Problems and dangers

Crossword puzzle "basics of ecology" Ready-made crossword puzzle on ecology

The word "crossword" comes to us from the English language. It was formed from two words: “cross” and “word”, that is, “intersecting words” or...

in detail / 09.02.2024
Ivan Lukich Sorokin: biography Commander-in-Chief Sorokin civil war

Ivan Lukich Sorokin (December 4, Petropavlovskaya station, Labinsky department, Kuban region, Russian Empire - November 1, Stavropol) -...

in detail / 15.01.2024
Ampere's law of interaction of parallel currents

Let's consider a wire located in a magnetic field and through which current flows (Fig. 12.6).

in detail / 21.12.2023
Each current carrier (electron) is acted upon by the Lorentz force....

Using the section method. Section method. Voltage. See what the “section method” is in other dictionaries

in detail / 15.12.2023
All materials, structural elements and structures, under the influence of external forces, to one degree or another experience displacements (movements relative to...

Consonants in Russian

in detail / 13.12.2023
A a a B b b e V v ve G g ge D d de E e e E e e Z z z z z e I i i Y i short K k k k L l el M m em N n en O o o P p pe R r er...

How they search for and raise sunken ships and submarines - an interview with diver Cox buys a fleet lying on the bottom of the sea

in detail / 27.11.2023
Sunken ships are recovered much less often than they are searched for. First of all, it is often not worth such a task to raise this or that ship, search...

Methods of learning English using topics on various topics

in detail / 27.11.2023
Thematic texts (topics) for those who study English at school (grades 5-6). These texts in English are intended for...

The founder of the historical study of the Russian language Alexey Alexandrovich Shakhmatov (1864–1920)

in detail / 16.10.2023
SHAKHMATOV Alexey Alexandrovich (1864-1920) Shakhmatov philologist biography Outstanding Russian philologist, historian, teacher, researcher of Russian...

Biography of Woodrow Wilson

in detail / 11.10.2023
(Wilson, Woodrow) (1856–1924), began his career as a lecturer in political science at the university; President of Princeton University...

Electrical diagrams for free

in detail / 22.09.2023
Imagine a match that, after being struck on a box, flares up, but does not light up. What good is such a match? It will be useful in theatrical...

Monitoring and recording the implementation of plans

in detail / 03.08.2023
Often, the goals that were set at the beginning of the organization’s activities are achieved, or the priority of the assigned tasks changes, in...

Started working at the Higher School of Economics in 2001. Scientific and teaching experience: 36 years. Powers/responsibilitiesManagement of the activities of the state center...

in detail / 24.06.2023
Regression in Excel: equation, examples

The purpose of regression analysis is to measure the relationship between a dependent variable and one (pairwise regression analysis) or more...

in detail / 30.04.2022
Romance novels in apk format

Romance novels never cease to captivate the fair half of humanity. Every girl, starting to read a book, feels a sweet anticipation and...

in detail / 29.08.2021
Modification of leaves in coniferous plants serves as an adaptation to

An example of similar organs is 1) the wing of a bat and the wing of a butterfly 2) the human hand and the leg of a horse 3) the horny scales of a lizard and the shell...

in detail / 25.04.2021
Voeikov professor at Moscow State University lectures

We met with Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University Vladimir Leonidovich Voeikov to talk about water, which in the 21st century...

in detail / 02.10.2020
Family heraldry - a rich family heritage

There are few people on the globe who have not heard anything about the Rothschilds. Today this surname has become a symbol of wealth. Where exactly...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Spectral classification of stars: dependence of color and temperature

We never think that perhaps there is some other life besides our planet, besides our solar system. Perhaps on one of the planets...

in detail / 04.07.2020