How can you survive in a zombie apocalypse. How to survive the apocalypse

Many of us have watched films about the zombie apocalypse, and while watching you were probably indignant at how someone could act so stupidly. In our editorial office there are also fearless men who are indignant at the stupid antics of the main characters of zombie horror films. We sat here, thought and decided to draw up small rules for surviving a zombie apocalypse.

So, Rule number one: fast feet.

After conducting a small analysis of foreign films, our editors came to the conclusion that most of the “not dead” walk very slowly (gnawed legs and broken bones get in the way). Therefore, having comfortable shoes and a well-developed “long-distance running” skill is vital.

Rule two. "Woman's" food.

Yes, yes, women constantly deceive us, claiming that granola bars are only for weight loss. In fact, you shouldn’t ignore any food that can replenish your energy, and granola bars are just what you need. They take up little space in your backpack, while perfectly keeping your body in good shape. Why do you need to be in good shape? See rule No. 1

Rule three. Baseball bat.

If you still don’t have this device at home or in your car, be sure to buy it. And don’t let the simplicity of this type of weapon confuse you, the bat crushes the heads of the hated zombies no worse than a shotgun, and does not make any noise at all. And as we all know very well (again from foreign films), noise attracts zombies, and we don’t need extra “living” aggressive people. (They may come running at the sound of a shot.)

Rule four. Cleanliness is the key to health.

Civilization has come to an end, and with it, hot showers, soap, shampoo and other hygienic procedures. It is better to save pretty ladies from smelly zombies in proper form, there is only one way out - wet wipes. They won’t take up much space in your bag, and it will always help to wipe your face and hands from the adhering remains of the dead.

Rule five. Water.

A supply of drinking water should always be at hand. Getting used to living with constant physical activity, you need to drink at least a liter of fluid a day. Yes, what are we telling you, you already know that water is important.

Rule six. Respirator.

We also thought that it wouldn’t hurt to have a respirator, or at least a scarf. Decaying corpses do not smell like violets, but there will be a lot of them.

Rule seven. Durable clothing.

It's good if you have a motorcycle or paintball uniform. If you don’t have one in your closet, your favorite leather jacket will do. It will be much more difficult to bite through this than a shirt. (Goodbye T-shirts and shorts!) Don't forget gloves and durable pants. It's +30 outside, and you're wearing a leather jacket and gloves, we understand - it's not easy! But it’s better to save humanity by sweating; in the role of the walking dead, you won’t even save yourself.

Rule eight. My home is my castle.

Forget about your apartment and grandma’s dacha, you need something more serious, preferably with stone walls and a couple of emergency exits, small loophole windows and a good fence. The ideal option is a military base, prison or power plant.

Rule nine. Weapon.

Remember, your main weapon is your brain (the main thing is that it doesn’t get eaten!) and only then the gun. You are lucky and you are an avid hunter, consider that +50 to your survival is guaranteed. If you have only seen weapons in movies, it’s time to find out where the nearest hunting store is. This is where you need to go in the first days of the zombie outbreak in order to remove as many weapons as possible from there. (and don't forget about the ammo!)

Rule ten. “And then the girls!”

After a crazy race through the city streets and getting your “daily bread”, you want affection and home comfort. Your fighting friend, or the beautiful maiden you saved, will help you with this. Nothing restores peace of mind like passionate sex. What if it’s your last day!

Veterans of Alpha Team, US Navy SEALs and Israel Defense Forces explain how to behave during a zombie apocalypse.


Bill White

Retired Chief Petty Officer, served in the US Navy Special Operations Forces (SEAL) from 1989-2012, participated in operations in Iraq (2005) and Afghanistan (2010), currently an instructor at the Real Seal Experience Survival Center .

Vasily Vereshchak

Reserve colonel, member of the board of the Association of Veterans of the anti-terror unit "Alpha", served in the unit in 1992-2004, participated in operations in Mineralnye Vody (1993), Makhachkala (1994), Budennovsk (1995), Pervomaisky (1996), was repeatedly in business trips in Chechnya.

Dan Haskell

A reserve master sergeant, he served in the 1st Golani Infantry Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from 1997-2000, which conducts operations in the north of the country, and is currently the director of the young leaders program at the Friends of the IDF.

What to take with you

Vasily Vereshchak. According to the classics, when leaving home in the event of a disaster, you should take documents, money and valuables. But when it's the end of the world, they won't be useful. What you should take with you: - water (a couple of bottles); - biscuits (leave canned food at home, they will slow you down); - vodka (a bottle for warming up in the evenings, just don’t get carried away: 100 g for a man, 50 g for a woman, stir a couple of grams in water for a child); - activated carbon (taking into account that the food will be bad); - iodine and bandage; - blanket (for a child). Bill White. Before the zombies break into the house, collect everything you need in your backpack. You will need: - water; - food (with a 72-hour supply: peanut butter with crackers (protein), smoked salmon and beef jerky (so you don't have to cook), dried fruit); - a hat and a sweater (no other clothes are needed, because you won’t be changing anyway); - first aid kit (Tylenol for the child, bandages, pain relievers); - identification card and jewelry (they will probably be allowed into air-raid shelters using documents in order to deny entry to people registered in the most infected areas; jewelry will be needed for barter transactions); - electrical tape (a universal thing - you can use it to wrap a wound, secure a splint on a broken arm, make a spear, and so on; I always carry electrical tape with me). Dan Haskell. The following should always be kept ready in the closet: - a first aid kit (antibiotics, plasters, alcohol, cotton wool); - sewing kit (you can sew up both clothes and wounds); - a hammock rolled into a small ball (can accommodate three people, easy to hang high on a tree if an enemy is walking on the ground); - mirror (sends signals, lights a fire); - rubber cord (will help catch the animal for dinner); - gas stove (boil water); - sleeping bag for two; - tablets for water purification; - scissors; - batteries; - knife; - head flashlight. Don't worry about food. Think about dinner after you get out of the chaos.

How to dress

Vasily Vereshchak. Clothing should be tight - loose clothes will cling to everything. Pockets are welcome, but only with Velcro. In special forces, everyone has pockets with Velcro so that nothing falls out. Bill White. Baggy clothes are better. It’s hard to run, jump, and climb fences in jeans. The color of the clothes is neutral. The pockets should be spacious so that you can stuff band-aids and tape into them.

What to do with pets

Vasily Vereshchak. The first to suffer will be the small, stupid domestic dogs. Under no circumstances should you take them with you when escaping from a city surrounded by zombies. They will become a burden. Birds can be released out the window, cats can be released into the street, they are tenacious and can handle it. But the little dog is doomed. These terriers are the product of exquisite comfort, and in the conditions of the apocalypse everything artificially created is doomed.

How to get out of the apartment

Bill White. If zombies surround your apartment, barricade the front door. Move in heavy furniture and prop up chairs. But if you don't have a fire escape and it's too high to go down to the ground on the sheets, you'll have to leave through the door. Here you will need a spear to keep the enemy at a distance. If you have a pet, it can be released onto the stairs first as a distraction. Dan Haskell. Under no circumstances drink alcohol on the road. You can't allow yourself to become unfocused.

How to make the essentials with your own hands

Photographer James Mollison collected homemade household items used by residents of Sarajevo during the 1,435-day siege of the city in the early 1990s. Stove made from a tin can Lamp made from a lantern, a coffee grinder and a bicycle dynamo
A pistol made from a gas pipe Wooden periscope Potbelly stove made from an aluminum pan Watering can made from a canister

How to get out of the city

Bill White. When escaping from the city, stick to wide streets; small streets don't have enough room to maneuver. There is no need to run along the center of the street, singing Oh, happy day, run along the edge, hiding behind cars, fences, bushes. Vasily Vereshchak. For single people, the most realistic way to escape is on top of the roofs. Zombies are slow, clumsy, have poor vision and follow their scent. This means that on the roof they will constantly trip over stretched wires and antennas. In addition, all odors are ventilated on the roof. But you can’t take your wife and child onto the roof. So family men will have to get out of the city through basements. I wouldn't recommend going down the subway. To run through a tunnel, you need to be sure that it is de-energized, and it is impossible to know this for sure at such a moment. In addition, it is unlikely that water pumps will work in the tunnels, and you can simply drown there. Running through the sewers seems to be a good option - the smell there is overwhelmingly human, and zombies are unlikely to get in there. But, without knowing the labyrinths there, you can easily get lost. So better stick to the basements. The main thing is to avoid the street, there are massive smells there. If you need a break, you can run to the shopping center. They will be empty, because when panic starts, everyone will foolishly run home.

Which weapon to choose

Bill White. Stop at a gun store. Take a knife for each family member. Take a pistol, 9 mm caliber is the most common, and plenty of cartridges and magazines. I prefer the Beretta brand. Vasily Vereshchak. If you suddenly come across a weapons store along the way, grab a submachine gun. Now I will explain my choice. A sniper machine gun is not suitable for simpletons: it requires the ability to aim. The ladies' pistol has a small caliber, which means it has no stopping effect. Here you need a large caliber - then, even if you don’t hit the enemy in the head, he will be thrown back. This will give you a chance to shoot again or run away. Another plus is that the submachine gun fires in bursts. I don't recommend taking a knife. Working with a knife requires close contact. If you miss, you will be bitten immediately. Besides, it’s hard to kill with a knife to the head. You can beat, beat, beat, and the person will live. To still kill, you must either cut the carotid artery or hit the back of the head. In general, take a submachine gun. Don't forget to tape the barrel to your leg so it doesn't dangle.

Should I take a chainsaw with me?

Vasily Vereshchak. The fact that in films and games they use a chainsaw against zombies is from the evil one. In fact, it is very difficult to launch, difficult to maintain. It is impractical, whimsical and will not start at the right time.

What to do if you killed a zombie

Vasily Vereshchak. If you have killed a zombie, you should not burden yourself with thoughts about disposing of the body. The problem of burial and disinfection is relevant when everyone else around is normal. Then you need to bury the toxic body eight meters away. But if everything around is zombies, then kill and run away. Bill White. If you killed a zombie, don't come close to the corpse. Don't be greedy, don't get into his pockets. Don't touch him, even if he has a Rolex on his wrist.

Which getaway car should you choose?

Vasily Vereshchak. A car would be ideal for escaping from the city. Jeep, manual - the most reliable option. From the point of view of landing and landing, a four-door is better. But let's be realistic - there will be such chaos on the streets that, most likely, no car will help.

Where to escape from the city

Bill White. Run as far away from the metropolis as possible. Once you get out of the city, find a hill, or better yet a mountain, and climb it. There you will be least vulnerable. As an alarm system, string a rope around your campsite and tie cans or other noisy objects to it. A skunk is also suitable for an alarm system - the smell emitted by the animal will confuse the enemy. Vasily Vereshchak. Head into the forest. It will be hard for zombies there: branches, stumps. Smells spread quickly in the field, but not in the forest. In addition, there will be more food in the forest (birds, game) and ready-made fuel (firewood). When you find a place to stop, don't forget to think about signaling. You can stretch a rope between the trees and put an object on it that falls loudly. If you don’t have a rope with you, just throw some branches around the perimeter and put something on them. Dan Haskell. If there is a large body of water in your city, find a yacht (preferably with a boat) and jump into it. If you find zombies on board, kill them and throw away water. Don't worry about the environment. Sail to a safe distance, but not too far. Keep track of what's happening in the city. When you run out of supplies, you will have to return there. You can eat caught fish on the ship. Drink - collected dew and rain. One family member must remain on guard every night. When you see that the city is becoming calmer, you can go on reconnaissance. Do not take your family with you on reconnaissance missions. Look for healthy people, find out how they settled down, go to their camp. If the environment there seems safer to you, consider moving there with your family. It’s better not to take anyone on your ship.

How to improve your life

Bill White. A couple of days after setting up the camp, you should go to the nearest village for provisions. Even if the village is destroyed by zombies, there should be food left there. Zombies are not interested in sliced ​​beef and canned food - they feed exclusively on human flesh. Also look for a water filter. Look for seedlings. Go to a hardware store and grab a saw, axe, and nails. Find a radio, it is quite possible that some station is still working, and the announcer announces the meeting place to all survivors. Group up, it's safer.

How to make forays

Vasily Vereshchak. The first outing can be done after a few weeks. Just be very careful so as not to fall into the hands of the enemy and give yourself away. Start with the immediate surroundings. Under no circumstances should you take the whole family and return to the city in one jerk. Look for other survivors. A group is always stronger than an individual. Distributing responsibilities is always more effective than being a watchman, a fighter, and a scout yourself. When enough people have gathered, you can go to the city in a detachment. Just don’t swell the squad. It just seems that the more the better. And Suvorov always won with fewer numbers. A large squad is difficult to manage. Especially when it comes to people not intended for war. Moreover, there will definitely be some students who will argue with everything. Do not take more than 30 people into a detachment. Some for protection, some for reconnaissance, some for attack. Dan Haskell. There is no need to immediately, rashly, go on the attack. First the group must practice. Agree on who will be the squad leaders. When you are ready to take action, start with small, trial operations. For example, surround a dozen zombies and shoot them. Once the group gets the hang of it, you can begin to think about an assault strategy. In the IDF we were taught that the main weapon of a fighter is optimism and a fresh mind. You need to constantly improvise. If you don't have a brain, stick with someone who does. Bill White. When your group has several hundred people, you can plan a trip to the city. Distribute the people: the young and healthy go into battle (regardless of gender), the rest remain to guard the camp, look after the children and cook. Come up with a plan. Zombies are mindless creatures; they must be taken with cunning. One possible strategy: collect clothes from around the camp, walk to the city center and leave them there. Get on the roof. After some time, the zombies will come to the smell. Shoot them.

What to do if a loved one is bitten

Bill White. Build a fence in your camp - bitten people from the group will end up there. Quarantine zone. If after a day they are fine, they can be released; if not, they can be shot. Dan Haskell. If a zombie bites a friend or family member, kill the bitten person without delay. If you have an attack of cowardice, ask someone to kill the person who was bitten for you. Vasily Vereshchak. If you see a comrade being bitten by a zombie in battle, you must shoot him immediately. But if a zombie, say, bites his wife, then this is already a dilemma. Cold calculation demands to kill her. But I, for example, couldn’t. If I kill her, I will suffer and torture myself. It would be easier for me to shoot myself with her. But I am a believer and I understand that this is a sin. I think I would take her deeper into the forest, tie her to a tree and leave her there, taking the child with me. If a zombie bites me, I will kill myself immediately. It is a sin when a person kills himself, but after being bitten by a zombie, I will cease to be a person and therefore will not sin.

An army of zombies roams the world in search of food

The zombie apocalypse is a phenomenon in which humans on a massive scale become mindless monsters hungry for raw meat. The transformation of a person into a zombie can be caused by exposure to an unspecified virus that kills the victim and uses his body to attack other people with the aim of further spreading. While such an event may seem like a fantasy, in an age where technology can modify anything, a full-blown zombie outbreak could be the result of just one scientific error. Whether you think a zombie outbreak is likely or not, reading this guide will help increase your chances of survival.

What are zombies

Zombies are not living creatures, they are, in fact, dead people who have retained basic motor functions. At the same time, zombies do not have any intelligence, but use only the primitive part of the brain associated with the instinct for food. They look for the nearest food source (that is, you) and move towards it until they grab it and start eating. Zombies move slowly and clumsily, because once a person turns into a living dead, the efficiency of his brain functions responsible for movement decreases, not to mention the onset of necrosis, which leads to the loss of muscle tissue. Therefore, it is often easier to run away from a zombie than to fight it.

Zombie Fighting Basics

Staying in good physical shape will help you survive the zombie apocalypse. You'll spend most of your time (until a cure is found or you're caught and eaten) escaping zombies, so opt for comfortable footwear such as sneakers or sturdy boots. Thick protective clothing will also provide certain advantages, because fighting zombies in just a T-shirt is extremely stupid.

The main rule of fighting zombies is to aim for the head, since this is their most vulnerable spot. Necrosis has made their tissues weak, so a well-aimed blow to the head with a blunt or sharp object will either kill the zombie or knock it to the ground, which will be enough to escape. You should also never try to fight more than one zombie at a time.

If you have a gun, don't waste ammo on body shots as they will be ineffective. At best, you will be able to damage the zombie's limbs, which will reduce the effectiveness of its actions. Using sharp objects such as iron stakes, axes, and large knives will in many cases help avoid wasting ammo.

Groups of zombies pose the main danger. While one zombie is easy enough to deal with, a large group, especially in urban environments, can easily surround and attack you.

Remember that there is no known treatment for zombie bites. If you are bitten, within a few hours you yourself will turn into a living dead and your lifeless body will begin to wander the world in search of food.

Things you need to survive

Chances are, when you find out that the city has been hit by a zombie plague, you will see many zombies roaming the streets unchecked. The first few days of an epidemic, when most people will either be infected or eaten, are the most critical to your survival. Therefore, during this period it is especially important to control yourself and not give in to panic.

Your first priority is to find a suitable building to use as a safe shelter. If you are lucky enough to live in a rural area, then you can use your own home for this. However, if you are in a city, you need to leave it as soon as possible, since in an urban environment the infection spreads much faster and the chance of encountering a large group of zombies increases significantly. There is also a possibility that the government, considering ways out of the current situation, may decide to deploy military equipment on the city streets or use chemical weapons.

The first thing you'll need is a vehicle, as you'll likely need to travel many kilometers to find a safe location. Ideally, this should be a four-wheel drive vehicle, since there is a possibility that some of the roads will be blocked by abandoned vehicles and there will be a need to drive off-road. In an urban environment it will not be difficult to find an abandoned car, however, unless you are an experienced car thief, starting it will be more difficult, so you will have to look for a car with the ignition keys left behind.

You will also need fuel for your car regularly. Using a rubber hose, a can and a funnel, you can easily drain gasoline from abandoned vehicles. These items can usually be found in any home or hardware store. Be sure to keep them clean, as any contamination of your vehicle's fuel system can cause it to break down at the most inopportune moment. This method makes it much easier to extract gasoline than trying to break into a fuel tank at a gas station.

The next thing you should take care of is an adequate supply of food and water. For a long time, you will be content with a diet consisting mainly of canned food and bottled water, since they have a long shelf life. However, initially you will still have the opportunity to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, available in many supermarkets.

You should also stock up on some medications. Any pharmacy contains the necessary medications - alcohol solutions, antiseptics for treating wounds, dressings, painkillers and sedatives, tablets for water purification. Be sure to bring an adequate supply of any prescription medications you take. In addition to medications, try to find vitamins and nutritional supplements. Since you will be on a lean diet, they will prove beneficial in maintaining your health.

A radio that can run on batteries or solar power will help you stay informed if radio stations continue to broadcast. In addition to messages about what to do in the current emergency situation, you will be able to receive information about where the infection is spreading and about safe areas. If you find it, take the radio with you. With its help, you can get in touch and maintain contact with other survivors.

In addition, you will need various tools, such as a crowbar, a screwdriver, and a bolt cutter, with which you will penetrate locked buildings. Also bring warm clothes and blankets as there is a possibility that you will have to sleep in your car without a heat source.

Finding a suitable home

Once you find a cross-country vehicle with a full tank of gas, load it with all the necessary things and at the same time manage to remain uneaten, it will be time to get out of the city. First of all, you need to decide on your destination. Give your preference to a sparsely populated area with a sufficiently developed infrastructure, natural water supply, arable land that you will later use for agriculture, and most importantly, with an area that is easy to protect.

To reach your chosen location as quickly as possible, get up at dawn to make the most of daylight hours. If the trip turns out to be long and it begins to get dark, then you need to stop, close all the doors and get some sleep. Continuing to drive at night increases the chances of falling asleep at the wheel and getting into an accident, and in the dark it is more difficult to see dangers on the road.

If the worst happens and you wake up in a car surrounded by the living dead, don't panic. Start the engine and drive slowly through them. Remember, the vehicle glass is strong enough that zombies will not be able to reach you.

Once you reach your destination, the first step is to find a suitable building to use as your primary residence that can provide good protection. You'll want something free-standing, but large enough to accommodate 10-20 people and with good visibility of the surrounding area. It would be good if the building had several exits to provide escape routes if necessary.

When you find something worthwhile, you will need to thoroughly scout the situation. Drive as close to the building as possible and honk your horn several times. This will help attract the attention of zombies roaming nearby and lure them out into the open, where, using the tools and weapons at your disposal, you can easily deal with them. Thus, you will be able to avoid an unexpected zombie attack.

If someone lives in the house, it is likely that they will make themselves known. Explain to the residents that you intend to use their house to unite the remaining people to jointly confront the zombies and ensure the survival of the human race. If you fail to reach an agreement, leave them alone and continue looking for another building.

If the home is unoccupied, leave the car unlocked and walk to the front door. If it is locked, open it using a crowbar or other tools. If there are zombies in the building, then most likely they heard the noise you made and gathered in the hallway. Therefore, be prepared to either deal with them or run back to the car if there are too many of them.

Once you are inside the house, you will need to thoroughly check all rooms for zombies. Keep an eye on your escape routes at all times, leaving all doors between you and the main entrance open. Make sure you inspect every inch of the building, checking attics and basements until you are 100% sure it is safe.

Then you should thoroughly protect your home from zombies. Board all the windows on the ground floor on both sides; for this purpose, you can disassemble any furniture. You will also need to secure your front door with deadbolts and padlocks. After that, unload your supplies from the car, leaving enough food in it for a couple of days, and get a good night's sleep.


Once you've finished setting up your shelter, it's time to replenish your supplies of food and other necessary items. You can find some of them in neighboring buildings; to find others, you may need to travel a much greater distance. Before you go, plan your route. If you have local knowledge, you can easily find everything you need. Otherwise, use a directory of some kind to get an idea of ​​nearby businesses.

It is better to make forays during daylight hours, since at night in conditions of poor visibility you will experience psychological stress, and the risk of unnoticed zombies sneaking up on you will significantly increase. Always leave enough time to get home before dark.

Before you leave home, you must arm yourself. Bring something large and sharp, be it a sturdy kitchen knife or a machete. Even if you own a firearm and know how to use it, you should also carry a knife as a backup weapon.

When out and about, try to stick to wide open spaces and avoid narrow alleys, passages, and any other places where you might be surrounded and eaten by zombies. If you find yourself cornered and forced to fight zombies, use your knife first and your firearm as a last resort, as any shots fired will attract the attention of surrounding zombies, which can make the situation worse.

Finding other survivors and creating a settlement

To find and unite survivors, you can make signs indicating your location and place them on highways and highways. They must be large enough to be visible from passing cars.

You'll likely have to travel a long distance to hang your signs, so taking a map with you can help you mark locations that might come in handy in the future. Also, do not forget about replenishing food, water, fuel and other necessary things along the way.

After you manage to gather a group of 10-20 survivors, further efforts can be directed to occupying a nearby town. It is worth considering that the more people lived in a populated area, the greater the number of living dead you will have to face.

Having chosen a large building on the outskirts of the city, clear it of zombies and fortify it in the same way as your main base outside the city. Use it as a safe transit point for further advancement deeper into the city and for storing food supplies.

Continue to free the rest of the city from zombies, carefully examining house by house. To top it all off, each building should be inspected for provisions and then locked to prevent zombies from getting inside. In the future, all these houses can be used to resettle newly arrived people.

After all the buildings have been checked, it will be time to secure the perimeter of the settlement. First of all, place 24-hour patrol posts in strategic positions to eliminate the possibility of an unnoticed approach to the city. As the population grows, you will build a solid fence or dig a ditch with shooting positions around the city, but for now you can limit yourself to stakes dug into the ground and stretched barbed wire, this will be enough to stop the zombies.

Eventually you will be able to move to the city permanently. The well-being of your settlement will depend on your stable source of food, strong defensive capabilities and the availability of the required skills among the population.

At one time there was a period in my life when I was reading post-apocalyptic literature. Once I was so inspired that in a few trips I bought about 20 kg of canned food and cereals (my family, who did not share my paranoia, finished off the entire supply in a month. sadness, sadness)! Writers come up with a variety of options for the Full Arctic Fox coming to Earth - from thermonuclear war to an alien attack. But most of all I was captivated by the various versions of the zombie apocalypse! The topic is so popular that some writers have published quite serious books on this topic! So piece by piece, I collected my own opinion about the actions during such an Arctic fox. On survivalist forums, people write a variety of options for action! Oh, they schedule their preparation very well!

They train, go to the gym, have 3 different caliber guns and 3 boxes of ammunition in their gun cabinet, they know where the bomb shelters are located in the city and have been there more than once. They can navigate the terrain, make a delicious stew out of tree rats and pine cones, and generally survive in the forest for a week! They have a specially converted SUV that can’t cook scrambled eggs! Sometimes it seems that they are even a little sad because they prepared so well, but no apocalypse is happening...

But let’s imagine an ordinary person like me! Who is sitting in a cozy chair, there is a plate of dinner in front of him, he is scribbling something on the Internet and is quite happy with this state of affairs. And this ordinary person does not go to the gym, he does not have a gun in his gun cabinet, and instead of a dog he has an abomination. But what should he do if a zombie apocalypse suddenly strikes?

So, point 1: join the zombie army and eat pathetic people. Avoid guys with weapons, set up ambushes, eat brains.

Just kidding! =)

Now for real

1) Don’t panic and think about your actions! It's corny, isn't it? But there's really no need to panic. Sit down, remember that you once read a post about how to survive a zombie apocalypse and find this page! If you find it, wish the author a pleasant survival!

2) Notify your family and friends. This is often not written about in books (and I don’t understand why), but it needs to be done! Try to speak convincingly, because most likely the dialogue will go something like this: “Mom, hi! this... just don't worry... in short, the zombie apocalypse has come!.. NO, MOM, I DIDN'T DRINK! I DO NOT DRINK AT ALL!!" So get ready! Make a compelling case - ask to watch the news and be alert!

3) Think about what you need to pack for constant wear. Think carefully, because there is a chance that you will not return home. First of all, take the most important things and what is easy to carry: medicines, passport, clothes, food, water, multi-tool (if you have one) and weapons.
Here we need to write in more detail:
3.1) take clothes that you can sleep in (take into account the climate).
3.2) clothes should be as strong as possible and at the same time fit tightly to the body (if a ghoul grabs you by the hood, it will be a shame, won’t it?)
3.3) if you have protection for your hands and ankles (for example, motorcycle gloves, high thick boots, or even hockey plastic armor) - be sure to take it!
3.4) you will need a passport if you plan to turn to the authorities for help. Don't give it to just anyone.
3.5) take food that is as filling as possible and at the same time one that does not need to be cooked. Without constant monitoring, there will be neither gas nor electricity, and there will be nowhere to boil boiling water for doshirak/anakom and other nasty things except the fire, and it is better to cook something more substantial on the fire.
3.6)water can become a problem very quickly. A person drinks a lot, and the water supply will dry up as soon as the electricity is turned off. So you will have to carry the water on yourself and it will be quite difficult. Take with you at least 2-4 liters of water per person per day (this does not count washing and other needs). Ideally, find a source of fresh, clean water or a storehouse of filters to purify it.
3.7) medicines - running from zombies with a temperature of 40 degrees is not a pleasant experience, is it? Even a banal headache can dull your vigilance and end very sadly. Keep in mind that most of the pharmacies will either be looted or located in the worst zombie area, so there will be nowhere to replenish the supply of medicines.
3.8) multi-tool or any other folding tool that takes up little space - be sure to take it with you!
3.9) weapons. This section will be large. If you have a firearm at home, well, keep it ready! Crossbows, bows and other types of weapons are not trusted. Simply because, in order to kill zombies, you need to destroy your brain. And to do this you need to break through the skull. And I seriously doubt that a home crossbow can do this.
Ice tools - ice axes, ice bikes, ice hammers and the like have an almost ideal shape for breaking skulls. The only problem is that their long blades tend to get stuck (in fact, this is why their special blade shape is used). Either break off part of the blade, or carry several of them with you.

Take what you can most likely pierce the skull with the first blow! The difficulty is that such objects are either heavy or not lethal. For example, a large hammer has enormous destructive power, but a very small radius of action. Or an old metal pipe - you can’t run with that for long. You can take a bat, not a bad choice! Fans of lifelife will happily take out a red titanium crowbar from under the bed (a great thing, by the way). Do not take large knives and chainsaws! That's bullshit! Just like swords. 99% are decorative crafts that will break at the first opportunity. It’s better to pull out the stick on which the shirts are hanging in the closet. In general, take at least something! Don't go unarmed! The main criterion for a handy weapon is the ability to pierce a skull with one blow. If you have time, try improvising.
4) While you are packing, think about where you will go first. You need to get out of the big city. The larger the city, the greater the zombie mass! Where to go - decide for yourself, it depends on the location of the city, but most likely you will have to go somewhere out in the countryside.

5) Before you go out and take drastic action to get out, think about your pets. Try to take a dog, cat or rat with you.
The dog will protect you and, in extreme cases, will give its life for you. The ideal option is a smart, discreet, obedient and strong dog. If you have a dog, be sure to take it with you!

The cat is unlikely to be as loyal, but it can be used as an indicator of carrion, and in general, it’s a pity to throw the kote (as a last resort, you can release the kote as a distraction - it’s nimble and zombies are unlikely to be able to catch it). In addition, at her new place of stay, she will catch mice.
The rat occupies a middle position (between a cat and a dog) in my hit parade of usefulness of pets. Personally, I would use the rat as a living pocket zombie meter and an indicator of food suitability. By the way, she can quietly wake you up in case of danger (I don’t pike, tame rats are very smart).

Domestic rabbits, turtles, fish, birds, hamsters, snakes and others, IMHO, are only suitable for food. No offense. Naturally, if you have someone like a tame, trained alligator who obeys you unquestioningly, definitely take it!

If you can’t take the animals with you, release them outside or give them the opportunity to escape on their own. It is unknown what will happen to you during your absence and whether you will return at all.

6) Unite with your family and friends and act together. The more people in the group, the better. Soon, very soon, every person you don't know will become an enemy worse than a zombie. Your best bet is to team up with another group where you know most of the people.

7) Obey the law. You will be put behind bars (in the same bullpen) during the zombie apocalypse. Finding yourself in the middle of a zombie outbreak behind bars in a large populated area is a very, very bad idea.

8) Choose your transport carefully. The bike will go as long as you have strength and does not make noise. The car requires maintenance, consumes gas, but provides protection - you can sleep and even live in it. Motorcycles are bad. They make a lot of noise, unlike bicycles, and do not provide shelter like cars.

9) Don't trust strangers. Don’t take my word for it, don’t let strangers into your group. Always and everywhere suspect a trap/ambush! It's better to live paranoid than die simpleton.

10) Meet within the group! Try to find supplies of firearms, food, gasoline and other supplies!

You need to get through the first week/month/year. Figure out what you need, brainstorm, make plans, especially if you have no idea what to do. Besides the practical purpose, having a clear plan can calm down that hysterical cousin and save your nerves (and possibly your life). And weapons are needed not only for protection from zombies! 11) Don't run into trouble. Don't get involved in the showdown if you are offended.

Not all people will follow the law and you may get a bullet or a knife in the belly. This time. Besides, instead of trying to find out why you were hit with a shoulder and then called an asshole, it’s better to look for an extra can of stew.

Around this stage, you should come up with a plan of action for the next 2-3 days. How I imagine this is - figure out the direction of escape - find transport - find food - find a firearm - run.

This is a short plan of action in case of a zombiepocalypse.
Improvised weapons.

Since not everyone has a firearm, and those who do may not have access to one, sometimes you have to improvise. Personally, I am very skeptical about various proposals to use cutting weapons against zombies (various swords and mainly, of course, KATANA). Why?
1) Cutting weapons are difficult to use indoors.
2) They lose their sharpening.
3) In order to cut off a head with one blow, training is needed.
4) And a very sharp sword.

Therefore, my choice is heavy slashing weapon options. A la Brooks' lobotomizer.

You can try to make a similar thing yourself. You need a bayonet shovel with a strong handle and a high-quality blade and 2 axes with holes of a suitable size.

Remove the ax blades from the ax handles.
Remove the spade blade from the handle.
Place the blades of the axes on the handle of the shovel so that the blades point in different directions. This is the most difficult thing, since axes and shovels have different sizes and diameters of holes in the blades. You'll have to work with a chisel.
Place the blade of the spade over the cutting. And sharpen all 3 blades.
The result will be a rather weighty structure that can be used to chop, or you can simply break the skulls (or break the vertebrae) of zombies with the weight of the weapon.

If that doesn’t work, put at least one ax blade on the handle of the shovel. You'll get an ax with a freaking long handle. They don't sell these in the store.

The best thing is to bring the blades to a triangular shape. You don't need to chop wood, but pierce the thick bone of the skull.

I had a crazy idea to use the handle from a telescopic mop as a handle, but common sense tells me that the handle of this device will not withstand the first blow. It's a pity…

1) More often than not, food is more important than firearms.

2) Sometimes edged weapons (hammers, fittings, etc.) are more important than food.

3) If you don’t know how to handle a weapon, train or don’t pick it up.

4) A mop stick is better than bare hands.

5) But you can break your neck with your bare hands.

6) It is best to shave long hair, leaving a meek hedgehog that no one can grab you by.

7) In very cold climates, zombies will freeze. When very hot, they become mummified.

8) Always think about an escape route, no matter where you go.

9) And even better - several escape routes.

10) Your enemy is not only zombies, but also other people who need everything you have.

11) Try to hide the fact that there are women in your group. If you meet looters and other criminal elements, it is better that they see a dozen people dressed in ski masks than 2 men and 8 gentle women's faces.

12) And even better - a dozen people in ski masks, camouflage uniforms and armed with firearms.

13) If you are afraid of zombies, look for open spaces, without corners or shelters. This way you can see everyone who approaches you.

14) If you are afraid of other people, on the contrary, leave open spaces and look for shelter where you will not be visible.

15) Take care of your group members!

16) If someone from your group becomes a zombie, kill him, this is not the person you knew, this is the creature that killed him and stole his body.

17) Make as little noise as possible.

18) Try not to put your hands in places where there could potentially be zombies.

19) But since you WILL be sticking your hands into places where zombies might be, try to find gloves that you can't bite through!

20) The same applies to the legs - from the foot to the knee.

21) Try to find a firearm and a lot of ammunition for it.

22) In addition to weapons and ammunition, you need magazines. And the more there are, the better. Minimum 4 pieces.

23) After shooting, the weapon must be cleaned! If you neglect the weapon, sooner or later the weapon will neglect you!

24) Try to find a quiet and protected place, far from large populated areas.

25) The safest shelter can easily turn into a trap. Think about backdoors.

26) Don’t panic - panic hasn’t saved anyone yet.

That's all! I hope we all don't need this! Thank you to everyone who found the strength to read this post to the end.

The zombie apocalypse. It seems that this is something far from us and unlikely. But if you think about it, humanity has stepped forward so much in the field of technical development that one mistake by some scientist in a closed laboratory can become a disaster for all of humanity. An attack by monsters that can attack a person for raw meat seems too utopian. But it is better to be alert and familiarize yourself with some precautions that in the future, albeit distant, will be able to save the life of more than one person.

For those who don’t know, zombies are the living dead whose sole purpose is food, that is, attacking living people in search of raw meat. Zombies move rather slowly and clumsily, so the chance of escaping from them is much higher than winning in hand-to-hand combat. Good physical shape is the key to survival in the event of a zombie apocalypse. The fact is that zombies' brain cells die, so they cannot move quickly. In this sense, people have a huge advantage over them.

Since preference will be given to running rather than fighting, it would be a good idea to ensure that your feet are wearing comfortable shoes such as sneakers or sturdy shoes. If it so happens that a fight with zombies cannot be avoided, then you need to know that they need to aim at the head. Only the head is their weak spot. That is why it is not worth wasting time and ammunition shooting at other parts of the zombie’s body - all this will be ineffective. The only thing that can be achieved in this way is to reduce their movement speed. Important - never engage in hand-to-hand combat with several zombies alone; the chances of surviving in such a situation are almost zero.

If the zombie plague begins, then first of all, you need to pull yourself together. Panic will only worsen the current situation. The first priority in this situation will be to find safe shelter and other people. In rural areas, finding a safe place is easier than in the city, since you can use your own house as a shelter, while in the city the risk of running into a large group of zombies is quite high. Do not forget that you are unlikely to expect help from the government; at best, it will be busy searching for military equipment for use in the city, and at worst, it will simply spray chemical weapons in the city. The fear of the crowds of infected will be stronger than the desire to save the survivors.

If the zombie apocalypse begins in the city, you need to quickly get out of it. Finding an abandoned car will not be difficult, but you need to make sure that it had enough fuel (you can look for fuel in other abandoned cars). Don’t forget about supplies, at least canned and bottled water; It is unknown how long it will take to get to the shelter. And of course, be sure to have some tools with you (crowbar, screwdriver) in case you have to open the doors of closed buildings, and warm clothes if you suddenly have to lie down for the night without a heat source.

The main thing is to find other survivors - together with other people, the chances of resisting zombies will increase significantly. Having gathered a group of 10–20 people, it will be possible to find some remote settlement, clear it of zombies and establish a safe transit point. The success of this enterprise will increase if there is always access to food, weapons and mutual assistance among the population.

Finally, it is worth noting that there is no cure for zombie bites, sad as it may be. Therefore, during a zombie apocalypse, you need to make every effort to survive and not turn into the living dead. By following the above instructions, this goal will be much easier to achieve.

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