What types of schools are there? Types of schools in modern education What types of schools exist

School years are a long, important stage in the life of every person. At school we learn independence, learn to make friends, communicate, and acquire a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of school for a child and his family. The issue of schooling is relevant for many parents, which is why we decided to give it a place on the pages of our newsletter.

With this issue we begin a description of existing forms of schooling. The information presented is not exhaustive; each form of education requires separate consideration and clarification, and in the future we plan to continue publishing materials on school topics.

So, today in Russia there are several opportunities for a child with special needs to receive a school education.

Special (correctional) schools

There are 8 types of special (correctional) schools for children with various developmental disabilities:

I and II types- for children with hearing impairments;

III and IV types- for children with visual impairments;

V type- for children with speech impairments;

VI species- for children with musculoskeletal disorders;

VII type- for children with mental retardation;

VIII species- for children with intellectual disabilities.

Special schools have a number of advantages - such as a specially designed training program, protective regime of training sessions, preparation for work and much more. Such schools employ specialists who know the characteristics of children and have special teaching methods. Graduates of special schools receive quite diverse educational and professional training.

Historically, in our country, it has developed that a special school is focused on a fairly high level of knowledge in various academic subjects and imposes a number of specific requirements on students, as a result of which previously they did not always accept children with Down syndrome. However, today the majority of children with Down syndrome are educated in Type VIII schools.

It should be noted that special schools are often boarding schools. This is due to the fact that they are often far from where families live, making it difficult to get to school every day.

Integration schools

Integration is a direction in the field of educational development that exists in different countries of the world. With integrated education, children with special needs and normal children are taught together.

Recently in Russia the term “inclusive education”, which came to us from Western countries, has appeared, a synonym for the term “integration education”. The goal of this form of education is the integration of a child with developmental disabilities into society, which today means providing him with the rights and opportunities to participate in all types and forms of social life (including education) along with other members of society in conditions that compensate for developmental deviations.

For a number of countries, inclusion has become a reality, but in our country there are still reasons preventing its implementation.

Perhaps the main reason is that in Russia integration education appeared much later than in the West, and under fundamentally different conditions. In the West, the integration process is regulated by law, but in Russia, integration education does not have a clear legislative basis and exists only at the level of discussion, projects and individual examples. The attitude of society towards the integration of children with special needs is also a problem: our fellow citizens are not yet ready to accept widespread integration practices. In addition, regular school teachers and special education teachers are also insufficiently prepared to work in the conditions of integrated education.

It should be emphasized that there are various forms of integration education in the system of special and general education:

  • in a regular classroom at a general education school with individual assistance from a teacher;
  • in a correctional class at a general education school;
  • in a special class in a special (correctional) school (in fact, this is integration within the special education system).

It is important that the form of education meets the educational needs of the child. If this does not happen and the child does not receive the necessary psychological and pedagogical support, then the conditions are not favorable for receiving an education, which leads to additional difficulties for him. We need to remember this and understand that simply placing a child in a regular class is a distorted form of integration that will not bring the expected results.

Private schools and educational centers

In addition to specialized and integration training, there is the possibility of training in non-state private schools and educational centers. Their work often uses non-traditional methods and techniques, for example, art pedagogy techniques (theater, dance, ceramics, drawing, etc.) Such training is usually paid.

Schools for children with poor health and home-schooling schools

These are schools that have their own specifics and are not included in the list of special (correctional) schools.

A school for children with poor health is essentially a general education school, but with a special, protective regime of classes.

In a home-schooling school, the teacher comes to the child’s home several times a week or teaches him at school individually or in small groups no more than 2-3 times a week. At the same time, you need to go through and practice most of the material yourself.

In our country there are rare examples of teaching children with Down syndrome in schools of this type.

Home-based education departments also exist on the basis of several special and general education schools.

Now that you have some idea of ​​the existing forms of school education, I would like to give you some advice.

It is very important to notify your local education department of your desire to send your child to school. And this needs to be done in advance.

Remember that all over the world, the driving force behind the development of education for children with special needs has always been their parents, and therefore your initiative and willingness to defend your child’s right to education is very important! The right to education is the constitutional right of every person, and if educational authorities regularly receive applications and questions about the possibility of educating children with Down syndrome, then our educational system will be forced to solve them.

In addition to filing an application with the local education department, we recommend that the child's family actively search for a suitable school. Find out what schools are in your city or area. Think about which school is more convenient to get to. This is an important factor: if it takes a lot of time and effort to get to school, this negatively affects the learning process. Having previously assessed the schools, visit them, get to know the administration and the teachers. Tell us about your child, about his characteristics, successes, and the difficulties he encounters during the learning process. Ask questions that concern you and interest you. This is very important, because in addition to the official procedure for admission to an educational institution, much is determined by personal acquaintance with the school and the people working in it. And ultimately, it is which teachers will work with your child that will determine the educational process. Your interest and willingness to help and participate in the life of the school will most likely be met with approval and gratitude.

To summarize, we can say that at the moment in Russia there are various options for schooling children with Down syndrome. These options do not always suit us, but changes are taking place in the education system (in particular, special education) in Russia. And in many ways, what these changes will be depends on you, dear parents!

What kind of school friends are there? (Essay-reasoning)

Each of us, going to first grade, happily awaits the start of our school years. For many, when children grow up and enter adulthood, their school years are considered the best of all their lives. Especially when true friendship arises between classmates at school, and the team becomes strong and united.

Some time passes, and by the time of middle and high school, one can judge what kind of schoolmates there are.

Of course, as in every class, clear leaders emerge clearly in terms of their qualities. Many people follow them, they try to imitate them and be like them. There are, of course, excellent students who copy everything off and try to stay close to them.

Also, everyone has very different interests. The so-called “good guys” participate in various clubs and sports sections. Some people play music, dreaming of becoming a rock star, while others play sports. But, not because he wants to become a famous athlete, although this is not excluded, but simply because he wants to be strong and healthy.

Many girls are involved in dancing and handicrafts. The works of some craftswomen take prizes at city and school competitions.

And between the guys, as usual, sometimes quarrels and fights occur, which, fortunately, quickly end in a truce and resolution of all issues.

But, there are also those on whom their domestic problems leave a huge imprint. Especially if you are constantly short of money.

These girls and boys try to stay away from others, clearly expressing their embarrassment and some kind of timidity. They are dressed much more modestly, and they don’t have expensive gadgets either. Of course, they try to be cheerful and cheerful, but it is immediately clear that something is wrong with them. For some in the family, one of the parents lost their job, and for others, they don’t even try to look for one. Of course, the lack of financial resources is very unsettling. Schoolchildren, instead of coming home and doing homework, try to earn extra money somewhere.

As often happens in such a situation, in such a family there is not one child, but several.

But there are also classmates who are no longer interested in school life. Thanks to the “influence” of the street, they have already had a full taste of adult life. Some of them started smoking, others drink alcohol, or worse, drugs. Unfortunately, among modern schoolchildren, this is not uncommon.

You need to stay as far away from such classmates as possible. They definitely won’t teach you anything good. Moreover, they can cause huge problems.

But the best option is not to turn away from them completely, but to try to help them, naturally, with the help of adults. Who knows, perhaps, thanks to this help, they will become, in the future, normal and full-fledged members of society?

Everyone wanted her, but she didn't want anyone.

Or she wanted to, but because of her overwhelming cuteness, she couldn’t afford public feelings.

More precisely, no, it could in a couple of cases. For example, if the teacher gave an “eight” instead of a “ten” for the annual exam, streams of tears burst out of the eyes of a beautiful, frighteningly well-groomed girl. Her friends surrounded her with napkins in their hands and calmed her down. She and everyone around her pretended that later in life there would be no destructive work from 9 to 6, a degenerate husband in a stretched out T-shirt, an alcoholic, children who need to buy a jacket for the winter (and there are discounts on Darynka) and other life problems.

Ugly girl

In “Uncle Vanya” Chekhov wrote: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts.” Everything was wrong for these poor guys. And the face, and clothes, thoughts, most likely, did not lag behind (of course, with such and such a life).

In “Uncle Vanya” Chekhov wrote: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts.” Everything was wrong for these poor guys.

Ugly girls had no choice but to concentrate on their studies, but very often they did not achieve colossal success there either - they were ordinary, with its ups and downs. And they were friends with semi-beautiful girls. This famous combination is when one asserts itself at the expense of the other. Because of such a complex emotional background, God knows what was happening in their souls.

Not very beautiful, but cool girl

Compared to the others, it is not such a common element in the harsh school landscape. But if you came across one, it was great. It was cool to just sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with such a girl in class. Even guys could do this. Even complex ones. Or, on the contrary, liberated.

She found an approach to everyone. She was a moderate tomboy, but she didn’t allow her to forget that she would soon become, albeit not ideal, a woman.

Do you want to talk about football? Yes, did you see how Bayern made a three yesterday? About the movie? Yeah, Russell Crowe is cool.


Nerds were divided into two conventional categories.

The first ones were generally satisfied with their nerdiness. At school, the main thing for them was to satisfy the teacher with a freaking original essay about bread, and to pass the laboratory work better than the rest. It was even possible to communicate with them, but there was always some line beyond which they would not go.

As soon as some professional student from the “Beautiful Girl” category blossomed in the spring, nerds of this type realized that a discriminant test does not solve all problems.

The second are nerds with internal conflict. They were also very dependent on their parents and grades, they wrapped their notebooks in neat covers, kept their pens in a pencil case and almost never lost them. But as soon as some professional girl from the “Beautiful Girl” category blossomed in the spring, nerds of this type understood that life is pain. And that a discriminant test will not solve all problems. Sometimes they rebelled, but, as a rule, they immediately returned to earth thanks to the conflict of people from the category “Bully who liked girls” (see below).

They especially loved precise objects, not trusting history and literature too much.


In each class there was a person about whom very little was known. His persona was something of an urban legend. Some said that he lives only with his grandmother, others said that he was seriously ill with something. Only teachers knew about some of them, but this did not stop some of them from showing their sadistic inclinations, bombarding the “absent” with awkward questions about the program. Even though it was obvious that he lived a life not too similar to the lives of other children.


He stood up and, catching his breath on every syllable, began to lament monotonously “frost-and-sun-a-wonderful-day-you-are-still-sleeping-lovely-friend.”

After each word he forgot the next one. The teacher disappointedly told him a new line, and he stupidly and helplessly repeated. He repeated it in such an eerie creaky voice, as if it were an ancient pagan prayer, and the Romans and Greeks never invented any rhetoric.

“Dumb” couldn’t remember or understand anything. Absolutely nothing. The complexity and quantity of information supplied did not matter. Or maybe he was just a non-conformist who did not want to compromise with the system.

The bully that girls liked

A genius of idiotic humor, neat Turkish clothes imitating Armani and Cavalli, with a characteristic rosy tint on his cheeks. The question of why the beautiful girls giggling next to him during breaks liked this something so much tormented the nerds much more than rational fractions and Anna Karenina.

It really was a paradox.

When he opened his mouth, terrible platitudes and perfectly flat jokes poured out.

Instead of a poem, he could read Decl’s song and stand in front of the whole class, breaking into a satisfied smile. At first there was silence for a few seconds, but then (paradox!) the beautiful girls began to giggle.

In arguing with the teacher, he could afford much more than the rest. And he got away with everything.

The bully that no one liked

In most cases, he was like this not because of a good life. Drinking single mother, lack of money, brother drafted into the army, father beating with a belt.

However, there were also scumbags who simply went, say, to fight. They could come up and hit you in the lateral thigh muscle for no reason. Or throw gum in a girl's hair. Or publicly humiliate a nerd for twenty minutes, taking advantage of everyone’s intimidation.

And then loudly groan with laughter and shout “Ah-ah, don’t drive, don’t drive!” With the fricative "g", of course.

The girl with a bad reputation

In every class there was a girl about whom there were rumors.

Judging by her appearance, quite often they could be true.

It was rumored that someone was pinning her in the toilet. She might not be too pretty, but she consistently overdid her makeup. Horror, she could often be seen laughing in the company of older schoolchildren, or, even worse, non-schoolchildren.


The most common type of school fauna.

The “average” ones either did not have their own opinion, or they did, but preferred to join the public.

They showed both good and bad qualities from time to time. On the question of whether to skip class en masse, they agreed only if there was an absolute majority. In general, they were good guys and girls, but they could immediately become seriously upset that their neighbor received a higher grade. We studied well, but never stood out in anything.

Now you probably remember a couple of such faces. But you are unlikely to remember the names.

On the eve of Teacher's Day, we decided to indulge in nostalgia and remember the wonderful school days. We noticed that most students and teachers look like characters from famous films and TV series, so we invite you to have a little fun - find your friends and teachers, and maybe yourself among the proposed types. Find out if you're like Phoebe from Friends or Peter Parker from Spider-Man.

7 types of teachers that every school has

Below we will tell you about 7 types of teachers you definitely met at school. We think you will easily recognize them in our characters. Or maybe your current English teacher is like one of them?

Ross from Friends (good, but too good-natured)

The most harmless teacher in school. Even if you haven’t learned something, he will say: “For now, I only put a D in the journal with a pencil.” He is happy to share his knowledge with his students, but... they have almost no respect for him. Remember what Ross said: “My rule is: either show up on time or don’t show up at all. My students use this a lot.” Yes, yes, this is the same type of teacher whose lessons were so easy to disrupt and skip, because out of the kindness of his heart he would never complain to his parents or write a report to the director. It is easy to study with such a teacher, the main thing is not to sit on his head, because the cup of patience may overflow. In rare moments of anger, he can behave arrogantly, so if you do not want to become the object of his caustic jokes, like Joey, know when to stop.

Darth Vader from Star Wars (dictator)

Very strict teacher. Like young Anakin Skywalker, he believes that the best system is a dictatorship. His authority is so high that the students even forget about the existence of the Emperor - the school director; the main thing is to please the strict teacher. The slogan of the teacher-dictator is “Sit down! A call for the teacher,” well, since the force is on his side, the Darth Vader teacher will keep you in the tight grip of the educational process until the end of the break. If you don't do your homework, he will start waving his saber with a lightsaber - handing out deuces left and right. “Sit down, two!” - one of the favorite phrases of the Vader teacher. In general, if this teacher is not your father, we advise you to behave quietly, below the grass and wait until Darth Vader angers the Emperor so much that the latter wants to get rid of him.

Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory (smart but narcissistic)

If this beacon of knowledge has condescended to teach, get ready to study, study and study again. He will demand that you know every little detail about his subject. If you (God forbid!) declare that at the initial level you still don’t know the difference between being going to and will, he will consider you a mediocrity and utter Sheldon’s famous quote: “Do you know what they don’t sell in the container store? Containers that can contain my disappointment!” Do not under any circumstances try to argue with this type of teacher, even if you are 100% sure that you are right: at best, Sheldon will not listen to you, at worst, you will become his enemy, just like Leslie Winkle.

A pedant to the core: being a second late will be punished with the sacramental phrase “Close the door on the other side.” In addition, the Sheldon teacher loves strict discipline. Remember the famous phrase from school “If you’re so smart, stand in my place and teach a lesson, and I’ll sit in yours and giggle”? This type of teacher often says this. To tame Sheldon, throw comic books at him and do your homework, this will keep him entertained for a while.

Indiana Jones from the Indiana Jones films (a practitioner who knows how to captivate)

Teaching is the main activity in his life. However, he is not just a theorist, but also a practitioner: as soon as the opportunity arises, he will go abroad to practice his English, taking only a hat and a whip. Being a valiant fighter against evil and injustice, the Indy teacher will not allow you to skip his lessons, although you are unlikely to have such a desire: natural charm and the ability to explain everything in simple words can win the love of not only millions of fans, but also a couple of dozen students. He has a wonderful sense of humor; most likely, it is in his lesson that you can hear the famous “Who’s at the blackboard?” Forest of hands! And he also motivates us to take action instead of saying: “If you want to become archaeologists, get out of libraries.” With such a teacher, you will definitely be ready to go in search of the Holy Grail and to the pinnacle of knowledge of the English language.

Dr. House from the TV series "Dr. House" (very smart, but breaks all the rules)

Teacher-House is a true master of his craft: he understands the subject perfectly and gives clear explanations. At the same time, he treats his patients and students cynically and rather ruthlessly. If you cannot cope with the task, you may well quote your prototype from the series: “Are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?” This unusual type of teacher does not get along well at school, because there are too many rules in the educational institution, and Dr. House and the rules, as you remember, are incompatible things. However, no matter how callous a cracker he may seem, teacher House still loves his job and wants all his students to be well versed in the subject. So, despite his disgusting character, many students adore him and consider him a teaching genius.

Mary Poppins from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!" (Firestarter)

An almost ideal teacher who is respected by absolutely all students. Even inveterate losers and hooligans listen to her with bated breath, because this lady (or gentleman) is able to turn any lesson into a fairy tale. Teacher Mary advocates an individual approach to each student. In addition, she is not afraid of change, so without a twinge of conscience she throws out old, outdated textbooks, gladly uses new methods of teaching English and promotes modern textbooks, rather than the textbooks of the dashing 90s, which were not so revered in many schools. She is strict, but fair, and also knows how to present knowledge in an interesting form and easily instills a love for the subject in her students.

Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings (wise mentor)

Gandalf is an ideal teacher: he loves hobbit students and knows his business perfectly. But his main advantage is that this is the same type of teacher who “only opens the door, but you yourself must enter.” Remember, Gandalf showed Frodo the path and motivated him to reach his goal. At first glance, it seems that the cunning wizard is inclined to dump his work on the shoulders of the poor hobbit students. However, it is not. Teacher Gandalf knows very well: to understand something, you need not only the help of a teacher, but also independent work, even if it involves a difficult path with many obstacles and mistakes. A magical teacher pushes students in the right direction and inspires them to achieve feats in their studies, which is why his students love him.

7 Types of Students Every Class Has

Now let's remember our classmates: some were quiet and modest, some were cheerful and eccentric, and some were meticulous and annoying. What type would you classify your friends and yourself as?

Daenerys Targaryen from the series "Game of Thrones" (team leader)

Determined and confident student. While the teacher considers himself to be the leader in the class, the student leader has a different opinion. He easily leads his khalasar class and does not recognize other authorities except himself. Usually such a student has his own “dragons” - a retinue who is ready to do anything for the sake of their leader. Despite the apparent authoritarianism and even harshness of the student leader, he, like Daenerys herself, is inclined to protect the oppressed and fight authoritarian power. So the teacher better be on good terms with the class leader, otherwise the latter will greatly spoil his blood.

Cinderella (very diligent student)

The quietest and most obedient student in the class. Most often, this is an insecure girl who easily bows to the authority of the teacher. She believes that if she works diligently, peace will reign on Earth, and all the pumpkins will turn into carriages. The Cinderella student is very patient and obedient: she will sit on a task until she solves it. She may prefer homework to fun games in the yard, because she simply does not have the conscience to lie to the teacher that her evil stepmother tore up her notebook with problems. It should be said that Cinderella’s efforts, as a rule, pay off handsomely: she graduates well from school and goes to university even without the help of a fairy godmother.

Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter film series (excellent student, teacher's dream)

Hermione is as diligent and diligent as Cinderella, but, unlike the latter, studying gives her great pleasure. Student-Hermione loves to gain new knowledge and does not miss the opportunity to show off it. She is characterized by some arrogance, so she has few friends. It must be said that teachers do not like an upstart student, so the poor excellent student does not have to expect support from them either. However, this does not at all prevent her from being the best in her class and performing academic feats every day. While her classmates go to disco balls, the excellent student studies textbooks and storms to new heights in English and other subjects. If Hermione can calm her arrogance, she will easily win loyal lifelong friends like Harry and Ron.

Barney Stinson from the TV series How I Met Your Mother (fun party animal)

The most cheerful and charming guy in the class. A real star: he loves to be the center of attention, so he often plays pranks on the teacher and amuses his classmates, he is even called the school clown. All the girls are in love with him, and all the boys imitate him. Student Barney is so charming and dexterous in communication that he can easily persuade the teacher to dismiss the entire class from class. If this fails, Barney will take the class away to play laser tag without the teacher’s permission. Only Hermione, who loves studying, and Cinderella, who simply does not dare to break discipline, do not succumb to his charms. Barney is not stupid and is a good student, but he is constantly looking for adventures on his own and encourages the whole class to do the same.

Phoebe from Friends (the weird creative student)

A very strange student (often a student) who has few friends, because not everyone can understand her specific humor and unusual behavior. As a rule, she is not particularly interested in studies, but she is interested in creativity: she can talentedly draw electrical circuits in the Art Deco style in a physics lesson or sing Smelly cat in an English lesson. Most of the students avoid Phoebe, and even the leader, as a rule, does not touch her, because no one knows what to expect from her. This student lives in her own little cozy world, and if someone tries to violate its boundaries, Phoebe can yell at the offender and give a worthy rebuff.

Grima Wormtongue/Wormtongue from The Lord of the Rings (sneak, speaker)

This student is not liked by the whole class, however, he lives well due to the fact that he can gain the trust of the King of Rohan with almost any teacher. He knows everything: who broke the window in the dining room, who catches Pokemon in a physical education lesson, who copied Hermione’s homework, etc. All this news is immediately reported to the head Saruman of the school. Although Grima is only disgusting, you need to be on your guard with him and keep your mouth shut, especially if you don’t have a Gandalf teacher next to you, who does not tolerate speakers and knows how to rid the school kingdom of them.

Peter Parker / Spider-Man from the Spider-Man films (The Outsider)

There is such a “whipping boy” in every class. He is very quiet and modest, studies diligently and looks around hauntedly. Immediately after school he goes home and does his homework, never plays football with his briefcase and does not misbehave. He is somewhat similar to Cinderella, but if she is treated condescendingly, then Peter often becomes an object of ridicule and does not believe in a bright future, unlike the same Cinderella. One can only hope that one day such a student will be lucky and the radioactive spider will nevertheless awaken in him determination and self-confidence.

Of course, this article is just a joke, and we hope you remember your school friends and favorite teachers with warmth. By the way, our school only employs teachers with Mary Poppins, Gandalf and Indiana Jones types, so if you love these characters, we invite you to Inglex at Hogwarts.

So, soon your child should go to first grade. You bought a bunch of reference books, studied school websites, asked your friends about where their children study. But already at this stage you are faced with the first difficulties, namely: what type (type) of school should you choose - a regular general education school, a private school, or something else? Dilemma.

Previously, the choice of school was determined by how close it was to home. That is, the closer, the better: the child will spend less time on the road, get tired less, and it will be easier for grandparents to pick up their grandson or granddaughter after school if you work.

But now many parents are no longer satisfied with this approach: they want their children to receive a quality education, study foreign languages, have the school organize trips abroad, and the like. The list of requirements can be written for a long time. Will a public school be able to meet these demands? Or is private school a better option? Or maybe choose a gymnasium with some specialization?

So, how can you understand the variety of schools that now exist in Moscow? In fact, everything is not very difficult - the main thing is to understand how different types of educational institutions differ from each other.

Let's look at their main types, which are most popular in Moscow.

1. Public schools

State schools have existed in Russia for many years. They, as the name suggests, are funded by the state, so education is free, which is their undeniable advantage. Another important advantage of such schools is state control of the educational process: thus, you can be absolutely sure that the school program has been approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Usually such schools are located close to home. The journey to school can take a child 10-15 minutes.

The disadvantages of this type of school include the low level of teaching foreign languages ​​(not in all schools, of course), overly large classes where the child cannot be given enough attention, and often buildings and classrooms need repairs.

2. Private schools in Moscow

In these schools, accordingly, tuition is paid. The school curriculum is the same in state and, since this is a unified state curriculum. The advantages of such schools include: a small number of students in classes, and, accordingly, an individual approach to each student, a high level of teaching due to the fact that private schools lure good teachers to themselves. And the main disadvantage is, of course, the high cost of training. But again, the quality of education depends entirely on the individual teacher. And in an ordinary public school you can meet an excellent teacher who not only teaches children some sciences, but also puts his whole soul into them.

3. Specialized schools

In such schools, the curriculum may differ from the curriculum in public schools, since here special attention is paid to “core” subjects. Such schools include sports, art, chemical and biological, mathematical and other educational institutions. The most popular schools of this type are schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. In the first grade, a child begins to learn one language, and in grade 5 he is given a second one. Physics and mathematics schools are also in great demand. Here they teach mainly exact sciences, and the humanities are taught for general development. Of course, in the first grade the child will not be given the opportunity to solve complex mathematical problems. The teacher’s goal at this stage is to teach a six- to seven-year-old child to think abstractly and logically and to express his thoughts correctly.

4. Gymnasiums

Here they can provide education to children both on a free and commercial basis. The education received in gymnasiums is considered to be of high quality and versatile. But core subjects are usually taught at the same level as in a regular school. In gymnasiums, special emphasis is placed on additional subjects. Compared to private schools, grammar schools rarely have classes with a small number of students.

5. Boarding schools

If you work and simply don’t physically have time to pick up your child from school (not only do you have to pick up your child, you also have to help him do his homework!), then this option is best for you. Usually boarding houses are located not in Moscow, but somewhere outside the city. Children live there five days a week, but in some schools they can stay on weekends, it all depends on the particular school and its work.

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