Remote treatment: the pros and cons of communicating with a doctor online. Remote treatment of a person using a phantom Is it possible to treat a person remotely?

Remote acupressure treatment.

As many people think, this happens with the help of a professional massage therapist who has this massage method. After all, you need to know all the bioactive points and act on them correctly in a certain sequence. Of course this is a classic of the genre.

However, acupressure treatment can also be performed remotely. After all, in fact, mastering the technique of acupressure to eliminate a certain ailment is very simple, the main thing is to know how.

Once I already interacted with one woman through the social network “Odnoklassniki” remotely. Recently she wrote to me again, but asking me to help her son. I will not retell the whole story here, I will simply provide the correspondence with it.

Correspondence in classmates:

Anna Krivonosova


Vasily, hello! Once again I want to turn to you for help. My son, 18 years old, has cervical dorsalgia. The pain radiates to the left shoulder blade. Please advise the points of influence for this disease. Thank you in advance!

Vasily Kolobov:

Hello! I couldn't write right away. For now, at these points, work 33 circular clockwise and 33 counterclockwise, but in general it would be necessary to identify the root cause for completeness, we will contact you later, if you have Skype, write how to find you there (I sent her a drawing with the points).

Vasily Kolobov:

So, did you try to work out these points?


With my son - yes. I’m just not entirely sure if I found them correctly. It's not entirely clear in the picture. It would be clearer to see visually.

Vasily Kolobov:

I think that's right. The most important thing is when you want to find a point or repeat it in a drawing. If you take a point even a little closer or further, nothing terrible will happen, and then I’ll tell you and show you how to accurately determine them. And how did he feel when they pressed on the points?


Differently. Sometimes it feels painful, sometimes it doesn’t.

Vasily Kolobov:

Good morning! This is also quite natural, since the points that I indicated are connected by meridians. Where there is pain (it is advisable to indicate which ones), there is a problem itself. Those that do not actively respond when pressed send positivity to the problem area.


Thank you! Very interesting.


Hello! I want to say thank you for your recommendations! It really helped my son.

Vasily Kolobov:

Anna, good afternoon! I am glad that my little help was able to make a positive contribution to the improvement of your son. Contact me, I’m always happy to help.

You can see several other reviews from my patients on this site in the “

Just half a century ago, only science fiction writers could talk about telemedicine and only in the future tense. But we, who have stepped into this future, are not surprised by such prospects. What do doctors themselves think about telemedicine? We asked our experts this question.

Georgy Lebedev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Information and Internet Technologies of the First Moscow State Medical University, expressed his opinion on remote treatment of people. THEM. Sechenov; Konstantin Lyadov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Pavel Rasner, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Urology, Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I. Evdokimov.

Many are convinced that remote treatment (in modern terms, telemedicine) is the know-how of our time. However, back in the 30s of the last century, at a distant Arctic station there was experience in remote delivery. A doctor from the mainland directed the process using a radio and Morse code. Later, in the 70s, doctors began to use the telegraph for remote consultations. Well, now, in the Internet era, the possibilities of telemedicine are completely limitless.

Telemedicine – medicine of the future or...?

Telemedicine is experiencing a real boom today, especially in the US and Europe. There, over the past eight years, information technology has penetrated almost all areas of healthcare. Home telemedicine is developing especially rapidly: developers are coming up with devices, programs and applications for all occasions. Gadgets monitor pulse, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and transmit data to the attending physician. He monitors the patient remotely, but is ready to intervene at any moment - adjust the treatment (change the dose, drug) or send the person to the clinic. This method of communication between doctor and patient is especially convenient for asthmatics and diabetics. Even psychiatric care works this way: a virtual doctor at a distance helps people manage their emotions. Or this absolutely fantastic way: a camera that allows you to film the throat and ear canal (in case a sore throat or otitis media occurs and there is no doctor nearby). The data from the device is transmitted to the doctor, and he gives clear instructions.

And such treatment, many experts believe, is beneficial. Firstly, a correspondence consultation is cheaper than a face-to-face appointment. Secondly, thanks to remote “safety net”, the number of these same face-to-face appointments, and at the same time hospitalizations, is reduced (which again reduces the cost of treatment). And thirdly, a person feels better. After all, the doctor can adjust treatment in a timely manner, preventing the disease from developing. For example, in the Netherlands, thanks to telemedicine, the number of hospitalizations decreased by 64% and outpatient visits by 39%. In the USA, according to the American Telemedicine Association for 2015, by 19 and 70%, respectively. That is, people receive quality medical care without leaving home. This is especially true for the elderly, women with children, people with chronic diseases, as well as for those who live far from high-quality medical centers and clinics. By the way, the doctors themselves also accepted telemedicine. Doctors hold medical consultations, conferences, lectures, and broadcast operations online. And not only for the purpose of training and exchange of experience, but also for control, when a more experienced doctor monitors the actions of his student or young colleague.

What about telemedicine in Russia?

In our country, telemedicine technologies are also developing. Electronic cards and online appointments with a doctor are already in demand even several hundred kilometers from the capital. But not only that. High technologies have made their way into many medical specialties. In cardiology, technical devices monitor the functioning of the heart, transmitting important information to the doctor. In endocrinology, they monitor the condition of diabetic patients. Rehabilitation doctors, using IT technologies, minimize the consequences of strokes and severe injuries by creating individual rehabilitation programs. Doctors have learned to help such patients not only in person - in a hospital or clinic - but also at home. “Before discharge, the doctor selects a rehabilitation program for the patient, and then teaches him to work with an instructor who will be on the other side of the screen,” says Konstantin Lyadov. - The necessary equipment is installed at the patient’s home - exercise equipment, computer, video camera. Classes are held via video conferencing. The instructor monitors how the patient performs the exercises. Can remotely change the settings of the simulator using both Wi-Fi and mobile Internet.”

What does the adopted law on telemedicine say?

The successful development of telemedicine, before the State Duma adopted a law on its use in clinics, was a kind of preparatory stage. Checking for readiness. But now the law has been adopted and will come into force on January 1, 2018. “The Law on Telemedicine provides for the possibility of providing medical care using telemedicine technologies, including consultations, consultations and remote monitoring,” explains Georgy Lebedev. “Also, amendments to the law “On the Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health in the Russian Federation” require electronic document flow between medical workers and patients, including certificates, prescriptions, and extracts from medical records.” Moreover, according to the new law, it will be possible to obtain a prescription in electronic form even for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Telemedicine pitfalls

However, the adoption of the law on telemedicine did not reduce skepticism towards remote treatment among many doctors and patients. They believe that treatment (and being treated) can only be done under the supervision of a doctor, that is, in person. And they are wary of correspondence therapy. “Telemedicine has many advantages: you can remotely manage a preliminary examination so that the first visit to the doctor becomes as effective as possible,” he shares his opinion Pavel Rasner. - You can plan the date of your visit and hospitalization, which is especially important for out-of-town patients. Remote communication can be used to replace follow-up visits. For example, if three months after the operation the patient needs to inform the doctor about the data of the examinations planned upon discharge, it is not necessary to meet in person - correction of therapy and assessment of the data obtained can be carried out remotely. However, online consultations cannot completely replace a visit to the doctor. After all, in a doctor’s examination, the key word is “examination”! In addition to the fact that the patient himself talks about his health, the doctor also evaluates the accompanying symptoms - general condition, absence or presence of shortness of breath, skin color, shape of nails, presence of edema, and who knows what else! The patient's mood, finally! It is from all these little things, and not just from the main complaints, that the overall picture of the disease emerges. Not to mention that the doctor’s task is to form a trusting relationship with the patient. It’s difficult to do this remotely.”

One of the main tasks of Russian telemedicine is to “deliver” medical services to the most remote corners of the country and provide the opportunity to receive advice from several specialists. For example, if a local hospital says that abdominal surgery cannot be avoided, and Moscow or St. Petersburg doctors believe that a minimally traumatic intervention can be done and suggest where it is better to go, the person will most likely make a choice in favor of a sparing operation. Plus? Undoubtedly! However, not all corners of our country (especially the most remote ones) have a normal Internet connection. In some places it is not there at all. Just like mobile. If there is no connection, there is no telemedicine. Besides, how can you check that the medical luminary who advises remotely is really a luminary? “You can write anything about yourself on the Internet,” notes Pavel Rasner. - At least “three times academician.” But how will the patient check this? And a doctor cannot unconditionally trust all the data from tests and examinations - who did or described a CT or MRI in a distant village and how? There is more trust in “our” specialists.” This is especially true for the descriptive part of surveys - the one where the experience and knowledge of a particular person become decisive. For example, the prognosis and choice of treatment tactics depend on the pathomorphological conclusion in oncology. The slightest inaccuracy can be fatal, and during remote communication the doctor is forced to rely on the documents provided by the patient. How correctly is the histological picture described? How to check? It is also unclear how a doctor should transmit a signature at a distance, what an official conclusion generated based on the results of a teleconsultation will look like, and whether the doctor needs to receive additional education. And most importantly: if the treatment is ineffective, who will be held responsible?

Positive aspects of telemedicine

Despite all the gaps in the law, many experts are optimistic that most of them can be resolved. “In everything we must adhere to common sense, both on the part of the patient and on the part of the doctor,” says Georgy Lebedev.- If the doctor is illiterate, he will heal the patient anyway, without telemedicine. Therefore, the Ministry of Health must clearly regulate which cases are subject to remote consultation and which are not. And the doctor must responsibly understand where the line is between the need for a face-to-face appointment and a remote one, where what is needed is not a consultation, but urgent care - an ambulance, air ambulance. This is achieved by mandatory logging of the consultation, saving the protocol by the doctor and the patient in the medical record (including electronic). There are, of course, some specifics in remote consultation, but the doctor does not require special education. A doctor must be allowed to work in a “virtual” clinic after five years of regular full-time practice. It’s even better if he hosts a mixed reception.”

In any case, new medicine is aimed exclusively at the benefit of humans. “If it is not possible to provide the patient with other medical care other than telemedicine, we need to help,” believes Georgy Lebedev.- And remotely monitor the condition of a person who, after treatment in a federal center, left for a distant region. After all, there may not be the necessary specialists (or specialists of this level). And of course, always remember the main principle of a doctor: “do no harm.”

Remote treatment (online treatment)

Scientists have found that of all the energy entering the brain (and it receives 16 times more energy than other organs and tissues) directly for the needs of the brain and solving all its problems used only 25%.

Where are they heading? the remaining 75% energy is unknown.

However, there is an assumption that the rest significant part of the energy is used to form thought forms and mental images that influence the surrounding reality.

Let's conditionally call it psychic energy.

They talk and write a lot about this energy, but it has not yet been fully studied and this will probably not happen soon.

The most important thing we need to know about it is that this energy is outside of space and time, so a phenomenon such as energy-informational influence at a distance(as well as telepathy, telekinesis, etc.).

Remote treatment ( treatment online) is one of the forms of such influence when a human energy phantom is used.

How does it usually happen?

  1. Through a photograph (mental image) of a person.
  2. Through telecommunications means - telephone, Internet, etc.

Diagnostics and correction of subtle bodies, aura, chakras

What we have now is the result of our previous thoughts, actions, deeds; this forms the state (energy information) of our mental and spiritual bodies. Violation (deformation) is laid down on subtle planes, and everything always manifests itself in the physical world. The reason for any “misfortune” lies much deeper than we are accustomed to perceive.

The healing process itself is a work of reading (diagnosis) and working with the real “root of the problem.” Healing of subtle, invisible plans removes the root cause of the occurrence of this deformation, and this work aligns all processes in the physical world.

Using a person’s energy phantom, you can enter his subconscious, which contains root cause records all diseases not only of the physical body, but also records of all distortions of energy structures lying in all its subtle bodies.

Of particular importance, in my opinion, are records of karmic diseases (sins), diagnosis of karma .. , coming from past incarnations and having the most direct impact on his life and health. Without addressing these issues, high-quality treatment and restoration of all human systems is impossible.

I would like to note that if a person can focus his psychic energy in sufficient quantities and learns to consciously control it, then it is possible to influence not only other people, restoring all damaged energy structures and systems, returning them to their natural state, but even the surrounding space - for example, control the weather, etc.

In fact, there are no barriers or distances for thought and energy. When a healer works with you, he sees your image in front of him and feels what is happening in your body.

One of the most surprising pieces of evidence about distance healing comes from psychologist William Braud and his colleagues at The Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Braud's research, which spanned over 17 years, involved people attempting to mentally influence the nervous systems of others at a remote distance.

The research results were amazing.


For the first group of people, known as the receivers, Braud connected them to sensors attached to machines that measured seven different physiological indicators, such as blood pressure, skin conductance and muscle activity.


The second group, known as the transmitters, were placed in different rooms and asked to try to excite or calm the receivers just by thinking about them. Both the receivers and the transmitters were ordinary people who voluntarily expressed a desire to participate in the experiment.

Braud's 37 experiments, which included 665 sessions, involved 449 volunteers and 13 experimenters. Braud found that at the exact moment when transmitters were asked to think about their recipients, the latter experienced changes in their physiological state.

The results of 37 experiments were in favor of remote interaction between participants with a probability of more than 100 trillion to one.

In a nutshell, the ability of one person to influence the body of another with his mind is a scientific fact.

How powerful is this?

Okay, so now we know that one person's mind can influence another's body in some way - but is that influence really powerful enough to cause a change in another person's health?

And again an unexpected answer.

It has been proven that the effect
This treatment is significantly stronger than many drugs, as is commonly believed in medicine.

For example, numerous studies have shown that aspirin and anaprilin are effective in preventing heart attacks. But compared to remote treatment, their effect is weak.

The effectiveness of drugs is measured on a scale from 0 to 1. An effectiveness score of 0.03, in a critical situation, means that 3 out of 100 people survived. A score of 0.3 means that 30 out of 100 survived.

In medical tests, the effectiveness of aspirin in preventing heart attacks is 0.03; anaprilin is slightly higher - 0.04. These estimates were convincing enough for the government to allow pharmaceutical companies to claim that their products prevent heart attacks.

However, in Braud's experiments, the estimate of the effect of remote treatment was surprising - 0.25.

This means that if 100 people were treated with a 35% success rate, when combined with teletherapy the success rate would increase to 60%. Almost twice as many patients could be saved.

In his research, Braud also discovered some unknown properties of remote healing. His volunteers were asked to take part in another experiment in which they tried to mentally calm two groups. One group consisted of very nervous people, the other - of more balanced ones.

First, Braud found that the effect of distance treatment was greatest when the recipient was truly in serious need of treatment. The effectiveness scores for the nervous group were much greater than those for the calm group.

More surprisingly, he found that the effectiveness ratings for the agitated group were only slightly less than the effect of using relaxation techniques.

In statistical language this means that other people can have the same mind-body effect on you that you have on yourself, and vice versa.

What issues can be resolved remotely?

Yes, almost everything is the same as with the contact method of working on:

- restoration of natural energy levels,

The term “distance medicine” (digital medicine, home medicine, remote medicine) was first used in 1974. But the foundations of the methodology were laid back in 1959. It was during this period that Canadian doctor Albert Jutras created a telemedicine system that connected two clinics in Montreal online. The idea behind the innovative approach was to use teleradiology to diagnose diseases remotely.

Components of telemedicine

Remote medicine today has found wide application in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. It allows the patient to receive advice from a specialized specialist without the need to visit a medical facility in person. This will reduce time and financial costs.

Remote drug testing

Remote drug testing can significantly expand the geographic, ethnic, and geographic coverage of different populations, allowing for more accurate initial testing results. Telepharma is used for electronic data collection and electronic consent. Platforms operating in the field of telemedicine help a wider range of participants to try pharmaceuticals, and then further refine the information received with more diverse data.

Remote diagnosis of diseases

Remote diagnosis of diseases can be carried out offline or in real time. In the first case, email is usually used. This technique is not suitable for emergency cases, but it is less expensive. Online consultations require high technical equipment - a high-speed communication channel to launch a chat, a high-resolution video camera (necessary for a visual examination of the patient). Remote conferences in real time are divided into planned, emergency video consultations and video consultations. In addition to the patient, either one doctor or a number of specialists from different fields can participate in them.

Planning and implementation of remote treatment

Remote treatment allows you to process and receive medical documentation electronically. This is very practical if it is not possible to go to see a doctor or your health condition does not allow you to stand in line, which often happens in medical institutions. When using the remote medicine technique, the patient will be able to quickly receive a prescription written by the doctor and go with it to the nearest pharmacy to buy the medicine.

Remote disease prevention (monitoring, predicting health status)

Remote disease prevention involves the development of individual measures for the patient aimed at reducing the risk of disease. The technique is based on the preliminary acquisition of reliable data on the state of health through the use of telemedicine and direct access to the results of previously performed tests or diagnostic procedures. For example, based on such information, a special diet or a set of physical exercises can be developed for the patient, aimed at restoring the body after an injury or surgery.

Distance medical education

Distance medical education involves conducting lectures, video seminars, and conferences using telecommunications equipment. During the seminar, a doctor or teacher can have interactive contact with his audience and answer questions posed. The advantage of the method is the possibility of obtaining additional medical education or advanced training without the need to leave the place of work.

Electronic exchange of medical documents (Medical cards, test results, coupons)

Remote medicine allows you to keep a patient’s history electronically, gaining access to the necessary information at any time and from anywhere in the world. For example, if a person falls ill while abroad, he can easily provide the local doctor with extracts from his medical history, radiographs, computed tomograms, ultrasound images and other necessary information. In most cases, this simplifies the diagnosis.

Carrying out surgical operations

The effectiveness of telemedicine

Statistics show that the effectiveness of telemedicine is comparable to a personal appointment with a doctor, and in some aspects even exceeds it. It is also important that remote consultations reduce staff workload in clinics and speed up decision-making time for patient treatment, which potentially also improves treatment outcomes. The benefits of remote diagnosis and treatment for the patient include:

The ability to receive consultation without leaving home - saving the patient’s time;

The ability to contact a highly specialized specialist directly - used by patients with previously established diagnoses;

The opportunity to obtain consultation from several doctors of different or similar specializations in a short period of time allows you to choose the most rational option for treating the disease.

Initially, mail was used for document flow between doctors and patients. Today it is impractical because it takes too long to deliver a letter from the sender to the recipient. It has been replaced by more progressive methods - offline and online video consultations, correspondence in chats.

Before information methods (Mail)

The transfer of medical records is still used today when it is necessary to send data to regions where there is no possibility of active use of broadband Internet. Usually, courier delivery of letters with documents is suitable for this, providing for the transfer of a registered letter exclusively into the hands of the recipient.

Telephone communications

Consultations with a doctor have a significant drawback - the doctor can only listen to the patient’s complaints, but cannot conduct a visual examination. Based on the description of symptoms alone, a correct diagnosis can be made only in rare cases.


The most widely used methods today are remote medicine via the Internet.

Questions on the forums

Specialized forums allow patients to get an answer to their question from several doctors at once. Some of these services are paid.

Correspondence in chats

Corresponding with a doctor via chat is similar to a phone call, but the patient has the opportunity to send the doctor test results or photos of symptoms, for example, the appearance of a rash, in the form of an electronic file.

Video consultation

Video consultation can be used not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to consult the doctor on diagnostic issues with his colleagues. The consultation method is used to solve the most complex medical cases that require the participation of multidisciplinary specialists.

Remote medicine and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is currently only used to process medical images obtained through diagnostic procedures.

Remote medicine in Russia

In January 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill on telemedicine, which made it possible to issue electronic prescriptions and provide remote medical care. Wherein. If a patient contacts a doctor for a teleconsultation for the first time, he must be identified with a specialized doctor and set a time for an in-person meeting. Only after admission and diagnosis can treatment and monitoring of the patient’s condition continue remotely. Control over the confidentiality of information is provided by the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA).

Remote medicine in the world

Remote patient consultation via videoconference is practiced in many countries. For example, in Germany, virtual consultations are included in the compulsory medical insurance package; they can be paid directly at the health insurance companies. This makes life easier for chronically ill patients, who do not have to go through a tedious journey to see a doctor.

Prospects for remote medicine

Provides for the use of remote medicine technologies to provide medical care to patients. They are information and communication techniques that provide consultations and councils for remote interaction between doctors, the doctor and the patient (his legal representative). In the near future, telemedicine techniques will ensure the transition of medical institutions to electronic document management.

Remote treatment. Methodology. Reiki-2


The flow of Reiki energy through the channel of a healer of the second stage is several times stronger than the flow through the channel of a healer of the first stage. In addition, the healer of the second stage has the ability to treat patients on the mental level, i.e. mental level, heal from a distance, and the flow of Reiki energy does not weaken with increasing distance, heal outside of time, i.e. in the present, past and future, simultaneously treat an unlimited number of patients, pacify the elements, improve the environmental situation, protect technical equipment from accidents, purify food and water.

Treatment of the patient at a distance (20-30 minutes).

As with any other treatment method, patient consent is required. In addition, an agreement on the time and place of treatment is required. You can agree with the patient that he will receive Reiki before bed or at any time convenient for him. The healer tells the patient the formula: “Reiki heals me on all levels.” Explains that we are talking about healing on the spiritual, mental and physical levels. The patient’s subconscious fixes this healing formula, so it is not necessary to memorize and repeat it before treatment. The advantage of the distance healing method is that the healer does not need to travel to meet the patient or the patient to the healer. The healer can conduct a Reiki session at a time convenient for him and in a place convenient for him, and the patient can receive Reiki at a time convenient for him and in a convenient place (for example, a patient in an infectious diseases hospital where there is no access, a car driver when he is not behind the wheel, and in a sleeping place, etc.).

In addition, a remote treatment session is usually half as long as in person. With remote healing, it is possible to simultaneously heal an unlimited number of patients. Moreover, all of them can receive sufficient and targeted treatment. Reiki historians point out that Mikao Usui liked to conduct distant Reiki sessions even for people in the next room. The technology for treating a patient at a distance may be as follows. Appeal. The healer writes in front of him in the air with his hand or mentally the symbols Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, Sei-He-Ki, Cho-Ku-Rei. Presents the patient in the form of a small doll standing on his left palm; the healer places his right hand on the top of the doll’s head. Then the healer places this imaginary doll face up on his prick and, sequentially, as in contact treatment of the patient, places his hands on the doll in the appropriate positions. The imaginary doll does not need to be turned face down, and to place your hands on its body from behind, you can place your hands under the doll. Only, unlike contact treatment, the positions on the back of the doll’s body are not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. The last position is the seventh cervical vertebra (T-position), then the shoulder joints and the thymus gland on top. After this, the healer places the doll vertically on his palm, writes the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol with his hand, blows between his hands three times and wipes one palm against the other three times to break contact with the patient.

If the healer has difficulty imagining a doll, he can take a real toy and use it to give a Reiki session to the patient. You can also use the thigh of your leg like a doll: for example, the left thigh as the front of the doll, the right thigh as its back. The time spent in each position and the duration of a remote treatment session are shorter than a contact one. However, the effect is not reduced at all. The effect does not decrease at all when treating any number of patients. For remote healing, you can use a photograph of the patient, over which, after writing the symbols, the healer holds his hands for 20-30 minutes. Such a remote session also ends with writing the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol, deflating three times between the hands and wiping one palm on the other. After this, thanks are said. (WITH)

Created 08 Aug 2011

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