Archimandrite Ambrose (Pogodin)

crownover fractals and chaos in dynamic systems

1.1. What are fractals and chaos? Once upon a time, it seemed to most people that geometry in nature was limited to such simple figures as a line,...

in detail / 11.05.2024
Sabra and Shatila: the story of an Arab provocation

Our visit began at a clinic owned by the Red Crescent Society. The society itself was organized in 1968, and in Lebanon there are only such...

in detail / 05.04.2024
The mysterious disappearance and death of Elisa Lam and thousands of other people around the planet

Our planet, although it is a grain of sand in the Universe, is still large enough for a person to disappear on its surface without a trace. Sometimes...

in detail / 08.02.2024
Concept of metabolism and energy

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below Students, graduate students, young scientists using the database...

in detail / 06.01.2024
Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory

The agreement between Russia and France, concluded in Tilsit in 1807, was temporary. Continental blockade of Great Britain, which was...

in detail / 21.11.2023
A story in English about any board game known in Russia (dominoes, lotto)

Tabletop game, also known as a board one, is a kind of indoor activity that involves two and more participants. Usually all game details are placed...

in detail / 02.08.2023
How a Middle East war could lead to the creation of a new country

The withdrawal of American troops from Syria promised by President Donald Trump has been postponed in order to save local Kurds. Kurdish combat units played...

in detail / 23.07.2023
Unified State Examination changes this year. Changes in the exam. Unified State Exam in a foreign language

Changes were made to the Unified State Examination in 2015 that apply to all subjects. They relate to the structure of CMMs: work on each of the disciplines is divided into...

in detail / 18.02.2023
How and by whom the countries of Europe were divided before and after the Second World War Borders of the USSR before and after the Second

From the division of Europe to the division of the world The redivision of Europe began even before the Second World War struck it like a bolt from the blue. USSR and...

in detail / 21.07.2022
Where is the best place to become a programmer?

“We received a lot of questions from schoolchildren about what they should do if they want to become programmers. We asked this question to the experts and collected...

in detail / 25.11.2021
Let's remember the second life of car tires

“Humanity and its global problems” - Back. 2.Environmental problem. Demographic problem. Ways to solve Conducting a thoughtful...

in detail / 29.08.2021
“Tender is the Night,” the history of ISIS and survival skills from the intelligence services: favorite books of Disney head Robert Iger25

As Business Insider notes, Robert Iger leads Disney at a significant time for it - during his leadership, the corporation acquired...

in detail / 15.04.2021
Which astronaut burned during landing?

Half a century ago something happened that was hard to believe - a man flew into space. Astronauts are heroes of a bygone generation, but their names are remembered...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Sisterly care Watch anime sisterly care

In the book “Tao Te Ching”, created by the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu in the 4th century BC. e., it is said: “When the great Path is lost, “good things” appear...

in detail / 04.07.2020
What language is spoken in Portugal?

For lovers of the Portuguese language and Brazilian TV series, carnivals and travel, it will be very interesting to find out in which countries they speak...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Means intended for measuring quantities

In this article we will try to compactly analyze a whole set of topics: metrology, related standardization, Russian state...

in detail / 29.06.2020
Demo version

Demo versions of the Unified State Exam in Russian with answers. Unified State Exam. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, 11th grade. Demo options...

in detail / 26.06.2020
“Bryusov tried to lead proletarian art, as Symbolism once did

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov rightfully belongs to one of the leading places in the history of Russian symbolism. He is the inspirer and initiator of the first...

in detail / 23.06.2020