Orthodox Calendar

The view of a speech therapist-practitioner

on your personality and on the child’s early development. What is bilingualism? I have long wanted to write such an article and address here, first of all, children....

in detail / 07.04.2024
What does the Reichstag look like in Berlin now?

AuthorVadim Ninov The traces of the Nazis from the Reichstag were lost without a trace. Only from German archives can our historians restore the truth and the exact...

in detail / 30.11.2023
Pronunciation of German letters and letter combinations - German online - Start Deutsch

The German alphabet was created on the basis of the Greco-Roman alphabet. It consists of 26 letters, represented in the German alphabet table. As a rule, in...

in detail / 22.11.2023
Zolotarev healing mudras download in pdf

www.e-puzzle.ru This book is not a textbook on medicine; all recommendations given in it should be used only after agreement with...

in detail / 18.09.2023
Everything you wanted to know about levels A1, A2 in English Level of knowledge of English b1

Friends, if you want to learn more about levels A1 and A2 in learning English, then we suggest you carefully read this material;...

in detail / 31.08.2023
Characteristics of creativity and main features of style

The creative biography of one of the most original composers of the 20th century is closely connected with the musical traditions of the Kursk region. A boy was born into a family...

in detail / 27.06.2023
Open speech therapy session

Summary of a group speech therapy session on oral speech correction. Topic: Paired voiced and voiceless consonants Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadievna,...

in detail / 19.06.2023
“Aikido of business negotiations” from Irina Khakamada we are negotiating

The world of business is entirely built on the ability to come to an agreement: somewhere to offer more favorable conditions, somewhere to smooth out rough edges with personal charisma,...

in detail / 31.10.2021
In general, Australian laws may not be followed, the main thing is to communicate this in small print

- comes from lat. australis (“southern”) Briefly about the country - it is a continental state located in the Southern hemisphere of the globe, it also...

in detail / 09.07.2021
Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), the biblical book of Ecclesiastes can be written from one card

Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes) is one of the canonical books of the Old Testament. In the Hebrew Bible it is placed between the Lamentations of Jeremiah and the book of Esther....

in detail / 09.07.2021
Creation of the Slavic alphabet by Cyril and Methodius

On May 24, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. The name of these saints is known to everyone from school, and...

in detail / 17.03.2021
Probability of dying

According to Rosstat, 1,826,125 people died in Russia in 2017 (8% less than in 2016). Of these, 1,673,384 died due to various...

in detail / 16.02.2021
Choosing the best architecture university abroad

it is best in large cities where construction and design experience has been accumulated. Russia has a strong architectural school in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But in...

in detail / 18.11.2020
All about logarithmic inequalities

Among the whole variety of logarithmic inequalities, inequalities with a variable base are studied separately. They are solved using a special formula...

in detail / 15.10.2020
Linear function and its. Linear function. Linear function, its properties and graph

A linear function is a function of the form y=kx+b, where x is the independent variable, k and b are any numbers.

in detail / 18.08.2020
The graph of a linear function is a straight line. 1....

When was the Kremlin red and when white?

in detail / 04.07.2020
Dolgoruky's Kremlin was tiny: it fit between the modern Tainitskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitskaya towers. It was surrounded by a wooden wall 1...

Civil execution of Chernyshevsky and description of the execution in the gift

in detail / 04.07.2020
The most popular types of execution in the Middle Ages were beheading and hanging. Moreover, they were applied to people of different classes. Decapitation...

This is the generalissimo

in detail / 01.07.2020