Table tennis presentation at school. Presentation "Table Tennis" (6th grade) in physical education - project, report

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The presentation on the topic “Table Tennis” (6th grade) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Physical culture. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 15 slide(s).

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History of table tennis in Ukraine

East Asia is considered the birthplace of games using rackets, pieces, and balls, played on special grounds. In China, on the walls of the summer residence of the emperors, in the Summer Palace, you can see paintings indicating that in the Middle Ages a game reminiscent of table tennis was played there. Researchers of Japanese sports claim that at the same time in Japan there was a folk game that can be considered a primitive form of table tennis.

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Ball games developed greatly during the Renaissance in the cities and towns of Europe, primarily in Italy. There, in Italy, the prototype of modern tennis was born. This game quickly became popular in France and England. First, the ball was thrown over the net with the palm of the hand, then gloves were put on to soften the blow, into which wooden plates were soon sewn in to soften the blow. They were replaced by wooden rackets, which after some time began to be covered with parchment. It was only in the 16th century that strings appeared on rackets. The “evolution” of table tennis rackets began in approximately the same way, although this happened much later. And in modern France, to this day, in many villages, a game similar to tennis is played with rackets on which parchment paper is stretched.

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For a long time, tennis had two varieties: one game was played outdoors, the other indoors, in specially designed halls. In England, lawn tennis, that is, tennis outdoors on grass courts, has received the greatest development. This type of game quickly became popular in Europe, including Russia. And indoor play was replaced by table tennis, which developed in England at the end of the 19th century. At first the ball was a champagne cork, then a rubber ball. The rackets were wooden, covered with parchment, with a long handle, often inlaid with gold, ivory, and valuable wood. The new game was popular in aristocratic circles and among cricket fans.

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A turning point in the history of the game, according to the first president of the International Table Tennis Federation, Ivor Montagu, was the use of celluloid balls, which in the 90s of the last century the Englishman D. Gibbs brought from America to play in his family. His friend, sports goods dealer Jacques, acquired a patent and began producing tables, rackets, and balls. “Ping-pong fever” arose in England (the game was called “ping-pong”, probably because of the characteristic knocking sound of the ball hitting the racket and the table). This game quickly spread in Europe, and then throughout the world, becoming popular entertainment in cafes and restaurants. L. Tolstoy was a big fan of ping pong. The rules of the game were gradually determined. At first, the count was kept to 30, 50 or 100 points. The counting system was unified in 1926. It is from this time that the game is played to 21 points. Initially, in table tennis, serves were made, as in tennis, over the head. The currently accepted method of serving, when the ball is directed primarily to the server's side, was first found in Hungary, where at that time there were very strong players, among whom the most legendary Victor Varna - the record holder for the number of world champion titles.

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The great popularity of this game led to the need to create the International Table Tennis Federation, which was done in 1926. From the same year, world championships began to be held. Their organizers were faced with the problem of the duration of the meetings, since they could last a total of 20 hours. Ten years later, the International Federation reduced the time of one game to 20 minutes. According to modern rules, a meeting can last no more than 15 minutes, after which the “13 strikes” rule is introduced. Its essence is as follows: if the receiver correctly returns the ball to the opponent’s side 13 times, the server loses a point. The serving order changes after each point.

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Table tennis table and net

The table must be rectangular, length 2.74 m, width 1.525 m, height 76 cm. The table must be in a horizontal position. The surface of the table can be made of any material, but must be uniform and, if a standard table tennis ball is released from a height of 30 cm above the table, it should bounce 23 cm. The surface of the table must be matte, black or dark in color. The edges of the table (2 cm wide) should be white. The table should be divided into two equal halves by a vertical grid. The net is secured with fasteners at a distance of 15.25 cm from the side line of the table. The net is secured with fasteners at a distance of 15.25 cm from the side line of the table. The mesh should rise 15.25 cm above the table. The top edge of the 15 mm wide mesh should be white. To play in pairs, each half of the table must be divided into two equal halves by a white line 3 mm wide

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Table tennis ball

The ball must be spherical with a diameter of 40 mm (permissible error from 39.50 mm to 40.50 mm) and a mass of 2.7 grams (permissible error from 2.67 g to 2.77 g). The ball must be made of celluloid or similar material. The ball must be matte, white or orange.

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Table tennis rackets

The racket can have any size, shape, weight, but the base must be flat and solid. At least 85% of the base thickness must be wood. The adhesive layer within the base may be reinforced with a fibrous material such as carbon fiber, fiberglass or pressed paper, but shall not be thicker than 7.5% of the total thickness or 0.35 mm. The side of the racket used to hit the ball must be covered with either pimply rubber with the pimples outward and no more than 2 mm thick with a layer of glue with the pimples outward or inward and no more than 4 mm thick with a layer of glue. The layer of pimpled rubber can be synthetic or natural with pimples evenly distributed over the entire area.

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The match begins with a lot of “heads” or “tails” (you can guess which hand the ball is in), which determines the right to choose. If you guess correctly, you can choose: 1) serve, receive serve (in this case, your opponent chooses the side of the table) or side, then the opponent must choose serve or receive serve; 2) give the enemy the right of initial choice.

Let's talk about serves According to the rules, the ball is put into play using a serve, which must be executed from behind the back line of the table or its imaginary extension. In this case, the ball must be thrown from an open palm, located not lower than the level of the table, to a height not lower than the height of the net so that during the flight it is visible to both the referee (if there is one) and the player.

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The ball toss angle must be at least 45°. You can only hit the ball as it goes down. It is prohibited to serve (in this case the point will be lost) without tossing the ball, to perform additional steps during this strike, or to serve the ball over the table. The serve is replayed if the ball touched the net or its post, but at the same time flew over to the opponent’s side. If you threw the ball but missed or changed your mind and caught the ball, then the serve is considered lost. From the moment of service, the point is played and continues until one of the opposing sides wins a point. The ball is kicked through the net from one side of the table to the other, and the right to serve passes to another player every 5 points. The game continues until one of the players scores 21 points with an advantage of at least 2 points. When the score is 20:20, the players take turns serving and the game continues until one of the opponents reaches an advantage of 2 points.

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To win a point, a return shot when playing a point can only be performed after the first bounce of the ball on your side of the table. You can hit the ball with a racket or with the hand holding the racket. A point is considered won if the opponent makes one of the following mistakes: when reflecting the ball, he does not hit it on the playing surface on the other side of the table; touches the ball with the racket or the hand holding the racket before the ball hits the table in its half; reflecting the ball, catches it on the racket, and then throws or touches the ball with the racket more than once; touches the ball during a point with any part of the body located above the table, with the exception of the hand holding the racket; will not have time to reflect the ball correctly sent to him after the first bounce on his side and the ball will be hit several times in his half; will reflect the ball with a racket released from the hands before the impact, or with a non-playing hand (not holding the racket at this time).

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The drawing of a point can be stopped by shouting “stop” if random circumstances interfere with you: interference from strangers, a ball flying from the next table, the lights going out, etc. But if during the game you accidentally tripped or collided with a partner in a doubles game, then the point in this case it is not replayed. But if, during a point, the ball touched a post or net, but flew to the other side, then it is considered correct, and the game continues. At the same time, no nature of the ball's rebound is a reason for a replay. To avoid any disputes, know that a ball that falls near the net and flies through it due to rotation or wind to the other side of the table is considered lost for the player who did not have time to deflect it with his racket. In controversial cases, if you cannot come to any decision, the point is replayed.

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Did the game take too long? The competition rules limit the time for playing one game to 15 minutes. If the game drags on, then at the end of time or at the request of the players, the “13 strikes” rule is introduced, which helps speed up and intensify the game. The essence of this rule is that if the receiver of the serve returns the ball to the opponent's side without error 13 times, then the server loses the point. When this rule is introduced into the game, the order of serves changes after each point is played. The number of strokes is controlled by the referee-counter or the player receiving the serve. In this case, the number of hits by the receiver is counted out loud, and after the 13th hit is correctly reflected, the game is stopped with the cry “stop”. This rule applies when two defensive style players meet or athletes seeking only to win a point and not to win.

  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
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  • Stefania Khlimanova

    Table tennis is an entertainment that is extremely beneficial for health. Most experts believe that table tennis originated in England. It is believed that table tennis owes its birth to rainy English weather. It was impossible to play tennis on wet lawns, and the game was moved indoors. At first they played on the floor. Later, due to the lack of large halls, a game appeared on two tables located at some distance from one another. After some time, the tables were moved, and a net was stretched between them.



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    Slide captions:

    Table tennis Performed by Khlimanova Stefania Student 5 "B" class gymnasium No. 36

    Table tennis is an entertainment that is extremely beneficial for health.

    Most experts believe that table tennis originated in England. It is believed that table tennis owes its birth to rainy English weather. It was impossible to play tennis on wet lawns, and the game was moved indoors. At first they played on the floor. Later, due to the lack of large halls, a game appeared on two tables located at some distance from one another. After some time, the tables were moved, and a net was stretched between them.

    Simple equipment, and most importantly, the small size of the site allowed us to play anywhere. This ensured widespread distribution of the board game, which quickly became a favorite parlor game in England, and then in other countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. It is interesting that the game was played in formal evening wear: women in long dresses, men in tuxedos and tails.

    In 1874, English major Walter Clopton from Wingfield developed the rules of a new game, quite close to modern tennis, which he called spheristics. A year later, the rules of the game were improved, and it received a new name, lawn tennis, which translated from English means lawn tennis or simply tennis

    Basic rules of table tennis The ball is introduced into the game by serving, it must hit the opponent’s side, having previously hit the table in one’s own half. Each player serves in turn, five times in a row. The game continues until one of the opponents scores 21 points; the opponent must have at least 2 fewer. For example, 21:19; if the score is 21:20, then the game continues until the score is 22:20, etc.

    A player can return a kick only after the ball has bounced in his own half. If this condition is not met, the point is lost, it is won by the opponent. Of course, everything that can happen in the game cannot be predicted. But the basic provisions of the rules must be memorized firmly, like a multiplication table. And one more piece of advice: never turn the game into an empty argument over every point.

    The serve is one of the most important techniques in table tennis.

    There are a huge number (about 1500) of innings. Without a good serve in modern table tennis there can be no good counting game. Recently, the serve has become such an important attacking technique that can immediately win a point. Serving not only puts the ball into play, but also makes it difficult for the opponent to start an attack. The course of the point largely depends on what kind of serve you give. The serve is the only blow that does not depend on the actions of your partner, because you throw the ball to yourself. The serving technique consists of two parts: tossing the ball and the strike itself. Let's look at the basic rules for serving.

    Pendulum serve with the back of the racket Pendulum serve with the palm of the racket

    Fan serve from the right stance Fan serve from the neutral stance

    The first thing that is important to us when serving is the stance. The knees are bent to allow quick movement in any direction the serve will go. The body is slightly tilted forward for the start. Don’t be static, it’s better to step from foot to foot and sway - then you’ll get a flying start. The distance to the table is average; moving forward is easier than retreating. .

    The second point is observing your opponent. By his stance and swing, you can understand what the blow will be - long or short, fast or slow. It is important to understand the direction of movement of the racket and where it contacts the ball. If the ball has a bottom spin, it “restrains” its flight; if it has a top spin, then on the contrary, it accelerates.

    As a result, we get three main options for receiving a serve: - if the ball jumps out of the table with a long or medium, possibly twisted serve, you need to perform a direct attack with the serve or return it with strong rotation. - if the serve is short, it most often has strong rotation, which means you need to hit it short and cut it. - short serves very often provide an opportunity to attack, especially if the rotation is weak or the ball bounces higher.

    CUTTING This technical technique is similar in form to cutting and is used to repel strong blows from an opponent: roll-ups, finishing blows at medium and long distances from the table. In this case, the ball is given a lower or lower lateral rotation. The cut provides a reliable deflection of the ball and prevents the opponent from completing the attack. . Left cut Right cut

    CUTTING As a rule, not a single score game is complete without a cutting. This is one of the main techniques of the game. Even experienced players often use this shot. Receive a serve, parry a short ball, or play short yourself, thereby preventing the opponent from starting an attack - all this is done with the help of a cut. During this strike, the ball is given a downward spin (reverse to the direction of its flight), and it flies more slowly along a low trajectory. The name of this blow obviously comes from the fact that the execution of the movement is similar to a similar movement when we cut something. Cut to the left. The backhand slice is performed from the stance usually taken for backhand shots. The body is slightly turned half-turn to the left and slightly tilted forward. Legs are slightly bent at the knees and shoulder-width apart: the right leg is in front at an angle of approximately 45° to the table, the left leg is behind parallel to the back line of the table. Hands are bent at the elbows and in front of the chest

    Cut to the right. The forehand slice, as well as all strokes with the palm side of the racket, is performed from the forehand stance. In this case, the body is turned half-turn to the right and slightly tilted forward. Sometimes the player stands almost with his left side to the table. Legs are slightly bent at the knees and shoulder-width apart, the left leg is in front, the right leg is behind, parallel to the back line of the table. The arms are bent at the elbows, the body weight rests on the toes. . Cut right

    Rolling up refers to attacking strikes and, like cutting, is considered one of the main technical techniques of the game. With its help, you can not only throw the ball to the other side of the table and hit balls that have both top and bottom rotation. This technique can also be counterattacked in response to a charge attack. In this case, the strike will be called a counterattack. The use of reeling allows you to diversify the game. Play at a faster pace than with cuts, change the direction and force of rotation of the ball, which makes it possible to quickly defeat your opponent. Roll on the left. Roll on the right

    Ways to hold a racket There are two types of grip: the so-called European grip, when the racket is positioned horizontally relative to the plane of the table, and Asian, vertical. It is also called the “feather” grip because the racket is held with your fingers in the same way as a pen with a feather when writing.

    Horizontal "European" grip (see figure - a, b). Vertical "Asian" grip (see figure - c)

    Stand, push The racket is placed in front of the flying ball. He hit her and flew back. Here's the stand. Well, if you move the racket forward to hit the ball harder, you get a push. However, these strikes also need to be learned. Sometimes they ensure that a point is won, so to speak, by the path of least resistance.

    Exercises for mastering the skill of a tennis player: 1. Exercises with skipping ropes. Jumping at a fast pace - 3 times for 15 s; 2X 60 s, between jumps perform two or even three turns with the ropes; at an average pace - 2X3 min, rotating the ropes backwards. Bends and turns with skipping ropes. 2. Exercises with tennis balls (in pairs). Catching and throwing balls with two hands, one hand; standing facing the wall, hit a series of balls with your playing hand (12 - 15 m); throwing balls at the target. 3. Exercises with medicine balls (weight 1, 3, 5 kg). Throwing the ball from the chest; from behind the head, from below, with your back to the main direction, simulating a roll-up on the right, simulating a roll-up on the left, sitting facing each other (number of throws in 1 minute), in a jump.

    4. Exercises with a rubber band. The rubber is very stretched. Imitation of blows from the right, from the left. After the blow, the hand should immediately return to its original position. 5. Exercises with dumbbells. Simulation of coasting on the right and left. Imitation of other, already well-practised, strikes. A set of general developmental exercises with dumbbells. For a tennis player, good mobility of the fingers and hand is important. How to develop them? You just need to “play” with your fingers, conduct an imaginary orchestra. Usually this always works out well for girls right away. Well, boys can learn from them.

    Game of spinning. Players, of whom there can be any number, but not less than three, move around the table, taking turns hitting the ball. If there is an odd number of players, then the ball is entered from the side where there are more of them. After the player hits the ball, he must go to the other side, wait for his turn, hit the ball again and go to the other side of the table. The game is played with elimination. If the player makes a mistake (one, two or three times), he is eliminated from the game. The fewer players left, the faster you need to move. When there are two players left, they, as usual, play a point or several points and even a game. Preparatory games

    Game "train". On one side of the table there is one player, and on the other there is a team of three to four players (more is possible). The team players take turns hitting the ball and moving to the end of the column, giving way to another player. The game lasts 3-5 minutes. The winner is the player who has made the fewest mistakes by the end of the game. He is left alone, and the others form a team, and the game begins again.

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    Abstract for the presentation

    Presentation about the rules of the game of table tennis, the necessary equipment and the main points that you need to know to understand both the theoretical and practical parts of this game. The presentation is accompanied by a summary with comments on each slide.

    • Basic equipment (ball, table, net, racket);
    • Definitions;
    • Correct delivery;
    • Correct return;
    • Order of play;
    • Violations.


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      Zekhov Evgeniy Sergeevich





    Slide 1

    Slide 2

    • Mesh kit
    • Racket
    • Definitions
    • Correct delivery
    • Correct return
    • Order of play
    • Replay
    • The consignment
    • Selecting Serve, Receive and Sides
  • Slide 3


    The top surface of the table, called the "playing surface", 2.74 m long and 1.525 m wide, should be rectangular and lie in a horizontal plane at a height of 76 cm from the floor.

    Slide 4

    Mesh kit

    The mesh kit consists of the mesh itself, a hanging cord and support posts.

    Slide 5


    • The mass of the ball should be 2.7 g.
  • Slide 6


    At least 85% of the blade thickness must be natural wood.

    Slide 7


  • Slide 8

  • Slide 9

    Correct delivery

    Slide 10

    Correct return

    Slide 11

    Order of play

    Slide 12


  • Slide 13


    • his opponent interferes with the ball;
    • his opponent hits the ball with the side of the racket whose surface does not meet the requirements.
  • Slide 14

    The consignment

    Slide 15

    Selecting Serve, Receive and Sides

    Slide 16

    Violation of the order of filing, receiving or changing sides

    If the players do not change sides when they should have done so, the game must be interrupted by the referee.

  • Slide 17

    List of sources

  • View all slides


    Table tennis



    Mesh kit

    The mesh is suspended on a cord tied at each end to the vertical part of the posts 15.25 cm high; the length of the protruding parts of the posts should not exceed 15.25 cm away from the side lines.

    • The ball must be spherical, with a diameter of 40 mm.
    • The mass of the ball should be 2.7 g.
    • The ball must be made of celluloid or similar plastic, white or orange, matte.


    The racket can be of any size, shape and weight, but its blade must be flat and rigid.


    Slide No. 7,8

    “Rally” is the period of time when the ball is in play.

    • “Replay” is a draw whose result is not counted.
    • “Point” is a draw whose result is counted.
    • "Racket hand" - the hand holding the racket.
    • “Free hand” is a hand without a racket.

    A player "hits" the ball if he touches the ball with his racket while holding it in his hand, or with his hand (with the racket) below the wrist.

    The “server” is the player who must hit the ball first in a rally.

    “Receiver” is the player who must hit the ball second in the rally.

    “Referee” is the person appointed to supervise the meeting.

    “Assistant Judge” is a person appointed to assist the judge in making certain decisions.

    A player's "wearing or wearing" includes anything he is wearing or wearing at the start of the play.

    The ball is considered to have passed "over or around" the net set if it passes anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface.

    The "end line" should be considered to continue indefinitely in both directions.

    Correct delivery

    The server must throw the ball with his hand only so that the ball rises at least 16cm after it leaves the palm of the server's free hand and lands without touching anything before it is hit with the racket.

    Correct return

    Slide No. 10

    The served or returned ball must be hit so that it passes over or around the net set and touches (once) the opponent's half of the table immediately or after touching the net set.

    Order of play

    Slide No. 11

    In singles matches, the server must first make a valid serve, the receiver must then make a valid return, after which the server and receiver alternate making a valid return.


    Slide No. 12

    The draw is replayed if:

    • when serving, the ball, flying "over or around" the net set, touches it (provided that the serve is otherwise correct) or the receiver (or his partner) interferes with the ball;
    • the serve is made when the receiver (pair) is not ready to receive the ball, provided that none of the receivers tried to hit the ball;
    • an error in making a valid serve, a valid return or any other requirement of the rules of the game occurred against the will of the player;
    • the game is interrupted by the referee or assistant referee.
    • The game can be stopped:


    Slide No. 13

    When a rally is not replayed, a player wins a point if:

    • his opponent did not make a valid serve;
    • his opponent did not make a correct return;
    • after his correct service or correct return, the ball will touch something other than the net set before his opponent hits it;
    • the ball, after being hit by an opponent, will fly over the end line of the player's side of the playing surface without touching it;
    • his opponent interferes with the ball;
    • his opponent hits the ball twice in a row;

    The consignment

    Slide No. 14

    The game is won by the player (pair) who first scores 11 points, unless both players (pairs) score 10 points; in this case, the game will be won by the player (pair) who is the first to score 2 points more than the opponent (pair).

    Slide No. 15

    The right to choose the starting order of service, reception and side is determined by lot; the winner of this right can choose to serve or receive first, and begin the match on the side of the table determined by him.

    Slide No. 16

    If a player serves or receives out of order, play must be stopped as soon as the error is discovered and then resumed with those players who should have served and received in accordance with the order established at the beginning of the match; in doubles games - in the order of serves determined by the pair who received the right to serve first in the game during which the error was discovered.

    Table tennis



    The top surface of the table, called the "playing surface", 2.74 m long and 1.525 m wide, should be rectangular and lie in a horizontal plane at a height of 76 cm from the floor.

    The playing surface includes the top edges of the table, but not the sides below the edges.

    The playing surface can be of any material and must provide a uniform bounce of approximately 23 cm when a standard ball is dropped onto it from a height of 30 cm.

    The playing surface must be a matte, uniform dark color with a white “side line” 2 cm wide along each edge along the 2.74 m side and a white “end line” also 2 cm wide along each edge of the 1.525 m side.

    The playing surface must be divided into 2 halves by a vertical net parallel to the end lines, continuous throughout each half.

    For doubles games, each half must be divided into 2 equal "half courts" by a 3mm wide white "center" line running parallel to the side lines; the center line should be considered part of each right half court.

    Mesh kit

    The mesh kit consists of the mesh itself, the hanging cord and support posts, including those parts of the support posts that are used to attach the posts to the table surface.

    The mesh is suspended on a cord tied at each end to the vertical part of the posts 15.25 cm high; the length of the protruding parts of the posts should not exceed 15.25 cm away from the side lines.

    The top of the net along its entire length should be 15.25 cm above the playing surface.

    The bottom of the net along its entire length should be as close as possible to the playing surface of the table, and the ends of the net to the support posts.

    • The ball must be spherical, with a diameter of 40 mm.
    • The mass of the ball should be 2.7 g.
    • The ball must be made of celluloid or similar plastic, white or orange, matte.


    The racket can be of any size, shape and weight, but its blade must be flat and rigid.

    At least 85% of the blade thickness must be natural wood. The adhesive layer inside the blade may be reinforced with a fibrous material such as carbon fiber, fiberglass or pressed paper; this reinforcing layer should be no more than 7.5% of the total thickness, and not exceed 0.35 mm.

    The side of the blade used to hit the ball must be covered with a regular single-layer pimpled rubber with the pimples outward, with a total thickness including an adhesive layer of up to 2 mm, or a two-layer sandwich type rubber with pimples inward or outward, with a total thickness including adhesive up to 4 mm inclusive.

    “Ordinary pimply rubber” is a single-layer non-cellular rubber, natural or synthetic, with pimples evenly distributed over its surface with a density of no less than 10 and no more than 50 pieces per 1 cm2. The ratio of the height of the pimples to their diameter should not be more than 1.1.

    Sandwich type rubber - one layer of cellular (porous) rubber, covered on the outside with one layer of ordinary pimpled rubber; The thickness of the pimpled rubber is up to 2 mm inclusive.

    The covering material should completely cover the blade without protruding beyond its edges, except for the part of the blade adjacent to the handle and covered by the fingers. This part of the blade may remain uncovered or covered with any material and should be considered part of the handle.

    The blade, any layer within the blade, and any layer of covering or bonding material on the side used to strike the ball must be continuous and of uniform thickness.

    The surface of the material covering the side of the blade or the side of the blade left uncovered must be uniformly colored and matte: one side is black and the other is bright red.

    Slight deviations from uniformity of surface and uniformity of color due to accidental damage, wear or tarnish are permitted provided that such deviations do not materially alter the characteristics of the surface.

    At the beginning of the match and whenever a player changes his racket during the match, he must show the racket to his opponent and the umpire and allow them to inspect it.


    Slide No. 7,8

    “Rally” is the period of time when the ball is in play.

    The ball is “in play” from the last moment it is in the stationary palm of the free hand before it is deliberately tossed in service until it touches anything other than the playing surface, the net set, the racket in the hand, or the hand holding the racket. below the wrist or until it is decided that the play should be replayed or it ends with a point

    • “Replay” is a draw whose result is not counted.
    • “Point” is a draw whose result is counted.
    • "Racket hand" - the hand holding the racket.
    • “Free hand” is a hand without a racket.

    A player "hits" the ball if he touches the ball with his racket while holding it in his hand, or with his hand (with the racket) below the wrist.

    A player "interferes" with the ball if he, or anything he wears or wears, touches the ball in play as it travels towards the playing surface until the ball has passed behind his end line without hitting that player's half of the table after the last time the ball was hit by an opponent.

    The “server” is the player who must hit the ball first in a rally.

    “Receiver” is the player who must hit the ball second in the rally.

    “Referee” is the person appointed to supervise the meeting.

    “Assistant Judge” is a person appointed to assist the judge in making certain decisions.

    A player's "wearing or wearing" includes anything he is wearing or wearing at the start of the play.

    The ball is considered to have passed "over or around" the net set if it passes anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface.

    The "end line" should be considered to continue indefinitely in both directions.

    Correct delivery

    The serve begins by tossing the ball approximately vertically upward without rotation from the flat, open palm of the server's free hand.

    The server must throw the ball with his hand only so that the ball rises at least 16cm after it leaves the palm of the server's free hand and lands without touching anything before it is hit with the racket.

    When the ball falls from the highest point of its trajectory, the server must hit it so that the ball first touches his half of the table, and then, flying directly "over or around" the net set, touches the receiver's half of the table, and in doubles, the ball touches sequentially " half-court" of the server, and then, "half-court" of the receiver.

    From the moment the ball leaves the palm of the server's free hand until it is struck with the racquet, the ball must be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line.

    When the ball is hit for a service, it must be behind the end line of the server's half of the table and above the level of the playing surface, and no part of the body or clothing of the server or his doubles partner must obscure the ball from the receiver.

    The player must serve in such a way that the referee and the receiver can see that he fulfills all the requirements for a valid serve.

    The referee may, at the first doubt about the correctness of the serve, interrupt the game and warn the server without awarding a point. If one of the players in a pair has been warned about serving, there is no need to warn his partner about the questionable execution of his serve, but simply award the point to the opponents.

    In any subsequent case in this match of doubt about the correctness of the serve of the same player or his partner in a pair, for the same or another reason, the receiver is awarded a point.

    When the server has clearly violated the requirements for a correct service, he loses a point without warning on the first or any other violation.

    As an exception, the referee may relax the requirements for the execution of a valid service if he notes that its execution is impeded by the physical disability of the server.

    Correct return

    Slide No. 10

    The served or returned ball must be hit so that it passes over or around the net set and touches (once) the opponent's half of the table immediately or after touching the net set.

    Order of play

    Slide No. 11

    In singles matches, the server must first make a valid serve, the receiver must then make a valid return, after which the server and receiver alternate making a valid return.

    In doubles matches, the server must first make a valid serve, the receiver must then make a valid return, after which the server's partner must make a valid return, then a valid return must be made to the receiver's partner; in the future, each player in the same order must perform the correct return.


    Slide No. 12

    The draw is replayed if:

    • when serving, the ball, flying "over or around" the net set, touches it (provided that the serve is otherwise correct) or the receiver (or his partner) interferes with the ball;
    • the serve is made when the receiver (pair) is not ready to receive the ball, provided that none of the receivers tried to hit the ball;
    • an error in making a valid serve, a valid return or any other requirement of the rules of the game occurred against the will of the player;
    • the game is interrupted by the referee or assistant referee.
    • The game can be stopped:
    • to correct an error in the order of serving, receiving or changing sides;
    • to introduce rules for activating the game;
    • to warn or punish a player;
    • because the playing conditions have changed so much that it could affect the outcome of the draw.


    Slide No. 13

    When a rally is not replayed, a player wins a point if:

    • his opponent did not make a valid serve;
    • his opponent did not make a correct return;
    • after his correct service or correct return, the ball will touch something other than the net set before his opponent hits it;
    • the ball, after being hit by an opponent, will fly over the end line of the player's side of the playing surface without touching it;
    • his opponent interferes with the ball;
    • his opponent hits the ball twice in a row;
    • his opponent hits the ball with the side of the racket, the surface of which does not meet the requirements of paragraph. The side of the blade used to hit the ball must be covered with ordinary single-layer pimply rubber with the pimples outward, with a total thickness including an adhesive layer of up to 2 mm, or with double-layer rubber of the “ "sandwich" with pimples in or out, with a total thickness with adhesive up to and including 4 mm. - The blade, any layer inside the blade and any layer of covering or adhesive material on the side used for striking the ball must be solid and of the same thickness.;
    • his opponent or what he is wearing or wearing will move the playing surface while the ball is in play;
    • his opponent or whatever he is "wearing or wearing" touches the net set while the ball is in play;
    • his opponent touches the playing surface with his free hand;
    • in a doubles match, one of his opponents hits the ball not in the order established by the first server and the first receiver;
    • as determined by the rule of activation of the game (clause. Subsequently, each player (pair) must serve in turn for a rally of only 1 point and, if the rally is not completed before the receiving player (pair) makes 13 correct returns, the server loses the point.).

    The consignment

    Slide No. 14

    The game is won by the player (pair) who first scores 11 points, unless both players (pairs) score 10 points; in this case, the game will be won by the player (pair) who is the first to score 2 points more than the opponent (pair).

    Selecting Serve, Receive and Sides

    Slide No. 15

    The right to choose the starting order of service, reception and side is determined by lot; the winner of this right can choose to serve or receive first, and begin the match on the side of the table determined by him.

    When one player (pair) has chosen to be the first to serve or receive, or to start play on a certain side, his opponent (pair) gets the right to his choice (different from the first).

    After every 2 points scored, the receiving player (pair) must become the server and so on until the end of the game or until each of the opponents scores 10 points or the rule for activating the game is introduced, when the change of server and receiver remains the same, but only after each point.

    In each game of a doubles match, the pair entitled to serve first must decide which player in that pair will serve first, and the receiving pair in the first set must decide who will serve first; in the next games of this match, as soon as the first server is determined, the first receiver must be the one who served him in the previous game.

    In doubles matches, at each change of serve, the previous receiver must become the server, and the partner of the previous server must become the receiver.

    The player (pair) who serves first in a set must receive first in the next game of that match, and in the last possible game of a doubles match, as soon as one of the pairs scores 5 points, the pair that is to receive must change their receiver.

    A player (pair) starting a game on one side must start the next game of that match on the opposite side, and in the last possible game of that match, players (pairs) must switch sides as soon as one of them (pair) is the first to score 5 points.

    Violation of the order of filing, receiving or changing sides

    Slide No. 16

    If a player serves or receives out of order, play must be stopped as soon as the error is discovered and then resumed with those players who should have served and received in accordance with the order established at the beginning of the match; in doubles games - in the order of serves determined by the pair who received the right to serve first in the game during which the error was discovered.

    If the players do not change sides when they should have done so, play shall be interrupted by the referee as soon as the error is discovered and then restarted with the players positioned as they should have been in accordance with the sequence established at the start of the match, from the score that was reached at the moment the error is detected.

    In all circumstances, points scored before the error was discovered must be counted.



    Table tennis (ping pong) is a sport, a sports game based on throwing a special ball with rackets over a playing table with a net according to certain rules. The goal of the players is to achieve a situation where the ball is not hit correctly by the opponent. The main international tournaments are the World Championship and the Olympic Games.

    The game takes place on a table, which is usually made of chipboard or similar material and painted green, dark blue or black. There is a 15.25 cm (6 in) high grid in the middle of the table. Rackets are used when playing. The table tennis ball is made of celluloid. The game is played between two players, or between two teams of two players.

    Each play of the ball ends with the assignment of one point to one or another player (team). According to modern international rules, established in 2001, each game goes to 11 points, although the game to 21 points is still popular at the non-professional level. A match consists of an odd number of games (usually five or seven).

    Table tennis ranks second among all sports in terms of physical costs (after badminton and before tennis). This sport develops: reaction speed, coordination of movements, tactical thinking, willpower.

    2. Accessories

    Table and net A tennis table is a special table divided into two halves by a net. It has international standard dimensions: length - 274 cm, width - 152.5 cm, height - 76 cm. The playing surface can be made of any material and must provide a uniform rebound of about 23 cm when a standard ball falls on it from a height of 30 cm.

    The table surface is divided into two halves by a vertical mesh so that its upper edge is at a height of 152.5 mm from the surface. The mesh should also extend beyond the edge of the table by 152.5 mm on both sides. The upper edge of the 15 mm wide mesh should be white.

    The playing surface of the table should be matte, uniformly dark in color. There should be a marking along each edge of the table - a white line 20 mm wide. When using a table for doubles, a white line 3 mm wide is drawn in the middle of the table, perpendicular to the net.

    Racket When playing, rackets made of wood coated with one or two layers of special rubber on each side are used. Expensive rackets have a base made of several layers of wood of various species and several layers of titanium or carbon fiber.

    Professional rackets are not sold ready-made. The player (player's coach) selects the base and rubber. In China, even rubber (topsheet) and sponges (sponge) are sold and assembled separately. Sponges come in different hardnesses and are measured in degrees from 35` (soft) to 47` (hard), the rubber itself is also divided into smooth and “spikes”. According to ITTF rules, the base of a racket must be at least 85% wood. Also, certain types of pimples (mostly long ones) are prohibited at competitions, which allow the owner of such rubbers to ignore the opponent’s twist.

    Ball The table tennis ball is made of celluloid. The size of the ball is 40 mm in diameter, weight - 2.7 g. The ball can be white or orange. Since 2007, a different color of ball has not been used in international competitions.

    Until 2003, balls with a diameter of 38 mm were used: the reason for the increase in diameter was the excessive speed of the ball, and as a result - inconvenience for refereeing and watching the game. For the same purpose, in 2012, the development of new table tennis balls began. According to preliminary data, they will be 42 millimeters in diameter, the material will change (instead of celluloid there will be plastic), the balls will be 2-3 times more difficult to twist. Innovations will appear in 2014.

    3. History

    The name “Ping-Pong” first appeared in 1901 (before that, names with similar intonations were in use: “Flim-Flam”, “Wif-Waf” and also “Gossima”). John Jaques registered the invented name. It came from a combination of two sounds: “ping” - the sound made by the ball when it hits the racket, and “pong” - when the ball bounces off the table. The name was later sold to the Parker brothers.

    In 1926, the International Table Tennis Federation was created. In 1927, exhibition games for a delegation of English workers were organized in the USSR. In 1954, the USSR Table Tennis Federation joined the International Table Tennis Federation. 4-time Olympic champion Zhang Yinging

    In 1969, at the World Championships in Munich, USSR athletes won the first two gold medals - in a women's pair (Zoya Rudnova and Svetlana Fedorova-Grinberg) and in a team. In 1975, at the World Championships in Calcutta, USSR athletes won their third gold medal - in mixed doubles (Stanislav Gomozkov and Tatyana Ferdman-Kutergina). In 1988, at the Olympic Games in Seoul, table tennis became an Olympic sport. Two-time Olympic champion and multiple world champion Chinese Wang Liqin

    The game consists of rallies, each of which begins with a serve. The first server is usually determined by lot. Then the servers alternate every two serves. In the old 21-point game, each pitcher served 5 serves. In case of an equal score 20:20 (in an 11-point game - 10:10), serve passes to the other player (team) after each rally until the lead is two points. According to modern rules, the game goes up to 11 points. Hitting is the main attacking and defensive action in the game.

    In doubles play, during the transition of serve, the player who received the ball becomes the server, and the partner of the player who served the ball becomes the receiver. The game (meeting) should be played until one of the players (teams) wins the majority of a certain odd number of games (from 3 to 7 depending on the rules of the competition). During the game, if the ball hits the net and moves to the other half, then the game continues.

    The serve in table tennis is made according to the following rules: the ball must be thrown vertically upward from an open palm at least 16 cm; from the moment it leaves the palm until it hits the racket, the ball must be higher than the table surface and beyond the end line of the table edge;

    The server must hit the ball so that it hits once in his own half and at least once in the opponent’s half; The serve must be executed in such a way that the receiver (receivers in doubles) and the referee can clearly see all phases of the serve; you cannot hide the moment of serving with the hand in which the racket is located, with your body or clothing; The serve is considered served as soon as the ball leaves the server's palm.

    If the ball caught the net during a serve, but all other rules were followed, a “re-serve” is declared - the server must repeat the serve (previously, if the ball touched the net during a serve and flew over to the other half, the game continued). The number of resubmissions is not limited. After a successful serve, all other shots must be made so that the ball only hits the opponent's half.

    6. Scoring

    Points are awarded to the opponent when the player made one of the following errors: an error when serving (for example, the ball hit the net); incorrect serve (for example, the ball was not thrown 16 cm); the ball hit its side twice when serving; during the play, the ball came to one’s side after being hit by the racket;

    the ball was hit twice (since the hand from the wrist to the fingertips is considered by the rules to be part of the racket, if the ball hits the fingers and then the racket, it is considered to be hit twice); the ball hits anything other than the racket after bouncing off the table (for example, the floor or a player); the ball did not hit the opponent's side after the kick; the ball was hit before it hit the table;

    the table was moved or the free hand touched the table; the ball did not enter the opponent's zone when serving; during his serve, he or his partner stamps his foot; the opponent or what he is putting on or wearing touches the net set while the ball is in play.

    7. Game activation rule

    Entered if neither of the two sides in the current game has scored 9 or more points within 10 minutes. Activation is achieved by introducing the rule of 13 strikes, that is, after a correct serve and 13 correct returns, a point is automatically awarded to the receiver. This forces the server to finish the rally in his favor. Once the rule for activating the game is introduced, it is valid until the end of the match. When the game is activated, each player must serve in turn.

    8. Doubles game

    The following additional rules are used when playing doubles: The table is divided lengthwise by a white stripe into zones (two on each side). When serving, the ball must hit the right zone of one's own half and the left zone of the opponent's half, in other words, the ball must be served diagonally. Yard doubles game

    Partners must hit the ball one at a time. For example, after the server has served the ball and the batter has hit it, the next hit must be made by the server's partner, and the next by the receiver's partner, etc.

    Table tennis

    Work performed by: Komarova

    Groups: KM7-15

    Basic rules of table tennis

    The ball is put into play by serving, it must hit the opponent’s side, having previously hit the table in their own half. Each player serves in turn, five times in a row. The game continues until one of the opponents scores 21 points; the opponent must have at least 2 fewer. For example, 21:19; if the score is 21:20, then the game continues until the score is 22:20, etc.

    WITH There is a vast variety (about 1500) of innings .

    Without a good serve in modern table tennis there can be no good counting game. Recently, the serve has become such an important attacking technique that can immediately win a point. Serving not only puts the ball into play, but also makes it difficult for the opponent to start an attack. The course of the point largely depends on what kind of serve you give. The serve is the only blow that does not depend on the actions of your partner, because you throw the ball to yourself. The serving technique consists of two parts: tossing the ball and the strike itself. Let's look at the basic rules for serving.

    Pendulum serve with the back of the racket

    Pendulum serve with the palm side of the racket

    Fan feed from the right-hand rack

    Fan serve from neutral stance

    The first thing that is important to us when serving is the stance. The knees are bent to allow quick movement in any direction the serve will go. The body is slightly tilted forward for the start. Don’t be static, it’s better to step from foot to foot and sway - then you’ll get a flying start. The distance to the table is average; moving forward is easier than retreating.

    The second point is observing your opponent. By his stance and swing, you can understand what the blow will be - long or short, fast or slow. It is important to understand the direction of movement of the racket and where it contacts the ball. If the ball has a bottom spin, it “restrains” its flight; if it has a top spin, then on the contrary, it accelerates.

    As a result, we get three main possibilities for receiving a serve:- if the ball jumps out of the table with a long or medium, possibly curled serve, you need to perform a direct attack with the serve or return it with strong spin. - if the serve is short, it most often has strong rotation, which means you need to hit it short and cut it.- short serves very often provide an opportunity to attack, especially if the rotation is weak or the ball bounces higher.

    Ways to hold a racket

    There are two types of grip: the so-called European, when the racket is positioned horizontally relative to the plane of the table, and Asian, vertical. It is also called the “feather” grip because the racket is held with your fingers in the same way as a pen with a feather when writing.

    Horizontal "European" grip (see figure - a, b).

    Vertical "Asian" grip (see figure - c)

    Stand, push

    The racket is placed in front of the flying ball. He hit her and flew back. Here's the stand. Well, if you move the racket forward to hit the ball harder, you get a push. However, these strikes also need to be learned. Sometimes they ensure that a point is won, so to speak, by the path of least resistance.

    Exercises to master the skill of a tennis player:

    1. Exercises with skipping ropes. Jumping at a fast pace - 3 times for 15 s; 2X 60 s, between jumps perform two or even three turns with the ropes; at an average pace - 2X3 min, rotating the ropes backwards. Bends and turns with skipping ropes. 2. Exercises with tennis balls (in pairs). Catching and throwing balls with two hands, one hand; standing facing the wall, hit a series of balls with your playing hand (12 - 15 m); throwing balls at the target. 3. Exercises with medicine balls (weight 1, 3, 5 kg). Throwing the ball from the chest; from behind the head, from below, with your back to the main direction, simulating a roll-up on the right, simulating a roll-up on the left, sitting facing each other (number of throws in 1 minute), in a jump.

    4. Exercises with a rubber band. The rubber is very stretched. Imitation of blows from the right, from the left. After the blow, the hand should immediately return to its original position. 5. Exercises with dumbbells. Simulation of coasting on the right and left. Imitation of other, already well-practised, strikes. A set of general developmental exercises with dumbbells. For a tennis player, good mobility of the fingers and hand is important. How to develop them? You just need to “play” with your fingers, conduct an imaginary orchestra. Usually this always works out well for girls right away. Well, boys can learn from them.

    Preparatory games

    Game of spinning. Players, of whom there can be any number, but not less than three, move around the table, taking turns hitting the ball. If there is an odd number of players, then the ball is entered from the side where there are more of them. After the player hits the ball, he must go to the other side, wait for his turn, hit the ball again and go to the other side of the table.

    The game is played with elimination. If the player makes a mistake (one, two or three times), he is eliminated from the game. The fewer players left, the faster you need to move. When there are two players left, they, as usual, play a point or several points and even a game.

    Game "train". On one side of the table there is one player, and on the other there is a team of three to four players (more is possible). The team players take turns hitting the ball and moving to the end of the column, giving way to another player. The game lasts 3-5 minutes. The winner is the player who has made the fewest mistakes by the end of the game. He is left alone, and the others form a team, and the game begins again.

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