A12. The modification of leaves in coniferous plants serves as an adaptation to

Examples of similar bodies are

1) bat wing and butterfly wing

2) human hand and horse leg

3) horny lizard scales and tortoise shell

4) mandible and dog


Analogous organs - organs and parts of animals or plants, similar to a certain extent in appearance and performing the same function, but different in structure and origin.

1. bat wing and butterfly wing (bird wings are modified forelimbs, insect wings are folds of chitinous cover)

Answer: 1

Establish a correspondence between animals and the group to which it belongs according to the method of nutrition


Herbivorous include: field mouse, white hare, Colorado potato beetle. Carnivorous - predators include: wolf, freshwater hydra, ladybug.

Answer: 221211.

Answer: 221211

Section: Kingdom Animals

Source: Unified State Examination in Biology 06/12/2013. Second wave. Option 1.

Tatiana Bocherikova 13.02.2016 22:35

The vast majority of ladybugs are predators, but there are also herbivores. How, in this case, to determine the belonging of an animal to a food group, not specifically even about a ladybug, but in general? By overwhelming majority?

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

Match the example to the process to which the example applies.



Divergence: variety of pigeon breeds; the dependence of the shape of the beak in the Galapagos finches on the method of obtaining food. Convergence: the similarity of function between a butterfly wing and a bat; the structure of the eye of an octopus and a person; similarities in the form and function of the limbs of the mole and the bear

Answer: 12212.

Duplicates task 12538

Answer: 12212

Select the cells in which the set of chromosomes is diploid.

1) oocytes of the first order

2) plant eggs

3) animal spermatozoa

4) mouse liver cells

5) brain neurons

6) moss leaf cells


Diploid cells (2n) of animals: somatic (body) cells, zygote (fertilized egg), primary germ cells (spermatogonia, oogonia), maturing germ cells at the stage of reproduction and growth stage (spermatocytes of the first order and oocytes of the first order).

Haploid cells (n) of animals: mature germ cells (spermatozoa and eggs), as well as germ cells at the stage of maturation (second-order spermatocytes, spermatids, second-order oocytes).

Diploid cells (2n) of plants: zygote (fertilized egg), somatic cells of adult plants of club mosses, horsetails, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms, moss sporogon cells.

Haploid cells (n) of plants: germ cells (egg, spermatozoa, sperm), spores (zoospores, microspores, macrospores), cells of adult green algae plants (chlamydomanas, ulotrix) and adult moss plants, cells of moss overgrowth, horsetails, ferns, nuclei embryo sac and pollen grain of seed plants.

(1) first-order oocytes - the germ cell in the growth stage has diploid set chromosomes;

(2) plant ova - mature germ cells have haploid set;

(3) animal spermatozoa - mature germ cells have haploid set;

(4) mouse liver cells - animal somatic cells have diploid set;

(5) brain neurons - animal somatic cells have diploid set;

(6) moss leaf cells - adult moss plant cells have haploid set.

Answer: 145.

Answer: 145

Establish a correspondence between the type of organisms and the direction of evolution that is characteristic of it: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Progress is characterized by an increase in the number of individuals in the population, the expansion of the range, the genetic diversity of individuals, the predominance of young individuals, and the prosperity of the species. In progress: red cockroach, field mouse, rock dove. In biological regression: coelacanth, sequoia.

Answer: 11122.

Answer: 11122

Establish a correspondence between the organism and the direction of evolution along which its development is currently taking place: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Progress is characterized by an increase in the number of individuals in the population, the expansion of the range, the genetic diversity of individuals, the predominance of young individuals, and the prosperity of the species. In progress: earthworm, house mouse, housefly. In biological regression: emu ostrich, Ussuri tiger.

Answer: 21112.

Answer: 21112

Establish a correspondence between examples of evolutionary processes and the directions in which they proceeded: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



Divergence: Differences in beak shapes among Galapagos finches; differences in the shape of the skull in mammals; different breeds of pigeons. Convergence: shark and dolphin body shape; the appearance of similar organs; wings of butterflies and bats.

Answer: 122121.


Divergence - a divergence of signs and properties in initially close groups of organisms in the course of evolution. Convergence is the process of rapprochement, convergence of features in unrelated groups of organisms.

Anya Trufanova 03.10.2018 22:24

Sharks and dolphins are chordates with a common origin. So their organs are homologous. Although, at the same time, they have the same characteristics (body shape). What is stupidity?

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

convergence - convergence of signs during life in similar conditions ... analogues - in another sentence ...

Establish a correspondence between the organs of animals and the evolutionary processes as a result of which they were formed: for each position from the left column, select the corresponding position from the right column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.



1) convergence: A) bird and butterfly wings; B) dolphin flippers and penguin flippers; D) eyes of an octopus and a cat

2) divergence: C) the limbs of the bear and the grasshopper; D) limbs of a crocodile and a bat

Divergence - a divergence of signs and properties in initially close groups of organisms in the course of evolution. Convergence is the process of rapprochement, convergence of features in unrelated groups of organisms.

Answer: 11212

Answer: 11212

Section: Fundamentals of evolutionary doctrine

Anastasia Koroleva 04.03.2019 19:08

Why are crocodile and bat limbs divergence? After all, a crocodile is a reptile, and a mouse is a mammal?

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

I sincerely support your bewilderment, but following the logic of the definition (and the compilers of the task) - probably, they mean a common origin (mammals descended from reptiles).

Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) a wide ribbon and a man

2) lamprey and fish

3) hermit crab and sea anemone

4) carp and pike

5) malarial plasmodium and mosquito

6) owl and mouse

1. Wide ribbon and man;

2. Lamprey and fish;

5. Malarial plasmodium and mosquito.

Answer: 125.

3. Hermit crab and sea anemone - symbiosis.

4. Carp and pike - predation.

6. Owl and mouse - predation.

Answer: 125

Establish a correspondence between examples and comparative anatomical evidence of evolution: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Progress and regression in evolution . The organic world of the Earth developed from simple to complex, from lower forms to higher ones, which is a progressive development. But this is not the only possible direction of evolution. A prominent Russian evolutionary biologist A. N. Severtsov (1866-1936) developed the theory of morphophysiological and biological progress and regression.


Biological progress is the victory of a species (or other systematic unit) in the struggle for existence.

The main signs of biological progress are a steady increase in the number and expansion of the occupied area. The expansion of the range of a species usually leads to the formation of new populations. By definition, examples of biological progress are representatives of the types of protozoa, mollusks, arthropods (various species and even entire orders of insects - dipterans, beetles, etc.), chordates (certain groups of fish, birds - for example, passerines, mammals - for example, rodents, etc. .).

It is a mistake to assume that only the classes of birds and mammals are in a state of biological progress. It should be remembered that not all groups of birds and mammals illustrate biological progress. It is achieved in various ways, which are not always associated only with an increased level of organization of systematic groups.

Biological regression is characterized by alternative signs: a decrease in numbers, a reduction in range, a decrease in intraspecific differentiation (for example, a decrease in population diversity).

Ultimately, biological regression can lead to the extinction of the species. In the chordate type, examples of natural biological regression are: lungfish and lobe-finned fish (cl. Bony fish); tuatara, crocodiles, elephant turtles (Cl. Reptiles); kiwifruit, some types of cranes (eg American crane), storks (Cl. Birds); oviparous, edentulous, proboscis (cl. Mammals).


The main cause of biological regression is the lag in the evolution of the group from the rate of environmental change. The accelerated transformation of the natural environment due to the anthropogenic factor, direct persecution and extermination bring a number of species and groups of animals into a state of biological regression and even put some of them on the verge of extinction: birds of prey (California and Andean condors, Philippine eagles, etc.), most species of cranes (cranes, black cranes, etc.), African ostriches, cassowaries, emus, rhea, Hawaiian flower girls, parrots (72 species), shoebills (negative leafy), large cetaceans (blue whale, fin whale, etc.), elephants , rhinos, lions, tigers, cheetahs, snow leopards, some types of bears, apes and many others.

Snow Leopard

Paths of biological progress (according to A.N. Severtsov).

Aromorphosis, or morphophysiological progress, is understood as the achievement of biological progress by increasing the general level of organization of living organisms.

Examples of the most important aromorphoses are: the transition to multicellularity; evolutionary transformations of the main organ systems in vertebrates (circulatory, nervous, respiratory and other systems); the acquisition by higher vertebrates of the mechanisms of physical and chemical thermoregulation. However, it is not always correct to oppose a high organization to a low one (Ch. Darwin wrote about this): for example, poikilothermic organisms (the same insects, mollusks) are at the top of biological progress even without an increase in the corresponding organization. The same can be said about unicellular organisms. Aromorphosis in the plant world is the transition from spores to reproduction by seeds, the transition from gymnosperms to angiosperms.

Aromorphoses of animals

Idioadaptations are particular adaptations of species that are not associated with changes in the level of their biological organization and allow them to adapt to specific environmental conditions.

For example, within the class of mammals, without any change in the level of organization, various groups of animals were formed in terms of lifestyle: air (bats), aquatic (cetaceans), burrowing (moles, zokors, mole rats, etc.), climbing (monkeys, sloths, etc.) running (ungulates, etc.), etc. All these groups of mammals are characterized by homoiothermy (relative independence of body temperature from the environment), live birth, feeding of young with milk, i.e. traits common to the entire class. Examples of protective coloration and form, noted in a wide variety of animals, should also be attributed to particular adaptations, or idioadaptations. Idioadaptations include specific adaptations to the conditions of existence in Darwin's finches.

In plants, examples of idioadaptations are the diverse adaptations of a flower to pollination by wind, insects, birds, adaptations to the distribution of fruits and seeds (with the help of wind, water, animals).


Ascidians, leading a sedentary lifestyle in adulthood, have lost the notochord, the organs of locomotion; their sense organs and nervous system degenerated during metamorphosis. And only by the larval stage, which has a chord, it was possible to establish that ascidia belong to the type of chordates.

Cave dwellers (cave fish, tailed amphibians - Proteus) are characterized by a reduction or even complete loss of the organs of vision, a decrease or absence of pigmentation. Organizations consider mutations to be the genetic basis for level simplification. Thus, mutations are known that cause rudimentary organs (for example, underdevelopment of wings in insects) or reduce the degree of pigmentation of the integument (for example, the occurrence of albinism in mammals). Under favorable conditions, such mutations can progressively spread through populations.

Proteus european

Correlation of paths of evolution . Of all the considered ways to achieve biological progress, aromorphoses are the rarest, raising one or another systematic group to a qualitatively new, higher level of development. Aromorphoses define turning points, new stages in the development of life on Earth, open up new opportunities for groups that have undergone appropriate morphophysiological transformations in mastering the external environment. Sometimes this is a completely new environment (for example, the emergence of vertebrates on land). In the future, the evolution of the group follows the path of idioadaptation.

Correlation of paths of evolution

Test work on the topic: "Microevolution. Macroevolution", Grade 11, TMC Sonin and others. Multi-level control work is designed to control knowledge and prepare graduates for the State Final Attestation. tasks are taken from "I will solve the exam" and from the FIPI website. I hope that the work is useful. I wish you good luck! Explanations for the test on the topic: "Microevolution. Macroevolution", Grade 11, UMK Sonin and others.

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Test work on the topic: “Microevolution. Macroevolution". Option 1. Task 1. Set the sequence of taxonomic units in the classification of clover, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer. Explanation. 1) department Angiosperms 2) family Legumes 3) order Legumes 4) kingdom Plants 5) class Dicotyledonous 6) genus Clover Kingdom: Plants. Department: Angiosperms. Class: Dicotyledons. Order: Legumes. Family: Legumes. Genus: Clover. Answer: 415326. Task 2. Place the systematic groups of animals in the correct order, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer. 1) Mammals 2) Mustelids 3) Marten 4) Chordates 5) Carnivores Explanation. In the taxonomy of animals: Kingdom - type - class - order - family - genus - species. But since by condition they are asked to start with the largest, we start with the type: Type: Chordata. Class: Mammals. Squad: Predators. Family: Kuni. Species: Forest marten. Answer: 41523. Task 3. Establish the correct sequence of occurrence of the most important aromorphoses in plants. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in the table. 1) the emergence of multicellularity 2) the appearance of roots and rhizomes 3) the development of tissues 4) the formation of seeds 5) the occurrence of photosynthesis 6) the occurrence of double fertilization Explanation. Aromorphosis is a progressive evolutionary change in structure, leading to a general increase in the level of organization of organisms. In order to successfully cope with this task, it is necessary to remember in which group the indicated aromorphosis occurred (indicated in brackets). Plant aromorphosis: the emergence of photosynthesis (cyanobacteria) the development of the emergence of multicellularity (algae) → → → tissues (mosses) ferns, gymnosperms) Answer: 513246. → the appearance of roots and rhizomes (ferns) the formation of seeds (seeds → the occurrence of double fertilization ( Task 4. Establish the sequence of formation of aromorphoses in the evolution of chordates: 1) the emergence of the lungs 2) the formation of the brain and spinal cord 3) the formation of the notochord 4) the emergence of a four-chambered heart Explanation. lungs (amphibians) Answer: 3214. The formation of a chord (lancelet) → the formation of the brain and spinal cord (fish) the emergence of a four-chambered heart (birds and mammals). → → occurrence Establish the correct sequence of occurrence of adaptations of the body to the environment Task 5. environment. Explanation. manifestation of signs. Answer: 214356. Task 6. 1) the occurrence of a mutation 2) the influence of an environmental factor 3) the external manifestation of a trait 4) the transfer of a mutation to offspring 5) the preservation and strengthening of a trait by natural selection 6) the appearance of adaptations The influence of an environmental factor emergence → emergence mutations → transmission of a mutation to offspring → preservation and strengthening of a trait by natural selection, its appearance → a phenomenon adapted to the external Establish a correspondence between the organism and the direction of evolution along which its development is currently taking place: for each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. ORGANISMS A) emu ostrich B) earthworm C) house mouse D) housefly E) Ussuri tiger DIRECTION OF EVOLUTION 1) biological progress 2) biological regress Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E Explanation . Progress is characterized by an increase in the number of individuals in the population, the expansion of the range, the genetic diversity of individuals, the predominance of young individuals, and the prosperity of the species. In progress: earthworm, house mouse, housefly. In biological regression: emu ostrich, Ussuri tiger. Answer: 21112. Task 7. Establish a correspondence between the examples of evolutionary processes and the directions in which they proceeded: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. EXAMPLES A) Differences in beak shapes among Galapagos finches. B) Shark and dolphin body shape. C) The appearance of similar organs. D) Differences in the shape of the skull in mammals. D) Butterfly and bat wings. E) Various breeds of pigeons. PROCESSES 1) divergence 2) convergence Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. A B C D E F Explanation. Divergence: Differences in beak shapes among Galapagos finches; differences in the shape of the skull in mammals; different breeds of pigeons. Convergence: shark and dolphin body shape; the appearance of similar organs; wings of butterflies and bats. Answer: 122121. Task 8. Establish a correspondence between the nature of the adaptation and the direction of organic evolution. ADDITION A) burrowing paws of a mole B) reduction of toes on the toes of ungulates C) the emergence of sexual reproduction D) the appearance of wool in mammals E) the development of a dense cuticle on the leaves of plants living in the desert E) mimicry in insects DIRECTION OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION 1) aromorphosis 2) idioadaptation Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E F Explanation. Aromorphoses are major transformations that lead to a higher stage of development. Of these adaptations, aromorphoses are the occurrence of sexual reproduction and the appearance of wool in mammals. The rest of the signs listed are idioadaptations. Answer: 221122. Task 9. Read the text. Choose three sentences that give examples of aromorphoses. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. (1) Aromorphoses are major changes in the structure of organisms that increase their adaptive capabilities. (2) Significantly changed, for example, the level of organization in parasitic helminths, perfectly adapted to their lifestyle. (3) The emergence of homologous organs has contributed to the divergence in limb structure in pinnipeds and cetaceans. (4) Plants conquered the land through the formation of conductive tissues and vegetative organs. (5) The appearance of wool contributed to the expansion of the adaptive capabilities of mammals. (6) The emergence of warm-bloodedness contributed to the development of a more intensive metabolism in birds and mammals. Explanation. Aromorphosis is a progressive evolutionary change in structure, leading to a general increase in the level of organization of organisms. Aromorphosis is an expansion of living conditions associated with a complication of organization and an increase in vital activity. Three sentences giving examples of aromorphoses: (4) Plants conquered the land through the formation of conductive tissues and vegetative organs. (5) The appearance of wool contributed to the expansion of the adaptive capabilities of mammals. (6) The emergence of warm-bloodedness contributed to the development of a more intensive metabolism in birds and mammals. Answer: 456. Test work on the topic: “Microevolution. Macroevolution". Option 2. Task 1. Set the sequence of taxonomic units in the classification of chamomile, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer. 1) Dicotyledons 2) Chamomile 3) Plants 4) Pharmacy chamomile 5) Flowering or Angiosperms 6) Compositae Explanation. Kingdom: Plants. Department: Flowering, or Angiosperms. Class: Dicotyledons. Family: Compositae. Genus: Chamomile. Type: Chamomile. Answer: 351624. Task 2. Put the systematic categories in the correct order, starting with the smallest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer. 1) Reptiles 2) Viper 3) Chordates 4) Common Viper 5) Scaly Explanation. In the taxonomy of animals: Kingdom - type - class - order - family - genus - species. But since, according to the condition, they are asked to start with the smallest one, we start with the species: Species: Common viper. Genus: Viper. Order: Scaled. Class: Reptiles. Type: Chordates. Answer: 42513. Task 3. Set the correct sequence of the most important aromorphoses in plants. 1) photosynthesis 2) the formation of seeds 3) the appearance of vegetative organs 4) the emergence of a flower and fruit 5) the emergence of multicellularity Explanation. Explanation. many segments Answer: 2143. Task 5. The most important aromorphoses in plants: photosynthesis (blue-green algae) - the emergence of multicellularity (filamentous algae) - the appearance of vegetative organs (mosses, ferns) - the formation of seeds (seed ferns, gymnosperms) - the appearance of a flower and fruit (angiosperms). Answer: 15324. Task 4. Set the sequence of aromorphoses in the evolution of invertebrates. 1) the emergence of bilateral symmetry of the body 2) the appearance of multicellularity 3) the emergence of jointed limbs covered with chitin 4) the dismemberment of the body into many segments Establish the sequence of stages of changing the color of the wings of the birch moth butterfly in the process of evolution. 1) preservation of dark butterflies as a result of selection 2) change in the color of birch trunks due to environmental pollution 3) reproduction of dark butterflies, preservation of dark individuals in a number of generations 4) destruction of light butterflies by birds 5) change after some time in the color of individuals in the population from light to dark Explanation. When environmental conditions change, driving selection begins to operate, as a result of which individuals with new traits are selected and this trait is inherited. Due to the change in color of birch trunks, light butterflies were destroyed by birds more often than dark ones. This led to the fact that dark butterflies began to numerically prevail over light ones. Breeding, dark butterflies passed on their color to the next generations, and light butterflies were more and more destroyed by birds, and after a while they were completely destroyed. The color of individuals in the population changed from light to dark. Answer: 24135. Task 6. Establish a correspondence between the type of organisms and the direction of evolution that is characteristic of it: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. TYPES A) red cockroach B) field mouse C) rock dove D) coelacanth E) sequoia TYPE CRITERION 1) biological progress 2) biological regress Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E Explanation. Progress is characterized by an increase in the number of individuals in the population, the expansion of the range, the genetic diversity of individuals, the predominance of young individuals, and the prosperity of the species. In progress: red cockroach, field mouse, rock dove. In biological regression: coelacanth, sequoia. Answer: 11122. Task 7. Establish a correspondence between the fitness of organisms and the evolutionary process as a result of which it was formed. ADAPTABILITY A) whale flippers and mole burrowing limbs B) bird wings and butterfly wings C) streamlined body shape of dolphin and shark D) different beak shapes in finches E) bat wings and owl wings EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS 1) divergence 2) convergence Write down the answer numbers, placing them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E Explanation. Divergence - a divergence of signs and properties in initially close groups of organisms in the course of evolution: whale flippers and burrowing mole limbs; different beak shapes in finches. Convergence - the process of rapprochement, convergence of signs in unrelated groups of organisms: bird wings and butterfly wings; streamlined body shape of dolphins and sharks; bat wings and owl wings. Answer: 12212. Task 8. Establish a correspondence between evolutionary changes and the main directions of the evolutionary process. EVOLUTIONARY CHANGES A) the emergence of a seed in plants B) the emergence of a four-chamber heart of chordates C) the survival of bacteria in permafrost D) the loss of the digestive system in tapeworms E) the adaptability of plants to wind pollination E) the appearance of hooves in horses DIRECTIONS OF EVOLUTION 1) aromorphosis 2) idioadaptation 3 ) general degeneration Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E F Explanation. Aromorphosis is a progressive evolutionary change in structure, leading to a general increase in the level of organization of organisms. Aromorphosis is an expansion of living conditions associated with a complication of organization and an increase in vital activity. Idioadaptation, one of the main directions of evolution, in which there are partial changes in the structure and functions of organs while maintaining the overall level of organization of ancestral forms. Degeneration is the process of a sharp simplification of the organization associated with the disappearance of organs and functions, as well as entire organ systems. Answer: 112322. Task 9. Read the text. Select three sentences that give examples of biological regression in some species. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. (1) If environmental conditions change quickly enough, then some species do not have time to adapt to new conditions. (2) Traits useful to organisms under the old conditions turn out to be harmful under the new environmental conditions. (3) So, the too large antlers of the peat deer began to interfere with his fight against new predators. (4) Under conditions of cooling, ancient reptiles and saber-toothed tigers died out. (5) The probability of survival of organisms is determined not only by the change in natural environmental conditions, but also by the anthropogenic factor. (6) So, for example, the number of sturgeons has sharply decreased as a result of poaching. Explanation. Biological regression is opposite to progress and is characterized by: a decrease in the number of individuals; reduction of the distribution area; a decrease in the number of systematic groupings. The transformation of one group of organisms into another occurs in a state of biological progress, when the differentiation of the original group into new systematic groups begins. Biological regression eventually leads to extinction. Three sentences that give examples of the biological regression of some species: (3) Thus, the too large antlers of the peat deer began to interfere with its fight against new predators. (4) Under conditions of cooling, ancient reptiles and saber-toothed tigers died out. (6) So, for example, the number of sturgeons has sharply decreased as a result of poaching. Answer: 346. Test work on the topic: “Microevolution. Macroevolution". Option 3. Task 1. Set the sequence of taxonomic units in the tulip classification, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer. 1) Liliaceae 2) Plants 3) Flowering or Angiosperms 4) Liliaceae 5) Monocots 6) Tulip Explanation. Kingdom: Plants. Department: Flowering, or Angiosperms. Class: Monocots. Order: Lilyflowered. Family: Liliaceae. Genus: Tulip. Answer: 235146. Task 2. Arrange in the correct order the elements of the classification of the Common Toad species, starting with the smallest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer. 1) class Amphibians 2) phylum Chordates 3) genus Toads 4) kingdom Animals 5) squad Tailless Explanation. In the taxonomy of animals: Kingdom - type - class - order - family - genus - species. But, since the task requires you to start with the smallest category, the order will be reversed: Genus: Toads. Squad: Tailless. Class: Amphibians. Type: Chordates. Kingdom: Animals. Answer: 35124. Task 3. Set the correct sequence for the appearance of the main groups of animals on Earth. 1) Arthropods 2) Annelids 3) Non-cranial 4) Flatworms 5) Coelenterates Explanation. → Kolworms Answer: 54213. The sequence of appearance on Earth of the main groups of animals: Coelenterates → Flatworms Articulated → arthropods → cranial. Task 4. Set the correct sequence in which the listed classes of animals supposedly arose. 1) polychaete rings 2) insects 3) sarcodes 4) flukes 5) reptiles 6) cartilaginous fish Explanation. Amoeba appeared first, these are sarcodes, then intestinal cavities appear, but they are not on the list, they give rise to flatworms, they include a fluke, then round and annelids, which include annelids, after that insects formed, then chordates - cartilaginous fish and reptiles. Answer: 341265. Task 5. Establish the sequence of action of the driving forces of evolution. 1) the struggle for existence 2) the reproduction of individuals with useful changes 3) the appearance in the population of various hereditary changes 4) the preservation of predominantly individuals with hereditary changes useful in given environmental conditions Explanation. 5) the formation of adaptability to the environment Mutations appear, there is a struggle for existence, the best signs remain, are inherited, and new adaptations to the environment arise. Answer: 31425. Task 6. Establish a correspondence between the directions of evolution of systematic groups and their features. FEATURES A) Variety of species. B) limited range. C) a small number of species. D) Wide ecological adaptations. D) Wide area. E) Reducing the number of populations. DIRECTION OF EVOLUTION 1) biological progress 2) biological regress Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E F Explanation. Regression leads to a decrease in the range and abundance of the species. Answer: 122112. Task 7. Establish a correspondence between the example and the process to which this example refers. EXAMPLE A) the diversity of pigeon breeds B) the similarity of the functions of the wing of a butterfly and a bat C) the structure of the eye of an octopus and a person D) the dependence of the shape of the beak in the Galapagos finches on the method of obtaining food E) the similarity in the shape and functions of the limbs of a mole and a bear Write down the numbers in response, placing them in the order corresponding to the letters: PROCESS 1) divergence 2) convergence A B C D E Explanation. Divergence: variety of pigeon breeds; dependence of the shape of the beak in Galapagos finches on the method of obtaining food. Convergence: the similarity of function between a butterfly wing and a bat; the structure of the eye, octopus, and human; similarity in the form and functions of the limbs of a mole and a bear. Divergence - a divergence of signs and properties in initially close groups of organisms in the course of evolution. Convergence is the process of rapprochement, convergence of features in unrelated groups of organisms. Answer: 12212. Task 8. Establish a correspondence between the sign of birds and the direction of evolution, as a result of which this sign was formed. FEATURE A) four-chambered heart B) plumage color B) warm-bloodedness D) the presence of feather cover E) flippers in penguins E) a long beak in swamp birds DIRECTION OF EVOLUTION 1) aromorphosis 2) idioadaptation Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D E F Explanation. Aromorphosis: four-chambered heart, warm-bloodedness, the presence of a feather cover. Idioadaptation: plumage coloration, flippers in penguins, a long beak in swamp birds. Aromorphosis is a progressive evolutionary change in structure, leading to a general increase in the level of organization of organisms. Aromorphosis is an expansion of living conditions associated with a complication of organization and an increase in vital activity. Idioadaptation is a particular adaptation of organisms to a certain way of life in specific environmental conditions. Answer: 121122. Task 9. Read the text. Choose three sentences that give examples of convergence. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. (1) In the process of evolution, the fitness and diversity of organisms was achieved in different ways. (2) In horses or elephants, for example, progressive changes in the structure of the limbs or trunk occurred within generations of the same species. (3) Unrelated groups of organisms living in similar environmental conditions develop similar adaptations - for example, shark and dolphin fins, mole and bear feet. (4) Within the same group, there were differences in the structure of the limbs in representatives of the phylum Arthropoda. (5) It is very common to observe the emergence of organs in animals that have different anatomical structures and origins, but perform similar functions - for example, the wings of birds and butterflies, the eyes of an octopus and a hare. (6) In the plant world, such adaptations arise with the similarity of modified, but different in origin, organs - for example, barberry leaves and thorns on a blackberry stem. Explanation. Convergent evolution is an evolutionary process in which there is a similarity between organisms of different systematic groups living in similar conditions. Three sentences giving examples of convergence: (3) Unrelated groups of organisms living in similar environmental conditions develop similar adaptations—for example, shark and dolphin fins, mole and cricket feet. (5) It is very common to observe the emergence of organs in animals that have different anatomical structures and origins, but perform similar functions - for example, the wings of birds and butterflies, the eyes of an octopus and a hare. (6) In the plant world, such adaptations arise with the similarity of modified, but different in origin, organs - for example, barberry leaves and thorns on a blackberry stem. Answer: 356. Examination

Task number 1.

What method should be used to study seasonal changes in nature?

1. Measurement

2. Surveillance

3. Experiment

4. Classification

Explanation: seasonal changes in nature we can only observe. The correct answer is 2.

Task number 2.

In cyanobacteria, the nuclear substance is located in the cytoplasm and is not surrounded by a membrane, so they are classified as

1. Eukaryotes

2. Autotrophs

3. Heterotrophs

4. Prokaryotes

Explanation: cyanobacteria are classified as prokaryotes, and the absence of a nuclear envelope and the presence of circular DNA are the main characteristics of prokaryotes. The correct answer is 4.

Task number 3.

The process of synthesis of organic substances from inorganic substances due to the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances is

1. Photosynthesis

2. Dissimilation

3. Chemosynthesis

4. Metabolism

Explanation: this process is called chemosynthesis. It is characteristic of chemosynthetic bacteria (nitrifiers, sulfur bacteria, iron bacteria, hydrogen bacteria). The correct answer is 3.

Task number 4.

In the process of oogenesis, the formation of a single set of chromosomes of the egg occurs during the phase

1. Growth

2. Maturing

3. Breeding

4. Formations

Explanation: Consider the stages of oogenesis.

As we can see, a single set of chromosomes remains in oocytes at the stage of maturation. The correct answer is 2.

Task number 5.

In the process of embryonic development of mammals, skeletal muscles are formed from

1. Endoderm

2. Mesoderm

3. Neural tube

4. The actual dermis

Explanation: epithelial tissue and the nervous system are formed from the ectoderm, the digestive, respiratory, excretory and endocrine systems are formed from the endoderm, connective, muscle tissue, kidneys, cardiovascular and reproductive systems are formed from the mesoderm. The correct answer is 2.

Task number 6.

Determine the probability of having a child with blue eyes, if a woman has blue eyes, and a man has brown eyes, and he is heterozygous for this trait.

1. 75%

2. 50%

3. 25%

4. 0%

Explanation: Let's write a crossover scheme.

R: aa x aa

G: a x A, a

F1: Ah - brown eyes

ah blue eyes

The probability of having a child with each of the genotypes is 50%.

The correct answer is 2.

Task number 7.

The cause of Down's disease is a manifestation of a mutation

1. Genomic

2. Gennoy

3. Chromosomal

4. Combination

Explanation: the cause of Down syndrome is trisomy on the 21st chromosome (that is, non-disjunction of chromatids), which is a genomic mutation. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 8.

In breeding, to overcome the infertility of distant hybrids, they use

1. Polyploid organisms

2. Purebred individuals

3. Heterozygous organisms

4. Individuals of the same sex

Explanation: interspecific crossing of polyploid organisms is possible, and the infertility of distant hybrids is overcome. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 9.

They are capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic compounds using the energy of chemical compounds.

1. Unicellular Green Compounds

2. Chemosynthetic bacteria

4. Rot bacteria

Explanation: chemosynthetic bacteria are capable of such a transformation (see Task No. 3.). The correct answer is 2.

Task number 10.

Develops from a vegetative bud

1. Juicy fruit

2. Embryo

3. Zygote

4. Stem with leaves

Explanation: the vegetative bud is a rudimentary vegetative shoot, as it contains rudimentary leaves, rudimentary stem and rudimentary buds. That is, an shoot is formed from a vegetative bud - a stem with leaves. The correct answer is 4.

Task number 11.

1. Have a flower and a fruit

2. Propagated by seeds

4. Have vegetative organs

Explanation: A distinctive feature of angiosperms from all other groups of plants is the presence of a flower and a fruit. Let's take an example.

The correct answer is 1.

Task number 12.

A progressive feature of arthropods, compared with annelids, is the appearance

1. Departments of the body and the external skeleton

2. Open circulatory system

3. Nervous system nodal type

4. Digestive system

Explanation: the body of arthropods, unlike the body of annelids, is divided into sections (head, chest, abdomen) and covered with an external skeleton consisting of chitin. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 13.

Which of the following features first appeared in chordates?

1. Intestine

2. Nervous system

3. Circulatory system

4. Internal skeleton

Explanation: the vast majority of chordates have an internal bone skeleton (or cartilage), this is a progressive feature. The correct answer is 4.

Task number 14.

Sweat glands are involved in body temperature regulation

1. Birds

2. Amphibians

3. Mammals

4. Reptiles

Explanation: Amphibians do not yet have sweat glands, as they have thin, moist skin through which they breathe. Reptiles no longer breathe with their skin, but have horny scales on it (heat exchange is impossible under such conditions). In birds, only the coccygeal gland is present from the skin glands, which secretes a secret for feathers. But in mammals, heat exchange is carried out through the skin with the help of sweat glands. The correct answer is 3.

Task number 15.

In the human body, it is involved in the breakdown of fats, increased intestinal motility

1. Pancreatic juice

2. Hydrochloric acid

3. Insulin

4. Bile

Explanation: Bile is involved in emulsifying fats and increasing intestinal motility, it is secreted by the liver, and accumulates in the gallbladder. The correct answer is 4.

Task number 16.

Which endocrine gland produces adrenaline?

1. Adrenals

2. Pituitary

3. Pancreas

4. Thyroid

Explanation: adrenaline is produced by the adrenal medulla. Adrenaline is a stress hormone, when it is produced, the pulse quickens, the pupils dilate, the feeling of hunger and other signs of readiness for a dangerous situation become dull. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 17.

The human autonomic nervous system regulates

1. Works of the muscles of the abdominal press

2. Contraction of the neck muscles

3. Body movements in space

4. Changes in the lumen of blood vessels

Explanation: the movement of skeletal muscles (abdominals, neck muscles, movement of the body in space) is controlled by the central nervous system, and smooth muscles (sheath of blood vessels) are regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The correct answer is 4.

Task number 18.

The bite of a taiga tick is dangerous for humans, since the tick

1. Causes anemia

2. Destroys white blood cells

3. Transfers the causative agent of the disease

4. Serves as a causative agent of the disease

Explanation: the taiga tick is a carrier of the causative agent of encephalitis - a dangerous disease of the brain. The correct answer is 3.

Task number 19.

The creative role of natural selection, as the main driving force of evolution, is

1. Formation of new species and increase in biodiversity

2. Creation of artificial populations: breeds and varieties

3. Development of a new shell of the Earth - the noosphere

4. The formation of individuals with useful properties for humans

Explanation: natural selection occurs in nature and is one of the driving forces of evolution, as it participates in the formation of new species and contributes to the increase in biodiversity. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 20.

A similar composition of organic compounds inherent in individuals of the same species characterizes the criterion

1. Morphological

2. Biochemical

3. Genetic

4. Physiological

Explanation: the composition of organic compounds in the body describes a biochemical criterion. The correct answer is 2.

Task number 21.

1. Warm-bloodedness in birds

2. The presence of a swim bladder in fish

3 Lack Of Limbs In Snakes

4. External fertilization in amphibians

Explanation: aromorphosis - a change in the body, leading to an increase in its level of organization (for example, the appearance of warm-bloodedness, a four-chambered heart, internal fertilization, etc.). The largest progressive change of the response options presented is the warm-bloodedness of birds. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 22.

What is the relationship between a dog and a pasture tick called?

1. Symbiosis

2. Competition

3. Predation

Task number 23.

The community in which cultivated plants are grown is

1. Birch Grove

2. Experimental station

3. Biogeocenosis

4. Agrocenosis

Explanation: cultivated plants are grown by humans. Communities grown by man are called agrocenoses. As a rule, they are not very stable due to open food chains and the predominance of monocultures. The correct answer is 4.

Task number 24.

The cosmic role of plants in the biosphere is

1. Participation in the cycle of substances

2. Solar energy storage

3. The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

4. Absorption of water and minerals

Explanation: plants and space are connected by sunlight absorbed by plants and processed into the energy of chemical bonds (the basis of the photosynthesis process). The correct answer is 2.

Task number 25.

Are the following statements about photosynthesis correct?

A. Thanks to photosynthesis, plants provide themselves and all life on Earth with the necessary organic substances and oxygen.

B. Photosynthesis - the process of synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic ones due to chemical energy obtained during the oxidation of inorganic substances.

1. Only A is true

2. Only B is true

3. Both judgments are correct

4. Both judgments are wrong

Explanation: A - true (the essence of photosynthesis is reflected), B - incorrect, since this process occurs due to the processing of solar energy into the energy of chemical bonds. The correct answer is 1.

Task number 26.

How can mushrooms be distinguished from animals?

1. They feed on ready-made organic matter

2. Have a cellular structure

3. Grow throughout life

4. Have a body consisting of hyphae threads

5. Absorb Nutrients on the Surface of the Body

6. Have limited growth

Explanation: both fungi and animals feed on ready-made organic substances and have a cellular structure. But mushrooms, unlike animals, grow throughout life, have a body consisting of hyphae and absorb nutrients from the entire surface of the body. The correct answer is 3, 4, 5.

Task number 27.

Smooth muscle tissue, as opposed to striated muscle, in the human body

1. Consists of multinucleated cells

2. Consists of elongated cells with an oval nucleus

3. Has a faster contraction rate

4. Forms the basis of skeletal muscle

5. Located in the walls of internal organs

6. Contracts slowly, rhythmically, involuntarily

Explanation: smooth muscles consist of single-nuclear elongated cells, are innervated by the autonomic nervous system (without our desire), are located in the walls of internal organs, contract slowly, rhythmically, involuntarily. The correct answer is 2, 5, 6.

Task number 28.

What examples illustrate the achievement of biological progress in plants by aromorphosis?

1. The presence of double fertilization in flowering plants

2. Root formation in ferns

3. Reducing evaporation by forming a wax coating on the leaves

4. Increased hairiness of leaves in angiosperms

5. Seed protection in fruits in angiosperms

6. Reduction of the vegetation period in plants growing in a harsh climate

Explanation: aromorphosis - a change in the body, leading to an increase in its level of organization (for example, the appearance of warm-bloodedness, a four-chambered heart, internal fertilization, etc.). Such progressive changes are: the presence of double fertilization of flowering plants (which produces a succulent fruit and promotes seed dispersal), root formation in ferns compared to mosses (they have rhizoids) and seed protection in fruits in angiosperms (compared to gymnosperms) . The correct answer is 1, 2, 5.

Task number 29.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the exchange and its type.

Characteristic Type of exchange

A. Oxidation of organic substances 1. Plastic exchange

B. Formation of polymers from monomers 2. Energy exchange

B. ATP breakdown

D. Energy storage in the cell

D. DNA replication

E. Oxidative phosphorylation

Explanation: plastic exchange - the process of formation of complex molecules from simple ones (polymers from monomers). Energy metabolism - the process of disintegration of complex organic molecules with the release of energy. Therefore, energy metabolism includes the oxidation of organic substances, the storage of energy in the cell, and oxidative phosphorylation. Everything else refers to plastic exchange. The correct answer is 211212.

Task number 30.

Establish a correspondence between the feature of plant development and the department for which it is characteristic.

Feature of development Department of plants

A. Adult plant - gametophyte 1. Bryophytes

B. The development cycle is dominated by sporophyte 2. Ferns

B. Spore formation occurs in boxes

D. Spores form on the underside of leaves.

D. When generations change, a sprout is formed

E. Spores germinate into a green thread

Explanation: Consider the life cycles of both departments.

Bryophytes are characterized by the presence of a gametophyte (adult plant), the formation of spores in boxes and the germination of spores into a green thread. Everything else is signs of ferns. The correct answer is 121221.

Task number 31.

Establish a correspondence between the sign of the regulation of functions in the body and its type.

Sign Type of regulation

A. Delivered to organs by blood 1. Nervous

B. High response rate 2. Humoral

B. Is more ancient

G. Carried out with the help of hormones

D. Associated with the activity of the endocrine system

Explanation: nervous regulation is carried out through the nervous system, while it has a high response rate (since the signal goes through nerve impulses), is more ancient (nerve cells appeared in very ancient and not highly organized animals). Everything else refers to the humoral (hormonal) regulation, which is carried out with the help of hormones - the active substances of the blood secreted by the endocrine glands. The correct answer is 21122.

Task number 32.

Establish a correspondence between the organism and the direction of evolution along which its development is currently taking place.

Organisms Directions of evolution

A. Emu 1. Biological progress

B. Earthworm 2. Biological regression

B. house mouse

D. housefly

D. Ussuri tiger

Explanation: Biological progress - an increase in the fitness of individuals, accompanied by an increase in numbers, expansion of the range and intraspecific variability. Biological regression - a decrease in the fitness of individuals, accompanied by a decrease in numbers, a decrease in the range and further extinction of the species. Therefore, we will classify the earthworm, house mouse and housefly as progressive species, since the number of these species is only increasing, and the number of emus and Ussuri tigers is declining, so they are characterized by biological regression. The correct answer is 21112.

Task number 33.

Establish the sequence of stages in the human roundworm development cycle, starting with the egg.

1. The release of the larvae from the egg

2. Entry of eggs into the human body

3. Promotion of larvae through the respiratory tract to the pharynx

4. The introduction of larvae into the intestinal wall and their entry into the blood

5. Entry of fertilized eggs from the human intestine into the soil

6. Development of mature roundworm in the small intestine

Explanation: Consider the life cycle of the human roundworm.

So, roundworm eggs enter the human body, where they leave the eggs and enter the intestines, where they pierce the intestinal wall and enter the lungs through the blood, then the person coughs up the larvae and they again end up in the gastrointestinal tract, where the ascaris reaches sexual maturity in the small intestine and, then, the fertilized eggs re-enter the soil and the cycle begins anew. The correct answer is 214365.

Task number 34.

Biological diversity is the basis for the sustainability of natural ecosystems on the globe. Name the most stable ecosystem of the Earth and the reasons for its stability.

Explanation: The sustainability of an ecosystem is related to the diversity of species that live in it, as well as the length of food chains (if there are a large number of species in an ecosystem, then the chains will be long). That is why the most sustainable ecosystems are mixed forest, tropics. Artificial ecosystems (that is, those associated with human activity) are not sustainable, as they have a limited number of species (monocultures often predominate), short food chains and open circulation of substances.

Task number 35.

Name the germ layer of a vertebrate animal, indicated in the figure by a question mark. What types of tissues, organ systems and structures are formed from it?

Explanation: in the figure, the question mark indicates the ectoderm - the outer germ layer. It forms epithelial tissue (tooth enamel, epidermis, nails, hair, sebaceous and sweat glands, etc.) and the nervous system.

Task number 36.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made, correct them.

1. In the life cycle of flowering plants, the sporophyte is the predominant generation. 2. The nucleus of a generative cell divides by meiosis, forming two sperm. 3. The male gametophyte is represented by a pollen grain consisting of generative and vegetative cells. 4. In the process of double fertilization, one of the sperm fuses with the two nuclei of the central cell, forming a haploid endosperm. 5. The female gametophyte is represented by a haploid egg.

Explanation: 2 - the nucleus of a generative cell is divided by mitosis, not meiosis. 4 - in the process of double fertilization, one of the sperm merges with the egg, and the second merges with another cell (from which the pericarp is subsequently formed). 5 - the female gametophyte is represented not by a haploid egg, but by an eight-nuclear embryo sac.

Task number 37.

Why were lichens singled out as a separate systematic group of organisms? Give at least three pieces of evidence.

Explanation: 1. Lichens are not a systematic group, but are complex organisms.

2. Lichens are made up of algae and fungus.

3. At the same time, algae (autotrophs) create organic substances from inorganic substances using solar energy, and fungi (heterotrophs) consume these organic substances and decompose them into minerals.

4. They reproduce by parts of the thallus.

Task number 38.

Describe the stages of natural selection that leads to the preservation of individuals with an average value of a trait.

Explanation: the form of selection in which individuals with the average value of the trait are preserved is called stabilizing. It is characteristic of populations living in constant environmental conditions. In this case, individuals with deviating from the average value of the trait and various mutations do not survive, and a population is formed that is most adapted to given environmental conditions and stable under these conditions.

Task number 39.

tRNAs with anticodons ACA, AUG, and GUA were successively involved in protein synthesis. Determine the composition of the DNA and RNA molecules.

Explanation: Let's write down the composition of tRNA, mRNA and DNA molecules.




Task number 40.

A person has two types of blindness, and each is determined by its own recessive autosomal gene, which are not linked. What is the probability of having a blind child if the father and mother suffer from the same type of blindness and both are dihomozygous? What is the probability of having a blind child if both parents are dihomozygous and suffer from different types of hereditary blindness?


First cross:

R: AAvv x AAvv

G: Av x Av

F1: AABB is a blind child.

The law of uniformity appears. The probability of having a blind child is 100%.

Second cross:

R: AAvv x aaBB

G: Av x aV

F1: AaBv is a healthy child.

The law of uniformity appears. Both types of blindness are absent. The probability of having a blind child is 0%.

Final examination in biology for the course of grade 11 Option 1

1. Choose three traits that can be considered the results of biological evolution.

A. adaptation of the organism to the environment

B. Geological transformation of the Earth

B. the emergence of new strains of viruses

D. extinction of species unadapted to environmental conditions

D. the emergence of ethnic groups

E. the emergence of writing

2. Select three features that characterize mutations:

A) are adaptive

B) are inherited

B) are random

D) not inherited

D) do not affect the genotype

E) the genotype changes

3. Divide the factors listed below into abiotic and biotic

A. The chemical composition of water

b. Diversity of plankton

V. The presence of bacteria in the air

d. The presence of nodule bacteria on the roots of legumes

e. Soil salinity

e. Water flow rate

1. Abiotic factors

2. Biotic factors

4. Establish a correspondence between organisms and directions of evolution


Directions of evolution

A. emu

B. gray rat

B. house mouse

D. Blue-green (cyanobacteria)

D. Eagle golden eagle

E. Ussuri tiger

1) biological progress

2) biological regression

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the common toothless and the criteria of the species that they characterize.


View criteria:

A. body covered with a mantle

b. sink has two doors

c. lives in fresh water

circulatory system is not closed

e. feeds on aquatic microorganisms

e. the larva develops in water

1) ecological

2) morphological

6. Set the sequence of objects in the pasture food chain





bird cherry Answer______________

7. Set the chronological sequence of anthropogenesis

skillful man

Homo erectus



Cro-Magnon. Answer______________

8. Insert into the text “La Marquisism” the pro-p-shchen-nye ter-mi-ns from the pre-lo-women-no-th-re-rech-nya, using the number for this -lo-vye-knowledge-che-niya. Write in the text the numbers of the selected from-ve-tov, and then in-lu-chi-shu-yu-sya after the next-to-va-tel-ness of the numbers (according to the current stu) write-shi-te in the table below.

La marqueism

La-marquisism - evo-lu-qi-on-naya concept, os-but-you-va-yu-shcha-i-sya on theory, you-dvi-well-toy in on -cha-le of the 19th century _________ (A) in the tract-ta-te "Phi-lo-so-fia zoo-logia". In a broader sense, to the la-mar-kist-sky, there are various evolutionary theories that arose in the XIX - per- the howl of the third of the 20th centuries, in some ways, as the basis of the new ____________ (B) of the evolutionary force of the race -tion to __________ (B). As a rule, great importance in such theories is also attached to the influence of __________ (G) organ-g-news on evolution-lu-ci-on-ny destinies or-ga-niz-mov, because pre-la-ha-et-sya, that the consequences of exercise and non-exercise and non-exercise can be re-yes - to go by _________________ (D).

Pe-re-chen ter-mi-nov:

1) sta-bi-li-zi-ru-yu-shchi

2) moving

3) inheritance

4) exercise

5) progress

6) La Mark

7) Lin-ney

8) Dar-win

Write down the numbers in response, sort them out in a row, corresponding to the letter-to-you:

9. Find-di-those errors in the given text. Indicate the no-me-ra of the pre-lo-s-ne, in some ways they are up-to-p-s-s, correct them. According to the basics, in the same way, no-yam, of the syn-te-ti-che-theory of evolution:

1. Ma-te-ri-a-scrap for evolution serves as a consecutive of men-chi-ness, that is, mutation and combi-bi-na-tion genes. 2. Move-zhu-schi-mi si-la-mi evo-lu-tion yav-la-yut-sya from me-non-ge-no-fon-yes-po-la-tion and nick-but-ve-nie at-the-sob-len-no-sti or-ga-niz-mov to the conditions-vi-yams of the su-stvo-va-niya. 3. On-right-la-th-factor of evolution - natural selection, based on conservation and on-cop-le-nii inherited from me-not-ny or-ga-niz-ma. 4. The smallest evo-lu-qi-on-naya unit-ni-tsa - view. 5. Evolution has a gradual and long-term character. 6. Vi-do-o-ra-zo-va-nie as a stage of evolution-lu-tion on-zy-va-et-xia mak-ro-e-vo-lu-qi-ey




10. Are the following judgments about the functions of living matter in the bio-sphere correct?

A. Ga-zo-way function of the living substance is peculiar in the eco-si-ste-me only pro-du-tsen-there.

b. some products of life-not-de-I-tel-no-sti.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both sentences are true

4) both judgments of non-faith

Final control work in biology for the 11th grade course

Option 2

Last name, first name, class ___________________________________________________________

1. Choose three correct answers. The result of evolution is:

emergence of new varieties of plants

emergence of new species under changing conditions

breeding of new breeds

the formation of new adaptations in changing conditions

preservation of old species in stable conditions

obtaining new breeds of chickens

2. You-be-ri-those in the same way, from-but-sya-schi-e-sya to the syn-te-ti-che-theory of evolution.

The answer is for-pi-shi-te digits-ra-mi without spaces.

1. element-men-tar-noy unit-ni-tsey evolution-lu-tion yav-la-et-sya-po-la-tion

2. the influence of the external environment on the right-le-but on the development of useful signs

3. natural selection - the main reason for the vi-to-ob-ra-zo-va-nia and the development of adaptation

4. ma-te-ri-a-scrap for evolution serves mo-di-fi-ka-qi-on-naya from-men-chi-vost

5. element-men-tar-noy unit-ni-tsey evolution-lu-tion yav-la-et-sya view

6. ma-te-ri-a-crowbar for evolution serves mu-ta-qi-on-naya and com-bi-on-qi-on-naya from-men-chi-vost

3. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the liver fluke and the criterion of the species for which it is characteristic.

a) The larva lives in water

b) The body is flattened

d) Feeds on host tissues

e) Has two suction cups

e) The digestive system has a mouth opening

1) Morphological

2) Ecological

4. Establish a correspondence between the death of plants and the form of the struggle for existence.

Cause of plant death

A form of struggle for existence

a) plants of the same species crowd out each other

b) plants die from viruses, fungi, bacteria

c) seeds die from severe frost and drought

d) plants die from lack of moisture during germination

e) people, cars trample young plants

f) a large number of fir trees interfere with the growth of pine

1) Intraspecific

2) Interspecies

3) fight against adverse conditions

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the systematic group and the direction of evolution

a) Variety of species

b) Limited area

c) A small number of species

d) Wide ecological adaptations

e) Wide area

f) Reducing the number of population

1) Biological progress

2) Biological regression

. Set the sequence of objects in the pasture food chain

ground beetle




Tit. Answer______________

7. Set in what chronological sequence the main groups of plants appeared on Earth




Seaweed Answer______________

8. Insert into the text “Dar-vi-nizm” the pro-p-shchen-nye ter-mi-ns from the pre-lo-women-no-th-re-rech-nya, using for this number of designations. Write in the text the numbers of the selected from-ve-tov, and then in-lu-chi-shu-yu-sya after the next-to-va-tel-ness of the numbers (according to the current stu) write-shi-te in the table below.


Dar-vi-nism - by the name of the English-gli-sko-go on-tu-ra-li-hundred _________ (A) - on the right-le-tion of the evo-lu-qi-on-noy thought, for-ver -women of something-ro-go-go-with the basics-new-we-mi idea-I-mi Dar-vi-na in the pro-evolution-lu-tion, accord- but somehow the main ___________ (B) evolution is _______________ (C) selection. In a broader sense, not-rarely (and not with-everything right) is used to denote evolution-lu-qi-on -no-go teaching or evolution-lu-qi-on-noy biology in general. Dar-vi-nism pro-ty-in-put-la-yut ideas ____________ (G) someone believed that the main driving force of evolution was -la-et-sya at-su-sche or-ga-niz-mum striving for _____________ (D).

Pe-re-chen ter-mi-nov

1) property

2) factor

3) perfection

4) artificial

5) natural

6) La Mark

7) Lin-ney

8) Dar-win

Write down the numbers in response, sort them out in a row, corresponding to the letter-to-you:

9. Read the text and find sentences in it that contain biological errors. First write down the numbers of these sentences, and then formulate them correctly.

1. All environmental factors affecting organisms are divided into biotic, geological and anthropogenic.

2. Biotic factors are temperature, climatic conditions, humidity, illumination.

3. Anthropogenic factors - the impact of man and the products of his activities on the environment.

4. The factor, the value of which is currently within the limits of endurance and deviates to the greatest extent from the optimal value, is called limiting.

5. Cannibalism is a form of mutually negative interactions between organisms.




10. Are the following judgments about living matter in the bio-sphere correct?

A. The living substance of the plan-not-you provides-pe-chi-va-et an uninterrupted circle-of-mouth of substances and the transformation of energy -gii in the bio-sphere.

B. The living substance of the races-pre-de-le-but in the bio-sphere is equally-but-measured, except for the waters of the North-no-go Le-do -ve-that-oce-a-on.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both sentences are true

4) both judgments of non-faith

1 option

Option 2















Total maximum - 50 points

45-50 points - mark 5

38-44 points - mark 4

25 -37 points - mark 3

Less than 24 points - mark 2.

Structure and content of the work

Purpose of the event: identification of the level of mastering the educational material of the course "General Biology" by students based on the results of grade 11

Estimated time to complete the test is 40 minutes.

Each version of the work consists of 10 tasks, differing in forms and levels of complexity.

Task 1.2 - choice of three correct answers (0-3 points)

Task 3-5 - compliance (0-5 points)

Task 6-7 - sequence (0-5 points)

Task 8 - write in terms (0-5 points)

Task 9 - correct errors in the text (0-3 bpalla)

Task 10 - choose one correct answer (0-1 point)






Question number in the test

Content Items Reviewed by Work Orders

Development of the evolutionary teachings of Ch. Darwin

Type and its criteria

Populations. Genetic composition and changes in the gene pool of populations

The struggle for the existence of its form, Natural selection and its forms

Plant and animal system - evolution display

The main directions of evolution of the organic world



Environmental factors of the environment

Food connections in ecosystems

Biosphere - global ecosystem

final control work in biology in grade 11__ Class 11 ""

FULL NAME. teachers ______________________

Date: " " _______________ 20 years

The number of students who did the work ______,


We coped with the control work for "5" people. %

"2" _ __ pers. %

Didn't get the job done. %


Did the job

Got a mark

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