Jesus Christ – God appeared in the flesh

Etre and avoir educational and methodological material on the French language (grade 5) on the topic of Being in French

The verb être is one of the most irregular verbs of all the verbs in French. If verbs had a gender, it would be feminine - in its...

in detail / 28.02.2024
Types of chemical reactions in organic chemistry lesson plan in chemistry (grade 10) on the topic

>> Chemistry: Types of chemical reactions in organic chemistry Reactions of organic substances can be formally divided into four main types: substitution,...

in detail / 19.02.2024
Chemical equilibrium: chemical equilibrium constant and ways of expressing it Factors affecting chemical equilibrium

Let's return to the process of ammonia production, expressed by the equation: N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) → 2NH 3 (g) Being in a closed volume, nitrogen and hydrogen ...

in detail / 01.02.2024
Calculating the area of ​​a polygon from the coordinates of its vertices Determining the area of ​​a triangle from the coordinates of its vertices

The coordinate method, proposed in the 17th century by French mathematicians R. Descartes (1596-1650) and P. Fermat (1601-1665), is a powerful apparatus...

in detail / 30.01.2024
How many languages ​​does Yevtushenko know?

Poet, screenwriter, film director; co-chairman of the writers' association "April", secretary of the board of the Commonwealth of Writers' Unions; was born...

in detail / 25.12.2023
Physical and chemical properties of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide - all these are names for one substance known to us as carbon dioxide. So what are the properties...

in detail / 21.11.2023
Achievements and trophies All Fallout 4 achievements on Steam

Collections, collecting, etc.

in detail / 25.10.2023
Ranger Corps Open 100 locations. Remember that for your convenience, there is a mobile companion for three platforms and...

Quotes about winter Winter in Russian poetry

in detail / 19.10.2023
Sergei Yesenin I'm on my way. Quiet. Ringing sounds are heard. Under the hoof in the snow, Only the gray crows made noise in the meadow. Bewitched by the invisible, The forest sleeps under a fairy tale...

Behavioral approach to leadership

in detail / 07.08.2023
Behavioral Approach to Leadership The behavioral approach has created a framework for classifying leadership styles or behavioral styles. This got serious...

Spiritual warfare of a Christian

in detail / 20.07.2023
“...First of all, “know yourself,” that is, learn about yourself as you are. What you truly are, not what you think you are. With such...

Each preschool educational organization is obliged to change the structure of its main educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (OOP of preschool educational institution according to...

in detail / 24.06.2023
The system of work of a social teacher at school The system of social pedagogical activities

N. V. Abramovskikh ESSENCE AND FEATURES OF SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES The work is presented by the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social...

in detail / 05.04.2023
Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University

The former Printing Yard on Nikolskaya Street Kitai-Gorod. Successor (MGIAI), founded in 1930. Encyclopedic YouTube 1 / 5✪...

in detail / 19.06.2022
How to tell your child about the planets of the solar system

PLANETS In ancient times, people knew only five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, only they can be seen with the naked eye....

in detail / 18.05.2022
Abstract: Reactions of phenols Preparation from aromatic sulfonic acids

ResorcinolQualitative reactions 1. A solution of resorcinol from 1 drop of ferric chloride solution takes on different shades of blue, to dark purple,...

in detail / 29.08.2021
The first after Lenin - Lev Davidovich Trotsky

Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein) (born November 7, 1879 - died August 21, 1940) - revolutionary, ideologist of Trotskyism. One of the organizers...

in detail / 23.11.2020
Korsun-Shevchenko offensive operation

On February 17, 1944, the destruction of the encircled German group in Right Bank Ukraine was completed.

in detail / 02.10.2020
At the end of December 1943, troops of the 1st...

Battle of Konotop Election of Vygovsky as hetman

in detail / 04.07.2020