Maximilian Voloshin children. Love polygons by Maximilian Voloshin

Original taken from martinis09 V

The secret of the invulnerability of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is their unsaleability

It is extremely dangerous for corrupt liberals to attack an ideologically motivated opponent.What the young man experienced the hard wayBritish scientist* by name Ilya, - banker, ideological liberal, regular and sponsor of protest rallies.

It is difficult to understand why this young man at a forum of supporters of Juche (North Korean autarky) decided to teach everyone how to live, but he got his way.

In addition, Ilya Voloshin is listed as the founder of CJSC “Customs and Operational Complex “Zalessky””. The co-owners of the company are also Lyubov Markina, Valery Drelle And Vladimir Faerovich(one of the buyers of Russian assets Boris Ivanishvili). Yes, together with Georgy Gens(President of the IT company Lanit), Anatoly Motylev(former owner and president of Globex), Boris Khait(owned the insurance company Spasskie Vorota), Boris Pastukhov(founder of SG Uralsib), Viktor Lukoyanov acquired the Russian Credit Bank.

On Voloshin Jr. The UniCredit Securities group made a bet, but miscalculated. Under the management of Ilya Voloshin, the Unicredit group, according to Vedomosti, suffered a loss of 50 million euros ($71 million). After which the mol.people was transferred to the state VTB...

Representatives of the so-called “Family” - a group of people with family and property ties to the relatives of former President Boris Yeltsin - are again appearing in economic news.

In the near future, the Unicredit group will close the Russian investment banking division of Unicredit Securities, said the manager of the investment company, a company employee and a source close to the Unicredit group. The final decision on exactly how the closure will take place has not yet been made, but it is possible that it will be complete, including the renunciation of licenses, notes one of Vedomosti’s interlocutors.

“Unicredit Securities” is usually associated with the name Ilya Voloshin- son of the former head of the presidential administration Alexandra Voloshina . In particular, he attended the Perm Economic Forum in 2011 as vice president of this division.

Thirty-six-year-old Ilya is the son of Alexander Voloshin from his first marriage. His mother, Natalya Belyaeva, according to 1999 data, was constantly living abroad. Voloshin Jr. also received his education abroad. He can be called a full-fledged British scientist - when talking about himself, the official’s son likes to emphasize that he received his higher education at Buckingham University. But, despite studying abroad, Ilya Voloshina preferred to do business in Russia. So, in 1996, he worked as a securities trader at Eurotrust Bank, then at the AK&M news agency founded by his father. According to, in 2005, Ilya Voloshin also served as vice president of Converse Bank. The owner of this credit institution, Vladimir Antonov, is also related to the British Isles: last year he was arrested in the United Kingdom on a warrant issued by the Lithuanian authorities for misappropriation of someone else's property on a large scale and forgery of documents. His father is also a co-owner of Converse Bank Alexander Antonov was shot in Russia - a Chechen killer seriously wounded a banker as he left his own entrance during one of the corporate conflicts.

Ilya Voloshin

The son of the former head of the Russian Administration of Administration maintains friendly relations with the children of a number of influential Russian politicians and businessmen. His relationship is especially close with Artem Surkov, the son of current Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov, who worked under Alexander Voloshin for a long time.

[ , 21.09.2010 “The Land Capital company sells luxury real estate on Rublyovka. The company as a company, there are about ten or three such sellers in Moscow. It differs from others in its brilliant staff. Among the top managers of the elite broker are managing partner Artem Vladislavovich Surkov and partner Ilya Aleksandrovich Voloshin"]

Together with Surkov Jr., as well as with Obid Yasinov’s son Parviz and Unicredit Securities manager Sherzod Yusupov, Ilya Voloshin established MSM-5 Development CJSC. And in June 2011, together with Artem Surkov, Sergei Igorevich Surkov, (son of the Perm oligarch) Philip Vyacheslavovich Loginov, (son of the Perm governor) Anton Olegovich Chirkunov, (son of the rector of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation) Anton Vladimirovich Mau, Dmitry Alekseevich Shamenkov and Natalia Maksimovna Mayer, he joined the board of founders of Health Management System LLC.

[MEG , 23.11.2011 “Dmitry Shamenkov is the author and distributor of the so-called “Doctor Shamenkov Health Management System” (HMS), the commercial structure of the same name of the son of Vladislav Surkov. The teaching of SUZ, as Shamenkov notes, aims to prolong life and radically improve its quality based on “endless self-renewal” and psychophysiological exercises based on “thousand-year experience of ancient health practices.” Dmitry Shamenkov promises the adherents of the KMS “to eliminate the fundamental cause of their withering” and “to let the Miracle of Awareness into our lives.” Promotes the use of “stem cells” and cybernetic organs”]

In addition, Ilya Voloshin is listed as the founder of CJSC “Customs and Operational Complex “Zalessky””. The co-owners of the company are also Lyubov Markina, Valery Drelle and Vladimir Faerovich. Mr. Faerovich is one of the buyers of Boris Ivanishvili’s Russian assets. So, together with Georgy Gens (president of the IT company Lanit), Anatoly Motylev (former owner and president of Globex), Boris Khait (owned the Spasskie Vorota insurance company), Boris Pastukhov (founder of the Industrial Insurance Company, now - SG "Uralsib"), Viktor Lukoyanov acquired the bank "Russian Credit".

It can be assumed that the Unicredit group became interested in Ilya Voloshin not at all because of Buckingham’s knowledge, and not even because of the highly professional lessons in financial work that the Antonov father and son taught him. The very presence of a person with such family connections provided a guarantee of quiet work in Russia, and also opened doors to many offices - which is why UniCredit Securities had to work only with large Russian clients, the number of which was supposed to be replenished by friends of the Family.

Obviously, expectations were not met. Under the management of Ilya Voloshin, the company began to incur too large losses, unacceptable even when adjusted for the status of the top manager’s father.

According to Vedomosti, at the beginning of last August, Bank Austria, part of the Unicredit group, wrote off goodwill for 50 million euros ($71 million) from the purchase of Unicredit Securities after reviewing the latter's ability to generate profits. “Let’s be honest: if you look at the results, they are not very impressive,” said the bank’s chief financial officer, Francesco Giordano, at the time.

The left-wing website “Forum MSK” made public an emotional discussion between the official moderator of the pro-North Korean blog “Juche Songun” and the son of the former head of the Russian Presidential Administration Ilya Voloshin. Going to Juche Facebook to criticize care about children in the DPRK, Ilya unexpectedly discovered that his ideological opponent was quite knowledgeable about his and his father’s sinless business. The discussion about the problems of childhood in the Land of Morning Freshness quickly developed into a discussion of the details of Voloshin’s biography, after which it ended with the flight of the VIP offspring.

It all started quite harmlessly. “Children need both a dad and a mom. - Forum.msk quotes Ilya Voloshin, - Orphanages are relics of countries like mine and yours. I would also argue about the study of ideas. The ideas of Mohammed, Jesus and Buddha must first of all be studied and only then all sorts of exotic ones, such as Juche, Marx, etc.”

According to the author of the article, Ivan Razlagaev, these words indicate that Voloshin is not a very erudite subject, who does not know either spelling (the name of the founder of Islam is written in Russian as “Mohammed”) or history. The communist and social democratic parties, which grew out of the International founded by Marx, at different times were ruling in almost all countries of Europe, the Soviet Union, as well as a number of Asian countries, including the most populous country in the world - the People's Republic of China. Therefore, only a half-educated person can talk about “exoticism” - serious economists and politicians, even those holding opposite ideological positions, recognize the importance of their opponent. Thus, according to the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Jacques Attali, “no man has had a greater influence on the world than Karl Marx in the 20th century.”

As for the calls to study “the ideas of Mohamed, Jesus and Buddha,” their moral relevance can only be assessed by determining the identity of the author, according to Razlagaev - a fraudster and a thief. The MSK Forum correspondent recalls that back on August 25, 1998, law enforcement agencies detained Ilya Alexandrovich at the request of the VISA Austria company while receiving a consignment of office equipment from the Moscow representative office of Federal Express, which was paid for with bank cards stolen via the Internet. It was reported that Voloshin Jr. purchased computer components worth $3,810, stolen from an Austrian citizen with VISA card 4548181428297013. The investigation showed that Ilyusha, advanced in online affairs, was not the first time cashing out stolen goods, as he was part of a gang of swindlers specializing in such crimes.

Due to the high position of the pope and the promise of compensation for the damage, the young man was not imprisoned. The story just got into the newspapers, which gladly printed the full text of Voloshin Jr.’s sincere confession, which he sent to the Moscow prosecutor. But the lesson was of no use; the boy, being untouchable due to his father’s status, continued to move in criminal circles. For example, in 2005 he lit up as vice president of Converse Bank. This credit institution belonged to financier Alexander Antonov and his son Vladimir. Subsequently, Antonov Sr. did not get along with authoritative Chechen partners and, having received bullet, miraculously survived, and his son flew into the chimney, repeatedly was arrested European police officers on charges of misappropriation of other people's property on a large scale and forgery of documents. Now Vladimir Antonov is awaiting a decision from a London court and will most likely go to prison.

“Forum MSK” talks about how Ilya Voloshin, at the direction of his father, started a common business with the son of his friend, deputy head of the presidential administration of Vladislav Surkov, Artem Surkov, establishing with him CJSC MSM-5 Development and LLC Health Management System. After some time, MSM-5 Development investor Parviz Yasinov, who paid for Voloshin and Surkov, was arrested on charges of shooting up a car in which Muscovites who Yasinov did not like were sitting.

Ivan Razlagaev also recalls the joint commercial activity that the transnational financial group Unicredit tried to conduct with the family of the former head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Ilya Voloshin headed its Russian structure, UniCredit Securities CJSC, which specialized in large clients. After the transfer of control to a former card theft specialist, the group lost $71 million, this money had to be written off as losses, UniCredit Securities urgently close. Ilya then emerged as head of the business development directorate in Moscow and the regional corporate sales management department of Bank of Moscow OJSC. The head of the bank, Andrei Borodin, was announced in wanted in the case of the theft of funds from the Moscow government in the amount of 12.8 billion rubles. The Bank of Moscow was taken over by another effective manager - the president of the VTB state bank Andrei Kostin. This citizen himself started successfully to nag billions lost in the Bank of Moscow. He was helped and is being helped by new employees - recruited, like Ilya, from influential Moscow families, so that if something happened, moms and dads would stand up as a wall to protect the children, and with them Kostin himself.

Alexander Voloshin and wife of VTB Bank vice-president Alexander Budberg Natalya Timakova

The extent to which the criminal business around the Bank of Moscow is tied to a fan of the ideas of “Mohamed, Jesus and Buddha” probably needs to be investigated by the investigation. Now Ilya, answering his opponents’ questions about his reputation with his dad, looked very pale. Especially when, in response to assurances about the absence of father’s foreign accounts and the general moral purity of the bureaucratic and financial family, Voloshin Jr. was presented with the following list:

Having read to the end, the son of the great man was indignant, - Forum MSK ironically, - at first he squealed incomprehensibly about the world-famous decency of his father, then he exposed the machinations of the North Korean intelligence services, the Qatari television company Al-Jazeera and some boors Krivenko and Revenko, who abandoned against him “heavy ideological artillery.

But what to do with the sincere confession of theft and fraud, published in many newspapers and never refuted for 15 years? Why did Ilya Voloshin, although he declared it “the machinations of enemies,” did not sue anyone for these goals, and in the current discussion refused to name the names of “enemies” and, having blocked his interlocutor, hastily retreated? It is not surprising that the correspondent concludes that Voloshin Jr. is a type closely associated with crime, whose place is in the dock.

Our publication contacted the vice-president of one of the Moscow banks, who is closely acquainted with the Voloshin family:

“They say the apple doesn’t fall far, but in this case, unfortunately, nature rested on the child of a talented person. As smart and energetic a person as Alexander Stalyevich, who rose from a simple research assistant to the head of the presidential administration, is, Ilya is a brainless goofball. Do you remember in the movie “Zhmurki” Mikhalkov says that he can even find a hole with shit on a billiard table and fall into it? So this is definitely about Ilya. My father had long ago gotten used to the fact that he would save him from the police and former employers until his death, then find him a new job, then fall asleep again, and so on ad infinitum. Ilya should sit quietly and, realizing that his father is his only protection, take care of his father’s health and, if possible, do nothing; fortunately, his father’s savings are enough for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. So he now got involved in politics, started going to rallies himself and giving money to Navalny’s foundation. Moreover, unlike the smart father, who is aware of all the consequences [previously, Mikhail Khazin, head of the Neokon expert consulting center, wrote about the connections between Navalny and Voloshin Sr. - Ruspres], Ilya chatters about how much he gave and to whom, right and left. Now I’ve already told all my friends, including my colleagues.”

"Ilya Aleksandrovich Voloshin is a thief and a swindler"

U Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin, head of the presidential administration, has a son, Ilya Aleksandrovich Voloshin. He looks a lot like his father. No, Ilya does not yet have an uneven and, frankly, unpleasant bald spot - he is only 23 years old. He doesn't wear his father's tatty beard. And it's not a matter of external resemblance

Ilya Aleksandrovich Voloshin is a thief and fraudster. Which, by the way, he himself admits in a letter to the Moscow prosecutor. We provide a copy of the confession available to the editors and publish the text in its entirety, preserving the author’s spelling and punctuation

A case of hundreds of dollars

Well, let's get ready to read. I'll add a few more facts later.

"To the Moscow Prosecutor From Ilya Alexandrovich Voloshin, born on February 26, 1976, a native of Moscow, registered at the address: Moscow, Mashkova St., 16

Sincere confession

In fact, I live at the address: Leninsky Prospekt, 62-128, tel. 137-11-70 or 137-03-92. I have had access to the Internet since the spring of 1996. About 1.5 months ago, on the IRC (efnet) # carding channel, I met a Russian-speaking Internet user using the pseudonym Mahx. 2 weeks after we met, I received an offer to work together. After the instructions, my responsibilities included receiving and customs clearance of goods that would arrive at my address and name. I was aware of the current scheme: Mahkh was looking for VISA and Mastercard credit card numbers on the # carding channel, after which he looked for online stores on the Internet and ordered computer components to my address with delivery by the FedExy courier service to those who agreed to work with him for his conditions. After I receive the package, I must anonymously receive the money and anonymously transfer the cargo to him. The reward was assigned by Makh in the amount of 10% of the revenue received from the parcel

After receiving it to my email: goa-trancer@botmail. corn from his email: me This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. confirmation of the arrival of the cargo in Moscow, I went to FedEx to clear customs and receive the parcel. In early August, after customs closed (4:30 p.m.), Makh called me on my mobile phone and asked me to leave the parcel in a bag near the entrance to the Miracle Bar restaurant and leave. I tried to find out who would come for the parcel, but after waiting 10-15 minutes I left. That same evening I received $270 USA in the mailbox with a warning through the intercom. Last week I received a call from FedExa that a shipment had arrived in my name. After receiving the necessary instructions from Mach via email, I went to FedEx and learned that it was declared in the amount of $3890 USA and that in order to receive it I needed to pay 50% of the duty. I refused to receive it due to the fact that I did not have the required amount. After customs closed (16.30) I received a call from Makh and he, having learned about the situation, suggested that I return it to the owner

Today, August 25, 1998, I learned from him by phone about the upcoming shipment and went to receive it at FedEx. I arrived at FedEx around 3:30 pm with Pavel Sheiko, who was waiting for me in the car. I went to FedEx Customs and got paperwork for the previous shipment and paperwork for the new shipment. I paid the customs duty at the savings bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation (60 USD) and then returned to receive the cargo. After receiving it, I was met at the exit by police officers and we proceeded to the UEP of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. I would like to clarify that I met Pavel Sheiko at the Plazma club at the end of spring. A few days ago I told him about an upcoming package that was ordered in my name and Mahhom address using fake credit cards on the Internet. Pavel repeatedly warned that this was illegal and that he himself was under investigation for similar actions. I told him that I was receiving this message for the last time and that I would no longer engage in this activity due to the fact that I was starting to study full-time. Faculty of Psychology, Russian State Technical University. Pavel Sheiko was with me in the car for the campaign. I completely repent of the actions I committed and admit my guilt. I undertake to compensate for the material damage caused by me. Please do not take strict measures against me. Written in my own hand, without moral and physical pressure from police officers

Signature (Voloshin I.A.) 08/25/98 "

All clear? As promised, I will supplement this literary text with some more information. They became interested in Voloshin after the VISA Austria company contacted the competent authorities of Russia in August 1998. The Austrians complained that unknown Russians were ordering goods via the Internet, but paying for them with other people's credit cards without the knowledge of their owners. In particular, it was reported about the purchase of computer components in the amount of $3,810 in the Micromac store (USA) and payment with a VISA card 4548181428297013 valid until January 2000, belonging to Austrian citizen Brigitte Leitner. It soon became clear that the goods were received on August 12, 1998 at the Moscow representative office of Federal Express by Ilya Voloshin

The Moscow City Police Department took over the investigation. Investigators established that in a similar manner, the son of the head of the presidential administration ordered goods worth $3,890 in Hong Kong on August 13 and paid using a false credit card number. On August 20, the goods were already ordered in the USA and paid for with generated Austrian VISA credit card numbers.

It was possible to identify other members of this stable criminal group engaged in criminal activity on the Internet. The police revealed methods for generating card numbers, distribution channels for the goods received, distribution of roles and profits

On August 25, Ilya Voloshin was detained red-handed after receiving another shipment of goods from Federal Express. He was interviewed and admitted to deliberate group theft. By the way, a report about this detention was then published on August 29, 1998 in Izvestia. But they didn’t dare give their last name. We are taking risks

Let's leave Ilya for a while to sympathize with his father. Such a man! In such a position! And the son is a thief. No, really, who is he like? That's what we'll talk about

Case of hundreds of thousands of dollars

No, of course, I in no way admit that Voloshin Sr. was also a computer thief. Moreover, I am inclined to believe Ilya when he writes that the $270 deposited in the mailbox was intended specifically for him, and not for his father, for any services. Alexander Stalyevich operates with much larger sums

This has already been discussed on NTV and written by Moskovsky Komsomolets. But only we publish documents. Although we do it without any pleasure. But we don’t feel any pleasure because in these documents the names “AWA” and “Chara” evoke deep anger among Russians. Moreover, the surname “R.S. Sadykov” is also found, familiar to those who closely followed the trial of the famous [Ivankov] Japanese in the USA. But what should we do if in these documents we copy the name of the highly respected A.S. Voloshin, and the name of his company "ESTA Corp."

[Insertion "Ruspres", , 14.11.2011 "Voloshin states in his testimony that in 1993-1994 he acted as a consultant and prepared documentation for the ABVA company - All-Russian Automobile Alliance JSC. This company has been headed by Berezovsky since 1994. Rabinovich wonders whether Voloshin considers the activities of this company fraudulent. Voloshin replies that he doesn’t think so, but agrees that there were attempts to put this project on a par with other fraudulent projects]

The fact is that the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, at the request of State Duma deputies and publications in the media, is checking information about the fraudulent activities of citizen A.S. Voloshin. in relation to investors of Automobile Alliance JSC. Alexander Stalyevich, as the head of Esta Corp., by proxy from AWA [Boris Berezovsky] sold 100 thousand ordinary registered shares to Chara employees for the money they received from investors. And now investors are persistently and still interested in why it was not the shares themselves that were transferred to “Chara” under the agreements concluded by Voloshin, but only certificates of their deposit. That is, it was not securities that were sold, but pieces of paper confirming that AWA had these securities

It seems that this very dubious method of selling “certificates”, and not the shares themselves, was almost the first in Russia to be introduced by Alexander Voloshin himself, an outstanding economist. And then it was successfully used by such well-known companies as MMM, Doka-Khleb and a number of other builders of money pyramids. So the Chara depositors are interested in Voloshin’s role in the fate of their money... Money is a big deal

E. N. Myslovsky, General Director of the Moscow City Extra-Budgetary Fund for Assistance to Victims of Economic Crimes, is also interested in the role of Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin. He does this on behalf of the unfortunate investors of the Agropromservice LLP company. Government loan bond Series III No. 0168292, owned by defrauded investors, with a nominal value of 100 thousand dollars with coupon payments at a percentage of 48.55% was illegally resold through the Credit-Moscow bank to the head of JSC Esta Corp. Voloshin A.S. for a third of the price - $48,550. According to the contents of the share purchase and sale agreement (we also publish these copies), Voloshin could not help but know that the share he was purchasing belonged to the investors of Agropromservice LLP. The investors indicate in their statements that Voloshin worked at Agropromservice. And under these circumstances, it turns out that one of the actual leaders of Agropromservice, Voloshin, through deception and abuse of trust, stole from investors the funds they had invested in the specified security

Is a conclusion necessary?

Well, are we going to feel sorry for Father Voloshin that he turned out to have such an unlucky son, Voloshin? As they say in such cases: have pity on yourself! Or several Austrian credit card holders. They were never compensated for the damage. Or hundreds of Agrompromservice investors. Or thousands of Chara depositors, Or tens of thousands of AWA shareholders

Or at least one guy - Pavel Sheiko, whom Ilya Voloshin talks about in his “candid confession”. The guy was sitting in the car with Ilya and also warned Voloshin that computer fraud is illegal. Because he himself is under investigation for similar actions

So here it is. After the intervention of Voloshin Sr., the episodes associated with Voloshin Jr. did not develop and do not appear in the criminal case. The investigation into Pavel Sheiko continues/

Ekaterina Darling

Apparently, Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin, nicknamed “sugarloaf” in the Kremlin, was not always as bald as Russians are used to seeing him on television. Grannies at the entrances usually say about such people: “It’s because I got married early, my dear.”

And he really got married at the age of 18. The marriage, however, subsequently broke up, and Voloshin finally went to work. However, there was a child left from the marriage. Son. Ilya Alexandrovich. The young man, now 27 years old, is interested in business and computer technology. The result of these hobbies was a huge scandal that broke out a couple of years ago. It turned out that the son of Chara-Bank's father-progenitor was involved in the scam. However, Ilya Aleksandrovich did not follow the beaten path and did not build financial pyramids that set the teeth on edge. Voloshin Jr. brought the Internet to help.

It must be said that Ilya’s childhood was far from cloudless. He was born to two poor students. The young family was sorely short of money: Alexandra’s mother, an English teacher, couldn’t contribute much, and the 19-year-old couple had no opportunity to earn money. So the family ate absolutely “student style”. To prevent little Ilya from developing vitamin deficiency, Voloshin’s friends, who served somewhere in the North, sent parcels with cranberries to Moscow.

The family rented a room in some creepy communal apartment. Alexander Voloshin studied at the Institute of Transport Engineers, and the scholarship was his only income. As his former classmates said, once the future head of the presidential administration, due to lack of sleep and oversight, threw a fifty-kopeck piece into the subway machine instead of a nickel, thereby depriving the family of almost a day’s food. There were worries - for a week...

Alexander Stalyevich began earning decent money after he met Boris Berezovsky in the late 80s (later it was BAB who matched his friend to the Kremlin). At this point, Ilya got vitamins, branded sneakers, and new markers. However, he saw little of his father, since he was completely immersed in business. Alexander Stalyevich helped friends register cooperatives, provided legal support, and prepared the necessary documents. At the same time, he opened the AK&M news agency, which is still alive today. But the most significant business projects of Voloshin Sr. were Chara Bank and the famous AVVA - “Automotive All-Russian Alliance”. If you make a pyramid of citizens whose money disappeared simultaneously with the bankruptcy of these enterprises, then its top will rest on the Moon...

But, as we have already said, Ilya did not gain any spiritual joy or home warmth from his father’s financial success. A few years after the divorce, his mother settled in Europe. My father stayed in the same apartment with his elderly mother, a teacher (he lived there until he was appointed to the Kremlin, then moved to a government dacha), and was always busy with work. Ilya spent time on planes flying between Europe and Moscow, and it’s no wonder that computers became his best friends.

At school he did not shine with special talents, did not win at the Olympics, and was not the soul of society. But he happily skipped classes, apparently spending the free time on preparing the ground for creating his future virtual business. In IRC (Internet Relay Chat - a program that unites thousands of chats), in the #carding chat, where the main topic is credit cards, Ilya made a virtual friendship with a certain Maxx (it seems that this man chose his nickname in honor of the famous company of the same name production of porn films). The virtual porn creature was able to converse in Russian, and as a result, friendship actually happened. We talked, this and that, well, Maxx offered Ilya a little extra work.

Part-time work came down to a very standard scheme. Maxx stole credit card numbers from #carding visitors (much easier than hacking online stores, where there are several degrees of protection), bought various junk online, and paid from someone else’s account. Purchases were sent to Moscow via courier service. Ilya picked up purchases from the courier office and sold them. I cashed out, so to speak, virtual money. It couldn't be simpler.

However, after some time the scheme failed: the owners of the credit cards noticed a leak of money, became worried, turned to the right place, and Ilya was caught red-handed during his next visit to the courier service office.

One of the Kremlin officials, speaking about Alexander Voloshin, issued the following tirade: “Voloshin is in some sense of the word “frostbitten.” “Frostbitten” with a plus sign. If he believes that some decision is correct, then, without thinking about the consequences, he will order it to be carried out. For example, if it occurs to him that it would be right to rebury Lenin at night, he will readily go for it. And it’s better not to think about what will happen in the morning. In any case, he is not afraid of responsibility for his decisions.” Ilya took the best from his father: not afraid of responsibility, he wrote a confession (at one time it was published in the Versiya newspaper):

"To the Moscow Prosecutor
From Voloshin Ilya Alexandrovich,
Born February 26, 1976,
native of Moscow,
registered at the address:
Sincere confession:

“In fact, I live at the address: ... tel. ... I have had access to the Internet since the spring of 1996. About 1.5 months ago, on the IRC (efnet) #carding channel, I met a Russian-speaking Internet user using the pseudonym Maxx. 2 weeks after we met, I received an offer to work together. After the instructions, my responsibilities included receiving and clearing customs goods that would arrive at my address and name. I was aware of the current scheme: Maxx was looking for Visa and Mastercard credit card numbers on the #carding channel, after which it was looking for online stores on the Internet and ordering computer components to my address with delivery...”

They say that Voloshin Sr. scolded Ilya for tarnishing his name at such an inopportune time, against the backdrop of a difficult political situation. And both, they say, were very worried - each for their own reasons. Ilya, they say, after this incident was exiled to his mother, abroad, out of harm’s way.

And the story, of course, was hushed up.

ღ Love polygons by Maximilian Voloshin ღ

Voloshin was the most eccentric Russian of the early twentieth century. Everyone agreed in this opinion, with the exception of those who knew his mother...

I've been waiting for so long
And the pain came like a dark blue light,
And it appeared in a circle of the heart, like a wrist.

The desired ray brought with it
Such burning, torturous weasels.
T h o u d t e r R a d i a t i o n s o f T h e r
The unseen paints spilled over the world.

And the heart is made of glass,
And in n e m t a c t o n k o p e l a r a n a :
"Oh, pain, when did it come,
It always comes with too much darkness."

On May 28, 1877, the future poet Maximilian Voloshin was born in Kyiv. Soon after the boy was born, his parents separated, and Max remained to live with his mother Elena Ottobaldovna Glezer, who raised her son in her own way. Having been expelled from Moscow University for participating in the riots, Voloshin decided to engage in self-education. He traveled widely, visiting libraries and listening to lectures in Europe, and also took lessons in painting and engraving. In 1910, Voloshin’s first collection of poems was published, entitled “Poems. 1900-1910", which immediately made Maximilian a popular poet and influential critic. In the material of the section “Idols of the Past” we will talk about the poet’s love, as well as about the great literary hoax of Maximilian - the mysterious poetess Cherubina de Gabriak, because of whom Voloshin fought with Nikolai Gumilyov on the Black River...

Long before Soviet art leaders thought of creating Houses of Creativity, in the Crimea, in Koktebel, there was a unique “summer station for creative people.” Here Bulgakov dictated “Days of the Turbins” to his wife, Tsvetaeva, Gorky, Bryusov, Petrov-Vodkin, Benois visited.

In a small three-story house that belonged to the most eccentric person - the poet and artist Maximilian Voloshin, up to 600 people lived a year!.. “Tell me, is everything that they say about the order in your house true?” - the guest asked Max. “What do they say?” - “They say that you have the right to the first night with every woman who comes to you. That your guests dress in “half pajamas”: one walks around Koktebel in the lower part on a naked body, the other in the upper part. Also, that you pray to Zeus. Heal by laying on of hands.

Guess the future by the stars. Walk on water as if on dry land. You tamed a dolphin and milk it every day like a cow. Is this true? "Of course it's true!" - Max exclaimed proudly... It was never possible to understand whether Voloshin was fooling around or not. He could say with the most serious look that the poet Valery Bryusov was born in a brothel. Or that the madman who shredded Repin’s painting “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” is very smart.

Max excitedly gave lectures, each more provocative than the other. He enlightened the decent matrons on the topic of Eros and 666 voluptuous embraces. Under the guise of a lecture on the Great French Revolution, he regaled revolutionary-minded materialist students with tales that Marie Antoinette was alive and well, only reincarnated as Countess X and still feeling some awkwardness in the back of her head from the ax that cut off her head. At the end, Max wrote his own poems. He was almost beaten. They asked him: “Are you always so pleased with yourself?” He answered pathetically: “Always!” People loved to be friends with him, but they rarely took him seriously.

His poems seemed too “antique”, and his watercolor landscapes seemed too “Japanese” (they were only appreciated decades later). Voloshin himself was called a hardworking drone, or even a clown.
He was even eccentric in appearance: short in stature, but very broad in the shoulders and thick, a wild mane of hair hid his already short neck.

In literary drawing rooms they joked: “Three hundred years ago in Europe, artificial dwarfs were bred for the amusement of kings. They seal a child in a porcelain barrel, and after a few years he turns into a fat, short freak. If you give such a dwarf the head of Zeus and make a woman’s lips into a bow, you will get Voloshin.” Max was proud of his appearance: “Seven pounds of male beauty!” - and loved to dress extravagantly.

For example, he walked the streets of Paris in velvet knee-length pants, a cape with a hood and a plush top hat - passers-by always turned to look at him. Round and light, like a rubber ball, he “rolled” all over the world: he drove camel caravans through the desert, laid bricks on the construction of an anthroposophical temple in Switzerland... When crossing borders, Voloshin often had problems: the customs officers seemed suspicious of his fatness, and under His fancy clothes were always being sought for contraband.

The women gossiped: Max looked so little like a real man that it would not be shameful to invite him to the bathhouse with you, to rub his back. He himself, however, loved to spread rumors about his male “security.” At the same time, he had countless novels. In a word, Voloshin was the most eccentric Russian of the early twentieth century. Everyone agreed in this opinion, with the exception of those who knew his mother...

Original Man's Mother

Having barely married Max’s father, a respectable judicial official, a recent graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Elena Ottobaldovna Glezer (from the Russified Germans), began to carve out life in her own way. To begin with, she became addicted to cigarettes, then she dressed up in a man’s shirt and trousers, then she found a man’s hobby - gymnastics with weights, and then, after leaving her husband, she began to live like a man: she got a job in the office of the South-Western Railway. She no longer remembered her husband.

Perhaps twenty years after his death, at the wedding of his son’s friends, Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron, in the “Witnesses” column of the parish register, she waved across the entire page: “The inconsolable widow of the collegiate adviser Alexander Maksimovich Kiriyenko-Voloshin.” It is clear that this amazing lady raised her son in her own way. No wonder she gave him the name Maximilian, from the Latin maximum. Max was allowed everything, except for two things: to eat more than he should (he was already fat) and to be like everyone else.

Elena Ottobaldovna Kirienko-Voloshina with her son Max. 1878

Max’s mother hired a circus rider as a governess to teach him horse riding and somersaults to the cheerful “alle-op-la!” The rest of the knowledge: history, geography, geology, botany, linguistics - the boy had to absorb from the Crimean air itself. It was then that Elena Ottobaldovna left first Kyiv, then Moscow: she believed that Crimea was the best place to raise her son. Here you have mountains, and stones, and ancient ruins, and the remains of Genoese fortresses, and settlements of Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks... “You, Max, are a product of mixed blood. The Babylonian mixture of cultures is just for you,” said the mother.

She welcomed her son’s interest in the occult and mysticism and was not at all upset that he always remained in the second year at the gymnasium. One of Max’s teachers told her: “Out of respect for you, we will teach your son, but, alas! We don’t correct idiots.” Elena Ottobaldovna just grinned. Less than six months had passed when, at the funeral of that same teacher, Voloshin, a second-year student, recited his wonderful poems - this was his first public performance...

Elena Ottobaldovna never officially got married again: she said that she did not want to turn Max into someone else’s stepson. But every morning she went for long walks in the mountains with a certain slender horseman. When she returned, she called Max to dinner, blowing into a tin pipe. A cauldron with a watery broth of cabbage, tin spoons, a simple wooden table without a tablecloth on a terrace with an earthen floor - from there the whole of Koktebel was visible. On the left are the soft outlines of the hills, on the right is the rocky mountain range of Karadag... Winds and time have carved someone’s bearded profile on one rock. “What kind of person is immortalized so monumentally, Mom?” - young Max wondered. “I don’t know, but this person is probably worth it!” Several years passed, Max matured and grew exactly the same beard.

True, many believed that he did this in imitation of Karl Marx. Voloshin was at that time a student at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University and participated in student unrest.

Once he even ended up in prison and, having nothing to do, spent hours singing poems of his own composition. The gendarmes summoned Elena Ottobaldovna and interrogated her about the reasons for her son’s cheerfulness. She said that Max was always like this, and the gendarmes advised him to get married as soon as possible. And soon Voloshin actually met his future wife, Margarita Sabashnikova.

Alabaster wife

Among bohemians her name was Amorya, but still she could not be considered a completely bohemian young lady. In any case, she dressed in formal skirts and English blouses with a high collar. And she had no lovers. Maybe she just lacked the courage... She had just escaped from the house of her father, a wealthy tea merchant, to devote herself to painting. I dreamed of boundless freedom and sizzling passions.

Max seemed to Amore to be the embodiment of all this, with his incredible outfits and eternal provocations. He was captivated by her golden eyelashes and slightly perceptible “Buryat” character (Amorya was proud that her great-grandfather was a shaman, and took his tambourine with her everywhere).

The romance began in Paris - both attended lectures at the Sorbonne. “I found your portrait,” said Max and dragged Amorya to the museum: the stone Egyptian princess Taiah smiled at Amorya’s mysterious smile. “They merged for me into a single being,” Voloshin told his friends. - You have to make an effort to believe: Margarita is made of corruptible flesh and blood, and not of eternal alabaster. I have never been so in love, but I don’t dare touch - I consider it blasphemy!” “But do you have enough sense not to marry a woman made of alabaster?” - friends were worried. But Max loved his Koktebel too much! He sent there everything that, in his opinion, was worth admiring: thousands of books, ethnic knives, bowls, rosaries, castanets, corals, fossils, bird feathers... In a word, first Max sent a copy of the Taiakh statue to Koktebel, and then...

Maximilian Voloshin. Feodosia. 1896

...After getting married, we boarded the train. Three days to Feodosia, then by cab along the edge of the sea. Approaching the house, Margarita saw a strange sexless creature in a long linen shirt, with an uncovered gray head. It greeted Max in a hoarse bass voice: “Well, hello! He has matured! Became similar to the profile on Karadag!” - “Hello, Pra!” - Voloshin answered. Margarita was at a loss: a man or a woman? Who is your husband's relationship? It turned out to be the mother.

However, the address “Pra”, given to Elena Ottobaldovna by one of the guests, suited her unusually. Max himself, having arrived home, put on the same tunic down to his knees, girded himself with a thick cord, put on his boots, and even crowned his head with a wreath of wormwood. One girl, seeing him with Margarita, asked: “Why did this princess marry this janitor?” Margarita was embarrassed, and Max burst into happy laughter. He laughed just as joyfully when local Bulgarians came to ask him to wear pants under his tunic - they said their wives and daughters were embarrassed.

Max's bohemian friends flocked to Koktebel. Voloshin even came up with a name for them: “Order of Scoundrels” - and wrote a charter: “The requirement for residents is love for people and contributing to the intellectual life of the house.” Each departing guest was greeted by the “stupid people” with a collective song and raising their hands to the sky. Each new arrival was greeted with a drawing. For example, a man came and wanted to say hello in a human way, but no one cared about him: they were catching some lady who had run to the sea to drown herself. “Look for a life preserver!” - Pra booms, not letting go of the eternal cigarette and match holder made of solid carnelian.

Some pillows and books are flying around the room. Finally they bring the drowned woman - she is unconscious, but her clothes are dry. Only then does the stunned guest begin to understand that everything here is nonsense. “Max, for God’s sake, next time no comedies,” the guests beg as they parted. “Well, I’m tired of them myself,” Voloshin smiles slyly.

For Margarita’s taste, all this was somehow petty. After all, even the stories about one pajamas for two and the right to the first night turned out to be untrue! Perhaps these rumors were spread by Max himself... So extraordinary, so free from prejudices, in reality he was only fooling around or wandering through the mountains with his easel. Meanwhile, vague news was coming from St. Petersburg about how the Symbolists were building a new human community, where Eros enters flesh and blood... In general, it was decided to go to St. Petersburg.

We settled on Tavricheskaya, in house number 25. On the floor above, in a semicircular attic, lived the fashionable poet Vyacheslav Ivanov, and Symbolists gathered here on Wednesdays. Max began to vigorously recite, argue, quote, while Amorya had quiet conversations with Ivanov: that the life of a real artist should be imbued with drama, that friendly married couples are out of fashion and worthy of contempt. One day Lydia, Ivanov’s wife, told her: “You came into our lives with Vyacheslav.

If you leave, a void will form.” It was decided to live together. And Max? He is superfluous and should go to his Koktebel, walk around there in a chiton, since he is not enough for anything more daring... Max Amor did not condemn and did not force him to do anything. As a farewell, he even sent Ivanov a new cycle of his poems - he, however, responded to them with great harshness.

Only those closest to him knew: Max was not as thick-skinned as he wanted to appear. Soon after separating from his wife, he admitted in one letter: “Explain to me what my ugliness is? Everywhere, and especially in the literary environment, I feel like a beast among people - something out of place. What about women? My essence bores them very quickly, and all that remains is irritation...” ...And Margarita and the Ivanovs never succeeded in creating a “new type of family.”

Lydia's adult daughter from her first marriage, the blond beast Vera, very soon took her place in the “triple alliance.” And when Lydia died, Vyacheslav married Vera. Tender Amora could only write endless sketches for the planned picture, in which Ivanov portrayed Dionysus, and she herself - Sorrow. The painting was never completed.
Hoax of the century

Max didn't grieve for long. There is no Amory - there is Tatida, Marevna, Violet - the blue-eyed Irish woman who left her husband and rushed after Voloshin to Koktebel. But all this is so, fleeting novels. Maybe only one woman seriously hooked him. Elizaveta Ivanovna Dmitrieva, student at the Sorbonne on the course of Old French and Old Spanish literature. Lame from birth, overweight, disproportionately large-headed, but sweet, charming and witty. Gumilyov was the first to be captivated. He persuaded Lilya to go to Koktebel for the summer, to Voloshin.

Wedding of Maximilian Voloshin and Margarita Sabashnikova. 1906

In the crowd of guests, Nikolai and Lilya wandered through the mountains behind Max, who stopped every now and then to caress the stones or whisper with the trees. One day Voloshin asked: “Do you want me to light the grass?” He stretched out his hand, and the grass caught fire, and smoke streamed towards the sky... What was that? Energy unknown to science or another hoax? Lilya Dmitrieva didn’t know, but Max’s Zeus-likeness struck her.

And, seeing the stone profile on Karadag, to the right of Koktebel, she was not too surprised: “Voloshin, this is your portrait, isn’t it? I would like to see how you did it... Maybe, especially for me, you will capture your face again - to the left of Koktebel, under the first one? " “On the left is a place for my death mask!” - Max exclaimed pathetically. Pra herself smiled encouragingly, listening to their dialogue. Could Voloshin not fall in love with Lilya after this? Having received his resignation, Gumilyov lived with Voloshin for another week, walked, caught tarantulas. Then he wrote a wonderful poetic cycle “Captains”, released the spiders and left.

Voloshin would have married Lila right away, but first he had to divorce Sabashnikova, and this turned out to be a difficult and lengthy matter. Well! The lovers were ready to wait. Under the influence of Max, Lilya began to write poetry - increasingly based on Old French and Old Spanish motifs: about swords, roses and beautiful ladies. It was decided to go and publish in St. Petersburg, with Voloshin’s friends who headed the fashion magazine Apollo. Gumilev, by the way, was also one of the editors of Apollo. And he did everything to ensure that the magazine returned the envelope with Dmitrieva’s poems unopened.

It turned out that he never forgave his unfaithful lover. All this became the beginning of a great hoax, invented and directed by Max Voloshin. One fine day, the editor-in-chief of Apollo, Sergei Makovsky, received a letter on scented paper with a mourning edge. The motto on the wax seal read: “Woe to the vanquished.” The letter contained poems - about swords, roses and beautiful ladies - signed with a mysterious name: Cherubina de Gabriac.

There was no return address on the envelope. “Catholic, half-Spanish, half-French, aristocratic, very young, very beautiful and very unhappy,” they deducted in “Apollo.” Makovsky himself was especially intrigued. “You see, Maximilian Alexandrovich,” he said to Voloshin that same evening, showing Cherubina’s poems, “among secular women there are amazingly talented ones!”

And soon the mysterious Cherubina called Makovsky, and a dizzying telephone romance began. Not only Makovsky, who at least heard Cherubina’s voice, fell in love, but also - in absentia - the artist Konstantin Somov, the poets Vyacheslav Ivanov, Gumilyov, Voloshin (at least that’s what he said), the whole of St. Petersburg! When Cherubina said on the phone that she was dangerously ill, reports about her health appeared on the front pages of newspapers. When, having recovered, she went to visit her relatives in France, tickets for the Paris train were sold out in a matter of hours. Just like poison in pharmacies, when Cherubina, returning to St. Petersburg, at the insistence of her Jesuit confessor, vowed to become a nun. True madness!

The mysterious poetess also had ill-wishers. For example, Elizaveta Dmitrieva, who lived almost as a recluse in St. Petersburg, managed to distribute apt epigrams and parodies of Cherubina de Gabriac. It was believed that Lilya was simply suffering from jealousy. The vengeful Gumilyov triumphed. And, to make her even more painful, he began to talk everywhere about Dmitry’s obscenity. Voloshin heard one of them and slapped Gumilev in the face. Who would have expected assault from the always good-natured, thick-skinned Max... They decided to shoot at the Black River.

The seconds had difficulty softening the conditions: instead of a duel from five steps to death, there was a single exchange of shots from twenty steps. It was difficult to find real dueling pistols, and they were so old that they could well remember Pushkin and Dantes. Finally, on a stormy November morning, two shots rang out. When the smoke cleared, both enemies were on their feet. Lucky...

Maximilian Voloshin with his wife Maria. 1925

The police solved the case after finding the galoshes of one of the seconds at the scene of the duel. The tragedy turned into a farce! Before St. Petersburg had time to discuss the scandalous details, a new sensation broke out: Cherubina de Gabriac does not exist! Elizaveta Dmitrieva, having listened to another reproach of injustice, let slip: “Cherubina is me.” It turned out that the author of her letters to Apollo was Voloshin.

He also composed the script for Cherubina’s telephone conversations with Makovsky. And the illness, and Paris, and the Jesuit confessor, and even the feud between Cherubina and Dmitrieva - all this was invented by Max. He took everything into account - except that his adored Lilya herself would be poisoned by the sweet poison of Makovsky’s kneeling love.

They even tried to meet - Makovsky saw how ugly his Cherubina was, and it was all over. But Lilya also left Max. She said that she could no longer write poetry, she could not love - and this was Cherubina’s revenge. She kept thinking that she was an impostor, that one day the real De Gabriac would come up to her on the street and demand an answer...

"Rebels" are fighting

Since then, Voloshin did not seriously fall in love and did not think about marriage. But his hospitality has now reached some kind of universal scale! Some kind of terraces and sheds were constantly being added to the house, and there were more and more “freaks” from summer to summer. Which caused a lot of concern to respectable neighbors - the family of the Koktebel landowner Deisha-Sionitskaya. This highly moral lady, in defiance of the “Order,” founded the Society for the Improvement of the Village of Koktebel, and the war began!

The Improvement Society, concerned that the “reckless” were swimming naked, men and women mixed, installed poles on the beach with arrows in different directions: “for men” and “for women.” Voloshin personally sawed these pillars into firewood. The improvement society complained to the police. Voloshin explained that he considered it indecent to erect inscriptions in front of his dacha that people were accustomed to seeing only in very specific places. The court imposed a fine of several rubles from Voloshin. “The morons” led by Pra staged a cat concert for Deisha-Sionitskaya on a dark night.

Surprisingly, even in 1918, when leapfrog began in Feodosia with a change of power, the republic of poets and artists flourished just ten kilometers away. Here they received, fed and saved everyone who needed it. It was reminiscent of a game of Cossack robbers: when General Sulkevich knocked the Reds out of the Crimea, Voloshin hid a delegate to the underground Bolshevik congress. “Keep in mind, when you are in power, I will do the same with your enemies!” - Max promised the rescued man goodbye. Under the Bolsheviks, he launched a vigorous activity. Leaving the “freaks” to Elena Ottobaldovna, he went to Odessa. He united local artists into a union with painters: “It’s time to return to medieval workshops!” (Despite the absurdity of the idea, in times of famine this turned out to be a real salvation for artists.) Then he took up organizing a writing workshop. He ran, beamed, negotiated with the authorities.

He appeared at the first meeting in full parade: in some sort of cassock, with a Tyrolean hat hanging over his shoulders. With small graceful steps he walked towards the stage: “Comrades!..” What followed was drowned out by a wild scream and whistle: “Down with it!” To hell with the old, shabby scribblers! “You don’t understand, let’s explain,” Max fussed. The next day, the Odessa Izvestia published: “Voloshin is coming to us, every bastard is now in a hurry to cling to us.” Discouraged, Max returned to Koktebel. And since then I didn’t like to leave there.

Maximilian Voloshin in Koktebel. 1927

In 1922, famine began in the Crimea, and the Voloshins had to eat eagles - an old woman neighbor caught them in Karadag, covering them with a skirt. Everything would be fine, but Elena Ottobaldovna began to noticeably lose control. Max even lured a paramedic from a neighboring village for her, Marusya Zabolotskaya. Marusya looked like the only inorganic element of this all-tolerant house - too ordinary, too angular, too downtrodden. She didn’t draw or write poetry. But she was kind and responsive - she treated local peasants completely free of charge and took care of Pra until her last day.

When 73-year-old Elena Ottobaldovna was buried in January 1923, faithful Marusya cried next to Max. The next day she changed her ordinary dress for short linen pants and an embroidered shirt. And although at the same time she lost the last signs of femininity, she became similar to Pra. Could Voloshin not have married such a woman? From now on, Marusya took care of the guests.

This house became for bohemia the only island of freedom, light and celebration in the ocean of gray Soviet everyday life. And there were songs, and raising of hands to the sky, and practical jokes, and an eternal battle with the adherents of the dull order. Instead of being swept away by history, Deisha-Sionitskaya and Voloshin were now at enmity with the Koktebel peasants - the same ones who ran to Marusa for free treatment. One day they presented Max with a bill for sheep allegedly torn apart by his dogs. The Workers' and Peasants' Court ordered Voloshin, under threat of eviction from Koktebel, to poison the dogs.

What was it like to do this to him, who had never hurt a fly in his entire life?! The thing is that Koktebel has become a popular resort and the locals have gotten used to renting out rooms to summer residents. And Voloshin, with his exorbitant hospitality, spoiled the whole business. “It’s not communist to let people from out of town live for free!” - the peasants were indignant.

However, the financial inspectorate had exactly the opposite claim to Voloshin: they did not believe that the “station for creative people” was free and demanded payment of a tax for the maintenance of the hotel. On August 11, 1932 at 11 am, fifty-five-year-old Voloshin died.

He bequeathed to bury himself on the Kuchuk-Yenishar hill, which borders Koktebel on the left, just as Karadag borders it on the right. The coffin, which seemed almost square, was placed on a cart: it was so heavy that the horse stood up short of reaching the top. The friends carried Max in their arms for the last two hundred meters - but the promise once given to Lila Dmitrieva was fulfilled: no matter where you looked, Max Voloshin was somehow on the right and left of Koktebel.

Having become a widow, Marya Stepanovna Voloshina did not change the Koktebel rules. She welcomed poets, artists, and just wanderers into the house. The payment for living was still love for people and making a contribution to intellectual life...

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