The concept of social and pedagogical activity. The system of work of a social teacher at school The system of social pedagogical activities

N. V. Abramovskikh


The work was presented by the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute.

The article notes the multidimensionality of the object of social and pedagogical activity, examines its integrative nature, highlights what is common and different with social work and pedagogical activity, and determines the specifics of the professional activity of a social teacher.

Key words: social and pedagogical activity, social teacher, social work, pedagogical activity.


The article is devoted to the complicated structure of the object of social and pedagogical activity.

Its integrative character is shown, features that are common and different from those of social work and pedagogical activity are pointed out, and specificity of social teachers’ professional activity is defined.

Key words: social and pedagogical activity, social teacher, social work, pedagogical activity.

The real and promising area of ​​professional activity of a social teacher is extremely wide and diverse. It includes many specific types of socio-pedagogical activity, depending on the object at which it is aimed. The importance of the activities of a social teacher is increasing in modern times.

society in connection with the crisis of trust of the younger generation in state institutions noted by scientists, the violation of the mechanisms of socialization and the growth of asocial tendencies among young people, the growth of negative phenomena among the population (drug addiction, alcoholism, delinquency, etc.), a decrease in the educational potential of the family.

my and educational institutions as the main institutions of personal socialization. Therefore, the range of problems that a given specialist has to solve is extremely diverse.

The main reasons for the emergence of professional social work abroad were sociocultural processes in Europe and America, caused by the rapid development of scientific technologies and the expansion of industrial production. In turn, this caused processes of urbanization, population migration, and the growth of a low-income population, which led to increased crime rates, homelessness among children and adolescents, immoral behavior and other socially unfavorable consequences.

These processes necessitated the professional activity of specialists capable of providing social assistance to people in difficult situations; accordingly, a scientific and theoretical justification for the process of their training was necessary.

In line with applied philanthropy, on the initiative of M. Richmond, the first national school was created in 1898, whose tasks included training specialists in the relevant profile. This author laid the scientific foundations of social work methods based on an individual approach to the client.

The functional concept, which has become widespread in philosophical and sociological research, has had a great influence on the scientific understanding of the problems of social assistance to the individual. The focus of the representatives of this direction (Merton, Parsons, etc.) is the analysis of the organization of society, issues of self-regulation and maintaining the balance of systems. At the same time, social and pedagogical activity was considered as part of a broader social system, which has its own tasks and functions aimed at maintaining the life support needs of the client as a biopsychosocial being.

The study by N.P. Klushina notes that as a result of social and cultural transformations, the essence of man and his co-

The social problem began to be viewed through the prism of new interpretations of personality and a new system of social relations. Labor and the joint activity of people as a universal condition of exchange between man and nature were considered as the basis for the dialectical unity of the social and biological forms of the movement of matter. It is the subject-transformative activity that determines the emergence and development of a system of social relations, in which productive forces, production relations, the state, politics, rights and responsibilities, and moral relations are distinguished. All this determines the directions and content of social and pedagogical assistance to the individual as a participant in social relations.

The humanization of social assistance to people was facilitated by the development of the humanistic trend in philosophy and psychology. Its main principles were the study of man in his integrity, uniqueness, continuity of development, freedom of will. This direction contributed to the turning of socio-pedagogical activities towards providing assistance to the individual on the basis of self-knowledge and its value. The identification of man as the highest value of society determined the tasks of social and pedagogical activity on the basis of freedom, humanity, and respect for individual rights.

He turned directly to the problems of socio-pedagogical activity at the beginning of the 20th century. representative of the German school of neo-Kantianism P. Natorp, who defined social pedagogy as a science. He considered its main goal to be the study of the problems of integrating the educational forces of society with the aim of raising the cultural level of the people. The subject of study was the social education of a person throughout his life; accordingly, the object of social pedagogy was a person without taking into account his age. A different point of view was expressed by T. Nohl and G. Beumer, who considered the main direction of socio-pedagogical activities to help children in

difficult life situation of their development (orphans, neglected, with socially negative behavior). It should be noted that this contradiction is also reflected in the studies of modern authors.

Currently, the problem of understanding a person attracts the attention of many researchers. This problem is of particular importance for professional socio-pedagogical activity, since both its subject and object are people. In our opinion, the anthropological paradigm, which is represented in the domestic humanitarian psychology of development, is of particular interest in understanding man. According to this paradigm, a person is considered, firstly, as a conscious being, capable of reflection, and secondly, as an active being, with the ability to consciously transform not only the surrounding reality, but also himself. Consciousness and activity are the fundamental characteristics of human existence, constituting his very humanity.

At the same time, as V.I. Slobodchikov and I.F. Isaev write, “these two fundamental “supports” of human existence in the world sharply indicated the insufficiency of ideas about the reflective-cognitive function of the psyche in traditional psychology. Consciousness has ceased to be just the totality of human knowledge about the world; accordingly, activity... ceased to be identified with various forms of human activity. Among the many manifestations of human life, one fundamental circumstance is not sufficiently taken into account (or rather, it is taken into account, but no fundamental conclusion is drawn from it) - this is that a person lives primarily in a system of real-practical, living connections with other people. It always exists and becomes in and through community. the public, or rather the community of people, is that third thing - the ontological basis of humanity itself in man.”

Recently, new works have appeared on sociology, socio-philosophical anthropology, social psychology, which

These allow us to overcome the simplified sociological vision of man. Of particular importance is their depiction of the structure of human community as a system of connections and relationships. Therefore, consciousness is initially considered in the space of connections and relationships between people, in human communities, and in its individual form - as a reflection of its place in joint life activity.

The anthropological paradigm is based on the position that the integrity of such a complex object of knowledge as a person is preserved if we consider it through various projections (images of the whole). These are primarily the projections of “individuality” and “subjectivity”. Knowing a person as an individual involves considering the natural foundations of human life with the obligatory consideration of their specificity in the context of the human way of being. The concept of “individual” expresses the indivisibility, integrity and characteristics of a particular subject that arise already at the early stages of life development. Knowing a person as a subject is knowing him in the second projection. A. V. Brushlinsky notes: “A person as a subject is the highest systemic integrity of all his most complex contradictory qualities, primarily mental processes, states and properties, his consciousness and the unconscious.”

Subjectivity is represented by the desirable, feeling, rational sides of his soul in the form of five components: desires (needs, motives), feelings, reason (cognitive processes), character, abilities. “The formation of a person as a subject of his own life activity - the mastery of the norms and methods of human activity, the rules of community life, the basic meanings and values ​​of people’s life together - is a prerequisite and background for the formation of the individual spirit of a person.”

Thus, we associate the process of preparing a specialist for professional activity with the purposeful creation of conditions for the development of the student as a subject of this

activities. At the same time, when immersed in activity, not only the development of the subject itself occurs, but also the development of the activity itself. The development of the future social teacher is associated with the transition from one level to another: from the organization of his training to its diagnosis and design by the specialist himself. At the same time, the content of the specialist’s socio-pedagogical activity presupposes the perception of the client as an individual, as a subject of his own life activity. This provision is important for further research into the specifics of socio-pedagogical activities and the design of a system for preparing a social teacher for its implementation.

When considering the issue of the content of social and pedagogical activity, it is necessary to emphasize its integrativeness, the combination in it of the features of social work and pedagogical activity. At the same time, socio-pedagogical activity has its own specificity, which determines its goals, means, functions, content and lies in its interdisciplinary and integrative essence, which requires a university graduate to have the ability to use knowledge of various fields of science, i.e. the ability to generalize knowledge.

The activities of a social teacher include taking into account the characteristics of the social situation of personal development, the full use of the cultural, intellectual, professional potential of the sociocultural environment, the integration of targeted and environmental influences on the individual in order to effectively implement the process of socialization of the individual, his harmonious integration with society and the world.

From this point of view, the professional activity of a social teacher is functionally close to the activity of a social work specialist. Social work, according to V. A. Nikitin, is a type of social design and construction, the result of which is the creation of a new (compared to the initial stage of social reality) existence of an individual

species, group or collective. The basis of social work is social interaction with the client in order to assist him in socialization and resocialization. The sources of the emergence and development of social pedagogy and social work are the generic needs of society at all stages of its development in maintaining the continuity of its existence, in constant improvement, which is possible only under the condition of continuous improvement of the social functioning of members of society.

At the same time, there are differences in the content of the activities of a social teacher and a social worker. For example, researchers of the problems of social pedagogy M. A. Galaguzova, Yu. N. Galaguzova, G. N. Shtinova, E. Ya. Tishchenko, B. P. Dyakonov note that a significant difference in the activities of a social teacher lies in his professional work with the child in the process of its development, education, social formation. The objects of social work are people of any age who have certain social problems or difficulties. We agree with these authors that socio-pedagogical activity has a primary focus on the child, but it is not limited by age in the object of its focus. Social pedagogy as a special type of theory and practice of socialization and resocialization of a person as an individual and as a member of society includes not only microstructural, but also macrostructural social communities (family, team, organization, habitat, ethnic group, era, etc.).

We should agree with the point of view of N.P. Klushina, who, as an object of research in the theory of social work, singles out a person who is in a marginal state, has social problems, and suffers. A person's life course is at risk from early childhood to old age. The analysis of social problems and the choice of technologies to help a suffering person is the subject of the theory of social work.

The object of social pedagogy is a person in the system of social education. From the very beginning, from the middle of the 19th century, social pedagogy was engaged in the education of adults (andragogy) and older people (gerogogy), i.e. its object is a person in the system of social education. At the same time, pedagogical work is one of the areas of social work, and the relationship between social pedagogy and social work is considered as a relationship between the particular and the whole. Conceptually, the problem field of social work includes problems of social pedagogy. At the same time, a social teacher, according to V. G. Bocharova, makes a “social diagnosis”, identifies positive and negative phenomena, problems - psychological, medical, legal, economic, to the solution of which he then involves social workers of the appropriate profile, as well as other necessary specialists.

An important component of the professional activity of a social teacher is pedagogical activity in the totality of its goals, content, forms, means of technology and methods of work. The study by M. A. Galaguzova and Yu. N. Galaguzova presents a comparative analysis of pedagogical and socio-pedagogical activities. The authors show that through social and pedagogical activities, society initiates a completely new approach to the practice of social education and helping people. The individual, his social health, and moral well-being become the center of pedagogically oriented professional activity not only in educational institutions, but also in other institutions, organizations, and social institutions. The authors point out the difference between the object, goals, and nature of the activities of a teacher and a social educator, believing that social-pedagogical activities are targeted, local in nature, determined by the necessary social assistance to the child.

A significant type of pedagogical activity is education, which is part of the process of socialization and dis-

is seen as a purposeful and consciously controlled socialization of the individual. In turn, social and pedagogical activities are aimed at solving the problems of social education and social and pedagogical protection. Therefore, socio-pedagogical activities are characterized by traditional pedagogical principles: humanism (recognition of the self-worth of the individual), cultural conformity (creation of a sociocultural development environment), environmental conformity (creation of an optimal biological, psychological and environmental environment for personal development), integrity (unity of social, moral, general cultural and professional development of the individual) , continuity (ensures consistency and continuity in personality development). At the same time, the principles of social response, an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems, maximizing social resources in socio-pedagogical activities and a number of other principles that distinguish socio-pedagogical activities from traditional pedagogical ones are specific principles of social work. This provision confirms the integrated nature of socio-pedagogical activities.

As V. G. Bocharova notes, solving problems of optimizing social and pedagogical activity in all spheres of social practice and with the participation of all its subjects is possible only if there is a common (integral) component that gives the activities of all subjects of social activity common goals, a certain focus and presupposes specific specific functional-substantive tasks implemented by each institution pedagogically competently in accordance with its socially determined functions. The universal significance of a special fundamental “set” of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills in any activity of the individual and human society gives grounds to assert that such a component is pedagogical, and its purpose is to provide pedagogical support (providing) practical

social activities and the development of social relations in all spheres of society. We are talking about such categories of pedagogy (in a broad sense) as the awakening of civic consciousness, the formation of moral qualities, the ability to make responsible decisions, self-education, personal self-realization, etc.

Thus, a comparative analysis of socio-pedagogical activities, pedagogical activities and social work makes it possible to determine points of contact, integration of these types of professional activities, and also to identify the specifics of the content of socio-pedagogical activities. Consequently, the pedagogical component of social pedagogy as a branch of scientific knowledge, which is the basis of the professional activity of a social teacher, is multidimensional, integrative in nature and is aimed at scientific and pedagogical support (ensuring) the process of harmonization and humanization of social relations in all spheres and types of life of the individual and society. Social-pedagogical activity, therefore, is social in essence and pedagogical in its technological and methodological support.

In modern scientific literature there are different interpretations of the essence of the professional activity of a social teacher. Thus, P. A. Sheptenko and G. A. Voronina define it as an activity the purpose of which is “to create favorable conditions for a person’s personal development (physical, social, spiritual, moral, intellectual), to provide him with comprehensive socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance in self-development and self-realization in the process of socialization, as well as human protection (social, psychological, pedagogical, moral) in his living space.”

Close to this definition is the vision of social and pedagogical activity of M. V. Shakurova, who understands it as activity aimed “at solving the problems of social

al education and socio-pedagogical protection.” Moreover, social education is presented by the author as “society’s concern for its progress in the person of younger generations; conditions created by society, public and private structures, for the physical, mental and social development of a person.” The main purpose of social and pedagogical activity, according to V. A. Slastenin, is to provide competent social and pedagogical assistance to the population, to increase the efficiency of the process of socialization, education and development of children, adolescents, and young men.

A broad interpretation of this concept is used by V. A. Nikitin, believing that socio-pedagogical activity is a system of measures to provide educational means of directed socialization of the individual, transfer to the individual and mastery of the social experience of humanity, acquisition or restoration by the individual of social orientation, social role, social functioning . This definition does not carry restrictions in relation to objects and subjects of social and pedagogical activity. A close definition is that of M.P. Guryanova, who studied social-pedagogical activity as an activity that can be carried out in relation to any person, with the participation of a wide variety of social institutions of society, state and non-state structures, and specific people. From this point of view, socio-pedagogical activity appears as “a holistic educational process of targeted educational assistance and social support for the individual at all stages of his life path, in various spheres of the microenvironment, with the participation of all subjects of education.”

Comparing and generalizing various author’s interpretations of the concept under study, we can draw the following conclusion: in broad terms, this activity is a type of social practice that has a specific goal - creating conditions for the successful formation of a person as a subject of social

social life and ensuring a humane, socially safe environment for his residence, conducive to his upbringing, development, social protection and adaptation in society. In terms of the objectives of our research, socio-pedagogical activity represents a system of professionally competent activities implemented by a social teacher, aimed at creating an optimal microclimate in society for the purpose of effective social support for the individual in the process of his socialization.

Thus, the analysis of the features of professional socio-pedagogical activity, the determination of its essential characteristics, allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The variety of spheres and objects in relation to which social pedagogical activity is carried out, the ambiguity of its object makes it necessary to have many areas of activity for a social teacher;

When planning, implementing areas of professional social and pedagogical activity, assessing its results, a specialist must have a very clear understanding of the variety of factors influencing the social, physical and mental well-being of a person, his development and self-realization in modern conditions, and comprehensively solve the problems of different types of professional activities, what determines the specificity of technologies for developing the professional competence of a specialist in the system of his training;

Socio-pedagogical activity is a multifunctional professional activity to solve social problems of the individual, aimed at socialization, active adaptation and integration of the individual into society, the essence of which is the harmonization of the value orientations of the individual and the normative values ​​of society through the actualization of one’s own vital forces.


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Socio-pedagogical activity as a system of comprehensive support for the development of a child with disabilities is a versatile, socially significant and pedagogically oriented activity of social institutions with a correctional and compensatory orientation to solve the educational and social problems of children with limited life potential in the conditions of a specific microsociety.

The development of social and pedagogical activity as a system is based on new approaches to organizational and substantive mechanisms for the implementation of social policy. The modern period of development of civil society in Russia is characterized by political transformations in the field of human rights protection, aimed at protecting and promoting health, free development and education in accordance with individual capabilities.

End of the 20th century marked a rubicon in the change in social and pedagogical consciousness - from the “culture of usefulness” to the “culture of dignity” (A.G. Asmolov), to the recognition of the unconditional value for society of any human personality, regardless of the degree of its return.

The procedural approach to considering a person’s social status in the structure of society has been replaced by a personal one.

The most significant achievement in this area is the change in attitude towards the individual developing in conditions of insufficiency (mental, physical, intellectual).

The idea of ​​the social usefulness of a disabled person for society, which previously underlay the entire system of social security, education and training of persons with disabilities, is currently being transformed into the idea of ​​the dignity and self-worth of an individual who has equal rights with everyone else to realize their interests and needs.

The problem of forming a new philosophy of relations towards persons with developmental disabilities and their civil rights is at the intersection of various branches of scientific knowledge. However, the integrative role in the development of the theory and practice of comprehensive social assistance and support for the free development of a “special” child through education belongs to scientific knowledge from the field of pedagogy, or more precisely, to the integrative combination of two scientific and pedagogical branches - social and special pedagogy. Integration processes in science, which have common methodological principles, common psychological and pedagogical approaches to the processes of socialization and social adaptation, similar pedagogical technologies and research methods, reveal significantly greater opportunities for the most effective construction of social and pedagogical practice.

The organization of social and pedagogical activities for social support for the free development of a “special” child is the restoration of the child’s rights to inherit the cultural and historical experience of humanity. The inheritance of social experience by the younger generation (any child) is carried out only through education and in the field of education. In human culture, in every society, there is a specially created educational space, which includes traditions and scientifically based approaches to the teaching, upbringing and socialization of children both in a family environment and in specially organized educational institutions. These are the so-called social institutions that make up an exclusive social space that represents the individual world for each individual person and has a decisive influence on the result of his socialization.

Deviations in development (impairments of intelligence, speech, sensory, motor, mental spheres) lead to a limitation of a person’s communicative capabilities, and as a result, to the emergence of significant problems in the process of socialization. The emerging personality is threatened with “falling out” from this socially and culturally determined space, which breaks the connection with society and culture as a source of development (L.

S. Vygotsky).

Therefore, the organization of social and pedagogical activities in conditions of developmental disorders acquires a specific correctional-compensatory character and is a powerful adapting factor. The special needs of a child with developmental disabilities in the process of socialization determine the mechanisms for organizing social and pedagogical activities by constructing an educational space using “workarounds” (L. S. Vygotsky): 21.

the earliest possible start of a targeted correctional and pedagogical process (from the moment a violation in the child’s development is identified); 22.

putting forward special tasks for the prevention of secondary developmental disorders, overcoming “social dislocation” (for example, expanding communication capabilities through teaching non-verbal means of communication: empathy, sign language); 23.

the use of special forms of organizing the social and pedagogical environment (creation of special infrastructure, provision of technical means of rehabilitation, etc.); 24.

expanding the boundaries of the educational space beyond the boundaries of the educational institution; 25.

organization of accompaniment of a child in the educational space at all stages of life, prolongation of this process beyond school age; 26.

the active position of the family in the process of socialization of the child, the inclusion of family members in social and pedagogical activities and their special education.

An important aspect of social and pedagogical activity is social rehabilitation, which is understood as the process of restoring the basic social functions of an individual.

An indicator of the effective organization of social and pedagogical activities in the field of social institutions of a correctional and compensatory orientation is considered to be social integration - the complete, equal inclusion of a given individual in all necessary spheres of social life, a decent social status, the achievement of the possibility of a full-fledged independent life and self-realization in society.

Social-pedagogical activity, like any activity, has its own structure, each element of which is organically connected and interacts with others, but performs its own special functions. Such structures are called integral systems. Social and pedagogical activity is an integral system.

Its structure consists of elements that make up a single complex, but at the same time are independent components. These are the subject, content, control, object and the means, functions and goals that link them into a single whole. The sequence of listing the components is not accidental: any activity is performed in the direction from subject to object. The object is the main link of the system, determining the essence and nature of the activity. Therefore, the description of social and pedagogical activity must begin with the justification of the object.

More on the topic Topic 1. Social and pedagogical activities as a means of social integration of persons with disabilities 1.1. Organization of social and pedagogical activities as a system of comprehensive support for the development of a child in conditions of insufficiency (physical, mental, intellectual):

  1. Topic 2. The current stage of development of social and pedagogical activities for comprehensive support of persons with special needs in Western countries

But there are also their own categories - social learning, social environment, social status, etc. The main concepts of social pedagogy are: social education, social learning and social-pedagogical activity. Let us consider the basic concepts that relate to social and pedagogical activities.

Education is a process of purposeful influence on a person.

Social education is a purposeful process of forming socially significant qualities of a child’s personality that he needs for successful socialization.

Social learning is a purposeful process of transferring social knowledge and developing social skills that contribute to the socialization of the child.

Social-pedagogical activity is social work, including pedagogical activity, aimed at helping the child organize himself, his mental state, establishing normal relationships in the family, school, society, and creating conditions for his self-realization.

Socialization is the assimilation of experience, values, norms, attitudes inherent in society and the social groups to which one belongs, for the successful functioning of an individual in a given society.

Social adaptation is the process of a subject’s adaptation to the requirements of society through the assimilation of social norms and values, established forms of social relations.

Social deviations are a manifestation of activity, lifestyle, behavior that contradicts social norms.

A social norm is a measure of acceptable behavior established and established in a particular society.

Deviant behavior is a system of individual actions in which deviations from the officially established or established social networks in a given society are consistently manifested. normal

Social and pedagogical activity in the context of an educational institution is a process of purposefully solving social problems arising in educational and social spheres based on the priority of the needs and interests of children, customs and traditions of folk culture, as well as taking into account the specifics of the socio-economic development of the region and city.

Social and pedagogical activities are carried out on the basis of educational, cultural, leisure, health and other programs aimed at the creative development, socialization of children, their adaptation to life in society, allowing them to express themselves in various types of socially significant practical activities.

The socio-pedagogical process is carried out by relevant specialists with the help of practical actions. It is necessary to distinguish between pedagogical activity in a social environment and socio-pedagogical activity. The expression “pedagogical activity in a social environment” indicates its pedagogical orientation and the place of its practical implementation (in a given social environment). We are most often talking about the upbringing, training, and development of a specific person, a representative of a given environment.

The expression “social-pedagogical activity” speaks of its social focus on a specific person, group, social environment in the interests of achieving set goals. Such activities are direct in nature - direct impact on a person, group (interaction with them); indirect - the use of educational (stimulating, motivating, warning, etc.) capabilities of the environment, the purposeful creation (transformation) of the pedagogical situation of the environment in the interests of achieving specific social and pedagogical goals. As a rule, the possibilities of both direct and indirect interaction of the subject with the object are used.

A comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in providing social assistance to children shows that it is fundamentally different from social assistance to any categories of the adult population in that it must necessarily have a pedagogical component related to the upbringing and education of the child, his development and successful socialization. Consequently, activities aimed at providing social assistance to children are socio-pedagogical and represent a type of pedagogical activity.

Much scientific research has been devoted to identifying the essence of pedagogical activity. Thus, the famous psychologist Yu.N. Kulyutkin sees the uniqueness of pedagogical activity in the fact that it is a “meta-activity”, i.e. forms other activities. The work of the teacher is built on the activities of the pupil (student). The goals that the teacher sets for himself are formed as potential effects of the student’s advancement; the process of promoting these goals is also realized through the organization of the student’s activities; The success of the teacher’s actions is assessed based on how successful the student’s planned progress is.

Revealing the specifics of pedagogical activity, some scientists emphasize its cognitive nature. So, S.G. Vershlovsky and L.N. Lesokhin includes in the composition of pedagogical activity, first of all, elements of mental activity.

In their proposed structure, they highlight:

Pedagogical foresight, forecasting related to the pedagogical interpretation of social phenomena, a unique translation of social goals and objectives into pedagogical language;

Methodological understanding, instrumentation of teaching and educational actions;

Understanding the process of organizing various informational and educational influences;

The need to analyze the results achieved, correlating them with the proposed goals and objectives.

However, the “delay” of the result, its dependence on many factors, and the known subjectivity of assessments make it difficult to determine the effectiveness of educational influences.

Social-pedagogical activity as a type of pedagogical activity has common features and distinctive features. Most researchers attribute to common features the identity of the main function that both pedagogical and socio-pedagogical activities perform in society - social inheritance, sociocultural reproduction and human development.

In general, the opinions of different scientists regarding the specific features of socio-pedagogical activity in comparison with pedagogical activity also coincide.

M.A. Galaguzova notes that if pedagogical activity is of a normative and programmatic nature, then social and pedagogical activity is always targeted, aimed at a specific child and solving his individual problems. If pedagogical activity is continuous, then social-pedagogical activity is in some cases limited to the time period during which the problem is being solved. The professional activity of a teacher, as a rule, is carried out in an institution of the educational system, while socio-pedagogical activity has a much wider scope of applicability.

Belyaev L.A. and M.A. believe that the key concept in defining socio-pedagogical activity is the concept of “adaptation”. In modern conditions, a person repeatedly has to deal with changes in the social environment throughout his life. He may find himself in a situation characterized by the need to change himself, or the environment, or both together, i.e. faces the need to adapt to changing conditions. Some people are able to independently resolve a problematic situation and adapt to changed social conditions.

Others, having failed to adapt, lose socially significant qualities and become the object of professional help. According to teachers L.A. and M.A. Belyaev, the main distinctive feature of socio-pedagogical activity is that the need for it arises if a person (group of people) has a problematic situation in their relationship with the environment.

Thus, socio-pedagogical activity can be considered as the purposeful work of a professional in the social education of an individual in a particular society with the aim of successful social adaptation.

In reality, the connection between social pedagogy and other sciences is very different. The system of social and pedagogical work, no matter in what aspect it is considered, is always an open system, most closely intertwined with other social systems: economics, politics, law, culture, ethics, ecology, consumer services, etc.

Understanding and seeing the connections of the social work system with other systems and the system of society as a whole raises social work to a high level of public culture, makes society truly humane, puts a person at the center of public life, makes people people in the highest sense of the word.

The idea of ​​socio-pedagogical activity as a system has conceptual and methodological significance for the everyday management of social work. Knowing it as a system frees organizers from a one-sided approach, exaggerating the role of some of its individual aspects, allows timely anticipation and correction of possible distortions and errors in social services, raising the culture and efficiency of social work.

The system of activity of a social teacher, as indicated by A.V. Mudrik, IN AND. Zagvyazinsky, V. Bocharova, is a consistent set of different types of pedagogical activities [Mudrik]. It is shown in diagram 1.

Scheme 1. System of activity of a social teacher

The scope of application of social pedagogy is the social systems of state, municipal, public and private (charitable) activities, where social and pedagogical mechanisms of interaction collide, helping the spiritual, moral, physical, mental and social development of the individual in his living space.

The current border of social and pedagogical mechanisms G.V. Mukhametzyanova defines role structures. Then the content of the training of a social teacher is determined by the main directions of his activity: “promoting the formation and improvement of educational systems in an environment that promotes the development and social self-realization of the individual; interaction for this purpose with the educational forces of the environment, their diagnosis; organization of various types of sociocultural activities for children and adults on the principles of creativity and amateur performances; formation on this basis of a system of values” [Muzametzyanova]. Thus, the object of social pedagogy is social relations, the subject of social pedagogy is the pedagogical aspect of these relations, i.e. the upbringing of a person in society, or social education [Nikitin], and the social teacher is called upon to organize the optimal pedagogical interaction of the individual and the environment.

The concept of social education is interpreted in different ways. We adhere to the following definition: “Social education is a purposeful process of assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms, values, relationships, ways of behavior that allow a person to function as a full member of society, community, group” [Mudrik].

Social education is aimed at creating conditions for the physical, mental and social development of a person, adapting a person to established orders and norms of social behavior, creating public institutions for the protection of family and childhood with their special assistance in the reasonable and successful self-organization of an individual’s life in the context of family, school, and the surrounding microenvironment. , educating people in different spheres of life (everyday, cultural, labor, civil).

Scientists (A.V. Mudrik, P. Natorp, V.I. Andreev) call the main principles of social education the principles of environmental conformity, cultural conformity, democracy, humanism, orientation towards universal human values, integration [Netorp].

Modern pedagogy proceeds from the fact that the process of education is not a direct impact on the student (as was traditionally believed), but a social interaction of various subjects: individual (specific people), group (microgroups and collectives) and social institutions of education. This interaction in which a person’s upbringing takes place can be represented in the form of many “chains” (see Diagram 2).

Scheme 2. Parenting as social interaction

In some chains the interaction is direct, in others it is indirect. The content and nature of interaction between society, groups and individuals in the process of education are determined by social values, ideology and social psychology. Modern forms of interaction require equality, democracy, freedom and are incompatible with authoritarianism in education. They are formed on the basis of cooperation, which involves:

The teacher’s special goal setting for a personal approach;

Joint life activities of adults and children;

Collective organization of activities, when the team acts as a guarantor of the manifestation of the capabilities of each individual;

Dialogical interaction (in the process of exchange of intellectual, moral, emotional, social values);

Empathy in interpersonal relationships.

The content of cooperation between an adult and a child is their co-existence, co-participation, co-knowledge, co-creativity. Event- this is both a significant phenomenon in a person’s life and the compatibility (co-existence) of what is happening for people. In the space of a child-adult community, any activity (playful, cognitive, transformative, communicative) becomes developmental. Emotional effective involvement in the affairs of another person, active help, sympathy, empathy is the co-participation of an adult and a child, which contributes to the child’s awareness of his independence, understanding of himself as an individual, and self-realization [Zagvyazinsky].

Self-realization is considered as a holistic process of self-improvement, dialectically combining self-change and self-formation throughout a person’s entire life journey, this is the practical implementation of inclinations, abilities, talents and character traits through one or another sphere of social activity for the benefit of oneself, the team and society as a whole [ Bityanov].

One of the central concepts of social pedagogy is “personal socialization,” which in its most general form is interpreted as the process of human development in interaction with the world around him. Socialization(Latin so-cius - comrade, companion, accomplice) - a two-way process: on the one hand, a person acquires a system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society; on the other hand, he is not only enriched by social experience, but also actively reproduces the system of social connections, realizes himself as a person, and influences the life circumstances of the people around him. Socialization includes not only conscious, controlled, targeted influences (education in the broad sense of the word), but also spontaneous, spontaneous processes that in one way or another influence the formation of personality [Bityanov].

Socialization is the active inclusion of people in the life of the community on the democratic principles of joint activity, this is the process of granting them more and more rights and expanding responsibilities. It is in this real inclusion that the reproduction of socio-cultural images and norms of social life and their improvement occur.

Factors of socialization, according to A.V. Mudrika can be conditionally divided into three groups [Mudrik]:

- macro factors, which are the conditions for the socialization of all or very many people: space, planet, world, country, society, state;

- mesofactors, influencing the socialization of large groups of people identified by nationality (ethnicity as a factor of socialization) or by the type of settlement in which they live (village, town, city), as well as by belonging to the audience of certain media (radio, cinema , television, etc.);

Microfactors that directly interact with a person: family, peer society, school, educational institutions, etc.

The activities of a social teacher in educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, technical schools, colleges, etc.) are intermediary in the system of interaction of the child with society, the teaching staff, the community of children and adults who make up the immediate environment. At the same time, the priority (especially in modern conditions) is the sphere of human relations in the family and school. A feature of the work of a social teacher is that it creates and organizes a favorable social environment; turns the child into an active transformer of this environment and educator of his own personality (V.A. Sukhomlinsky, L.I. Bozhovich, S.L. Rubinstein); stimulates social value orientations in the need-motivational sphere of the individual, consciousness and self-awareness. (B.M. Teploye, L.Yu. Gordin); takes into account the process of emergence and functioning of qualitative personality traits - “mental new formations” of leading activity specific to certain age stages (S. Freud, E. Erikson, K. Jung, D.B. Elkonin); provides assistance to the child in the main stages of his socialization: adaptation, individualization, integration (A.G. Asmolov, A.V. Petrovsky).

When analyzing such a multidimensional reality as the work of a social teacher, one can rely on the basic categories of psychology (activity, communication, personality), which constitute the process of his work [Markova] (Appendix 2).

In general, the work of a social teacher is determined by its results: those positive changes that arise under the influence of his work. The process and result of the work of a social teacher are a reflection of his professional competence.

Competence can be considered as the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and action, the ability to solve emerging problems, the main characteristics of which are presented by us in the following table

Table 1. Main characteristics of the competence of a social teacher

Humanization of the sociocultural environment, increasing the efficiency of the socialization process, education and development of children, adolescents and young men, pedagogical assistance to the adult population.

Labor process

Professional position

Professional knowledge

Pedagogical skills

1. Diagnosis and identification of the client’s individuality.

2. Pedagogical


3. Determining the goals and objectives of the activity.

4. Pedagogical


technologies and methods of implementation.

6. Planning your activities

7. Material preparation






Understanding the meaning of your work.


reflection, assessment and self-assessment of work.


systems of relationships to the client, oneself and colleagues.


knowledge is information

from pedagogy, psychology, sociology about the characteristics

pedagogical activity and communication of a social teacher, about the social and mental development of the individual.

1 group. The ability to see a pedagogical problem in a situation and formulate it in the form of a pedagogical task:

The ability to focus on a teenager as an actively developing partner

a process (phenomenon) that has its own motives and goals;

The ability to study the situation and, if possible, influence it for the purpose of pedagogical transformation;

The ability to specify pedagogical tasks, make pedagogical decisions step by step, flexibly rearrange pedagogical goals and objectives as the pedagogical situation changes;

The ability to foresee near and distant results of pedagogical tasks (pedagogical forecasting).

2nd group. Ability to study the client’s current capabilities and predict new levels of his development: - diagnostic skills; - the ability to proceed from the motivation of the client himself when planning and organizing the educational or correctional process; - the ability to design and form missing levels of activity in children; the ability to expand the field for the client’s self-organization, the possibility of his self-education, self-realization, and organizing the “success” of his activities.

3rd group. The ability to adequately select methods, technologies, means of interaction and combine them: - find several ways to solve one socio-pedagogical situation;

Own a variable pedagogical solution.

Pedagogical skills form the pedagogical “technique” of a teacher’s work.

The result of the work of a social teacher.

It manifests itself in the life self-determination of pupils, taking into account their abilities and inclinations.

1 . Indicators of social adaptation:

Success of school and post-school education;

Vocational training and employment, securing a job;

Ensuring the protection of social rights;

Stability of family relationships.

2. Health indicators:

Dynamics of restoration and development of the main functional systems of the body, reduction and elimination of pathology;

Mastering a culture of health, hygiene skills, hardening techniques, training, self-regulation;

Understanding a healthy lifestyle and being prepared for it.

3. Socially transformative


Reducing child crime (in the area, etc.);

Reducing the process of vagrancy among children;

Reducing the number of families where children live in disadvantaged conditions.

4. Indicators of psychological and pedagogical correction:

5. Development indicators:

Developing a sense of security, confidence, stability, and an optimistic outlook on the future;

Development of cognitive activity and initiative, positive attitude towards learning and school.

Characteristics of the level of motivation, nature of life values, hard work, openness, goodwill, communication;

Adequacy and effectiveness of self-esteem, the degree of realization of internal potential and performance;

Civic qualities: respect for the law, responsibility, patriotism, internationalism;

Moral qualities: stability, openness, honor and dignity, ability to cooperate, provide mutual assistance, mutual assistance, caring for people;

Revealing the individual uniqueness of the personality.

Taking as a basis the above characteristics of the characteristics of the activities of a social teacher, we can approach the definition of his professional module.

The semantic meaning of the concept “professional module” is associated with the international word “module” (Latin “meodulus”), the main meaning of which is a functional unit. The principle of modularity determines the approach to organizing professional activities: selection of goals, content, forms and methods of activity focused on a specific client, group, situation, and correlation with the results achieved. The professional module allows you to condense the content and information space, set an individual pace of work and achieve a certain technology of the pedagogical process.

The goal of the social teacher’s activities is expressed in the humanization of the sociocultural environment, increasing the efficiency of the process of socialization, education and development of children, adolescents, young men, as well as providing competent pedagogical assistance to the adult population.

The work process of a social teacher is presented as a professional pedagogical activity of a specialist aimed at promoting the development of children and adolescents through educational and correctional work with them in various societies (family, educational institutions, children's reception centers, penitentiary institutions, special vocational schools).

The main characteristics of socio-pedagogical activity make it possible to determine the subsystems of the professional module - goals and objectives, the labor process, the result of labor - and to highlight the components of the readiness of a social teacher: professional orientation, competence, self-realization, which are also complex structures consisting of elements (Scheme 3).

Scheme 3. Professional module of a social teacher

The result of labor is expressed in indicators of social adaptation, health status, socially transformative processes, psychological and pedagogical correction, and indicators of personality development.

The modular approach, based on the principles of dynamism and flexibility, parity and awareness in the social and pedagogical process, combines goals and objectives that express the essence, process and result of the work of a social teacher.

Thus, the social teacher performs the most complex tasks of developing the pupil’s personality and provides support for him at all stages of school age.

The described characteristics of the professional module of a social teacher make it possible to fill his activities with content in accordance with the age stages of the child’s development (social teacher of primary school childhood, adolescence, adolescence), and the social teacher himself is considered responsible for the harmonization of relations and humanization of the environment of each age level.

Taking the child’s age as the functional unit of the module, let’s imagine the social teacher’s communication system as follows (Diagram 4).

Social teacher communication scheme

The social teacher of each specific professional module specializes in problems of a certain age (physiological, social) and society.

To carry out such activities, it is necessary to know not only the most important parameters of the microsocial environment, but also the characteristics of the student himself. The totality of these features is displayed in the student’s socio-pedagogical passport (see Appendix No. 1) [Social teacher, p. 3-17].

The main directions of social and pedagogical work in an educational institution are determined primarily by problems that arise in the process of teaching and raising children, without resolution of which it is difficult to achieve good results. Although the areas of work are fixed in the qualification characteristics of a social teacher, in practice their range is much wider. This is explained by the need for cooperation of everyone who teaches and raises a child: teachers, class teacher, administration, parents, immediate relatives, and sometimes others, persons involved in education by position or out of a sense of human solidarity [Berezina].

In modern conditions, the work of various social structures has determined the main directions of social work, which the social teacher is also involved in:

Helping families with problems related to education, upbringing, and child care;

Helping the child eliminate the reasons that negatively affect his academic performance and attendance at the institution;

Involving children, parents, and the public in organizing and conducting social and pedagogical events and events;

Recognition, diagnosis and resolution of conflicts, problems, difficult life situations affecting the interests of the child in the early stages of development in order to prevent serious consequences;

Individual and group counseling for children, parents, teachers, administration on issues of resolving problem situations, conflicts, stress relief, raising children in the family, etc.;

Identifying the requests and needs of children and developing measures to help specific students with the involvement of specialists from relevant institutions and organizations;

Assisting teachers in resolving conflicts with children, identifying problems in educational work and determining measures to overcome them;

Design, development of plans and programs in various areas of activity of an educational institution;

Propaganda and explanation of the rights of children, families, teachers;

Solving practical issues of ensuring educational work outside the class schedule.

It is possible to distribute the responsibilities of social teachers according to their profile of activity (health protection and hygiene, prevention of school and social maladaptation, cultural and leisure activities, pedagogical education and work with parents, guardianship and trusteeship, etc.), by classes, groups of classes, parallels, of the “family social pedagogue” type (for 25-50 families), etc. It is important that, regardless of the number of staffing positions of social educators (there are different options in the country’s educational institutions), all main areas of social pedagogical work are covered.

A social teacher of an educational institution is first and foremost a teacher, and secondly a social worker himself. Therefore, traditional methods of education and educational work are relevant for him: persuasion, explanation, advice, reliance on a positive example, the use of public opinion and the progressive traditions of the institution, society, ethnic group, pedagogical stimulation of individual activity in solving emerging problems, the use of such powerful social and pedagogical tools education, such as work, sports, play, charity work, psychological and pedagogical education and counseling, a pedagogical council of specialists for a comprehensive diagnosis of a child’s problem, as well as methods and functions of organizational and pedagogical activities (diagnosis, design, planning, coordination, analysis, current, intermediate and final control, instruction, etc.).

A certain amount of time in the activity of a social teacher, especially at the initial stage, is spent studying the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students and the social microenvironment, living conditions. In the process of studying (diagnosis, research), interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in behavior, typology of families, their sociocultural and pedagogical portrait, etc. are identified. Therefore, in the methodological baggage of a social teacher, diagnostic methods occupy a significant place: tests, questionnaires , questionnaires, etc.

It is quite obvious that the diagnostic tools of a social teacher include both sociological and psychological methods. Also of great interest are various reports, certificates, tables, documents, student medical records, etc., which are always available in any educational institution. Specific methods of social work are also used, such as the method of social biography of the family, the individual, as well as the social history of the microdistrict, diagnostics of the social environment.

In a situation where “everyone knows everything” and therefore is skeptical about the research of a social educator, it turns out to be necessary to enlist the support of fellow teachers, psychologists, municipal workers, law enforcement officers, and finally, parents and the students themselves. To do this, any study begins with a preliminary justification of its need, objectives, forecast regarding the results, drawing up a schedule, regulatory registration in the form of an order or instruction from the head of the institution, instructions and information messages, explaining to participants their rights and the purpose of the study. It is appropriate to recall here that explanations and communication of results may or may not be complete, but must always be truthful.

In the process of research, a social teacher may receive completely confidential information, so his actions are determined by his professional duty and code of ethics [Wolf].

A social teacher organizes and conducts consultations on rights and responsibilities, available benefits and allowances, offers possible solutions to the problems of participants in the educational process, provides social assistance and support, using the entire range of available legal opportunities and means. By identifying problems and difficulties in the sphere of family, communication and relationships between people, the social teacher differentiates the identified problems and “leads” social workers, specialists of various profiles and departmental subordination to their solution. By establishing contact with the family, he encourages them to participate in joint problem solving, helps people use their own resources, the reserve capabilities of the municipality to overcome difficulties.

The social teacher performs an intermediary function in establishing connections and contacts between the family and specialists - psychologists, social workers, doctors, lawyers, government officials and the public. This requires well-established connections between the social teacher and various social services of the microdistrict, district, city, institutions and public associations, good knowledge of the structures and responsibilities of administrative bodies, their locations and telephone numbers. Only under these conditions can we provide truly effective assistance to children in need of guardianship and trusteeship, employment, treatment, recreation, financial assistance, psychocorrection, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions and other types of social assistance. A social teacher prepares savings deposits, resolves issues regarding the use of property and securities of students - orphans and children left without parental care, acts as a representative of the educational institution and this or that student or employee in judicial and administrative authorities, and provides emergency assistance to those in difficult situations. At the same time, the social teacher independently determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways of solving personal and social problems, measures of social protection and social assistance, and the implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

An important place in the activities of a social teacher is occupied by the stimulation and development of socially valuable activities of students and adults, support of social initiatives, events, actions, social projects and programs.

Pedagogical support for social initiatives of children and adults, creation of conditions for their independent choice, its stimulation, development of readiness and ability to act on the basis of constant creative search and the ability to get out of a situation of choice without stress in modern conditions is an urgent task in the educational work of educational institutions experiencing shortages. new forms and techniques. This is all the more important because the problem of the effectiveness of education, the correspondence of the main directions and priorities of educational work with the nature of childhood, family, national and Russian socio-cultural traditions has arisen.

Social initiative is understood as an activity aimed at transforming the socio-cultural environment in the interests of harmonizing the social field of the child, taking into account historical and cultural experience and the current state of theory into the practice of social and pedagogical work, generating new content, methods, forms and technologies for working with children, youth, families , communities, exclusive population groups, society.

Socially significant activities of children are caring for the sick, disabled and poor; charity events for peers and seniors; work in social protection services; improvement of the city, town, yard; protection of nature and cultural monuments; conducting games and creative activities with children, i.e. everything that contributes to the personal and professional self-determination of a teenager introduces him to the values ​​of the volunteer movement in the social sphere.

The authors of social initiatives are individuals, teams, institutions and associations of all types and types, state and municipal authorities, and other legal entities of all forms of ownership. A teenager must go through a school of such social participation, when from simple introduction to implemented socially valuable initiatives he goes through the path to social creativity and organization of practical affairs and events, development and implementation of projects that significantly change relationships and lifestyle, value orientations and motivation of his life and life the people around him. It is the development of a socially active personality that is the binding idea that allows us to unite the efforts of different people, organizations, institutions and departments concerned about the future of Russia.

The main goal of a social educator’s activities in terms of supporting social initiatives of children and adults is the civic development of children, their spiritual, moral and patriotic education through the creation of an integrative, interdepartmental model of pedagogical support for children’s and youth public associations in an educational institution, on its base or in a microdistrict. To achieve this, the social teacher does a lot of work on:

Explaining state policy in the field of the children's and youth movement, providing assistance in programming and designing the activities of children's and youth public associations through regularly organized methodological seminars, gatherings and shifts;

Organization of active cooperation of public associations with government agencies, sponsors, non-governmental organizations, and the media;

Development and implementation of a system of activities that provide new content for extracurricular educational work with students of secondary schools and vocational schools;

Creation of an effective system of material, financial, organizational, legal, scientific, methodological and other support for socially significant activities of public associations in educational institutions; ensuring budgetary funding for the organization and coordination of the children's and youth movement;

Establishing and developing contacts with children's and youth public associations, including through the organization of international and domestic exchanges of representatives of the children's and youth movement;

Solving employment issues for children and youth, providing assistance in independently organizing leisure and entertainment;

Creation of a training system for leaders of children's and youth public associations;

Promoting youth entrepreneurship;

Improving the system of aesthetic education of children, developing professional and amateur artistic creativity of youth;

Supporting talented youth, creative children in realizing their own artistic and creative nature [Zakatova].

The social pedagogue himself develops and brings to their adoption and implementation social and pedagogical projects and programs and provides methodological and organizational assistance to initiative groups of the public, children and adults in this complex matter. It should be noted that programming is one of the most complex types of professional activity of any specialist, an indicator of his highest qualifications and skill. Despite the fact that programming is not specifically taught in educational institutions, mastery of these special skills is absolutely necessary, therefore a social teacher must develop them himself directly in practical activities.

Promoting the development of social initiatives of children and adults, the social teacher uses various moral and material means of stimulating their initiative, achieves public recognition of significant innovations, and their implementation. Taking into account the realities of a market economy, it involves commercial structures and enterprises in innovative activities and the financing of social and pedagogical projects. Promotes the development of family-neighborhood forms of cooperation, interschool, interindustrial forms of business cooperation in the interests of social improvement and cultural renewal of living conditions.

All of these factors determine the field of activity of a social teacher and make it possible to determine his functional responsibilities in a comprehensive school, based on the tasks at hand.

As you know, schools are traditionally characterized by three leading areas of work - management, participation in the upbringing of children and organization of the educational environment. In accordance with these areas, the activities of any school specialist are structured, with an emphasis on one of them, depending on professional specifics. Therefore, three aspects can be distinguished in the activities of a social teacher:

participation in management;

participation in the educational process;

participation in organizing the child's upbringing environment.

Each of these aspects determines specific areas of work for a social teacher.

The social teacher participates in school management in three main areas.

Administration consulting. Activity as an advisor to the administration involves:

conducting sociological and socio-psychological research both in teaching and children's teams, and among parents. The results of such research ensure the adoption of more thoughtful and informed management decisions;

participation in conflict resolution. Practice shows that the level of conflict in the interaction of the school with parents and children very often exceeds the desired level and in most cases conflicts are caused by a lack of understanding of the social causes of the tension that has arisen.

Methodical work. It is the direct responsibility of any specialist in the teaching staff. As part of this activity, the social teacher:

conducts classes with teachers in which he must teach them methods of sociometric control over the interpersonal atmosphere in the classroom, help in diagnosing risk factors (alienated, pushed out, boycotted), promote the effective distribution of roles in the student team in order to compensate for the negative influences of social disasters, etc. ;

participates in the work of councils.

Extracurricular interaction. This area of ​​activity of a social teacher includes:

participation on behalf of the school in the work of local authorities and self-government on issues of social development and solving social and pedagogical problems, in the development and discussion of regional and local social programs and projects, etc.;

interaction with governing bodies and institutions of education, social protection, healthcare, commissions for minors, etc. to solve specific social and pedagogical problems;

cooperation with public and other organizations that can provide assistance in solving certain social and pedagogical problems.

Participation in the educational process involves two main directions:

In-school monitoring. It provides identification and diagnosis of socio-pedagogical problems and includes:

current monitoring of the general situation in the school, classrooms, groups of students, relationships between teachers, students, parents, etc.;

analysis and forecasting of specific problematic socio-pedagogical situations.

Social and pedagogical rehabilitation. This direction is leading in the activities of a social teacher. It requires individual work with a specific student, where the social educator is expected to achieve the greatest success achieved through personal efforts. And this is understandable, because no matter how much activities are carried out in favor of maladjusted, “problem” children, real labor indicators are made up of children’s living destinies. This direction is implemented in different types of activities:

social and pedagogical support is carried out in cooperation with local governments and various departments that have the necessary powers to place a child and the funds for his maintenance, as well as with the public, which has funds and volunteers at its disposal. Taken together, this makes it possible to remove minors from a difficult or dangerous situation, place them in a shelter, transfer them to another family or boarding school, if it is necessary to act decisively, and if hope for improving the situation in the family is not lost, include parents in rehabilitation programs of various social institutions and centers and so on.;

social control, in which the function of the school as one of the subjects of the system for the prevention of child neglect and delinquency is realized, is carried out in cooperation with the commission for minors and the protection of their rights (with the institutions subordinate to it). This area of ​​activity presupposes a certain positive impact on the part of the school on the surrounding neighborhood, counteracting subcultures of marginal orientation, which are increasingly drawing minors into their sphere. Of course, such activity requires special skills from the social teacher, often personal courage, but most importantly, a willingness to stand up for the interests of the student in counteracting the social elements, from which it is impossible to fence oneself off by guards at the entrance to the school. Therefore, a specialist has to master special work methods, forms of cooperation with authoritative forces of society and the state, without whose support he will not be able to solve such complex problems;

pedagogical rehabilitation is social support within the educational process. It involves, on the one hand, raising funds for extra-standard classes with children, and on the other, improving the socio-psychological status of an unsuccessful student. At the same time, the social teacher, in fact, acts as a protector of the child’s personality from an indifferently repulsive environment, since children, as we know, do not like losers. He symbolizes the humanism of the collective, acts as the patron of the alienated and repressed. Acting at the intersection of spontaneous and organized forces in the primary educational community, the social teacher, with his authority and skill, eases the pressure on the weak and introduces the losers to what K.D. Ushinsky called the corporate spirit of a particular educational institution;

psychoprophylaxis aimed at identifying students whose school maladjustment is caused by their limited health capabilities. Such children should be registered separately, especially in cases where the question arises of transferring them to a correction class. Obviously, in this case, cooperation with a school psychologist or pediatrician is mandatory. The task of a social teacher in working with this category of children is to take control of them in a timely manner, accept and approve a plan of rehabilitation measures, monitor its implementation, in order to do everything possible to prevent the child from being transferred to a correctional class.

Participation in organizing the child’s upbringing environment includes the following three mandatory areas of work for a social teacher.

Accompanying a child in the family. Interaction with the family requires extreme tact, special delicacy and caution from the social teacher. At the same time, he cannot ignore the facts when a dysfunctional family environment negatively affects the child’s personality. At the same time, parents’ behavior is often not antisocial in nature, and therefore does not provide grounds for intervention by law enforcement agencies. In this case, the school, whether it wants it or not, has to take the initiative in unobvious circumstances, which is always troublesome and difficult, but necessary when thinking about children. Here, the supporters of the social educator are bodies and institutions whose activities are aimed at protecting the rights of the child.

Working with the child's social environment. It requires, first of all, initiative from the school in general, and from the social educator in particular. After all, teachers often spend a lot of effort and time fighting conflicts that arise in the environment and are only transferred to the walls of the educational institution. Moreover, the destruction of the infrastructure of courtyard associations, which gravitated towards the school as a center of culture and education, made the school look like a fortress that had gone into deep defense. And since the unknown creates anxiety, a biased attitude towards the “street” covers and colors the entire social environment as a whole with a tinge of hostility. Interest in the informal life of students is an absolutely necessary quality of a school; its loss is unnatural, and everyone understands this.

Participation in the work of the parent committee. Interaction with public bodies of school self-government - the parent committee, the board of trustees, etc. - is the task of a social teacher in many areas of his work. Particular attention should be paid to new trends that have not yet become traditional in school practice. Thus, councils on family problems created under parent committees or boards of trustees can play an important positive role in social and pedagogical work. Such an association of parents from among authoritative representatives of the public does not have administrative powers, but is extremely effective in moral terms. Such associations can also be involved in working with teachers when an arbitrator is needed to resolve a conflict.

Thus, a social teacher at school has a very wide range of activities.

It provides the following specific services to students and their parents:

Helps in the adaptation of children when entering school, transition from primary to secondary and from secondary school to adulthood;

Prevents conflicts that may arise in a children's team for various reasons, helps resolve conflict situations at an early stage and prevent the development of more serious problems; helps students develop problem solving and stress management skills; teaches them social skills, etc.;

Acts as a mediator between school and family: helps parents and teachers understand the interests and needs of children in education and find ways to satisfy them at school, determine individual educational programs for children who need it (for example, teaching children at home);

Serves as a link between parents and the school staff, encourages parents to take part in school life, informs the administration and school staff about the wishes of the family;

Helps schoolchildren overcome barriers that prevent them from attending school and doing well in classes;

Prevents and reduces the negative impact of risk factors on the lives of children.

In addition, together with the school staff, the social teacher:

Participates in teacher councils, parent meetings and other meetings dedicated to school life;

Consults with teachers and school staff on various social and pedagogical issues in order to help improve the living conditions of students in the school and its environment;

Organizes cooperation with teachers and other specialists (school psychologist, speech pathologist, doctor, etc.) in developing individual strategies and tactics for helping maladjusted children;

Provides assistance in assessing and analyzing student disciplinary offenses, etc.

Today's schoolchildren are faced with many social, economic, and personal problems that negatively affect the process of their social and civic development. The school staff must comprehensively solve the student’s problems, in which the social educator [Galaguzova] plays an important role.


Pedagogical system

Scientific Management

Social management Types of social control Control

Internal management Management (traditional)


Building an organization's management structure- This is a function of management - organization. The structure of the organization reflects the division of work adopted in it between departments, groups and people, and the management structure creates coordination mechanisms that ensure the effective achievement of the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

Organizational structure- the composition of its divisions, as well as individual managers and their regular information relationships on the joint implementation of management activities. The organizational structure is aimed at establishing clear relationships between the divisions of the company and the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them. Elements: both individual employees and special units. Types of organizational structures: Linear - at the head of each structural unit there is a leader - a single commander; The functional structure, the performance of individual functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists (marketing department, accounting, etc.), and the overall task of managing the organization is divided, starting from the middle level, according to functional criteria. The matrix structure is built on the principle of double subordination of performers: on the one hand, directly to the head of the unit, on the other hand, to the program manager, who is endowed with the necessary powers and is responsible for deadlines and quality.

Social and pedagogical system- the system is open, nonequilibrium, largely self-organizing (synergetics is a science that studies self-organizing systems), take into account the natural properties of the emerging system, its internal qualities, and the history of its development.

In accordance with this idea, management must be carried out, firstly, by the system as a whole; secondly, each of its components separately, taking into account its originality and with an eye to the system as an integrity that includes it; thirdly, how to manage the interaction of components that ensures the personal development of students.

Development management can be carried out in two ways - revolutionary and evolutionary. The first is called by A.S. Makarenko the “explosion method” (it is usually caused by emergency circumstances). With the evolutionary path, there is well-provided objective information about the state and functioning of the system, the desire of teachers and student activists for constant creative search. The evolutionary path gradually becomes more complicated: the goals are enriched. The content of activities becomes more diverse, relationships become more subtle, connections and organizational and management processes become more ramified.

End in itself- the personality of a developing person included in the educational system. This means that it is necessary to manage the process of interaction and mutual influence of the system and the individual.

Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M., Shibanova G.N. Educational systems management

Goal setting- the main function of a manager, the stage of management activity and a component of its structure. Goal setting- choosing the purpose of the organization’s functioning. Its decisive role in management activities and the overall functioning of the organization is recognized, but is considered as part of the planning function. Goal setting in its content and role in management is precisely a management function. In the course of subsequent activities, new goals are formulated if the ineffectiveness of the original ones becomes clear. At the same time, goal setting is a consequence of other management functions, and not the first stage of management. Manager's Responsibilities- setting goals for performers, which is also part of the functioning of the organization. The goal-setting function is a complex process that unfolds over time, having specific patterns that are not characteristic of other management functions. The goal determines the general direction of the organization’s activities, its structure and composition, regulates the connections between its components, and integrates them into a coherent system. It is also the basis for strategic decisions and planning in an organization. The overall image of an organization depends on the nature of its goals. Mission- this is the foundation for the subsequent implementation of the goal-setting function.

Let us compare in comparison the job responsibilities of a social teacher, presented in his tariff and qualification characteristics, and the content of the managerial functions of a manager, highlighted by P.I. Tretyakov. Thus, the job responsibilities of a social teacher include:

1. Study of the characteristics of the surrounding microenvironment, living conditions;

2. Determining the tasks of teachers and students to achieve goals;

3. Participation in the development and approval of projects and programs; determination of forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways of solving personal and social problems of students; organizing the implementation of projects and programs;

4. Implementation of a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of children in institutions and at the place of residence; organization of various types of socially valuable activities for children and adults, events aimed at developing social initiatives; implementation of measures for social protection and implementation of individual rights and freedoms; work on employment, patronage, provision of housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, use of securities of orphans and children left without parental care; interaction with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists in social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations in terms of organizing assistance to children in need of guardianship and trusteeship, with disabilities, deviant behavior, and those in extreme situations;

5. Study of personality characteristics; identifying interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in children’s behavior

6. Mediation between the individual of the wards and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies; assistance in establishing humane, morally healthy relationships in the social environment; promoting the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and safety for pupils, caring for the protection of their lives and health; timely provision of social and pedagogical assistance and support to children.

The managerial functions of a manager include:

1. Information and analytical – self-analysis of one’s own management activities; analysis of information about the state and development of the educational process, the level of education of students, information about them;

2. Motivational-target – choice of goal; determination of strategic and tactical objectives; motivating teachers and students to achieve goals; transformation of motives into motives-goals;

3. Planning and forecasting – development of programs to achieve goals, comprehensive target planning;

4. Organizational and executive – activities to form and regulate a certain structure of organized interactions through a set of methods and means necessary to effectively achieve the goal;

5. Control and diagnostic – establishing compliance of the functioning and development of the system of educational work on a diagnostic basis with national requirements and standards;

6. Regulatory-corrective - making adjustments using operational methods, means and influences in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at the programmed level, maintaining one or another level of organization of the system in a given situation

Management styles

Management style- this is the way in which a manager manages his subordinate employees, as well as a pattern of behavior of a manager that is independent of the specific management situation. 1. Focused on the task that needs to be completed, the leader: condemns insufficient work; encourages slow-performing employees to put in more effort; attaches particular importance to the volume of work; rules with an iron fist; draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication; encourages employees

through pressure and manipulation to greater efforts; demands greater productivity from underperforming employees.

2. Person-oriented, in which the focus is on employees with their needs and expectations.

3. Authoritarian management style. With this management style, all production activities are organized by the manager without the participation of subordinates. This management style can be used when solving current problems and assumes a large distance in education between the manager and the subordinate, as well as material motivation of employees.

4. Corporate management style. With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of a manager and a subordinate. This management style can be used when the creative content of the work prevails and assumes an approximately equal level of education for the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

5. Management by the method of delegation of authority. Such management is a technique in which competencies and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. The burden is removed from the manager, the employees’ own initiative is supported, and their work motivation and willingness to bear responsibility are enhanced. In addition, employees must be trusted to make decisions on their own responsibility.

Travin V.V. Management and leadership styles. - M.: Education, 1998. -94 p.

Planning and forecasting management function and ways of its implementation

Planning and forecasting function- the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle. Forecasting and planning are activities for the optimal selection of ideal and real goals and the development of programs to achieve them. A systematic approach to forecasting and planning ensures a combination of long-term forecasting and current planning, consistency of forecasts and plans at all levels of professional training management. Principles: unity of target setting and implementation conditions; unity of long-term and short-term planning; implementation of the principle of combining state and social principles in the development of forecasts and plans; ensuring the comprehensive nature of forecasting and planning; stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts.

One of the effective ways to improve this type of activity is the introduction of comprehensive target planning (or comprehensive target programs). The target program is drawn up by the management team of the company for the implementation of current problems that require immediate solutions. The core of the target program is the general goal, decomposed into tasks, communicated to each department and performer. The structure of a comprehensive target program should include: a brief description of the state of the problem, its place and role in the strategic plan; general goal; a system of tasks (subgoals) communicated to performers; indicators characterizing the success of achieving the goal; deadlines, performers; information support for managing the problem solving process; monitoring the progress of the program; current and final analysis; regulation, determination of zones of immediate and long-term development of the school in the conditions of specialized education; development of an optimal model for organizing specialized training, its scientific and methodological support; forecasting the results of educational and management activities; designing zones for urgent and long-term prospects for resource support for specialized training.

Planning conditions: objective assessment of the level of work of the preschool institution at the time of planning;

a clear presentation of the results and level of work that must be achieved by the end of the planned period;

choosing the optimal ways, means, methods that will help achieve your goals, and therefore obtain the planned result.

In the process of developing the plan, it is clarified and adjusted depending on objective conditions. However, the number of such amendments can be reduced to a minimum if, when forming a plan, the principles of scientificity, optimality, complexity, perspective, collegiality, and taking into account the personal qualities of the participants are taken into account.

27. Fundamentals of team management in a social and pedagogical institution.

When speaking about the management of teaching staff further, we will have in mind the management system, that is, apply a systematic approach to the theoretical understanding of management activities.

By management system we understand a set of coordinated, interconnected activities aimed at achieving a significant goal of the organization. To such activities we include management functions, implementation of principles and application of effective management methods.

There are several control functions educational institutions. Lazarev V.S. distinguishes among them planning, organizing, directing and controlling. To these main functions Slastenin V.A. adds pedagogical analysis, goal setting, regulation. Summarizing the views of these teachers, we will reveal the following functions of teaching staff management: analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, leadership, control and regulation.

Basic management functions “are relatively separate areas of management activity.”

The function of pedagogical analysis in its modern understanding was introduced and developed in the theory of intra-school management by Yu.A. Konarzhevsky. Pedagogical analysis occupies a special place in the structure of the management cycle: any management cycle consisting of sequentially interrelated functions begins and ends with it.

The effectiveness of management activities is largely determined by how school leaders master the methodology of pedagogical analysis, how deeply they can study established facts, and identify the most characteristic dependencies. Untimely or unprofessional analysis in the activities of the school director leads, at the stage of developing goals and forming tasks, to vagueness, vagueness, and sometimes to unfoundedness of the decisions made. Ignorance of the true state of affairs in the teaching or student team creates difficulties in establishing the correct system of relationships in the process of regulating and adjusting the pedagogical process. In the theory and practice of intra-school management Yu.A. Konarzhevsky and T.I. Shamova identified the main types of pedagogical analysis depending on its content: parametric, thematic, and summary.

Parametric analysis is aimed at studying daily information about the progress and results of the educational process, identifying the reasons that violate it. As a rule, based on the results of parametric analysis, amendments and changes are made to the regulation of the entire pedagogical process. The subject of parametric analysis is the study of current academic performance, discipline in classes and at school per day and per week, attendance at lessons and extracurricular activities, the sanitary condition of the school, and compliance with the class schedule.

The main content of the parametric analysis carried out by the school principal and his deputies is attendance at lessons and extracurricular activities. Recording the results of parametric analysis, their systematization and comprehension prepare thematic pedagogical analysis. Parametric analysis is not just a statement of facts, but their comparison, generalization, search for the causes of their occurrence and prediction of possible consequences. The results of such analysis and decisions made on their basis require prompt implementation.

Thematic analysis is aimed at studying more stable, recurring dependencies and trends in the course and results of the pedagogical process. The content of the thematic analysis demonstrates to a greater extent a systematic approach to the study of classroom and extracurricular activities. If the subject of parametric analysis can be a separate lesson or extracurricular activity, then the subject of thematic analysis is already a system of extracurricular activities, etc. A school director or head teacher can get the most complete picture of a teacher’s work only by analyzing a number of lessons and activities, thus gaining an idea of ​​the teacher’s work system. The content of the thematic analysis consists of such complex problems as the optimal combination of teaching methods, the formation of a system of student knowledge; the system of work of teachers, class teachers for the education of moral, aesthetic, physical, intellectual culture, etc.; the system of teacher work to improve the level of pedagogical culture; activities of the teaching staff in creating an innovative environment at school, etc.

Social-pedagogical system: concept, types.

There are two main approaches to its formation: 1) indicating its integrity as an essential feature of any system; 2) understanding the system as a set of elements along with the relationships between them.

System- a purposeful integrity of interconnected elements, having new integrative properties that are absent in each of them, associated with the external environment.” A certain community of elements functioning according to its inherent goals (Yu.K. Babansky)

Systems in which pedagogical processes take place are defined as pedagogical systems that have certain elements or objects and their relationships or structures and functions.

Pedagogical system- socially conditioned integrity of participants in the pedagogical process interacting on the basis of cooperation between themselves, the environment and its spiritual and material values, aimed at the formation and development of the individual.” This is “a relatively stable set of elements, an organizational connection of people, their spheres of action, the order of performing functions, spatio-temporal connections, relationships, methods of interaction and structure of activity in the interests of achieving certain educational goals and results, solving planned cultural and developmental tasks of education and human learning."

According to their characteristics, pedagogical systems are real (by origin), social (by substance), complex (by level of complexity), open (by the nature of interaction with the external environment), dynamic (by variability), probabilistic (by the method of determination), purposeful (based on the presence of goals), self-governing (based on controllability) character. Provided they are purposeful and dynamic, they still have developing properties, which is manifested in their constant variability. Pedagogical systems are open because information processes occur between them and the surrounding reality. (Types of social and pedagogical systems: educational systems, the process of education, training, which takes place within the educational system, any educational institution.

Basic concepts of scientific management.

Scientific Management- a set of principles of workplace management that causes the separation of mental labor from manual labor, the division of tasks, deskilling, strict control over the workforce and incentive wage payments. The birthplace of scientific management is the USA in the 1890s. His main inspirer is F.W. Taylor, which is why “Taylorism” and “scientific management” are often used interchangeably.

Control has a technical-cybernetic significance, a directed influence on a particular system with 2 different goals. Goal 1 – maintaining the characteristics of the control object constant, the result of such management is maintaining the structure and functions at a given level. Goal 2—directed change in internal or external characteristics; the result of such control will be a change in the internal properties of the object (partial or complete).

Social management. – the process of interaction of control over the community of people in one or another sector of human life. Objects of influence of type 3 - another person, a group of people, oneself. Types of social control. - This is pedagogical management. Management is an activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management, analyzing, summing up results based on reliable information. Control is a field of activity that naturally emerged in the process of evolution and is associated with the maintenance and management of the system. In the main Ex. Management activities lie. Subject of ex. d-ti- person. Subject of management – ​​any, incl. machine or biological system.

Control (Shakurov) is the regulated state of a system in order to obtain a result. Pedagogical management - activities aimed at maintaining and developing social pedagogy. systems. Internal management– purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in the holistic pedagogical process based on knowledge of its objective laws in order to achieve an optimal result. Management (traditional)– impact on the object of management, but with the development of management, management began to be understood as interaction (2 subjects). Management is a special type of management activity. In the West, it was associated with commercial activities, but over time this concept moved into social systems. Management (from a social perspective)– the ability to achieve constant goals and results using labor, intelligence and motives of behavior of other people; - the science of management, the art of managing people; - this is a group of people who are managers of an organization, i.e. manadgement Department. Management is only a part of the management system, aimed only at organizing the work of people.

Principle– the starting position that guides the manager when carrying out functions (democratization of the human pedagogical system; systematicity and integrity of management; rational combination of centralization and decentralization in management; collegiality and unity of command; completeness of information, objectivity in systems management ).

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