The meaning of the alphabet is taught, they shout throughout the hut. in the proverbs of the Russian people

Natalya Sergeevna told how the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was revived.

Invites everyone to solve

We learn about the beginning of Slavic writing from the main Russian chronicle - The Tale of Bygone Years. It tells how once the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine king Michael with the words: “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and teach us, and explained the holy books. For we know neither Greek nor Latin; some teach us in this way, and others in another way, because of this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning.
Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Constantine and Methodius, and "the king persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic land ... When these brothers arrived, they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel."
With the adoption of Christianity, the Slavic alphabet also came to Rus'. And in Kyiv, and in Novgorod, and in other cities, schools began to be created for teaching Slavic literacy.

Why is the book you learned to read from called the ABC?

Cyril and Methodius, creating the Slavic alphabet, took their Greek alphabet as a model, but they had to come up with a lot on their own. The fact is that the Russian and Bulgarian languages ​​had more consonants than the Greeks, and signs were needed to designate these consonants.
The Greek alphabet has 24 letters, while the Slavic alphabet has 43. The name of the letters is similar, but not completely the same.
Greek Slavic
A-alpha A-az
- B-beeches
B-beta B-lead
G-gamma G-verb
D-delta D-goodness
E- epsilon E- yes

If you read the names of the first letters of the Greek alphabet, the question arises: why is it so named? The answer suggests itself: alpha + beta(veta) = alphabet.
So today we call any ordinal combination of letters of any language. Now let's read the name of the letters of the Slavic alphabet. .......

The so-called alphabetical Message has come down to our days. The text is composed of the names of the letters of the Slavic alphabet. The name of each letter has a certain meaning.
Az beeches vede. The verb is good. Live green, earth, and, like some people, think of our peace. Rtsy word is firm - uk faret kher. Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati!

Modern translation of the MESSAGE:
I know letters. The letter is a treasure. Work hard, earthlings, as befits reasonable people - comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction - knowledge is a gift of God! Dare, delve into, in order to comprehend the light of being!

- Do you know how they taught literacy in Rus'?

Here is a small excerpt from the book of a wonderful teacher-philologist N.N. Ushakov: “In the short winter days, the students were going to school when it was still dark. Classes began at seven and continued with a two-hour lunch break until the very "vespers". After classes, the students cleaned the room, brought clean water and went home when darkness fell on the street. So, from dark to dark, the lessons went on in the old Russian school. They can be called lessons very conditionally. Each received a personal task from the teacher: one took the first steps - crammed the alphabet, the other moved on to warehouses, the third read the Book of Hours. And everything had to be learned “by heart” - “by heart”. Homework was not given, and when they were to be done, if the whole day was spent in the “school”. It was necessary to memorize everything during classes ... They taught out loud. To each his own. No wonder the proverb was put together: "They teach the alphabet - they shout in the whole hut."

They teach the alphabet, they shout in the whole hut.

  • - about parents and children Cf. "In your homelands, I ate porridge." A child was born, older than my grandmother. Wed Know that this time has already come; everything is upside down, everything is now topsy-turvy; eggs teach chicken. Grigorovich...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Cm....
  • - Mind and clever, yes the third oak ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - About someone returning in the morning who feels a certain discomfort after a rough...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - about parents and children. Wed "In your homelands, I eat porridge." A child was born, older than my grandmother. Wed The time has come to know this; everything is upside down, everything is now topsy-turvy; eggs teach chicken...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See HEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WORSE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see and bear people...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - And the bear is beaten and taught. See LEARNING -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - And they lead a camel on a sling. See WILL - CUSTODY And the bear is taught to dance ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The head at the feet of the mind does not ask ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SUPERSTITIES -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The frogs cry: it's time to sow...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ELEMENTS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - joke. reaction to smb. teachings, attempts to educate, "read morality", "eggs do not teach a chicken" ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

"They teach the alphabet, they shout in the whole hut." in books


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Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

The ABC is not flour, the cradle of science.

Az yes beeches - and the end of science.

Az, beeches - take a pointer in your hands, fita, izhitsa - the whip is approaching.

Az, beeches and leads are frightening like bears.

The alphabet is not flour, the first step towards science.

Proverbs are the ABC of folk wisdom.

They teach the alphabet - they shout in the whole hut.

Who knows az yes beeches, and books in his hands.

The alphabet is science, and the guys are flour.

Az is not an elm: without tearing off a bast, do not weave bast shoes.

Az yes beeches relieve boredom.

Without the alphabet, as without hands.

The ABC is not boredom, but a step towards science.

The alphabet is taught to Nikita.

There is no science without pain.

Live and learn.

From the story of A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

“Papa Carlo,” Pinocchio said, “how can I go to school without the ABC?
- Hey, you're right, baby...
Papa Carlo scratched his head. He threw his only old jacket over his shoulders and went outside.
He soon returned, but without a jacket. In his hand he held a book with large letters and entertaining pictures.
- Here's the alphabet. Learn for health.
- Papa Carlo, where is your jacket?
- I sold the jacket. Nothing, I'll get by and so ... Only you live on your health.
Pinocchio buried his nose in the good hands of Pope Carlo.
“I’ll learn, grow up, buy you a thousand new jackets…”

Reading to learn is always (forward) useful.

Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.

More smart people, less fools.

Not foldable petition warehouse, foldable decree (meaning).

Not foldable (not red) in writing, foldable (red) in fiction.

The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.

He studied with copper money.

We, the poor, study for copper, and the rich for rubles.

They cut off the head, took out the heart, give it to drink, tell it to speak (pen).

I’ll cut off my head, I’ll take out my heart, I’ll give it to drink, it will speak (the same).

Fluffy on top, sharp on the bottom, stick it in - dry, take it out - wet (same).

The little ones are small, but the wise path seems (the same).

Born of flesh, but no blood; I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing for a century (the same).

The seed is flat, the field is smooth, whoever knows how, he sows; the seed does not sprout, but bears fruit (letter).

A white cloth is spread around the yard: a horse tramples it, one walks, another leads, black birds sit on it (the same).

The earth is white, the seeds are black: five plow, two watch over, one governs (the man who writes).

The field is white, the seed is black, whoever sows it understands (letter).

Neither heaven nor earth is white: two look, three work, one commands (the same).

Neither heaven nor earth is white in vision; three walk on it, one is driven; two peep, one commands (paper, fingers, pen, eyes, mind).

Doesn't eat and vomits; and what he vomits up, again gobbles up (sandbox).

In Moscow they chop, but here (and to us) chips fly (letters, newspapers).

In the forest (in St. Petersburg, in Moscow, in the city), firewood is chopped, and chips fly towards us (and in all cities, villages) (the same).

Neither a man nor a woman walks, carries neither a pie nor a fold (letter).

The ambassador is like fur: what you put into it, then it carries.

A smart ambassador has no great mandate, but do not be lazy to follow a stupid ambassador, go yourself.

Fool gone, but go follow yourself!

Send a bad one, and after him another (Little Russian).

Send him, and follow him yourself!

Send Ivan, follow Ivan the fool, follow the fool another fool, so go there yourself!

Seven went, but go after yourself!

Than to send seven, to visit yourself.

Not to shoe a cat, but to send for you (if everyone is gone).

It is good to send him for death.

Vavilo left on a reel, yes, apparently, he was crushed by the forest.

The ambassador left and drowned in the brine.

If he does not strangle himself, then he will come back.

A bow that is a king, arrows that are messengers.

By embassy and honor. According to the embassy, ​​they keep the answer.

The ambassador is neither executed nor cut down. The ambassador is neither forged nor knitted.

The ambassador is neither flogged nor cut down, but only favored.

Whose ambassador, that (that) and honor (and honor).

Nikola has two schools: they teach the alphabet and recite eve.

Without a warehouse in warehouses, to no avail in rumors.

In warehouses, don't be literate.

Reads like a sexton (like a psalter).

Fita and Izhitsa - the whip is approaching the lazy.

For az yes for beeches, and a pointer in hand.

First, az yes beeches, and then science.

He does not know the letter, but the numeral repeats.

How he is a horse, beeches erik - a bull, the verb az - an eye.

Er yes er - fell from the mountain, er yes yat - there is no one to pick it up.

According to the letter, he stopped short, the figure was not given.

Books do not play with anklets. In books, not in chocks.

Now there are many literate, but few well-fed.

Plow feather is lighter. A literate person is not a plowman (not a worker).

And he himself is not happy that he is much literate.

The priest got away with a diploma.

A book is a book - a word is a word! Come on, sexton, take her to the altar (about an illiterate priest).

Eco miracle: look - it's clean; if you stroke it, it's smooth, but if you start reading, it hurts everywhere (said the deacon).

Civil letter from the Antichrist.

Everything is a commodity, and rubbish is a commodity, but books are not a commodity (citizen Kankrin said when Smirdin asked for loans for his library).

The book has two sheets, and the middle is empty.

The book, and in it the fig and the fig.

Paper endures, pen writes. The pen creaks, the paper is silent.

The pen is bolder than the tongue. The tongue is stagnant, but the pen is not shy.

You will write with a pen, you will not make fun (you will not cut it out) with an ax.

Written with a pen, do not cut down with an ax.

You will write with a pen that you will not take out with an ox.

Twirls a pen, like a spindle (what the hell is a hook, a tail).

A piece of paper is dragging to the court.

Read, do not fidget, and what is written, do not be angry.

Lying in print. Lies like a newspaper. You can’t lie against the printed (newspaper) one.

You can't say better than printed. Speaks like a book.

This is written with a pitchfork (i.e., in two, incorrectly).

Writes letters, but asks for memos.

According to old memory, that according to literacy. Living letter.

In writing, that in hewn. According to what is written.

The Code reads, but does not know the deeds.

Looks at the book, but sees a fig.

Read a little, but a lot (yes, more) understand!

Written rewritten, the village of Borisovo (he speaks of a letter ignorant of the letter).

This is not written with me (not with us).

Written on a sieve, lined with a towel (illegible).

The paper is not purchased, the letter is homemade.

Makarka wrote with his stub end.

He writes from the wall (from right to left, Jew or Tatar).

Where it was necessary to sneeze - a comma; where it hiccupped - a colon, and where to sniff tobacco - a full stop.

The letter is like chickens have wandered.

Chicken legs, hooks and suckers.

Two jambs with a lintel, two half-wheels, two banners with a wheel, two banners with a hook (rest).

The gibberish letter (any digital letter).

As if poppy sowed (small letter).

He writes as if he is spreading divorces (largely and slowly).

Scribblers wrote, but dogs read.

Wrote a scribbler, and his name is a dog.

It was written by such that the pen is behind the ear (dock).

He writes like the devil with a sixth along Neglinnaya (a street in Moscow).

Write know: who needs it - will understand.

They don't write with a pen, they write with their minds.

  • Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
  • First - az yes beeches, and then - and science.
  • Without letters and grammar, one does not learn mathematics.
  • He does not know the alphabet, but he sits down to write.
  • Az yes beeches - the beginning of science.
  • Az yes beeches will save us from boredom.
  • Az yes beeches, and the end of science.
  • Az yes beeches, deliver us from science.
  • Az, beeches, they are afraid that bears.
  • The alphabet is large, and there are only thirty words in it.
  • The alphabet is science, and the guys are beech (flour).
  • He does not know the alphabet, but he sits down to read.
  • They teach the alphabet, they shout in the whole hut.
  • The alphabet is taught to Nikita.

Proverbs and sayings contain folk wisdom in a short, concise form. This page contains Russian folk proverbs about learning and learning, collected by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Literacy is always useful to learn.
Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
More smart people, less fools.
The prophet Nahum will guide the mind (December 1; from that day on, children are sent to school).
Nikola has two schools: they teach the alphabet and recite eve.
Read in warehouses. Read up or down.
Without a warehouse in warehouses, to no avail in rumors.
In warehouses, don't be literate.
Reads like a sexton (like a psalter).
They teach the alphabet, they shout in the whole hut.
Fita and Izhitsa - the whip is approaching the lazy.
The alphabet is science, and the guys are beech (flour).
For az yes for beeches, and a pointer in hand.
First, az yes beeches, and then science.
He does not know the letter, but the numeral repeats.

How he is a horse, beeches erik is a bull, the verb az is an eye.
Er yes er - fell from the mountain, er yes yat - there is no one to pick it up.
According to the letter, he stopped short, the figure was not given.
Books do not play with anklets. In books, not in chocks.
Now there are many literate, but few well-fed.
Plow feather is lighter. A literate person is not a plowman (not a worker).
And he himself is not happy that he is much literate.
The priest got away with a diploma.
A book is a book - a word is a word! Come on, sexton, take her to the altar (about an illiterate priest).
Eco miracle: look - it's clean; if you stroke it, it's smooth, but if you start reading, it hurts everywhere (said the deacon).
Civic letter from the Antichrist (schism).
Everything is a commodity, and rubbish is a commodity, but books are not a commodity (Count Kankrin said when Smirdin asked for loans for his library).
The book has two sheets, and the middle is empty.
The book, and in it the fig and the fig.

Paper endures, pen writes. The pen creaks, the paper is silent.

The pen is bolder than the tongue. The tongue is stagnant, but the pen is not shy.
You will write with a pen, you will not make fun (you will not cut it out) with an ax.
Written with a pen, do not cut down with an ax.
You will write with a pen that you will not take out with an ox.
Twirls a pen, like a spindle (what the hell is a hook, a tail).
A piece of paper is dragging to the court.
Read, do not fidget, and what is written, do not be angry.
Lying in print. Lies like a newspaper. You can’t lie against the printed (newspaper) one.
You can't say better than printed. Speaks like a book.
This is written with a pitchfork (i.e., in two, incorrectly).
There is a letter unwritten, given to read to the blind (Noah).
Writes letters, but asks for memos.
According to old memory, that according to literacy. Living letter.
In writing, that in hewn. According to what is written.
Read from blackboard to blackboard (the binding of books in the old days was plank).
It's not good to read, if you only have a few inches.
The Code reads, but does not know the deeds.

Looks at the book, but sees a fig.
Read a little, but a lot (yes, more) understand!

Written rewritten, the village of Borisovo (he speaks of a letter ignorant of the letter).
This is not written with me (not with us).
Written on a sieve, lined with a towel (illegible).
The paper is not purchased, the letter is homemade.
Makarka wrote with his stub end.
He writes from the wall (from right to left, Jew or Tatar).
Where it was necessary to sneeze - a comma; where it hiccupped - a colon, and where to sniff tobacco - a full stop.
The letter is like chickens have wandered.
Chicken legs, hooks and suckers.
Two jambs with a lintel, two half-wheels, two banners with a wheel, two banners with a hook (rest).
The gibberish letter (any digital letter).
As if poppy sowed (small letter).
He writes as if he is spreading divorces (largely and slowly).
Scribblers wrote, but dogs read.
Wrote a scribbler, and his name is a dog.
It was written by such that the pen is behind the ear (dock).
He writes like the devil with a sixth along Neglinnaya (a street in Moscow).
Write know: who needs it - will sort it out.
They don't write with a pen, they write with their minds.

Not foldable petition warehouse, foldable decree (meaning).
Not foldable (Not red) in writing, foldable (red) in fiction.
The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.
He studied with copper money.
We, the poor, study for copper, and the rich for rubles.
They cut off the head, took out the heart, give it to drink, tell it to speak (pen).
I’ll cut off my head, I’ll take out my heart, I’ll give it to drink, it will speak (the same).
Fluffy on top, sharp on the bottom, stick it in - dry, take it out - wet (same).
The little ones are small, but the wise path seems (the same).
Born of flesh, but no blood; I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing for a century (the same).

Whoever wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
To go into science is to endure torment.
Without pain, there is no science.
Learn in swotting, hammering, cramming, memorizing from board to board.

Who according to rumors, and who according to warehouses.

Every master takes to learn, but not everyone finishes teaching.
By the training of the master to know.
The young learn early, the old too late.
He has grown from the devil, but he is not beaten with a whip (that is, stupid).
They didn’t teach across the bench, but stretched out to the fullest - you won’t teach.
Married to study - the time is gone.
I don't want to study, I want to get married.
After a while, learn what to drive in the past.
The guy is now worth a ruble, but how to inflate his sides - and they will give two.
They give two unbeaten for one beaten, and even then they don’t take it.
Knut (Scourge) is not flour, but forward science.
There is no learning without a stick. Not for cutting - for learning.
The tree is dumb, but it teaches knowledge.
A lot of scholars, but not completed. Millstones are forged, as they are dumb.
If you don't beat, you won't learn. It won’t burn, but it’s important to evaporate.
It is free to be naughty, who is not beaten from a young age.
And the bear is beaten and taught. And people teach the bear.
Mind and clever, and the third oak. Beatings are not honey - they teach a horse.
Neuk beats, but if he manages - he goes more quietly than a cow.
The horse is good, but not ridden; dear guy, but not learned.
This is not learning, but torment.
What soon bores, soon teaches.
What the world teaches, people torment.

The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

The school will not learn, the hunt will learn. A full belly is deaf to learning.
You can't inflate a fur, and you can't teach a slave.
It is good to beat the one who cries, and teach the one who listens.
You'll whip your butt, but you won't hit your head.
What is not behind the skin (behind the skin), you cannot sew to the skin.
Science is not beer, you can't pour it into your mouth.
It is wise to teach what we ourselves do not know (we do not know how).
Teach others and you will understand.
Repetition is the mother of learning (school).
Backs, backs! - and in front of you.
They wove matting, weaved it to red (cloth).
This is not to be able (not to do), and in the world not to live.
Our bride did not herd the geese, but shook the spindle.
We were bending the elm (arc), we will bend the willow.
Don't teach me how to dance, I'm a buffoon myself. Learned to teach only to spoil.
The master to the master is not a decree (not a pointer).
Do not learn to fight, learn to fight.
Don't teach a fish to swim! Teach a pike to swim!
Teach an Astrakhan to fish. Pointer - boil on the cheek.
Do not teach the lame to hobble! Do not teach the legless to limp!
Do not teach to limp, whose legs hurt.
Don't teach the stove, don't tell me to grease!
Do not tell me to grease: they themselves are much.
Oblique curve do not teach! A stutterer teases a stutterer (teaches).
Stealing from a thief is only a waste of time.
There is - do not learn to become. Do not teach the goat, she will pull off the cart.
You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.
Live a century - learn a century (and die a fool).
A learned witch is worse than a born one.
The unlearned is worse than the unlearned. Overtrained is worse than undertrained.
Science teaches only the smart. Not everyone gets everything.
Shooting and fighting are learning; and the horse seat - to whom God will give.

Learning is beauty, ignorance is simplicity (dryness).
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.
By God's will, the light stands, people live by science.

Not for flour, for science. Science is not flour (not beech).
Do not comprehend anything - age sour. Learning is better than wealth.
Another is willing, but not much, another is much, but not willing.
For a scientist (beaten) they give two unlearned (unbeaten), and even then they don’t take it.
The city calf is smarter than the country child.
He lives in the city, and bows to the bell tower.
What I learned, that's what came in handy. Know more and say less!
What (How) the handles do, then (so) the back wears out.
Not teaching (or: Ignorant) do not put in the priests.
Not learning (Not knowing how) and you can’t weave bast shoes.
Do not teach, but let it into the world, so it will be shish, not pieces (?).
And the bird, having hatched and fed the chick, teaches him to fly.
Who knows more, and books in his hands.
An indefinite arrow goes sideways.
Learn to be good, so the bad will not come to mind.
Skills (Crafts) are not carried behind the shoulders, and with it - good.
The craft does not ask to drink, does not ask for food, but feeds itself.
Not a bad craft, who knows how to make an oar.
Craft fiefdom. Craft breadwinner.
God revealed science to one bee.
Science does not go to the forest. Leisure is more precious than leisure.
Science - more like a golden bail.
Not hard to do, but hard to think.
Not a dance road, but a setting road (beep).
The song is not expensive, the setting is expensive (or: charter).
Not a field will give birth - a paddock; It's not the needle that sews, it's the hands.
It is not the land that gives birth (feeds), but the cornfield (i.e., cultivated).
They do not beat the wolf with a race, with a trick.

The scientist (Smart) leads, the unlearned follows.
A hundred hands in a good head.
The hammer does not forge iron, the blacksmith forges.
Not an ax amuses, but a carpenter.
They do not fight by force, by skill. Not work is expensive, skill.
An employee half a ruble, a foreman (contractor) a ruble.
Shvets hryvnia, cutter ruble.
They do not pay for an awl, for a rule (that is, not for a laborer, but for a foreman).
There is one master, and ten carriers.
Not as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good craftsmanship.
Hewing a wedge is the skill of showing (immediately carve out a sure wedge, without undercutting, the same skill for a carpenter as carving a sure ball by hand for a turner).
A good flour, but not good pens.
She kneaded it insipidly, but planted it closely (and one cake came out).
A good book, but bad readers.
It does not hold glue, but a jointer (i.e., fit).
He ate the dog, only choked on his tail.
I don’t care about the taste, but it will be hot and wet.
Not all sextons, and rarely anyone did not call.
If you don’t forge (blacksmith), don’t trash your hands!
Cooking is not at hand - dirty.
Every master will make himself (make oil to himself).

Not the gods and pots are burned (but the same people).

The burning nettle will be born, but it will boil down in the cabbage soup.
Not a catcher, but well done. And not learned, but crushed.
He has a business like a harp goes (buzzes).
How to hit with a thread (straight). Levi is good at everything.
He is jack of all trades. Golden man, golden hands.
He ate the dog for it.
Whatever he puts his hands on, everything boils (burns).
Our shot has ripened everywhere.
The perch is thin, but the goat is quick (and runs across).
You can’t shoot him even in a mortar with a pestle (you won’t hit him, you won’t push him; you won’t hit him - talking about dexterity, evasiveness; you won’t push him - about stubbornness).
He will dry out of the water. He won't go up in flames either.
Not a bitch, not a hitch. Everything is smooth, sewn and covered.
The mosquito will not undermine the nose. You can’t slip needles (you can’t match).
He dances with his voice and sings with his feet.
On the butt, rye threshes, grains will not drop.
He weaves ropes from the sand.
Where it's dry, belly here, and where it's wet, on your knees.
Where on horseback, where on foot, and where on all fours.
Know the estimate, die crouching!
Who is served (Who is idle), he is needed.
The goat is full, and the cabbage is whole (from a well-known task: a carrier, a wolf, a goat and a head of cabbage).
And the sheep are safe, and the wolves are full. Two lands: both full and drunk.
He covered two with one hat.
With one slap. A couple to charge.
The cow was cut in two; the rear was milked, and the front was boiled in cabbage soup.
You will not be smarter than a calf (he gets his tongue under the tail).
He did the job, he gave it to drink.
This is done (built, arranged) with a word.
This is not without reason said, done (that is, cunningly, with a plan or with a conspiracy).

What is the builder, such is the abode!
The work of the master is afraid (and another master of the work is afraid).

Every work of the master praises. Every business will stand up for itself.
Not every fool is given a treasure. On the treasure - a healer (it is necessary).
Skillfully and sworn treasure is taken out.
The treasure is laid, the head is laid, and who knows, it will get it. (For example, the treasure is placed on twelve valiant heads: the sorcerer brought twelve sparrow heads and took the treasure; is the sparrow not a fine fellow?)
Skillfully and the witch is beaten (backhand).
How - Our Father knows. Hallelujah at Gurya has long been firm.
Nikola saint: everything by heart. Great theologian: the entire prologue by heart.
He is no match for him. He will tuck him in his belt.
He is not worth a finger (nail, hair).
Neither in plugs, nor in a tuck is good for him.
He will go through the eggs, not one will crush.
He will swim without tackle against the water (against the water).
Like a mizgir, he pulls a thread out of himself.
A live chicken will hatch from a baked egg.
Will not hit the face in the dirt. Will not give a swing (misses).

Not a thing - a blunder, a thing - an amendment.

He won't put a handful on his hand. On my hand I will not give a hand.
And smooth chips, and curly chips.
Dock honor, dock glory, dock money takes.
It worked so well that at least in the ear a day (thinly).
He is everything: a cook, and a coachman, and a beaten man with an eggplant.
He is a coachman, he is a cook, and a mower, and a painter.
The one and the master who can do everything alone.
God forbid, to be able to do everything yourself, but not to do everything yourself!
Okay, if you can do everything yourself; it’s not okay if you do everything yourself (firstly, it’s difficult; secondly, it’s stupid).
Make ends meet. He knows how to make ends meet. We are just making ends meet (about the expense).
This science was not given to him. Not a single eye knows. Turkeys from a sparrow does not recognize.
It doesn't make sense to push in the tooth. The frill doesn't know how to twist.
Neither to lay, nor to pave in the head (nothing or does not know how).
The finger on the finger does not know how to hit. Neither ear nor snout understands.
Not in a pipe, not in a nozzle.
He plays the flute, but does not know the fret (i.e., tact, measure).
Lumpy and in a pile, on a peasant's hand.
God gave the treasure, but they did not know how to take it.
The crow did not know how to pinch the falcon (from the legend that Platov was visiting the enemy, the French, and, driving off, said this).
Lapti weaves, but does not know how to bury the ends.
Can't live or earn.
Don't swear when you don't know how to sew.

There is nothing to brag about, how everything falls out of hand.
There is no fee for absenteeism and incompetence.
For lack of hands on the head they do not stroke (for inability).
And we will eat and dance - only we will not plow the arable land.
With inability, the hands do not hurt (the back does not hurt).
Not praise for the falcon that beats on the nest (the falcon beats only on the fly, and the hawk grabs the sitting one).
He mounted a horse, so spread your claws (i.e., legs).
Shey yes pori - there will be no deaf pores.
Croy and sing songs - you will begin to sew, you will cry.
Where it is sewn on a living thread, wait for tears there.
Shvets Danilo whatever he sews is rotten.
It is a lot to sew and hem a lot, and to stick a bristle in - you have to look for a master.
Everything is learned, but not contrived.
They swim well, only spinning bubbles.
We swim in a clumsy way (like a key to the bottom).
Floats like a millstone.
He can dive, but he can't dive.
Bast shoes weave. He weaves bast shoes (confuses, spoils
The rhymer is not a poet. Drips and sniffs tobacco.
Clumsy (Bayonet) work.
And a bear chiropractor, but self-taught.
Do not put on a collar from the tail.
He confuses, as if he is putting shoes on porridge in bast shoes.
And forges, and blows, and he himself does not know what will happen.
The blind are not taken as leaders. The blind do not lead the sighted.
A blind painter and an illiterate lawyer.
The blind lead the blind, both can't see.
The blind chicken is all wheat.

Everything is taken, but everything fails.

This letter was not given to me (him, you).
This is not written for us.
She gets along like a maid, but she will be born like a pigeon (a room of a clean finish, an outfit of a hut, and a golbets, a chapel, a rough, carpenter's).
And not a carpenter, but a hunter to knock.
Not the fool who plays fofans, but who happens to be.
Know your hand! You don't know your hands, do you? (From driving where oncoming vehicles should keep to the right).
Knows the taste (sense), like a pig in oranges.
Bunny is not a know-it-all (coward).
We are illiterate people, we eat unwritten gingerbread.
We are simple people, we eat thick gingerbread.

For nothing, illiterate, and eats hand-written gingerbread.

Not to weave, not to spin, not to wind the cob.
The daughter-in-law sat down to spin - take care, brother-in-law, eyes!
Not on the heels to start. Neither out of hand, nor in hand.
What do we need a gun if we don't know how to shoot!
For a fool (that is, one who is ready for anything bad), the science is that a child is fire.
The school will not learn - the hunt (need) will learn.

Who knows a lot, much is asked.

Went to kravchie, so pour on the edge!
Who knows more, sleeps less.
Tench on the bottom, and pike on top.
The dunno lies, and the know-it-all runs far.
The know-it-all runs along the path, the dunno lies on the stove.
God did not give omniscience (to know everything) to man.
Sevets will not please, if God does not spoil.
You won’t learn all the tricks, but you will exhaust yourself.
You will not find a master for drying (for example, about malt).
Everyone is good, but not for everything.
Whoever is born for what will be useful to him.
To take on everything - to do nothing.
The rich, those money teaches, and the poor, those books torment.
No matter how sharp a pike is, it will not take a ruff from its tail.
You don't need a scientist, but you need a smart one.
God forbid not to understand yourself, but not to listen to people!
Don’t understand yourself, don’t listen to good people, things will go smoothly.
Good for everyone, but not for everyone's benefit (learning).

You don’t understand good, so don’t do bad!

Like a tyap, a blunder, and a cage (and a ship).
Not everyone will dance on a tightrope: God forbid someone else to walk along one floorboard (even if drunk).
Severely not underwear, but their needlework.
Who knows how, and tata. Every master in his own way.
As I can, I shave. As I lay, I scrape.
Who knows how, he shaves (and raves).
Who knows, and crap. Everyone to his saltyk.
The cabbage roll will succeed, the oak tree (?) is not needed either.
Eel, and without oiling your hands, you will miss.
People are walking, no one hears them; and we are like in a mortar: whatever we step, we will knock.
Accurately shoots: in an open field, like a penny.
Such a shooter that a drunk head hits a barn.
Past Sidor, but into the wall.
He aimed at a crow, but hit a cow.
The gun hits well: it fell off the shelf - seven pots were broken.
The hand is light: if only the neck were strong.
Do not stir if the sticks (fingers) are not good.
A trick, if only the elbows did not cling.
Injector: whatever he takes, he will distort everything.
Chasing a fly with a butt. Catches a quail like a bear.
Chasing like a bear after sparrows.
Agile, like a weight (like a bear, like a deck, like an oven, etc.).

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    (Waugh) Alec and Evelyn, English writers, brothers. Alec V. (b. 8.7.1898, London), author of the novel "Unclear Prospects of Youth" (1917), books about ...
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    During spawning, V.'s appearance changes somewhat; in the spring, sometimes long before spawning, an increased activity of the outer integument of the body begins, releasing a lot ...
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    (Waugh) Evelyn (1903 - 66), English writer. In the satirical novels Decline and Destruction (1928), Vile Flesh (1930), A Handful of Ashes (1934), ...
  • IN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    -VO, particle (simple). The same as just about (in 2 digits). ..., console. Same as in...; use instead of "in" before ...
  • IN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Waugh) Evelyn (1903-66), Eng. writer. In satirical rum. Decline and Fall (1928), Vile Flesh (1930), A Fistful of Ashes (1934), Return to …
  • IN in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Vaud, in German Waadt) ? canton in Switzerland; there were 285,050 inhabitants in 1900; rest. cm. …
  • IN in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak.
  • IN in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    V, …
  • IN in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
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    in 1 and in, ...
  • IN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    in, ...
  • IN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    in 2, particle and int. (how about ...
  • IN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    in 1 and in, ...
  • IN in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    2 Use to emphasize quality, measure, degree. + What a bruise! in 2 Expresses confirmation, just like that, that's it He ...
  • VO in the Dahl Dictionary:
    suggestion from wine and before. , see c. | All in. , arkhan. , perm. , sib. speaking, in...
  • IN in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (Waugh) Evelyn (1903–66), English writer. A satirist-moralist of a conservative orientation (the novels Vile Flesh, 1930, A Handful of Ashes, 1934, Unforgettable, 1948); insightful psychologist...
  • IN
    console. Same as (c). Use 1) before d and o, for example. enter, arm; 2) before shopping mall, for example. stick, stick; …
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    time is either in the time of the ona, or in the days of the ona (colloquial jest.) - once upon a time, once upon a time. I say it was...
  • IN in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    (colloquial). 1. Indicative particle, the same as here (before standing or implied words: how, where, what, etc.). Wow...
  • IN in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    (without impact. except in rare cases, the advantage of the region, when the impact. from the noun is transferred to a preposition, for example, in shchi), preposition. Same, …
  • IN in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    1. predicative razg.-reduced. An exclamation when expressing a high degree of appreciation of smth. like an action. 2. preposition, see Art. 3. int. razg.-decrease. Use …
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