Essay: Learning a foreign language. Essay on Learning foreign languages ​​in English with translation Essay on the topic of why to study foreign languages

English topic Why I Learn English will talk about the importance of learning foreign languages. After studying the topic in English Why I Learn English, you will learn why English is so important to know these days. This topic will be useful for both schoolchildren and students studying English, as well as the topic Why I Learn English can be an excellent motivation for learning this beautiful language, as well as the culture and traditions of English-speaking countries.


Why I Learn English

Learning foreign languages ​​is becoming more and more important nowadays. It trains our memory and broadens our mind. I tried learning different languages, but my favorite is English. It is becoming a global language. It is widely used all over the world for business and friendly conversation.

Most of the problems of the 21st century - political, economic, environmental can`t be solved without speaking English.

English is the international language of business people, sportsmen, engineers, pilots, air traffic controllers, students and scientists. If you want to be a pilot or a stewardess you have to learn English.

Some people learn English because they travel a lot, others need it for work, and for some people, it is just a hobby.

I have been learning English since I was 8. Now it is a hobby for me, but in the future, it will help me to find a good job and to meet new people from other countries. I also think that learning English helps me to understand my native language.


Why am I learning English

Learning foreign languages ​​is becoming increasingly popular these days. This trains your memory and broadens your horizons. I tried to learn different languages, but my favorite is English. It is becoming an international language. It is widely used around the world for business and friendly conversations.

Most of the problems of the 21st century - political, economic, environmental - cannot be solved without the English language.

English is an international language for business people, athletes, engineers. pilots, air traffic controllers, students and scientists. If you want to become a pilot or flight attendant, you need to learn English.

Some people learn English because they travel a lot, others need it for work, and for some it’s just a hobby.

I have been learning English since I was 8 years old. For now, this is just a hobby for me, but in the future it will help me find a good job, as well as meet people from other countries. I also believe that learning English helps me understand my native language.

Imagine that you have received the following assignment: write an essay on the topic “Reasons for learning English.” You may have questions about how to write such an essay, what arguments to use, what reasons to give, etc. That's what we want to talk about today. Surely, many of you have encountered such a task, whether at school, at university, when applying for a job or in other life situations.

How to write an essay about the reasons for learning English? In principle, an essay on this topic must be in the arsenal of a schoolchild/student or an ordinary person, otherwise you never know how the circumstances will turn out. First, let's figure out what the reasons are for learning a foreign language, then we'll look at the rules for writing an essay, then we'll move on directly to the essay itself.

Why do we learn foreign languages?

Let us together, dear readers, identify the reasons why people study foreign languages. Why is it necessary to be able to speak English? In fact, there are a huge number of such reasons, and each person can give specific reasons why he decided to study English or another foreign language.

There are many individual reasons: some will say that learning English is fashionable, some are forced by circumstances, some are going abroad, but English is an international language and it will be useful everywhere.

But we want to focus on general reasons that will suit everyone, and also that you can write about in our essay. Knowing foreign languages ​​is really very useful and often such knowledge helps out in various everyday situations. Nowadays, we can say that English replaces other foreign languages ​​because it is an international language. If you speak English, then you speak all languages!

Knowledge of English will help in work, in business, in communicating with foreign partners, in social networks, in technology and computers. You can easily watch movies without translation, read books and listen to music in the original. Knowing English makes it easier to travel because you can easily avoid the language barrier.

We conclude: there are many reasons to learn English; it is really necessary and useful to know it.

Let's remember the rules for writing essays

Now, friends, let's talk about the structure of the essay. The rules for writing an essay are simple and not at all complicated. The main thing here is to show maximum imagination and imagination. So, here's what we need to write an essay:

  • Thesis

This is the topic of the essay itself, what is proposed to be explored, analyzed or commented on in this written work. Do not present the thesis as dry and, so to speak, “naked.” Give a short introduction, an introduction that will bring readers up to speed.

  • Three arguments

In these arguments, you must explain whether you agree with the thesis or not and why. Each of your arguments should begin with the words “Firstly,...”, “Secondly,...”, “Thirdly,...”. You can present five or ten arguments, it’s up to you. But three is the required number of arguments, that is, at least three.

  • Conclusion

Everything is clear here, the conclusion is the conclusion of your essay.

In your work you can also use quotes from prominent personalities, proverbs and sayings, examples from books, films and your own life. By supplementing your essay with such materials, you will make it more vibrant, artistic, and, therefore, interesting!

Follow these simple rules, friends, and you will definitely have a great essay!
Structure and rules for writing an essay

Phrases and approximate structure of an essay in English

The beginning of an essay (in fact, an essay on a given topic) is a statement of the problem. In the first paragraph (introduction), you need to tell the reader the topic of your essay, paraphrasing it, using synonyms of keywords (showing that you have understood it). Then you should hint to the reader what position you will take. Use impersonal or vaguely personal sentences to emphasize your objectivity.
Many people think... but others do not agree. Many people think (that) ..., but others disagree.
Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of… are. Let's look at what the advantages and disadvantages are...
Let's consider some pros and cons of it. Let's look at some of the pros and cons (of this).
Let us start by considering the facts. Let's start by looking at the facts.
Let us start by considering pros and cons of it. Let's start by looking at the pros and cons (of it).
It is generally agreed today that… Today it is generally accepted that...
The following phrases can be used when you want to consider the pros and cons. Don't forget to use linking words.
To begin with, … . Let's begin with that … .
You can…. You can (You can)… .
Firstly, … / Secondly, … / Finally, … . Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... .
One argument in support of…. One of the arguments in support of...
The first thing that needs to be said is…. The first thing to say is that…. (First of all, it should be said that ....)
First and foremost…. First of all … .
It is true that ... / clear that ... / noticeable that ... . It is true that ... / It is clear that ... / It is noteworthy that ...
One should note here that…. It should be noted here that...
Another good thing about… is that…. Another positive point… is (that)….
The second reason for…. The second reason … .
It is often said that…. It is often said that...
It is undeniable that… It cannot be denied that...
It is a well-known fact that…. It is well known that...
For the great majority of people…. For the vast majority of people...
We live in a world in which…. We live in a world in which...
A number of key issues arise from the statement. For instance,…. This statement raises a number of key issues. For example, … .
One of the most striking features of this problem is…. One of the most striking aspects of this problem...
First of all, let us try to understand…. First of all, let's try to understand...
The public in general tends to believe that…. The public as a whole tends to believe that...
What is more,… . Moreover, … .
Besides, … because it is … . Moreover... because...
Doubtless, … . Undoubtedly...
One cannot deny that…. It cannot be denied that...
It is (very) clear from these observations that … . From these observations it is (absolutely) clear that... .
On the other hand, we can observe that…. On the other hand, we can observe that...
The other side of the coin is, however, that… . However, on the other hand,...
Another way of looking at this question is to…. To look at this problem from the other side, you need... .
One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle. However, we should look at this problem from a different perspective.
One should, however, not forget that…. However, we should not forget that...
If on the one hand it can be said that … the same is not true for … . And if, on the one hand, we can say that ..., the same cannot be said about ....
On the other hand, … . On the other side, … .
Although…. Although … .
Besides... Besides, … .
Moreover,…. Moreover, … .
Furthermore, one should not forget that…. In addition, we should not forget that...
In addition to…. Except (that)….
Nevertheless, one should accept that…. However, it must be recognized that...
However, we also agree that…. However, we also agree that...
You can support your idea with the opinion of (some abstract) experts.
Experts… Experts...
…believe that…. … think that … .
... say that ... . … they say that … .
... suggest that ... . ... assume that ... .
… are convinced that … . ... are convinced that ... .
…pointed out that…. ... note that ... .
…emphasize that…. ...emphasize that...
According to some experts… According to some experts,...
Perhaps we should also point out the fact that…. Perhaps we should also note the fact that….
It would be unfair not to mention that fact that…. It would be unfair not to mention the fact that...
One must admit that…. We must admit that...
We cannot ignore the fact that…. We cannot ignore the fact that...
One cannot possibly accept the fact that…. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that...
From these facts, one may conclude that…. From these facts, we can conclude that...
Which seems to confirm the idea that…. Which seems to confirm the idea that...
Thus, … / Therefore,… Thus, ... / Therefore ... .
The most common argument against this is that…. The most common argument against this is that….
At the end of the essay, you draw a conclusion.
In conclusion, I can say that although …, … . In conclusion, I can say that although ..., ... .
To draw the conclusion, one can say that…. To summarize, we can say that...
So it’s up to everyone to decide whether … or not. So everyone must decide for themselves...whether...or not.
The arguments we have presented … suggest that … / prove that … / would indicate that … . The arguments we have presented ... presuppose that ... / prove that ... / indicate that ... .
From these arguments one must ... / could ... / might ... conclude that ... . Based on these arguments, it is necessary ... / it is possible ... / one could ... come to the conclusion that ... .

Common introductory phrases in English

Introductory phrases Introductory Phrases
Moreover, … Moreover,...
Most … Most of all...
It is important to note that... It is important to note that…
It's important to remember that... It is important to remember that...
The important thing is that... An important point is that...
At the moment, … At the moment, ...
Finally, … In conclusion...
In the end, … After all...
Anyway, … In any case, … / Anyway, … / Either way, …
Actually... Actually...
Firstly, … Firstly...
All in all, … All in all...
Instead of … Instead of…
First of all, … In the first place,…
Occasionally, … From time to time...
As a result... Аs a result of…
Really, … Indeed...
In order to … In order to…
I must admit, … I must admit...
In other words, … In other words...
Has the meaning … It makes sense (to)…
It seems that) … It seems that...
In short, ... / In short, ... In short, … / In a nutshell, …
Besides, … Besides...
Fortunately … Luckily, ... / Fortunately, ...
Unfortunately, … Unfortunately...
Besides, … In addition,...
By the way, ... / By the way, ... By the way...
I should... I should… / I had better…
It may seem that... It may seem that...
Finally, … Finally...
In fact, … In fact, … / Actually, …
As far as I know … As far as I know, …
As far as I can tell... as far as I can judge, …
No matter what … It doesn't matter that...
It's no surprise that... It is not surprising that… / It is no great surprise that…
But besides this... But other than that...
However, ... / However, ... However...
In a word, … In a word...
It turned out that … It turned out that...
Frankly speaking, ... / Honestly speaking, ... Frankly speaking, … / To tell the truth, …
In my opinion, … In my opinion,…
In truth, … To tell the truth, …
In fact,... As a matter of fact, ...
First of all, … First of all, … / Above all, …
It goes without saying that... It is self-evident that...
It goes without saying that... It goes without saying that...
It should be noted that... It should be noted that...
At first … Аt first, … / First, …
I advise you to … I advise you (to) ...
On the one hand on the other hand, … On the one hand, …, on the other hand, …
Also … Also...
As well as … As well as...
Meanwhile, … Meanwhile, … / Meantime, …
However, ... / Still, ... / However, ... Nevertheless...
It is well known that... It is well known that…
Concerning … As for … / Concerning …
This could mean that... It can mean that...
I would prefer … I would rather...
I would like … I would like to...
I think ... / I believe ... / I believe ... I think, … / I believe, … / I guess, …

Let's start writing your essay!

And now that we have had a brief tutorial on the structure of an essay, let's get down to writing the actual written work. So, our task is to write an essay about why you need to study English. Keeping the rules in mind, you can do something like this:

Every one of us knows the famous Chekov’s phrase “As many languages ​​you speak, as many times you are a man.” It’s true, because if we know many languages, we are intellectually richer. The modern life conditions dictate us the necessity of knowledge of English. That’s why we want to investigate the causes of the learning of English language.

Firstly, English is a language of universal and business level. Those people who have business with foreign partners, those who have some affairs with economics need to learn English. Those people who like to travel, need to study English. If you come in a foreign country and you don’t know its language, the knowledge of English will help you. Knowing English, you will easily pass the security check, you’ll take a room in a hotel, you’ll walk in the city, etc. Knowledge of English helps to communicate in the internet, to find new friends.

Secondly, English is a language of modern technologies, communications, computers and internet. The internet helps to find new friends from different countries, and it means to communicate. Computer programs, games, everything is in English, so these innovations demand to know English.

Thirdly, a good knowledge of English can help you in your job. It is a good opportunity to make translations, to prepare documents, to organize excursions, to teach. English is necessary in many domains: in economics, in programming, between journalists.

And fourthly, it’s an excellent way to diversify your life. Knowing English allows learning the culture of English-speaking countries, their traditions and customs. It’s a great opportunity to find new friends and extend the communication, because it’s possible to speak with the dwellers of different cities. Knowing English, you can watch movies, read literature and listen to songs in English language.

In conclusion we can say that learning English is necessary and useful nowadays. It may be a simple hobby, but it gives a lot of opportunities and helps to understand better your mother tongue.

You can download the translation of this essay from the link below.

This is the essay we got! You can diversify it with your own arguments or formulate a different conclusion. We have only shown an approximate example of writing an essay on this topic.

We wish you good luck, keep going!

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Learning a foreign language at different levels of communication as an important foundation for successful intercultural communication.

When studying a foreign language, we study the life and culture of the native people of this language, therefore, each lesson is a practical encounter with another culture, each word reflects a foreign culture, behind each word there is a subjective impression of the world around us, conditioned only by a given language culture.

I believe that in language learning the priority is the educational and developmental aspects of learning associated with the formation in schoolchildren of a desire to master a foreign language as a means of communication and interaction with another national culture and its speakers.

The potential of foreign language as an academic subject in implementing a strategic focus on personal development among students is truly unique. In the process of learning, they develop a correct understanding of language as a social phenomenon, develop their speech, intellectual, emotional abilities, as well as personal qualities: universally valuable orientations and interests. In addition, introducing a student to another culture with the help of a foreign language allows him to recognize himself as an individual belonging to a certain socio-cultural community of people, on the one hand, and on the other hand, instills in him respect for a different way of life of the people and their culture.

The main, promising and very difficult task facing a modern foreign language teacher is the maximum development of students’ communicative abilities. Therefore, I start each lesson with a motivational communication task, then teaching material and practice are provided.

Communicative competence is present in all 4 types of speech activity: listening, reading, writing, speaking. Communication technology makes it possible to form friendships. Pupils work in rotating pairs and groups, and are very successful in guided dialogues in the mode: teacher-student1-student2 (for example: T: Lena, askM ike abouttheweathertoday. P1: Mike, what is the weather like today? P2: It’s windy and frosty.)

One of the effective methods of developing students’ lexical and grammatical skills that I use is games.

Whatever the genre of the game, the situation is taken from real life - this teaches children to think critically. The expected result of teaching English is to develop in students a conscious attitude towards learning a foreign language, to teach them how to receive information and conduct a conversation, to express their own attitude to the information received, to expand their knowledge through contacts, and to master the basics of communication in typical situations. To achieve the proposed result, I try to use the following teaching principles:communicative orientation, situationality, functionality, active imagination.

When developing children's imagination, I take into account the fact that children remember 90% of what they do, 50% of what they see and 10% of what they hear. Indispensable in this regard are game forms of work that relieve fatigue and activate the children. For relaxation, I use lexical and grammatical games: “snowball”, “stereotypes”, interviews in pairs of adjacent groups, a competition for the best story. But the importance of role-playing games that develop children's imagination cannot be overestimated.

I use this in classes, for example "ecological garden". In this lesson, I used collaboration technology, “teacher-student”; since together we set a goal: to learn to treat nature with care, understanding the beauty of the world around us. On this topic, the guys and I drew up a plan for the lesson, composed poems, made riddles, crosswords, etc.

Thus, in this lesson, students learned not only to protect nature, its plants and animals, to understand the benefits and beauty of the world around us, but also learned to use foreign language. on practice. In such lessons, collective, paired, and individual forms of work should generally be used.

When organizing paired communication (dialogues), polylogues, I try to select partners so that they have different levels of awareness, and on the other hand, so that one does not suppress the activity of the other. I give each student the opportunity to feel confident in their abilities. I ensure that each type of work has a logical conclusion and is selected in such a way that it, as it were, prepares the implementation of the next stage, bringing the children closer to fulfilling the triune goal that I set at the beginning of the lesson.

The content of foreign language teaching is influenced by sociolinguistics, which studies the relationship between language and culture, language and society. Language, being one of the main characteristics of a nation, expresses the national culture of the people who speak it. Therefore, I teach children English not only as a way of expressing thoughts, but also as a source of knowledge about the national culture of the people, based on the fact that the language performs two functions: communicative and cumulative (the guardian of the culture of the people - its carrier)

Modern foreign language teaching is characterized by the desire to include regional information from geography, history, and social life into the content of training, namely, into speech material and, in particular, into texts for listening and reading. For this, I have the appropriate materials that help me give a correct interpretation of the events and facts that we get acquainted with in class. Here my scientific work “acquaintance with the culture of the country of the target language in lessons and extracurricular activities” helped me in this understanding.

Ushinsky wrote a very good thought in his work “Native Word”: “in the language the entire people and the entire homeland are spiritualized: in it the creative power of the people’s spirit is pretended to be in thought, in the picture and sound of the sky of the fatherland, its fields, mountains, valleys, its forests and rivers, their storms and thunderstorms. But in the bright, transparent depths of the folk language, not only the nature of the native country is reflected, but also the entire history of the spiritual life of the people.”

"We are a teamfamous scientist Cousteau . Floating across endless expansesPacific Ocean we discovered island , not markedon the map . The owner of this island was Mr. Fruit, who was enthusiastic aboutplants. He traveled all over the world , collecting outlandishseeds, sowed them in his wonderful garden and take care of themcourted. Mr. Fruit kindly invited us to hisecological, clean, fantastic ,…… garden , where we enjoyed communicating with its beautiful inhabitants: dancing to the music of Tchaikovskyflowers, exotic fruits and vegetables . Spoke to frogs that can only livein an ecologically clean lake , and themselves frogs sing us a song how nice it is to beclean and tidy »


Problematic (heuristic)

Plot (dramatization, dramatization)

Situational (game situations)


Role-playing games with rules.

Business (management, environmental, operational)

Collective (team)


"Lucky case"

The class is divided into two teams, each team has its own captain and name. Teams perform the following tasks:

1 game “warm-up”. Teams are asked 10 questions.

Game 2 “troubles from a barrel”. Participants take balls with numbers from the barrel. The host reads the question for each number.

Game 3 “dark horse”. Speed ​​commands to questions from the presenter

Game 4 “you - for me, I - for you.” Teams ask two questions, etc., etc. (homework)

Game 5 “race for the leader”. Within a certain time, team members must answer a larger number of questions.


The class is divided into groups of 4-5 people and consultants. Each group is assigned a number. There are as many consultants as there are groups; they represent a "travel agency". Each group draws up a route (basic diagram) of an exciting journey on a topic proposed by the teacher.

"Knowledge Exchange"

A panel with envelopes containing tasks of different levels (for “5”, “4” and “3”) is hung on the board. Each student takes assignments from the envelopes according to their capabilities and abilities, prepares, and answers. Answers are valued by "shares" for each "share" - a par value that is determined in the "bank". The “banker” teacher gives grades.

Linguistic KVNs


Before the first game, “experts” are identified who recruit teams. The participants of the game are seated at their desks in teams. One team at the board answers questions on the entire topic studied. Discussion of the question by the team takes 20 seconds, one participant answers (in turn). The team plays until the first incorrect answer, after which it gives way to the other team.



The presenter prepares questions (lots) for students of the whole class on the topic covered (dates, facts, events). To play the game you need a gong (or a wooden mallet).

The host conducts the auction: asks questions, comments and evaluates the answer, and determines the winner. The student with the most chips, which he receives for correct answers, wins.

"Puzzle Bazaar"

Students make up crosswords, chainwords, historical dominoes, chronological lotto, quizzes, puzzles, etc. at home, and solve them in class.

"Lesson - Judgment"

To conduct such a lesson, the teacher creates groups of students: “judges”, “prosecutor (state prosecutor)”, “lawyer”, “witnesses”. The groups accumulate material (use collections of documents, memoirs, publications in periodicals) and compile testimonies of “witnesses” , the speech of “prosecution” and “defense”.

The trial is carried out not on a specific person, but on a phenomenon, and the “defendant” is symbolically

Level B. Why am I learning English?

Reasons for learning foreign languages

Nowadays, learning of various languages ​​is becoming more and more popular. Some people think that the knowledge of languages ​​is useful and necessary for modern people, others do not agree. As for me, I am for learning foreign languages.
Now I will try to prove my point of view. Firstly, learning foreign languages ​​is absolutely necessary for people nowadays because of our growing international contacts with foreign countries.
Secondly, if you are planning to travel to the countries where the language you learn is spoken, you can communicate with the people there and understand what they say.
Thirdly, if we are working in any branch of science, we naturally wish to read scientific books and magazines in other languages ​​to develop our professional skills.

But not all people agree with it. They think that they can use a personal interpreter or a dictionary. They also say that learning foreign languages ​​is a waste of time for them.

To my mind, as for a personal interpreter, you cannot guarantee the exact interpretation because this person can give you a distort information or understand something in a wrong way.

In conclusion, I would like to stress once again how important it is to speak at least one foreign language either English, or German, or French, or any other one. It trains your memory, and it can be necessary in many situations. So, I have expressed my point of view, but you can agree or disagree. This is your right. Tastes differ, and everyone chooses what he likes more.

Nowadays, learning foreign languages ​​is becoming more and more popular. Some people believe that knowledge of languages ​​is useful and necessary for modern people, others do not agree with this. As for me, I am for learning foreign languages.

Next I will try to prove my point. Firstly, knowledge of languages ​​is absolutely necessary for people these days due to increasing international contacts. Secondly, if you plan to travel to the countries of the language you have learned, you can communicate with people and understand them. Thirdly, if you work in any scientific field, you will naturally want to read scientific books and journals in the original language to improve your skills.

But not all people agree with this. They believe that it is possible to use a personal translator or a dictionary. Overall, it's a waste of time for them.

In my opinion, regarding a personal translator, you cannot guarantee an accurate translation because that person may give you distorted information or misunderstand something.

In conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize how important it is to speak at least one language: English, German, French and any other. This trains your memory and may be necessary in some situations. In general, I expressed my own point of view, you can agree or disagree. It is your right. Tastes are different, everyone chooses what they like.

Level B. Why am I learning English?

Learning foreign languages

Some people say that it is very necessary to learn foreign languages, but others say that learning foreign languages ​​is not important. As for me, I agree with people who speak about the advantages of learning foreign languages.
Now I will try to prove my point of view. Firstly, knowledge of foreign language can help us to understand people all over the world. We can communicate with native speakers. And we can learn history of other nations. Secondly, we can read foreign literature in the original. It is more interesting, because we can understand thoughts of the author, not translator. Thirdly, English is the official language of Olympics games, sport, beauty and business. We can take part in international sports competitions, model"s shows or business negotiations and we can be sure we should be understood right without any mistakes.

But some people can disagree to it. Firstly, such people think that learning foreign languages ​​has negative influence on native language. They say that we become to speak more in foreign language and sometimes we get emphasis.

But I cannot agree with this point of view, because there are many foreign words our language had learned from others

In conclusion, I would like to stress that learning of foreign languages ​​plays a big role in modern life, because the whole world is connected by many ways and we should be connected with people all over the world.

Some people say that it is very necessary to learn foreign languages, but others say that it is not important to learn foreign languages. As for me, I agree with people who talk about the benefits of learning foreign languages.

Now I will try to prove my point. Firstly, knowing a foreign language can help us understand people from all over the world. We can keep in touch with native speakers. We can study the history of their nations. Secondly, we can read foreign literature in the original. This is more interesting because we can understand the thoughts of the author, not the translator. Third, English is the language of the Olympic Games, sports, beauty and business. We can take part in international sporting competitions, modeling shows or business negotiations and we can be sure that we will be understood correctly, without any mistakes.

But some people may disagree with this. Firstly, such people believe that learning foreign languages ​​has a negative impact on their native language. They say that we begin to speak a foreign language more often and sometimes we develop an accent.

But I cannot agree with this point of view, because there are many foreign words that our language borrowed from other languages.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that learning foreign languages ​​plays a big role in modern life, because the whole world is connected in different ways and we need to keep in touch with people from all over the world.

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