Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin

Types of schools in modern education What types of schools exist

School years are a long, important stage in the life of every person. At school we learn independence, learn to make friends, communicate, acquire...

in detail / 29.02.2024
Educational standards

The concept and legal nature of GOS. Along with the principles and criteria for selecting the content of education, it is currently a reliable guide in its...

in detail / 28.02.2024
Physicality and human health

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that human corporeality as a socio-philosophical problem has constantly attracted interest: how...

in detail / 02.01.2024
The image and characteristics of Lefty in Nikolai Leskov’s work “Lefty

Article menu: The image of Lefty in Leskov’s work is quite interesting and unusual. There are very few people like him, and in our time...

in detail / 19.11.2023
Using fairytale therapy as a method of working with children with disabilities in inclusive education Fairytale therapy as a method of working with children with disabilities

Using fairy tale therapy as a method of working with children with disabilities in an inclusive education Fairy tale is a great...

in detail / 21.10.2023
How to memorize vocabulary words

Every person wants to write without errors. For people with innate literacy, coping with this problem is quite simple. But most have...

in detail / 24.08.2023
Additional task: Unusual signal

The site's walkthrough of the game will take you from the title screen to the game's end credits. Here you can find the location of collectibles...

in detail / 09.07.2023
Russian State Humanitarian University RSU budget places

The university trains specialists in a wide range of humanitarian areas, as well as in the fields of economics, law and computer...

in detail / 19.06.2022
Methods of natural science knowledge

Methods and techniques of natural science research The concept of methodology and method In the modern understanding, methodology is the study of structure, logical...

in detail / 27.01.2022
Kedmi Yakov: biography, career, personal life

Yakov Kazakov (now Kedmi) was born on March 5, 1947.

in detail / 09.08.2021
He independently came to the decision to leave for Israel; the first, having no relatives in...

Russian school abroad The best Russian schools abroad

in detail / 28.05.2021
01/24/2014 At a recent press conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that Russia will open its...

If you want to master the English language, you will have to learn English words one way or another. The more words you know, the wider your possibilities...

in detail / 09.01.2021
Graphical method for solving irrational equations

This teaching material is for reference only and relates to a wide range of topics. The article provides an overview of the graphs of the main elementary...

in detail / 12.09.2020
The relative position of two circles

Class 7G, ​​G Lesson topic: “The relative position of two circles” Purpose: to know the possible cases of the relative position of two circles; apply...

in detail / 13.08.2020
What's wrong with physics in modern school

We are starting a series of articles about problems and outdated concepts in the school curriculum and invite you to speculate on why schoolchildren need physics, and...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Useful information for tourists

Of course, Tajikistan is not such a large tourism center as, for example, Türkiye. However, this does not mean that Tajikistan has nothing to surprise foreigners. IN...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Structure and main stages of the modeling process

Modeling is a creative process. It is very difficult to put it into a formal framework. In its most general form, it can be presented step by step in...

in detail / 29.06.2020
Time management for a mother of many children

How to manage everything?

in detail / 29.06.2020