In what cases is a used? Article a, an, the in English: examples, features of use and rules

Setting the article often causes difficulties for Russian-speaking people learning English. And all because in our native Russian language such a grammatical phenomenon simply does not exist, so it is difficult for us to understand how and why it should be used. Let's try to understand the basic rules for using the article.

  • What words are preceded by an article?

The article is placed only before nouns and substantivized parts of speech, for example, before.

  • Why is the article needed?

Just to say whether an object is definite (familiar, understandable from context) or indefinite.

There are 2 articles in English: definite (definite) the And uncertain(indefinite) a/an. Some grammars also distinguish zero article (zero article) to describe those cases when the article is not placed before nouns.

The meaning of the definite article the.

The definite article the is nothing more than a shortened form of the demonstrative pronouns this (this), that (that), these (these), those (those).

We will put the article the before nouns if it is clear to us what exactly the subject is being discussed.

The telephone is out of order. Let's fix it. - The phone doesn't work. Let's fix it.

In this case, the phone is specific, this one, which is in front of us and which we are going to fix.

The article the matters this specific item, which we are talking about. We don’t mean just any phone, but a specific phone around which the whole situation unfolds.

The article the can be used with both singular and plural nouns.

The meaning of the indefinite article a/an.

  • When to use A, and when an?

A and an are the same article. They are identical in meaning. An will be placed before words if the first sound (not a letter!!!) in their pronunciation is a vowel, A– if consonant.

A European

A manuscript

An apple

An eagle

An uncle

An x-ray

A /an is an abbreviation of the word one (one), from which one can guess that this article is used only with countable nouns in singular.

The indefinite article a is used when we are talking about one, some, indefinite object.

I need a telephone to make a call. - I need a phone. To make a call.

I need one, any phone, no matter what, just to call.

Lack of article.

The article will be missing before uncertain nouns in the plural, that is, if in the singular you would put the article a /an, then you don’t need to put anything in the plural.

I like puppies. – I like puppies.

I don't like specific puppies, but all puppies in the world.

Let's look at some more examples of using articles.

I "d like an apple. - I would like an apple.

The apple is very juicy. - The apple is very juicy.

Apples are health-giving. – Apples are good for health.

In the first example, the indefinite article an is used, since it means any one apple.

In the second example, the article the is used because it refers to a specific apple.

In the third example, we mean all apples, not just any specific ones. The plural does not give us the right to put the article an, so there is no article.

Hello again! The Article is the main determiner of a word in an English sentence. Before using any noun, you need to decide what object is being talked about: any or specific. In English, an article is almost always placed before a noun, depending on the type of word (specific/generalized) - definite (Definite) or indefinite (Indefinite).

The indefinite article in English

In this article we will look at what it is the Indefinite Article and cases where the indefinite article is used in English.

Let me remind you that the indefinite article "a/an" derived from the Old English evolved numeral " one" This auxiliary part of speech singles out one item from many similar ones, which is no different from its analogues and you know a minimum of information about it: I had a sandwich.

Word with undefined The article is the name of the object as a whole, and not a pointer to a specific object. For example, saying the word “ a book“We present books in general, and not any specific book. In Russian, its meaning can be expressed in the following words: some, one of, any, one, every, some, each, any. May sometimes be replaced by pronouns any(everyone) and some(some).

The fact that Indefinite Article comes from a numeral determines the basic rules for its use:

  • "a/an" is only used with countable persons or objects that we can count: a lamp, a car, an apple a cup - Have a drink
  • Since this is the numeral “one,” “a/an” is used only with words in the singular, and in the plural the article is omitted: lamps, cars — There are bottles
Use of the indefinite article

Other uses of Indefinite Article:

  • When assigning an object to any classification group: A horse is an animal. — A horse is an animal.
  • When characterizing an object, person or phenomenon: Bill is an idiot! - Bill is an idiot! My mother is a doctor. - My mom is a doctor.
  • When a person or phenomenon is first mentioned: That's a pretty woman - Beautiful woman
  • In the meaning of a portion with uncountables: Buy a milk. — Buy ​​milk. Or in the meaning of a certain quantity of a specific whole: Pass me a piece of, and pie. Pass me a piece of the pie
  • Before the name of the position or profession: She's an architect.She's an architect. He is a seller
  • In a general sense : A sheep gives a wool - Sheep (any) gives wool
  • Before a countable, denoting time, in the meaning of “one”: Will you arrive in an hour? — Will you arrive in an hour?
  • With some quantity turnover: a little - a little, a pair - pair, a few - several
  • Together with singular nouns that can be counted and qualified words most (very), quite, such, rather - He is quite a young man - He is still quite a young man.
  • In exclamatory sentences, after the word “what”: What a beautiful dream! - What a wonderful dream!

That's all you need to know!

What is the difference between "a" and "an"?

In English there are two types of neodef. article: "a" And " an". What is the difference between them? Take a close look at the presented examples and you will see a certain pattern: “a” is used when the subsequent word begins with a consonant letter or sound ( a h ouse, a c at, a y ard), and “an” - before a vowel sound or letter ( an h our, an o ld woman, an a pple).

See you later!

Watch the video lesson

In English, the article is an auxiliary part of speech that is used to express the category of certainty - uncertainty. By “certainty” we mean that we know what specific subject or subjects we are talking about, and by “uncertainty” we mean that we are talking about the subject for the first time. For example:

I have got a pen. The pen is red. - I have a pen. The pen is red.

In the first case, we mention the item for the first time and say that we have it. In the second sentence, both the speaker and the listener already understand what kind of pen we are talking about.

The article defines the noun and has no meaning of its own.

There are three types of articles in English: the indefinite article a/an, the definite article the and zero, that is, the absence of an article.

The indefinite article a/an is used only with countable nouns, that is, everything that can be counted. It also shows that the subject is one.

I have got a book. - I have a book (just some book).
I see a cat. - I see a cat.

An is used in the same cases, but if the next word begins with a vowel sound:

It is an armchair. - This is a chair.
It was an amazing day - It was a magnificent day.

The zero article (or absence of an article) also indicates uncertainty, but is used before plural nouns and uncountable nouns. Uncountable is something that cannot be counted. This category in English includes substances, materials, and abstract concepts. For example, milk - milk, porridge - porridge, paper - paper (meaning material).

Books are useful. - Books are useful (plural).
I like milk. - I like milk (noun).
He has good memory. - He has a good memory (abstract noun).
It's made of glass. - It is made of glass (material).

The definite article the is used to show that the thing in question is already known. The article the can be used with both singular and plural countable nouns, as well as with uncountable nouns.

The juice I bought yesterday is very tasty. - The juice that I bought yesterday is very tasty (from the context it is clear what kind of juice we are talking about).
The book you gave me is very interesting. - The book you gave me is very interesting.
I can't go home, I lost the keys. - I can’t go home, I lost my keys (we understand that we mean specific keys - to his house).

Rules for using a/an, the and the zero article.

I. Use of the indefinite article a/an.

The most common use of the indefinite article is when we first mention a noun in conversation.

I live in a flat. - I live in a flat.

  1. The article a/an is used in a classifying meaning (i.e. it shows that this item belongs to a class of homogeneous, similar items)

    This dog is a girl. – This dog is a girl (not a boy).

  2. The article a/an is also used in a generalizing sense (i.e. a noun denotes any object from a given class)

    A tiger is an animal. – A tiger is an animal (any tiger is an animal).

  3. The next case of using the article a/an is for the quantitative characteristic of an object in the meaning “one”:

    in a week - in a week (i.e. in one week)

    However, if it is important for us to indicate the quantity, we should use one (one) instead of the indefinite article.

    Only one student failed the exam. - Only one student did not pass the exam.

  4. The article a is used in exclamatory sentences after the words what, quite, such, and before the word rather if they are followed by a singular countable noun:

    What a lovely day today! – What a wonderful day today!
    Such a nice dress! – What a cute dress!
    A rather calm place! - Quite a calm place!

  5. The indefinite article can be used with given names or surnames to mean “some”, “someone”, “someone”:

    A Brown called you when you were in the bathroom. - Some Brown called you while you were in the bathroom.

  6. In some stable phrases the article a is also used:

    a few - several
    a great deal of – a lot
    a little - a little
    as a rule - as a rule
    as a result - as a result
    to be in a hurry – hurry
    to be at a loss – to get confused
    to go for a walk – go for a walk
    to have a good day - have a good day
    to have a good time - have a good time
    it is a pity – sorry
    on a large/small scale – on a large/small scale
    to take a seat - sit down
    to tell a lie - to lie

II. Use of the definite article the.

  1. The article the is used to distinguish an object, person or phenomenon from a class of similar ones. Such nouns may be preceded by a definition that will highlight the given word, expressed by an ordinal number or an adjective in the superlative degree:

    That's the film I told you about. - This is exactly the film I told you about.
    Monday is the first day of the week. – Monday is the first day of the week.
    It was the best birthday ever! - It was the best birthday ever!

  2. The definite article is used to denote an item that is one of a kind:

    the Sun – Sun
    the Moon - moon
    the Earth - Earth

  3. The article the is also used with parts of the world:

    the East - east
    the West - west
    the North - north
    the South - south

  4. The article the can appear before surnames if all family members are meant:

    the Browns - Browns (i.e. mom, dad, their children, grandparents, etc.)

  5. The definite article the must also be placed before the names of oceans, seas, rivers and mountain ranges:

    the Atlantic Ocean - the Atlantic Ocean
    the North Sea – North Sea
    the Thames - Thames
    the Alps – Alps

  6. With the names of some countries and cities you need to use the article the:

    the United States of America - United States of America
    the United Kingdom of Great Britain - United Kingdom of Great Britain
    the Russian Federation - Russian Federation
    the Crimea – Crimea
    the Hague - The Hague

  7. The definite article is placed before the names of newspapers and magazines:

    the Times
    the Washington Post

  8. Some stable phrases and expressions require the article the:

    the day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow
    the day before yesterday - the day before yesterday
    in the morning (evening, afternoon) - in the morning (evening, afternoon)
    on the whole - in general
    out of the question – impossible/non-negotiable
    to go to the theater (cinema) – go to the theater/cinema
    to play the piano - play the piano
    to tell the truth - to tell the truth

III. Use of the zero article.

The zero article is used in the following cases:

  1. before proper names (first names, surnames, names of countries and cities):

    New York - New York
    James Green – James Green
    Russia – Russia

  2. if there is a possessive pronoun before the noun - my, your, his, her, our, their:

    This is my home - This is my home.
    I know your address - I know your address.
    His sister is a teacher - His sister is a teacher.

  3. before uncountable nouns that fall under the category of real and abstract nouns (if they are indefinite):

    He is fond of coffee. - He likes coffee.

    But: Pass me the salt, please. – Pass me the salt, please (the specific salt that is on the table).

  4. before nouns that indicate the names of seasons and meals:

    in winter - in winter
    in July - in July
    on Tuesday - on Tuesday
    to have breakfast/dinner/lunch – have breakfast/dinner/lunch

  5. before the names of disciplines:

    to study Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry/French – study physics/mathematics/chemistry/French

  6. before nouns denoting family members, or which are used as addresses:

    Goodbye, teacher! - Goodbye, teacher!
    Dad, look! - Dad, look!

  7. in some stable combinations and expressions:

    at breakfast - at breakfast
    at first - first
    at home - at home
    at sea - at sea
    at school – at school (meaning the educational process)
    at table - at the table (during meals)
    by bus/train/car/plane/sea – by bus/by train/by car/by plane/by ship
    by heart - by heart
    by chance - by chance
    by name - by name
    by means of – by means of something
    in/on time - during
    in fact – in reality/actually
    on sale - on sale
    to go to bed – go to bed
    to tell lies - to tell a lie/lie

There are also a number of special cases of using the articles a/an, the and the zero article.

  1. With the names of the seasons:

    · In the simplest case, the name of the season is preceded by a zero article

    In summer I like to go to the beach. – In summer I like to go to the beach.
    It was spring. - It was spring.

    · if the seasons are preceded by the adjectives early, late (early, late), it is also necessary to put a zero article

    It was late autumn. – It was late autumn.

    · if the sentence contains a definition relating to the time of year, the definite article the is needed

    The winter of 2001 was really cold. – The winter of 2001 was really cold.

    · after the words during, for, through, you must also put the article the

    We stayed with friends for the summer. – We stayed with friends for the summer.
    During the autumn he often came to see me. “He often came to see me in the fall.

    · if seasons are preceded by a descriptive definition, the indefinite article a/an is required

    It was a rainy autumn. – It was a rainy autumn.

  2. Articles with names of time of day

    · if a word denotes light or dark time of day, the zero article is used

    Night came and we couldn’t see anything. “Night came and we didn’t see anything.”

    · if the time of day is preceded by the prepositions at, after, by, before, till, until, towards, past, since, a zero article is required

    We have been waiting for you since morning. - We've been waiting for you since the morning.

    · if the names of the time of day are part of a compound predicate, then they are preceded by a zero article

    It was night. - It was night.

    · if they are preceded by the adjectives early, late (early, late), the zero article is also used

    It was early morning. - It was an early morning.

    · if the time of day is preceded by the words yesterday, tomorrow, as well as the names of the days of the week, then there will also be a zero article here

    We will need the computer tomorrow morning. – We will need the computer tomorrow morning.

    The zero article is also used in fixed expressions:

    all day/night long – all day/all night long
    day after day - day after day
    night after night - every night
    day in, day out – from time to time
    from… till… - from… to…
    from... to... - from... to...
    day and night – day and night

    · if the times of day are preceded by descriptive definitions, then the indefinite article a/an is used

    It was a frosty night. – It was a frosty night.

    · if there is a restrictive definition, then you need to use the definite article

    The night of that day was really noisy. “The night that day was really noisy.

    · after the prepositions in, during, through the definite article is placed

    During the night we heard our neighbor’s dog barking. “At night we heard the neighbor’s dog barking.

  3. Articles with meals

    Typically, the zero article is used with meals. But:

    · if there is a definition, the article the is required

    The breakfast you made was delicious. – The breakfast you prepared was great.

    · if by eating we mean food itself, we also need the definite article the

    The dinner was awful. - Lunch was terrible. (That is, I didn’t like any of the dishes)

    · if there is a descriptive definition, put the indefinite article a/an

    He made a great lunch for me. – He prepared a wonderful lunch for me.

  4. Articles with names of diseases

    As a rule, names of diseases do not require an article, since diseases are classified as uncountable nouns. Some of them:

    AIDS - AIDS;
    anemia – anemia;
    appendicitis - appendicitis;
    bronchitis - bronchitis;
    chicken pox (chickenpox) – chickenpox;
    dermatitis – dermatitis;
    diabetes – diabetes mellitus;
    diphtheria - diphtheria;
    food poisoning - food poisoning;
    hypertension – hypertension, high blood pressure;
    hypotension – hypotension, low blood pressure;
    influenza - flu;
    insomnia – insomnia;
    leukaemia – leukemia;
    meningitis - meningitis;
    pneumonia – pneumonia;
    sclerosis – sclerosis;
    sinusitis - sinusitis;
    tuberculosis – tuberculosis;
    tonsillitis - sore throat, tonsillitis.

    But there are cases when you can use the article the or the article a/an. For example:

    The definite article the can be used with:

    the measles – measles
    the mumps - pig
    the flu - flu
    the plague - plague

    · symptoms of illness are used with the indefinite article a/an:

    a runny nose - runny nose
    a sore throat - sore throat

  5. Articles with the words school, college, university, prison, class, bed, church.

    · if the listed words are used in the meaning of “building, organization”, then it is necessary to use the definite article the

    Mr. Brown is in the hospital. - Mr. Brown is in the hospital. (i.e. it is located inside the hospital building).
    Susan's mother will come to the school today - Susan's mother will come to school today.

    · if these words imply educational activity or another process related to this place, then no article is used.

    Mr. Brown is in hospital. - Mr. Brown is in the hospital (that is, he is being treated there).
    Mike is in prison. - Mike is in prison (i.e. he is a prisoner).
    She was in church this morning. - She was in church this morning (ie attended the service).
    Susan is at school. – Susan is at school. (i.e. she studies there)

  6. Articles with the word “sea”

    · if the word “sea” is used in the meaning of “sea”, as a geographical name, then the article the is needed.

    the Baltic Sea – Baltic Sea

    · if the word “sea” is used in the meaning of the maritime profession, then a zero article is required

    to go to sea - go to sea
    to be at sea – to be at sea

  7. Articles with the words “town”, “country”

    If the words “town” and “country” are opposed to each other in meaning, then the zero article should be used in the expression in town, and the definite article in the expression in the country.

    I will be in town tomorrow. - Tomorrow I will be in the city.
    We spent the weekend in the country. - We spent the weekend in the village.

The Article [" RtIkl ]

An article is a function word, which is one of the main formal features of a noun.

It has no independent/separate meaning and is not translated into Russian. There are two articles in English - the indefinite and the definite. There are no articles in Russian.

1 Indefinite article has two forms: a And an .

Form a with a consonant: a man Human, a table table, a big apple Big apple, a woman, a good engineer. Form an used before words that begin with a vowel sound:an answer answer, an apple apple, an old man old man, an uncle, an hour, an old woman, an engineer.

The indefinite article comes from the Old English numeral anone, therefore it is used only before singular countable nouns. In the plural, it is omitted (the so-called “zero article”), and sometimes replaced by indefinite pronouns somesome, anyanyone, everyone.

2 Definite article has one graphic form the, which is pronounced [ Dq] before words that begin with a consonant (the book book, the woman , the good engineer ), and [ D.I.] before words that begin with a vowel sound (the author author, the apple apple, the old house, the engineer, the old woman).

The definite article comes from the demonstrative pronoun thatThat and is used before singular and plural nouns.

The article, as a rule, is unstressed and is pronounced together with the word that follows it.

1 with the indefinite article, when it names any - any object from the entire class of homogeneous objects.

This is a table. This table. (an object that is usually called a table, not a chair, etc.)

His father is a doctor. His father - doctor . (one of those who is called a doctor, and not a teacher, driver, etc.)

2 The noun is used with the definite article, when we are talking about a specific object (or objects), isolated from the class of objects to which it belongs. Such a selection occurs in the presence of at least one of three individualizing factors: individualizing definition in the text, clear from context(as already said earlier) or clear depends on a situation.

Thank you for the book you have bought me. thanks for book, which you bought for me.

John has brought a book. The book is interesting.John brought book. (some kind) The book is interesting. (the one he brought)

The doctor examined John.Doctor looked at John. (specific doctor, the one who was called)

Let's look at an example:

Additional information conveyed by the articles themselves means:

A) He knocked on the door he knew(which I found on purpose, or it was the only one) and someone's voice, a complete stranger, answered him.

b) He knocked on some door(any, at random) and suddenly a familiar voice(known to him) answered.

The noun in a sentence can be explained and clarified with various words and phrases that give additional characteristics to the noun. In a general sense, they are all called noun definitions. It is fundamentally important to understand whether this definition is individualizing or descriptive.

Individualizing (other names – restrictive, limiting) definition distinguishes an object (person, object, concept) as the only one from all other objects that have the same name. In this case, be sure to face the creatures. the definite article is used the.

Descriptive definition gives an object (person, object, concept) additional characteristics, but does not distinguish it as the only and unique one from the category of similar objects. This definition does not affect the choice of article. It may be certain the- if there are other individualizing factors, uncertain a (an) - if there are none, or zero (absence of an article) - in the plural in the absence of individualizing factors.

Indefinite article a(an) used before countables nouns (that can be counted) in the only one number.

1 First mentioned. When a person, thing, or concept appears in a context for the first time. They are still unknown to the interlocutor or the reader.

When repeatedly mentioning a person or thing, the definite article is used:

Often a subject still unknown to the reader or interlocutor is referred to there is (there was, there will be). Then before countable nouns singular The indefinite article is used:

There is a map on the wall.

Hanging on the wall map.

I think there's a letter for you.

I think there is one for you letter.

And countable nouns in plural in this case they are used without an article or with pronouns somesome(in affirmative sentences) ,anyanyhow, not at all(in question and negative sentences), which are often omitted when translated into Russian:

There are maps on the wall.

Hanging on the wall cards.

There are some pencils in the box.

Are there any pencils in the box?

There aren't any pencils in the box.

There is in the box pencils (some pencils).

Whether there is a pencils (any kar.) in the box?

Not in box pencils (no pencils).

2 IN classification value. The presence of an indefinite article shows that a given object (person, animal) is a representative of this particular class of objects (persons, animals).

I took a taxi.

I took Taxi (any taxi, but not tram, etc.).

I have a pencil.

I have pencil.

This is a dictionary.

This dictionary.

He is a student.

He student. (not a schoolboy, etc.)

At the same time, a noun may also have a descriptive definition (adjective, participle, etc.), which does not distinguish it (as the only one) from the category of similar ones.

This is a new house.

This is (some) new house .

He is a famous writer.

He famous writer.

He made her an expensive present.

He did it to her Expensive present.

3 IN general meaning. A noun with an indefinite article in this meaning means anyone, everyone, everyone an object (person, animal) from this class of objects (persons, animals). It is understood that the mentioned quality (property, etc.) is typical and characteristic of any representative of this class.

4 IN numerical value. In some cases, the indefinite article retains its original meaning - one .

I shall come in an hour.

I'll come through ( one) hour.

Give me a beer, please.

Let me one beer, Please.

We walked a mile or two.

We passed one or two miles.

It is used along with the numeral one one before hundred one hundred, thousand thousand, million million, dozen dozen:

5 IN exclamatory sentences. Before a singular countable noun that comes after a word what what kind of:

What a lovely day!

How wonderful day!

What an awful film!

What a terrible movie!

There is no article before uncountable nouns and countable plural nouns:

What beautiful pictures!

How beautiful paintings!

What pleasant weather!

How good weather!

The scourge of all Russian speakers is articles. While this is clear and obvious to any European, it always seems to our brother that the British deliberately came up with such short words in order to confuse and mislead. But everything is much simpler than it seems.

Yes, in English (and almost any other) language, a noun does not exist without some kind of qualifying word. Whether it is an article, an adjective, a pronoun is not the point. The main thing is that Tamara and I go in pairs; the noun needs a pair: acat, mycat, thatcat, bigcat.

Now the good news: there are only two articles. Uncertain a and certain the. True, there is another variation - an. But this is a purely phonetic trick: it is impossible to say aapple(try it yourself - the feeling of stuttering is guaranteed), that's why they say anapple. And now a few nuances.

3.1.1 Indefinite article
(The Indefinite Article)

It is used when it is unimportant/unknown (underline as appropriate) what subject we are talking about:

Take a pen. - Take a pen.

This means that you are simply asked to pick up a pen. No hidden meanings or hints. Compare:

Take the pen.- Take THIS/THAT pen.

Here it is already clear that you need to take a certain pen and no more. For example, the one who writes worse (so that she can get better results for herself).

The indefinite article was formed from the numeral one(one), and not at all from the first letter of the English alphabet, as you might think. Therefore, it’s easy to remember that you need to use it ONLY with a countable noun in the singular (you won’t say that you have one money). Such an article indicates a CLASS of objects, without highlighting any specific object.

I have got a dog.
But: I have got dogs.

3.1.2 Definite article(The Definite Article)

Unlike its counterpart, it was formed from demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those). Therefore, it can be used with both plural and singular nouns.

The man is rather angry.- This guy is pretty evil.
The bus near the green house is not yours!- That bus near the green house is not yours!
Thegirlsinourgrouparesokind. - The girls from our group are so kind. (meaning specifically the girls from the group)

3.1.3 Indefinite articlevsdefinite

On the one hand, it seems that everything is clear even from the name of the article: indefinite for a certain object, and definite for a specific one. However, there are nuances.

When we use the indefinite article:

. The noun is part of the nominal predicate (calm down! You can, of course, rummage through Wikipedia. But it’s enough to at least know that after any of the forms of the verb tobe, tohave article is used a)
Iamateacher. This is a lamp. There is a dress in her hands. She was a beautiful girl.

. Meaning "one".
I need an hour to be ready. - I need 1 hour to be ready.
Icantsayaword. - I can't say a single word.

. A noun denotes a class of objects/living beings/people. Usually translated as any/any.
Astudentcangetupquicklywhenhereallyneedsit. - Any student will get up quickly in the morning if he really needs it.
A child will be happy to have a new toy.- Every child will be happy with a new toy.

. Before the name of the profession.
My father, a teacher of German, is rather furious today.

. In exclamatory sentences and intensifying constructions after what, such, quite, rather:
She is such a pretty girl! She's so pretty!
What a nasty child! What an impossible child!
It was quite a nice day. It was a pretty good day.

When we put the DEFINITE article:

If the situation makes it clear that we are talking about a specific subject.
Look at the woman! Her dress is so bright!- Look at that woman. Her dress is so bright!
Whereisthebook?!! - Well, where is (this) book?
Take the flowers and go away!- Take your flowers and get lost!

If this object has already been mentioned in the conversation.
When I came home there was a woman in the hall. Later I found out that the woman was my aunt. When I came home, there was a woman in the hall. Later I found out that this woman is my aunt.

If there is a clarification/definition that distinguishes the object from others.
The car of my boyfriend is not good enough.- My friend's car is not so good.
Showmetheletterinyourhands! - Well, show me the letter that is in your hands.

If the object is one of a kind: thesun, theEarth.

If you need to designate the entire class of objects at once:
The cat is independent.- A cat is an independent creature.
The apple-tree grows in Russia as well.- Apple trees also grow in Russia.

3.1.4 When we do not put ANY article
(zero article) :

Before uncountable abstract nouns.
I appreciate kindness. I appreciate kindness.

Before plural nouns, when in the same situation they would put an article in the singular a.
There are books on the table. There are (some) books on the table.

Before proper names (first names, surnames, cities, streets, continents, islands):
I live in Kiev. America was found in 1492.

But! Used before oceans, seas, rivers, waterfalls, straits, countries in the plural (for example, the Philippines), countries with the words union/federation/kingdom/republic, and groups of islands/lake the:
The Netherlands, the Russian Federation, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean.

Before the names of days of the week, months, seasons.
I like winter.
Let's go there on Friday

When the recipe for the vinaigrette in your head, mixed from articles, is finally known, we suggest chewing the dish thoroughly. Once again, using simple words and clear examples, we will focus on the key points of using definite and indefinite articles.

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