Open speech therapy lesson on the topic. Open speech therapy session

Summary of a group speech therapy session on oral speech correction.
Topic: Paired voiced and voiceless consonants

Svetlana Gennadievna Meshcheryakova, teacher-speech therapist of the VIII type special (correctional) school in Gremyachinsk
Description: Mastering the correct designation of paired voiced and voiceless consonants in words is not an easy task. The effectiveness of its solution depends on many factors, including the development of students’ phonetic-graphic skills. These include: 1) the ability to correctly correlate sounds and letters; 2) the ability to consistently differentiate between paired voiced and voiceless consonants (during correction work, tactile and vibration control is carried out, pictograms are used); 3) the ability to determine the position (position) of a sound in a word and the quality of the sound (voicedness or dullness) in different positions. The material will be useful to speech therapists, primary school teachers, and parents.
Target: Consolidation of the program topic: “Voiced and voiceless consonants”;

1. Develop the ability to analyze sounds according to plan;
2. Activate and enrich children’s vocabulary through answers to questions posed;
3. To form the skills of independent connected statements.

1. Promote the development of auditory attention and visual memory.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Voice development
4. Development of gross motor skills

1. Formation of self-control over children’s speech.
2. Development of the ability to express one’s attitude to the activity and the environment.
3. Fostering respect for working people.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist: Hello, my dear children! Glad to meet you! I am pleased to see you all beautiful! Let's look at each other, smile at each other and begin our lesson.
I hope our joint work today will be successful and bring joy to all of us.
In order for our speech to be beautiful and correct, we must remember a very important rule:
Every day, always, everywhere, in class, in play,
That’s right, we say it clearly, we are never in a hurry.
We all repeat the rule out loud together. (slide 1)

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the table and guess what topic we will work on. Tell me, what do you know about this topic? (All student answers are listened to). (slide 2)
Speech therapist: The topic of the lesson is “Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.” (slide 3)
Our lesson will be held in a festive and interesting way in the form of a fair.
Parsley (hand doll):
Dear gentlemen! Welcome everyone here!
People are gathering, the Fair is opening!
Petrushka has a cap on her head, I’m dressed smartly, let’s put on the caps too. (slide 4)
You have cards on your desk. We read them out loud. (We read the first three cards individually, we read the fourth card all together.)

1. Let's learn to distinguish and correctly pronounce voiced and voiceless consonants. (slide 5
2. We will speak correctly and beautifully. (slide 6)
3. We learn a lot of interesting things about the fair. (slide 7)
We will talk about this in class and make small discoveries.
4. Let's write a short poem about the fair. (slide 8)

3. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: To make our speech expressive and correct, we will perform articulatory gymnastics. "The Tale of the Merry Tongue"
Once upon a time there lived a cheerful tongue in his house. Lips are the first doors to the house. Teeth are the second doors to the house. (slide 9)
We perform the exercise: “Smile and a fence”
And there is a ceiling in this house, it’s called the sky. (slide 10)
“Lift your tongue up, find the ceiling.”
We need language when we eat and talk. And the Little Voice helps us to make our words heard. He also lives in a house. This house is located in the throat. The little voice may or may not sleep. When the voice sleeps, it snores quietly, like this: “ssssss,” “sh-sh-sh-sh.” And when he wakes up, he sings songs. And he does it so loudly that everyone hears, like this: “z-z-z-z”, “z-z-z-z”! And the walls of Goloska’s house begin to tremble. We touch the neck with our palm. (slide 11)

4. Work with isolated sounds according to plan.

Speech therapist: Parsley, do you want to know what consonants there are?
Consonant sounds are voiced and unvoiced. Voiced and voiceless consonants form pairs.
Assignment: let's try to pronounce sounds in pairs and determine why consonants are called pairs? The sound next to which we pronounce the empty square quietly, and next to which we pronounce the bell loudly and immediately name what exercise our speech organs are performing.
Each student has their own task card. Children read the cards aloud one at a time. We read the last column together with the speech therapist: when we pronounce consonants...
(slides 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 are projected onto the screen in turn)
Speech therapist: Guys, you correctly remembered the voiced and voiceless consonants and determined their similarities and differences.
So, we made the first important discovery: “Pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants have a certain identical articulation. Their main difference from each other is the operation of the vocal apparatus.” (slide 18)

5. Communication of new material.

(Slide 19 is projected onto the screen)
Speech therapist: Previously, annual folk fairs were held in Rus'.
A big trade was held with fun and entertainment. (slide 20)
The fair was buzzing, noisy and represented a huge crowd of people trading and buying. No wonder they say: “The noise is like at a fair!” (slide 21) At fairs, puppet shows were held, the main character of which was the cheerful Petrushka. (slide 22, 23) The fair is always a real holiday, fun, laughter, joy. (slide 24)
Guys, what do you think the fair is? (Students' answers)
We made a second small discovery:
The fair is a holiday, fun, laughter, joy! (Read aloud together) (slide 25)

6. Development of phonemic hearing.

(slide 26)
Speech therapist: What fun is there at a fair without music, don’t you agree Petrushka?! We will visit the market at the fair. Let each of you choose the musical instrument you like, and Petrushka will be the seller.
Parsley: Oh yes goods, oh yes beauty,
An unheard of miracle, an unprecedented marvel!
Children choose a musical instrument and sit down with it. Please name who chose what and determine whether the word has a paired consonant, is it voiced or voiceless? How to call an accordion, tambourine, rattle, pipe, drum, bell in one word?
Exercise 1: Pick up an instrument whose name begins with a voiceless consonant or a voiced consonant? You completed the task correctly.
Task 2: On your desks are cards with paired unvoiced and voiced consonants. Each has one consonant. You must find a pair for your consonant from other guys, go out together, correctly name a pair of consonant letters and determine which consonant is voiced and which is voiceless. Other guys will check if you completed the task correctly. (slide 27)

7. Physical exercise.

Speech therapist: Let's organize a small performance with musical instruments.
You and I will have fun and dance.
Cheerful music is playing.
We perform speech physical exercises with movement with the words:
Balalaika, Balalaika,
Let's strum, play!
Drum, drum!
Unfold the sides of the button accordion!
We raise pipes to the sky,
We blow loudly, loudly into the pipes.
We beat the tambourine, strum it, pipe it,
Let's drum and trumpet!

8. Differentiation of sounds in syllables, reading syllables according to the table.

(slide 28, 29)
Speech therapist: Guys, what did our musical instruments sound like? (loud). Say the syllables in pairs, changing the strength and pitch of your voice. We will pronounce some syllables loudly, others more quietly; instead of the diagram, insert the desired missing syllable. Reading cards individually and in chorus.

9. Reporting additional new material

Speech therapist: Guys, are there any fairs now? (Children's answers) (slide 30)
And now fairs are held in Russia. Craftsmen bring many handmade products to the fair; They also bring various other goods to the fair: honey, autumn harvest and much more. They are also noisy, festive, fun and interesting! Thanks to craftsmen, such holidays are created. (slides 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42) I'm sure there are those among you who love to draw, sculpt, embroider, and craft. Do you know how?
Listen to children's statements.

10. Creative task, reflection.

Speech therapist: All together we will compose a small poem on the topic: “FAIR” according to the diagram. (slide 43)
– noisy, cheerful, bright!
Cheers, makes noise, trades,
Brings joy to the house.
The fair glorifies people’s work!
We read the resulting poem aloud. (slide 44)
Parsley: So that there are no such unclear cases,
And there were no bad answers.
Listen to the sound of consonants,
So as not to confuse voiced and deaf!
Speech therapist: What did you learn today? What new things did you learn and what else would you like to know?
1. Today we learned to consolidate and correctly pronounce voiced and voiceless consonants. We found answers to all questions and made small discoveries.
I discovery: “Pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants have a certain identical articulation. Their main difference from each other is the operation of the vocal apparatus.”
II opening: “The fair is a holiday, fun, laughter, joy!” (slide 45)
2. Assessing children’s work for the lesson.
3. Assessment of children's activities.
You guys are in a good mood! I'm in a great mood too!
I want your fair to continue today in your classroom with friends over a cup of tea and bagels, and that you share your impressions of this fair with the people around you.
Thank you. Goodbye!

Presentation on the topic: Paired voiced and voiceless consonants

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 50" of the Balashikha urban district, Balashikha city.

“Consolidating the skills of pronunciation of the sound [w] in conversational speech.”

Open speech therapy lesson in a pre-school group. “Consolidating the skills of pronunciation of the sound [w] in conversation”

Target: consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh] in colloquial speech.


1. Correctional and educational:

- teach children to answer questions accurately and completely;
— form a lexical and grammatical system;
— to train children in sound-letter analysis and word synthesis;
— consolidate the skill of pronouncing the sound [w] in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, in connected and colloquial speech.

2. Correctional and developmental:

— development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;
- development of attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking, through guessing riddles and asking problematic questions;
- development of fine movements of the fingers.

3. Correctional and educational:

— formation of a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;
- ability to listen to peers and speech therapist;
- nurturing friendly relationships, nurturing perseverance;
— to cultivate a linguistic flair for the native language, the desire to speak correctly.

Equipment: computer, 2 recordings of instrumental music, a didactic speech therapy toy (the hippopotamus Zhuzha - for performing articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty, plot pictures, balls with Su-Jok springs, a train with cars for determining the sound in a word, Whatman paper with exercises.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
- Hello guys.
Say hello to your guests.
Every day, always, everywhere:
In class, in play
That's right, we say it clearly,
We're not in a hurry.
Have a seat.

2. Today we will show our guests how to correctly and beautifully learn to pronounce the sound [w].

3. Articulation gymnastics.
All the guys in order
In the morning they do exercises,
Our tongue wants too
Be like kids.
Will he help us with this?
(children's answers: hippopotamus Zhuzha).

The tongue is familiar to us, children,
We will greet him with a smile.
This tongue has come (smile, show tongue).
He has now gone to the right.
I saw everything I needed to see
And he walked to the left (exercise “Clock”).
I walked around quite a bit,

The sun is shining in the morning - it's time to visit your aunt!
Auntie cheek
Waiting for his nephew.
Pancakes with poppy seeds
She bakes for lunch (exercise “Pancakes”).
I cooked porridge, made tea,
I even opened a jar of jam.
Auntie niece
He greets you cheerfully.
Tea for him with jam
He immediately suggests (exercise “Cup”, stick your tongue between your lips and blow on the tip of your tongue on imaginary steam, cooling the tea).
Oh, how delicious
Sweet jam, (exercise “Delicious jam”)
Yes, and semolina porridge -
Simply delicious.
He ate very little
I opened the window wide (exercise “Hippos”).
Under the window - blah, blah, blah -
The turkeys are chatting.
Turkey speech
Nobody understands.
Turkeys on the swing
They nod cheerfully.
Ride Tongue
“Blah, blah, blah! - offer (exercise “Swing”).
Give Tongue a doo-doo
And five more balls
Roll the mosquitoes!
Inflating the balloons
“Sit down, mosquitoes! ”(pronounce the sound “Shhsh” for a long time).
Our Tongue played
He went to bed and said nothing.

4. Clarification of articulation.

Let's remember how to pronounce the sound "SH".
— What happens to the lips, teeth, how is the tongue positioned?
Children's answers.
- What kind of air?
Children's answers.
— What does the voice do when we pronounce the sound “SH”: sleeps or sings songs? Put your whole hand on your neck, say shhhh…. Was it quiet in the house or was the voice singing songs and the walls of the house were shaking?
Children's answers.
— Guys, what is the sound “SH”: a vowel or a consonant?
- Voiced or voiceless?
- Hard or soft?
Children's answers.
What does the sound “Ш” sound like (like the hissing of a goose or snake).
- You and I pronounce syllables, words, but can we see the sounds?
- No, we see and write letters.
- What letter represents the sound “Ш” in writing?
- Let's turn the sound “Ш” into the letter Ш.
Together with the children we recite the poem:
We can't see the sound
And we can’t take it in our hands.
We can only hear the sound
And also to say it.
We put on dresses to the sounds,
We turn sounds into letters (Draw a letter with a finger in the sand).

5. Exercise “Make Sounds.” Hiss along with the goslings, running your finger along the paths from the goslings to each vowel and vice versa from the vowel to the goslings. Repeat each syllable. What syllables did you get?

6. Finger gymnastics (with Su-Jok springs).

The bear was walking towards his den
Yes, I stumbled on the threshold
“Apparently, there is very little strength
I saved up for the winter,”
I thought so and went
He's looking for wild bees.
All bears have a sweet tooth,
They like to eat honey without haste,
And having eaten, without worry
They snort in their den until spring.

7. Now, let’s play the game “Say a Word.”

Based on the pictures, name the answers, highlighting the sound Ш, determine where the sound Ш is located in the word: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word and place them in the appropriate houses (trays).
*I will be a master like our uncle Evdokim;
Making chairs and tables, painting doors and floors.
In the meantime, I make (toys) myself for my sister Tanya;
*In the underground, in the closet she lives in a hole,
Gray baby, who is it? (mouse) ;
*Didn’t advance a single step out of stubbornness (donkey);
*I sewed a shirt for the bear, I’ll sew him... (pants);
* The goldfinch sings all day long in a cage on the window.
He has entered his third year, but he is afraid of... (cats);
*Clinging to the rear tire, the bear rides on... (car);
* The squirrel dropped a cone, the cone hit (the bunny);
* It's dark at night. It's quiet at night. Fish, fish, where are you (sleeping);
* You know this girl,
She is sung in an old fairy tale.
She worked, lived modestly,
I didn’t see the clear sun,
There is only dirt and ash around,
And the beauty's name was (Cinderella);
*In winter, during fun times
I'm hanging on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a cannon,
My name is (cracker);
*Who will color our album?
Well, of course (pencil);
*Look at me
You can open the doors
And on my shelves
It costs a lot!
I am taller than everyone else, like a giraffe:
I'm big, beautiful (wardrobe).

10. Exercise “Rhymes”. Listen to the beginning of the phrase and complete it with suitable words. The pictures will help you cope with the task. The last word of each rhyme phrase must end with a syllable repeated in its first part. For example: Shock-shock-shock, shock-shock-shock, grandfather is carrying a bag.

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi - the kids are playing.
Ush-ush-ush, ush-ush-ush - I'll take a hot (shower).
Ash-ash-ash, ash-ash-ash is blue (pencil).
Ishni-ishni-ishni- ripen (cherries).
Shock-shock-shock, shock-shock-shock - woke us up (cockerel).

11. Exercise “Correct the sentence” (listen to the sentences, find and correct errors, based on pictures on Whatman paper A4).

A letter is written to grandfather.
Our mouse caught the cat.
My grandmother bought a spool of thread.
The pebble found Pasha.
A coat hanger is hung on the fur coat.
Reeds sit in a frog.
The lilies of the valley found Natasha.
They put a bag inside the potatoes.
The mouse has a cat in its paws.
Masha put her head on her hat.
The lawn flies over the bumblebee.
Misha put the helmet on.
There is a scarf on a bear at the neck.
Pasha traces a pencil with a frog.

12. Physical education minute “The bear got out of the den.”
The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. (turns left and right).
He stretched out of sleep: (stretching his arms up).
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (head rotation).
Bent back and forth (bending forward and backward).
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa).
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log. (children sit down).

13. Game “Who is more, who is less? » Compare two objects and answer the questions in complete sentences. Don't forget to pronounce the "Sh" sound correctly. For example. Who is bigger: a frog or a monkey? A monkey is bigger than a frog. Who is smaller? The frog is smaller than the monkey (pictures are given the opposite size than in reality: the monkey is small, and the frog is large).

Who is bigger: a cat or a midge? Who is smaller?
Who is bigger: a mouse or a baby? Who is smaller?
Who is bigger: a frog or a cuckoo? Who is smaller?
Who is bigger: grandma or grandpa? Who is smaller?
Who is bigger: a bear or a monkey? Who is smaller?

14. Exercise “New words”.
Let's turn some words into others.
Replace the first sound in words with the sound Ш. For example: PAR-BALL.

15. Game "Cat and Mouse". Listen to the story about the cat Masha, retell it based on the pictures (chain text).

Alyosha has a cat, Masha.
The cat Masha catches mice.
The mice run away from the cat.
The cat is big, agile, she catches up with the mice.

16. Visual gymnastics (to music, a speech therapist reads poetry, and children perform oculomotor movements in accordance with the text).
Let's do some exercises for the eyes, because they also need rest (all movements are performed only with the eyes).
"Happy week."
All week in order,
The eyes are doing exercises.
On Monday, when they wake up,
The eyes will smile at the sun,
Look down at the grass
And back to heights.
On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,
They look here and there,
They go left, they go right
They will never get tired.
On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,
Close our eyes tightly.
One two three four five,
Let's open our eyes.
We close our eyes and open
So we continue the game.
On Thursdays we look into the distance
There's no time for this,
What's near and what's far
You should look at your eyes.
We didn't yawn on Friday
The eyes ran around.
Stop, and again
Run in the other direction.
Even though Saturday is a day off,
We are not lazy with you.
We look for corners,
To make the pupils move.
We'll sleep on Sunday
And then we'll go for a walk,
To harden your eyes
You need to breathe air.
- Without gymnastics, friends, our eyes cannot live!

17. Summary of the lesson. Guys, what did we do in class? What did you enjoy the most and what were the challenges? Children's answers.
Our lesson has come to an end, everyone did a very good job, well done to all of you, goodbye. They say goodbye to the guests and leave.

List of used literature:

1. Automation of the sound Ш in game exercises. Preschooler's album / L. A. Komarova. -M. : GNOM Publishing House, 2011.-32 p.
2. Azova E. A., Chernova O. O. Learning the sounds [w], [z]. Home speech therapy notebook for children 5-7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010. – 32 p. (Game speech therapy).
3. Spielochka and Buzzer. Speech therapy games / I. V. Baskakina, M. I. Lynskaya. – M.: Iris-press, 2010. – 32 p. : ill. – (Popular speech therapy).
4. Speech therapy. Preparatory group. Lesson developments. / Comp. O. I. Bochkareva. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 128 p.
5. Internet resources: riddles, physical exercises, oculomotor exercises.

Target: Development of clear differentiation of sounds [s-sh] in syllables and words.


  1. Correctional and educational: improve reading techniques using the material of syllabic tables, activate vocabulary on the topics: “Shop”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Toys”.
  2. Correctional and developmental: develop phonemic hearing and perception (sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words), develop visual-spatial perception, articulatory motor skills, work on developing the level of concentration and distribution of attention, auditory attention and memory, analytical thinking.
  3. Correctional and educational: to develop skills of cooperation, a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson, and a responsible attitude towards completing tasks.


  • magnetic letters,
  • syllables,
  • mirrors,
  • typesetting canvas,
  • syllable tables,
  • stickers with images of vegetables and fruits,
  • pictures of a counter,
  • "price tags"
  • cards - “money” - syllable patterns,
  • toys,
  • chips for performing sound analysis,
  • stickers with images of animals.

Organizing time.

Game "Let's get to know each other."

We stand in a circle, holding on with our little fingers. The first player says his name, the second - the name of the previous one and his own, etc.

Development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

If you complete the task correctly, you will find out where we will go today.

Now I will compliment you and praise you. Your task is to highlight the third sound of each word and designate it with the corresponding letter:

  • behind M Ready
  • st A expedient
  • before G adlivable
  • etc A amazing
  • ra Z twisted
  • etc AND lying down
  • By N fidgety

Children lay out the word “STORE” from the letters of the magnetic alphabet on the board.

Syllable analysis.

What should we take with us to the store?

You have cards under your tabletops. What is this? (Syllables).

Why do you think these are syllables? (Each part has a vowel).

Make words from these syllables:

  • bag
  • wallet

(A wallet is a small pocket bag for money.)

Why do we need these items?

Today, for your correct answers, I will give you this “money”. And why, you will find out a little later.

Characteristics of sounds “s-sh”. Articulation gymnastics.

Highlight the first sound in the word “bag”. Say it. In what position are the lips ("smile"), teeth (“fence”), language (“brushing our teeth”), air jet (cold narrow air stream along the “groove”) (The sound C is a consonant, because there is an obstruction, the sound is voiceless - the vocal cords do not work, it is hard.)

Highlight the third sound in the word “wallet.” Say it. In what position are the lips (“window”), teeth (“closer”), language ("cup"), air jet ( strong, warm, wide). Describe this sound. (The sound Ш is a consonant, because there is an obstruction, the sound is voiceless - the vocal cords do not work, it is always hard.)

What is the main difference between these sounds? (When pronouncing these sounds, the position of the tongue and lips is different.)

For correct answers: cards - “money”<Приложение 1 >.

Report the topic of the lesson.

Look closely at the typesetting canvas. Who can name the topic of the lesson?

Today we will not only go to the store, but we will also learn to distinguish the sounds “s-sh”.

Development of phonemic hearing.

And to do this, let’s work a little with the syllabic table<Приложение 2 >. I name the syllable, your task is to find this syllable in the table as quickly as possible and place your index finger on it.

Syllables: sho, sy, su, si, sha, so, shu, sa, shi.

Development of visual-spatial perception.

So, we go to the store. Name the products you see (pear, peach, beet, cabbage, parsley, potato, radish, plum) <Приложение 3 >. What store did we go to?

The seller did not have time to put the products on the shelves<Приложение 4 >. Shall we help her?

  • place the pear on the top shelf on the left;
  • to the right of the pear - potatoes;
  • under potatoes - cabbage;
  • place radishes on the second shelf on the right;
  • above the radish - peach;
  • between potatoes and peaches - plum;
  • under the pear - beets;
  • to the left of the radish is parsley.

Name what you put on the first shelf (pear, potato, plum, peach); to the second shelf (beets, cabbage, parsley, radishes).

The seller is very grateful to you, you helped her put the products on the shelves.

For correct answers: cards - “money”.

Development of analogical thinking.

Look closely at the first shelf. What's extra? (Potato.)

Why? (This is a vegetable, and everything else is fruit).

Look at the second shelf. What's extra? (Parsley.)

Why? (In the word “parsley” the sound is “sh”, and in all other words it is “s”).

For correct answers: cards - “money”.

Differentiation of letters "s-sh".

But in the store, each product is signed and the price is indicated on it. Let us help the seller sign the price tags<Приложение 5 >. But something is wrong here, what exactly? (The letters “s” and “sh” are missing).

Fill in the missing letters “s” or “sh” in the words.

Name the words in which you wrote the letter “s”, “sh”.

You completed the task. ( cards - “money”)

Development of syllabic analysis.

Let's go to the next store. What store were we in? (In a toy store).

You have money, but you can only buy that toy whose name matches the pattern on your card - “money”, i.e. The name of the toy should have the same number of syllables as in the diagram. Please note that the diagram shows which syllable contains the sound “s” or “sh”. You must clearly pronounce the word syllable by syllable and give the “money” to the seller.

Development of sound analysis.

Choose any toy from those you bought. Perform a sound analysis of this word.

Summary of the lesson.

What stores did we visit today? What other stores do you know?

What sounds did we name most often today? What is their main difference?


At the beginning of the lesson, I said that you are attentive, smart, diligent. I was not mistaken! Well done!

Choose a sticker that has the sound “sh” in its name as a reminder of today’s lesson.

Victoria Maygurova
Summary of an open lesson for a speech therapist teacher “Journey to the Land of Sounds”

Notes of the teacher-speech therapist Maygurova V.V.

Topic: “Journey to the Land of Sounds”

Objectives: To introduce children to the concept of “sounds”, their varieties, methods of education; give the concept of “letter”, form phonemic perception, develop skills of sound analysis and synthesis, enrich and clarify children’s vocabulary on the topics: “Transport”, “Organs of speech”, exercise children in selecting words - antonyms, develop skills of correct speech breathing, improve fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of movements with speech pronunciation, develop prosodic components of speech. Develop a psychological speech base (attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination, cultivate a friendly attitude with peers in joint activities, activate the cognitive interest of children.

Material: multimedia equipment, screen, Zvukovichok doll, individual mirrors, according to the number of children. a bell, a set of cards with vowel letters, symbols of vowel sounds, a carpet, circles with numbers from 1 to 10

Progress of activities:

Speech therapist: - Guys, Zvukovichok came to visit us. Children, do you like to travel? Would you like to go on a trip? I invite you to a magical land.

Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children's answers: ground, air, water, magic.

Speech therapist: - And we will go on a carpet airplane.

Children, take tickets with seat numbers. Please proceed and take your seats according to your ticket number.

Wind chimes sound.

Speech therapist: - So that we can quickly get to a magical land. and during the flight we were not afraid, we will perform relaxation breathing exercises.

“Deep breath through the nose” (Left hand control on the stomach)

“Long exhalation through the mouth” (Right hand control at the mouth)

Children, close your eyes, open them. When we hear the sound of a bell.

Physical education minute “Curious Varvara”

Speech therapist: - Children, we have arrived in a magical land. Let's see where we end up.

Curious Barabara

Looks left

Looks to the right

Looking up

And looks down

Neck muscles tense

Let's go back

It feels so good to relax.

(We return to the starting position).

Speech therapist: - Children. Was it quiet during the journey or did you hear something? How do we distinguish sounds?

Children's answers: - We distinguish sounds with the help of our ears - the organs of hearing.

Experimental work

Children, look at the screen (letters appear on the screen).

Now let’s come to me and close our eyes (at this moment speech sounds are heard).

Speech therapist: - What did you see on the screen?

Children's answers: - We saw letters on the screen. But they didn't hear. Letters are a visible image.

Speech therapist: - What did you hear?

Children's answers: - We heard sounds, but did not see.

Speech therapist: - Children, we are going to the city of Zvukograd. The sounds of our speech live there.

"We are in the city of speech sounds

Let's go and wait to meet you

With native sounds

They live there after all

And we have a desire

speak beautifully

And everyone without exception

Surprise today"

Guys, people have an invaluable gift - Speech. Animals can make sounds, but this is not speech; they cannot talk to each other.

Working with mirrors (familiarization with the speech organs)

How do we make sounds? Guess the riddles.

You can pull them with a pipe

Or just open them

Even our teeth are begging

Open wider - (lips)

When we drive, they work,

When we don't eat, they rest,

We won't clean them. They will get sick - (teeth).

He's used to jumping in his mouth

Our naughty (language).

Game “What sounds are there” (selection of antonym words)

The sounds are:

high - low,

quiet - loud,

rough - tender

long - short,

There are also sounds:

warm - cold

Bring the back of your hand to your mouth and blow on it while singing the “Snakes” song:


Children, what kind of air flow?

Children's answer: The air stream is warm

Now raise your palm and sing the “Pump” song.

What air stream?

Children's answers: The air stream is cold.

Finger gymnastics.

I'll rub my palms hard,

I'll twist each finger,

(Rubning the palms; grab each finger at the base and with a rotational movement reach the nail phalanx.)

I'll say hello to him,

And I'll start pulling out.

I'll wash my hands later

(Rub your palm against your palm.)

I'll put my finger in your finger,

I'll lock them up

(Fingers in the “lock.”)

And I'll keep it warm.

I'll let my fingers go

(Unlock your fingers and move them.)

Let them run like bunnies.

Speech therapist: - Children. In order to speak beautifully and clearly, we need to train our speech organs. Let's do some articulation gymnastics (gymnastics are done at a table in front of a mirror)

1) – Name the first sound in the words:

“I open my mouth wide, I hum a cheerful sound” - aaaaaaaa.

2) – Name the first sound in the words:

“Our lips make a wheel sound” - oooooh.

3) – Name the first sound in the words:

“I stretch my lips like a trumpet and sing the sound” - uuuuuu

4) – Name the first sound in the words:

And - And - And

“Pull your lips to your ears and you will get a sound” - aiiiiii

5) – Name the first sound in the words:

E – E – E

“Ege - gay! The sound guy is screaming, his tongue is sticking out of his mouth” - uh

6) – Name the last sound in the words: cats, tables,

Y – Y – Y

“Well, show your teeth and sing quickly” - yyyyy

Speech therapist; - The sounds were all different, but very friendly, since they all loved to sing. Their voices sounded beautiful and clear.

Let's try to sing like them. (Children sing together with a speech therapist, who accompanies the singing of vowels by moving his hand in the air along a horizontal line).

Sounds walked around the world and sang loudly. For this they began to be called VOWELS and were given red shirts. If the sounds were put on these shirts, then they became visible and turned into letters. But as soon as the shirts were taken off, the sounds became invisible again.

Choose symbols for each - a sound, its letter.

Children match letters to sound symbols.

Speech therapist: - Guys, our journey ends. What have we learned about sounds?

Children's answers: - We hear and pronounce sounds, but we do not see them.

Speech therapist: - What have we learned about letters?

Children's answers: - We see and write letters, but we don’t hear them.

Speech therapist: - Children, let's say thank you to Zvukovich for the educational journey. Now we take our places, close our eyes, count to 10 and back.

Here we are back at kindergarten! Did you enjoy our trip?

Children's answers.

Publications on the topic:

The use of musical exercises and songs in the process of automating sounds in the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center Automation of assigned sounds is one of the urgent tasks in the work of a speech therapist in the sound culture of speech. I am active in my classes.

Summary of an integrated lesson by a teacher-defectologist and a teacher-speech therapist in a preparatory group for children with mental retardation GBOU Gymnasium No. 1748 "Vertical" JV DO "Teremok" SYNOPSIS OF AN INTEGRATED LESSON FOR A SPECIFIC DEFECTOLOGIST AND A Speech-Language Pathologist TEACHER IN A PREPARATORY ROOM.

Summary of the open integrated lesson “Journey to the Land of Sounds” Summary of an open integrated lesson. Senior group. (Compiled by O.V. Melnichenko) Topic: “Journey to the Land of Sounds” Purpose: Consolidate.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Masha’s Journey to the Land of Sounds” Goal: development of auditory attention and phonemic perception. Objectives: Educational: - introduce vowel sounds; - secure.

Summary of joint activities of a speech therapist teacher with children with special needs “Journey to the autumn forest” Correctional educational goals: to introduce the sound “I”. Correct articulation of the “I” sound. Be able to determine the place of sounds in words. Expand.

Review knowledge about vowels and consonants and their designation in writing;
- develop the skill of spelling words with combinations “zhi”, “shi”;
- develop students’ spelling vigilance, thinking, imagination, oral and written speech;
- foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Visualization: envelopes with tasks (cut pictures, deformed text), plot pictures: Leopold the cat, mice.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.


Hello guys!

Please look at our guests and say hello to them.

Sit down. Open your envelopes and collect the pictures, who did you get? (children collect cut-out pictures)

What cartoon characters are in front of you?

Let’s go with you to the magical land of knowledge, but in order to get there we need to do magic exercises and put on a magic cap. Ready?


Stretch each finger on one and the other hand;
- take a pencil and twirl it in your palms;
- now rub your palms together and warm your cheeks with them.

Exercise "Cap".

So, you and I found ourselves in a magical land of knowledge, whoever visits this country becomes the kindest, smartest, most attentive and learns to speak correctly. And who teaches us to speak and write lo-go-ped correctly...

Let's call our speech therapist!

2. Main part.

Look at the blackboard.
- What do you see? (Letters)


What two groups can these letters be divided into? (vowels and consonants).
- What can be made from letters? (syllables).
- Write down the syllables with the letter Z on one line, and on the other with Ш.


Which vowel was the odd one out? (s)
- Why?

Who guessed what we will be working on today? (Words with the combination ZHI-SHI)

Yes. You and I are in an amazing land of knowledge where, let us remember how words with the combination ZHI and SHI are written.

In this amazing country
Everyone was literate
I've been there too
I learned a lot.

Oh guys, who is that crying? (Leopold the cat appears)

Leopold: What an unfortunate cat I am. These mice always play dirty tricks on me. And now they sent me from our cartoon to this country. And I can't get back. After all, the mice have set various traps with tasks, but I can’t complete the tasks, because cats don’t study at school. Help me guys!

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help the cat Leopold complete the tasks?

But in order to complete the tasks correctly, you need to remember the spell about the combination of ZHI-SHI.

Let's repeat together:

ZHI – SHI write with the vowel I.

So, task 1: “Feed the mice.”

Form words and write them down.


(hedgehogs, siskins, grass snakes, reeds, mice, ears).

What rule did we use to write words?

Well done! You have completed 1 task.

Now let's relax and play a game.

“One is many” (orally)

Already -......(snake)
Mouse –…..(mice)
Pencil - ……(pencils)
Playpen – …….(playpens)
Hedgehog – ……(hedgehogs)
Floor – …..(floors)
Swift - .....(swifts)

So, task 2 (riddles of Leopold the cat)

Leopold: The mice asked me riddles. Let's guys guess them together and write the answers in a notebook.

1. Will not travel without gasoline
Neither a bus nor... (car)

2. The cat lives on our roof,
And in the closet they live... (mice)

3. Every spring, spruce paws
Old lamps are replaced with new ones (bumps)

4. Mom knits a long scarf,
Because son... (giraffe)

5. Two snub-nosed girlfriends
They didn't leave each other behind.
Both are running through the snow,
Sing both songs! (skis)

Speech therapist: Well done, guys. We will complete one more task! It's time to rest.

We decided to train the cat mice
And they started giving sports assignments.
Get up on your toes
Squat down and stand up straight,
Hands to the sides, forward!
In the fist and on the side.
Stand on one leg,
It's like you're a steadfast soldier!
Now stay on the right.
It's like you're a brave soldier.

3 task.

Look, guys, Leopold the cat has prepared the next task for us. (on cards)

Compose and write down sentences. Emphasize the combinations “zhi” - “shi”.

The cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.
Vera, skis, y, new.
Fluffy snowflakes were spinning.

Well done boys! We completed another mouse task. Now let's play the game “Who is bigger?”

Come up with words based on the rule you learned. (children come up with words orally).
- Make up a sentence with the word...

And here is the last 4th task.

You guys need to continue the sentence: “If I met a wizard, I would wish...” (children make up their own sentences)

What would you wish for, you cat Leopold?

Leopold: I would like the guys to study at 4 and 5; so that everyone lives in harmony, and, of course, so that I immediately return to my cartoon home.

Speech therapist: Guys, Leopold the cat’s wish has come true. This means that you and I have completed all the tasks correctly.

3. Final part.

Psychologist: Guys, did you enjoy your trip through the land of knowledge?

Were there many interesting tasks?

What was the rule for these tasks?

I hope that there will be no errors in your notebooks regarding this rule!

Guys, for your help the cat Leopold left you gifts.

Minina Natalia Nikolaevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBOU Secondary School No. 4, Salekhard

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