story. End of the war in Germany. Young Soviet soldiers, friends Volodya and Sanka, rescue an elderly German woman by pulling her out of the water. As a token of gratitude, her husband gives the children an accordion of his son, who died on the eastern front...
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Genre: sci-fi story
Publisher: do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Commissioner
Duration: 00:43:33
Description: A strange danger awaits travelers on their way to underwater Atlantis. And the only salvation is laughter.
Add. information: Read from the publication: Supplement to the magazine of the Central Committee of the Komsomol Seeker No. 3 1967


Traveling on the road of dreams. Tales (Mlechin Leonid)

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Release year: 2013
Genre: Detective
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Zaborovsky Yuri
Duration: 14:34:34
Description: The collection includes popular stories by a famous writer. Many stories by L. Mlechin were awarded literary prizes and published in various countries. He is also the author of short action-packed stories that became the scripts for the detective series `Late Dinner` on the TVC channel.
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Artist: Maxim Suslov
Duration: 15:24:48
Description: The protagonist of the novel, Sargon, finds himself in a strange world and cannot remember how he got here and who he is. This world is extremely hostile: every creature, be it a beast or a man, wants to destroy the hero and absorb his strength. Despite the game laws of the world, the pain and suffering here are quite real. And most importantly, the dead are not waiting for a magical resurrection in the game, but something else - something that is even scary...


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Author: Kuraev Mikhail
Release year: 2012
Genre: Story
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vinakur Maria
Duration: 04:32:35
Description: According to M. Kuraev's scripts, eight feature films were staged, the last of which, "Petya on the Road to the Kingdom of Heaven", received the Grand Prix of the Moscow International Film Festival "Golden George" (2009). "RG: When and how was the story written? What is its literary fate? And what did you do in Kandalaksha?
Kuraev: Answering these questions, you need to tell half of the biography ... The story was written easily, because ...


All (I-VII) disks for the book "Collection of tests for preparing for the exam in English"

Format: audiobook, WAVPack, 204kbps
Release year: 2008
Author: M. Mann, S. Taylor-Knowles, E. Klekovkina
Genre: Educational literature
Artist: Native speaker
Duration: 08:42
Description: I-V disks for the book "Collection of tests for preparing for the exam in English". There are seven in total, I'll add the rest in a few days.
Description of the book: "A collection of tests for preparing for the Unified State Examination in English" is one of four books from a series of study guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English by Macmillan publishing house. The manual contains: - 20 tests in the USE format; - clarification...


Supplement No. 2 to the List of information prohibited for publication in the open press, radio and television broadcasts in 1976 (Glavlit USSR), Chudakova Daria]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56kbps
Author: Kendrick Sharon
Release year: 2019
Genre: Love story
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Artist: Chudakova Daria
Duration: 03:44:51
Description: They met on a paradise island. Their feelings seemed to be mutual, but the harsh Greek Ariston Kavakos offended young Kylie Turner very much, and she tried to forget him. Years later, fate brought them together again, but it is not known whether their new meeting will be the beginning of a romance or war?


Problem book in physics and solutions to it (Chertov, Vorobyov)

Format: JPG, Scanned pages
Author: Chertov, Vorobyov
Released: 1988
Genre: Problem book in physics for higher educational institutions
Publisher: Moscow "Vysshaya Shkola"
Russian language
Number of pages: 528+
Description: A common problem book in physics by the authors Chertov, Vorobyov. It comes with solutions to most problems.
Add. The information: The task book in the djvu format and the decision of the majority of problems in the form of separate files of the jpg format. Solutions are divided into folders. Folder number - number of sections of the problem book.

but I

Collection of preparatory tasks for Olympiads in Physics (Kachinsky A.M., Bytev A.A., Kimbar B.A.)

Publication year: 1965
Author: Kachinsky A.M., Bytev A.A., Kimbar B.A.
Publisher: Narodnaya asveta
Russian language
Genre: Tutorial
Format: DjVu
Quality: Scanned pages
Number of pages: 170
Description: This collection contains tasks of increased difficulty in all sections of the high school physics course. It contains both computational and qualitative tasks that do not go beyond the scope of the school curriculum. All tasks are given detailed instructions and solutions, taking into account the new system of units. The manual is intended to prepare students for physics olympiads, and can also be used by teachers ...


Preparation for the English IELTS test

Genre: Teaching materials
Author: Various
Publisher: Various
Country: Various
Release year: 2002
Description: A collection of materials collected on the Internet, useful for self-preparation for the IELTS test. The IELTS test is given for the following purposes: 1. Immigration to Canada (Australia); 2. Further study in foreign educational institutions. This collection contains mainly materials for passing the General module. Of course, this is far from everything that can be found on the net, but it is quite enough to start preparing. There are a couple of programs. Everything is checked personally. Everything is working.
Quality: OCR without errors
Format: DOC

Explanatory note

to the program of the course "On the way to the alphabet"

The additional educational program for the development of speech and preparation for literacy "On the way to the ABC" has a cultural orientation and is based on the state program "Development of speech and preparation for literacy" proposed by R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Acid for preschool preparation,according to requirements:

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General EducationFederal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273 FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs"

    Concepts for the development of additional education for children in the Russian Federation until 2020.

    Decrees of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 04.07. 2014 No. 41 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of educational institutions of additional education for children.

The program reflects modern scientific views on the ways of organizing developmental education, provides a solution to the problem of intellectual and personal development of children, the formation of their cognitive interests and creative thinking, and contributes to the preservation and support of their health.

Basicpurpose training in this program is to work on the sound culture of children's speech, and the main content is the sound-syllabic analysis of words. A feature of the program is the use of elements of speech therapy methodology for preschool children, the purpose of which is to prevent errors in reading and writing. Work on the sound-syllabic analysis of words is combined with work on the development of speech.

The speech development of older preschoolers is characterized by a rich vocabulary, which continues to expand, including through passive vocabulary. Most children complete the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, and children begin to gradually master the grammar of the text (use means of communication between sentences in speech; when compiling their own text, they draw it up with an introductory and final sentence).

The role of the teacher is to create situations of active speaking, communication, mastering speech patterns. Particular attention is paid to the development of phonemic hearing and correct pronunciation.

Classes are built in an entertaining form using speech games, which allows children to successfully master sound analysis, observe with interest the features of words and their use in speech. The educational material is presented in comparison, comparison and encourages children to constantly reason, analyze, draw their own conclusions, learn to justify them, choose the right solution among various answers. Thus, the mainvalue , the basis of all educational activities is the creative thinking of the child, on the basis of which a system of knowledge about the language is gradually formed and the need for language proficiency and speech improvement is formed.


1. Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself.

2. The development of visual-figurative and the formation of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify one's judgments.

3. Development of general educational skills: the ability to work in a team, interact, bring what has been started to the end; work attentively, concentratedly, plan and control their actions.

4. Teaching sound-syllabic analysis of words.

5. Enrichment of the active, passive, potential vocabulary.

6. Development of the grammatical structure of speech.

7. Development of coherent speech skills based on the child's speech experience.

8. Development of phonemic hearing, improvement of the sound culture of children's speech.

Novelty of this work program is determined by the federal state standard of education. Distinctive features are:

1. Determination of the types of organization of students' activities aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course.

2. The implementation of the program is based on value orientations and educational results.

The main form of classes are classes with a small group of children.

Classes are held in a playful way, which is mandatory for classes with preschoolers. At the same time, the wide involvement of game elements should not reduce the teaching, developing, educating role of classes.

In the selection of material for classes, reference points are provided for links with the program material in subjects: the Russian language, the world around.

Studying under this program, students will show an independent desire to expand their horizons.

An additional educational program for the development of speech and preparation for literacy "On the way to the ABC" has a cultural orientation.

When teaching, the following technologies are used: technology of developing education; technology of individualization of education; personality-oriented technology; competence and activity approach.

Thus, fundamentallyThe main objective of the proposed course is, precisely, the development of a cultural orientation anddevelopment knowing abilities, general educational skills and abilities .

Content selection principles

The principle of harmonic education of personality;

The principle of gradualness and consistency

The principle of success;

The principle of proportionality of the load to the level and state of health of the preservation of the health of the child;

The principle of creative development;

The principle of accessibility;

The principle of focusing on features and abilities - the natural conformity of the child;

The principle of an individual approach;

The principle of practical orientation.

When implementing the program, the following forms and methods are used:

Basic teaching methods:


    a game;

    practical work;

Age of children enrolled in the program"On the way to the ABC" is 5.5 - 6.5 years.

The main features of this age are that a new social situation of development is taking shape, the game becomes the leading activity, during which preschoolers master other activities. In addition, at this age, important neoplasms arise in the mental and personal spheres, an intensive intellectual development of the child takes place, and a readiness to study at school is formed.

Recruitment for classes according to the course program"On the way to the ABC"takes place in accordance with the requirements of local acts of the MAOU secondary school No. 56 for the provision of paid educational services.

Predicted results

As a result of the forms and methods of work used, using the stated principles of teaching, based on the knowledge of the psychological characteristics of preschool students, training according to the course program"On the way to the ABC"will contribute to their development and the formation of a cultural orientation.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

personal results studying the course is the formation of the following skills:

- determine Andexpress under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest common rules of conduct for all people in cooperation (ethical norms).

In the situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on the simple rules of behavior common to all,make a choice , with the support of other group members and the teacher, how to proceed.

Metasubject outcomes course studies are the formation of the following universal learning activities (UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

- determine Andformulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher.

- pronounce the sequence of actions.

Studyexpress their assumption (version) based on work with the illustration of the workbook.

Studywork according to the teacher's plan.

Studydiffer true, completed task, from incorrect.

Learn with the teacher and other studentsgive emotionalassessment activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate your system of knowledge:differ new from already known with the help of a teacher.

Get new knowledge:find answers to questions, using the EMC "On the way to the ABC", their own life experience and information received from the teacher.

Process the received information:draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole group.

Process the received information:compare Andgroup various sounds and objects.

Convert information from one form to another: compose syllables, words, sentences, texts based on drawings, diagrams);

Communicative UUD:

Communicate your position to others:formalize his thought in oral speech (at the level of one sentence or a small text).

WITHlisten Andunderstand the speech of others.

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

Learn to play different roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject outcomes of the course "On the way to the ABC"are the formation of the following skills

Expanding the horizons of preschoolers in the field of sound-letter analysis of words;

Describe the signs of objects and recognize objects by their signs;

Highlight the essential features of objects;

Compare objects, phenomena;

Summarize, draw simple conclusions;

Classify phenomena, objects;

Determine the sequence of events;

Judge opposite phenomena;

Give definitions to certain concepts;

Identify functional relationships between concepts;

Identify patterns and draw analogies.

Mechanism for evaluating predicted results

The main mechanisms for evaluating the prediction of results are testing (input and final control).

Forms for summing up the results of the implementation of the additional general education program

Testing in the form of games: "Russell the sounders", "Find the place for the sound", "Find the lost letter"

Organizationally – pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program

Improving the efficiency of educational activitiescourse study "On the way to the ABC" contribute to the organizational conditions for conducting these classes. Namely:

    bright and spacious classroom;

    chairs and desks corresponding to the growth of children;


    chair and table for the teacher;

    educational and methodological set of authors R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, T. R. Kislova “On the road to the ABC” (parts 3.4).

    the use of multimedia teaching aids, which contributes to an increase in interest in classes, the program is based on the regulatory and legal requirements for training, using modern scientific and methodological approaches to education and subject to the requirements for the socio-psychological conditions of the organization of the educational process.

    small group size (up to 12 people),

Number of hours by year of study

The program of this course is designed for one year of study (1 hour per week).Classes are held for 30 minutes.

The total number of hours allocated for the implementation of the Program

The program is designed for36 hours


on the course "On the way to the ABC"

(development of speech and preparation for literacy)

Name of sections, topics

Number of hours

Lexical and grammatical work


Development of coherent speech


Development of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing


Teaching sound-syllabic analysis




Educational and thematic

planning the course "On the way to the ABC"

(development of speech and preparation for literacy)


Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Sounds and letters. The concept of "sound"; organs of articulation, ways of pronouncing sound.

Words. Sounds. Isolation of sound at the beginning, end and middle of a word.

Sound [A]. Acquaintance with the organs of articulation, ways of pronouncing a sound, its symbol.

Sound [O]. Learning to answer questions.

Sound [E]. Differentiation of the concept of "sound" and "letter".

Sound [I]. Answering questions, identifying logical inconsistencies in a drawing or story.

Sound [Y]. Isolation of sound at the end and middle of a word.

Sound [I] - [S]. Changing words by replacing sounds.

Sound [U]. Construction of phrases and sentences. Acoustic characteristics, selection of vowel sounds in a word.

Sound [M]. The concept of "syllable", sound analysis of syllables. Acquaintance with the classification of sounds: hard and soft consonants. Sound [M "]

Sound [N]. Matching letters and sounds. Vowels and consonants. Sound [H "]. Composing syllables using conventional sound designations.

Sound [P]. Learning to compose a story based on a plot picture. Sound [P "]. Highlighting hard and soft consonants in the word.

Sound [T]. Writing a story description. Sound [T "]. "Reading" and composing syllables and words using conventional notation.

Sound [K]. Acoustic characteristics, selection of consonant sounds in a word. Sound [K "]. Highlighting hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants in a word.

Sound [X]. Observation of polysemantic words in speech. Sound [X"]. Determining the position of sound in a word.

Sounds [K] - [X], [K "] - [X"]. Enrichment of children's vocabulary.

Sound [F]. Learning to compose a story based on a plot picture. Sound [Ф "]. Consistent transformation of a word into other words by repeatedly changing its sound and syllabic composition.

Sound [Y "]. Determining the position of sound in a word.

Double sounds. Sound [Y "O]. Correlation of letters and sounds. Sounds [Y "U]. Sound analysis of syllables and words.

Sounds [Y"A]. Sound analysis of syllables and words. Sounds [Y"E]. Detailed retelling of the text by visual support.

Sounds [Y"E], [Y"O], [Y"U], [Y"A]. Matching letters and sounds.

Sound [L]. Changing words by replacing, rearranging sounds or syllables. Sound [L "]. Changing words by adding, excluding sounds. Sounds [L] - [Y"]. Restoration of a broken sequence of sounds or syllables in the structure of a word.

Sounds [B] and [B "]. Teaching dialogue speech. Voiced and deaf consonants. Sounds [B] - [F], [B "] - [F"].

Sound [H "]. Learning to compose sentences, construct phrases. Sound [SCH"]. Learning to spread sentences, add missing words.

Sounds [H "] - [SCH"]. Making up a story based on a series of pictures.

Sounds [B] - [B "]. Compilation of direct and reverse syllables. Sounds [B] - [P], [B"] - [P"]. Highlighting hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants in the word.

Sounds [D] - [D "]. Composing a word from the studied sounds and syllables. Sounds [D] - [T], [D"] - [T"]. Classification of sounds: voiced and deaf, soft and hard consonants.

Sound [S]. Participation in the dialogue. Sound [C "]. The use of new words in speech. Sound [C]. "Reading" and composing syllables and words using conventional notation. Sounds [C] - [C], [C] - [H "]. Teaching detailed retelling of the text.

Sounds [G] - [G "]. Composing words for a given number of syllables. Sounds [G] - [K], [G"] - [K"].

Sound [Z]. Restoration of the broken sequence of syllables in the structure of the word. Formation of syllables and words. Sound [З "]. Construction of phrases.

Multiple words. Classification of sounds: whistling consonants [З] - [С], [З "] - [С"].

Sound [Sh]. Sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words. Sounds [Ш] - [С], [Ш] - [Щ "]. Revealing differences in the sound (syllabic) composition of two words.

Sound [Ж]. Vocabulary expansion. Classification of sounds: hissing consonants [Ж] - [З], [Ж] - [Ш].

Sound [P]. Learning to compose a story based on a series of pictures. Sound [R "]. "Reading" and composing syllables and words using conventional notation.

Sounds [P] - [L], [P "] - [L"]. Identification of differences in the sound (syllabic) composition of two words.

Country ABC (generalizing lesson). Enrichment of vocabulary.


36 hours

The content of the course program "On the way to the ABC"

(development of speech and preparation for literacy)

Lexical and grammar work (3 hours):

    enrichment of children's vocabulary; observation of polysemantic words in speech;

    the use of new words in one's own speech (construction of phrases and sentences).

Development of coherent speech (5 hours):

    answering questions, participating in a dialogue;

    detailed retelling of the text by visual support;

    compiling a description story, a story based on a plot picture, based on a series of pictures.

Development of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing (20 hours):

    familiarity with the organs of articulation, ways of pronouncing a sound, its symbol;

    familiarity with the classification of sounds: consonants and vowels; hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants;

    highlighting the sound at the beginning, end and middle of the word, determining the position of the sound in the word;

    highlighting vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, deaf consonants in a word;

    "reading" and composing syllables and words using conventional sound designations.

Training in sound-syllabic analysis (8 hours):

    sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words;

    differentiation of the concepts of "sound" and "letter";

    matching letters and sounds.

As a result of work on the course program, childrenmust :

construct phrases and sentences, including with new words;

    answer the questions of the teacher;

    retell the text in detail according to the visual support;

    compose an oral story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures;

    highlight the sound at the beginning of a word;

    distinguish sounds and letters;

    recognize and name the letters of the Russian alphabet;

    combine sounds and syllables.

Methodological support

Main forms of education: group, pair, individual.

Basic teaching methods:


    a game;

    practical work;

    collective, pair and individual studies.

    Pproblem-situational methods of teaching

Evaluation materials


Target: assessment of the level of speech developmentchild, determining whether he or she fitsage standards.

Test algorithm:

Explain to the childtask, give him the opportunity to complete iton one's own. If the child is at a loss, help him.Be sure to praise him for his efforts, even if younot very happy with the result.

At the bottom of each task you will findan asterisk that needs to be painted in a certain color.

    red - the child completed the taskon one's own;

    green - the child completed the task with the help of

    blue - the child did not cope with the task.

At the end of each topic, count the number of starsdifferent colors to compare results after a while.

By the age of seven, a child should:

    be able to compare thingsamong themselves, to name a few significantsigns of similarity and difference;

    write a coherent story on your ownless than 6-7 sentences;

    make up stories from personal experience;

    change words to form new ones;

    retell short stories;

    sing poetry expressivelyintonationally diverse to convey them incontent dependent;

    use difficult forms correctlyfamiliar words;

    use antonyms in speech (words withopposite meaning)

    solve riddles, understand figurativeexpressions.


1. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education,

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273 FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

3. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general educational programs"

4. Concept for the development of additional education for children in the Russian Federation until 2020.

5. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 04.07. 2014 No. 41 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of educational institutions of additional education for children.

6. Educational and methodological set of authors R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, T. R. Kislova “On the road to the ABC” (parts 3.4).

Other books by the author:

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2017 41 paper book
This manual is addressed to children of preschool age who can read. The main purpose of the book is to cultivate interest in reading, improve its quality, improve reading comprehension. In the manual ... - Exam, Preschool education. play and read 2017 41 paper book
On the way to the ABC. Tutorial. Speech development of preschool children (6-7 (8) years). Part 5The textbook in 5 parts is intended for the speech development of children aged 6–7 (8) years (for classes with a speech therapist). It is an integral part of the teaching materials "On the way to the ABC" for preschool children and ... - Balass, Educational system "School 2100". Program "Kindergarten 2100" 2018 309 paper book

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