Professional development professional retraining. State University of Management

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  • Additional education (professional retraining), diploma of the established sample of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    At our department you can get additional education (pass professional retraining) in a number of popular specialties in the field of management, business valuation, practical psychology, construction, and energy.

    Additional education today is necessary for those who seek to strengthen their position in the labor market.

    An important advantage of studying at our department is short period of additional education- Total 6 months and without sacrificing quality. Using a partially distance learning form, the student can receive knowledge wherever he is. Distance education requires only the presence of the Internet, a computer, while it makes it possible to constantly consult with a teacher.

    Upon completion of training (6 months), students receive a diploma of professional retraining with the right to conduct a new type of activity.

    Education at the Department of ITTB makes it possible in a short time to obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the direction of "Chief engineer (technical director) of thermal power engineering". Our graduates work in the service of the chief engineer as specialists and managers.
    Audience category: specialists with higher education, students of the last year of study.
    Duration of study: 4 months.

    Cost of education: 54000 rubles, phased payment is possible.

    The purpose of training: professional retraining of students in order to obtain new competencies in the field of heat power engineering and heat engineering, preparation for work to perform a new type of professional activity.

    Vocational retraining under the program "Personnel Management" makes it possible to master a sought-after interesting profession in 4 months and get a diploma.

    Audience category: specialists with higher education.
    Duration of studyA: 4 months for all forms of study.
    Cost of education: part-time - 42,000 rubles; part-time - 35,000 rubles.

    Second education (professional retraining) under the program

    "Estimate business and examination of estimates".

    Department of ITTB NRU "MPEI" is recruiting for training under the program of additional professional education " Estimate business and examination of estimates» volume 256 academic hours.

    The course includes studying the basics of budgeting and the peculiarities of pricing in construction, students will learn how to work with the regulatory and methodological framework for calculating estimate documentation and correctly generate reporting documentation.

    After completing the courses for estimators, students will gain deep practical knowledge and skills in drawing up estimates for all types of construction work, and will be able to analyze the process of drawing up estimate documentation.

    Education at the Department of ITTB makes it possible in a short time to obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the direction of " Chief Power Engineer Service: Safe Operation and Management". Our graduates work in the service of the chief power engineer as specialists and managers.
    Audience category: specialists with higher and secondary vocational education, students of the last year of study.
    Duration of study: 5 months.

    Cost of education: 54000 rubles, phased payment is possible.

    Start date: in absentia - July 01 and August 19, 2019; part-time - October 14, 2019

    Education at the Department of ITTB makes it possible in a short time to obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the specialty "HR Manager". Our graduates work as managers in HR, HR and HR departments.
    Audience category: specialists with higher education.
    Duration of study: 4 months.
    Cost of education: 42,000 rubles, phased payment is possible.

    Imagine a situation. For more than 10 years you have been working as an economist at a large enterprise. But all this time you dream of becoming a chef. Or, say, a professional hairdresser. Stop dreaming! It's time to act!

    It is for such people that professional retraining courses exist.

    Don't know where to start? I, Alla Prosyukova, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine, have prepared a new article for you on this issue.

    The material of the article will be useful to everyone who wants to look to the future with confidence, do what they love and at the same time increase their own well-being.

    1. What are professional retraining courses for?

    Professional retraining courses are necessary for those who want to get an additional specialty or change their current profession, as well as acquire new qualification skills.

    Such training is equated by many employers with a second higher education and opens up broad career prospects for the employee.

    The diploma obtained after retraining gives the right to work fully in a new profession.

    2. What are the types of professional retraining?

    Professional retraining is divided into several types depending on the purpose of its passage.

    It is divided into:

    • professional retraining in order to improve existing professional skills;
    • professional retraining for obtaining an additional related profession;
    • retraining for a new profession.

    Let's consider each of the types with specific examples.


    Maria Kukushkina worked as an accountant in one of the housing departments of Kazan. The girl was educated, young and ambitious. Of course, she did not plan all her life to deal with the accounting of payments from the population in her office.

    And then there’s her friend, who works as the chief economist in a large trading network in the city, told Masha that their deputy chief accountant is soon retiring and they are already looking for a replacement for her.

    A friend agreed with the chief accountant of the organization, Nadezhda Pavlovna, about a preliminary interview with Maria to determine whether she could apply for a vacant vacancy in the future.

    Maria really liked Nadezhda Pavlovna, but during the conversation it turned out that the girl did not fully meet the qualification requirements. The way out of this situation was immediately found - professional retraining courses.

    And now, a week later, Maria, in agreement with the new employer, began training in retraining courses at a financial institution, which she manages to complete just in time for the desired vacancy.

    Now I propose to consider another case from the life of my friend, who, thanks to professional retraining, has significantly increased not only the level of professionalism, but also her own well-being.


    For as long as she can remember, Svetlana has always dreamed of becoming a hairdresser. Therefore, after graduating from school, I immediately went to study this profession. After graduation, she has been working as a hairdresser in one of the salons in Yelabuga for 9 years now.

    Hairdressing is her life. She constantly monitors all the latest in hairdressing, learns the most interesting and popular techniques, thereby delighting her many clients. Despite such a successful professional activity, Svetlana dreams of becoming a make-up artist as well.

    Every year, the services of a make-up artist are becoming more and more popular, and ladies, turning to Svetlana as a hairdresser, often ask if she could do, for example, more festive makeup.

    All this prompted Svetlana to take professional retraining courses and get an additional profession - a make-up artist. Arriving after training in her native Yelabuga, Svetlana immediately informed her clients about the new service. The result was not long in coming: the master's income grew by almost 1.5 times!

    I bring to your attention another real example, when she changed the life of one of my colleagues.


    Irina Malysheva has been working as a leading loan officer in a Kazan bank for more than 5 years. Her mother also worked in the banking sector all her adult life. Therefore, when Irina graduated from school, the question of choosing a profession was not raised.

    Despite the fact that the girl loved children very much and dreamed of becoming a teacher, arguing with her mother, who raised her alone, Ira did not and graduated from a banking college. At work, Irina was in good standing, was known as an experienced specialist. And his career was slowly but surely going up.

    Despite this, every year Ira felt more and more clearly that she had made a mistake with her choice of profession. The girl went to work reluctantly, she performed her duties with high quality, but without enthusiasm.

    Soon, Irina's life changed dramatically. Her mother got married and left with her husband for another city, leaving her daughter with complete independence.

    Soon, Ira decided not to torture herself anymore and change her profession. She underwent retraining and became a preschool teacher. Her dream has come true! She works in one of the private kindergartens and is absolutely happy!

    3. For whom will professional retraining courses be relevant?

    Professional retraining courses are in demand among various categories of citizens.

    Such training will come in handy:

    • those who made the wrong choice of profession;
    • those who lack the qualifications for a new position;
    • those who want to earn more by mastering a related profession.

    Such courses will also be of interest to employers for whom it is important.

    This format will appeal to students who want to increase their competitiveness. For example, while studying in the last courses of a pedagogical university as a teacher of preschool education, students have the right to simultaneously undergo retraining in the specialty "child psychologist".

    After graduation, these graduates will have an undeniable advantage in the eyes of potential employers.

    Such courses, especially their remote form, will also come in handy for mothers who are on leave to care for their babies. This is a great opportunity to go to work after the decree fully armed, with a baggage of new knowledge and skills, confirmed by a special document.

    Such training is also loved by modern active pensioners. Judge for yourself.


    Anna Dmitrievna Korobova is a former university teacher of English and French, and now a pensioner.

    Anna was not used to idleness and decided to find something for herself that would not only take her time, but also allow her to earn additional income.

    Of course, she could be engaged in tutoring, since the demand for such services is consistently high. But Anna Dmitrievna, for many years of work as a teacher, got tired of this monotony, her soul asked for something new, interesting.

    It was fate that Korobova's eyes caught an advertisement for recruitment for a retraining course for a new profession as a guide-translator. The pleasant surprises for Anna did not end there! The course was organized by her native university, which provided her with a 25% discount on tuition.

    After graduating with honors from retraining, Anna Dmitrievna threw herself into work, living a new, interesting, vibrant life and at the same time receiving decent pay for her work.

    4. How to take professional retraining courses - step by step instructions for beginners

    Today I have prepared a similar guide that can help you quickly and easily choose the right course, conclude an agreement, pay for tuition and successfully complete retraining.

    Step 1. Choose a training center

    When choosing a training center, collect as much information about it as possible. Don't ignore real user reviews. Be sure to check all permits for conducting educational activities. Pay attention to the methods used for teaching.

    Examine the list of the main clients of the company. Serious educational institutions post this information for free access on their website. Get to know the teaching staff of the center. Find out if they have hands-on experience in the course they are teaching.

    Step 2. Decide on a retraining program and send an application

    When choosing a program, ask if the center has author's tutorials, its own video tutorials.

    After you select the right program, send an application for the selected course. Almost all educational institutions provide the opportunity to submit an application online.

    Step 3. We receive a response and send documents

    After waiting for the response of the admission committee of the center or the responsible manager, carefully study the list of documents required to conclude the contract.

    Make high-quality color scans from originals. Do not forget to arrange each scanned document in a separate file, accompanying it with a clear, understandable name.

    Step 4. We pay the cost of courses

    To pay for the course, the training center will send (if the training is remote) or give you a receipt (in the case of offline training) in your hands.

    Some educational institutions do not issue receipts, but ask to pay according to the details specified in the contract. Keep the original receipt until you receive your diploma.

    Step 5. We pass courses and get a diploma

    After paying for the training and signing the contract, start training. For all enrolled students, the training center fills out a "Personal sheet" or "Personal student card".

    Try to strictly adhere to the established training schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the course tutor.

    After completing the entire course and successfully passing the final certification, you will receive a full diploma. It will allow you to work in a newly acquired profession or take the desired position, that is, to achieve the goal for which all this was started.

    5. Where to take professional retraining courses - an overview of the TOP-3 training centers

    In order not to get confused in the wilds of various training programs and educational organizations, I have prepared for you a selection of training centers that offer high-quality professional retraining in several areas.

    Check it out, maybe this is exactly what you need.

    1) Specialist

    This is a training center at one of the most famous Russian universities - MSTU. E.N. Bauman. The company has been operating in the field of education for more than 25 years.

    There are more than a thousand different courses in the catalog of the center. Training is conducted for those wishing to any level of training, including zero.

    Classes are held in the following forms:

    • full-time;
    • correspondence;
    • remote;
    • in the form of webinars;
    • individual training;
    • weekend courses.

    The services of the CA "Specialist" are available to individuals and legal entities. Today, more than 35 thousand Russian and foreign companies have already become clients of the Center. More than 850 thousand students have been trained. Retraining and are especially popular.

    "Specialist" holds monthly prize draws, promotions, offers payment for tuition on credit.

    2) International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation

    The "International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation" (IAEO) conducts remote retraining courses for more than 30 programs.

    Benefits of studying at the Academy:

    • fully distance learning;
    • affordable prices;
    • high quality;
    • installment payment;
    • understandable teaching materials;
    • accelerated training without increasing the cost.

    3) Capital

    Stolitsa is a center for training personnel from Moscow, which has been successfully operating since 2012. Over the period of operation, the company has issued over 15 million certificates.

    Center Services:

    • working professions (with the issuance of a certificate);
    • certification of employees on industrial safety and labor protection;
    • courses on environmental and fire safety;
    • professional retraining;
    • advanced training of builders, designers and surveyors.

    I presented some prices for the services of the Capital Center in the table.

    A fragment of the price list of the Capital Center:

    6. How to save money on professional retraining courses - 3 simple tips

    Everyone loves to save - both the rich and the not so rich! I am also a supporter of reasonable economy. Therefore, based on my personal experience of studying at various courses, I have collected in this section some useful tips on retraining courses.

    They will help save you money without compromising the quality of education.

    Tip 1. Study remotely

    The cost of distance learning (learning that is conducted remotely via the Internet) is usually cheaper than any other form.

    At the same time, it is in no way inferior to full-time, correspondence or evening, and in some positions even surpasses them. So, for example, remote control is much more convenient. After all, you can study at any convenient time and in any place where there is an Internet and a computer.

    In addition, the student has access to a large number of electronic libraries, audio podcasts, video presentations, etc.

    Tip 2. Give up unnecessary programs

    As the writer Ravil Aleev said “You don’t save by buying cheaper. Save money by not buying too much. If you agree with him, then this tip is for you!

    When choosing a professional retraining course, carefully study its program. If any of its blocks do not suit you, do not buy such training. Why pay extra money and waste your time on something you don't need.

    Look for more. You will definitely find the most suitable option for you without overpaying for unnecessary modules.

    Tip 3. Participate in promotional programs

    Educational institutions that provide professional retraining services periodically hold promotions that allow you to buy their training programs at significant discounts.

    This is done to:

    • attract more students;
    • increase the visibility of the organization;
    • mark in this way a significant date for the company (for example, the date of its creation).

    Subscribe to the newsletters of those training centers where you have found suitable professional retraining courses for yourself. So you can find out the latest news about all promotional offers and have time to arrange the desired program at a reduced price.

    For some details on the topic, see the video.

    7. Conclusion

    To summarize! The modern world with its latest technologies, complete computerization, sophisticated equipment makes us keep up with the times, constantly learn, acquire the necessary skills, and acquire new professions.

    In this process, an important place is occupied by professional retraining and advanced training courses, which allow solving all these problems in a short time with minimal time and money.

    Question for readers

    Have you thought about changing your profession? If so, do you think that professional retraining can help you with this?

    Friends, don't be afraid to change! Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

    We are waiting for your comments, questions and feedback on the article! Share the post with your friends on social networks!

    What is professional retraining on the basis of higher education? How is the career change program implemented remotely? How is professional retraining different from second higher education?

    Hi all! I, Alla Prosyukova, an expert of the HeatherBober project, are in touch.

    To all those who are interested in career growth, who are not satisfied with their current job, who made a mistake with their choice of profession, I recommend reading my new article. Its theme is professional retraining.

    At the end of the article there is a useful thematic video and an overview of training centers involved in retraining.

    1. What is professional retraining and why is it carried out?

    First, let's define the main concept of the article.

    This will immediately put everything in its place and facilitate the perception of the material.

    Obtaining additional competencies or a new profession by persons with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as by final year students.

    The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has developed a system of vocational retraining as an alternative to a second higher education.


    Nikolai Volkov has been working as a senior administrator of one of the mini-hotels in Kazan for more than 5 years. Management considers him an experienced, promising employee.

    In the coming year, the company's hotel chain is replenished with another new hotel. It is in it that Volkov is planned to be transferred to the position of manager.

    The young man has a higher education in the specialty "Organization Manager", but for transfer to the position of a manager, a specialized higher education is required, for example, "Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry".

    Nikolai cannot afford a second higher education: it is expensive and long. The only way out is professional retraining. Having picked up the program, Nikolai successfully retrained within 6 months. Having received a diploma, he began to fulfill the duties of the manager of a new hotel.

    This type of training allows those who wish to master additional professions, which significantly increases their demand in the labor market.

    2. Who may need professional retraining?

    Are you a young mother who has just returned from parental leave?

    Are you a student studying in the last years at a university and dreaming, without wasting time, in parallel to get another related profession?

    Do you work as an accountant, although you "sleep and see" yourself as a hairdresser?

    Are you an employer for whom is not an empty phrase?

    Are you an active pensioner who does not want to sit on a bench in a public garden or dig in the beds in her own garden, but wants to work as a guide in a museum?

    Do you dream of career growth, but do not have enough professional competencies for the desired position?

    All clear! All of you urgently need professional retraining. It is she who will allow you to translate your plans into reality in a short time.

    The site has a separate interesting publication on a related topic "". I advise you to take a look!

    3. How to get professional retraining when changing profession - 5 easy steps

    In order for the change of profession to be painless, and for professional retraining to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​all its stages.

    Let's go over the main points of this process together.

    Step 1. Choose a center and a program for retraining

    Choosing a training center and training program is the most important step in the process. It needs to be taken seriously.

    Check all permits of the selected center: license, accreditation, etc.

    Important! The documentation must contain permission to conduct training courses for professional retraining.

    Be sure to ask to provide you with documents on the education of teachers of retraining courses for review. Ask if they have practical experience in the subject of teaching. Do not neglect this advice, the quality of training depends on it.

    Analyze the proposed training programs. Choose only what suits you perfectly.

    Step 2. Sending an application

    To become a student of such courses, you should send an application to the selected training center. The method of sending depends on the form of the intended training.

    If you decide to study at an educational company in your city, then the application can be submitted in person by visiting its office.

    If you plan to receive remotely, send an application through the company's website.

    Usually, for these purposes, there is a special form in which you need to fill in all the fields and, by clicking the "send" button, send it to the destination.

    Step 3. We receive a response and send documents

    In the near future, the application will be considered by the manager of the training company or the selection committee. After that, your e-mail specified in the application will receive a response with detailed instructions and a list of documents required for admission.

    The list of documents is usually the same in all centers:

    • diploma of higher or secondary special education;
    • diploma insert;
    • SNILS;
    • 2 photos (2*4);
    • 2 pages of the passport (1 sheet and registration sheet).

    There are several ways to send documents:

    • by email;
    • through the online form on the site;
    • by mail;
    • courier delivery.

    As practice shows, it is more convenient and faster to send documents through the site. Scans or photos of all documents according to the list should be formatted as JPEG, GIF or BMP.

    Send the documents processed in this way directly on the website via the online form. Be sure to include a short cover letter with them.

    Step 4. We pay the cost of the program

    To pay for tuition, use the bank details specified in the contract or on a bank account specially sent to you.

    Often, educational organizations send their students ready-made receipts for payment, in which the applicant will only have to enter their data and pay the required amount at any bank.

    Most training centers make it possible to pay for courses using bank cards, payment terminals or electronic wallets.

    Step 5. We pass courses and get a diploma

    Check out the training schedule. It will be provided to you along with the training materials just before the start of the educational process.

    Try to stick to the schedule. In case of problems or force majeure, contact your curator immediately. He will definitely help you.


    Before the decree, Olga worked as a property and inventory accountant at Stroytrans JSC. When she returned to work after her vacation, she acutely felt that she did not know all the changes in accounting and tax legislation that had taken place during the period of her absence.

    Olga is used to not leaving problems without a solution. After analyzing all the possible options, she settled on professional retraining.

    Having chosen a training center and settled all the formalities, Olga began training. She studied remotely. The curriculum allowed students to study the modules in any order.

    Therefore, Olga, in one breath, first went through the material that she knew very well in practice, spending much less time on it.

    Having successfully passed the test in the studied sections, she proceeded to the modules that require closer attention. She could master them slowly, because she had a margin of time.

    Of course, this approach is justified when the curriculum allows for a free order of learning blocks. In face-to-face teaching, this method is not possible.

    Upon completion, you will receive a final assessment. It is carried out in the form of written work, testing or examinations.

    Upon successful completion, you will be issued a diploma of vocational retraining, which gives you the right to conduct a full-fledged professional activity in the profession you have received.

    4. Where to get professional retraining - an overview of the TOP-3 training centers

    So you save your time and get a guaranteed quality result.

    Training center "Profacademiya" is a Moscow educational company, whose sphere of interests is the training and retraining of personnel, advanced training of employees and their certification.

    The courses offered will be useful to managers of all ranks, specialists of various categories, as well as working personnel. They will also be interesting to employers who are not indifferent.

    Professional retraining is carried out in 2 forms: full-time and remote.

    Conditions of training and cost of retraining:

    Need more information? Visit the company website! There you will find a lot of interesting and useful things.

    2) Specialist

    "Specialist" has been successfully working in the market of educational services for more than 25 years. During this time, the center has trained more than 950 thousand people in various fields.

    The company has created all conditions for high-quality training:

    • 80 classrooms;
    • 250 professional teachers-experts;
    • over 1000 courses.

    Training at the Specialist Training Center has the following advantages:

    • guaranteed schedule - a year ahead;
    • professional consultation before the start of training;
    • preliminary testing;
    • flexible schedule;
    • various forms of education;
    • modular construction of the course, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student;
    • discounts and promotions when paying for tuition.

    Are you interested? "Specialist" will help you in this matter. Call for conditions.

    3) Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO)

    MIOO has been leading its history since the distant 1938. It was then that its progenitor, the Moscow City Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, was established.

    Now MIEO is a modern educational institution capable of providing training services in various areas at a high quality level.

    The main types of services of the Institute:

    • educational programs;
    • informal education;
    • research work;
    • support of information resources of additional professional programs;
    • mediation board;
    • state final certification.

    5. What is the difference between professional retraining and the second higher education - 4 main differences

    I'm sure some people think that there is no point in retraining, it's better to get a second higher education.

    I disagree with you, my dear readers! Vocational retraining has a number of differences that make it the most attractive form of obtaining a new profession. Judge for yourself!

    Difference 1. Study period

    You can get a new profession with the help of another higher education by studying fully from 2 to 4 years (depending on the form of education - full-time, part-time, distance) and the chosen specialty.

    If you do not plan or for some reason cannot spend so much time on obtaining an additional specialty, then you will surely like professional retraining. The term of such training is at least 250 academic hours (depending on the type, it can be more than 500 academic hours and more than 1 thousand academic hours).

    In the process of retraining, you do not study general subjects and unnecessary disciplines, which means that you do not waste time on this!

    Difference 2. Tuition fees

    A retraining diploma provides its holder with opportunities that are no different from those of a university diploma, while training is much cheaper.

    As practice shows, the cost of vocational training is 2 or even 3 times less than the cost of the second higher education.

    Difference 3. Entrance exams

    When entering a university for a second education, it is customary to take entrance exams. It does not matter in what form it will be proposed to do this: in writing or orally, in the form of testing or a personal answer on exam tickets. An exam is an exam!

    The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining is a structural subdivision of the Moscow State Educational Institution that implements additional professional education programs. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining was established with the aim of training highly qualified specialists, increasing the professional knowledge and competencies of specialists, improving business qualities, and preparing them to perform new labor functions in accordance with the demands of the region's economy.

    The system of continuous education of MRSU responds flexibly to changes taking place in education and the economy of the region. Conditions have been created that provide students with the opportunity to show personal activity and interest from the formation of the need for education in advanced training and professional retraining programs to the construction of individual trajectories of professional development. The peculiarity of this system is to support the professional development of representatives of the pedagogical community of the Moscow region after the completion of training:

    Model of the system of continuous education of MRSU

    Approaches to the choice of forms and methods of professional development in the system of continuous education have changed. Today the most popular are:

    Competitive advantages of the system of continuous education of MRSU are:

    • high qualification of the teaching staff, which allows not only to maintain the system of continuous education at a high level, but also to develop it through the implementation of new relevant programs
    • growth in the effectiveness and demand for further vocational education programs (increase in the number of students)
    • increase in the demand for teaching staff in the conduct of consulting activities, examination of educational programs
    • increasing the role of employers in the design and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs
    • training of students and team training on the basis of municipalities of the Moscow region

    To get acquainted with the full list of advanced training and professional retraining programs:

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