I. Contingent of students in an educational organization

Ivan-Chai Agency reports: Centralized information about all children in Russia and their parents through the Contingent system will go into the hands of private businesses and will be collected without parental consent. The experience of the pilot regions has shown that parents will not know what data has been collected on their children and family: parents will not receive access to the “Contingent” information base.

There are many reasons to once again raise the topic of creating a unified interdepartmental database “Contingent” for all children in Russia. The main thing is that the IS "Contingent" from a seemingly fantastic project of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has turned into reality.

This also confirms law Project No. 1048557-6 “On the creation of the state system “Unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for students in basic and additional educational programs”, which has been in the State Duma since April 2016 and has already been adopted in the first reading on June 10, 2016, and tenders held in the regions , and letters from the regions, and a single website of the system, and alarming information from employees in the education sector.

According to representatives of the education sector of one of the regions of Russia, in the summer of 2016, an interdepartmental meeting was held in their region for the heads of correctional boarding schools, vocational education institutions, and penitentiary services on the topic of implementing the “Contingent” database for registering children under 18 years of age. At the meeting it was said that the program is federal, and local performers are awarded by tender. According to the regional deputy minister of education of the region, V., who chaired the meeting, the base has already been implemented in preschool education.

At the same time, education officials in the region assure that no mailing or information letters were organized. However, they note the haste of the managers: in July-August, an employee from each institution must undergo training and by the first of October enter personal data for all students into the system, since by the end of November the base throughout Russia must be ready. The first step is to fill in the personal data of students and study plans. The program itself is very comprehensive: it even includes electronic diaries/electronic magazines. In the future, there will be a complete abandonment of paper media.

It's not just parents who are concerned about the Contingent system.

At the federal level, the implementation of the Contingent IS system is carried out by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation based on government approved Concepts for creating a Unified Federal Interdepartmental System for Student Registration.

The Ministry of Education believes that the creation of the AIS “Contingent” will improve “the efficiency of making management decisions related to the development of children’s education, healthcare, social security, as well as other areas focused on working with children.”

(illustration by Ivan-Chai)

The implementation of the AIS “Contingent” is carried out in three stages:

At the first stage must be entered into the system by the educational organization

1) personal data of the child
(full name, date and place of birth, gender, SNILS, citizenship, details of a birth certificate or other identification document, registration address/actual place of residence/stay)

2) personal data of parents/legal representatives
(full name, date of birth, SNILS, citizenship, details of the identity document).

At the second stage Additional specific information will be added
(Health data: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, the need for an adaptive training program, the need for long-term treatment),

It is noteworthy that the IS CONTINGENT, which contains all the personal data for all 28 million Russian children and their parents, is not created by government agencies.

No one knows what responsibility for the security of data storage is provided for by motley regional LLCs, OJSCs, and CJSCs, to which, within the framework of public-private partnerships, huge amounts of personal data are transferred.

adopted on Wednesday by the State Duma in the second and third readings, which introduces into the legal field the state system “Unified Federal Interdepartmental System for Accounting for Students in Basic and Additional Educational Programs,” its regional segments, as well as a number of other information systems in the field of education.

As stated in the bill, state information systems “Study Contingent” of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the federal information system “Study Contingent” are created to ensure state guarantees of the realization of the right to education, citizens’ access to information about educational organizations, management of the education system, provision of state and municipal services .

Regional systems must collect and store information about educational organizations, about the provision of state and municipal services in the field of education, about children subject to education in basic general education programs (including preschool education), about the required number of places for children, about the student population, information about the intermediate and final certification of students, about their achievements in educational activities, as well as provide access to this information.

According to the document, the federal segment, based on data from regional systems and other systems, will generate generalized information and provide access to it, as well as create appropriate classifiers.

Responsibility for the creation and operation of the federal segment of the system rests with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

The specific list of information that must be stored and transmitted to the federal level, the list of bodies and organizations authorized to transmit and receive this information, the procedures and timing of its transmission and receipt, processing, storage, and access to it are determined by the government of the Russian Federation.

Regional executive authorities, in turn, will be able to determine additional information that should be stored in regional systems.

Centralized information about all children in Russia and their parents through the Contingent system will go into the hands of private businesses and will be collected without parental consent.

The experience of the pilot regions has shown that parents will not know what data has been collected on their children and family: parents will not receive access to the “Contingent” information base.

The Human Rights Center "Ivan Chai" received a letter from one mother:

"Please, help me figure it out. The child brought from art school a consent to the processing of personal data in the interdepartmental information system "Contingent", which I need to sign. Having studied the information about this system to the best of my ability, I came to the conclusion that providing such consent poses a security threat families.

Tell me, do I have the right not to sign this consent and what legal consequences may such a refusal entail?

Yesterday in the office of the art school, in response to my remark about my reluctance to sign the consent, they said: “We understand...”. In this regard, I concluded that it seemed that I was not the only one, and they sent me to the director. The director was not there. The question remains open."

Two days later - another letter from her:

“To be continued. Today my daughter brought the application form from secondary school. Nothing is mentioned there about the “Contingent,” but everyone asks for information - right down to the place of birth of the parents.

It is not clear to me how this can help in organizing the educational process.

I called the teacher, she clarified that yes, this information is for the “Contingent”. She said, like you, that you can refuse, but there will be problems with participation in olympiads and passing the Unified State Exam.

My daughter - okay, she’s in 3rd grade, I hope to give up for now, but over time, maybe this whole “Contingent” will collapse. But my son is in 11th grade. I look forward with trepidation to similar papers from his school. Although, perhaps, I had already signed everything that the collectors needed, I haven’t thought about it yet.

I did not find our city in the list of pilot regions of the IP Contingent, but I see that “Contingent” began to be feverishly implemented starting in September.

First I heard about this from my husband - he works at a sports school. And last week they gave my daughter a consent form to sign at an art school, now at a general education school. Thank you very much for your feedback, I just feel like I’m in a vacuum, I don’t see like-minded people yet and there’s very little information about this beast on the Internet.

In general, I want to write that I agree only to non-automated data processing. Then act according to the situation."

By the way, the same mother wrote that her third-grader daughter was examined at school by a gynecologist without her consent, after which she was forced to write a refusal of medical intervention. But this is a lyrical digression, let’s return to the topic.

There are many reasons to once again raise the topic of creating a unified interdepartmental database “Contingent” for all children in Russia. The main thing is that the IS "Contingent" from a seemingly fantastic project of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has turned into reality.

This is confirmed by draft law No. 1048557-6 “On the creation of the state system “Unified federal interdepartmental system for recording the number of students in basic and additional educational programs”, which has been in the State Duma since April 2016 and has already been adopted in the first reading on June 10, 2016. and tenders held in the regions, and letters from the regions, and a single website of the system, and alarming information from employees in the education sector.

The Editorial Board of RIA "Ivan Chai" received information from one of the leaders in the education sector of one of the regions of Russia in the summer of 2016:

“I am sending you a letter, in my opinion, with very important insider information regarding the personal data of all children under 18 years of age in the Russian Federation.

Yesterday, an interdepartmental meeting was held in the city for the heads of correctional boarding schools, vocational education institutions, and the penitentiary service. Topic: implementation of the “Contingent” database for registering children under 18 years of age.

The program is federal. Locally, the performer is selected by auction. In our region, the State University "...." is responsible for the technical side, and the Institute for Advanced Studies is responsible for the "filling".

As the Deputy Minister of Education of the region V., who chaired the meeting, said, the base has already been implemented in preschool education.

Next in line are state educational organizations and municipal schools (meeting today). The Deputy Minister referred to the Government Resolution and the order of the President of the Russian Federation (he did not name the number).

Even stranger: when at the end of the meeting the director of one college asked to send everyone an information letter, he was refused...

As always, everything is very rushed: in July-August, an employee from each institution must undergo training and by 01.09. Enter personal data for all students into the system.

As far as I understand, the deadline for the Russian Federation is November 30, 2016.

To begin with, we are talking about the personal data of students, curricula/work programs. The program itself is very comprehensive: it even includes electronic diaries/electronic magazines. In the future, there will be a complete abandonment of paper media.

These are the pies..."

So it is obvious that it is not only parents who are concerned about the Contingent system.

At the federal level, the implementation of the IS system "Contingent" is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Government-approved Concept for the creation of a Unified federal interdepartmental system for recording the student population.

The Ministry of Education believes that the creation of the AIS “Contingent” will improve “the efficiency of making management decisions related to the development of children’s education, healthcare, social security, as well as other areas focused on working with children.”

The implementation of the AIS “Contingent” is carried out in three stages:

At the first stage, the educational organization must enter into the system

1) personal data of the child

(full name, date and place of birth, gender, SNILS, citizenship, details of a birth certificate or other identification document, registration address/actual place of residence/stay)

2) personal data of parents/legal representatives

(full name, date of birth, SNILS, citizenship, details of the identity document).

At the second stage, additional special information will be entered

(Health data: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, the need for an adaptive training program, the need for long-term treatment),

It is noteworthy that the IS CONTINGENT, which contains all the personal data for all 28 million Russian children and their parents, is not created by government agencies.

No one knows what responsibility for the security of data storage is provided for by motley regional LLCs, OJSCs, and CJSCs, to which, within the framework of public-private partnerships, huge amounts of personal data are transferred.

What security guarantees these firms can provide is also unknown.

For example, for Tomsk, the Contingent IS will be developed and implemented by OJSC Rostelecom.

In Perm, in the tender for the PROVISION OF SERVICES FOR CREATION OF A SUBSYSTEM CONTENT OF AN INTEGRATED INFORMATION SYSTEM OF EDUCATION, advantages were given to “small businesses and socially oriented NPOs.”

The tender was won by the Perm company ZAO "BIONT", the form of ownership is private. For the creation of the “Contingent” database for the Perm region, this company, created in 2012, will receive 8 million 400 thousand budget rubles.

As the website of Perm school No. 59 reports in the Presentation for parents, “parents and teachers do not have access to the Contingent database.”

Moreover, on the website of Perm Lyceum No. 9, in clarifications from 2015, there is information that in the near future, parents’ consent to provide personal data of their children to the “Contingent” will no longer be needed. They will simply be REQUIRED to provide all the information:

"At the federal level, a package of regulatory documents and changes to federal legislation is being prepared, which will be adopted in the spring of 2016, OBLIGING parents/legal representatives to provide personal data on children and parents to the regional educational system."

And why consent? Already now Deputy Head of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications of the city of Penza A.L. Seknin. assures in response to a request for consent to the provision and processing of personal data that consent is not required.

"According to clause 2, part 1, article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” processing of personal data without the consent of the subject is permitted if it is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or law , to implement and fulfill the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the operator.

Thus, if an educational institution processes personal data to the extent and in cases provided for by the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the operator is not required to obtain consent to process personal data."

In all regions of Russia, regional ministries and education departments have long been involved in the formation of the Contingent IS base.

Thus, in Moscow, by Order of the Moscow Department of Education dated December 4, 2015 No. 3511 “On assigning educational organizations to microdistricts (territories) of the city of Moscow,” all city streets are assigned to specific schools on a territorial basis. These schools are “responsible” for collecting data about children from their assigned streets for the “Contingent” IS.

Login to the Moscow Contingent system is password-protected and does not provide outsiders with the opportunity to register: contingent.mos.ru

We see that similar work is being carried out simultaneously in all regions.

The following regulatory documents are considered the basis for the implementation of AIS "Contingent" in Russia:

1) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 N 584 “On the use of the federal state information system “Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form”,

2) Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”,

5) Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2014 N 2125-r “The concept of creating a unified federal interdepartmental system for recording the student population in basic educational programs and additional general education programs”

The Contingent information system should be launched by the end of 2016 throughout Russia. The giant digital flywheel has been launched, and it can no longer be stopped. It is difficult to predict what it will lead to in the future. After all, a full-fledged digital dossier has already been started today for every future adult citizen of our country.

In conclusion, I recalled the words of the notorious Edward Snowden with his famous phrase that “the future generation will have no idea about the secrets of private life.”

“They know your faith, who you love, who you care about,” Snowden said. “The lack of citizen engagement in their privacy and weak citizen control over government are serious problems.”

Snowden wants to create a surveillance-free society for future generations. But the Big Brother whistleblower has not yet offered any methods. All we have to do is wait... Or get used to it right away?

Anna Kislichenko

Previously on the same topic: Database of all Russian children CONTINGENT

At the level of regions, municipalities or individual educational institutions, there are functional systems where children are registered, reports are generated for the federal level, and various services operate: electronic queues, diaries, magazines, etc. AIS “Contingent” does not take away functions from them and does not compete with them. Regional segments of the AIS “Contingent” aggregate information from functional systems in relation to the portfolio of each student and transmit data to the federal segment in accordance with the unified functional and technical requirements (UFTT), approved by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

What do you think about the “Contingent” information database for all Russian children?

Suddenly adopted by the State Duma on December 21 in the second and third readings, despite the active opposition of a number of Orthodox public and parent organizations.

Draft Federal Law No. 1048557-6 "On Amendments to Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law "On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", providing for the creation of a state system "Unified Federal Interdepartmental Accounting System contingent of students in basic and additional educational programs" - this is a sabotage against the future of Russia. He poses a real threat to the lives of our children, our families and the national security of Russia.

In relations with government and commercial structures, this unique digital code replaces the name given to a person in Holy Baptism in honor of his Heavenly patron. Such an action is nothing more than a spiritual, mystical act. By accepting and using the identifier, a person allows his name to be replaced by a combination of numbers, in other words, he accepts a new numerical name that is inextricably linked with the human being himself. For an Orthodox person this is unacceptable. All troubles begin with the adoption and use of SNILS. Let us remember the words of Father Kirill (Pavlov): “Assigning numbers to people is an atheistic, sinful thing. Because when God created man, He gave him a name. Naming a person is God's Will. All the millennia that have passed since that time, people have used names. And now, instead of a name, a person is assigned a number. How and why this is done leaves no doubt about the sinfulness and atheistic nature of this matter. Therefore, there is no need to participate in this matter, but to resist it as much as possible.”

If assigning a number to a person is an atheistic and sinful thing, then accepting and using a number by a person is no less atheistic and sinful!

Every citizen can write an appeal against the forced assignment of SNILS.

Sadly, in Russia they are still trying to implement projects related to the construction of a global information society, in which sovereign states are destroyed and people are likened to goods. However, it is not too late to speak out against this godless cause. The Lord is not yet completely angry.

In connection with the adoption of the unconstitutional law on the “Study Contingent” system, we must intensify the pressure on crafty figures who have threatened the rights and freedoms of citizens, the lives of our children and are undermining the foundations of the national security of our country.

Full commissioning of the Contingent system is scheduled for 2022.

Under no circumstances should you relax!

God willing, everything will work out like with the ill-fated UEC, the issue of which was legally canceled on January 1, 2017.

“Do not quench the spirit. Do not disparage prophecies. Try everything, hold on to the good. Abstain from all kinds of evil” (1 Thess. 5:19-22); “Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but also reprove” (Eph. 5:11), the Word of God teaches us.

First of all, based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the National Security Strategy and the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, contact the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the FSB of Russia.

Secondly, it is necessary to demand that Federal Law No. 1048557-6 “On Amendments to Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law “On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” be declared invalid.”

It should also be recalled that the Russian Orthodox Church and the State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation are categorically against forcing citizens to accept and use any personal identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, and personal confidential information.

Speaking in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in January 2015 as part of the III Christmas Parliamentary Meetings, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' stated on behalf of many Russian citizens: “The use of automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, especially confidential information, should only be carried out on a voluntary basis. With reference to the fact that this is convenient for bureaucrats, these technologies cannot be completely implemented! Each of us may find ourselves enslaved by these technologies, under total control. And if for someone my words do not sound relevant now, believe me, after some time these words can become relevant for each of us. Therefore, leaving the possibility of an alternative, we always leave the possibility of getting out of such total control.”

The Russian Orthodox Church firmly insists on the exclusive voluntary participation of citizens in new forms of personal identification and authentication and recognizes the right of a person to refuse to use technologies that contradict his religious and other beliefs.

The State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation gives the same conclusion: “Any forms of forcing people to use electronic personal identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, personal confidential information are unacceptable” (response of the State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill - Letter dated January 22, 2014 No. A6-403).

How long will Russia be ruled by representatives of the “fifth column” and their overseas masters, pushing anti-constitutional, anti-human laws, and deputies and senators will automatically sign them without even looking!?

If the Lord wills, in the near future specialists from the Movement “For the right to live without TIN, personal codes and microchips” and the “Union of Orthodox Lawyers” will prepare appropriate Appeals, which will need to be sent to the specified addresses.

Valery Pavlovich Filimonov, Russian writer, specialist in the field of cybernetics and control systems

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