Achievements and trophies. Achievements and trophies All Fallout 4 achievements on Steam

Collections, collecting, etc.
Ranger Corps
Open 100 locations.

Remember that for convenience there is a mobile companion for three platforms and an interactive map There are a total of 312 locations in the game.

You can simply enter the cheat code tmm 1 and all the points on the map will appear. The hero will immediately receive the achievement. After this, enter tmm 0 and the markers will disappear (except for those that the Hero opened “for real”) and you can play as if nothing had happened.

These are plastic figures (…They"re Action Figures)
Collect 20 Vault-Tec bobbleheads.

We talked in detail about dolls

Free Shooter (Gun-For-Hire)
Complete 10 side quests.

Statistics: Info-Statistics-Tasks-Tasks. (the localization is a little confusing).

For example, to help settlements defend against attackers. The quests are temporary, but for some reason failure is counted. Moreover, there are additional tasks in missions, so you need to complete them.

Complete 50 tasks.

In the statistics menu: Info-Statistics-Tasks-Additional tasks. (localization is a little confusing)

For example, constantly calling the Brotherhood of Steel turntable and quickly moving to a safe location. From there again a rocket-turntable-location...This way you can farm it.

Never Go It Alone
Hire 5 companions

Jack of all trades (Fix-Er-Upper)
Create 100 objects in the workshop

The more painful it is to fall (…The Harder They Fall)
Kill 5 huge monsters.
For example, like this:

Press - hoy! (Print's Not Dead)
Read 20 magazines.

What was yours is now mine (What's Yours Is Mine)
Pick 50 locks.

Pip-Boy lock statistics: info-statistics-crime

There is a little secret in the game. This is the "eternal castle". That is a castle, next to the terminal. The lock was opened, we went behind the terminal and the lock was turned on. and so in one place we slowly collect 50 autopsies. The terminal has a security level: medium.
Lock and terminal address: Medford Hospital. Floor 1. Left corridor. Door two.

RobCo's Worst Nightmare
Hack 50 terminals.

Pip-Boy terminal statistics: info-statistics-crime.

Armed and Dangerous
Create 50 weapon modifications.

Upgrade weapons 50 times.

Survival in the Wasteland (Wasteland D.I.Y)
Craft 100 items.

Prepare food too - it will count

Local Leader (Community Organizer)
Make an alliance with 3 settlements.

The point is not just to increase the happiness of the residents, but to protect the settlement as soon as you catch their Call (special quests).

Scavenger (Scavver)
Collect 100 crafting components.

You can do it simpler: store some things in the workshop. Then take them out of storage and put them back in. It counts.

beat 300 people

Liquidator (Animal Control)
kill 300 creatures.

These are not dolls... (They"re Not Dolls...)
Collect 10 Vault-Tec bobbleheads

Miscellaneous (factions, games, etc.)

The First Step
Join the Minutemen faction.

This is possible after the quest “The First Step”. It is then that the Hero will be offered to become part of the faction.

Sex appeal (Lovable)
Increase your relationship level to the maximum with one companion.

Retrofuturism (Future Retro)
Play the game on the holotape.

This is done in Vault 111. In the dining room. The point is to play on the computer. There is no need to win, you can just start the game and there will be an achievement.

Games in Fallout 4:

Zeta Invaders
Red Menace (dodge the barrels that will be thrown at you)
Atomic Command (defense the city from missiles)
Grognak the Barbarian and the Ruby Ruins

An example of one of the games is shown at 1:31 minutes.

Return of the Prankster (Prankster's Return)
During theft, place a bomb or mine in the victim's pocket.

Use this merchant. They bought a grenade, went behind him and put it in front of him.

Semper Invicta
Join the Brotherhood of Steel faction.

To do this, we talk with Paladin Dance (the one who can become our partner) after completing the quest “A Call to Arms”. You can find him at the same Cambridge police station. Where will he go?

Agent work (Tradecraft)
Join the Underground faction.

Your destination is the Boston Common location. There is a monument and a red line that goes to the Old Church. In the basement you will need to collect the word RailRoad on a special circle.

Benevolent Leader
Get the maximum amount of Happiness in one settlement

Home run! (Homerun!)
Hit a home run.

It's basically jogging through the baseball bases. To do this, you will have to go to Diamond City. Enter the location and run counterclockwise around the entire town.

Touchdown! (Touchdown!)
Score a touchdown.

To do this, die after meeting the giant Super Mutant Kamikaze. Just die, and don’t forget to turn off cheats if you use them. You can find the giants by the siren and the red bomb that will flash.

Or you can die from a mini-nuclear charge. Shoot your feet from the Fat Man or die from someone.

Hero levels

Born Survivor
Reach level 5.

Commonwealth Citizen
Reach level 10.

Unstoppable Wanderer
Reach level 25.

Legend Of The Wastes
Reach level 50.

This is not the maximum level, but no more achievements will be issued. In general, there is no level limit in the game.

Quests (plot+factions)

War Never Changes
Exit to the Wasteland.

First of all, if during the prologue you did not play the mini-game on the computer and did not receive the corresponding achievement Retrofuturism (Future Retro).

When Freedom Calls
Complete the mission "Call of Freedom"

The first story mission and mission for the Minutemen faction, which begins in the city of Concord at the Liberty Museum. But to get it after all, you will need to meet with Preston Garvey in Sanctuary.

Complete the mission "Sanctuary"

After “Call of Freedom,” we go with Harvey Preston and his friends to Sanctuary and help Sturges settle there. In total, you need to do three quests to plant vegetables, build beds, fortify the settlement, provide water, etc..

Unlikely Valentine
Complete the "Valentine's Day" mission

Fourth story mission. We find Nick in the subway, pick up the doll, exit the subway and, voila, we have an achievement.

Complete the mission "Reunion"

Sixth story mission. Act I of the story campaign ends.

Dangerous Minds
Complete the mission "Dangerous Thoughts"

The seventh task of the story campaign. Beginning of Act II.

Complete the mission "Hunter/Hunted"

The fourth task of Act II of the story campaign.

The Molecular Level
Complete the mission "Molecular Level"

How to find the Underground faction is described in the "Undercover" trophy above. At this point, it is recommended to stop, save and begin quests for all trophies.

Complete the task “Closed Institution”

The last task of the plot and joining the Institute. After this, an open game begins, the Hero can continue to help the Faction and complete quests. But at some point the game will ask who the hero wants to stay with and will have to choose.

To get all the achievements at once, it would be better to save in advance and do all the quests as described below.

Prepared for the Future
Decide the fate of the Commonwealth

A kind of Act III, complete completion of the plot and choice of the Hero.

Assault on Fort Independence
Complete the mission "Assault on Fort Independence"

The fourth mission of the Minutemen to capture the "Castle".

Old Guns
Complete the mission "Old Guns"

Key mission for the Minutemen. Remember that after building artillery, the Hero still needs to assign people to control them. So, do this in the Workshop as well.

Mankind Redefined
Complete the mission "A New Face of Humanity"

Third quest for the Institute. Upon completion, the Hero will have a new companion - the synth X6-88.

Powering Up
Complete the "Launch" task

Key task of the Institute (point of no return in the faction plot)

Nuclear Family
Complete the mission "Family Split"

Complete the Faction Institute storyline.

Critical Mass (The Nuclear Option)
Complete the mission "Critical Mass"

Blow up the Institute, while the Hero may be on the side of the Brotherhood of Steel, or the Minutemen, or the Underground. All three have the same quest.

Blind Betrayal
Complete the mission "Blind Betrayal"

One of the tasks of the Brotherhood of Steel, in which the fate of Paladin Dance will be decided.

Ad Victoria
Complete the task "Ad Victoriam"

The Brotherhood of Steel's mission to prepare for the explosion of the Institute.

Underground and undercover
Complete the mission "Underground and Undercover"

Key task for the Underground (point of no return).

Rockets" Red Glare
Complete the mission "Red Flash of Missiles"

Quest for the Underground faction, before the explosion of the Institute.

Achievements at a time
There are many trophies tied to factions that are impossible to obtain in one standard playthrough. Therefore, you will have to save and load, do all sorts of different things and load again. But then in one playthrough you can complete all the achievements.

It's chaotic, painstaking, but... there is actually an option...

1. Save on the mission "Molecular Level". This is the penultimate quest. You can save the save file in a separate folder so it doesn’t get lost. For Win 8.1 they are stored here: User\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves Let it be Save1.

By this point, tasks must be completed to the point of no return in each faction.

2. Complete missions for the Minutemen throughout the game until you complete the "Old Guns" quest, for which you will receive the corresponding achievement.

3. Complete Brotherhood of Steel quests and complete the Semper Invicta quest

4. For the Underground we stop after “Agent Work”. We begin the next quest, “Underground and Undercover,” but do not complete it, but stop in the middle, when the moment appears with an offer to work for my father. There is no need to do this.

5. We do everything for the Institute and start “Mass Fusion”. But we reach the moment when the Hero is asked: is he confident in his choice and decision, because for the Brotherhood of Steel this is oh so undesirable.

At this moment we choose refusal and save. Let it be Save2. This file will be required to obtain Brotherhood achievements. Then we will upload it.

6. We continue the Institute quests and after completing the “Launch” quest, we get the trophy and save again. Let it be Save3. This is a save for the Underground.

7. We complete everything that is required for the Institute, and in our pocket we have the Nuclear Family trophy.

8. Now load save number 2 (Brotherhood of Steel) and complete their quests and collect achievements.

9. Load save 3 for the Underground and similarly do their quests - achievements in your pocket.

10. Load ours, any save (the same first one) and continue to play the way you want, we already have achievements, so we enjoy it even though we know what’s ahead.

You can also watch a video of how this is all done, but it’s a little chaotic.

Many gamers play through a game not just to finish it. Naturally, you can play just for fun, you can look for various bonus items, but there is another extremely common reason. The fact is that almost all modern games have achievements (or “achievements”) that can be obtained by performing certain actions. Achievements do not affect the gameplay in any way - they are simply recorded outside the game and serve as a collectible.

Many people love collecting achievements, and some even try to collect all the achievements in absolutely every game they play. Sometimes this is easy to achieve, and sometimes it is more than difficult. Some achievements you get simply for completing a certain part of the story campaign, while to get another achievement you will have to do something extremely difficult or unpleasant for several hours. This article will review the achievements of Fallout 4.

Why is this article needed?

Using this material, you will be able to prepare as best as possible for receiving all the achievements, as well as find out exactly how you can get them. As with other games, achievements in Fallout 4 can be either simple or complex - either way, you can complete them if you follow this guide.

How to get achievements?

Fallout 4 achievements are extremely easy to obtain - you do not need to make any specific settings, set any indicators, and so on. Achievements are received automatically when the system reads that you have completed the action necessary to receive it. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that you can only get achievements if you play honestly. The use of cheats, mods, trainers, etc. is immediately determined by the system, and you will not be able to get the achievement if you use any of the above. Therefore, it is recommended to play honestly and not try to modify the game - some people say that with mods they still get achievements, but most people note that the achievements are simply not credited. So if the achievements you have earned do not count, disable all cheats, trainers, mods, etc., and then restart the game. If necessary, you can even restart your computer or reinstall the game, but most often you don’t have to use such extreme measures - Fallout 4 achievements work almost flawlessly.

Difficulty level

In Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop, achieving achievements will not be as easy as everyone would like, so you need to provide yourself with the necessary conditions to complete it. When you don't care about achievements, you can set the difficulty level to high or even hardcore. But if your goal is to collect all the achievements available in the game, then you are better off choosing the lowest difficulty level to be more likely to complete all the tasks. Naturally, this must be combined with frequent saves in case, for some reason, you were unable to take the necessary actions to obtain the achievement. Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop has a wide variety of achievements, so you'll need to keep a close eye on your progress to make sure you don't miss out on any of them.


In this game there are achievements for which you will need to collect certain items, meet specific people, and so on. This may seem extremely tedious, so you can use special maps for Fallout 4. Steam achievements will not be awarded just for using cheats, but you can look at the maps yourself outside the game - they simply mark the location of all the items needed to obtain the achievement. This will make your task much easier, and you will be able to have much more fun, rather than rack your brain over a specific achievement for hours. Especially in Automatron, achievements can give you a lot of problems, but with the help of the necessary tools you can get them without problems - of course, for this you need to install the add-on itself.


What if you want to get all the achievements available in Fallout 4? The guide will tell you about all types of achievements, but you will still have to collect them. Therefore, you need to develop your own plan anyway. First, study absolutely all the achievements that are available in the game, and make sure that you understand the essence of each of them. There are fifty achievements in total, so everything is not as bad as it might seem at first. Break them down into appropriate groups, assess where they can be completed on the map - and proceed strictly according to the plan. You shouldn’t try to earn all the achievements at once - choose several, or even better, one specific one, in order to more effectively move towards your goal. Now you know how to get all the achievements in Fallout 4.

Logical approach

In Fallout 4, you can get achievements from the very beginning of the game, but you need to think about what exactly you will do to get them. If you need to collect some items that are in a relatively safe place, then you can at least immediately aim to get this achievement. But if you are required to mass murder deathclaws, then you better think about the fact that these are some of the most powerful opponents in the game. And even taking into account the fact that the strength of your enemies adjusts to your character as your level increases, death claws are extremely dangerous at the very beginning. Therefore, always weigh your approach to each of the achievements - put off for later those that will be difficult for you to do at a particular point in time, since, quite possibly, later you will be able to get this achievement without the slightest problem.

Caring for the Settlement

One of the main distinguishing features of the fourth part of this legendary post-apocalyptic series is the ability to create your own settlement. You can build walls and buildings inside them. Other survivors can settle there, you can store resources, tools and much more there. So always make sure that your Settlement is protected and well developed. What does this have to do with achievement? In fact, quite straightforward - the fact is that many achievements in the game are related to resources, crafting and the Settlement itself, so you better take care of your small town from the very beginning, as it is incredibly interesting - and will also make it much easier later on getting some achievements.

Story Achievements

So, it's time to talk about specific achievements and their groups - yes, achievements can be divided into groups depending on their type, and the first group is story achievements. As you can easily understand, any achievement that you receive as you progress through the story campaign belongs to this group. For example, in Fallout 4, the “Domestication” achievement is a story achievement; this group also includes the “Call of the Wild”, “Sanctuary” achievements, and so on. You won’t have any problems with these achievements at all - they will appear as the game progresses, and you won’t have to hunt for them at all. Therefore, there is no particular point in paying much attention to this section - moreover, it is not worth describing the receipt of each achievement in detail, since it will not be possible to do without spoilers. But you don’t want to ruin your experience of playing Fallout 4? In this case, you will need to get the achievement “Hunter/Victim”, “Blind Betrayal” and many others on your own.

Faction Achievements

The next group of achievements is directly related to factions - groups that you can join as you progress through the game. There are several of them, and each of them has a chain of quests that you can complete in the future. Fortunately, quests do not affect achievements - your task is only to join one faction or another, after which you will immediately acquire a specific achievement. It would seem that everything is simple, but it is not always possible for you to join all factions without problems, especially if you already have excellent relations with one of them - others will look at you with suspicion, sometimes even aggressively. So you have to try hard here. The main achievements in this group are "The First Step", Semper Invicta and "Undercover Work".

Settlement and crafting

A little has already been said about these achievements earlier, now it’s time to talk about them in more detail. This group of achievements concerns everything that you will do with your Settlement, as well as any actions related to crafting items. For example, you can take the “Local Leader” achievement - you will receive it if you can form an alliance with three other settlements. It may seem simple at first glance, but in reality it can be much more complicated. Plus, this achievement can no longer be obtained just like that - some people go through the entire game without forming an alliance with almost anyone and, accordingly, without receiving this achievement. As for materials, here, for example, you can take the “Scavenger” achievement - to get it you need to collect a thousand units of resources - absolutely all the resources that you can find count. Well, for crafting, an ideal example would be the “Jack of all trades” achievement, which you will get when you create at least one hundred objects using collected materials.


This is one of the most interesting and extensive groups, which was already mentioned earlier - when it came to the cards you need to make it easier to get all the achievements. Here you need to either collect certain items, or kill the required number of enemies, or cope with a specific number of quests. In general, in most cases these tasks are not that difficult - you only need patience and a lot of time. After all, if the “Free Shooter” achievement is extremely easy to get, since you only need to complete ten side quests, then the “Genocide” or “Liquidator” achievement will be extremely difficult to get. Not in the sense that you will have to try hard - you will just need to spend a lot of time, since the essence of the achievements is to kill 300 people and the same number of monsters, respectively. So you need to understand that in Fallout 4, the “Kindling” achievement, for example, will be easier to obtain than “The Harder to Fall” - this is the whole beauty of the process.


There is no point in talking much about this group of achievements, because almost all achievements here are extremely easy to obtain. Well, who can fail to fulfill the conditions of the “Survival Expert” achievement, if all you need to get it is to reach the fifth hero level. You can do this already in the first half hour of the game, so there is no point in considering how exactly you can get this achievement. The only thing that might give you a problem is Legend of the Wasteland. This achievement requires your hero to be level fifty, but if you don't want to spend a lot of time, you won't be able to get to that high level. So you will have to spend much more time than you would initially like - you can simplify the process with one of the quests, for example, “Learning Curve”, which will allow you to earn experience quickly and, so to speak, without leaving the cash register.

Naturally, not all achievements here relate specifically to raising the level of your hero - there are others: for example, you need to raise the level of your relationship with at least one of your companions to the maximum. This is the “Sex Appeal” achievement, which is extremely difficult to complete blindly. Of course, it is more interesting to try different approaches to companions, but if you are focused solely on achievements, and the rest of the process no longer concerns you, then it is recommended to use a special table that clearly outlines what exactly each of your potential companions likes. This way you can raise your relationship with them to the maximum level quickly and painlessly.

Eurogamer published an article analyzing the achievements of Fallout 4. The topic is interesting, so below is my free translation.

Exophase, a site that tracks all achievements and in-game trophies, today released the full list of achievements in Fallout 4. There are 51 achievements in the game in total, and while many are self-explanatory, there are a few achievements that could point to potential parts plot.

Attention: There may be spoilers and wild guesses below:

Let's start simple - "War Never Changes" looks like the first achievement you can earn simply by completing the prologue, which describes the events before the war, and then entering the wasteland. Expect it right after the Vault 111 hatch opens and you get your first glimpse of the ruins of Boston.

The image of the When Freedom Calls badge leads us to believe that you'll earn this trophy for rescuing a potential companion, most likely Preston Garvey. As seen in the gameplay shown at E3, the player first encounters Preston and his Minutemen in Concord's Museum of Freedom, where they are hiding from a raider attack.

An unusual respite after a shoot/pick? The "Home Run" and "Touchdown" achievements may suggest participation in sporting events, which would be a pleasant pastime after the bloody shootouts in V.A.T.S mode. At least one of them (probably a home run) will take place in Diamond City, which is built on the ruins of the Fenway Park baseball stadium in Boston.

"Reunions" may contain the biggest spoiler in the entire list of achievements. If I'm not mistaken, this may be due to my personal theory that the sole survivor will leave Vault 111 to find his child (who we briefly see in the trailer). The icon shows Vault Boy chasing a baby in a stroller, but this image may simply be symbolic. For all we know, the surviving child may already be an adult when we finally meet him/her, and of course it won't necessarily be a happy reunion. Imagine if this achievement comes after you stumbled upon the remains of your family? What if your offspring is already older than you? What if he is a raider? So many possibilities!

Fallout 4 should have its own Megaton. Watching Megaton's atomic explosion from atop Tenpenny Tower in Fallout 3 was one of the most memorable gaming moments of the last generation, so could The Nuclear Option present the player with a similar moral dilemma? Also, the building being blown up in the achievement picture is very similar to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT is home to the second largest university nuclear reactor in America, so it doesn't take much imagination to realize that this reactor could explode and vaporize the entire university.

Thanks to the quest “Artificial Man” from Fallout 3, we know that in the Fallout universe there is a mysterious organization called the Institute, which has such highly advanced technology that it can produce androids indistinguishable from humans. The achievements "Institutionalized", "Mankind-Redefined" and "Powering Up" obviously relate to this theme. The image for "Institutionalized" foreshadows some kind of danger, "Mankind-Redefined" suggests the creation of androids that will be superior to humans in everything, "Powering Up" shows android figures behind Vault Boy.

"Ad Victoriam" translates to "to victory." It's hard to say anything based on this image, but it looks like Vault Boy is standing in front of a giant robot leg. Perhaps we'll see Liberty Prime again?

Adding weight to the theory that much of Fallout 4's plot will revolve around the Institute and the androids, the "Tradecraft" achievement joins you with the Railroad. In Fallout 3, the Railroad was an underground organization that helped androids and humans free themselves from slavery and gain independence.

Just as there is an achievement for joining the Railroad, similar achievements are given for joining the Brotherhood of Steel and the Minutemen. Perhaps these are the three main factions of the game? It's also interesting to note that there is no trophy for joining the Institute - further proof that they are the bad guys?

Finally, the description for "Prepared for the Future" reads "Determine the fate of the Commonwealth" and shows an armed Vault Boy standing in front of (or at least what appears to be) a burning city. This is almost certainly confirmation of multiple endings for the main storyline. Will you become a good savior or let the whole world burn in the fire of chaos? I'm not sure about my playthrough yet, but it will be very interesting to find out!

There are 51 achievements/trophies, of which 50 are standard and one common, platinum, which, by the will of the developers, is called

Note that there are a lot of trophies for gaining levels, which is not difficult to get, because experience in the game is given for literally everything: killings, research, tasks, crafting and more. There are also a lot of cumulative achievements for killing 300 creatures, people or collecting items. In general, there are no trophies that are difficult to obtain, but some have their own characteristics, since they cannot be obtained at once, so we will consider them all. All trophies for tasks (plot, factions) are at the end of the material.

There are many trophies tied to factions that are impossible to obtain in one standard playthrough. Therefore, you will have to save and load, do all sorts of different things and load again. But then in one playthrough you can complete all the achievements.

1. Save on the mission "Molecular Level". This is the penultimate quest. You can save the save file in a separate folder so it doesn’t get lost. For Win 8.1 they are stored here: User\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves Let it be Save1. By this point, tasks must be completed to the point of no return in each faction.

2. Complete missions as the Minutemen throughout the game until you complete the “Old Guns” quest, for which you will receive the corresponding achievement.

3. Complete the tasks of the Brotherhood of Steel before completing the Semper Invicta quest

4. For the Underground we stop after “Agent Work”. We begin the next quest, “Underground and Undercover,” but do not complete it, but stop in the middle, when the moment appears with an offer to work for my father. There is no need to do this.

5. We do everything for the Institute and start “Mass Fusion”. But we reach the moment when the Hero is asked: is he confident in his choice and decision, because for the Brotherhood of Steel this is oh so undesirable. At this moment we choose refusal and save. Let it be Save2. This file will be required to obtain Brotherhood achievements. Then it will load it.

6. We continue the Institute quests and after completing the “Launch” quest we receive the trophy and save again. Let it be Save3. This is a save for the Underground.

7. We complete everything that is required for the Institute and we have the Nuclear Family trophy in our pocket.

8. Now load save number 2 (Brotherhood of Steel) and complete their quests and collect achievements.

9. Load save 3 for the Underground and similarly do their quests - achievements in your pocket.

10. Load ours, any save (the same first one) and continue to play the way you want, we already have achievements, so we enjoy it even though we know what’s ahead.

Ranger Corps

Open 100 locations. Remember that for your convenience, there is a mobile companion (link) and an interactive map of the IGN portal (in English). There are a total of 312 locations in the game. You can simply enter the cheat code tmm 1 and all the points on the map will appear. The hero will immediately receive the achievement. After this, enter tmm 0 and the markers will disappear (except for those that the Hero opened “for real”) and you can play as if nothing had happened.

...These are plastic figures (...Theyre Action Figures)

Collect 20 Vault-Tec bobbleheads. We tell you in detail about dolls

The First Step

Join the Minutemen faction. This is possible after the quest “The First Step”. It is then that the Hero will be offered to become part of the faction.

Prepared for the Future

Decide the fate of the Commonwealth A kind of Act III, complete completion of the plot and choice of the Hero.

Free Shooter (Gun-For-Hire)

Complete 10 side quests. Statistics: Info-Statistics-Tasks-Tasks. (the localization is a little confusing). For example, to help settlements defend against attackers. The quests are temporary, but for some reason failure is counted. Moreover, there are additional tasks in missions, so you need to complete them.


Complete 50 tasks. In the statistics menu: Info-Statistics-Tasks-Additional tasks. (The localization is a little confused). For example, constantly calling the Brotherhood of Steel turntable and quickly moving to a safe location. From there again a rocket-turntable-location...This way you can farm.

Never Go It Alone

Hire 5 companions. We told you more about satellites (who, where, etc.)

Sex appeal (Lovable)

Increase your relationship level to the maximum with one companion. We talked in more detail about satellites (who, where, etc.) in.

Jack of all trades (Fix-Er-Upper)

Create 100 objects in the workshop.

Retrofuturism (Future Retro)

Play the game on the holotape. This is done back in Vault 111. The point is to play on the computer. Games in Fallout 4: Zeta Invaders Red Menace (dodge the barrels that will be thrown at you), PipFall Atomic Command (defend the city from missiles), Grognak the Barbarian and the Ruby Ruins. An example of one of the games is shown at 1:31 minutes.

...The Harder They Fall (...The Harder They Fall)

Kill 5 huge monsters. For example, like this:

Press - hoy! (Print's Not Dead)

Read 20 magazines Read more about.

Prankster's Return

During theft, place a bomb or mine in the victim's pocket. Use this merchant. We bought a grenade, went behind him and put it in front of him.

What was yours is now mine (What`s Yours Is Mine)

Pick 50 locks. Pip-Boy lock statistics: info-statistics-crime. There is a little secret in the game. This is an eternal castle. That is a castle, next to the terminal. The lock was opened, we went behind the terminal and the lock was turned on. and so in one place we slowly collect 50 autopsies. The terminal has a security level: medium. Lock and terminal address: Medford Hospital. Floor 1. Left corridor. Door two.

RobCo's Worst Nightmare

Hack 50 terminals. Pip-Boy terminal statistics: info-statistics-crime.

Armed and Dangerous

Create 50 weapon modifications.

Survival in the Wasteland (Wasteland D.I.Y)

Craft 100 items. Prepare food too - it will count.

Semper Invicta

Join the Brotherhood of Steel faction. To do this, we talk with Paladin Dance (the one who can become our partner) after completing the quest “Call to Arms”. You can find him at the same Cambridge police station. Where will he go? There is no need to go at him with an ax :)

Agent work (Tradecraft)

Join the Underground faction. Your destination is the Boston Common location. There is a monument and a red line that goes to the Old Church. In the basement you will need to collect the word RailRoad on a special circle. And, yes, this is the path to finding a new Deacon companion.

Local Leader (Community Organizer)

Make an alliance with 3 settlements. The point is not just to increase the happiness of the residents, but to protect the settlement as soon as you catch their Call (special quests).

Benevolent Leader

Get the maximum amount of Happiness in one settlement.

Scavenger (Scavver)

Collect 100 crafting components. You can do it simpler: store some things in the workshop. Then take them out of storage and put them back in. It counts.

Genocide (Masshole)

Kill 300 people.

Liquidator (Animal Control)

Kill 300 creatures.

Home run! (Homerun!)

Hit a home run. It's basically jogging through the baseball bases. To do this, you will have to go to Diamond City. Enter the location and run counterclockwise around the entire town.

Touchdown! (Touchdown!)

Score a touchdown. To do this, die after meeting the giant Super Mutant Kamikaze. Just die, and don’t forget to turn off cheats if you use them. You can find the giants by the siren and the red bomb that will flash.

These are not dolls... (They`re Not Dolls...)

Collect 10 Vault-Tec bobbleheads

Born Survivor

Reach level 5.

Commonwealth Citizen

Reach level 10.

Unstoppable Wanderer

Reach level 25.

Legend Of The Wastes

Reach level 50. This is not the maximum level, but no more achievements will be issued. In general, there is no level limit in the game.

War Never Changes

Exit to the Wasteland. First of all, if during the prologue you did not play the mini-game on the computer and did not receive the corresponding achievement Retrofuturism (Future Retro).

When Freedom Calls

Complete the mission "Call of Freedom." The first story mission and mission for the Minutemen faction, which begins in the city of Concord at the Liberty Museum. But to get it after all, you will need to meet with Preston Garvey in Sanctuary.


Complete the mission "Sanctuary". After “Call of Freedom,” we go with Harvey Preston and his friends to Sanctuary and help Sturges settle there. In total, you need to do three quests to plant vegetables, build beds, fortify the settlement, provide water, etc..

Unlikely Valentine

Complete the "Valentine's Day" mission. Fourth story mission. We find Nick in the subway, pick up the doll, exit the subway and, voila, we have an achievement.


Complete the mission "Reunion". Sixth story mission. Act I of the story campaign ends.

Assault on Fort Independence

Complete the Assault on Fort Independence mission. The fourth mission of the Minutemen to capture the "Castle".

Dangerous Minds

Complete the mission "Dangerous Thoughts." The seventh task of the story campaign. Beginning of Act II.

Powering Up

Complete the "Launch" task. Key task of the Institute (point of no return in the faction plot)

Nuclear Family

Complete the mission "Family Split." Complete the Faction Institute storyline.

Old Guns

Complete the mission "Old Guns". Key mission for the Minutemen. Remember that after building artillery, the Hero still needs to assign people to control them. So, do this in the Workshop as well.

Mankind Redefined

Complete the mission "A New Face of Humanity." Third quest for the Institute. Upon completion, the Hero will have a new companion - the synth X6-88.


Complete the task “Closed Institution.” The last task of the plot. After this, an open game begins, the Hero can continue to help the Factions and complete quests. But at some point the game will ask who the hero wants to stay with and will have to choose. To get all the achievements at once, it would be better to save in advance and do all the quests as described at the beginning.


Complete the "Hunter/Hunted" mission. The fourth task of Act II of the story campaign.

The Molecular Level

Complete the task "Molecular Level". How to find the Underground faction is described in the “Agent Work” trophy above. At this moment you need to stop, save and start quests for all the trophies.

Critical Mass (The Nuclear Option)

Complete the "Critical Mass" mission. Blow up the Institute, while the Hero may be on the side of the Brotherhood of Steel, or the Minutemen, or the Underground. All three have the same quest.

Blind Betrayal

Complete the mission "Blind Betrayal". One of the tasks of the Brotherhood of Steel, in which the fate of Paladin Dance will be decided.

Ad Victoria

Complete the task "Ad Victoriam". The Brotherhood of Steel's mission to prepare for the explosion of the Institute.

Underground and undercover

Complete the mission "Underground and Undercover." Key task for the Underground (point of no return).

Rockets Red Glare

Complete the mission "Red Flash of Missiles." Quest for the Underground faction, before the explosion of the Institute.

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