Beneficial garden insects. Sunny or just a ladybug Green pages story sunshine read ladybugs

Presentation “Common ladybug” Green pages. Pleshakov A.A. Completed by: Completed by: primary school teacher primary school teacher Municipal Educational Institution Kuzmino-classes Municipal Educational Institution Kuzmino-Gatievskaya Secondary School Tambov Gatevskaya Secondary School Tambov Region, Tambov District Region, Tambov District Troshkina Elena Anatolyevna Troshkina Elena Anatolyevna

In Russia, children have loved ladybugs since time immemorial. As a child, if a ladybug sat on our hand, we told her a rhyme: “Ladybug, fly to the sky, Bring us bread, Black, white, Just not burnt.” She listened attentively, and we tossed her into the sky. And the continuation of the poem is as follows: “Ladybug, Fly to the sky - I’ll give you bread! Ladybug, Fly to the sky, Your children are eating candy there - One for everyone, And not one for you!” “Ladybug, fly to the sky, Bring us bread, Black, white, Just not burnt.” She listened attentively, and we tossed her into the sky. And the continuation of the poem is as follows: “Ladybug, Fly to the sky - I’ll give you bread! Ladybug, Fly to the sky, Your children are eating candy there - One for everyone, And not one for you!”

In Rus', people traditionally addressed a cow with the question: “Lady cow, will there be bad weather tomorrow?” If she flew away, it means the weather will be good; if not, it means rain. The Slavs “fortified” with the help of a cow, asking: “Lady cow, should I live, should I die, or should I fly to heaven?” In Rus', people traditionally addressed a cow with the question: “Lady cow, will there be bad weather tomorrow?” If she flew away, it means the weather will be good; if not, it means rain. The Slavs “fortified” with the help of a cow, asking: “Lady cow, should I live, should I die, or should I fly to heaven?”

Legend of the Ladybug: The image of the ladybug is found in a number of East Slavic myths. According to one of them, the wife of the thunder god Perun was turned into a ladybug, thus punished for treason. Seduced by the tempting serpent, Perynya fled with him, abandoning the children. Perun scorched her with lightning, and since then seven spots can be seen on her wings, according to the number of children remaining in the sky. The image of a ladybug is found in a number of East Slavic myths. According to one of them, the wife of the thunder god Perun was turned into a ladybug, thus punished for treason. Seduced by the tempting serpent, Perynya fled with him, abandoning the children. Perun scorched her with lightning, and since then seven spots can be seen on her wings, according to the number of children remaining in the sky. East Slavic myths with a serpent East Slavic myths with a serpent

The name of this insect is associated with the belief that the ladybug belongs to the heavenly flock of Perun. She mediates between heaven and earth, between a powerful god and people. Therefore, she was credited with magical powers and the ability to influence the weather. People tried not to kill ladybugs so as not to incur God's wrath. The name of this insect is associated with the belief that the ladybug belongs to the heavenly flock of Perun. She mediates between heaven and earth, between a powerful god and people. Therefore, she was credited with magical powers and the ability to influence the weather. People tried not to kill ladybugs, so as not to incur God's wrath.

Did you know... Many people believe that the number of dots on a ladybug’s back can determine its age. This is not true. There are a huge number of different ladybugs in the world, and the number of dots on their wings depends on the species. There can be from two to twenty-six. Many people believe that the number of dots on a ladybug’s back can determine its age. This is not true. There are a huge number of different ladybugs in the world, and the number of dots on their wings depends on the species. There can be from two to twenty-six.

THREE LIVES OF A LADYBUG Yellow shiny eggs are glued in clusters on the bottom of the leaves. Inside the testicle you can see a small larva. She fidgets, fumbles around there - she wants to get out. Yellow shiny eggs are glued in clusters on the bottom of the leaves. Inside the testicle you can see a small larva. She fidgets, fumbles around there - she wants to get out.

This is how the ladybug's first life begins. Finally, the egg bursts. The larva begins to crawl out of it: first its head sticks out, then its chest, then its legs. Finally the testicle bursts. The larva begins to crawl out of it: first its head sticks out, then its chest, then its legs. But it's not so easy to get out of the egg! It will take a lot of time before the larva, either resting or working hard again, is completely freed. But it's not so easy to get out of the egg! It will take a lot of time before the larva, either resting or working hard again, is completely freed.

After three weeks, the larva hangs upside down and freezes. It hangs for a day, then another... After three weeks, the larva hangs upside down and freezes. It hangs for a day, then another... Then the skin on its back bursts and begins to creep upward, gathering like an accordion. And a thick milky-white pupa becomes visible. Then the skin on its back bursts and begins to creep upward, gathering like an accordion. And a thick milky-white pupa becomes visible.

THE SECOND LIFE OF A LADYBUG It’s strange, this second life. Without traveling through the bushes, through the grass, without hunting exploits. Hanging, just hanging in a secluded place. Weekly or two-weekly. Outside, the pupa darkens and becomes covered with yellow, orange, and black spots. And inside... A beetle is born inside. The ladybug has begun her THIRD LIFE! It's strange, this second life. Without traveling through the bushes, through the grass, without hunting exploits. Hanging, just hanging in a secluded place. Weekly or two-weekly. Outside, the pupa darkens and becomes covered with yellow, orange, and black spots. And inside... A beetle is born inside. The ladybug has begun her THIRD LIFE!

This is interesting: The origin of the name “cow” is most likely associated with the biological feature of the bug: it can produce milk, and not ordinary milk, but red milk! In case of danger, such liquid is released from the pores on the bends of the limbs. The milk has an extremely unpleasant taste (and in large doses it can even be fatal!) and scares away predators. The origin of the name “cow” is most likely associated with the biological feature of the bug: it can produce milk, and not ordinary milk, but red milk! In case of danger, such liquid is released from the pores on the bends of the limbs. The milk has an extremely unpleasant taste (and in large doses it can even be fatal!) and repels predators,

Ladybugs hibernate under stones, low bushes, and in fallen leaves at the edges of the forest. During the winter, the bugs gather in large clusters. Ladybugs hibernate under stones, low bushes, and in fallen leaves at the edges of the forest. During the winter, the bugs gather in large clusters.

WATCH THE LADYBUG WATCH THE LADYBUG 1. Find ladybugs in the country house, in the forest. Count how many dots they have on their wings. Name the ladybug. Find yellow, brown, black ladybugs and sketch them. No need to catch. 2. Place a ladybug on your hand, watch how it secretes droplets of pungent blood, pay attention to the pungent smell of blood. After this experience, release the beetle. 3. Watch how a ladybug hunts aphids; how long does it take for it to search for prey? Is it easy to control aphids? 4. At the beginning of summer, look for ladybird larvae. Remember them well and always treat them with care. 1. Find ladybugs in the country, in the forest. Count how many dots they have on their wings. Name the ladybug. Find yellow, brown, black ladybugs and sketch them. No need to catch. 2. Place a ladybug on your hand, watch how it secretes droplets of pungent blood, pay attention to the pungent smell of blood. After this experience, release the beetle. 3. Watch how a ladybug hunts aphids; how long does it take for it to search for prey? Is it easy to control aphids? 4. At the beginning of summer, look for ladybird larvae. Remember them well and always treat them with care.

The body of the Ladybug has the shape of a hemisphere. It is flat below and strongly convex at the top. The size of this insect can range from 4 to 10 mm. The color of the Ladybug depends on its type - it can be from plain to very variegated. In total, there are more than 4,000 species of ladybird insects. The most common color is a red back with black dots, of which there can be from 2 to 22. The ladybug has six legs, two antennae, two large eyes, two wings and two elytra, which protect the main wings from damage on the ground when the ladybug doesn't fly.

Young individuals have brighter colors. It fades with age. Ladybugs' defense is a yellow, poisonous liquid with an unpleasant odor, which they release when danger arises.

Family: Ladybugs

Class: Insects

Order: Coleoptera

Type: Arthropods

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

Where does Ladybug live?

The ladybug insect is distributed throughout the world and such an insect can be found on all continents of the planet except Antarctica. Preferred places are clearings and meadows with herbaceous vegetation. But they can also be found in forests.

What does a ladybug eat?

Most ladybugs are carnivores, and only a few species are herbivores, which can only feed on certain types of plants. Predators feed on small insects such as aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and can sometimes even attack caterpillars. They also eat not only these insects, but their eggs and larvae.


Ladybugs live mostly solitary. In the warm season, they lead an active lifestyle, but in the cold season, on the contrary, they gather in groups and spend the winter under leaves or under stones, hibernating. In this case, the number of groups can reach large sizes, and all insects press tightly against each other. The lifespan of ladybugs ranges from several months to 2 years.


Ladybugs reproduce several times a year. The female lays 200 to 1,500 yellow eggs near a cluster of aphids or other ladybird food to provide food for her larvae.

Ladybug larvae have an elongated body, often gray in color, and develop from several weeks to 3 months. Just like their parents, the larvae eat a lot and are quite active.

The ladybug is considered a beneficial insect for humans as it eats harmful insects that can harm crops. In many names of these insects in other languages ​​of the world there is a definition of divinity: “God's cattle”, “Lady's sheep”, “Ladybugs”, etc.

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Sunshine, sunshine, fly to the sky, there are your children...”

from a children's song

A little history

Many have not yet forgotten how, in childhood, they planted a red-orange bug with spots on the palm of their hand and sang: “Sun, sun, fly to the sky, there are your children...” and the bug crawled onto the tips of the fingers and, spreading its wings, took off.

This bug’s name is very apt – “sun”. The bug looks like half of a small, round shiny ball, like a varnished ball, orange-red in color with black dots, like spots on the real sun. For many ancient peoples, the ladybug's pedigree was traced back to the gods, and the beetle was one of the objects of cult worship.

In some areas, a killed beetle, even one carelessly crushed, was considered a bad omen, foretelling troubles and misfortunes. People took a ladybug in their palm and asked it questions that were vital to them about the weather, the harvest, marriage, and tried to interpret the behavior of the bug in the hope of getting an answer.

In different countries the name of the bug is different and this speaks of the deep respect our ancestors have for it, which has survived to this day: in Russia and France - “ladybug”, in Ukraine - “sun”, in Great Britain “lady bug”.

Voracious predator

The victims of ladybugs are sedentary soft insects that live in huge clusters and feed on plant juices - mainly aphids. The hunter operates very simply, but at the same time very reliably. The bug runs along the stem or leaf until it encounters its first victim. Having dealt with it, he begins to scour from side to side, knowing that other insects of the colony must be nearby. But aphids do not give up so easily; they use different methods of defense - chemical weapons, defenders in the form of collector ants, even “kicking.” The innocent appearance of the ladybug is very deceptive. Here she is, slowly mincing her legs, crawling along her hand, and this only arouses sympathy for almost all people. However, the lifestyle that the ladybug leads is completely different from its peaceful appearance. The ladybug is a predator and mainly hunts. Slow movement, the absence of any tools for capturing and holding prey - all this does not allow the sun to catch up and grab. And yet the ladybug finds “its” prey.

But this does not stop the ladybug from eating deliciously, eating more than a hundred insects a day. And not only aphids, but also eggs of butterflies, small caterpillars, and insect pupae. On especially hungry days, the sun reluctantly eats the eggs of the Colorado potato beetle. The beetles' diet also includes flower nectar and pollen, mold fungi; on very hot days, they gnaw off pieces of juicy green leaves to quench their thirst. To get to aphids living on the roots, ladybugs can even burrow underground.

The main advantage of food for ladybugs is that it is found everywhere in great abundance. The number of aphids is growing constantly and quite quickly. The cows do not miss the opportunity and take advantage of this, reproducing in huge quantities.

On average, on one square meter of field you can find up to 60 beetles and about five to six larvae. This is enough to make a significant contribution to the destruction of pests.

Question: Who is developing how? Answer orally which words are missing.

Answer: An egg is... – an adult bird. (missing word - chick); Egg - ... - adult frog (missing word - tadpole); ... - fry - adult fish (the word is missing - egg); Egg-larva-...- butterfly (missing word - pupa);

check yourself

1. Question: how do insects reproduce and develop?

Answer: Egg – larva – pupa (not in all insects) – adult insect.

2. Question: compare the development of fish and amphibians, amphibians and reptiles.

Answer: Fish and amphibians lay eggs in the water. In fish, eggs hatch into fry, which gradually become adult animals. In amphibians, tadpoles emerge from the eggs, similar to small fish, which turn into adult amphibians. Reptiles lay eggs, which hatch into small animals that gradually become adults.

3.Question: what new have we learned about the reproduction and development of birds?

Answer: in many birds, chicks covered with down hatch from their eggs; in some birds, naked, helpless chicks are born. In some birds, the chicks almost immediately follow their parents (waterfowl), while in others they stay in the nest for a long time, then the parents begin to teach them to fly.

4. Question: how does the reproduction of animals differ from the reproduction of all other animals?

Answer: all animals are viviparous and mammals; they feed their born cubs with milk.

5. Question: how do birds and animals take care of their offspring?

Answer: birds and animals take care of their offspring. They feed them, hide them from other animals, protect them to the best of their ability, teach them how to get food, hide in case of danger, and teach them to fly.

Homework assignments

Task 4. Using the book “Green Pages”, prepare a message on one of the topics:

a) how does a ladybug develop; b) how finches breed; c) how beavers take care of their young.

Answer: message on the topic “How does a ladybug develop”

Ladybirds reach sexual maturity between 3 and 6 months of life. The breeding season for ladybugs begins in mid-spring. Having gained strength after emerging from hibernation or migration, they begin to mate. The male finds the female by the specific smell that she emits during this period. A female ladybug lays eggs on plants near an aphid colony to provide her offspring with a supply of food. Ladybug eggs, attached to the underside of the leaves, are oval in shape with slightly tapered tips. Their surface may have a wrinkled texture and are yellow, orange or white. The number of eggs in a clutch reaches 400 pieces. Unfortunately, after the mating season, female ladybirds die.

After 1-2 weeks, variegated oval or flat-shaped ladybug larvae emerge from the laid eggs. The surface of their body may be covered with fine bristles or hairs, and the pattern on the body is formed by a combination of yellow, orange and white spots. In the first days of their life, the larvae eat the shell of the egg from which they hatched, as well as unfertilized eggs or eggs with a dead embryo. Having gained strength, the ladybird larvae begin to destroy aphid colonies.

The larval stage of insect development lasts about 4-7 weeks, after which pupation occurs. The pupa is attached to the plant leaf by the remains of the larva's exoskeleton. During this period, all body parts characteristic of an insect are formed.

After 7-10 days, a fully formed adult individual emerges from the cocoon.

Task 5. In the book “The Giant in the Clearing,” read the stories “Studied” and “The Story with the Tadpole.” What do you think about the cases described in these stories?

Answer: You can’t behave this way in nature. There is no need to exterminate animals because you want to have fun.

Next lesson

Question: remember the importance of animals for plants and humans. What animals do you know that are included in the Red Book of Russia? What animals in your area need protection?

Answer: if suddenly a terrible thing happens - and all the animals die out, then the vegetation will shrink: there will be no one to pollinate the plants, helping them reproduce, there will be no one to help spread the plants, there will be no one to protect the plants from animal pests. People will also feel bad: sources of food and livestock products will disappear.

Animals of the Red Book of Russia: Amur tiger, Amur leopard, Asiatic cheetah, red (mountain) wolf, sea lion, walrus, Amur goral, etc.

Animals of the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region: Russian muskrat, steppe pika, flying squirrel (squirrel), large jerboa, river otter, etc.

A story about a ladybug for elementary school students

Khamidulina Almira Idrisovna.
Place of work and position: MBOU pro-gymnasium “Christina”, Tomsk, primary school teacher.
Target: meeting the ladybug.
Tasks: study the life of a ladybug, develop thinking and observation skills.
Purpose: this material will be useful for primary school teachers when teaching lessons about the surrounding world, classes about nature during extracurricular activities, and also as material for conducting an excursion to the park.

The Virgin Mary's bug is in Germany, Our Lady's bird is in English-speaking countries, God's chicken is in France.
Did you guess it? Today we will talk about an incredibly beautiful red beetle, whose life span is about 2 years. Its calling card is its light, bright red wings with black dots.

We have long called it the ladybug. Of course, this sweet, kind creature cannot be called anything else! At least, this is the impression left after meeting the bug. Ladybugs live in all corners of the globe. More than 4,000 species are known!
Not all beetles have the same number of spots. Some with 22, and some with just one! The number of points remains the same throughout life. The most common ladybug with seven spots clears our gardens of aphids. It makes up to 85 flaps per second when it flies. always looking for prey! It eats more than a hundred aphids in one day. A real glutton!
She can easily find large numbers of aphids on cabbage, apple trees, and bird cherry trees, because they often stick around the entire plant, sucking out the juice. A cow appears and eats them one by one. The aphids have a very bad time when the cows arrive. The wings and legs of the aphids are very weak - it is impossible to escape or fly away!
Also, our spotted friend is a threat to spider mites, of which a pair of ladybugs can destroy up to 4,000 in their lifetime.
Probably, this name was given to the beetle in gratitude for the fact that it saves our green spaces from pests. Therefore, it is a mistake to consider it a herbivore, because in fact it is a predator, and a useful one at that.
Why cow? Birds and frogs don't eat them because our cute bug secretes a toxic yellow liquid from the joints of its legs. Moreover, it is also very foul-smelling, which in large doses is even lethal! The milky and bright outfit of the ladybug repels even tarantula spiders!
I think it was because of this ability to release milk that the bug was nicknamed the cow.
Of course, ladybugs are not always active. With the onset of cold weather, they hide under the bark of trees and under fallen leaves. That's how they spend the winter. They begin to fly only when food appears.
It is interesting to know that the ladybug has been immortalized! Examples of this are monuments in various parts of the world! And here are some of them:
Ours is in Volgograd!

God's Monumentcow is available in the USA!

E that monument in the land of the rising sun!

In South Korea toothere is a monument to a bug!

The cutest monument inPoland!

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