China road map. China map

China is located in East Asia and is the largest country in terms of population and the third largest country in the world in terms of area (about 9.6 million sq. km). The eastern coast of the People's Republic of China is washed by three seas (Yellow, East China and South China) and the Korean Gulf. In the north, temperatures in winter range around -2°C and in summer around +21°C. Temperatures in southern latitudes in winter are about +10 - +12°C, and in summer about +30°C. Tourists will find the following information useful: 90% of the country's population is Chinese, the official language is Chinese, power supply voltage: 110 V, 220 V, a visa is required to enter China, which can only be obtained at the Chinese embassy. For many tourists, it might be a good idea to stock up on this map in Chinese:

The best time to travel to northern China is late spring or early autumn, and the best time to travel to southern China is the beginning of winter.
China is a rapidly developing country in which production is growing rapidly. The quality of many Chinese goods can no longer be called bad. If you are planning to relax in this country, choose your vacation spot very carefully. China is a very different country. There is everything there - from unassuming industrial zones to mountain landscapes of extraordinary purity and beauty.

China is a country that is ideal for tourist travel. Coming here, it’s like you’re on another planet. The pristine nature and overpopulated megacities with their huge skyscrapers are so harmoniously combined here. Being the third largest country in the world, with a huge cultural history, the Celestial Empire is able to charm and amaze any traveler.

China on the world map

The lands of this country are located in eastern Asia, having developed a colossal territory measuring 9.6 square kilometers. In addition to the mainland, the republic owns the island province of Hainan and some small islands. The coasts of the countries face the seas: Chinese (Southern and Eastern) and from the Eastern part to the Yellow. Two great rivers, the Yellow River and the River, flow through its lands, originating in the depths of the Tibetan mountains. China has common borders with the following states: DPRK in the Northeast; Russian Federation in the North-East and North-West; Mongolia in the North; Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Bhutan in the South; Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Nepal in the West; Kazakhstan in the North-Western direction.

Maps of the People's Republic of China

The administrative division of the state has three levels: volosts, provinces and autonomous regions. However, in fact, China considers local government to be five-level: province, district, district, township and village

  1. The province (urban district) has 22 units, the 23rd unofficially accepted by Taiwan. The provinces also include autonomous regions of 5 units and 4 municipalities.
  2. District (prefecture) of a city with adjacent agricultural lands.
  3. A county is a provincial rural unit. As of 2017, there were about 2,850 counties.
  4. Volost. Villages and territories where national minorities live. There are about 40,000 volosts.
  5. Village. It is governed by a village committee and has no role in the country's executive branch.

A detailed map of China with cities and districts will tell you how geographically they are distributed.

Physical card

On this map you can more carefully examine the territorial division of the state by levels of local government and population. As well as lands disputed by the Republic with other countries for the right of ownership.

Provincial China

Map of China with provinces are impressive administrative territories. The basis of statehood and governance. Special administrative districts, cities of centralized subordination, autonomous regions, provinces, all these are the largest territories of economic importance that help the authorities competently and reliably govern the country.

The state border between our countries took its final form in 2005, after lengthy territorial disputes that ended in favor of the PRC. The total length is 4209 km, has both land and water sections on the Argun, Amur and Ussuri rivers.

If you are going to the Middle Kingdom, on a tourist or business trip, you should definitely purchase a new map of China in Russian in advance. It will help you navigate and explore this amazing country more deeply.

The official name of China is the People's Republic of China. The state is located on the Pacific coast of East Asia. In terms of the number of inhabitants, it has no equal on the planet. Population: about 1.38 billion people. This is a multinational state. China occupies a large territory and has the fourth largest area on the planet. A detailed map of China gives a more complete picture of the features of the PRC.

China on the world map: geography, nature and climate

China is located in the center of East Asia. Area – 9.6 sq. km. In addition to lands on the mainland, he owns Fr. Hainan and several small islands. In the northeast there is a border with North Korea, with Russia in the northeast and in the northwest. The northern border shares China with Mongolia. Neighbors in the south are Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, and Bhutan. In the west - Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Nepal. In the northwest is Kazakhstan.


Pacific seas:

  • South China,
  • East China,
  • Yellow - washes the shores of China in the east.

China's hydro resources are enormous, and yet the country faces a shortage of fresh water. Water sources are unevenly distributed. Eastern China is crossed by two major outer rivers Yellow River, Yangtze, the source of which is in Tibet. The drainage area of ​​external reservoirs accounts for 64% of the entire territory of China.

Inland rivers flow into lakes or are lost in dry lands. The outer lakes of Poyang and Taihu are filled with fresh water. Inland - salty, the largest of them is a lake Qinghai located in the west of China. There are hundreds of salt lakes in the north and west of Tibet.


The relief of China is heterogeneous and multi-level. Mountains give way to plains, fertile lands to deserts. The Tibetan Plateau, 4 thousand km high, extends to the west.

Between Tibet and the Indo-Gangetic Plain are the Himalayas. The “Heavenly Mountains” of the Tien Shan stretch in the north. To the east are the mountains of Sichuan and Central China. At their feet lie fertile, flat terrain.

The mountainous terrain is characterized by many depressions, which people use for ranching and mining. Western mountainous regions are seismically active.

On the southeastern and southern coasts, the mountains approach the water itself and form convenient harbors.

The harsh Gobi Desert is partially located in Northern China near the border with Mongolia. The physical map of China in Russian shows the country's water resources, relief features and vegetation.

Flora and fauna

Of all Asian countries, China stands out for its richness of flora and fauna. More than 6 thousand vertebrate species of animals and fish live here. Small populations of rare animals have been preserved here, including large pandas, white dolphin, red-footed ibis.

There are 32 thousand species of higher plants growing in China. Huge areas are covered with forests. Monsoon forests grow along the Pacific coast, taiga in the northern part of the country, deciduous and mixed forests in the central part up to the Qinling Ridge, and tropical forests and savannas in the southern part, making up a quarter of the country’s biological diversity.

Some plants grow only in China, these are false larch, metasequoia, fir. The arid regions of western China are distinguished by the monotony of their flora. The predominant vegetation is grasses and shrubs.


China on the world map is located within different climatic zones: from subtropical to sharply continental. The main part falls in the temperate climate zone. In summer the air becomes hot, and in winter it cools down so much that frosts often occur.

On the southern coast, the weather is determined by the monsoons. Winters are cold and almost without precipitation, summers are hot and rainy. In the northern part of the country, the temperature drops in winter to -38 0 C, in summer the average temperature is +20 0 C. In the south, the average winter temperature is -10 0 C, in summer - 28 0 C.

More precipitation is observed in the southeast; due to low precipitation, deserts have formed in the northwest.

Map of China with cities. Administrative division of the country

Administrative units are divided into levels:

  • Provincial level.
  • District level.
  • District (city level).
  • Volost (village) level.
  • Village level.

Provincial represent 5 autonomous regions(Guangxi Zhuang, Tibetan, Ningxia Hui, Xinjiang Uyghur, Inner Mongolia), 22 provinces And 4 municipalities. It also includes Hong Kong and Macau, which are considered special areas. They govern urban units at the district and city levels.

Official China considers the island of Taiwan (Catayan Republic) to be the 23rd province.

Most cities consist of a center and other settlements: smaller towns and villages. Among them there are 4 centrally subordinate cities or municipalities: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. An online map of China with cities in Russian will allow you to get acquainted with the location of settlements and create a travel route.


The capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing, is located in the northwest of the North China Plain. Population: 17,311,896 inhabitants. The metropolis is surrounded by mountains in the north and west, descending to the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea in the southwest. The climate here is dominated by a continental climate with hot, rainy summers and cold, dry winters. The average winter temperature is -6 0 C, summer - +25 0 C.


Shanghai is a major port of China, located in the river delta. Yangtze. Population: 24,180,000 inhabitants. Shanghai has a flat terrain. The monsoon climate reigns here: the average annual temperature is +15 0 C. Summer lasts 110 days, the temperature during this period reaches +28 0 C. The coast of the East China Sea stretches in the east of Shanghai, and the coast is washed by Hangzhouwan Bay in the south.


The city is located on the banks of the river. Haihe in Northern China, 96 km from the capital. It is the third largest city in China with a population of 15,470,000 inhabitants. The terrain is flat, with low rocky formations in the suburbs. Tianjin is located in a continental climate with sharp temperature changes. Seasons have clear boundaries. The average annual temperature is 12 0 C. The distance to the sea coast is 50 km.

Well, there are so many articles about China, but there is no map yet.

Therefore, today we correct and publish.

Detailed map of China, with all settlements, in Russian.

And not just one, but three :)

Use it for whoever needs it.

Interactive map of China

Below is an interactive map of China in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where China is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at China from a satellite if you click on the “Show satellite map” switch in the lower left corner of the map.

And two more maps of China. To see each map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

Physical map of China

Map of China with cities

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of China, which you can always use to find an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

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