Makarenko’s original pedagogical methods presentation. Presentation "Pedagogical ideas of A.S. Makarenko"

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Presentation slides

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Outstanding Soviet teacher of the 20th century

Anton Semenovich Makarenko

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Anton Semenovich Makarenko Life and work of A. S. Makarenko Beginning of pedagogical activity The most important principles of pedagogical theory and practice Education in a team and through a team The importance of play in education About family education Literary activity Moscow Pedagogical Museum A. S. Makarenko. Pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko today

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Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888-1939) was a talented innovative teacher, one of the creators of a coherent system of communist education of the younger generation based on Marxist-Leninist teachings. His name is widely known in different countries, his pedagogical experiment, which, according to A. M. Gorky, has global significance, is studied everywhere. Over the 16 years of his activity as the head of the colony named after M. Gorky and the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, A. S. Makarenko raised more than 3,000 young citizens of the Soviet country in the spirit of the ideas of communism. Numerous works of A. S. Makarenko, especially “Pedagogical Poem” and “Flags on the Towers”, have been translated into many languages. There are a large number of Makarenko’s followers among progressive teachers around the world.

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Life and work of A. S. Makarenko

Anton Semenovich Makarenko was born on March 13, 1888 in the city of Belopolye, Sumy district, Kharkov province, in the family of a worker - a painter of carriage railway workshops. In 1897 he entered the elementary railway school. In 1901, he and his family moved to Kryukov, a suburb of Kremenchug. He graduated from a four-year school in Kremenchug (1904) and one-year pedagogical courses (1905). He worked as a teacher at the railway school in the village of Kryukov, then at the Dolinskaya station. Graduated from the Poltava Teachers' Institute with a gold medal (1917). In 1916 he was drafted into the army, but due to poor eyesight he was demobilized. In 1917-1919 he was the head of the railway school at the Kryukov carriage workshops. In 1919 he moved to Poltava.

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On behalf of the Poltava Provincial Education Department, he organized a labor colony for juvenile offenders near Poltava, in 1921 the colony was named after M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to Kuryazh near Kharkov; headed it (1920-1928), from October 1927 he directed the labor children's commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky in the suburbs of Kharkov, in which he put into practice the pedagogical system he developed. Pedagogical achievements put Makarenko among the famous figures of Soviet and world culture and pedagogy.

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Beginning of teaching activity

He did not separate teaching from upbringing; one flowed from the other, complemented each other and was further cemented by the strong attachment of the teacher to the children and the children to the teacher. Add here the absolute sense of justice that Makarenko possessed, his rare erudition, and you can understand what his unquestioned authority was based on even then.

Since the fall of 1911, Makarenko has been working at the railway school of Dolinskaya station. At the school there is a boarding school for Putin children, with whom the new teacher goes to sketches. He teaches literature and drawing, and acts as a teacher. I reached an agreement with the railway administration and in the summer I transported the guys for free to Sevastopol, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

But a teacher's institute opened in Poltava. Makarenko is among his first listeners. The starting point for him in understanding pedagogy was K.D.’s formula. Ushinsky: “The influence of the teacher’s personality on a young soul constitutes that educational force that cannot be replaced by textbooks, moral maxims, or a system of punishments and rewards.”

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The most important principles of pedagogical theory and practice A. S. Makarenko

A. S. Makarenko believed that a teacher’s clear knowledge of the goals of education is the most indispensable condition for successful pedagogical activity. In the conditions of Soviet society, the goal of education should be, he pointed out, the education of an active participant in socialist construction, a person devoted to the ideas of communism. Makarenko argued that achieving this goal is quite possible. “... Raising a new person is a happy and feasible task for pedagogy,” he said, meaning Marxist-Leninist pedagogy.

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Respect for the child’s personality, a benevolent view of his potential to perceive the good, become better and show an active attitude towards the environment have invariably been the basis of the innovative pedagogical activity of A. S. Makarenko. To the call for all-forgiving, patient love for children, which was widespread in the 20s, Makarenko added his own: love and respect for children must necessarily be combined with requirements for them; children need “demanding love,” he said. Socialist humanism, expressed in these words and running through Makarenko’s entire pedagogical system, is one of its main principles. A. S. Makarenko deeply believed in the creative powers of man, in his capabilities. He sought to “project the best in man.

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A. S. Makarenko resolutely fought against pedology. He argued that any Soviet child, offended or spoiled by the abnormal conditions of his life, could be corrected provided that a favorable environment was created and the correct methods of education were applied.

Supporters of “free education” objected to any punishment of children, stating that “punishment brings up Makarenko rightly objected to them, saying that “impunity brings up a hooligan,” and believed that wisely chosen, skillfully and rarely applied punishments, except, of course , bodily, are quite acceptable.

“To educate a person means to educate him,” said A. S. Makarenko, “promising paths along which his tomorrow’s joy is located. You can write a whole methodology for this most important work.” This work should be organized according to a “system of promising lines.”

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Education in the team and through the team

Clarifying the educational essence of the team, A. S. Makarenko emphasized that a real team must have a common goal, engage in diverse activities, and have bodies that direct its life and work. The art of leading a team, according to Makarenko, lies in captivating it with a specific goal that requires common effort, labor, and tension. In this case, achieving the goal gives great satisfaction. A cheerful, joyful, cheerful atmosphere is necessary for a children's group.

The great merit of A. S. Makarenko was that he developed a complete theory of the organization and education of the children's team and the individual in the team and through the team. Makarenko saw the main task of educational work in the proper organization of the team. The most important quality of a Soviet person is his ability to live in a team, enter into constant communication with people, work and create, and subordinate his personal interests to the interests of the team.

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The importance of play in education

A. S. Makarenko believed that play has the same meaning for a child as “activity, work, service” for an adult. A. S. Makarenko believed that children should be active in play, experience the joy of creativity, aesthetic experiences, feel responsibility, and take the rules of the game seriously. Parents and educators should be interested in children's play. Children should not be forced to repeat only what adults do with a toy, nor should they be “pelted” with a variety of toys. Speaking about the management of children's games, A. S. Makarenko pointed out that at first it is important for parents to combine the child's individual play with collective games. Then, when children get older and play in a larger group, the game is played in an organized manner with the participation of qualified teachers. Further, it must take more strict forms of collective play, in which there must be a moment of collective interest and collective discipline must be observed.

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About family education

This prevents the development of egoistic tendencies in the child, promotes the development in each child of the traits and qualities of a collectivist, the ability to give in to others and subordinate one’s interests to common ones. A. S. Makarenko rightly emphasized that the true authority of parents, based on reasonable requirements for children, the moral behavior of the parents themselves as citizens of Soviet society, as well as the correct mode of family life are the most important conditions for a well-organized family education.

A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to issues of family education. He argued that the family should be where children receive initial education and which, along with public education institutions, influences the proper development and formation of the child’s personality. Makarenko argued that only in harmony with the family will children receive the right upbringing. According to Makarenko, a family should have several children.

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Literary activity

In 1914 or 1915, he wrote his first story and sent it to Maxim Gorky, but he recognized the story as weak in literary terms. After this, Makarenko did not engage in writing for thirteen years, but kept notebooks. After visiting a colony for minors, Gorky advised Makarenko to return to literary work. After the books about the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky “March of 30” (1932) and “FD - 1” (1932), Makarenko’s main work of art, “Pedagogical Poem” (1935), was completed.

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In addition, he continues to actively develop methods of teaching and education in general, and publishes a number of articles. In 1936, his first major scientific and pedagogical work, “Methodology for organizing the educational process,” was published. At the beginning of 1937, the first part of the “Book for Parents” was published. Makarenko’s works express his teaching experience and pedagogical views.

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Moscow Pedagogical Museum A.S. Makarenko

The museum was founded in 1983. The museum's exposition is located in two halls. The first one tells about the life and work of Makarenko, his students and associates; the second is dedicated to his students and the creative application of Makarenko’s legacy in modern education. The museum also has a library, an archive of printed and handwritten materials about A.S. Makarenko. The museum hosts sightseeing and thematic excursions, “Makarenkov Wednesdays”, where modern problems of pedagogy and education are discussed, psychologist consultations are organized for children and parents, and there is a lecture hall.

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Pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko today

A.S. Makarenko was ahead of the time in which he lived in his work; his pedagogical views remain and will remain relevant for a long time. Many researchers of Makarenko’s heritage rightly believe that it is not only our historical past, but also our present and our future. In the process of pedagogizing the process of correction of minors, turning to the legacy of one of the outstanding teachers of the twentieth century - A.S. Makarenko, attempts to re-read it again seem natural. The innovative teacher worked with an educationally difficult population of adolescent delinquents. He created a new type of educational institution - a colony named after M. Gorky and a commune named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, in which an effective pedagogical system functioned. We turn to the pedagogical heritage of A.S. Makarenko not for the sake of knowing certain quotes from the teacher’s works, but in order to use knowledge and his ideas in one’s practice.

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Anton Semenovich created the basis for the systematic use of art, culture, and aesthetics in the resocialization of offenders. Events such as Self-Government Day, Maslenitsa, Christmas, Tolerance Week, New Year, Victory Day, Zarnitsa and many others allow students to feel not only today’s, but also tomorrow’s joy.

In theory and practice, Anton Semenovich convincingly showed the pivotal role of labor in the formation of a person’s personality. And today his thoughts are alive and topical.

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One can hardly call the goal set by A.S. outdated. Makarenko before his pedagogical system: to turn a teenage delinquent into “a real cultured person, a worker, a worker who can be released from the institution as a useful citizen, qualified, literate, educated and well-mannered, healthy physically and mentally.”

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In Russian science, he was called a person who carried out an experience, unprecedented in pedagogical practice, in the mass re-education of child delinquents by combining education with the productive work of students, and also developed the theory of family education. With the socio-pedagogical system implemented by A.S. Makarenko, reputable teachers from abroad came to meet. And I would like to conclude my thoughts with a statement “from Makarenko” ̶ “You must always feel on the eve of victory, and it will definitely come.”

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
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    Anton Makarenko was born on March 1, 1888, in the Kharkov province. His father was a worker. He worked in railway workshops and tried in every possible way to interest his son in his own profession. He succeeded - in 1897, Makarenko Jr. began studying at the railway school. In the early nineties, Anton and his parents went to Kryukov. After some time, he entered the Kremenchug school, and then, fascinated by pedagogy, became a student of pedagogical courses, where for a whole year he studied the basics of teaching. Later, Makarenko taught at the Railway School, skillfully combining the skills of a railway worker and teaching talent. Already at that time, Anton knew that he would devote his life to pedagogy. Having entered the Pedagogical Institute in Poltava, in 1917 he graduated with honors, receiving a gold medal. After completing his studies at the university, Anton Makarenko headed the Kryukov railway school, and two years later he moved to Poltava. Soon, with the permission of the local committee of public education, Makarenko created a labor organization for minors, in which he housed juvenile delinquents.

    In 1921, the labor commune received the name of Maxim Gorky, and five years later it moved from near Poltava to the outskirts of Kharkov. For almost ten years, Anton Makarenko led a children's organization, teaching his charges the skills of real human life. The talented teacher not only organized a decent existence for the students, but also provided them with the opportunity to study, calling on the help of colleagues - courageous and capable teachers who agreed to educate street children in such a difficult time. Special classrooms were equipped for children, with desks and other school furniture. They were also provided with the necessary textbooks. The re-education process turned out to be extremely labor-intensive, but it never occurred to Makarenko to abandon his plan. And even when at first, seemingly hopeless teenagers did not want to re-educate and study, stole food and clothes, destroyed classrooms, destroying those same desks and carefully made school furniture, Anton Makarenko believed in their better future and more than once started all over again. At the end of the thirties, the teacher began to live and work in Moscow, where he was active in social and literary activities. He has been awarded several times. Makarenko passed away on April 1, 1939. The famous teacher died in a commuter train.

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    Anton Semenovich Makarenko Beginning of pedagogical activity The most important principles of pedagogical theory and practice Education in a team and through a team The importance of play in education About family education Literary activity Moscow Pedagogical Museum A.S. Makarenko. Pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko today

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    Anton Semenovich Makarenko

    Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888-1939) was a talented innovative teacher, one of the creators of a coherent system of communist education of the younger generation based on Marxist-Leninist teachings. His name is widely known in different countries, his pedagogical experiment, which, according to A. M. Gorky, has global significance, is studied everywhere. Over the 16 years of his activity as the head of the colony named after M. Gorky and the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, A. S. Makarenko raised more than 3,000 young citizens of the Soviet country in the spirit of the ideas of communism. Numerous works of A. S. Makarenko, especially “Pedagogical Poem” and “Flags on the Towers”, have been translated into many languages. There are a large number of Makarenko’s followers among progressive teachers around the world.

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    Life and work of A. S. Makarenko

    Anton Semenovich Makarenko was born on March 13, 1888 in the city of Belopolye, Sumy district, Kharkov province, in the family of a worker - a painter of carriage railway workshops. In 1897 he entered the elementary railway school. In 1901, he and his family moved to Kryukov, a suburb of Kremenchug. He graduated from a four-year school in Kremenchug (1904) and a one-year pedagogical course (1905). He worked as a teacher at the railway school in the village of Kryukov, then at the Dolinskaya station. Graduated from the Poltava Teachers' Institute with a gold medal (1917). In 1916 he was drafted into the army, but due to poor eyesight he was demobilized. In 1917-1919 he was the head of the railway school at the Kryukov carriage workshops. In 1919 he moved to Poltava.

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    On behalf of the Poltava Provincial Education Department, he organized a labor colony for juvenile offenders near Poltava, in 1921 the colony was named after M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to Kuryazh near Kharkov; headed it (1920-1928), from October 1927 he directed the labor children's commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky in the suburbs of Kharkov, in which he put into practice the pedagogical system he developed. Pedagogical achievements put Makarenko among the famous figures of Soviet and world culture and pedagogy.

    Life and work of A. S. Makarenko

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    Beginning of teaching activity

    He did not separate teaching from upbringing; one flowed from the other, complemented each other and was further cemented by the strong attachment of the teacher to the children and the children to the teacher. Add here the absolute sense of justice that Makarenko possessed, his rare erudition, and you can understand what his unquestioned authority was based on even then. Since the fall of 1911, Makarenko has been working at the railway school of Dolinskaya station. At the school there is a boarding school for Putin children, with whom the new teacher goes to sketches. He teaches literature and drawing, and acts as a teacher. I reached an agreement with the railway administration and in the summer I transported the guys for free to Sevastopol, Moscow and St. Petersburg. But a teacher's institute opened in Poltava. Makarenko is among his first listeners. The starting point for him in understanding pedagogy was K.D.’s formula. Ushinsky: “The influence of the teacher’s personality on a young soul constitutes that educational force that cannot be replaced by textbooks, moral maxims, or a system of punishments and rewards.”

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    The most important principles of pedagogical theory and practice A. S. Makarenko

    A. S. Makarenko believed that a teacher’s clear knowledge of the goals of education is the most indispensable condition for successful teaching activities. In the conditions of Soviet society, the goal of education should be, he pointed out, the education of an active participant in socialist construction, a person devoted to the ideas of communism. Makarenko argued that achieving this goal was quite possible. “... Raising a new person is a happy and feasible task for pedagogy,” he said, meaning Marxist-Leninist pedagogy.

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    Respect for the child’s personality, a benevolent view of his potential to perceive the good, become better and show an active attitude towards the environment have invariably been the basis of the innovative pedagogical work of A. S. Makarenko. To the call for all-forgiving, patient love for children Makarenko, widespread in the 20s added his own: love and respect for children must necessarily be combined with requirements for them; children need “demanding love,” he said. Socialist humanism, expressed in these words and running through Makarenko’s entire pedagogical system, is one of its main principles. A. S. Makarenko deeply believed in the creative powers of man, in his capabilities. He sought to “project the best in man.

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    A. S. Makarenko resolutely fought against pedology. He argued that any Soviet child, offended or spoiled by the abnormal conditions of his life, could be corrected provided that a favorable environment was created and the correct methods of education were applied. Supporters of “free education” objected to any punishment of children, stating that “punishment brings up Makarenko rightly objected to them, saying that “impunity brings up a hooligan,” and believed that wisely chosen, skillfully and rarely applied punishments, except, of course , bodily, are quite acceptable. “To educate a person means to educate him,” said A. S. Makarenko, “promising paths along which his tomorrow’s joy is located. You can write a whole methodology for this most important work.” This work should be organized according to a “system of promising lines.”

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    Education in the team and through the team

    Clarifying the educational essence of the team, A. S. Makarenko emphasized that a real team must have a common goal, engage in diverse activities, and have bodies that direct its life and work. The art of leading a team, according to Makarenko, lies in captivating it with a specific goal that requires common effort, labor, and tension. In this case, achieving the goal gives great satisfaction. A cheerful, joyful, cheerful atmosphere is necessary for a children's group. The great merit of A. S. Makarenko was that he developed a complete theory of the organization and education of the children's team and the individual in the team and through the team. Makarenko saw the main task of educational work in the proper organization of the team. The most important quality of a Soviet person is his ability to live in a team, enter into constant communication with people, work and create, and subordinate his personal interests to the interests of the team.

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    The importance of play in education

    A. S. Makarenko believed that play has the same meaning for a child as “activity, work, service” for an adult. A. S. Makarenko believed that children should be active in play, experience the joy of creativity, aesthetic experiences, feel responsibility, and take the rules of the game seriously. Parents and educators should be interested in children's play. Children should not be forced to repeat only what adults do with a toy, nor should they be “pelted” with a variety of toys. Speaking about the management of children's games, A. S. Makarenko pointed out that at first it is important for parents to combine the child's individual play with collective games. Then, when children get older and play in a larger group, the game is played in an organized manner with the participation of qualified teachers. Further, it must take more strict forms of collective play, in which there must be a moment of collective interest and collective discipline must be observed.

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    About family education

    This prevents the development of egoistic tendencies in the child, promotes the development in each child of the traits and qualities of a collectivist, the ability to give in to others and subordinate one’s interests to common ones. A. S. Makarenko rightly emphasized that the true authority of parents, based on reasonable requirements for children, the moral behavior of the parents themselves as citizens of Soviet society, as well as the correct mode of family life are the most important conditions for a well-organized family education. A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to issues of family education. He argued that the family should be where children receive initial education and which, along with public education institutions, influences the proper development and formation of the child’s personality. Makarenko argued that only in harmony with the family will children receive the right upbringing. According to Makarenko, a family should have several children.

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    Literary activity

    In 1914 or 1915, he wrote his first story and sent it to Maxim Gorky, but he recognized the story as weak in literary terms. After this, Makarenko did not engage in writing for thirteen years, but kept notebooks. After visiting a colony for minors, Gorky advised Makarenko to return to literary work. After the books about the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky “March of 30” (1932) and “FD - 1” (1932), Makarenko’s main work of art, “Pedagogical Poem” (1935), was completed.

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    In the last years of his life, Makarenko continued to work both on works of art - “Flags on the Towers” ​​(1938), and on autobiographical materials - the story “Honor” (1937-1938), the novel “Ways of a Generation” (not completed).

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    In addition, he continues to actively develop methods of teaching and education in general, and publishes a number of articles. In 1936, his first major scientific and pedagogical work, “Methodology for organizing the educational process,” was published. At the beginning of 1937, the first part of the “Book for Parents” was published. Makarenko’s works express his teaching experience and pedagogical views.

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    Moscow Pedagogical Museum A.S. Makarenko

    The museum was founded in 1983. The museum's exposition is located in two halls. The first one tells about the life and work of Makarenko, his students and associates; the second is dedicated to his students and the creative application of Makarenko’s legacy in modern education. The museum also has a library, an archive of printed and handwritten materials about A.S. Makarenko. The museum hosts sightseeing and thematic excursions, “Makarenkov Wednesdays”, where modern problems of pedagogy and education are discussed, psychologist consultations are organized for children and parents, and there is a lecture hall.

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    Pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko today

    A.S. Makarenko was ahead of the time in which he lived in his work; his pedagogical views remain and will remain relevant for a long time. Many researchers of Makarenko’s heritage rightly believe that it is not only our historical past, but also our present and our future. In the process of pedagogizing the process of correction of minors, turning to the legacy of one of the outstanding teachers of the twentieth century - A.S. Makarenko, attempts to re-read it again seem natural. The innovative teacher worked with an educationally difficult population of adolescent delinquents. He created a new type of educational institution - a colony named after M. Gorky and a commune named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, in which an effective pedagogical system functioned. We turn to the pedagogical heritage of A.S. Makarenko not for the sake of knowing certain quotes from the teacher’s works, but in order to use knowledge and his ideas in one’s practice.

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    Anton Semenovich created the basis for the systematic use of art, culture, and aesthetics in the resocialization of offenders. Events such as Self-Government Day, Maslenitsa, Christmas, Tolerance Week, New Year, Victory Day, Zarnitsa and many others allow students to feel not only today’s, but also tomorrow’s joy. In theory and practice, Anton Semenovich convincingly showed the pivotal role of labor in the formation of a person’s personality. And today his thoughts are alive and topical.

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    One can hardly call the goal set by A.S. outdated. Makarenko before his pedagogical system: to turn a teenage delinquent into “a real cultured person, a worker, a worker who can be released from the institution as a useful citizen, qualified, literate, educated and well-mannered, healthy physically and mentally.”

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    In Russian science, he was called a person who carried out an experience, unprecedented in pedagogical practice, in the mass re-education of child delinquents by combining education with the productive work of students, and also developed the theory of family education. With the socio-pedagogical system implemented by A.S. Makarenko, reputable teachers from abroad came to meet. And I would like to conclude my thoughts with a statement “from Makarenko” ̶ “You must always feel on the eve of victory, and it will definitely come.” The name of Anton Semenovich Makarenko for almost the entire twentieth century personified an example of selfless service to pedagogy.

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    A.S. Makarenko passed away at the age of 51, not even reaching the middle of the century, but even in the twenty-first century, teachers turn to Makarenko’s legacy, to his ideas, which he derived from real cases.

    Anton Semyonovich Makarenko “You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy.” A.S. Makarenko

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    Since the 1920s, the passions of scientists, teachers, writers and politicians around Anton Makarenko (1888 - 1939) have not subsided. An outstanding teacher, he successfully solved today's pressing problems in the children's groups he created from street children: economics and morality, children and money, the educational role of labor. But it so happened that the “pride of national pedagogy” had to endure misunderstanding during its lifetime.

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    The first years of his life were spent in the small Ukrainian town of Belopole, where he was born into the family of a railroad painter. Then in Kremenchug, where his father was transferred, he graduated from the railway school and at the age of 17 became a teacher at the railway school. In general, the “theme” of the railway accompanies Makarenko all his life. During my school years

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    He died on the railway, at the Golitsyno station near Moscow. I hurried to the city from the House of Creativity, taking the script to the film studio. I helped some woman lift heavy bundles onto the steps of the carriage. He helped, and the strained, exhausted, long-sick heart burst. It was 1939, spring, April 1st. He was 52...

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    What is life like between these two dates? In his official biography, however, like many of our major political and public figures of the 20-40s, there are many blank spots, “secrets” and “taboos”. The biography of the great teacher was “improved” so that, God forbid, he would not be compromised in the eyes of those for whom he was supposed to serve as an example.

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    A strong, excellent student looks at us from retouched childhood photographs. And in the memories of Makarenko’s brother Vitaly, Anton was a sickly boy, always with a cold, suffering from his frailty, ugliness, and early myopia. But he was proud and always strived to be the first in everything. We are accustomed to this appearance of Makarenko: glasses, shirt, shirt, cap. But in his youth he was always a dandy, wearing starched shirts with a tie, frock coats, and pince-nez. Student

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    Vitaly Semenovich himself, his beloved younger brother, student and colleague, also “dropped out” of the “improved” biography. For two years, from 1917 to 1919, they worked together at school. Then their paths diverged. Entry in Makarenko’s questionnaire from 1935: “My brother was in Denikin’s army from August 1919, a second lieutenant. Now in exile. I don’t know where I live, I have no connections.”

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    In 1920, when Makarenko became the head of a colony for juvenile offenders, the same one he spoke about in his “Pedagogical Poem,” he was 32 years old and already had 16 years of teaching experience. While still very young, working at a railway school, he was one of the “overseers” at a boarding school for the children of workers, switchmen, and watchmen, receiving a ten-dollar increase in salary for this. 1920

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    He graduated from the Pedagogical Institute with a gold medal for his thesis, which was called “The Crisis of Modern Pedagogy.” So “his” pedagogy in the colony began with an experienced person, who based his practice both on life and on a substantial amount of knowledge. 1923

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    From Makarenko’s questionnaire: “I know astronomy well... I have knowledge in general biology. I am well aware of general principles and the latest philosophy, chemistry, I know geography very well, and especially the industrial life of the world and comparative geography. I feel free in the field of economic policy.. "History is my favorite subject, I read everything that is available in Russian, psychology. I love fine literature. From the latest, I know and understand Gorky..."

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    Maxim Gorky was his idol. Self-taught and a “tramp,” Gorky inspired hope. His faith in people was admirable. Anton himself tried to compose in his youth. In 1914, he wrote a story and sent it to Gorky. And I received a short answer: the topic is interesting, poorly written. This discouraged me from writing, but encouraged me to study.

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    Ugly, clumsy, “four-eyed,” big-nosed Anton fell in love early and a lot, with the most attractive girls, he suffered, wrote poetry, a diary, tried to win with his mind, inspiration, and erudition. Women can smell intelligence a mile away and will always prefer it to empty beauty or stupid strength. With his common-law wife Elizaveta Fedorovna.

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    The pedagogy of the first years of Soviet power experimented endlessly. Many advocated free upbringing: the way a person was born, that’s the way he will be. There was school self-government, everything was there, and there was a serious problem: homelessness. Eight million children found themselves on the streets, having lost their homes and parents. They had to not only be fed and clothed, but returned from thieves, thieves, bandits into society, into workers, “re-educated.” Street children

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    This is how the Makarenko colony began - they found an old monastery, put patches on the roof to prevent it from leaking, and brought in children, street children from 14 to 18 years old, collected for several days at train stations and streets. And they said to them: “You are the masters here.” If there are no Beds - make beds for yourself, if there are no tables - make tables, chairs, whitewash the walls, install glass, fix the doors... With the children-communards of the first days of work, he established that there is no need to use any special methods in relation to street children.

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    Life has forced everyone to work and work together, both big and small. Objects - whether peeling potatoes, chopping wood or reading a book - brought to life a working group, a detachment, sometimes of two people, sometimes of thirty, depending on the task. If one person screwed up, it was immediately more difficult for the others, and they immediately “educated” this one. That's all. Like in a family. Generally like people. Colonists at work All that remained was to manage this process wisely, set goals, and raise demands. “Maximum demands, maximum respect” is his principle. And also - unlimited trust. ...

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    The embittered, hunted boy was pulled out of prison by Makarenko, from death row. “Pogroms, robberies, an inveterate looter,” said the criminal case of Semyon Kalabalin. And from the first minute of communication with the young bandit, Makarenko was on first name terms. And outside the prison gates suddenly: “Wait for me here, I forgot my hat.” The guy was surprised: the hat was on his head! And he remained waiting for this strangely polite man with glasses. And half an hour later he thought that Makarenko was crazy! To him, the thief and pogromist: “Here’s a hundred thousand for you, get grain for the whole colony.” And then he didn’t even count the goods or the remaining money. Semyon Kalabalin

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    One of Makarenko’s former students, who became a teacher, was once asked: “How do you explain the phenomenon of Makarenko the educator?” “There was no phenomenon,” she replied. He raised as he lived - with his heart.”

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    Quite soon the colony became a stable educational and labor institution. Makarenko not only took the children to all the performances of Kharkov theaters. They had their own theater. And even then, in the late 20s, they successfully experimented, involving the audience in the action. Feast of the First Sheaf

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    Work and study, life and creativity are in complete harmony. But the more he did, the more his children loved him, the more obvious his “final product” was: brave, disciplined, hard-working, cheerful guys and intrepid teachers, the more evil became the attacks of those who, by chance, due to their abilities, occupied leadership positions in the people’s education. Colonists collecting firewood

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    Here are lines from Makarenko’s letters, a kind of report about how the old destroyed the new. February 2, 1927 “A whole war is now being waged on our colony from all sides. Of course, they are attacking the system. All our shortcomings, imperfections, and random mistakes are considered elements of the system...” A sentry guards the colony’s banner

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    April 4, 1928 Examination after examination, they reprimanded me, the colony system was banned in the district... Boys come as examiners, with whom it is even difficult to talk. At the same time, they cannot help but admit that the colony really does re-educate.” Council of Commanders

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    April 18, 1928 “I have been leading the colony for 8 years. Already graduated several hundred workers and students. In the midst of a common sea of ​​laxity and parasite-eating, our colony alone stands like a fortress... And they eat me not even for my mistakes, but for the most precious thing I have - for my system. Her only fault is that she is mine...” (In 1928, A.M. Gorky will come to the colony. He will live here for two days, will be touched by the child’s life and will write the most wonderful words about the brilliant teacher. He did not know that Makarenko had already been suspended from the management of the colony) Maxim Gorky oversees agricultural work in the Kuryazh children's colony

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    January 1, 1933 “The colony is living poorly, after me there have already been four managers, irreparable stupidities have been done there, there is no team, it’s a walk-through yard...” His system was recognized by the pundits of the then enlightenment as non-Soviet. Real practice actually diverged from what Makarenko built. “The team of teachers and the team of children are not two teams, but one, and the team is pedagogical. If you feel that you do not have enough knowledge, do not hesitate to sit at a desk next to your students. Communist at work

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    But behind the walls of the colony it was different. “Every person must enter life knowing how to resist harmful influences. Not to protect, but to teach to resist.” And in life, children were protected from everything. He called for seeing every criminal as a human being (as is customary in the human world), and life in those years was built on the suspicion that every person was criminally unreliable.

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    Anton Semyonovich Makarenko (1888 - 1939). Labor has always been the basis for humanity and culture. Therefore, in educational work, work should be one of the main elements” A.S. Makarenko

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    Street children Eight million children found themselves on the streets, having lost their homes and parents. They had to not only be fed and clothed, but returned from thieves, thieves, bandits into society, into workers, “re-educated.”

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    With the children-communards This is how the Makarenko colony began - they found an old monastery, put patches on the roof so that it would not leak, and brought in children, street children from 14 to 18 years old, collected for several days at train stations and streets. And they said to them: “You are the masters here.” No Beds - make beds for yourself, no tables - make tables, chairs, whitewash the walls, install glass, fix the doors...

    Slide 4

    Life has forced everyone to work and work together, both big and small. Objects - whether peeling potatoes, chopping wood or reading a book - brought to life a working group, a detachment, sometimes of two people, sometimes of thirty, depending on the task. If one person screwed up, it was immediately more difficult for the others, and they immediately “educated” this one. That's all. Like in a family. Generally like people. All that remained was to manage this process wisely, set goals, and raise requirements. “Maximum demands, maximum respect” is his principle. And also - unlimited trust. ...

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    There were several detachments in the colony, each of them was headed by commanders who formed a council of commanders. Makarenko relied on him in all educational work and in organizing the labor activities of the colonists. The Council of Commanders discussed and resolved issues of organizing everyday life and the educational process, cultural and educational work, managing the colony's economy, admitting new members, and others.

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    Thanks to a construction loan taken from the Bank, a metalworking plant was built in 1931, where the students of the commune began their working career. This plant produced very complex products for that time, for example, FED cameras. Dzerzhintsy mastered the production of these devices without any help from foreign specialists.

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