Disappeared inhabitants of the Earth. Aliens from Space - Earth before the Flood: disappeared continents and civilizations

 MBOU "Secondary School No. 58 with in-depth study of individual subjects" RESEARCH WORK Mysterious inhabitants of space Novouralsk Introduction My name is Primochenko Anton. I am a 3rd grade student at school No. 58. My hobby is reading books. In our home library there is a series of books “Astronomy for Smart Children” by Efim Pavlovich Levitan. I was very interested in books about comets and meteorites. I wanted to learn as much as possible about these space inhabitants. After reading the books "Long Haired Stars" and "Rocks That Fall from the Sky", I realized that comets and meteorites are part of our Galaxy, but I had a question: "What are the similarities and differences between comets and meteorites?" This question determined the theme of my work “The Mysterious Inhabitants of Space.” I think this topic will be of interest to my classmates while studying the solar system in their environment lessons. It remains relevant today, when scientific achievements make it possible to answer questions that seemed fantastic just recently. The purpose of my work is to find out the features and origin of comets and meteorites. To achieve the goal, I set myself the following tasks: > find sources of information about comets and meteorites; > study the information found; > find out the features of comets and meteorites; > compare comets and meteorites by composition and structure; > seek help from your mother and class teacher; > create a multimedia presentation; > introduce your classmates to the results of your work. The object of my research was small celestial bodies; subject - comets and meteorites. I assumed that the meteorite was part of a comet that reached the surface of the Earth. What are comets? People have long noticed that sometimes strange tailed stars appear in the night sky, resembling long-haired heads. The appearance of comets terrified people. They considered comets a diabolical omen, a harbinger of plague, wars, and death. The mysterious luminaries later became known as comets. “Comet” is a word from the ancient Greek language, which translated means “hairy”, “shaggy”. Comets are small celestial bodies, satellites of the Sun. There are very, very many of them. The orbit of comets is elongated and does not resemble a circle. When a comet approaches the Sun, it is closer to us. Only then do we see her in the sky. And when it moves away from the Sun, it completely disappears from view. Some comets manage to complete a revolution around the Sun in just a few years, while most take tens, hundreds, or even millions of years! How does a comet work? A comet consists of a head and a tail. The head of a comet is usually from 50 to 250 thousand kilometers in diameter and on average ten times larger than the Earth. The nucleus of a comet is hidden in the head. The cometary nucleus is the heaviest part of the tailed star. It weighs many billions of tons and quickly “loses weight” - by millions of tons - each time it approaches the Sun. This happens because the snow-ice core of the comet is a “cosmic iceberg”, into which solid particles of various substances, dust and gas are frozen. Currently, the chemical composition of comets can be characterized as poison. This includes carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, methyl cyanide, and hydrocarbons. The sun's rays, heating the comet's nucleus, help gas and dust escape from the cold "dungeon" to the outside. As a result, material appears for the “construction” of the comet’s head and tail. The ice's proximity to the Sun boils, releasing a cloud of dust-laden gas called coma. The solar wind and light pressure “blow away” dust and gas from the core, which form two tails. The gas tail is bluish and is always directed directly from the Sun, and the dust tail is yellowish or white, as if shiny and often curved. The tails of comets vary in shape and size. Some are short and wide, others are long and thin. Usually their length reaches about 10 million km, and sometimes - 180 million km. And some comets have no tail at all. The stars are clearly visible through the comet's tail. A person can observe a comet's tail only because the gas and dust glow. The theory of comet tails and shapes was developed at the end of the 19th century by Russian astronomer Fyodor Bredikhin (1831-1904). He also belongs to the classification of comet tails, which is used in modern astronomy. Bredikhin proposed classifying comet tails into three main types: > straight and narrow, directed directly from the Sun; > wide and slightly curved, away from the Sun; > short, strongly deviated from the central luminary. Astronomers explain these different shapes of cometary tails as follows. The particles that make up comets have different compositions and properties and respond differently to solar radiation. Thus, the paths of these particles “diverge” in space, and the tails of space travelers take on different shapes. Comets can be called the largest objects in the solar system. The largest, but not the heaviest, because... the heaviest part of the comet - the nucleus - is many times lighter than our Moon. Where do comets live? Most likely, comets live in different regions of the solar system. For example, hundreds of comets belong to the "families" of Jupiter and Saturn. But the main home of comets, as astronomers suggest, is much further away. They came up with a name for it - the Oort Cloud. If one step of a fairy-tale giant was equal to the distance from the Sun to the Earth, then such a giant would have to walk 150 thousand steps to the main cometary house. The Oort cloud is located near the edge of the solar system. Not a single earthling spaceship has ever flown there. The main comet house is very far from the Sun. Eternal cold reigns there, and nothing bothers comets - icebergs. Only after setting off on a long journey to the Sun does the snow-ice block gradually acquire a foggy head and a luxurious tail that amazes us with its beauty. This, for example, was the comet of 1996: the length of its tail exceeded the distance from the Sun to the Earth. It's not easy to imagine the comet of 1744 because it had six tails. In 1976, Comet Richard West graced the sky. Unfortunately, earthlings are unlikely to ever see it: the comet, flying close to the Sun, developed enormous speed and rushed away from it. The brightest comet of the last century was Comet Hale-Bopp. It moves in a very elongated orbit, so the next time it will come to visit us in two thousand years. What is a meteorite? People have long been accustomed to ordinary rains of water droplets, but iron rains are rare on Earth. That is why the “iron rain” that occurred on February 12, 1947 in the Far East, in the Primorsky Territory, is so memorable. The iron rain was called Sikhote - Alinsky, because it “poured” over the taiga on the slopes of the Alinsky mountain range. For a long time, these shooting stars remained a mystery to people. In fact, these objects have nothing to do with real stars and are meteors. Today they have already been quite well studied by astronomers, who believe that meteors are fragments of comets. When comets are broken into millions of small and large pieces, the latter continue to move in the form of "swarms", or meteor showers. These meteor showers or individual particularly large meteors move through space in constant orbits. Most meteors are small, but some can weigh several tons. Passing through the earth's atmosphere, they usually burn up completely, and only the largest manage to reach the earth's surface. A meteor that falls to earth is called a meteorite. The largest of them, weighing 60-70 tons, was found in Africa and still lies at the site of its fall. A meteorite is a solid body of cosmic origin that fell to the surface of the Earth. When falling to Earth, meteorites form craters - pits or craters. Meteorites fall not only on Earth, but also on other celestial bodies, so there are craters on the Moon, on the satellites of other planets, as well as on Mercury, Venus, Mars and even on asteroids. In the largest crater formed by the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite (diameter 26 meters and depth 6 meters), one could hide a small house. Classification of meteorites: > iron meteorites may look like some kind of debris. During their flight in the earth's atmosphere, iron meteorites become covered with a dark crust, and after lying in the soil for a long time, they rust. Consist of iron and nickel. > stony meteorites may be covered with a dark or brown crust. Stone meteorites come in different colors, such as black or white. Consist of various minerals. > iron-stone meteorites look like an iron sponge, and therefore they are difficult to confuse with anything terrestrial. Where do meteorites come from? The main place in the solar system is occupied by the Sun, which illuminates and heats the Earth and 7 other planets and, with its gravity, keeps them in orbit. The Sun strictly maintains order and does not allow the planets to violate the “rules of planetary motion.” For example, Mercury has always been and will be the planet closest to the Sun, the Earth takes an honorable third place, and Neptune is the most distant planet. All planets rush around the Sun in one direction, and the Sun also rotates in the same direction around its axis. The solar system is in such order that the planets have never collided and will never collide. Until recently, meteorites were found on all continents of the Earth (and there are 6 of them - Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica), except Antarctica. And several thousand of them were found. But in the last 20-30 years, thousands more meteorites have been found on the glaciers of Antarctica, including completely unusual ones, namely those that arrived from the Moon. One of the first “lunar” messengers turned out to be a meteorite weighing only 31 grams. In order for this baby to fly away from the Moon, it had to be “thrown” at a speed of 2 kilometers per second. Let's imagine that a small asteroid or comet nucleus crashed into the surface of the Moon. There was a strong explosion, and “moon pieces” flew in all directions. The fastest ones are able to fly away from the Moon forever, and some of them, after a long journey in space, can even collide with the Earth and turn into “lunar meteorites.” Scientists have found even more amazing meteorites, the birthplace of which turned out to be Mars. It is more difficult to fly away from Mars than from the Moon: Mars has a greater gravitational force. The stone also was helped to fly away from Mars by an explosion when a small asteroid or comet nucleus hit the surface of Mars. Although the Earth is not as big a planet as Jupiter, you won’t find it small either. “Space projectiles” “fire” the entire globe, but, fortunately, most often fall into deserts, forests, seas and oceans. Occasionally, mischievous meteorites fell where people live. They would break through the roof of a house and end up in the trunk of a car, or even in a washtub with laundry. Small meteorites do not cause much trouble, but there are also large “messengers of heaven.” Astronomers are trying to closely monitor dangerous comets and asteroids, and scientists and engineers are thinking about how the inhabitants of the Earth should behave if some large celestial mischief - a meteorite - wants to land. Conclusion In the course of my work, I found out that the similarity between a comet and a meteorite lies in the fact that they are celestial bodies. The differences between comets and meteorites are as follows: > they have different structures; > comets are made of ice, solid particles and gases, and meteorites are made of metals and rocks; > the probability of a comet reaching the Earth is very small, and a lot of meteorites have been discovered on the Earth’s surface. My hypothesis that the meteorite was part of a comet was correct. But I learned that meteorites are particles of any cosmic body (comet, planet, asteroid) that have reached the surface of the Earth. While doing work, I learned: > to work with a computer; > find information and choose the main thing in it; > document your work. During my work, I learned to work with reference books and a computer, and create crosswords. I found a lot of material about comets, so together with my supervisor, Lyudmila Viktorovna, I decided to create a short list of comets. Together with my mother, Tatyana Viktorovna, we compiled a crossword puzzle, and Lyudmila Viktorovna made a multimedia version of it. I think that my work can be used by teachers in preparing for lessons about the world around them. It can also arouse interest among students, as it allows them to learn more about the cosmic bodies of the Solar System. Sources Levitan E.P. Long-haired stars: M.: "White City", 2007.-30 p. Levitan E.P. Stones that fell from the sky: M.: "White City", 2007.-30p. http://portfolio.1september.ru/ http://school.unialtai.ru/astro/lecture/images/SmallBodiesOfSolarSystem/appendix.jpg.html http://nebo-meteorit.com/image.html http:// astronomypage.ru/halebopp.htm http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/1996_B2 http://www.astronet.ru/db/msg/1161820 http://galspace.spb.ru/index66-3 .html http://top.mail.ru/Rating/Internet-Design/Today/Hosts/1.html#2 http://www.o-detstve.ru III All-Russian competition "Children's Project"

Milana Khasieva
Summary of the modeling lesson “Inhabitants of Space” (preparatory group)


"Inhabitants of Space"

(preparatory group)



Make fictitious inhabitants of space, plates, planets, stars, etc.

Create a team effort


Develop fine motor skills,

strengthen neatness skills.

Materials for the lesson:

Large sheet (whatman paper) painted purple,




Preliminary work: Conversations on space topics; viewing illustrations; drawing space; reading fiction.

Form of organization:


OO integration: artistic creativity, fiction, knowledge.

GCD move

Activities of the teacher Activities of children

I. Introductory part

Guys, early this morning before you arrived, Mike Wazovsky (the hero of the cartoon “Monsters, Inc.”) came and handed over the box.

What do you think is in it (children's answers)

Let's open it? Letter! Guys, pass the letter around and I will read it to you.

Dear guys, Mike Vazovsky writes to you. I was recently in space, it’s very beautiful there.

Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

There is light in the sky for us...

I saw different planets, satellites, comets, but I was so bored there, so lonely without friends.

I decided to write a letter to you asking for help.

Guys, let's help our hero? (Children's answers)

II. Main part

Guys, today we will sculpt the inhabitants of space, plates, planets, stars that you have imagined.

1) We divide the plasticine into parts, everyone plans who and what they will sculpt.

2) We sculpt in different ways: each part separately, using stretching.

3) Then we design it using additional material.

4) Give the figure movement.

Physical exercise “Space”

One two three four five,

We are flying into space again.

I'm breaking away from the Earth,

I'm reaching the moon.

We'll hang in orbit,

And again we hurry home.

(walking in place)

(join hands above head)


(arms to the sides, spin around)

(swing your arms back and forth)

(walking in place)

5) We place all the figures on cardboard, on top of which a Whatman paper is glued. We create teamwork.

III. Final

Guys, let's admire what a wonderful space we have with new inhabitants. Well done! Our friend Mike Wazowski will be very glad that he has made many friends.

Having tuned the antennas to be sure,

The appliance will begin to purr

And waves of cosmic tenderness

Radiate around yourself!

All the pain - mental, acute

They'll take pictures on the fly!

This is a gift from the Cosmos

People for their kindness.

(Children look at the work)

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Studies of exoplanets orbiting distant stars have shown that worlds like our Earth are quite rare. Much more common are rocky planets, the radius of which is about one and a half times greater than that of Earth - astronomers call them super-Earths. However, they are also of some interest to science, and therefore researchers are persistently studying every possibility that alien life may be hiding somewhere among the rocks. If life on such a planet not only arose, but also developed to the technological level of modern humanity, then we would be able, for example, to detect signals from xenos or other spaceships. However, a new study presented in the International Journal of Astrobiology makes one important fact clear: even a small increase in gravity (compared to Earth's) could have a significant impact on any intellectually advanced civilizations.

Gravity: friend and foe of aliens

“Many exoplanets larger and heavier than Earth also have greater surface gravity,” says Michael Hippke, a scientist at Sonneberg Observatory in Germany, in his paper. “This circumstance makes space travel from such worlds much more difficult, since the required fuel mass in this case will increase exponentially.” For example, on planets whose radius is twice that of Earth, the mass will be about 10 times greater, and gravity will be about 2 times stronger (this largely depends on the composition of the planet itself). Such “superheaviness” could facilitate the development of life by facilitating the retention of atmospheric gases and thus forming an atmosphere dense enough to protect the surface from the effects of cosmic radiation. But high gravity will also become a kind of trap that holds intelligent life on the planet.

In order to launch just one ton of material into space on Kepler-20b (a rocky exoplanet with a radius of 1.87 times that of Earth and a mass of 9.7 times that of Earth), the rocket would need to be about 3 times the size of the famous Saturn -5". And to launch something more useful into orbit (for example, the new James Webb telescope, which weighs 6.2 tons), you will need approximately 55,000 tons of fuel! In such conditions, the launch of a spacecraft seems completely unimaginable: in order for a device the size of Apollo 11 to be able to overcome the gravity of the planet, it would need a fuel tank the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza!

Space travel

Of course, if the aliens turn out to be truly highly developed creatures, then sooner or later they will find a way to circumvent the restrictions imposed by the planet’s gravity. The article describes one such strategy: Hippke suggests that building spaceport launch platforms on mountaintops will help alleviate the situation. But here, too, there is one annoying circumstance: on large planets, mountains, as a rule, are relatively small - otherwise they would simply collapse under their own weight at such high gravity.

As an alternative, the inhabitants of the super-Earth can be helped by technology that scientists are developing on Earth, namely launching rockets from the lower layers of the atmosphere. In addition, the exoplanet may turn out to be a world completely covered in water, in which case the underwater spaceport will be equipped with some kind of submarines with ballistic missiles that can “take” the spacecraft into space - another complication in an already not very simple process.


In conclusion, Michael notes that in the case of planets whose mass exceeds the Earth's by more than 10 times, chemical fuel rockets are completely eliminated as a means of space travel. According to the researcher, launching one such rocket will take a significant part of the resources of the entire planet - a very unreasonable waste of money. The only means for hypothetical brothers in mind could be space elevators, which can only be built using materials that are unknown on Earth and have a sufficient margin of safety. So, even if humanity discovers intelligent life among the stars, this (fortunately or unfortunately) does not mean that aliens will come for a return visit.

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