Download Explorer 9 update. Multifunctional address bar

Internet Explorer has long been the most widely used web browser in the world. Internet Explorer 8 and 9 provide flexible parental controls, comprehensive technical support, and impressive speed.

At the same time, the high percentage of IE usage makes it a target for hackers and cyber thieves.

Internet Explorer has more vulnerabilities than most of its competitors, and IE's overall usage doesn't necessarily mean it's superior—it still lags behind other top competitors in terms of security.

However, the latest version of the internet browser includes effective updates aimed at tightening security. Its use of sandboxing and other techniques significantly reduces various web threats.

Additionally, IE 8 and 9 remain fast and extremely user-friendly, with rich pragmatic features and a user-friendly interface.

TO key features Internet Explorer 8 and 9

IE has one window for searching and entering website addresses, and is fully integrated with Windows 7. You can pin a list of your most frequently visited websites to the browser taskbar. You can also select individual tabs and pin them to the toolbar.

For maximum privacy, Internet Explorer provides a private browsing option. You can browse the web without saving history, cookies or temporary internet files. The Internet browser does not have an integrated download manager - the download still appears in a pop-up window.

The program also provides many add-ons for enhanced customization. There are four different categories of add-ons: security, screensaver time, browsing, and entertainment. In each category you will find each of them with a description and the number of downloads. Most add-ons are free, but some you will have to purchase.


One thing that Internet Explorer can boast over many competing browsers is the presence of parental controls. You can manage the content when your children access the Internet, and use integrated tools to monitor their activities.

The Internet browser also does a good job of protecting your computer from spyware, viruses, and phishing. A cross-site scripting filter is used to prevent attacks from fraudulent websites trying to steal your personal and financial information.

Internet Explorer also uses sandboxing, a security technique in which all browser tabs function as independent processes. This prevents the entire browser from crashing as a result of any one tab crashing.

Speed ​​and Compatibility

Internet Explorer speed is very competitive. It's not the fastest internet browser, but launching apps and navigating between pages is fast enough.

Moreover, there are no compatibility issues experienced as the browser supports all existing and new web standards.

Easy to use

Like all great Internet browsers, Internet Explorer is clean and easy to use. The browser's main web navigation is intuitive.

Instead of opening dialogs in a separate window, all notifications are combined into a notification bar located at the very bottom of the window. You do not have to respond to notifications immediately; they remain in the bar until you make a decision regarding them.

Help and support

IE 8 and 9 have much better help and support among internet browsers.

On the manufacturer's website you can find detailed documentation, tutorials and frequently asked questions. You can search Internet resources using keywords.

Internet Explorer is also one of the few Internet browsers that comes with direct technical support from Microsoft, with personalized assistance available via email and phone.

Program interface: Russian


Manufacturer: Microsoft


Internet Explorer is one of the most famous Internet browsers that provide the user with all the basic capabilities when working on the World Wide Web. The fundamentally new version is absolutely no different from its predecessors.

Basic features of Internet Explorer

To begin with, it is worth noting that Microsoft developers began to follow the most modern trends in the software market, since this browser has a fairly large number of competitors, in particular, Mozilla, Opera, and Google Chrome, which is already gaining strength.

Internet Explorer allows you to perform most of the modern operations that a user needs to work on the Internet. Naturally, you can browse the content of web pages, listen to music or watch videos. The program interface in this case, for some reason, is very similar to the graphical shell of its competitors. If previously each page opened in a new window, now the developers have tried to give the user the choice of whether to open the page in a new window, or in one window, creating a new tab. In principle, such a function is not news today.

Now let's move on to the disadvantages of Internet Explorer and the browser in general. The thing is that Internet Explorer itself does not have a built-in downloader, that is, when downloading a file, you cannot pause and continue downloading later (as, for example, Mozilla or Opera suggest). In most cases, Internet Explorer refers to external download managers, such as Download Master. It is also impossible to say that this program works faster than previous versions or competing offers. Of course, Internet Explorer blocks pop-ups, unnecessary ads and has an anti-phishing system, but there are pitfalls here. The default settings have only minimal settings. If you want to configure the browser so that it works in the way described above, you will have to go into the browser properties and manually install or disable the necessary and unnecessary controls (executing and managing ActivX elements, executing scripts, etc.)

The only thing worth noting is that this version has a compatibility view button right on the browser panel. This means that if the site was created for a version of the browser or system in general that is lower than the one you are using, it is always possible to render this page for previously released versions. This is similar to the same Microsoft Office Word, when a document created in the latest version can be opened using the previous one and vice versa.

Internet Explorer 9 was released in early 2011 exclusively for Windows Vista. Microsoft at that time continued to develop its own Internet browser, which did not compete successfully with analogues from other developers.

Many users preferred other browsers, believing that they were faster and more secure. For the most part this is true. But IE9 had its merits; the program has noticeably improved compared to the eighth version.

Browser Features

The first difference that immediately catches your eye is the interface. The appearance of the program is greatly simplified when compared with IE8. Interaction elements are ordered in accordance with logic, their location has become more intuitive. For example, menu "Service"(can be called by the keyboard shortcut Alt + X) contains items for changing page scales, printing and similar functions, related by a single theme.

Instead of bookmarks, there is also a favorites system. Content management is performed in a special panel located in the right block of the screen.

It is possible to pin sites to the taskbar so that they are always quickly accessible. In this case, the icons for calling them will be located next to the menu "Start".

Internet Explorer now offers a search function directly from the address bar.
There is no need to open a special service every time. You just need to set the standard search engine in the settings. Initially used MSN- resource from Microsoft. But it can be changed to any other, for example, Yandex, popular in Russia.

From the address bar you can immediately display the top search results and go directly to the site from the list. A standard method is also available, in which the entire results page is loaded.

The user can configure IE in such a way that the program will independently complete the search query. In this case, the predictive input system will work.

Internet Explorer now has a built-in antivirus tool that scans downloaded files on the Internet. If malicious code is detected in the downloaded document, the system will warn you about it.

Built-in capabilities expanded download manager. Now the download process can be paused, resumed, and also stopped.
There is a menu item that opens the folder where the files are located.

Improved work with tabs. One browser window can accommodate a dozen tabs. In this case, you can open an additional one at any time. This is a convenient function that allows you to divide and organize the information that the user is currently viewing.

Present in IE notification panel. Messages about the browser's operating status are displayed there. For example, a notification about the completion of a file download or the presence of malicious code in it.

Previously, the information block was inconvenient. The Internet browser was interrupted until the user confirmed any information. Now notifications come in an unobtrusive mode and do not interfere with a person’s work on the Internet.

Download browser

At the time the browser was released, full support for XP ceased. Microsoft was actively developing a new version of the operating system - Windows Vista. Therefore, downloading IE9 is only possible for it.

Important information: if you are offered to install it on third-party sites with advanced compatibility, do not fall for it. This is a scam and will result in your computer being infected with a virus. There is no way to get Internet Explorer 9 for Windows XP. The only option is to update the system to later versions.

Two years after the eighth version of the Internet Explorer browser was released, Microsoft has finally released the next version of this application - the ninth. This updated web browser differs from its predecessors in significantly increased speed, improved interface, new functionality and ease of use. Convince yourself of this, because you can download Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 for free in Russian 64 bit / 32 bit and other OSes, and then quickly install the application.

Internet Explorer was specially created by programmers for users of Windows OS, which is very popular today. The core of this browser is a very rare engine called Trident. In any Windows - especially XP, Vista - this software is one of the main ones, which makes it popular among not particularly demanding users.

There was a time when you couldn’t even view multiple tabs at once in this browser. And the speed was so low that the user had time to do a lot of other things before waiting for the page he needed to load. All this made it possible for programs such as Mozilla and Opera to displace Internet Explorer and become leaders. It’s good that Microsoft didn’t give up and did timely work to improve Trident, and the software itself in general. This publication, which was translated into the Russian version, Internet Explorer very quickly became popular and was able to compete well with the Mozilla and Opera browsers that had previously become leaders.

Internet Explorer 9 Features

How has the program changed and what are its improvements? The design of the ninth version of the browser is practically no different from its predecessors. Everything, as before, is in gray-blue color. The start page has improved features. It now offers the user a number of actions that he can choose from.

  1. Ability to launch closed tabs.
  2. Switch to hidden viewing mode.
  3. Working with texts and search.
  4. Standard address bar.

It is also worth highlighting that the address bar now also has a number of its own capabilities. Let's say if you start typing a domain name, Internet Explorer will give you a number of sites that you have previously visited. And when you start typing a query into the search bar, the browser will automatically send it to the search engine and offer you the most popular options. Optimization for the Russian language makes this task even simpler and easier. Another distinctive addition to the updated software is the coloring and then merging of related tabs.

That is, when you open any link that you found on the site in a new tab, both the site and the tab will be colored the same color. Thanks to this, you can very easily track the path along which this or that information was found. This add-on has already received positive feedback from many webmasters and advanced users.


Although the ninth version of the Internet Explorer browser is practically no different in its functions from other similar applications, there are still a couple of disadvantages in this software. Firstly, the updated version of the program does not have accelerator plugins. And secondly, it also does not have those plugins that block ads. From all of the above, we can conclude that the latest Russian version of the Internet Explorer 9 browser is a strong competitor for applications such as Mozilla and Opera, although it has a number of shortcomings. And for beginners and those who are not bothered by various types of advertising, it will generally be one of the best options for their work on the Internet.

With this set of browser releases, the best experience of the Web is on Windows. IE9 shows how your Web experience and browser are only as good as the operating system they run on:

Fast: With IE9, the Web delivers a new level of performance by unlocking the power of the PC hardware through Windows.

Clean: With IE9, consumers can keep sites at the center of their browsing experience, pinning them to the taskbar and interacting with them the same way they do applications.

Trusted: IE9 offers industry-leading protections (like SmartScreen) for the real-world threats (such as malicious sites and phishing scams) that consumers face every day on a sometimes-hostile Web.

Interoperable: With hardware-accelerated HTML5, developers can use the same markup across browsers to deliver a new class of Web experiences that feel more like apps than sites.

IE9 went from early preview to final release in less than a year, and in that time became the fastest growing beta of IE ever, with over 40 million pre-release downloads and 2% usage share on Windows 7. An important factor was the Web community's engagement as the IE team took a more open and transparent approach across the nine platform releases of IE9.

Our new approach started with a regular cadence of meaningful platform previews. We also regularly released “test drives” to illustrate what the platform makes possible, along with comprehensive tests that we submitted to Web standards bodies. We blogged-a lot-to make sure that developers had the right information to succeed. We delivered site-ready HTML5 in the product and treated more emerging technologies as part of HTML5 Labs in order to get your feedback and respect your time. We appreciate the community's response. Your help and feedback were crucial and informed the changes we made.

Acting on your feedback has been a key part of this release. With the Release Candidate, for example, we took to heart over 17,000 pieces of feedback about IE9. We want to thank the millions of people who have installed and used Internet Explorer 9 during pre-release testing. The value of your feedback in developing the product is hard to overstate. The final release continues the pattern of acting on your feedback. Some of the changes that RC users will find when upgrading to the final version include:

Fast: We’ve made more performance improvements, especially on low-end machines. For example, we did additional tuning for low-end GPUs, where you will find that the Speed ​​Reading test drive is even faster.

Clean: We’ve improved site pinning with multiple pinned targets per page. Now, a site can offer users the ability to pin a site on another domain. For example, a company with four distinct properties can offer all of them for pinning on one page.

Trusted: We’ve made a variety of improvements to Tracking Protection. For example, we’ve added a link in the product to a gallery of Tracking Protection Lists to improve discoverability, and enabled ActiveX controls like Adobe Flash to participate in Tracking Protection.

Interoperable: We addressed many issues that the community reported (for example, in SVG text anchoring and WOFF font embedding) to enable the same markup to work consistently across browsers.

IE9 will be available to Windows customers via Windows Update. Machines running the IE9 beta or release candidates will be upgraded to the final release automatically. As this post about Windows 7 explains, no software project is ever really done. We will continue to monitor and act on the real world experience with IE9. The Beta and RC process showed servicing in action, and we have every intention to continue delivering on this important aspect of the product.

The Web is beautiful and powerful because of the developers and designers who build it. For some time, the people who build the Web have had better ideas for their customers than browsers have been able to deliver. Enabling developers to build rich and immersive sites that feel like native applications on your Windows 7 PC is at the heart of our approach with IE9.

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