The best programming universities. Where is the best place to become a programmer? Why Choose Python

» received a lot of questions from schoolchildren about what they should do if they want to become programmers. We asked this question to the experts and collected the best answers for you. Read the summary at the bottom of the article.

A beginner first of all needs to decide in which area of ​​​​programming he wants to develop. Applied programming, games, robotics, for schoolchildren in grades 6–7, a great start is robotics circles, now they exist in every district, you just have to be not too lazy to find an additional education center closer to home. It has its own visual programming environment, and practical activities, and modeling, it will immediately be clear which component is going better and in which direction it is more interesting - engineering, or programming.

And so that motivation does not fall and there is a quick result, we recommend starting with Pascal / Delphi XE 7, here is a simple syntax and language created for teaching programming, as well as the ability to visually develop from ready-made components with support for creating mobile applications from a single source code. The most interesting thing here is the ability to create your own mobile applications for Android and iOS at any stage of learning to program. And as the level of the programmer grows, you can always get into the source code and switch to C ++ within the same environment. As for universities, the enrollment is very large, but traveling around the country, I noticed how much the level of individual regional universities has grown. For example, the department of VTIK at the Ufa Oil and Gas University. Moscow State University, MSTU im. Bauman, MEPhI, MAI, Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University.

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You need to start with programming or robotics circles. It is important to understand if you really want to become a developer, or if this is an impulsive and false desire. As for universities, I advise you to focus on word of mouth, Internet forums and the opinions of friends. It is also worth going to open days, but still keep in mind the idea that what is said at such events is not always true. As far as language is concerned, there is no universal advice. In my opinion, the choice of language is not important, a real programmer can master a new language for him very quickly. Although, if possible, then start with C / C ++.

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Programming is not so much a process in itself, but the translation of solutions to some problems into a language understandable to a computer. Therefore, it is necessary to choose not so much a language as an area of ​​activity that will be interesting.

If you have the desire to learn programming is not very difficult. But what to do with this ability, the question is much more complicated. Therefore, the question should be this: what do I want to do all my life (or a noticeable part of it - 5–6 years), and how programming can help me with this.

It should be noted that writing a program is an excellent incentive to study the subject area. You can explore different subject areas by programming solutions. This does not guarantee an immediate effect, moreover, it can be distracting. But this is one of the tools for studying the world around, no worse than literature or drawing.

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The best place to start is with education. For basic education, the best universities in Russia can be called MSTU. E. N. Bauman, Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT in Moscow, Polytechnic and GTI in St. Petersburg, NSTU in Novosibirsk. It's also always good to educate yourself: novice programmers have a lot of opportunities to learn online for free; most popular sites:,,, In addition, participation in olympiads and competitions in sports programming can become important for career development, for example: Russian Code Cup, Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup, Yandex.Algorithm, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.

Languages: Swift for iOS, Java for Android, Ruby for web development.

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, Head of Educational Programs SKB Kontur, Partner of the International Olympiad "IT-Planet"

Learning a language and learning to program are two different things, and in general it doesn't matter which language to start with. Although, it is more pleasant and easier to start with high-level ones, for example, Python, C #, Java. A good programmer should know several languages ​​and be able to learn new ones. The question about materials is more relevant for students with minimal programming skills, so the questions “Where to start?” are much more important. and “Which university to choose?”.

All novice programmers are very lucky: you can learn to program by playing, and there are a lot of such products. In Kontur, we like,, the most.

Choosing a university is much more difficult. There is no list of universities ordered by the coolness of teaching IT disciplines, so there is always a chance not to guess 🙂

Most often they teach well in large universities and universities. If there is a university in your city, the name of which contains the words “state”, “national”, “federal”, then first of all you should take a closer look at it. Then find out if there are large IT companies or branches of such companies in your city, with which universities they have partnerships: such companies almost always appear next to strong universities, very rarely appear where there is no high-quality training (for example, in Yekaterinburg, except Kontur head office still has 4 large development offices, about 50 medium ones and a mountain of small ones).

Another important factor is the participation of the university and the holding of IT competitions on its territory, for example, in sports programming, information security (ACM, CTF in everyday life), and various robotics competitions. Finding such information about a particular university is sometimes not so trivial, but you can search among the ICPC ACM archives at or

By the way, together with UrFU we are organizing QCTF - a format for beginners, schoolchildren can also play it, you can read more about it here:

And always remember: by choosing a good university, you can flunk everything and not become a programmer, by choosing a bad one, you can spend time on self-study and achieve unprecedented heights. First of all, it all depends on you.

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You can't teach, you can learn. You should not go to a university for knowledge, you should go there for a diploma. The only way to become a programmer is to write programs.

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In my opinion, the best way to learn programming is high-level procedural languages, which “hide” the details of the implementation of basic operations from the programmer and allow you to focus on algorithms. Once it was Pascal, now it has stepped aside a little, although there are also very good modern implementations focused on teaching programming - for example, the PascalABC.Net system. Another option is Python, also a well-structured language that allows you to focus on mastering the basic principles of programming. Python also has the added benefit of being an interpreted language, i.e. gives a novice programmer the opportunity to quickly get used to the language and “feel” this or that construction. Having studied the basics of programming, it is worth getting more familiar with the "classical" object-oriented languages, and here the options are either C # or Java.

After mastering such a basic "gentleman's set", the next stage of professional development begins. At this stage, the question “on what to program” is replaced by the question “what tasks to solve”. Those. the programming language turns from an object of study into a tool for solving problems. The subject area comes to the fore (system programming, web development, business process automation, data processing, etc.), and based on the direction you are interested in, you should also choose the languages ​​and technologies you are studying (for example, C, C ++, PHP , 1C, SQL).

As far as materials for learning are concerned, the best format is training courses - either face-to-face (with direct contact with the teacher) or online courses. Now Internet resources are actively developing, offering free (and paid too) courses, including video materials, tests, practical tasks, often with the possibility of feedback from the teacher. For example, resource or Russian Often vendors (developers of software tools) also offer training courses on their products. For example, 1C provides a free kit for mastering the 1C:Enterprise system, which includes both software and training materials.

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Alas, the situation with universities is not easy now. Many of my acquaintances who work in the higher education system openly say that the higher education system in Russia is not functioning. Of course, one can argue about this and give a lot of arguments both for and against. At the same time, it is difficult for me now to recommend or not even recommend my "alma mater" St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI). The key universities that can train programmers to some extent are LETI, ITMO and Polytech. But I would like to emphasize that the main thing that any university gives to a future engineer is the skill of self-study, as opposed to a school where all the necessary material is presented “on a silver platter”.

If we talk about programming languages, then the following facts should be taken into account:

  • You will most likely want to start working in your specialty already in the 2nd or 3rd year, so you should pay attention to the programming languages ​​that are relevant right now: C#, Java, Ruby. Further developments in technology and your personal preferences will help you decide which platform and language to continue working on. Most importantly, remember that there are no "good" and "bad" languages. Each field has its own set of tools and technologies.
  • A university may give you a reasonable knowledge of global concepts, such as OOP, but will not give you a good base in a particular language; rely on yourself, your own, albeit small experience, and constantly expand your horizons
  • "Fitting in" all known communities - it costs nothing, both in terms of time and in terms of time, but gives you a huge source of knowledge and experience.

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If you have the opportunity not to go to a university - do not go. This is an extremely useless story for programmers. You will be in constant search for new information, knowledge in the IT field becomes obsolete very quickly. In such conditions, the university will not be able to give you the necessary skills to be a Middle/Senior Developer immediately after graduation.

I conducted interviews with students of various universities and the trend is the same everywhere - time is spent, the expectations of remuneration for this time are gigantic, and in fact, business still needs to finish teaching a person before he starts to make a profit.

What I mean: at the exit after the university, we have guys who go to companies and ask for 60–90k a month and are slowly disappointed in the industry because no one gives more than 30k for their experience. And begins a slow, systematic growth with internships in web studios. Hence the question: do you really need a university?

Start writing your pet-projects. Take ideas and write, write and write again. Your main task is to write code, a lot of code, forget about quality - just write, write and write. At a certain point, you will “click” and you will figure out the rest for yourself. To begin with, of course, decide where you want to go, on the web: PHP, Python, Golang (this is not a choice, these are all three together), mobile: Java, Objective-C, Swift, C #, game development: C ++, Java, Lua.

Separately for gamedev - just take Unity and start creating. Don't try to write basic things, like your engine, in the first month, just do it, and only then understand the fundamental concepts.

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, GeekBrains teacher, PHP expert, MySQL specialist, Postgres, some NoSQL solutions, JS + JQuery, Yii

Go to a good university. If you are in one of the capitals, then your choice is obvious and you have long chosen an educational institution for yourself. If you live in a distant region, then a good choice would be the Physics and Mathematics Department of the former pedagogical university, of which we have a lot. It is not necessary to choose “programmer” or “software developer” as a specialty, especially since such specialties are quite rare. Any specialty based on mathematics, in which mathematics is used to a sufficient extent, will do.

Higher education will be useful to you primarily for “formatting thinking”, and not for obtaining relevant knowledge.

The zero language to master is, of course, C. To touch the hardware at a low level, to understand how a computer works in general, how memory is allocated and freed, what data types are - there is no other alternative.

It is more difficult to advise on the choice of the first language. Usually this choice happens spontaneously. But we can say for sure that web programming will not lose its relevance in the next 5-10 years, so PHP can be recommended. Moreover, it is often called "C for dummies" 🙂

You should always learn from first-hand materials. Always try to prefer official documentation on any technology in the original language to dubious materials from non-professional translators. By the way - without a good knowledge of English, no matter how sad it may be, you have nothing to do in the programming market ...

Well, to sum it up - learn self-education. No university and no courses will make you a specialist, only you can do it yourself!

The holivar on the topic of which language to choose first for teaching programmers does not subside: someone calls Pascal, someone C, someone Ruby or even Haskell, and each side gives its own arguments. The truth is that language is just a tool that a professional must choose every time according to the objectives of the project. Understanding the algorithms will allow you to learn any new language within a few days. For those who are just taking their first steps, I recommend using educational online resources like Codecademy, for those who want not just to code, but to understand how to organize the process, I recommend reading a book that, without exaggeration, has influenced the minds of generations and is still relevant - "The Mythical Man-Month". When choosing a university, you should pay attention to how its program meets international standards (see

Evgeny Fateev, GeekBrains teacher, professional programmer, adherent of The Ruby/Rails Way

As in any other field, learning to program is primarily based on personal interest and the desire to learn - this is the basis of any business. Of course, you need a good technical base, which is most logical to get at the university. 4 universities can be noted, where the quality of education leaves no doubt: Moscow State University (for example, the faculty of the VMK), MSTU. Bauman (IU-5..IU-8), MEPhI (Cybernetics and Information Security), MIEM NRU HSE (Faculty of Computer Science).

When it comes to choosing a language, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, the language should not be too complex and "heavy" in terms of syntax. It should be in demand and implement the most modern approaches in programming. For example, Python, Ruby, or JavaScript would be good choices. Regarding books and materials, it is better to start from the very beginning, that is, from Information Theory. There is an amazing book on this topic: Bauer F.L., Gooz G. "Informatics" in 2 volumes. It will also be useful to study any Computer Science textbook. Further - communication on forums, reading blog articles, understanding the basics of a PC device and programming principles. From the literature on the language, for Ruby we can recommend a book with a giraffe (Michael Fitzgerald "Learning Ruby"), for JavaScript (David Sawyer McFarland "JavaScript. A Definitive Guide").

Summing up, you can make a short route like this:

  1. Information theory;
  2. PC device and architecture;
  3. Selected programming language.

Finally, we must constantly remember that programming is a way to tell the machine about our dreams. In other words, you need to constantly practice and solve a variety of problems from various areas in the language you are learning. Ask yourself: how to write a program to solve a quadratic equation, select a random file with a musical composition, access the Yandex service over the network and find out the correct spelling of a word? And then do it. Watch, explore, write code, and everything will definitely work out! 🙂

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Schoolchildren who are studying in high school are increasingly thinking about what they need to pass to be a programmer. This topic is interesting because you can get the specified profession in several ways. Sometimes, in order to become a programmer, you do not even need to get a higher education. There are a lot of self-taught programmers in Russia. Only it is problematic for them to achieve success in their careers.

That is why many are interested in what they will have to take for admission to this direction of study. What will applicants have to face? And where can they go to study to be a programmer?

Description of the profession

The first step is to understand what specialty we are talking about. The thing is that programming is something that, with the development of IT technologies, is required more and more often. People who create programs, applications and develop websites are called programmers.

In fact, the graduate will have to learn how to understand program and system codes, write their own software and web pages. Learning to be a programmer is a rather complicated process. But after the release of employment prospects and success, a person will have more than enough.

With a programmer diploma, you can get a job at a highly paid place not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Or even start your own business. Therefore, many people think that you need to take a programmer. After all, admission to training implies a collision with entrance tests. In Russia, this is the Unified State Exam or GIA.

Education Methods

But before you get interested in the upcoming exams, you first have to understand where exactly you can go to study. A lot depends on this. The thing is that programming is now found in almost every educational institution. Under certain circumstances, you will not have to take anything at all. Only, as practice shows, often you have to think about the question posed earlier.

So where do you study to be a programmer? Currently offered:

  1. Enter the university in the appropriate direction. Usually, programmers are trained in mathematics and information departments. For example, you can contact MGIMO or Moscow State University. Programming is not found in liberal arts universities.
  2. Finish college. Here it is proposed either to go to school after grade 9, or after grade 11. A good way to get a secondary vocational education. In some schools, you don’t even need to think about what you need to pass for a programmer. All you need to do is provide a certificate of education. But in practice, most often students are accepted according to the results of the GIA and the Unified State Examination.
  3. Take retraining courses. Usually no exams are required. They are sent for training either from the labor exchange, or from work.
  4. Seek help from private training centers. It is enough to complete specialized programming training courses. In this case, you do not need to think at all about what you need to take in order to become a programmer. There are no entrance tests, it is enough to pay the tuition fee.

Where to go to study? Everyone chooses this for himself. But most often in practice there is admission to colleges and universities. That is why you have to think about what you need to hand over to a programmer.


You will have to pay attention to the fact that there is no single answer. Much depends on where exactly the applicant goes. In universities and colleges, they now study for a programmer according to various entrance exams. And this will have to be taken into account.

It is recommended that you first determine the place of admission, then clarify the information of interest in a specific institution. Universities and colleges require the same exams. But what exactly? What subjects will qualify me to become a programmer?

Mandatory tests

After 9th or 11th grade? There are 2 required subjects. They will have to be taken in any case, not necessarily when applying for programming.

In Russia, according to the law, in order to successfully obtain a certificate, it is required to pass exams in the Russian language and mathematics. At the moment, discussions are underway, according to which it will be necessary under any circumstances to take another foreign language and geography. But so far there are no such bills in action.

Does your child want to learn a profession called "programmer"? What exams should I take after 11th or 9th grade? Mandatory:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics (preferably a specialized level).

Common Exams

What's next? Usually, 3 subjects are required for admission to a particular specialty. The Russian language, although it is mandatory, is often not taken into account. That is, it is necessary for graduation from school. There are 2 more items left.

What do you need to pass to be a programmer? Most often, applicants are required to take the Unified State Exam or GIA in the following subjects:

  • Informatics;
  • physics.

Accordingly, to become a programmer, the student will have to face:

  • mathematics;
  • in Russian;
  • physics;
  • informatics.

It is in this combination that the requirements of colleges and universities are most often found. But this is not the only scenario. Some subjects that are not related to mathematics and technology may also sometimes be required for delivery. As already mentioned, it all depends on the educational institution to which the person applies.

Other items

There are other subjects requested in combination with mathematics. Interested in a direction called "Programmer"? What do you need to take after 11th grade? It is likely that the future programmer will be required to have the results of the Unified State Examination / GIA on:

  • foreign language;
  • biology;
  • social science;
  • stories.

Now it’s clear what needs to be passed to the programmer. That is why at first people prefer the passage of specialized paid courses. And only then do they think about real admission to a university or technical school for programming.

Programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models. The profession is promising and in great demand all over the world, (median value). You can become a programmer at any age. The profession is suitable for men and women with interests in programming, mathematics, languages, as well as good analytical skills and developed logic (take the test if you can become a programmer). There are also colleges that teach programming, but it is possible to learn on your own, as a rule, programmers with. Exist . The profession has its own. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).


In programming, not only practical skills are put in the first place, but also the ideas of a specialist. Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories depending on their specialization:

  1. Application programmers they are mainly engaged in the development of applied software - games, accounting programs, editors, instant messengers, etc. The area of ​​their work also includes the creation of software for video and audio surveillance systems, ACS, fire extinguishing or fire alarm systems, etc. Also, their responsibilities include adapting existing programs to the needs of a single organization or user.
  2. System programmers develop operating systems, work with networks, write interfaces to various distributed databases. Specialists in this category are among the rarest and highest paid. Their task is to develop software systems (services), which in turn control the computing system (which includes the processor, communication and peripheral devices). The list of tasks also includes ensuring the functioning and operation of the created systems (device drivers, loaders, etc.).
  3. Web programmers also work with networks, but, in most cases, with global ones - the Internet. They write the software component of sites, create dynamic web pages, web interfaces for working with databases.

Features of the profession

Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, technical and production problems, the programmer develops programs for performing computational work. Draws up a computational scheme for a method for solving problems, translates solution algorithms into a formalized machine language. It determines the information entered into the machine, its volume, methods for controlling the operations performed by the machine, the form and content of the source documents and the results of calculations. Develops layouts and schemes for entering, processing, storing and issuing information, conducts a cameral check of programs.

Defines a set of data that provides a solution to the maximum number of conditions included in this program. Conducts debugging of developed programs, determines the possibility of using ready-made programs developed by other organizations. Develops and implements programming automation methods, typical and standard programs, programming programs, translators, input algorithmic languages.

Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes, participates in the creation of catalogs and cards of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents to be machine processed, in design work to expand the scope of computer technology.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high profit payment;
  • relatively high demand for specialists;
  • sometimes you can get a job without a higher education;
  • predominantly a creative profession.


  • you often have to explain the same thing a lot, because what is clear and obvious to the programmer is not always clear and obvious to the user;
  • work in emergency mode (sometimes) in a stressful situation;
  • the profession leaves a specific imprint on the character, which not everyone around likes.

Place of work

  • IT companies and web studios;
  • research centers;
  • organizations that include in their structure a staff unit or departments of programmers.

Important qualities

Programming is a booming field, so a programmer must be able to quickly adapt to the current state of technology and constantly learn new technologies. Therefore, the ability to self-learn is one of the main skills that a programmer should have. Otherwise, in a few years, his value as a specialist will be noticeably lower.

Proficiency in English at the level of reading technical documentation is another mandatory requirement for representatives of this profession. For such specialists, the ability to work in a team, on large projects, with collective development tools, with large financial systems (budget, banking, management accounting) is very important. For applicants for the position of a leading programmer, project and team management skills, independence, initiative, and the ability to take personal responsibility for the task are desirable.

Programming training

Computer Academy STEP - IT education as it should be. Since 1999, they have been designers and systems engineers who cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. To do this, in addition to deep specialized knowledge, they are taught to understand tasks, think in ready-made projects and work in a team. And they do everything so that graduates of the STEP Academy are hired immediately after defending their diplomas.

On this course, you can get the profession of a programmer remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining of the standard established by the state. Completely distance learning. The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.

In 115 hours, you can learn how to create websites and online stores, earn 120 thousand rubles a month on this. After completing the training - guaranteed employment. Advantages: permanent access to the course, 3 specializations at the exit, flexible and free class schedule, work with a personal mentor, employment guaranteed by documents.



A programmer is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia. Even not the most advanced specialist can find a job in accordance with his level of knowledge, and then gradually learn and gain experience. The salary of an intern is about $1000. A full-time programmer in a mid-level company (not IT) receives up to $ 1500-1800, a little more - in an organization associated with mass software development. The salary of the leading programmer is $2500-3000. The next step is the head of the IT department. Mandatory work experience, knowledge of a foreign language, personnel management skills, etc. are added to the necessary knowledge, and earnings can reach $4,000. A good programmer can lead a large software development project, earning $5,000 or more.

Salary as of 01/29/2020

Russia 40000—150000 ₽

Moscow 50000—180000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Joining a group of programmers while developing a project can be a good career start. Large projects often attract the attention of Western companies, which "outbid" Russian programmers. For example, once a group of our young scientists developed the Elbrus processor for the Ministry of Defense, but as a result, they were all bought out by Intel Corporation, and now our scientists and programmers work abroad, and the Elbrus project itself has slowly closed down. The problem of "brain drain" in this profession is one of the most acute.

A programmer can make a career up to the head of a group of programmers (team leader), IT director of an enterprise, IT project manager, etc. In the course of work, a programmer can move within the framework of his specialty, improving professionally.

Famous and great programmers

  • Whip Donald Erwin
  • Matsumoto Yukihiro
  • Tanenbaum Andrew
  • Raymond Eric Steven
  • Fowler Martin
  • Hopper Grace
  • Stallman Richard Matthew
  • Kay Alan
  • Meyer Seed
  • Stroustrup Bjorn

The emergence of programming as an occupation and, especially, as a professional activity is difficult to date unambiguously.

The first programmable device is often considered to be the jacquard loom, built in 1804 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, which revolutionized the weaving industry by making it possible to program patterns on fabrics using punched cards.

The first programmable computing device, the Analytical Engine, was developed by Charles Babbage (but was unable to build it). On July 19, 1843, Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace, daughter of the great English poet George Byron, is believed to have written the first Analytical Engine program in human history. This program solved the Bernoulli equation, which expresses the law of conservation of energy in a moving fluid.

In her first and only scientific work, Ada Lovelace addressed a large number of issues. A number of the general provisions expressed by her (the principle of saving working memory cells, the connection of recurrent formulas with cyclic computational processes) have retained their fundamental importance for modern programming. Babbage's writings and Lovelace's commentary outline concepts such as the subroutine and subroutine library, instruction modification, and index register that only came into use in the 1950s.

However, none of the programs written by Ada Lovelace were ever launched.

Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, is considered to be the honorary first programmer (although, of course, writing one program by modern standards cannot be considered an occupation or professional activity). History has kept her name in the name of the universal programming language "Ada".

The first working programmable computer (1941), the first programs for it, and also (with certain reservations) the first high-level programming language Plankalkül were created by the German engineer Konrad Zuse.

The names of the people who first began to professionally perform the work of programming itself (in isolation from the adjustment of computer equipment) have not been preserved in history, since at first programming was considered as a secondary adjustment operation.

Murphy's laws for programmers

1. Nothing works as programmed.

2. Nothing is programmed the way it should work.

3. A good programmer is characterized by the ability to prove why a task cannot be completed when he is simply too lazy to perform it.

4. It takes three times less time to solve a problem than to discuss all the pros and cons of its solution.

5. The promised due date is the carefully calculated end date of the project plus six months.

6. The programmer always knows the sequence of actions by which the user can hang up his program, but he never fixes this problem, hoping that no one will ever come up with this sequence to execute.

7. Real programmers love Windows - all the mistakes made by their own stupidity can be blamed on Microsoft.

8. Consequence - 99% of the problems blamed on Microsoft are the result of the stupidity of the programmers themselves.

9. In a fit of anger, for some reason, everyone thrashes on an innocent monitor, instead of the system unit.

10. In the event of a hunger strike, a real programmer will be able to eat food plucked out from under the keyboard buttons for another month.

11. A real programmer has already changed at least three beer-drenched keyboards.

12. Anyone who has problems setting up the encoding is automatically considered Neanderthal.

13. Amateurish talk about computers causes severe nausea up to bouts of vomiting. The question of how to change the "wallpaper" in Windows makes you want to cut the throat of the questioner.

14. For most people who need your help, the reason for the error in the program is purely genetic.

15. HTML, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TCP/IP, RTFM, etc. These are words, not abbreviations.

16. The phrase "mouse-norushka" does not make any sense.

17. The most mystical problems, widely inflated and advertised, in the end turn out to be your stupidest mistakes.

18. Consequence - if your program performs mystical actions, then you did something incredibly stupid.

19. The worst feeling for a programmer is when ten people are standing around you and everyone is trying to find the cause of the problem in your program, and you already understand what the problem is, but you are afraid to say, because it is something blatantly stupid ...

20. The solution to all life's problems is on the Internet. You just have to be good at searching.

21. The conflict of logical instructions in life causes a fatal error in the work of the programmer's brain - a rise in temperature and severe dizziness, up to vomiting or loss of consciousness, are possible.

22. Those who despise programmers are despised by programmers more than those who despise programmers despise programmers who despise those who despise them.

23. If you understand the previous one, then you are a programmer.

There are 10 types of people in this world - those who understand the binary system, and those who do not understand it.

Video: you are a programmer

Almost all spheres of life of modern man are inextricably linked with the greatest invention of mankind - the computer. Of course, the computer has greatly facilitated our life, made it convenient. And the performance of the PC depends on the programmer - a person involved in the development and maintenance of computer software.

Almost all spheres of life of modern man are inextricably linked with the greatest invention of mankind - the computer. Life, production, services, education, airports, military units, hospitals, etc. - today it is impossible to imagine the well-coordinated work of an enterprise or company without a computer. Of course, the computer has greatly facilitated our life, made it convenient. But if the software is outdated or crashed, then the highly intelligent machine turns into a pile of metal, which can only be used as a flower stand. And the performance of the PC depends on programmer- A person who develops and maintains computer software.

So we can safely say that today a programmer is a hero of our time, whose professionalism directly affects not only the performance of a single computer, but of the entire modern society. That is why programmers are subject to special requirements based on the features of their work, which we will tell you about today, and, most importantly, their significance for the development of society.

What is a programmer?

A programmer is a highly qualified specialist who is engaged in programming: writing and correcting software for computers and other computing devices based on special mathematical models.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek πρό and γραμμα (before and entry, respectively). In other words, if we translate the title programming profession literally, we get a "prescription", from which it becomes clear that this specialist prescribes how it should be. Despite the fact that the profession is young, the first program for solving the Bernoulli equation in 1843 was written by Ada Lovelace, by the way, the daughter of the famous poet George Byron, a countess and a mathematician. She was awarded the honorary title of "first programmer", although the profession is predominantly male. Today, programmers are known all over the world and often take up as much space in the press as, say, movie stars. Who does not know the names of Steve Jobs, Michael Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Evgeny Kaspersky or one of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates?

Computer programs are the basis for automation of almost any production or service sector. They allow you to create databases, simplify the management process, perform complex calculations, control production processes, etc.

Note that the profession of a programmer is heterogeneous. Within the profession, there are several narrow specializations:

  • system programmer- is engaged in the development of operating systems, global search engines - his work, as it were, is in a generic relationship with an application programmer. This specialization also involves analytical work, which is important for the further development of computers and computer networks;
  • application programmer- a person who develops and maintains programs for one or more enterprises in related industries. He works with a certain direction and functionality of the program, and also develops computer games;
  • web programmer- specializes in programming related to the global Internet, the main source of information and the most powerful advertising tool. A web programmer creates websites, promotes them, works with content.

In general, the professional duties of a system, application and web programmer are not much different from each other. This is, first of all, programming and debugging a software product. In addition, the job responsibilities of any programmer include: launching programs and entering data according to the tasks set, developing instructions for software, determining the possibilities of using programs, developing and implementing a system for auto-checking a software product, etc.

What personal qualities should a programmer have?

Programmer's job refers to a highly intellectual activity that requires a specialist to have mathematical abilities and logical thinking. In addition, a good programmer necessarily has such personal qualities as:

  • ability to self-learning;
  • patience;
  • excerpt;
  • sociability;
  • initiative;
  • independence;
  • creativity;
  • responsibility;
  • perseverance.

It should also be taken into account that the official language of programmers is technical English. Therefore, knowledge of English is also one of the most important requirements for a specialist. Moreover, without knowledge of English, it will be very difficult for a programmer to fulfill his professional duties.

Benefits of being a programmer

Benefits of being a programmer associated with great prospects for the development of computers and the Internet. The profession is in demand, since the field of activity of such specialists is almost limitless: the technical and intellectual capabilities of computers are constantly updated, more and more new devices, gadgets and devices appear.

The second undoubted advantage is high wages. Even a novice programmer can count on a salary of about 30-40 thousand rubles. If we talk about the salary of a highly qualified programmer, then a vivid example of such eminent programmers as Pavel Durov and Ilya Segalovich indicates that the income of IT specialists can be in the millions (if not billions).

main tool professional activity of a programmer are a computer and the Internet, which opens up unlimited possibilities for remote work. Therefore, a specialist can work both in the office of a firm or company, and at home, on free terms, at any time of the day or night. In a word, a programmer can choose the time and place of work based on his personal desires, capabilities and preferences.

It is also impossible to keep silent about the fact that a programmer opens up boundless prospects for career growth: from a franchisee to the head of his own company. True, rapid career growth is possible only if there are three components at once: desire, talent and a commercial streak.

Disadvantages of being a programmer

The development of a software product involves a high degree of routine and monotony: one single mistake made when creating a program code can turn into many days of searching for a "problem sector", and this is viewing (sometimes multiple times) a huge amount of program code and carefully considering ways to fix the error. And this is perhaps the biggest lack of programming profession.

Another "scourge" of the programmer's profession is health problems. A sedentary lifestyle, a heavy load on the eyes, irregular meals... All this can cause problems with the musculoskeletal system and the specialist's vision.

In addition, due to the nature of the activity, the programmer has to communicate a lot and for a long time with other project participants (and a large number of people take part in the creation of software, in addition to the programmer), which leaves a specific imprint on the character traits of a specialist. Therefore, it is very difficult for people who are far from programming to find a "common language" with a programmer. Moreover, programmers, as a rule, are people who are passionate about their work and are able to talk about it for days on end.

Where can you get a job as a programmer?

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students for receiving Education in the IPO - is a convenient and fast remote education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

To get a job as a programmer it is necessary to study at a university on the basis of which it provides training in such specialties as "Software for computer technology and automated systems", "Applied mathematics and informatics" or "Mathematical support and administration of information systems". We immediately warn you that it is difficult to enter these specialties: the competition is very high, and only the most worthy and talented can fulfill their dream.

By the way, the Russian school of programming is known all over the world, and our specialists are valued all over the world for their deep knowledge and creative abilities. Therefore, the choice of a university is of no fundamental importance: all Russian institutes and universities provide approximately the same level of knowledge and skills. However, graduates of such the best universities in Russia, how:

  • St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics;
  • Moscow State Technological University. Bauman;
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University;
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT);
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

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