Historical Archival University. Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Former Printing Yard on Nikolskaya Street Kitay-Gorod. Assignee (MGIAI), founded in 1930.

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    ✪ RGGU in faces. Gocha Narsia



All faculties, except for the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law, are located at: 103012, Moscow, st. Nikolskaya, 7, 9 and 15. The Faculty of History, Political Science and Law is located in the main complex of buildings of the Russian State Humanitarian University at the address: 125047, Miusskaya Square, 6k5.

Faculty of archiving

Dean - Cand. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor E. P. Malysheva.

Faculty composition:

  • Department of the History of Russia in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (Head Andrey Lvovich Yurganov);
  • Department of Contemporary Russian History (Head Alexander Bezborodov);
  • Department of General History (Head Natalia Ivanovna Basovskaya);
  • Department of Regional History and Local Lore; foreign languages; history and organization of archives;
  • Department of archeography;
  • Higher School of Source Studies, Auxiliary and Special Historical Disciplines.

Faculty of Records Science and Technotronic Archives

It was created in 2013 by combining the Faculty of Records Science (founded in 1999) and the Faculty of Technotronic Archives and Documents (founded in 1994). Dean - Dr. ist. sciences, prof. G. N. Lanskoy.

Faculty composition:

  • Department of Documentation;
  • Department of History of State Institutions and Public Organizations;
  • Department of Automated Systems for Documentation Support of Management;
  • Documentation laboratory.
  • Department of Audiovisual Documents and Archives (Head - V.M.Magidov);
  • Department of Scientific, Technical and Economic Documents and Archives;
  • Department of Electronic Documents Archives and Technologies;
  • Laboratory of scientific and technical, film and photo documents and micrography;
  • Methodical office.

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities

The faculty was established in 1994. Dean - Dr. ist. sciences, prof. A.P.Logunov. Teaching is conducted in seven specialties: history, political science, law, advertising and public relations, oriental studies, hotel business and tourism.

Faculty composition:

  • Department of Modern Russian History (Head - Lukyanov Dmitry Viktorovich);
  • Department of History and Theory of Historical Science (head - Barysheva Elena Vladimirovna);
  • Department of General Theoretical and Applied Political Science (Head - Borisov Nikolay Alexandrovich);
  • Department of History and Theory of State and Law (head - Ryazanov Evgeny Enkirovich);
  • Department of Culture of Peace and Democracy (Head - Logunov Alexander Petrovich);
  • Department of Social Communications and Technologies (head - Mruz Sergey Vladimirovich);
  • Department of Theory and Practice of Public Relations (head - Klyagin Sergey Vyacheslavovich);
  • Department of the Modern East (head - Grishachev, Sergey Viktorovich);
  • Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center. Yu. V. Knorozova (director - Ershova Galina Gavrilovna).

Department of Local History and Historical and Cultural Tourism

Department composition: Higher School of Document Science and Document Management

Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities (IAI RGGU listen)) is a higher educational institution as part of the Russian State University for the Humanities, which occupies the buildings of the former Printing House on Nikolskaya Street of Kitay-Gorod. Assignee (MGIAI), founded in 1930.


The faculties of the Institute are located in the historical building of the IAI at the address: 103012, Moscow, st. Nikolskaya, 15, and in the main buildings of the Russian State Humanitarian University on Miusskaya Square at the address: 125993, GSP-3, Moscow, Miusskaya Square, 6.

Faculty of Archival Affairs (FAD)

One of the oldest faculties of the Historical and Archival Institute. Teaching is conducted in more than ten areas of undergraduate and graduate training.

Dean - Cand. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Petrovna Malysheva.

Faculty composition:

  • Department of the History of Russia in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Andrey Lvovich Yurganov);
  • Department of Contemporary Russian History (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alexander Borisovich Bezborodov);
  • Department of World History (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Natalia Ivanovna Basovskaya);
  • Department of Regional History and Local Lore (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Fotievich Kozlov);
  • Department of Archival Studies (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Elena Mikhailovna Burova);
  • Department of History and Organization of Archival Affairs (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tatyana Innokentievna Khorkhordina);
  • Educational and Scientific Center of Archaeography (Director - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly Yurievich Afiani).

Also, since 2011, as part of the Faculty of Archiving, by combining the Department of Source Studies (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Valery Ivanovich Durnovtsev) and the Department of Auxiliary Historical Disciplines (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Pchelov Evgeny Vladimirovich) :

  • Higher School of Source Studies, Auxiliary and Special Historical Disciplines (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Mikhailovich Kashtanov).

Faculty of Document Science and Technotronic Archives (FDiTA)

It was created in 2013 by combining the Faculty of Records Science (founded in 1999) and the Faculty of Technotronic Archives and Documents (founded in 1994). Teaching is conducted in ten areas of undergraduate and graduate training.

Faculty composition:

  • Department of Documentation, Audiovisual and Scientific and Technical Archives (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kukarina Yulia Mikhailovna)
  • Department of the History of State Institutions and Public Organizations (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Arkhipova Tatyana Grigoryevna)
  • Department of Automated Documentation Management Systems (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Larin Mikhail Vasilyevich)
  • Laboratory of Documentation and Technotronic Archives (Head - Senior Researcher of the Research Sector Efimenko Elena Anatolyevna)

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law (FIPP)

The faculty was established in 1994. Teaching is conducted in seven areas of undergraduate and graduate studies: History, Political Science, Law, Advertising and Public Relations, Oriental and African Studies (Arabic, Chinese, Farsi), Hospitality and Tourism » .

Faculty composition:

  • Department of History and Theory of Historical Science (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Barysheva Elena Vladimirovna);
  • Department of General Theoretical and Applied Political Science (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Borisov Nikolai Aleksandrovich);
  • Department of History and Theory of State and Law (Head - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Ryazanov Evgeny Enkirovich);
  • Department of Culture of Peace and Democracy (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Logunov Alexander Petrovich);
  • Department of Social Communications and Technologies (Head - Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Mruz Sergey Vladimirovich);
  • Department of Theory and Practice of Public Relations (Head - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Klyagin Sergey Vyacheslavovich);
  • Department of the Modern East (acting head - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Filin Nikita Alexandrovich);
  • Department of Modern Tourism and Hospitality (acting head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Logunov Alexander Petrovich);
  • Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center. Yu. V. Knorozova (Director - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ershova Galina Gavrilovna).

Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies (FMOiZR)

The Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies (FMOiZR) of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities was established in December 2015 on the basis of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies that existed at the Russian State University for the Humanities since 2007. Teaching is conducted in two areas of preparation of undergraduate and graduate programs: "International Relations", "Foreign Regional Studies".

The Institute of Archival Studies was founded in 1930. It was housed in the building of the former Synodal Printing House, where various archival institutions were located after the revolution. In 1932, it was renamed the Historical and Archival Institute named after. M. N. Pokrovsky. From 1938 to 1953 the Institute was under the jurisdiction of the NKVD.

Background: Transformations of the Archives Service

In the first years of Soviet power, the situation with archival research was relatively favorable: for example, the well-known historian, academician S.F. Platonov, who did not sympathize with the new government at all, at the same time noted:

The general process of destruction, in which the process of creation is not yet outlined, oddly enough, had a life-giving effect on archival work... business success.

The reason for this statement by Platonov was, apparently, that although archival documents in the process of breaking the old system, redistributing property, settling new Soviet institutions in old premises were obviously exposed to various kinds of dangers, it was at this time that many historians turned to archival work, the most depoliticized of all possible historical occupations of the early 1920s. With the participation of "old" scientists, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the reorganization and centralization of archives" dated June 1, 1918 was also prepared. D. B. Ryazanov became the first head of the Main Directorate of Archives. Many well-known historians collaborated with the Main Archive: for example, in Moscow S. V. Bakhrushin, M. M. Bogoslovsky, S. K. Bogoyavlensky, S. B. Veselovsky, Yu. V. Gotye, A. A. Kizevetter, N. P. Likhachev, M. K. Lyubavsky, B. I. Nikolaevsky, V. I. Picheta, N. V. Rozhdestvensky, A. N. Savin, A. I. Sobolevsky, D. V. Tsvetaev and others (many of them would later be arrested in the “case of the Academy of Sciences”).

In the autumn of 1920, D. B. Ryazanov was removed from the post of head of the Main Archive, and his place was taken by an influential historian, founder of the Communist Academy and M. N. Pokrovsky, who did not welcome cooperation with the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia, and in archival work emphasized the political significance of the archives preserved in them. documents. The beginning of the politicization of the archive system was laid. There was also a tendency to replace specialists with the necessary qualifications, but "class aliens": by 1927, half of the employees of local archival institutions did not even have a secondary education, but they had a "correct" origin and were "politically reliable". However, the heads of the Main Archive in personnel matters were even less radical than their counterparts in other areas: it was publicly proclaimed that “aged specialists” in “archival and technical” positions should be replaced gradually, as specially trained young workers, selected according to "class-party sign." At the II Congress of Archival Workers, held in 1929, M.N. Pokrovsky also spoke about the fact that, with the unconditional priority of the political significance of the archives, they still remain research institutions, and should also strive to expand the publication of documents (Khorhordina T. I. History and archives. M., 1994). However, this slogan remained in the past as a result of the repressive campaign launched in the same year against historians, local historians and archivists of the old school in the framework of the “case of the Academy of Sciences” (in which, by a strange irony, Pokrovsky himself played an important role).

In 1929, the archival service was transformed into the Central Archival Administration of the USSR (see the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of April 10, 1929). M. N. Pokrovsky remained its leader until his death in 1932.

Then, in 1932-1937, it was headed by J. A. Berzin (Berzins-Ziemelis), who was removed in connection with his arrest and shot in 1938 (according to other sources, he died in prison in 1941).

The Institute of Archives was founded on September 30, 1930. It was housed in the premises of the Synodal Printing House, closed in 1917 and built in 1811-1815. After the revolution, various archival institutions were located here. The initiators of the creation of the Institute were archivist historians V. V. Maksakov and M. S. Vishnevsky, who in July 1930 drew up a note on the need to create a special higher educational institution - the Institute of Archiving under the Central Archival Administration. The idea of ​​establishing the institute was supported by Pokrovsky. In 1932, the Institute was renamed the Historical and Archival Institute (IAI) named after. Pokrovsky.

Teaching at the institute was reduced to the narrowing of specialization as much as possible: any attempts to deal with history in a broader sense than was implied in the name of the institute were condemned. In addition, archival activity was understood most narrowly. In 1931, the journal Proletarian Revolution published Stalin's letter "On Some Questions in the History of Bolshevism", in which he stated that the historian should write history in the interests of his class and party, and those who sought to find documentary evidence of their hypotheses, called them "archival rats". This was a kind of result of the “affairs of the Academy of Sciences”.

In June 1935, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution “On the unsatisfactory state of archives in the USSR”, which contained a clause that read: “Pending the complete streamlining of archives, it is necessary to revise the publishing work plan of the CAU in order to reduce” (Khorhordina T.I. Managers . Attempts to include a specialty in the publication of archival documents in the curriculum of the institute also, as expected, met with resistance.

From the memorandum of V. Merkulov, P. Shariy, I. Nikitinsky, D. Belov to the Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L. P. Beria
[Not earlier than February 27, 1939]
<…>One of the close people of Sokolov [the director of the IAI] was the current head of the Department of the History of the Peoples of the USSR - I. V. Kuznetsov, who all the time sought to turn the institute from a special educational institution that trains archival specialists into an institute that graduates historians in general. The directorate of the institute and the State Agrarian University not only did not oppose these aspirations of Kuznetsov, but, in order not to leave his department without graduate students, they came up with a non-existent specialty, creating a graduate school "on the publication of archival materials."<…>

According to A.P. Gudzinskaya, who graduated from the Institute of History and Archives in 1947, students were not taught to work with Soviet documents:

No, [Soviet source studies] were not read. It was then too taboo, too poignant. What sources could we provide then? None. And for a long, long, long time after that. Also none. Therefore, no, we did not have such a topic.

Denunciations and checks

Publications of documents from the fund of the Main Archive (GARF. F. 5325) belonging to the Historical and Archival Institute, indicate that in the 1930s the atmosphere at the institute was difficult: denunciations, letters to the NKVD and SNK, commissions to verify the activities of the institute, and “cleansing” among employees were not uncommon.

In September 1934, the “old Bolshevik” N. I. Sokolov was appointed to the post of director of the IAI, who actively took up the fight against “class alien” elements within the institute. Regular checks were made on the social origin and political reliability of students and teachers. The following were dismissed: teacher Zevakin (in December 1934) - for perverting the teaching of the history of the USSR (which was expressed in the assertion that the revolution of 1905 failed due to the fact that the Bolshevik party was not active, and also in the fact that he recognized the peasant revolutionary movements). teacher of the new history of the Incerts (in April 1935) - in connection with the accusations of the control commission; teacher of economic policy Ustinov (in September 1935) - for the wrong method of teaching and for the mistakes made of a political nature (he claimed that the dictatorship of the proletariat would be eliminated by the end of the 2nd five-year plan); professor at the History of the USSR course Milman (in April 1935) - since he was arrested; Diamat teacher Polozov (in January 1936) - for mistakes in teaching; consultant on the special subject of archival affairs Lapin (in September 1935) - in connection with the arrest of his son, who was suspected of sabotage (Romanova V. Yu. Central state archives of Moscow and Leningrad: personnel policy at the end 1920s - 1930s years: Dis. … cand. ist. Sciences. M., 2006).

On July 11, 1937, N. I. Sokolov himself was removed from his post: the commission of the Central Archival Administration, which checked the activities of the institute, recognized his work as unsatisfactory. Probably, there were also personal motives here - for example, the chairman of the verification commission was F.A. Sidorov, a former student of the IAI, who quickly made a career in the Central Archival Administration, who in the past had a conflict with the director of the institute. Old-fashioned but formidable accusations were also brought against Sokolov. In particular, he was charged with the fact that in 1928 at the congress of trade unions he voted against the inclusion of Kaganovich in the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. However, there is no information that Sokolov was subsequently arrested.

With the resignation of director Sokolov, the inspections of the institute did not stop at all. Thus, the December audit of 1937 revealed "unreliable" graduate students of the institute, including N. V. Brzhostovskaya ("hiding her origins from the nobility").

On April 16, 1938, the Central Archival Administration was transferred to the jurisdiction of the NKVD (before that, it had been briefly subordinate to the People's Commissariat of Education, and since 1921 - to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee). In this regard, another personnel “cleansing” was carried out among archival employees. The Institute of History and Archives, being a structural subdivision of the Main Archive, also turned out to be subordinate to the NKVD. The archival business, thus, turned out to be officially recognized as a completely state-controlled region. After the transformation of the NKVD in 1948, the archival department was subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only in 1960 received a relatively “demilitarized” departmental affiliation - it turned out to be subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Separate dissatisfaction of the commission of the NKVD, which conducted a survey of the institute in connection with its reassignment, caused the name of M. N. Pokrovsky on the sign of the institute - the most influential historian of the 1920s from the mid-1930s was in disgrace.

One of the founders of the institute, M. S. Vishnevsky, was "cleaned" from the institute in May 1938. When he was fired, they took away the manuscript of a textbook on archival affairs, which he considered his life's work. The manuscript was handed over for completion to assigned workers in the amount of 28 people (“The students ask that the NKVD organs restore Bolshevik order at the institute” ...). A month after these events, M. S. Vishnevsky died.

"The IAI Case"

At the end of 1938, the so-called “case of the Historical and Archival Institute” was launched against the director, professional archivist K. S. Gulevich. It began with a letter from a number of students addressed to L.P. Beria. Inspection began at the institute. The head of the CAU, N. V. Maltsev, without waiting for the results of the activities of the verification commission, removed K. S. Gulevich from the post of director of the IAI, and then, deciding that it was premature, since the commission of the Central Archival Administration did not draw serious and threatening conclusions, appointed him back to the post. On February 23, the students again sent a letter to Beria:

Statement by students of the Historical and Archival Institute of the GAU NKVD of the USSR to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria
February 23, 1939
... the situation at the institute is exceptionally bad. The director of the institute is a certain Gulevich, a very suspicious person.
Nepotism reigns at the institute, self-criticism is suppressed, and the atmosphere is musty. The teaching staff is messed up. For some reason, the best teachers, with the help of Gulevich and with the approval of Maltsev, are replaced by the worst. Gulevich strongly supported the teacher of philosophy Telezhnikov ... On November 5, Gulevich awarded Telezhnikov as an excellent teacher, and on November 7, Telezhnikov was arrested as an enemy of the people by the NKVD. Telezhnikov is the son of a White Guard, his two brothers served in Kolchak's army.<…>

GARF. F. 5325. Op. 2. D. 3559. L. 41–44
Cit. according to: "Students ask that the NKVD bodies restore Bolshevik order at the institute" ...

The institute began to be checked by a new commission, this time formed directly from the NKVD, which drew the most unfavorable conclusions. As a result, N.V. Maltsev, the head of the TsAU, was fired. In June 1939, the director of the institute, K.S. Gulevich, was fired and immediately arrested.

In his place was appointed a former staff member of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD I. I. Martynov.

At the beginning of 1939, B. I. Anfilov was dismissed from the institute and from the Central Archival Administration in general, who developed the theoretical principles for the acquisition of state archives, which would be implemented in the 1950s and 1960s. He was not assigned a pension and was left virtually without a livelihood. B. I. Anfilov died two years later.

V. V. Maksakov, who stood at the origins of the institute, was also subjected to constant attacks and terrible accusations at that time. In 1937, he was on the verge of arrest and, according to his daughter L.V. Maksakova, her mother insisted that they temporarily leave Moscow (although they did not cease to be afraid of arrest in a new place) (Khorhordina T.I. Managers State Archival Service of Russia // Bulletin of the archivist. 2008. No. 2). Attempts to dismiss Maksakov from the Institute continued in the future.

From the memorandum of the head of the Personnel Department of the GAU NKVD of the USSR K. I. Udalts to the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR S. N. Kruglov on the implementation of the work plan for the Personnel Department of the GAU NKVD for the 1st quarter of 1940
April 11, 1940
<…>During the reporting quarter, as a result of a special check both in the bodies of the NKVD UB and in the archives, 38 people were identified from among the socially alien and adherent element, of which:<…>according to the Historical and Archival Institute
Item 1. Professor Maksakov VV comes from a family of a clergyman. Maksakov's brother was also a clergyman. A special check carried out established that Maksakov had been actively fighting against the Bolsheviks for a number of years, before the October Revolution. Actively spoke in the press during the imperialist war against Lenin's slogan about turning the imperialist war into a civil war.
After the February Revolution, he was the editor of K.-R. newspaper "Rannee Utro", in which he praised the provisional government, endorsing the arrest of the Bolsheviks. Published in this newspaper k.-r. slander on V. I. Lenin, called him a German spy.
After the October Revolution, he demanded freedom of the press for all K.-R. parties. In 1919 he joined a group of Menshevik-internationalists.
According to intelligence and investigative materials available in the 2nd department of the NKVD GUGB, Maksakov was a member of the K.-R. a Trotskyist group that has operated in the TsAU system over the past few years and has been carrying out active wrecking work. The testimony of the arrested Waldbach establishes that Maksakov and other Trotskyists in the K.-R. for the purpose, they stole the documents they needed from the archives of the CAU.
Maksakov V.V. is being developed by the 2nd department of the NKVD GUGB as an active rightist.
To be replaced.
Head of the Personnel Department of the GAU NKVD of the USSR
Lieutenant Mrs. Security Daredevil

    Building on st. On October 25, 15, the former Synodal Printing House of the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI) occupied the historic building of the former ... Wikipedia

    History of RSUH- Students of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) held a flash mob in the very center of Moscow to protest against the eviction of the Russian State Humanitarian University from the buildings on Nikolskaya Street. Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) was ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    "RGGU" redirects here. See also other meanings. Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) Founded 1991 Rector ... Wikipedia

    - (, 6). It was formed in March 1991 on the basis of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI, since 1932; founded in 1930 as the Institute of Archival Studies). The history of the institute is connected with the activities of academicians, Yu.V. Gauthier, L.V. Cherepnin, professors ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Request "RGGU" redirects here; see also other meanings. Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Chirkov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Sergei Chirkov. Sergey Vasilievich Chirkov Date of birth: December 1, 1947 (1947 12 01) (65 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / December 18, 2012. While the process is discussed ... Wikipedia

Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the opening of the Institute of Archival Studies under the Central Archival Administration of the USSR and on the transfer of the Cabinet of Archival Studies under the Central Archival Administration of the RSFSR to the jurisdiction of the Archival Administration of the USSR” at the request of the historian M. N. Pokrovsky.

The Institute was created based on and. Classes began on April 1, 1931 in classrooms located in the building of the Central Archival Administration of the USSR (ul. October 25, d. 15). On January 18, 1931, R. K. Licit was appointed director of the Institute of Archives. In 1932, the institute was renamed the Institute of History and Archives.

As part of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Graduates of Moscow State University, such as Nikolai Eroshkin and Sigurd Schmidt, who came to work at MGIAI, founded their own scientific schools, which had a noticeable influence on the development of Soviet historical science. The main backbone of the professorship continued to teach at the institute even after the organization of the Russian State Humanitarian University, when the Institute of History and Archives merged into its structure. In 1992-1996 the institute was headed by its graduate, professor, doctor of historical sciences Yevgeny Starostin.

Directors and rectors of MGIAI

Notable faculty and alumni



  • Russian State University for the Humanities. Historical and Archival Institute: 70 years / Text by T. I. Khorkhordina. - M.: RGGU, 2001. - 34, p.: ill.
  • Tikhonov V.V. Ideological campaigns 1948-1949 at the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute // Domestic Archives. 2017. No. 3. S. 3-13.
  • Khorkhordina T. I. Roots and Crown: Strokes to the Portrait of the Historical and Archival Institute (1930-1991). M.: RGGU, 1997.
    • Ilizarov B.S. Reflections on the fate of the Historical and Archival Institute, inspired by the book "Roots and Crown" by T. I. Horhordina // Otechestvennye archives. 1998. No. 1. S. 104-107;
    • Krylov V.V. Legends and were the Historical and Archival Institute. Regarding the reflections of B. S. Ilizarov // Domestic archives. 1998. No. 3. S. 125-126.

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