Who, when and how saw aliens... Cases of encounters between people and aliens White and small

Most likely, every person has wondered whether aliens exist. However, there are those who believe that they are constantly among people. However, what makes the alien stand out? How to calculate it? This is why you should study this article. You will be able to find out what appearance is characteristic of this or that type of extraterrestrial life, and you will also figure out how to distinguish a masquerading alien from a person.

Aliens and their disguise

Many people believe that aliens live among people on Earth and there are some special ways that can help you identify them. There are obvious aliens such as the Men in Black, the Reptilians, the "Tall Whites" and the Nordics. There are others who have hypnotic powers or technology that allows them to camouflage themselves among people.

Alien Identification

Obviously, every disguised alien should look exactly the same as a normal person. After all, without disguise, a reptilian, for example, would be very easy to notice in a crowd in a shopping center. However, the culture of ufology speaks of a large number of humanoid aliens. Some people claim that they have the ability to distinguish between aliens disguised as humans. They identified specific distinctive features that are worth paying attention to, since these features are always present in aliens.

Men in Black

Men in Black have been talked about for decades. They can always be seen after people have encountered a UFO. There is still debate about who or what they are. Some believe that they can be considered some type of android, while others are of the opinion that they are robots. No matter what they are, the men in black always look the same, and if you meet one of them, you'll understand pretty quickly why they look so different from the average person.

  • They have no facial hair, are very pale, are always bald, but sometimes wear wigs.
  • They have large blue eyes (but often wear sunglasses).
  • They wear long black coats, black suits, white shirts, black ties and black hats.
  • They are unemotional and speak in a robotic monotone voice.

The advantages and disadvantages of identifying the men in black are not easy to determine, as there is very little evidence in the form of photographs or videos. However, video recordings still exist and they do confirm that the Earth was visited by these aliens at one time or another. The objects in these videos fully match the description. Those who have encountered men in black report that they are robots or clones. Based on these testimonies, we can safely say that the men in black are definitely not people.


In March 2016, scientific journals began to write that more and more Pleiadians were appearing online. The Pleiadians claim that they are aliens living among humans. They are also known as Nordics, or aliens with a Nordic appearance. And they tried to get in touch with people. They want to help people move to a new level of existence. Main characteristics of Nordics:

  • tall;
  • blondes;
  • Blue eyes;
  • thin but athletic build, attractive in appearance.

The Pleiadians came from the star systems surrounding the Pleiades. Some people believe that Scandinavians and Native Americans are descendants of this alien race. The Nordics themselves come from the planet Erra, which orbits the star Taygeta. Well, the Pleiadians themselves consider themselves descendants of another alien race, coming from the planet Lyra, which is located in another galaxy. In addition to characteristic external signs, this alien race is identified by interests and concerns, such as:

  • caring for the planet;
  • concern for the development of the human race;
  • study of the art of healing;
  • playing the role of a spiritual guide, helping other people in spiritual growth.

Identifying a Nordic will not be so easy because so many people living in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland may have all these traits without being aliens. Trying to distinguish a Nordic from a human seems very risky, so it is better not to attempt it. The surest way to know that someone is an alien of a given race is to have him present himself as such. Or you can find out about it during the abduction process.

"Tall Whites"

This is a type of alien about which there is very little information. They are said to be tall, white, and very interested in Earth's culture. It is reported that the older individuals of these aliens can reach three meters in height, while the younger ones can mingle with the crowd, as they are the same height as the average person. UFO specialist Chris Russak reports that most people have probably seen these aliens in their lives, but had no idea that they were aliens. Experienced medium Charlie Cundallini said that they love Las Vegas, because they can often be seen in the casinos, as well as at conferences and theaters in the city. However, it is unknown why they are attracted to this particular city.


Reptilians are similar in appearance to reptiles. It is also reported that they can change their appearance due to their unique molecular structure. There is also information that they have a special type of technology, similar to holograms, that helps them take exactly the forms they want. For this race, Earth is an outpost. Their mission is to dominate and control Earth as their own planet is dying. Reptilians are reported to have special abilities such as telepathy and the ability to become invisible. Here are some distinctive features to look out for:

  • sensitivity to high and low temperatures;
  • acute vision and hearing;
  • piercing gaze;
  • forked tongue;
  • webbed feet;
  • frequent changes in style: hair coloring, new hairstyles, constant new clothes in the wardrobe;
  • problems with skin rashes.

80 extraterrestrial civilizations

In April 2015, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer publicly announced that aliens were on Earth, but world leaders were hiding it from the public. Hellyer called on world governments to show all their cards and tell the truth about the situation with the aliens. He hoped that such a statement would finally cast aside all doubts regarding the existence of aliens. Hellyer stated that aliens have been on Earth for many millennia. And this was not the first time Hellyer had made public statements about his belief in the existence of aliens. In 2005, he asked the Canadian government to hold public hearings on extraterrestrial life. In addition to this request, he also accused the United States government of planning an intergalactic war. Hellyer later said that there are about eighty different extraterrestrial civilizations that either visit Earth or live on it on a permanent basis, and many of them look very similar to humans.

Aliens on Earth?

Many peoples have stories and legends about how aliens visited Earth. These stories are passed down from generation to generation. Some people believe that aliens now live on Earth, others say that they lived on Earth thousands of years ago. If you met someone who looked like an alien, what would you do?

Stories about contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are part of human culture. Every year, thousands of sightings of unidentified flying objects are recorded in the United States. Some people even claim that they have been abducted by aliens. Of course, many UFO phenomena can be explained by natural phenomena or the actions of the military, but some cases leave people perplexed.

Skeptics claim that such observations and stories of close contacts with UFOs are just a figment of human imagination and impressions inspired by science fiction films and popular culture. If someone sees an alien in a dream, then, of course, he will look the way directors and artists portrayed him in films.

But optimists argue that there is no law of physics that would prevent a civilization perhaps a million years older than humans from reaching Earth. From their words, there is a lot of evidence that aliens repeatedly visited the earth, leaving earthlings numerous messages like circles in grain fields, pyramids in Egypt...

In 1995, Dr. Kayti from the United States observed strange lights in the mountains in Phoenix, Arizona, filming everything that happened. She was among the thousands of people who observed this amazing phenomenon. That night, many astronomy enthusiasts looked to the sky specifically to see Comet Hale-Bopp. And they all saw a triangular object, approximately 3 km long, which flew over the state and crossed the most populated place in Arizona in complete silence. The military, based on their investigation, stated that the Phoenix lights were in fact ordinary signal lights of a flying squadron of aircraft. Despite the seemingly logical explanations of scientists and the US government, people did not accept this version as truth, but rather believed their own eyes and feelings.

In 1980, personnel at an air force base on the east coast of England also recorded a possible UFO visit. So, Colonel Hold was on duty that night when one of the officers reported to him about a strange incident. The officer said a local police officer said an unidentified flying object had been spotted in the Rendschel Forest. The colonel and the soldiers examined the forest. At the place where the object allegedly landed, the military discovered a possible trace of a UFO - three dents ranging from 30 to 50 mm in depth and approximately 2.5 cm in diameter. These tracks were 2.5 m apart and formed a triangle. In addition, the Geiger counter showed a radiation level that was 4 times higher than normal. While inspecting the UFO landing site, the military saw a bright red light with a black center that was moving between the trees. After some time, the object silently exploded and crumbled into many white fragments, which immediately disappeared. The Colonel claims that it was either a damaged ship or a reconnaissance aircraft. He wrote about this case to the Ministry of Defense, but never received a response...

It must be said that today there is not a single reliable fact of visits to the “blue” planet by alien creatures. At the same time, according to some researchers, if people found out that they were alone in the universe, they would most likely be upset. After all, the universe is incredibly huge, according to scientists, it is more than 14 billion years old and there are billions of stars in it, which are more numerous than the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Therefore, it is easier for everyone to believe that people are not the only intelligent beings in such a vast space.

There are quite a lot of planets like Earth where life is possible. But they are at too great a distance from the Earth, which is measured not in the usual kilometers, but in light years, where one light year is equal to 9 trillion km. The path to the nearest planet outside the solar system is measured at 10.5 light years. Therefore, at the moment there is neither the opportunity nor the technology to study them. And if someone from another system wants to pay a visit to people, he will have to cover a distance of hundreds of trillions of kilometers.

The only way to get to Earth quickly is to travel faster than light itself. For example, it takes 8 minutes from the Sun to reach the Earth. But human science refutes the possibility of exceeding the speed of light. At the same time, if you try to bypass physics, you can find the key to overcoming the light barrier, namely space time, matter that can be stretched, compressed and even torn.

Einstein, in his theory of relativity, assumed that a body causes space time to bend. For example, if you take a sheet of paper and draw two points on it, then the straight line connecting these points will be the shortest distance between them. And if you bend the paper until the points touch, then the shortest distance between these points is the so-called “wormhole”. Some scientists express the opinion that “wormholes” are space-time tunnels that are the shortest route when moving between remote areas of outer space.

But this is all in theory, because human technology is at a dead end, trying to find a way around the laws of physics. At the same time, according to some esotericists, an extraterrestrial civilization, ahead of humans in development by a million years, must have already found this path.

We all know that radio is a powerful source of communication and radio signals are energy waves that travel in all directions. Just as radio signals reach a radio or television installation, they penetrate into space, traveling at the speed of light. One second is enough for this signal to arrive from the Earth to the Moon.

Today people have the opportunity to hear a signal from the stars. For example, Puerto Rico is home to one of the world's largest telescopes, Arecibo, located in one of the natural craters. This dish is so sensitive that it can receive a mobile phone signal even from Jupiter. At the same time, today millions of radio channels operate simultaneously, filling the universe with radio noise, but the idea of ​​​​using this radio telescope is that Arecibo's electronic “ears” are configured to search for artificial signals coming from the depths of space. Thus, a group of scientists is trying to find contact with extraterrestrial beings. They are looking for a signal that will make it clear that someone has set up a transmitter and is trying to contact us. But we have to admit that after forty years of waiting for the message, the scientists heard nothing. However, they do not lose hope and continue to take further steps in this direction.

Today, discovering more and more new planets and solar systems, scientists continue to patiently wait for intergalactic communication. If aliens really exist, but do not respond to radio signals, then perhaps they are trying to contact humanity in other ways.

For example, the Luscher Telescope in California helps Dan Wertheimer (an alien hunter for 25 years) look into the sky for signs. He believes that using a laser, aliens may be trying to attract human attention by transmitting a signal like Morse code.

In the sixties, British professor Hamish found what could be a message from aliens. He and his team received a series of signals lasting about a second, which were called "little green men signals." Scientists were delighted with the discovery, because only something intelligent could send such a cyclic signal. At the same time, no one discovered the “little green men,” and after a while an explanation was found for this signal from space: the radio pulses were supplied by a dead star, which, rotating at high speed, sent signals like a beacon.

In 1972, NASA itself sent a signal into space. It was a research probe. Today he is 8 billion miles from home, heading towards a red star called Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. The space probe should reach its destination in 2 million years. If anyone is on a nearby planet, they will find a plaque on board the ship: a greeting from Earth that shows the location of planet Earth and a picture of what the people look like.

Another American spacecraft, Voyager 1, was also launched into space with a similar mission. It will soon leave the solar system and be lost among the stars of the Milky Way, perhaps forever. It carries a message: the golden plate on board the ship contains the images, natural sounds and music of the Earth.

Whether aliens exist or not, either option is scary. For a UFO to visit people, it must travel many light years. But perhaps they arrive in some way that is inexplicable to humanity today.

Alien creatures can be different types of organisms, with their own thinking and way of life, which can be radically different from human ones. Many scientists are concerned about attempts to find contact with extraterrestrial beings. After all, the intentions of aliens towards people may become not friendly at all, but even colonial. By sending them signals and seeking contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, humanity is putting itself in danger. Scientists cannot predict how other organisms will react to our existence. After all, when Christopher Columbus discovered America, the indigenous people became victims of a civilization and people unknown to them before.

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Yakut hunters testify to their encounters with UFOs. Journalists from "Life" during an expedition to Death Valley - a legendary place where, according to ufologists, there is a secret UFO base - found sensational confirmation of this hypothesis. Local residents spoke about their encounters with aliens.

...The places in Death Valley are creepy. All around are black scorched trees without branches. Birds do not fly, animals are not visible.

“All the animal trails in the valley are passable, I looked,” our guide Slava Pastukhov tries to drown out the noise of the boat engine. - There is not a single bed! The beast does not spend the night in Death Valley. Feels something abnormal...

Indeed, when we turn off the engine, a ringing silence hangs over the river. There is no bird chirping or insect buzzing. It was like turning off the sound on the TV.

We feel uncomfortable - as if someone invisible is watching us all the time. According to researchers of the anomalous zone, once the highest background radiation was recorded over Death Valley. They rushed to look for uranium - not even traces of it were found there. And the radiation level suddenly returned to normal.

Photo of a UFO taken by hunters

Geologist Alexander Mikhailenko is one of those who examined the territory for uranium in the mid-90s.

“I don’t know the reasons why they suddenly decided to survey a huge territory for the presence of uranium, polonium and radioactive potassium. But the survey of uranium manifestations in water and bottom residues gave an absolutely negative assessment. There is no uranium there.

If there is no uranium there, then perhaps the radiation level was increased by something from outside, something that came to us? Strange flying objects are seen in those places all the time.

“In the mid-90s, we spent the night a little north of these places,” recalls Alexander Mikhailenko. – There were five of us – two geological engineers, a geological technician and two students. It was getting dark, but the sky was still light. And at an altitude of three kilometers, we all saw a steel-colored disk, 10-15 meters in diameter, it hung slightly sideways. Light could be seen in the portholes, and a blue cone-shaped beam was shining from the bottom. There was no blur - it was so clearly visible that I thought it was our “earthly” technology. But then she disappeared with such speed - we don’t have such speeds, nor can anyone withstand such overloads. She first moved in one direction, then turned around and flew away in a split second.


“We worked on the Ulutoginskaya loop of the Vilyui River, 80 km from Olguidakh,” recalls Alexander Mikhailenko. – It was the end of August, night, about 12 o’clock. We went to bed on the very shore in a tent. Hunters stopped not far from us. They started calling: “Guys, come out, we’re being chased by a ball of fire!” I look - the moon is in the east, and in the direction of the north-west a bright red fireball is really hanging motionless. As soon as we moved on the boat to get a better look at it, it was as if the ball rushed after us, and a plume appeared right behind us. I felt uneasy. I tell those men: “Now we’ll go in different directions.” As soon as we set off, the ball followed us with a trail. Where does it come from and what, the devil knows. We didn't see him again.


A scientist from the Institute of Cosmophysics, Alexey Mikhailov, has been collecting evidence of unidentified flying objects observed in Yakutia for about 30 years.

“UFOs are often seen in Yakutia,” says the scientist. – People often mistake rocket remnants for UFOs, but there are also real cases.

In 1991, a UFO disturbed the entire village of Sylgy-Ytar. The object flew over the village for two weeks - low, silently, illuminating the ground with a powerful searchlight. Dozens of people saw him.

On this road, after a UFO visit, there was a substance of unknown composition to science

“A woman from the village found out about his approach when there was powerful interference on her TV screen, the TV was already rattling,” the scientist recalls. – An even more amazing story happened to a local driver from the same village. At 6 am he left for Srednekolymsk. An hour later, he saw an unidentified object flying right above him, shining a spotlight directly at him. He was scared, feeling that something incredible was happening to the car - it seemed to be climbing a mountain, although the road was absolutely straight. He opened the door and was dumbfounded: there was 5 meters of height between the cabin and the ground. When the spotlight began to move forward, the car... just as smoothly descended.

There was a house near the road where horse breeders lived. The excited driver ran into the house and found that the owners were lying under the beds. Having calmed down, they said that an hour ago a spotlight hovered over the house, they got scared and hid out of harm’s way.

Immediately after these events, an unknown substance remained on the tractor road of the village - a 2 x 3 meter rectangle. The village administration called a commission from the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy from Yakutsk.

“When we arrived at the place, the same horse breeders showed us this substance - a grayish-brown layer 5 mm thick,” says Alexey Mikhailov. “We broke off a piece from it, brought it to Yakutsk and gave it to the Institute of Biology: “Check whether it is petroleum products or not?” They said: “No, not petroleum products.” I collected a small particle into an ampoule and sent it to Moscow, to the Institute of Low Temperatures. A month later they told me that the composition of the substance was as follows: 80% water, that is, ice, 20% some unknown substance.


The most incredible incident occurred in 1994 in the Vilyuisky district - very close to the “boilers”. After the March holidays, classes began at the school in the village of Khampa. The teacher asked the student: “Where are your skis?” - “I left it at home,” - “Then go home and get your skis!” And his house is 8 kilometers from there, in a neighboring village.

The child walked 3 kilometers along the federal highway Vilyuysk - Yakutsk. And, as the boy said, suddenly a round disk quietly lands next to him. People came out of it... And then he doesn’t remember anything. He woke up near the road: “I’m sitting in the snow, my head hurts a lot.”

Seeing a child who was clearly unwell—he was vomiting—the car stopped and took him to the nearest hospital in Lekechen. The most amazing thing is that Lekechen... is located completely on the other side of Hampa, 140 kilometers to the south! The doctors called the school: “We have your boy.”

"How are you?" – the school director was taken aback. He personally saw how an hour ago the boy left on foot along the road from Hampa. And in less than an hour, the child found himself 140 km from that place!

– It’s impossible to cover 140 km on their roads in an hour! - says the cosmophysicist. “The boy said that the “man” who came out of the plate asked him to go inside in broken Russian. After this, the boy is haunted by excruciating headaches...

The space physicist knows firsthand about Death Valley:

– I come from those places myself. The village of Olguidakh is closed now - either radiation, or something to do with the environment. Those who are more active and quicker have left there long ago. Initially, the place was disastrous, it was not for nothing that it was called Death Valley...


“I still can’t explain one find to myself,” says geologist Alexander Mikhailenko. – On the northern slope of the bank of the Peschanaya River, the remains of a reptile washed up – the lower jaw was missing, the upper jaw was missing. But the preservation is amazing! As if it had only been there for a few years. The comb was preserved on the skull, the coloring was preserved, even the meat remained... The spine and the remains of ribs and the comb on the skull. Seven centimeters long, like a rooster's comb. Where is he from? Hyperborea, the land of Sannikov, may have some basis - it is likely that in remote places of Yakutia an island of the ancient world with unique ancient lizards has been preserved somewhere. Otherwise, where did the well-preserved reptile come from?


One of the most amazing monuments of Yakutia is the Shishkinsky paintings, ancient rock paintings made with ocher and dark crimson paint. The ancestors of modern Yakuts and Evenks recorded everything they saw here. And they saw not only animals, people, weapons and boats.

One Bronze Age rock painting shows amazing two-horned figures floating in boats. Most have their arms bent and raised up. It's like they're saying goodbye to someone. Who is this?

Local authorities reported UFO sightings

There are many versions. Spirits sailing to the Land of the Dead, Indians in horned headdresses, and finally, aliens in spacesuits with antennas, sitting either in boats or in metal hemispheres...


The Evenki have preserved evidence of encounters with aliens in their legends, says Galina Varlamova-Keptuke, a scholar and specialist in Evenki folklore.

– I myself am an Evenk, I study folklore, I am the head of a sector at the Institute of Problems of Small Peoples of the North, I am a candidate of philological sciences. I have collected numerous legends about encounters with aliens, about how human life was brought in from outside, that is, man was created by someone else to live on a newly reclaimed planet. Both this other and the others were perceived by the Evenks as spirits who, until a certain time, patronized a person. The etiquette of contact with patronizing spirits (the mind and its many other forms) has clearly been preserved even now. One of the last forms of communication between an Evenk person and them is our shamanism. In my opinion, you should pay attention to the folklore of peoples who did not have their own written language until the recent past, for example, the Evenks. Peoples who acquired writing long ago, along with this advantage, lost another - the ancient memory of meetings with aliens, and possibly the memory of their appearance on earth. Among our peoples, the first requirement for a storyteller, narrator and guardian of folklore heritage is accuracy. This is a denial of personal fantasy and the introduction of personal perception and change in plots. Not for centuries, but for millennia, stories have been transmitted without changes related to the personal experience of a person’s life. I want to draw your attention to the fact that in Evenki folklore there is no such genre as a fairy tale.

So, where have aliens been seen?

Roswell (New Mexico, USA)

Roswell became famous thanks to the UFO crash in June 1947. According to the official version, a balloon crash occurred in the city. According to the unofficial version, it was an alien ship controlled by an alien. Moreover, the appearance of an unidentified flying object was called the first direct contact with aliens in the 20th century. Today, Roswell has a UFO museum, and every year in early July the city hosts a festival dedicated to extraterrestrial beings.

The incident has been filmed many times. For example, in the animated series Futurama, an entire episode is dedicated to the events in Roswell.

Bonnybridge (Scotland)

Aliens have been regularly visiting the Scottish village of Bonnybridge for more than 20 years. About three hundred cases of UFO sightings are recorded there every year! According to ufologists, Bonnybridge is located in the middle of the so-called Falkirk triangle, connecting Stirling, Fife and, and in the village itself there is a window to another dimension. The residents liked the aliens' visits so much that they decided to build them a hotel.

Mexico City (Mexico)

In 1991, hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets in anticipation of a solar eclipse, the last of the twentieth century. When the Moon covered the Sun, about seventeen thousand observers saw a strange metallic object in the sky. He stood still for half an hour and then disappeared. The UFO was recorded by 17 video cameras. In 2005, aliens visited again. Only now there were a hundred UFOs hovering in the sky.

It is easy to notice that most often UFOs are seen over the territories of North and South America.

"Area 51" (Nevada, USA)

The military base Area 51 has long become famous throughout the world thanks to visits from aliens. One of its former employees, Bob Lazar, even reported that inside the base, underground, there was a secret laboratory studying aliens. Residents of Nevada, who do not have a pass to Area 51, closely monitor it from the side and claim that from time to time they see strange bright flying objects in the sky that move at very high speed and suddenly disappear.

“Area 51” has appeared many times not only in films, but also in computer games. One of the most atmospheric locations was in the old but very cool Deus Ex.

Wycliffe Well (Australia)

Aliens are favorite guests in Wycliffe Well. They have been appearing in this small town since World War II. Wickliffe has even been dubbed the UFO capital of Australia. According to local residents, aliens fly over the city almost every night. And although skeptics believe that the unidentified objects are just Australian military personnel performing night maneuvers, this does not bother tourists. They rush to Wycliffe in droves to meet extraterrestrial beings.

Hooper (Colorado, USA)

Hooper also has a special attitude towards aliens. There is an entire observation post there, consisting of an observation deck, an alien visitation center and a theme park with a rock garden and green plastic aliens. Entry costs $2. The atmosphere in Hooper is cosmic: after all, this is the place aliens value most.

San Clemente (Chile)

While walking in the Andes along a 30 km long “alien path”, you can spot a UFO. Aliens chose this place back in 1995 and since then have appeared in the San Clemente area more than a hundred times. Perhaps it's all about the plateaus: they create excellent conditions for landing extraterrestrial vehicles.

Aliens are attracted to wild, half-deserted and long-distance regions of the planet. However, they are also suitable for military aviation and test sites.

Warminster (UK)

UFOs have been discussed in Warminster since the middle of the last century, when local residents saw luminous balls in the sky. Experts gave the traditional explanation: there is a military base near the city, and people mistook its objects for a UFO. However, ufologists are sure of the opposite: in their opinion, the base is just a bait for aliens. In addition, aliens are attracted to local Stone Age monuments.

Stephenville (Texas, USA)

In 2008, many Stephenville residents observed unidentified flying objects that became known as the "Stephenville Light." According to skeptics, the air force was mistaken for a UFO. However, city residents do not believe this explanation. Moreover, since then they have repeatedly witnessed the appearance of alien guests. Aliens also like to appear in other Texas cities: San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Fort Worth.

Phoenix (Arizona, USA)

On March 13, 1997, a phenomenon called the Phoenix Light came to widespread public attention. Thousands of people within a radius of 480 km watched the lights in the sky. Many of them claimed that they saw an entire alien ship in the shape of the letter V. Experts even stated that the length of the object was 3.2 km and the width was 2.8 km. The appearance of an unknown ship has caused a number of disputes, but there is still no single version of what happened.

Photo: thinstockphotos.com, flickr.com

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