Crossword puzzle "basics of ecology". Crossword puzzle "basics of ecology" Ready-made crossword puzzle on ecology

The word "crossword" comes to us from the English language. It was formed from two words: “cross” and “word”, that is, “intersecting words” or “crossword”. A crossword is a puzzle task in which a figure divided into squares must be filled in with letters horizontally and vertically. At the beginning of the 20th century, the crossword puzzle appeared in the USA, and it began to be called the game of the century. Children of primary school age are offered small crossword puzzles, which can be the content of environmental studies. Whoever solves his crossword puzzle first is the winner. Crosswords can be either thematic or mixed.

Crosswords, puzzles, and entertaining tasks help improve learning efficiency and improve the absorption of information. Students should be warned in advance about the upcoming work with crosswords and asked to repeat the main material of the textbook.

Thematic crosswords for younger students

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Rivers”

Write the names of the rivers in the correct cells of the crossword puzzle.

Vistula, Pechora, Don, Ural, Dnieper, Danube, Volga, Po, Congo.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Oceans and seas”

Write the names of oceans and seas in the correct cells of the crossword puzzle.

Quiet, Atlantic, Okhotsk, Japanese, Mediterranean, Barents, Azov.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Animals”


1. An animal whose home is called a “hut”.

3. Large northern animal with large fangs.

6. Waterfowl.

9. Snow leopard.

12. Small predatory animal.

13. Wild pig.

14. The name of the wolf - the leader of the pack from “The Jungle Book” by R. Kipling.


1. Pet.

2. Forest fur-bearing animal.

4. An animal that residents of the North ride.

5. The longest necked animal.

6. Gray forest predator.

7. The cat’s nickname from S. Mikhalkov’s story “A Cat’s Tale.”

8. A striped relative of the horse.

11. A group of animals living and hunting together.


Horizontally: 1. Beaver. 3. Walrus. 6. Otter. 9. Irbis. 12. Weasel. 13. Boar. 14. Akela.

Vertically: 1. Ram. 2. Squirrel. 4. Deer. 5. Giraffe. 6. Wolf. 7. Dusya. 8. Zebra. 10. Brem. 11. Flock.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Fish, birds, animals”


8. Pet.

9. Furry animal.

10. Humpbacked hare.


1. Bird of prey.

2. Siberian deer with large antlers.

3. Large predatory fish.

4. An animal used for riding.

5. Bamboo bear.

6. Type of ostrich.

7. Aquarium fish.


Horizontally: 8. Cat. 9. Squirrel. 10. Agouti.

Vertically. 1. Hawk. 2. Maral. 3. Shark. 4. Horse. 5. Panda. 6. Nandu. 7. Gourami.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Insects”


3. Who kills him,

He sheds his blood.

5. Red, but not a horse,

Horn, but not a ram,

They don't like it at home

And they won’t buy it at the market.

6. Behind the stove and under the floor

Small insects sing loudly.

7. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle.

9. Not a bird, but one that flies,

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody teaches

And he lands on us.

10. Which one has stings at the end of its tail?


1. A fashionista in a bright dress,

Huntress for a walk.

It flutters from flower to flower,

If he gets tired, he rests.

2. Not a fisherman, but a net-setter.

4. The little worker flew to get the medicine.

8. Flies - roars, scares everyone,

It bites a horse and a cow.


Horizontally: 3. Bedbug. 5. Cockroach. 6. Cricket. 7. Mosquito. 9. Fly. 10. Scorpio.

Vertically: 1. Butterfly. 2. Spider. 4. Bee. 8. Gadfly.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Teremok”

Guess who lives in the tower.


2. The fur is soft,

Yes, the claw is sharp.

5. Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs.

8. Not a bird, but a flyer

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody tame

And it sits on the nose.

9. From the meadow to the fence

A chain of mountains approached.

Someone walked into the garden slyly:

Spent meth underground

12. During the day he sits like a blind man,

And only in the evening - for robbery.

13. What kind of spring birds like to follow the plow and feed?

16. Not an animal, not a bird, afraid of everything, catches flies and splashes into the water.


1. Spinning, chirping, fussing all day.

3. Because of you I beat myself, because of myself I beat you, my blood will be shed.

4. Small, reddish, beautiful and shaggy tail,

Lives on a tree and gnaws nuts.

6. She cries in the swamp, but does not come out of the swamp.

7. They carry branches. They dig clay.

A dam is being built on the river.

At the dam here and there

They live in round houses.

10. This beast is kind of strange:

The neck is like the arrow of a crane.

11. Blacklings live in a dark hut,

Lace is knitted without knots or loops.

14. What kind of forest animal:

Stood up like a post, sucking

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

15. All day on the water, but you can’t get enough water.


Horizontally: 2. Cat. 5. Sparrow. 8. Fly. 9. Mole. Owl. 13. Rooks. 16. Frog.

Vertically: 1. Magpie. 3. Mosquito. 4. Squirrel. 6. Kulik. 7. Beavers. 10. Giraffe. 11. Bees. 14. Hare. 15. Duck.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Natural phenomena”


1. There will be a knock in the sky -

You can hear it on the ground.

5. Over the river, over the valley

A white canvas hung.

6. No arms, no legs,

And he climbs into the hut.

7. A white swarm hovered and hovered,

Sat on the ground - became a mountain

8. In the evening it flies to the ground,

Night remains on earth,

In the morning it flies away again.


1. Peas fell apart

On seventy roads.

No one will pick him up:

Neither king nor queen

Not a pretty girl.

2. Through the blue sky

The white goose is swimming.

3. Through the fields, through the meadows

There is a high arc.

4. Between heaven and earth

The fire arrow flies.

5. The eagle flew

Across the blue sky.

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up.


Horizontally: 1. Thunder. 5. Fog. 6. Cold. 7. Snow. 8. Dew.

Vertically: 1. Hail. 2. Cloud. 3. Rainbow. 4. Lightning. 5. Cloud.

Crossword puzzle with answers for elementary school on the topic “Animal names”

Kotofey, Terenty, Quack, Martin.

Animal names

Write the names of the animals in the correct cells of the crossword puzzle.

Pudik, Barsik, Pestrushka, Gena, Daughter, Gnedko, Mu-mu.

1. The totality of all forms of human impact on the natural environment, including its development, transformation and protection
2. Collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye
3. an area of ​​the seabed adjacent to territorial waters, including its subsoil, of a certain width, in which the coastal state exercises certain sovereign rights
4. “basic unit” of water use in accordance with the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - ... plot
6. use of water bodies to meet the needs of the population, industry, and agriculture
8. What type of environmental control is not mentioned in the Law on Environmental Protection, but this does not deny its existence
9. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use of natural resources, etc. are…. environmental activities
11. This activity represents the sum of various activities aimed at improving the natural environment and reducing the negative impact of human activities on nature.
14. Construction of the crime under Art. 247 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
16. The function of nature in relation to man, thanks to which man uses his natural environment as a place of life
18. A place where any activity that disturbs natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited
19. Ecological... - a way of influencing people’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas
21. Multilateral international treaties, the parties to which are states of a certain geographical area
22. Environmental law is.... legal norms regulating public environmental relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources.
23. A document that is a statement about the use of forests in accordance with the forest development project
24. Author of the Neosphere Concept
1. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use of natural resources, etc. are the directions... activities
5. The principle that obliges states to cooperate in order to develop additional international legal norms
7. The ability of a citizen, through his actions, to acquire and exercise environmental rights, to create environmental responsibilities for himself and to fulfill them is environmental...
10. In which city was a declaration adopted at the UN Conference in 1992, which declared the goal of establishing a fair partnership by creating new levels of cooperation between states
12. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects
13. ... law is an independent branch of Russian law, which is a system of legal norms governing relations in environmental protection, relations in the field of environmental management, implementation and protection of environmental rights
15. Citizens have the right to create public...and other non-profit organizations carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection
17. Any community of living beings and their habitat, united into a single functional whole, arising on the basis of interdependence and cause-and-effect relationships existing between individual environmental components
20. Consistent implementation of the ideas of nature conservation and sustainable environment.

Crossword “Fundamentals of Ecology”

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Science about the patterns of relationships between organisms, species, communities and their environment.

2. A temporary state of the body in which vital processes are slowed down to a minimum and all visible signs of life are absent.

3. Adaptation of animals to endure the winter season.

4. The need of organisms for periodic changes of a certain length of day and night.

5. A factor where there is a direct human impact on organisms or impacts through changes in the environment.

6. The limit of endurance, beyond which the existence of an organism is impossible.

7. An adaptive property of a perennial plant (in winter), which is characterized by the cessation of visible growth and vital activity, the death of above-ground shoots in herbaceous life forms and the fall of leaves in tree and shrub forms.

8. Factors when living organisms interact and influence each other.

9. Abiotic environmental factors associated with the supply of solar energy, wind direction, humidity and temperature ratio.

10. Factor most favorable for the body.

11. Factors interacting with the body as individual elements of the environment.

12. Factors of inanimate nature: climatic, soil, orographic (relief).

13. The reaction of organisms to changing seasons, regulated by photoperiodism

Answers to the second crossword


1. Earthquakes2. Volcanoes3. Tarpan4. Lava5. Floods6. Element7. Tsunami8. Typhoon9. Mangroves10. Tornado11. Tornado12. Hurricane13. Freon

Crossword “Ecological systems No. 1”

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A sustainable self-regulating ecological system in which organic components are inextricably linked with inorganic components.

2. Destroyers of organic residues.

3. A set of individuals of the same species, occupying a certain area, freely interbreeding with each other, having a common origin, genetic basis, and to one degree or another isolated from other populations of a given species.

4. Herbivores and carnivores, consumers of organic matter.

5. Biocenosis artificially created by man.

6. A community of plants and animals inhabiting the same territory, mutually connected in the food chain and influencing each other.

7. Green plants, producers of organic matter.

8. The number of individuals per unit area or volume of a particular environment.

9. A plant community formed historically as a result of a combination of interacting plants on a homogeneous area of ​​territory.

10. Complex relationships in an ecological system, in which different components consume different objects and themselves serve as food for different members of the ecosystem.

11. Chains of interconnected species that successively extract organic matter and energy from the original food substance; each previous link is food for the next.

Natural and man-made environmental disasters

1. Trembling, wobbling of the Earth.

2. Geological formations on the surface of the earth’s crust or the crust of another planet, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, and stones.

3. Wild horse.

4. A hot liquid or very viscous mass pouring onto the surface of the Earth from the crater of a volcano.

5. Flooding of coastal areas with overflowing river water.

6. A natural phenomenon, the powerful force of which is independent of man and irresistible to him.

7. Giant waves moving towards the shore at a speed of 1000 km/h, sweeping away everything in their path.

8. A type of tropical cyclone that is typical of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.

9. Thickets of evergreen trees and shrubs with above-ground roots.

10. A strong vortex between the tropics, off the western coast of Africa, preceding heavy rains.

11. An ascending vortex of extremely quickly rotating air in the form of a funnel of enormous destructive power, in which moisture, sand and other suspended matter are present.

12. Extremely fast and strong, often with great destructive power and significant duration of air movement.

13. Gas used as a refrigerant for refrigerators and aerosol sprayers.

Crossword puzzle on the subject of "ecology" on the topic "Environmental Law"


1. State of the environment, which is characterized by physical, chemical, biological and other indicators and (or) their combination

6. A document confirming the level of quality environmental characteristics of housing, land and water bodies

7. One of the fundamental principles of environmental assessment is... the potential environmental hazard of any economic or other activity

14. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects

15. The formation of environmental legislation took place in ... period

18. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use of natural resources, etc. are ... environmental activities

20. The principle that obliges states to cooperate in order to develop additional international legal norms

25. The process of consistent implementation of ideas of nature conservation and sustainable environment. environment in the areas of law, management, technology development, economics, education, etc.


2. ... environmental law - persons authorized by law to implement certain environmental behavior

3. The principle according to which everyone living on the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to truthful information about the state of the environment

4. Law is built and functions on certain:

5. Assessment of the level of possible negative impacts of the planned economic and other activities on the environment and natural resources

8. A place where any activity that disturbs natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited

9. Environmental law is becoming predominantly...

10. The system of environmental law refers to the structure of the main elements and parts of this industry:

11. The Law “On Environmental Expertise” provides for state and... expertise

12. ... law is an independent branch of Russian law, which is a system of legal norms governing relations in environmental protection, relations in the field of environmental management, implementation and protection of environmental rights

13. The function of nature in relation to man, thanks to which man uses his natural environment as a place of life

16. Which EU treaty defines the environmental objectives of the organization - to promote measures related to environmental problems

17. Collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye

19. Man’s use of the environment to meet his economic, environmental, cultural and health needs

21. The totality of all forms and types of use of water resources in the overall system of environmental management

22. The state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests

23. The upper boundary of the earth’s shell at an altitude of 50-55 km

24. The totality of all water resources of the Earth


Horizontally: 1. Method for studying relationships in ecosystems. 2. Abiotic factor. 3. A state of long-term rest in animals. 6. The reaction of organisms to the length of the day. 11. A complex of small organisms suspended in water. 12. Forest floor. 14. Fish. 15. Microorganism is a destroyer of organic residues. 16. Physiological process arrest of development caused by low temperature. 17. A species of heron listed in the Red Book.

20. An organism that synthesizes organic substances from inorganic compounds. 22. Biogeocenosis. 23. A set of measures aimed at preserving a particular species. 26. Selection based on any characteristics. 27. A set of plants and animals that has formed in the process of evolutionary development, inhabiting the same territory and mutually influencing each other. 28. Destruction of the surface layer. 29. Environmental factor that forms the atmosphere. 30. Mineral fertilizer for plants. 31. Factors causing changes in the genotype.


Horizontally: 1. Experiment. 2. Water. 3. Hibernation. 6. Photoperiodism. 11. Plankton. 12. Tier. 14. Ide. 15. Reducer. 16. Peace. 17. Ibis. 20. Autotroph. 22. Dubrava. 23. Security. 26. Selection. 27. Biocenosis. 28. Erosion. 29. Air. 30. Nitrogen. 31. Mutagens.

Vertically: 1. Ecology. 3. Light. 4. Rhythm. 5. Tolerance. 7. Catching. 8. Reserve. 9. Saprophage. 10. Humus. 13. Phenologist. 18. Biomass. 19. Shooting. 21. Circulation. 23. Cleaning. 24. Anabiosis. 25. Area.

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