
A chilling video about how not to drive on the capital's roads recently appeared on the Internet. The video, just over two minutes long, is made from the inside of a Subaru Impreza VRX STI car, which is rushing along Leningradsky Prospekt at a speed of about 200 kilometers per hour.

The 18-year-old driver, whose name has not yet been announced, was driving quickly, but not for long - before he had time to properly “start up” his “horse”, a traffic jam appeared on his way. Abundant swearing, screeching brakes - and a sporty Subaru flies right between two rows of crawling cars. Judging by the video, the braking distance was several tens of meters - the “flying” Subaru hit 5 cars.

The video was made and posted online by 24-year-old Muscovite Roman Kalashnikov, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. Hanging in the back (from the constant “game of checkers” he is thrown from side to side) is 18-year-old Anton Bogorodsky.

Kalashnikov is clearly playing at being a cool director - he either moves the camera to the speedometer or to the people in the cabin. For a second, he himself appears in the frame - the guy is clearly nervous, but tries not to show it.

Surprisingly, none of the guys were injured as a result of the accident - not even a drop of blood was visible on the airbags that flew out. As popular wisdom says, fools are lucky.

Even more surprising is that there were no casualties in the damaged vehicles. After the accident, the unfortunate driver silently leaves the salon and sadly examines his broken Subaru. Drivers jump out of damaged cars in a frenzy. We would like to give here separate quotes from their angry tirades - but alas, there is not a word other than swearing. And the drivers’ feelings can be understood.

As the traffic police told KP, the accident occurred on May 23. However, Kalashnikov and the company became widely known only after the video appeared on the Internet.

An 18-year-old man was driving the car and was sober. He didn’t leave the scene of the accident and calmly waited for the police to arrive, they told us at the Moscow Traffic Police Department.

However, calm is unlikely. Judging by the video, the unfortunate driver miraculously escaped lynching - the drivers of the injured cars were very upset.

The police said the reckless driver will be brought to justice. However, they did not explain under what article the hooligan would be judged. It is possible that he will not even be deprived of his license - after all, he got behind the wheel sober.

But he still cannot avoid trouble. According to experts, the parents of the reckless driver will restore the damaged cars at their own expense. However, for people who buy their 18-year-old son a racing car for 2 million rubles, this is unlikely to become a problem.

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The collection of shocking road incidents has been replenished with another video: a foreign car flying around Moscow crashes into a traffic jam at a speed of under 200 km/h. The authors of these shots were the reckless drivers themselves, who filmed the maneuvers on their phones and provided vivid comments on what was happening. The second part of the video - “We got stuck in a traffic jam” - is almost exclusively obscene, because the youth damaged a dozen cars in a Subaru. Surprisingly, there were no casualties, notes "Russian newspaper". The perpetrator faces only administrative liability.

The emergency happened on the Leningradskoe highway at the exit from the Volokolamsk tunnel between the Sokol and Voikovskaya metro stations. The defendants are three young men driving a Subaru Impreza VRX STI. They posted the video on YouTube themselves, so the names of the two people traveling in the car are known. The only thing unclear is the name of the driver who decided not to even brake when he saw the traffic jam.

The foreign car enters neatly between two standing rows. The number of damaged cars is almost a dozen. The Subaru's airbags deploy, keeping both the driver and passengers safe and sound. No one in the other cars seemed to be seriously injured, but, as the TV channel gallantly notes, "TVC", “the drivers lost their state of mental balance.” The checkmate covers the entire tunnel, and commentators are surprised at two things: how the reckless drivers didn’t die and how they weren’t torn apart on the spot by angry drivers.

A video entitled “We are driving into a traffic jam” and “We are driving into a traffic jam” was posted on social networks by 24-year-old Roman Kalashnikov. Not without bravado, 18-year-old Anton Bogorodsky comments on the video.

The traffic police identified the driver, born in 1994, but did not name him. It is known that he was not drunk, although it can hardly be considered normal that he perceived what was happening as an adventure. No people were injured in the accident, so the young driver will not face a criminal sentence. What happened in the tunnel was classified as two accidents: in the first, the Subaru hit two cars, in the second, three. There were no injuries, so the culprit will only be brought to administrative responsibility, the press service of the capital’s traffic police reported. RIA News" .

For serious sanctions, the court will have to prove by telephone video that the speed limit was exceeded by more than 60 km/h. However, a couple of times a speedometer with an arrow at around 180 flashes in the frame, so it is quite possible to rid the driver of his license. However, the traffic police report does not say whether the young driver will be tried for this.

First of all, the financial consequences will be serious. Insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance will not cover the damage caused to a dozen cars that are by no means cheap. Apparently, parents will help.

18+. The video contains obscene language

How the crazy race can end (and, according to some commentators, it should end) is clearly reminiscent of the video from five years ago. Young people in Mercedes and BMWs on Leningradskoye Shosse, driven by adrenaline and a thirst for speed, also set out for the record. The needle on the Mercedes speedometer exceeds 200 km/h, and for BMW it is even more. But the BMW driver did not calculate his strength, his car skidded - right under a full fuel tanker driving in the oncoming lane. Three people in the car died.

Published 05/29/13 08:37

The street racer crashed into a traffic jam on Leningradskoye Highway. Now the traffic police are studying video footage of the “exploits” of reckless drivers in the Volokolamsk tunnel.

On the streets of Moscow, reckless drivers staged a race for survival

A video of a major accident on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow has appeared on the Internet. A young man - the driver of a Subaru - and his friend decided to take a quick ride and drove into the tunnel at a speed of 190 km/h. In a video posted on the Internet, extreme racers overtake other road users until they notice a traffic jam ahead - in the tunnel between the Sokol and Voykovskaya metro stations.

Behind intkbbach Turning around, a traffic jam begins. When the driver notices stopped cars, there are too few meters for safe braking. As a result, he could not come up with anything better than to wedge himself between the lanes and “comb” the sides of cars stuck in traffic jams.

Reckless drivers drove into a traffic jam at a speed of about two hundred and posted a video on the Internet

The authors of these shots were the reckless drivers themselves, who filmed the maneuvers on their phones and provided vivid comments on what was happening. The foreign car enters neatly between two standing rows. The number of damaged cars is almost a dozen. The airbags in the Subaru are deployed and therefore both the driver and passengers are safe and sound.

The author of the video continued filming after the final stop. However, apart from the indignant screams of the injured car owners with obscene language, the video shows no open aggression towards those responsible for the accident, at least in the first minutes after the accident.

A video entitled “We are driving into a traffic jam” and “We are driving into a traffic jam” was posted on social networks by 24-year-old Roman Kalashnikov. The video is commented by 18-year-old Anton Bogorodsky. The State Traffic Inspectorate does not disclose the name and surname of the person driving the car.

The traffic police are studying video recordings of the “feats” of reckless drivers

“The car was driven by a young man born in 1994, he received a driver’s license last year. Currently, the necessary measures are being taken to establish all the causes of the incident,” Artem, head of the traffic safety promotion department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow, told Channel One Ivanov.

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