Archimandrite John (Peasant)

Origin of human races

For more than a century, various expeditions of anthropologists have been working in various parts of the globe, studying the diversity of humankind. Tribes studied...

in detail / 07.04.2024
Talleyrand Charles - biography, facts from life, photographs, background information The Great French Revolution

Talleyrand Charles (fully Charles Maurice Talleyrand-Périgord; Taleyrand-Périgord), French politician and statesman, diplomat,...

in detail / 26.03.2024
Magnesium and calcium Beryllium alkali metal

Distribution in nature and production. Magnesium and calcium are common elements on Earth (magnesium is the eighth, calcium is the sixth), and the rest...

in detail / 08.03.2024
Seminars “Effective practices in the activities of a class teacher Workshop workshop for class teachers

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow secondary school No. 426 Methodological topic “Organization of healthy...

in detail / 26.12.2023
Essay on Learning foreign languages ​​in English with translation Essay on the topic of why to study foreign languages

​English topic Why I Learn English will talk about the importance of learning foreign languages. Having studied the topic on...

in detail / 13.12.2023
Characteristics of Unified State Exam tasks in social studies

In addition to the main disciplines, schoolchildren can take additional ones, which they choose independently, and the results of which will be necessary for them for...

in detail / 17.11.2023
Power function and roots - definition, properties and formulas

Main goals: 1) to form an idea of ​​the feasibility of a generalized study of the dependencies of real quantities using the example of quantities...

in detail / 31.10.2023
Brief biography of Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born in Stoughton, Virginia, to Joseph Wilson (1822-1903), a doctor of divinity, and Janet Woodrow (1826-1888).

in detail / 11.10.2023
Who is Anna Gavalda? Blog archive "VO! circle of books" Anna Gavalda autobiography

Anna Gavaldá was born on December 9, 1970 in the French city of Boulogne-Bélancourt. It’s curious what else her great-grandmother, a native of St. Petersburg, had...

in detail / 20.04.2022
Cases of encounters between people and aliens White and small

Most likely, every person has wondered whether aliens exist. However, there are those who believe that they are constantly among...

in detail / 25.12.2021
Yellow coating on the tongue of an adult: causes and consequences

Human language is a kind of litmus test for the health of the entire organism. Normally, a healthy person should have a tongue without plaque, but...

in detail / 30.09.2021
Lenin pseudonym origin

(real name Ulyanov) due to conspiracy he had more than 150 pseudonyms. Lenin is the most famous pseudonym. After coming to power...

in detail / 08.09.2021
Countries that took part in the First World War

The search for the causes of the war leads to 1871, when the process of German unification was completed and Prussian hegemony was consolidated in the German Empire. At...

in detail / 17.06.2021
How to survive the apocalypse

Many of us have watched films about the zombie apocalypse, and while watching you were probably indignant at how someone could act so stupidly. In our editorial office too...

in detail / 18.01.2021
Coordinate plane Coordinate plane how to determine coordinates

If we construct two mutually perpendicular numerical axes on a plane: OX and OY, then they will be called coordinate axes. Horizontal axis...

in detail / 23.11.2020
What are the features of ringed

Annelids are the most highly organized worms. They are the most advanced type of worms. Features that distinguish this type of worm from others...

in detail / 21.10.2020
Cary bloody hoof. Everlasting memory. Cairn Bloody Hoof. Trading company mine

United Tauren Tribes Cairne Bloodhoof is the supreme leader of the United Tauren Tribes, leader of the...

in detail / 23.07.2020
Battle of Molodi: repeat of the Kulikovo victory

THE FORGOTTEN BATTLE (Battle of Molodi July 29 - August 3, 1572) The Battle of Molodi (Battle of Molodi) is a major battle that took place in 1572...

in detail / 04.07.2020