About the flat earth and the first astronaut to land on the sun. Russian cosmonauts insulted half the world from orbit Cosmonauts talked about the flat earth

Famous cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky recently complained. And the flat-earthers defeated him. When Ryazansky, while in orbit of the ISS, took photographs of the Earth and posted them on his Instagram, supporters of the Flat Earth theory attacked him in the comments. “Photoshop, photoshop,” they commented on the photo and accused the astronaut of the fact that in fact he was not on the ISS at all, but at home.

Not long ago, the documentary comedy “Beyond the Bend” was released in America, telling about the difficult life of people who believe in a flat Earth even in the 21st century. These people are not savages, not mentally ill, but ordinary citizens living in high-rise buildings or suburbs; they work, write blogs, in a word, they are no different from you and me. Footage from the lives of ordinary flat-earthers alternates with comments from scientists explaining what exactly makes them hold on to such a crazy idea.

Flat-earthers firmly believe that our planet is flat, and scientists and space agencies hide the edge of the Earth somewhere in the ice of Antarctica and diligently fake every photograph that depicts the sphericity of the planet. Some statements make you think about them, others make you laugh, and some seem simply the height of absurdity, for example, “The moon is a hologram” or “Australia is a fiction.”

To be fair, it is worth saying that some citizens do not believe in a “flat earth” seriously, but because it is cool. But there are also stubborn adherents who are ready to defend their point of view with foam at the mouth. To prove: “The Earth is a pancake,” they spend weeks of their lives and tens of thousands of dollars on expensive equipment. Moreover, flat-earthers are designed in such a way that they manage to interpret even unsuccessful research results in their favor. The film showed how flat-earthers spent money on an expensive laser gyroscope - a device that can show the rotation of the Earth. The task of the militant ignoramuses was to prove that the planet does not rotate. Naturally, the gyroscope did not play along with them, but the flat-earthers were not upset, attributing the failure to “cosmic rays that spoiled the readings.”

In America, supporters of the flat Earth theory find themselves almost outcasts from society: none of the “sharovers” (as they dubbed the dissenters) wants to take them seriously, and flat-earthers have poor relationships with relatives and friends. To avoid boredom, flat Earth adherents create their own dating sites and organize conferences. Sometimes even international.

According to VTsIOM, three percent of Russians believe that the Earth is flat. Three percent may not seem like such a big number unless you think that it is almost 5 million people. There are programs about the flat Earth on various channels, followers of the theory have groups on VKontakte, numbering tens of thousands of subscribers, “countering pseudoscience that encroaches on the foundations of the biblical world order.” The same pseudoscience that invented electricity and the Internet, of course.

Fight for the Flat Earth Society

For a long time now, talk about the theory of a flat Earth has not stopped in the pseudo-scientific community. Popular Western bloggers, athletes, and cultural figures express dubious views on the structure of the world. Russian cosmonauts do not take these allegations seriously, but the authors of the global hoax are praised for their ingenuity.


“In my opinion, flat Earth supporters are such cool professional space trolling,” cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky quotes. “I don’t believe that people can be such idiots,” he added during a direct line with the ISS. Another Russian cosmonaut in orbit supported his colleague. “I don’t even have anything to add to Sergei’s words,” noted Alexander Misurkin.

A conversation about supporters of the flat Earth theory took place at the presentation of the first ever panoramic video filmed in outer space. “I think this is a great technology, a great idea. We are very happy that we, the Russians, were the first to try such technology during a spacewalk,” Ryazansky said.

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