Abbreviated multiplication formulas. Everything you wanted to know about levels A1, A2 in English Level of knowledge of English b1

Friends, if you want to learn more about levels A1 and A2 in learning English, we suggest you read this material carefully; Perhaps you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself.

As you already know, learning English is divided into stages or levels, each level has a certain degree of difficulty, specific tasks and exercises, reading, grammar, etc. Today we are taking a closer look at the initial or survival levels, that is, Beginner and Elementary , as well as the Pre-Intermediate threshold level.

Category A1 - what is it?

It would seem that the Beginner and Elementary stages of English proficiency are in many ways similar. However, significant differences can be observed here. You cannot proceed to the Elementary level without first preparing Beginner.

Everything starts with the basics, and learning a language even more so. The Beginner level is perfect for those who have never studied English before and don’t have the slightest idea about it. This stage of English language proficiency allows you to construct several simple sentences, master the basics of grammar and reading rules, and acquire a small vocabulary. Also, it makes it possible to move on to the next level - Elementary.

The knowledge that the initial level provides is very extensive for this stage of learning English: mastering three simple tenses of verbs (present, past, future), the concept of articles, the ability to compose several simple sentences, the ability to characterize an object in simple words; vocabulary ranges from 500 to 700 words, ability to get acquainted, answer simple questions, write short text from simple sentences.

The Elementary level is a more serious level of knowledge and proficiency in English. And the range of opportunities and skills it provides is much wider. When approaching this level, a person learning English must have basic knowledge of the Beginner stage.

The knowledge acquired at this stage is sufficient to communicate in English at an everyday level. For example, while abroad, you can ask for directions, rent a hotel room, do some shopping, etc.

Your knowledge of grammar, speaking, reading, your vocabulary at this level is much wider and deeper. Of course, such proficiency in English cannot be called professional, but you are no longer a beginner in mastering the language.

What skills does this stage of training provide? Here they are: a clear understanding of the verb to be, mastering the tenses of verbs, including continuous and perfect ones; use of articles and modal verbs, pronouns and possessive case; expansion of vocabulary from 1000 to 1500, the ability to communicate on simple everyday topics, the ability to write a short story about yourself, family, hobbies, work, etc.

As we have already said, these levels belong to the category of Survival Levels or survival levels. This means that these levels of knowledge of the English language will help you navigate various everyday situations where English is needed.

We believe that in modern life it is not only useful, but also very important to speak English at least at these two levels, because such knowledge of English is required by modern technologies, the Internet, travel, etc.

Category A2 or pre-threshold level

Pre-threshold or intermediate level (Pre-Intermediate) is like a bridge between the basic stages and more advanced levels of English language proficiency. Why is this so? The fact is that this English language course begins with simple constructions learned during the training at the two previous levels. The Pre-Intermediate stage is an excellent opportunity to repeat, consolidate and systematize previous levels and acquired skills, as well as move on to a more complex stage of learning English Language.

By studying English at the Pre-Intermediate level, you gain even greater skills in the language: a clear understanding of verb tenses and the ability to distinguish them, understanding the conditional mood, replenishing your vocabulary with modal verbs that were not previously known; understanding of the passive verb, the ability to transform direct speech into indirect speech, understanding of pronouns and degrees of comparison of adjectives; vocabulary ranges from 1500 to 2000 words; the ability to speak in English on various topics and talk about yourself; understanding the main idea of ​​the text; ability to write essays, essays, letters.

All this suggests that at this level you are ready to perceive and master a more complex English language than at the previous two.

This stage of training allows you to work on the gaps and weak points in your English, improve it, and move on to a more complex level.

Friends, we want to wish you good luck in learning English Language. Don't give up, boldly move forward, and, step by step, level by level, you won't notice how English will become your second native language! See you again!

August 15, 2017

What does it mean to speak a language at level A1 (Starter) or A2 (Elementary). What results can you expect when completing a level?

Because the system uses a formula of “can do” (i.e., the set of skills a student can demonstrate) to determine language level, the CEFR scale provides detailed descriptions for all aspects of language at each level.

Language proficiency on the scale can be quite simply described in a couple of words in such criteria as understanding, speaking and writing. For example: “I understand simple texts on previously studied topics”, “I understand individual sentences and can answer in simple phrases”, etc.

Let's figure out together what results you can expect after mastering levels A1 and A2.

Level A1 – Starter (Beginner)

This is the level from which familiarity with the language begins. In it, a person is just starting to study a subject from scratch and most often has no idea about the language as a whole.

If you have once studied a language before, for example in school, but never practiced it, then your English can be called “false beginner”, which means “false beginner”.


The Beginner level program includes:

learning the alphabet,

· basic reading rules,

· basic grammatical categories,

· basic vocabulary of family and household topics,

· familiarity with basic greeting phrases.

And at the end of it, students, as a rule, can answer simple questions during introductions and even briefly tell about themselves.

Required Skills

Grammar: Knowledge and ability to use the elementary forms of parts of speech, the most frequently occurring ones at times, the ability to compose simple sentences

Phonetics: Knowledge of the alphabet and basic reading rules

Vocabulary: Knowledge of a minimum vocabulary of words that are often found in everyday life (~500-1000 words)

Talk: Basic communication skills needed in everyday situations

Listening: Listening comprehension and understanding of basic spoken language

Reading: Understanding simple written English in the form of explanations, diagrams and instructions

Practical use

Obviously, in order to enter foreign universities, knowledge at the Beginner level is not enough due to a limited vocabulary and poorly developed language skills. But it is possible to pass such international exams as: IELTS 1.0-2.5 points, PTE Level A1 for English and OSD GD1, OSD KID– for German.

Level A2 – Elementary

Among publishers of educational literature, it is generally accepted that this is the second stage in a language learning program. As a rule, at this level, students can already communicate on familiar topics, formulate sentences correctly, speak with a pronunciation that everyone can understand, and even joke. Sometimes this level is called as Pre-Intermediate .


During the learning process at this level, more complex sentences appear, and due to this, the texts become longer. Infinitives, gerunds, modal verbs and conditional sentences appear (using the example of the English language).

Already 20% of tasks are allocated for independent work of course students, and the ratio of vocabulary to the previous level increases by approximately 50%.

Required Skills

Grammar: Knowledge of grammar at a basic level (tenses, voices, moods)

Phonetics: Mastery of basic pronunciation skills and rules for reading unfamiliar words

Vocabulary: Increase in basic vocabulary and ability to use a dictionary (~1300-1600 words)

Talk: Ability to carry on a conversation in everyday life at the everyday level

Listening: Understanding the general meaning of spoken language

Reading: Ability to understand simple written material

Letter: The emergence of such a skill as expressing verbal messages in writing

Practical use

Solid command of the language at this level makes it possible to successfully pass exams IELTS 3.0, PTE Level 1, ÖSD GD2, ÖSD KID2 And KET.

Provatorova Valeria

(A1- A2 – B1 – B2 – C1 – C2)

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues: apprendre, enseigner, évaluer (CECRL). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment.

CECRL LEVELS OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE% ratio of vocabulary to next level% ratio of vocabulary to level C2number of teaching hours



Document Council of Europe entitled “Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment”) is the result of the work of specialists from the Council of Europe countries, as well as representatives of Russia, who systematized approaches to teaching a foreign language and standardized assessments of language proficiency levels in order to prepare and conduct international exams according to one general rules. “Competencies” make it possible to determine what a language learner needs to learn in order to be able to communicate in it, as well as what knowledge and skills are needed to ensure successful communication.

The document defines a standard terminology, system of units, or commonly understood language to describe what constitutes a subject matter of study, and to describe levels of language proficiency, regardless of what language is being studied and in what educational context (country, educational institution, course or private way), and what techniques are used.

According to this document, two complexes were introduced: a system of language proficiency levels and a system of describing these levels using standard categories.

The following table represents the proficiency levels:

Beginner level

Survival level
(Niveau découverte)

I perceive by ear and can express myself on simple everyday topics, using simple phrases and expressions; I can introduce myself and also introduce others; I know how to ask simple questions, such as where my interlocutor lives, ask about those he knows, about what he has. I can carry on a conversation if the other person's pace is slow and he speaks clearly.

Pre-threshold level
(niveau survie)

I perceive by ear sentences and phrases that are widely used in speech and that relate to such topics as: information about myself and my family, purchases, the place where I live, work. I can carry on a conversation on a topic that is familiar to me in a simple and typical communication situation. I can talk about myself, my education, my environment in a simple way and discuss issues that are important to me.

Advanced level

IN 1
Threshold level
(niveau seuil)

AT 2
Threshold advanced level

I can understand the essential ideas of difficult and complex texts that are both concrete and abstract. I can also understand technical discussions regarding my specialization. I can have a conversation with native speakers with virtually no preparation. I can convey my thoughts and opinions on various issues clearly and in detail. I can explain my position, point of view on important issues, I can give arguments for and against.

Free level

Proficiency level
(niveau autonome)

I can understand a variety of complex, long-form texts and identify the implicit meanings they contain. I can express my thoughts impromptu, choosing words and expressions easily. My speech is rich in linguistic means, which I definitely use in various communication situations: everyday, professional, educational. I am able to speak out on complex topics, expressing my thoughts clearly and logically. I use compositional models, linking words and connecting techniques without errors.

Mastery level

I can freely understand oral and written information of any nature. I summarize information I have received from various written and oral sources and can present it in a clearly reasoned message. I express my thoughts clearly on the most complex issues and convey the most subtle nuances of meaning.

Do you want to take an English level test right now and find out your level of language proficiency? What are your strengths and what still needs to be learned? We invite you to take a free test online (no registration or email required), consisting of 60 questions. You will receive the result immediately as soon as you answer the last question.

English level test - instructions

The test determines the level of knowledge of the English language and divides students into 5 groups - from initial (elementary) level to advanced.

The test tests knowledge of language structures (36 questions) and vocabulary (24 questions). In total, you need to answer 60 questions, each of which is given a choice of one of four answers. If you do not know the correct answer to a question and do not mark anything, then the answer to it will be considered incorrect.

There is no time limit for taking the test, but try to keep it within 40-45 minutes - this is the time for which this test is designed. For a more accurate assessment of knowledge, it is better not to use dictionaries and textbooks.

Determining your English level

You can determine the result yourself in accordance with the table below, depending on the number of points you score. Read also our articles on how to prepare and pass international tests: and.

% LevelLevel according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)
0 – 20 Beginner, ElementaryA1+ to A2
21 – 40 Pre-intermediateA2 + to B1
41 – 60 IntermediateB1
61 – 80 Upper-intermediateB2
81 – 100 AdvancedC1

Please note that the English level test provides only approximate scores and cannot be used for admission to educational institutions. In addition, this test does not assess your writing, reading or speaking skills.

CEFR level ( Common European Framework of Reference (level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is a unified system for assessing language knowledge, using which you can compare even the knowledge of different languages, for example, your English is at level B1, and Chinese is at level A2.

So, let's take the test.

TEST (60 questions)

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each question

Start Quiz

Or during courses, you will definitely come across the concept of “levels of English” or “levels of English proficiency”, as well as such incomprehensible designations as A1, B2, and the more understandable Beginner, Intermediate and so on. From this article you will learn what these formulations mean and what levels of language proficiency are distinguished, as well as how to determine your level of English.

Levels of the English language were invented so that language learners could be divided into groups with approximately similar knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking and writing, as well as to simplify testing procedures, examinations, for various purposes related to emigration, study abroad and employment. This classification helps in recruiting students into a group and preparing teaching aids, methods, and language teaching programs.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between the levels; this division is quite arbitrary, needed not so much by students as by teachers. In total, there are 6 levels of language proficiency, there are two types of division:

  • Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,
  • Levels Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency.

Essentially they are just two different names for the same thing. These 6 levels are divided into three groups.

Table: English language proficiency levels

The classification was developed in the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, it is completely called the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (abbr. CERF).

English language levels: detailed description

Beginner level (A1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases aimed at solving specific problems.
  • Introduce yourself, introduce other people, ask simple personal questions, for example, “Where do you live?”, “Where are you from?”, be able to answer such questions.
  • Maintain a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly, clearly and helps you.

Many who studied English at school speak the language at approximately the Beginner level. From the vocabulary only elementary mother, father, help me, my name is, London is the capital. You can understand well-known words and expressions by ear if they speak very clearly and without accent, as in the audio lessons for the textbook. You understand texts like the “Exit” sign, and in a conversation with the help of gestures, using individual words, you can express the simplest thoughts.

Level Elementary (A2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand common expressions on general topics such as family, shopping, work, etc.
  • Talk about simple everyday topics using simple phrases.
  • Talk about yourself in simple terms, describe simple situations.

If you got a 4 or 5 in English at school, but after that you didn’t use English for some time, then most likely you speak the language at the Elementary level. TV programs in English will not be understandable, except for individual words, but the interlocutor, if he speaks clearly, in simple phrases of 2-3 words, will generally understand. You can also incoherently and with long pauses for reflection tell the simplest information about yourself, say that the sky is blue and the weather is clear, express a simple wish, place an order at McDonald's.

The Beginner – Elementary levels can be called a “survival level”, Survival English. It is enough to “survive” during a trip to a country where the main language is English.

Intermediate level (B1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of clear speech on common, familiar topics related to everyday life (work, study, etc.)
  • Cope with the most typical situations while traveling (at the airport, in a hotel, etc.)
  • Compose simple, coherent text on general or personally familiar topics.
  • Retell events, describe hopes, dreams, ambitions, be able to briefly talk about plans and explain your point of view.

Vocabulary and knowledge of grammar are enough to write simple essays about yourself, describe incidents from life, write a letter to a friend. But in most cases, oral speech lags behind written speech, you confuse tenses, think about a phrase, pause to find a preposition (to or for?), but you can communicate more or less, especially if there is no shyness or fear of making mistakes.

Understanding your interlocutor is much more difficult, and if it is a native speaker, and even with fast speech and a bizarre accent, then it is almost impossible. However, simple, clear speech is understandable well, provided the words and expressions are familiar. You generally understand if the text is not very complex, and with some difficulty you understand the general meaning without subtitles.

Upper Intermediate level (B2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical (specialized) topics in your profile.
  • Speak quickly enough so that communication with a native speaker occurs without long pauses.
  • Compose clear, detailed text on various topics, explain points of view, give arguments for and against various points of view on the topic.

Upper Intermediate is already a good, solid, confident command of the language. If you are talking on a well-known topic with a person whose pronunciation you understand well, then the conversation will go quickly, easily, naturally. An outside observer will say that you are fluent in English. However, you may be confused by words and expressions related to topics that you do not understand well, all sorts of jokes, sarcasm, hints, slang.

You are asked to answer 36 questions to test your listening, writing, speaking and grammar skills.

It is noteworthy that to test listening comprehension, they do not use phrases recorded by the speaker like “London is the capital”, but short excerpts from films (Puzzle English specializes in learning English from films and TV series). In English-language films, the characters' speech is close to how people speak in real life, so the test can seem harsh.

Chandler from Friends doesn't have the best pronunciation.

To check a letter, you need to translate several phrases from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The program provides several translation options for each phrase. To test your knowledge of grammar, a completely ordinary test is used, where you need to choose one option from several proposed ones.

But you're probably wondering how the program can test your speaking skills? Of course, an online English test will not test your speech like a human, but the test developers have come up with an original solution. In the task you need to listen to a phrase from the film and choose a line suitable for continuing the dialogue.

Talking is not enough, you also need to understand your interlocutor!

The ability to speak English consists of two skills: listening to the speech of your interlocutor and expressing your thoughts. This task, although in a simplified form, tests how you cope with both tasks.

At the end of the test, you will be shown a complete list of questions with the correct answers, and you will find out where you made mistakes. And of course, you will see a chart with an assessment of your level on a scale from Beginner to Upper Intermediate.

2. Test to determine the level of English with a teacher

To get a professional, “live” (and not automated, as in tests) assessment of the level of the English language, you need English teacher, which will test you with tasks and an interview in English.

This consultation can be done free of charge. Firstly, there may be a language school in your city that offers free language testing and even a trial lesson. This is now a common practice.

In short, I signed up for a trial lesson-test, got in touch on Skype at the appointed time, and teacher Alexandra and I had a lesson during which she “tortured” me in every possible way with various tasks. All communication was in English.

My trial lesson on SkyEng. We check your knowledge of grammar.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher explained to me in detail in which direction I should develop my English, what problems I have, and a little later she sent me a letter with a detailed description of the level of language skills (with ratings on a 5-point scale) and methodological recommendations.

This method took some time: three days passed from submitting the application to the lesson, and the lesson itself lasted about 40 minutes. But this is much more interesting than any online test.

Friends! Now I’m not doing tutoring, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site - there are native (and non-native) language teachers there👅 for all occasions and for every pocket :) I myself took more than 50 lessons with teachers I found there !

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