Who is a botanist? Profession Botanist

Nerd, agricultural botanist, A student, excellent student Dictionary of Russian synonyms. botanist noun, number of synonyms: 29 agrobotanist (1) ... Synonym dictionary

botanist- NERD, a, NERD, a, NERD, a (or a), m. Iron. 1. A diligent student, a know-it-all, a cram student, an excellent student. What year was the Battle of Kulikovo? At 1380 m. Well, you're a nerd! 2. An elderly man caring for a young woman. 1. Poss. from school... Dictionary of Russian argot

BOTANIK, botany, husband. Scientist in botany. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Specialist in the field of botany Large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

botanist- (botanykyr, botanikher) botanist BotanikemkIe g'eseg'e tsyf Ar botanist Iaz ... Adygabzem isekhef thickyIal

Botany Objects of study Plants · Algae Mushrooms and others... Branches of botany Systematics Algology · Bryology Geobo... Wikipedia

Turn on the nerd. Jarg. they say Joking. Look serious. Elistratov 1994, 67. Botany atas. Jarg. they say The title of Griboyedov’s work is “Woe from Wit.” KP, 04.12.98. /i> A botanist, an excellent student, a diligent student... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

botanist- I. and. Botany Belgeche. II. BOTANIC – p. Botanikaga caragan, shuna bәilyaneshle… Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege

Botanist- A person who studies too much. Syn.: cramming A skinny nerd and a complete brake... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

botanist- A person, a student, a student who studies too much, engages in self-education, is a nerd. This nerd does nothing but read books. Student slang... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang


  • , Stuart Amy. Sake originated from a grain of rice. Scotch comes from barley, tequila comes from agave, rum comes from sugar cane, and bourbon comes from corn. Want to know more? In "The Drunk Nerd" by Amy Stewart...
  • Drunk botanist. A Guide to the Planet's Alcohol Flora, Stuart Amy. In this book, Amy Stewart explores the staggering number of herbs, flowers, trees, fruits and mushrooms that people, through ingenuity, inspiration or desperation, have managed to transform into...


For friends!


One of the first activities that ancient man mastered was gathering. Over time, the inhabitants of the Ancient world began to use plants not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. Thus, descriptions of some of their medicinal properties can be found in books devoted to the study of the ancient Indian medical system “Ayurveda”.

Theophrastus (about 372 - about 287 BC) is considered the founder of botany - the science of plants. He was the first to classify plants and talk in detail about their structure. In his writings he described more than 500 species of plants. Modern researchers of the history of botany note that after Theophrastus, such significant discoveries in plant science were not made for almost two millennia.

Description of activity

The work of a botanist is scientific in nature; he studies the plant world. As a rule, the attention of such a specialist is focused on a specific area. Let's say that some botanists study the structure of plants, while others study the features of their relationship with the environment. Representatives of this profession work both in natural conditions and in laboratories. They also study the work of previous researchers. This helps modern botanists improve their theoretical knowledge of plants.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The most important responsibility of a botanist is to work on scientific research of the plant world. His profession requires him to collect plants, compile various reference books, and even develop the materials necessary for agricultural activities. He should actively monitor the environmental situation and the condition of plants in the natural environment. This specialist conducts experiments in various conditions: in nature or in the laboratory. Based on his observations, he can propose, for example, a new taxonomy for plants, methods for breeding them or developing new varieties.

Features of career growth

A botanist is a specialist who can find application for his skills in a variety of fields. For example, he can work in research centers, laboratories, botanical gardens, arboretums, and agricultural enterprises. Botanists also have the opportunity to become teachers and renowned scientific authors.

When you see the word “nerd,” everyone might think that we are talking only about a schoolchild or student, but there is a qualification of a specialist with a similar name. Let's look at interesting facts about these two characters: a student and a specialist, and reveal the meaning of the word "nerd".

Smart schoolboy

First, it’s worth talking about the student. Surely in every school there is a student who devotes his entire time to science. He is not interested in games or entertainment. Even in his free time from classes, he does not go out into the yard to play football with the neighboring boys or ride a bicycle. If there is or was such a person in your circle, know that he is a nerd.

Many people imagine a boy with big glasses with thick frames as a nerd. In fact, it could even be a girl with excellent eyesight. But how to distinguish a nerd from a simple excellent student? A schoolchild or student who excels academically can, in his free time:

  • meet friends;
  • play;
  • do household chores and so on.

It is worth noting that a botanist is not necessarily an excellent student. They may be a good student, rarely a C student.

As a rule, he is characterized by such character traits as: boringness, slowness, unsociability, isolation. Very often such a personality becomes a reason for ridicule from others, especially peers. Fortunately, there are also cheerful, cheerful guys who are nerds.

Flora professional

The word "nerd" has another meaning. We are talking about a professional. Who is he? The school curriculum always included a mandatory course in plant science - botany in the subject "Biology". This is usually the very first and easiest section. Botany studies the plant world.

Some universities train students in specialties related to the plant world. For example, biology, agronomy, agricultural engineering, herbal medicine (in medicine), crop production, and so on. But the qualifications of a specialist may sound complicated to ordinary people, so they limit themselves to the concept of “nerd.” This in this case is not a mockery, a joke or a remark.

A botanist is a professional who studies plants. He can work both in a scientific laboratory with field trips and engage in breeding. In addition, many specialists like to grow plants and care for them.

Botanist in botany

It is rare to find a pupil or student who is well versed in plants and, in addition, loves to constantly study, do homework, and learn something new in various sciences.

But it also happens that a future biologist or agronomist completely immerses himself in science and does not communicate with anyone. He is only interested in flowers, bushes and trees.

A botanist is actually quite an interesting specialist that anyone can turn to:

  • lovers of indoor flowers;
  • gardeners and landscape design specialists;
  • psychologists;
  • herbalists and other health professionals;
  • representatives of various organizations wishing to decorate their offices.

That is why it is worth treating this word not with ridicule, but with respect. A botanist can become useful either now or in the future.

Subject of research

Botany covers a wide range of problems: patterns of external and internal structure ( morphology And anatomy) plants, their taxonomy, development over geological time (evolution) and family relationships ( phylogeny), features of past and modern distribution on the earth's surface ( plant geography), relationships with the environment ( plant ecology), composition of vegetation cover ( phytocenology, or geobotany), possibilities and ways of economic use of plants ( botanical resource science, or economic botany).

According to the objects of research in botany, phycology is distinguished ( algology) - the science of algae, mycology- about mushrooms, lichenology - about lichens, bryology- about mosses, etc.; the study of microscopic organisms, mainly from the plant world (bacteria, actinomycetes, some fungi and algae), is classified as a special science - microbiology. Deals with plant diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi plant pathology.

The main botanical discipline is plant taxonomy - divides the diversity of the plant world into natural groups subordinate to each other - taxa ( classification), establishes a rational system of their names ( nomenclature) and finds out related ( evolutionary) relationships between them (phylogeny). In the past, taxonomy was based on the external morphological characteristics of plants and their geographic distribution, but now taxonomists also widely use the characteristics of the internal structure of plants, the structural features of plant cells, their chromosomal apparatus, as well as the chemical composition and ecological characteristics of plants. Establishing the species composition of plants ( flora) of any specific territory is usually called floristry, identification of areas of distribution (areas) of individual species, genera and families - chorology (phytochorology). The study of woody and shrub plants is classified as a special discipline - dendrology.

Closely related to taxonomy is plant morphology, studying the form of plants in the process of individual ( ontogenesis) and historical ( phylogenesis) development. In a narrow sense, morphology studies the external shape of plants and their parts; in a broader sense, it includes the anatomy of plants, which studies their internal structure, embryology, which studies the formation and development of the embryo, and cytology studying the structure of a plant cell. Some sections of plant morphology are distinguished into special disciplines due to their applied or theoretical significance: organography - description of parts and organs of plants, palynology- study of pollen and plant spores, carpology- description and classification of fruits, teratology- study of anomalies and deformities (terat) in the structure of plants. There are comparative, evolutionary, and ecological morphologies of plants.

A number of branches of botany, sometimes united under the general name plant ecology. In a narrower sense, ecology studies the influence of the environment on a plant, as well as the various adaptations of plants to the characteristics of this environment. On the earth's surface, plants form certain communities, or phytocenoses, repeated over more or less significant territories (forests, steppes, meadows, savannas, etc.). The study of these communities is carried out by the branch of botany, called in Russia geobotany, or phytocenology(abroad it is often called phytosociology). Depending on the object of study, geobotany distinguishes forest science, meadow science, tundra science, swamp science, etc. In a broader sense, geobotany is associated with the study of ecosystems, or with biogeocenology, which studies the relationships between vegetation, wildlife, soil, and underlying rocks. This complex is called biogeocenosis.

The distribution of individual plant species on the surface of the globe is studied plant geography, and the features of the distribution of plant cover on Earth depending on modern conditions and the historical past are botanical geography.

The beneficial properties of wild plants and the possibilities of their cultivation are studied by economic botany (economic botany, botanical resource science). Closely related to economic botany ethnobotany- the doctrine of the use of plants by various ethnic groups of the world's population. An important section of applied botany is the study of wild relatives of cultivated plants that have valuable properties (for example, immunity to disease, drought resistance, etc.).

Research methods

Botany uses both observation and comparative, historical and experimental methods, including the collection and compilation of collections, observation in nature and in experimental areas, experiment in nature and in specialized laboratories, and mathematical processing of the information received. Along with classical methods of recording certain characteristics of the plants being studied, the entire arsenal of modern chemical, physical and cybernetic research methods is used.

Main stages in the development of botany

How did a coherent system of knowledge about plants in botany take shape? XVII -XVIII centuries, although much information about plants was also known to primitive man, since his life was connected with useful, mainly food, medicinal and poisonous plants. The first books in which plants were described not only in connection with their usefulness were the works of Greek and other natural scientists. Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” he cited all the information about nature known to his contemporaries; he mentioned about 1000 plant species, describing them quite accurately.

Characteristic features of the modern stage of development of botany are the blurring of the lines between its individual branches and their integration. Thus, in plant taxonomy, cytological, anatomical, embryological and biochemical methods are increasingly used to characterize individual taxa. The development of new research methods based on advances in physics and chemistry has made it possible to solve problems that were previously inaccessible. Thus, as a result of the use of an electron microscope, the resolving power of which has increased hundreds of times compared to other optical instruments, many new details of the structure of a plant cell have been revealed, which is successfully used not only in anatomy, but also in the taxonomy of plants.

Full article: History of botany

Botanical nomenclature

In addition to the classification system adopted in biology, botany, like other subsciences of biology, additionally distinguishes species into varieties, subvarieties and forms.

In Russian literature, instead of the term botanical nomenclature, it is customary to use the phrase binary nomenclature, the phrase has become widespread in zoological literature

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