The wolf is a fairy-tale character. Wolf - a fairy-tale character Bedtime story for children about a wolf

In kindergarten, one boy asked me to tell a story about an evil wolf. I thought, what fairy tale should I tell?
There are a lot of Russian folk tales with the participation of a wolf, but in all these tales the role of the wolf is episodic. Well, maybe, except for the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".

I understood why the boy asked me to tell a fairy tale about the Bad Wolf. This boy was afraid to communicate/play with the leader group in the group, but he really wanted it. Apparently, that’s why he asked me for such a fairy tale, to prove to himself that he wouldn’t be afraid even

That’s why I didn’t start, which are quite difficult for a three-year-old born not in Russia to understand, but composed my own fairy tale.
The boy, and all the other children, liked the fairy tale so much that every day for two weeks they asked to be told only this fairy tale.

Read a fairy tale A tale about an angry and hungry wolf."

Once upon a time there lived a wolf in the forest. The wolf lived in his house all alone. At night, when it was dark outside and the moon was shining, the wolf would come out of his house, look at the moon and howl:

Ooh – ooh – ooh – ooh – ooh!

The wolf howled because he was sad. He had no friends. Nobody wanted to be friends with the wolf. All the animals in the forest were afraid of the evil wolf, because he could eat them. Who would want to be friends with such a friend who could eat you?

In the morning the wolf wanted to eat and went into the forest to catch and eat someone.

The wolf saw a bird. The bird found a grain on the ground and pecked at it.

Now I'll catch you! - said the wolf and rushed at the bird.

The bird saw the wolf, flapped its wings and flew away. And the wolf didn’t catch her. Wolves can't fly.

The wolf was offended that the bird flew away and began to howl:


The wolf saw a squirrel. She jumped from the tree to the ground, collected nuts and hid them in her tree house. Then she went down to the ground again for nuts.

Now I'll catch you! Squirrels can't fly! - said the wolf and rushed at the squirrel when she was collecting nuts on the ground.

The squirrel saw the wolf and quickly jumped to the highest branch of the tree. And the wolf didn't catch the squirrel. Wolves cannot jump onto tree branches.

The wolf was offended that the squirrel galloped away from him, and began to howl:


But then the wolf saw a hedgehog on the path. He walked slowly and picked mushrooms.

Now I'll catch you! The hedgehog cannot fly and cannot jump on tree branches! - said the wolf and rushed at the hedgehog.

The hedgehog noticed the wolf, but did not run away. He curled up and turned into a prickly ball.

The wolf was glad that the hedgehog did not fly away like a bird and did not jump onto a high tree branch like a squirrel, but remained on the path. The wolf ran to the hedgehog to grab him and eat him.

But as soon as the wolf touched the hedgehog, he pricked his paws on the hedgehog’s thorns.

The wolf felt pain and howled:


The hedgehog felt sorry for the wolf and asked him:

Why do you howl all the time?

“I howl because I’m hungry, and I don’t have any friends yet,” the wolf answered and howled again.


I will help you! - said the hedgehog. Come with me. I'll feed you and introduce you to your new friends.

The wolf was happy, stopped howling and walked with the hedgehog.

The hedgehog and the wolf walked and came to the kindergarten. And the children in kindergarten were eating porridge at that time.

The hedgehog knocked on the door. The children looked out the window, saw a wolf and shouted:

Wolf! Wolf! Let's not open the door! He will eat us all!

The wolf heard this. He got offended and howled:


Here the hedgehog says:

The wolf became good. He doesn't eat animals. He loves to eat porridge. Let the wolf go! He wants to be friends with the children in kindergarten.

The children thought and thought and decided to let the wolf go. The wolf was happy and stopped howling.

The children gave the wolf some porridge to eat. The wolf ate it, and he really liked it!

Now I will always eat porridge! But I won’t eat animals or children! - said the wolf.

Guys, do you want to play with the wolf? - asked the hedgehog.

Yes! Yes! - the children shouted.

The kids and the wolf began to play together. They had a lot of fun. And the hedgehog said goodbye to the guys and returned to the forest to pick mushrooms.

There are wolves in the world. They like the gray shades of the world, which is why wolves are sometimes simply called "grays." In general, wolves are creatures with which you need to keep your ears open. Fairytale wolves are made from a special test. It happens that they are better than wolves from real life.

Listen to a fairy tale (5min1sec)

Bedtime story about the wolf Pawn
Author of the story: Iris Review

Once upon a time there was a wolf and his name was Pawn. He differed from other wolves in that he loved to have tea in the evening, look at the moon, and count stars. The wolf Pawn had no friends.

And then one day Pawn felt so sad that he could even howl like a wolf. He had already run up the slopes, chased hares and taken a nap under the tree.

“I need to go to work,” thought the wolf. - Maybe I should get a job as a shepherd? So people say that a pig is not a gardener, and a wolf is not a shepherd. It would be nice if I became a shepherd. Sit back, count the sheep, and play hide and seek with the lambs.

And the wolf went to the village. He walks through the forest, and the bear Boulder meets him.

- How far have you gone, Your Gray Majesty? – the bear asked sarcastically.

- I went to hire myself as a shepherd.

“Hee-hee-hee,” chuckled the bear. - A sheep is no friend to a wolf.

“Yes, I’m kind,” said the wolf Pawn.

“Hee-hee-hee, good one,” the bear laughed. -Who will believe you? Everyone knows about your sharp teeth. Everyone is afraid of you. As soon as they wake up, they think, where is the wolf? Early in the morning, out of fear, they mistake the stump for a wolf!

“You think, little bear, they won’t let me become a shepherd?”

- Of course not! - said the bear Boulder. “There’s no point in going to the village.”

- But I am bored! - the wolf screamed.

- Make a friend!

- Who will be friends with me if everyone is afraid of me? – the wolf was upset.

“Someone will come along,” said the bear Boulder and ran off about his business.

And the wolf Pawn saw the hedgehog Thorn and began to ask him to become his friend.

“What are you, gray,” said the hedgehog. – Didn’t get enough sleep, or what? You will get hungry and eat me, your friend. Find someone else.

“Hey, woodpecker,” the wolf shouted to the strong-nosed woodpecker sitting on the tree, “let’s make friends!”

- What are you, wolf, have you lost your mind? – the woodpecker was surprised. - Where have you seen a wolf and a bird being friends? To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

And then this story happened. Someone got into the habit of going to the wolf's house. He will come, wreak havoc in the house and disappear. The wolf will go hunting, then come home, and there will be a broom lying around, dishes overturned, felt boots thrown off the stove.

- Who's doing the bully stuff here? – the wolf was perplexed. - This ugly guy is clearly not afraid of me! Otherwise he wouldn’t have played tricks in my house!

And then an ordinary gray mouse caught the wolf’s eye.

“I’m not afraid of you, wolf,” she said. - Firstly, because I’ll hide under the floor - and you won’t do anything with me. And secondly, your name is Pawn, and this is funny and not the least bit scary!

“Well, since you are so brave,” said the wolf, “let’s be friends with you!” Only when my ravenous appetite awakens, it’s better not to catch my eye! If I have food in my corner, it will be more fun for me. And keep order in my house! There's no point in throwing things around here!

So the wolf Pawn and the mouse became friends. Only they don’t tell anyone about this friendship!

If you need a friend, you will definitely find him!

A happy day is running away
The dark-eyed night is on the threshold,
Go to sleep quickly, my friend,
Let's send worries and anxieties away.

Once upon a time there was only one Wolf in the world.
Common wolf
Everything is as it should be: eyes, teeth,
Far from being a plant food.
Could this Wolf
If asked, click your teeth,
And such a face, they say,
Move away, I'm very angry
And very dangerous.
In short, this Wolf was quite formidable
And he looks very serious,
However, he had one strange habit -
Loved looking at the stars.
It used to come out in the dark,
Sits on a hill
The coolness of the night creeps across the grass,
And he sits and looks with all his eyes
To the Big Dipper,
To the North Star...
His friends, predators, invite him to hunt,
And he says: “I won’t go,
I want to sit here,
I prefer these stars
Your rough hunting is liked.
Oh, how cute they are!
They are all so beautiful!”
And this Wolf is so happy
From tail to withers
Everything inside was just trembling.
And from this wolfish happiness,
Believe me, children, nature blossomed around:
Violets bloomed in the middle of the night,
The jackdaws sang like nightingales,
And snowdrops came out of the ground in the fall,
Although there was no way they could bloom at this time!
But such joy bubbled inside this Wolf,
Such happiness sang in him incessantly,
That even nature was confused.
But there were difficulties, there were, my friends, there were,
And we will tell about them in our true story,
Not some kind of fairy tale, but a real one.
In a word, when our Wolf looked at the stars,
Although he was still menacing in appearance,
Such a wave of kindness spread from him,
What different bugs and spiders are there?
And the most insignificant little thing
I wasn't afraid of him.
And she even allowed herself the most daring prank.
It's a squirrel or a mouse
Will push a lump into his ear,
Or even a mole, a shrew or a ladybug
Tie a bow on the wolf's tail!
And he sits, happy,
Looking at the star Betelgeuse
And he completely ignores this impudent insolence.
Of course, many friends and relatives
Our wolf was condemned.
Veterans of the Wolf Movement, wearing medals,
They called him to a meeting
Drew his attention
That the wolf race is covered with shame,
Allowing you to laugh at yourself
Almost like ciliates.
I remember one veteran
The bully of our Wolf is worth it:
“If you were born a predator, then live up to it!
Don't you dare break the laws of nature!
You gotta grab it, you know
This impudent hare
Or an unbelted hoopoe
And make okroshka out of it,
Grind into crumbs
Don't let some slippery snail
She crawled up behind you and made horns at you!”
Our wolf listened to his comrades,
But he looked blank.
And then he whispered:
If you knew, friends,
(No, this cannot be explained)
How joyful and wonderful it is,
In warm weather or even in bad weather,
Sit on the hill, on the grass
Too late
And look at the stars!
Yes, next to this joy and pleasure
All everyday little things and even dirty tricks,
What an empty dream, what an absurd obsession!
This joy is higher than insults and steps and horns,
And even higher than science and art.
Oh, what a pity that you don’t know this feeling yet!
Well, and then, then...
The wolf began to look at the sky again,
It was as if his home was there
Without which he could not live,
How can people live without bread?
And he smiled and sighed quietly...
And the predators looked at our Wolf
And they felt sorry for him.
And our Wolf felt sorry for the predators.
Tell me, and next to you unexpectedly
Have violets ever bloomed?

My restless son really loves it when one of us tells him fairy tales. And they must begin
“Once upon a time there was a wolf!” It’s impossible without a wolf, otherwise he doesn’t need such a fairy tale. Well, how many fairy tales about the wolf do we remember? And yet the time has come and we began to invent our own fairy tales.

The first fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a wolf!
He lived in a deep forest in a small rickety house. He was a good wolf and the fairy tales told to children about how evil and bloodthirsty wolves were very upsetting to him. Our wolf was completely different. He loved animals, picked berries and dried mushrooms for the winter. He also had a small garden at his house, where he grew cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables.
One day, late in the evening, a wolf was sitting and listening to a cricket sing. Suddenly he hears someone crying. The wolf was surprised. “Did it seem like it to the old man?” he thought.
I listened again, someone was crying again.
The wolf came out onto the porch and shouted loudly:
-Hey, who's crying there?
Silence, can't hear anyone. He had already decided to go home, but they started sobbing again very close by.
“Well, tell me, who’s there?” he said menacingly.
A girl about six years old came out and looked at the wolf with her eyes wide open in fear.
“How did you get here?” the wolf asked the girl.
“I..I got lost,” she answered stuttering and cried bitterly.
The wolf scratched his head and said,
-Well, stop crying, come in then, you’ll be my guest...
The girl backed away.
“I’m afraid of you, you’re a wolf, you’ll eat me,” and she sobbed even louder.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of me, I won’t eat you, I have nothing to do,” he said indignantly, “they told the children all sorts of stupid things,” the wolf muttered, and shouted loudly to the girl:
-Aren’t you afraid in the forest alone?
“I’m afraid,” the girl answered in a thin voice.
“Well, you come in, otherwise the house is completely frozen, the cold has come in,” he grumbled and went into the house.
The girl timidly squeezed through the door and quietly closed it.
“Are you going to eat?” muttered the wolf.
“Yes,” she answered in a trembling voice.
-What’s your name?
“Masha,” the girl answered quietly.
“It’s a good name,” the owner of the house said, smiling.
-How did you get here in such a wilderness?
“Yes, the guys and I wanted to collect mushrooms and berries, but I fell behind them, but I can’t find my way back, I’m still little!” and Masha began to cry again.
-Okay, okay, tears won’t help here, go ahead and eat, here you have cabbage and mushrooms and berries. And I will think about how I can help you.
The girl was hungry and she gladly pounced on the treat. Having eaten, she looked around. An old stove, neatly stacked firewood. There was a flower in a pot on the window, which greatly surprised Masha. But in general, she liked it here. The wood crackled in the stove and her eyes gradually began to close from fatigue.
“Thank you, uncle wolf, everything was delicious,” Masha thanked the wolf, yawning.
“Okay, good luck,” he said, embarrassed.
- Well, Mashunya, go climb onto the stove, and tomorrow morning we’ll go look for your house.
Masha didn’t need much persuasion; she quickly climbed onto the stove and immediately fell fast asleep.
As soon as the sun rose, the wolf began to wake up Masha.
-Get up Mashunya, let’s go already, the road is long, your people are already off their feet, they’re probably looking for you.
Masha rubbed her eyes, jumped up and quickly got dressed. Now she wasn’t the least bit scared, and the wolf was very sweet and kind.
They packed food for the road and set off.
The paths in the forest were confusing and the wolf's instincts helped them find the right path. Late in the evening the road led them to the village where Masha lived. They reached the edge of the forest and the wolf said -
- That’s it Masha, you’ll get further alone! I can’t go there, you understand!
Masha couldn’t wait to leave, but it was a pity to part with the wolf. Over the long journey they managed to become friends. Masha approached the wolf and hugged him with her small arms.
“Thank you for everything!” she whispered in his ear.
“Come on, you’re welcome,” the wolf became shy.
“Well, run and don’t get lost again,” he muttered.
Masha, satisfied, ran along the path to her house. And the wolf looked after her for a long time, following her with his gaze. Already from quite a distance, Masha turned and waved her hand to the wolf. He smiled and turned around and slowly trudged back to his home.

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