What Peter 1 wrote. The first years of the reign of Peter I

Peter I was born on May 30, 1672, the 14th child of Alexei Mikhailovich, but the first-born of his wife, Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina. Peter was baptized in the Chudov Monastery.

Alexey Mikhailovich ordered the measures to be removed from the newborn - and an icon of the same size to be painted. Simon Ushakov painted an icon for the future emperor. On one side of the icon the face of the Apostle Peter was depicted, on the other the Trinity.

Natalya Naryshkina loved her firstborn very much and cherished him very much. The baby was entertained with rattles and harps, and he was drawn to toy soldiers and skates.

When Peter turned three years old, the Tsar Father gave him a children's sabre. At the end of 1676, Alexei Mikhailovich died. Peter's half-brother Fyodor ascends the throne. Fyodor was concerned that Peter was not being taught to read and write, and asked Naryshkina to devote more time to this component of training. A year later, Peter began to actively study.

He was assigned a clerk, Nikita Moiseevich Zotov, as his teacher. Zotov was a kind and patient man, he quickly fell into the good graces of Peter I, who did not like to sit still. He loved to climb in attics and fight with archers and noble children. Zotov brought good books to his student from the armory.

From early childhood, Peter I began to be interested in history, military art, geography, loved books and, already being Emperor of the Russian Empire, dreamed of compiling a book on the history of his fatherland; He himself composed the alphabet, which was easy on the tongue and easy to remember.

Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich died in 1682. He did not leave a will. After his death, only two brothers Peter I and Ivan could claim the throne. The paternal brothers had different mothers, representatives of different noble families. Having secured the support of the clergy, the Naryshkins elevated Peter I to the throne, and Natalya Kirillovna was made ruler. The relatives of Ivan and Princess Sophia, the Miloslavskys, were not going to put up with this state of affairs.

The Miloslavskys organize a Streltsy riot in Moscow. On May 15, a Streltsy uprising took place in Moscow. The Miloslavskys started a rumor that Tsarevich Ivan had been killed. Dissatisfied with this, the archers moved to the Kremlin. In the Kremlin, Natalya Kirillovna came out to them with Peter I and Ivan. Despite this, the archers rampaged in Moscow for several days, robbed and killed, they demanded that the feeble-minded Ivan be crowned king. And Sofya Alekseevna became the regent of the two young kings.

Ten-year-old Peter I witnessed the horrors of the Streltsy riot. He began to hate the Streltsy, who aroused in him rage, a desire to avenge the death of loved ones and the tears of his mother. During the reign of Sophia, Peter I and his mother lived almost all the time in Preobrazhenskoye, Kolomenskoye and Semenovskoye villages, only occasionally traveling to Moscow to participate in official receptions.

Natural curiosity, quickness of mind, and strength of character led Peter to a passion for military affairs. He arranges “war fun”. “War fun” is semi-childish games in palace villages. Forms amusing regiments, which recruit teenagers from noble and peasant families. “Military fun” eventually grew into real military exercises. Amusing regiments soon became adults. The Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments became an impressive military force, superior to the Streltsy army in military affairs. In those same young years, Peter I came up with the idea of ​​a fleet.

He gets acquainted with shipbuilding on the Yauza River, and then on Lake Pleshcheyeva. Foreigners living in the German Settlement played a large role in Peter’s military fun. The Swiss Frans Lefort and the Scot Patrick Gordon will have a special position in the military system of the Russian state under Peter I. Many like-minded people gather around young Peter, who will become his close associates in life.

He becomes close to Prince Romodanovsky, who fought with the archers; Fedor Apraksin - future admiral general; Alexei Menshikov, future field marshal of the Russian army. At the age of 17, Peter I married Evdokia Lopukhina. A year later, he cooled down to her and began to spend more time with Anna Mons, the daughter of a German merchant.

Coming of age and marriage gave Peter I full right to the royal throne. In August 1689, Sophia provoked a Streltsy uprising directed against Peter I. He took refuge in the Trinity - Sergeyev Lavra. Soon the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments approached the monastery. Patriarch of All Rus' Joachim also took his side. The mutiny of the Streltsy was suppressed, its leaders were subjected to repression. Sophia was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent, where she died in 1704. Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn was sent into exile.

Peter I began to independently govern the state, and with the death of Ivan, in 1696, he became the sole ruler. At first, the sovereign took little part in state affairs; he was passionate about military affairs. The burden of governing the country fell on the shoulders of the mother's relatives - the Naryshkins. In 1695, the independent reign of Peter I began.

He was obsessed with the idea of ​​access to the sea, and now the 30,000-strong Russian army, under the command of Sheremetyev, goes on a campaign against the Ottoman Empire. Peter I is an epoch-making personality, under him Russia became an Empire, and the Tsar became an Emperor. He pursued an active foreign and domestic policy. The priority of foreign policy was to gain access to the Black Sea. To achieve these goals, Russia participated in the Azov campaigns and the Northern War.

In domestic policy, Peter I made many changes. He went down in Russian history as a reformer tsar. His reforms were timely, although they killed Russian identity. It was possible to carry out military reforms, administrative reform, social reform, carried out transformations in trade and industry, and changed the taxation system. Many praise the personality of Peter I, calling him the most successful ruler of Russia. But history has many faces; in the life of each historical character you can find both good and bad sides. Peter I died in 1725, in terrible agony after a long illness. He was buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. After him, his wife, Catherine I, sat on the throne.

Studying the topic “Personality of Peter 1” is important for understanding the essence of the reforms he carried out in Russia. Indeed, in our country, it was often the character, personal qualities and education of the sovereign that determined the main line of socio-political development. The reign of this king covers a fairly long period of time: in 1689 (when he finally removed his sister Sophia from government affairs) and until his death in 1725.

General characteristics of the era

Consideration of the question of when Peter 1 was born should begin with an analysis of the general historical situation in Russia at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century. This was the time when the preconditions for serious and profound political, economic, social and cultural changes were ripe in the country. Already during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, a tendency towards the penetration of Western European achievements into the country was clearly noted. Under this ruler, a number of measures were taken to transform certain aspects of public life.

Therefore, the personality of Peter 1 was formed in a situation when society already clearly understood the need for serious reforms. In this regard, it is necessary to understand that the transformative activity of the first emperor of Russia did not arise out of nowhere, it became a natural and necessary consequence of the entire previous development of the country.


Peter 1, a brief biography, whose reign and reforms are the subject of this review, was born on May 30 (June 9), 1672. The exact birthplace of the future emperor is unknown. According to the generally accepted point of view, this place was the Kremlin, but the villages of Kolomenskoye or Izmailovo are also indicated. He was the fourteenth child in the family of Tsar Alexei, but the first from his second wife, Natalya Kirillovna. on his mother's side he came from the Naryshkin family. She was the daughter of small-scale nobles, which may have subsequently predetermined their struggle with the large and influential boyar group of the Miloslavskys at court, who were relatives of the tsar through his first wife.

Peter 1 spent his childhood among nannies who did not give him a serious education. That is why until the end of his life he never learned to read and write properly and wrote with errors. However, he was a very inquisitive boy who was interested in everything, he had an inquisitive mind, which determined his interest in practical sciences. The end of the 17th century, when Peter 1 was born, was the time when European education began to spread in the highest circles of society, but the early years of the future emperor passed away from the new trends of the era.

Teenage years

The life of the prince took place in the village of Preobrazhenskoye, where he, in fact, was left to his own devices. No one was seriously involved in raising the boy, so his studies during these years were superficial. Nevertheless, the childhood of Peter 1 was very eventful and fruitful in terms of the formation of his worldview and interest in scientific and practical activities. He became seriously interested in organizing troops, for which he arranged for himself the so-called amusing regiments, which consisted of local courtyard boys, as well as the sons of small-scale nobles, whose estates were located nearby. Together with these small detachments, he took improvised bastions, organized battles and gatherings, and carried out attacks. In relation to the same time, we can say that the fleet of Peter I arose. At first it was just a small boat, but nevertheless it is considered to be the father of the Russian flotilla.

First serious steps

It has already been said above that the time when Peter 1 was born is considered to be a transitional time in the history of Russia. It was during this period that the country was in a position where all the necessary prerequisites arose for its entry into the international arena. The first steps were taken in this direction during the future emperor's trip abroad to the countries of Western Europe. Then he was able to see with his own eyes the achievements of these states in various areas of life.

Peter 1, whose short biography includes this important stage in his life, appreciated Western European achievements, primarily in technology and weapons. However, he also paid attention to the culture, education of these countries, and their political institutions. After his return to Russia, he made an attempt to modernize the administrative apparatus, the army, and legislation, which was supposed to prepare the country for entering the international arena.

The initial stage of government: the beginning of reforms

The era when Peter 1 was born was a preparatory time for major changes in our country. That is why the transformations of the first emperor were so appropriate and outlived their creator for centuries. At the very beginning of his reign, the new sovereign abolished which had been the legislative advisory body under the previous kings. Instead, he created a Senate based on Western European models. Meetings of senators to draft laws were supposed to take place there. It is significant that this was initially a temporary measure, which, however, turned out to be very effective: this institution existed until the February Revolution of 1917.

Further transformations

It has already been said above that Peter 1 on his mother’s side comes from a not very noble noble family. However, his mother was raised in the European spirit, which, of course, could not but affect the boy’s personality, although the queen herself adhered to traditional views and measures when raising her son. Nevertheless, the Tsar was inclined to transform almost all spheres of life of Russian society, which was literally an urgent need in connection with Russia's conquest of access to the Baltic Sea and the country's entry into the international arena.

And so the emperor changed the administrative apparatus: he created collegiums instead of orders, a Synod to manage church affairs. In addition, he formed a regular army, and the fleet of Peter I became one of the strongest among other naval powers.

Features of transformation activities

The main goal of the emperor's reign was the desire to reform those areas that were necessary for him to solve the most important tasks when conducting combat operations on several fronts at once. He himself obviously assumed that these changes would be temporary. Most modern historians agree that the ruler did not have any pre-thought-out program of activities to reform the country. Many experts believe that he acted based on specific needs.

The significance of the emperor's reforms for his successors

However, the phenomenon of his reforms lies precisely in the fact that these seemingly temporary measures outlived their creator for a long time and existed almost unchanged for two centuries. Moreover, his successors, for example, Catherine II, were largely guided by his achievements. This suggests that the ruler’s reforms came to the right place and at the right time. The life of Peter 1 was, in fact, dedicated to changing and improving a variety of areas in society. He was interested in everything new, however, when borrowing the achievements of the West, he first of all thought about how this would benefit Russia. That is why his transformative activities for a long time served as an example for reforms during the reign of other emperors.

Relationships with others

When describing the character of the tsar, one should never forget which boyar family Peter 1 belonged to. On his mother’s side, he came from a not very well-born nobility, which, most likely, determined his interest not in nobility, but in a person’s merits to the fatherland and his skills serve. The emperor valued not rank and title, but the specific talents of his subordinates. This speaks of Pyotr Alekseevich’s democratic approach to people, despite his stern and even harsh character.

Mature years

In the last years of his life, the emperor sought to consolidate the successes achieved. But here he had serious problems with the heir. subsequently had a very bad effect on political governance and led to serious difficulties in the country. The fact is that Peter's son, Tsarevich Alexei, went against his father, not wanting to continue his reforms. In addition, the king had serious problems in his family. Nevertheless, he made sure to consolidate the successes achieved: he took the title of emperor, and Russia became an empire. This step raised the international prestige of our country. In addition, Pyotr Alekseevich achieved recognition of Russia's access to the Baltic Sea, which was of fundamental importance for the development of trade and the fleet. Subsequently, his successors continued the policy in this direction. Under Catherine II, for example, Russia gained access to the Black Sea. The emperor died as a result of complications from a cold and did not have time to draw up a will before his death, which led to the emergence of numerous pretenders to the throne and repeated palace coups.

Reading time: 8 min

Peter I is a great Russian emperor and an incredibly attractive and creative personality, so interesting facts from the biography of the tsar of the Romanov dynasty will be of interest to everyone. I will try to tell you something that is definitely impossible to find in any school textbooks.

According to the new style, Peter the Great was born on June 8, according to the zodiac sign - Gemini. It is not surprising that it was Peter the Great who became an innovator for the conservative Russian Empire. Gemini is an air sign, which is characterized by ease in decision-making, a sharp mind and amazing imagination. Only the “horizon of expectation” usually does not justify itself: the rough reality is too different from the blue dreams.

An unusual fact about the character of Peter the Great

According to calculations of the Pythagorean square, the character of Peter 1 consists of three units, which means that the emperor had a calm character. It is believed that a person with three or four units is most suitable for working in government agencies.

For example, a person with one or five or six units has a despotic character and is ready to “go over their heads” for the sake of power. So, Peter the Great had all the prerequisites for occupying the royal throne.

Is he the heir?

There is an opinion that Peter the Great is not the natural son of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. The fact is that the future emperor was in good health, unlike his brother Fyodor and sister Natalya. But this is just a guess. But the birth of Peter was predicted by Simeon of Polotsk, he informed the sovereign that he would soon have a son, who would go down in Russian history as a great almighty!

But the Emperor’s wife, Catherine I, was of peasant origin. By the way, this is the first woman who was aware of all government affairs. Peter discussed everything with her and listened to any advice.


Peter the Great introduced many new ideas into Russian life.

  • While traveling in Holland, I noticed that skating is much more convenient if they are not tied to shoes, but are tightly attached to special boots.
  • To prevent the soldiers from confusing right and left, Peter I ordered hay to be tied to the left leg and straw to the right. During drill training, the commander, instead of the usual “right - left”, commanded “hay - straw”. By the way, previously only educated people were able to distinguish between right and left.
  • Peter intensively struggled with drunkenness, especially among the courtiers. To completely eradicate the disease, he came up with his own system: giving out seven-kilogram cast-iron medals for every binge. This award was hung around your neck at the police station and you had to wear it for at least 7 days! It was impossible to remove it on your own, and asking someone else was dangerous.
  • Peter I was impressed by the beauty of overseas tulips; he brought flower bulbs from Holland to Russia in 1702.

Peter I's favorite pastime was dentistry; he took such interest in pulling out diseased teeth from anyone who asked. But sometimes he got so carried away that he could vomit even healthy ones!

Substitution of Peter I

The most unusual and interesting fact in Russian history. Researchers A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky claim that there was a substitution and provide significant evidence to confirm it. In those days, the names of the future heirs to the throne were given in accordance with the day of the angel and the Orthodox canons, and this is where a discrepancy emerged: the birthday of Peter the Great falls in the name Isaac.

From his youth, Peter the Great was distinguished by his love for everything Russian: he wore a traditional caftan. But after a two-year stay in Europe, the sovereign began to wear exclusively fashionable European clothes and never again put on his once beloved Russian caftan.

  • Researchers claim that the impostor who returned from distant countries had a body structure different from Peter the Great. The impostor turned out to be taller and thinner. It is believed that Peter 1 was not actually two meters tall before; this is logical, because his father’s height was 170 cm, his grandfather - 167. And the king who came from Europe was 204 cm. Therefore, there is a version that the impostor did not wear the king's favorite clothing due to the discrepancy in size.
  • Peter I had a mole on his nose, but after his stay in Europe, the mole mysteriously disappeared, this is confirmed by numerous portraits of the sovereign.
  • When Peter returned from a campaign abroad, he did not know where the oldest library of Ivan the Terrible was located, although the secret of its location was passed down from generation to generation. Princess Sophia constantly visited her, and the new Peter could not find the repository of rare publications.
  • When Peter returned from Europe, his entourage consisted of Dutchmen, although when the tsar just set off on his journey there was a Russian embassy of 20 people with him. Where 20 Russian subjects went during the two years of the Tsar’s stay in Europe remains a mystery.
  • After arriving in Russia, Peter the Great tried to avoid his relatives and associates, and then got rid of everyone in different ways.

It was the archers who announced that the returning Peter was an impostor! And they staged a riot, which was brutally suppressed. This is very strange, because only those close to the tsar were selected for the Streltsy troops, the title of Streltsy was inherited with the confirmation of the tsar.

Therefore, each of these people was definitely dear to Peter the Great before his trip to Europe, and now he suppressed the uprising in the most brutal way; according to historical data, 20 thousand people were killed. After this, the army was completely reorganized.

In addition, while in London, Peter the Great imprisoned his wife Lopukhina in a monastery without announcing the reason and took as his wife the peasant woman Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya-Kruse, who in the future would become Empress Catherine I.

Researchers note that the calm and fair Peter the Great became a real despot after returning from a campaign abroad.

All his orders were aimed at destroying Russian heritage: Russian history was rewritten by German professors, many Russian chronicles disappeared without a trace, a new chronology system was introduced, the abolition of customary measures of measurement, repressions against the clergy, the eradication of Orthodoxy, the spread of alcohol, tobacco and coffee, the ban on growing medicinal amaranth and much more.

Is this really so, one can only guess; all the historical documents of those times that we have cannot be considered valid, because everything was rewritten many times. We can only guess and assume; you can also watch a film on this topic.

In any case, Peter I is a significant figure in Russian history.

Peter the Great was born on May 30 (June 9), 1672 in Moscow. In the biography of Peter 1, it is important to note that he was the youngest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his second marriage to Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina. From the age of one he was raised by nannies. And after the death of his father, at the age of four, his half-brother and new Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich became Peter’s guardian.

From the age of 5, little Peter began to be taught the alphabet. The clerk N. M. Zotov gave him lessons. However, the future king received a weak education and was not literate.

Rise to power

In 1682, after the death of Fyodor Alekseevich, 10-year-old Peter and his brother Ivan were proclaimed kings. But in fact, their elder sister, Princess Sofya Alekseevna, took over the management.
At this time, Peter and his mother were forced to move away from the yard and move to the village of Preobrazhenskoye. Here Peter 1 developed an interest in military activities; he created “amusing” regiments, which later became the basis of the Russian army. He is interested in firearms and shipbuilding. He spends a lot of time in the German settlement, becomes a fan of European life, and makes friends.

In 1689, Sophia was removed from the throne, and power passed to Peter I, and the management of the country was entrusted to his mother and uncle L.K. Naryshkin.

Rule of the Tsar

Peter continued the war with Crimea and took the fortress of Azov. Further actions of Peter I were aimed at creating a powerful fleet. Peter I's foreign policy at that time was focused on finding allies in the war with the Ottoman Empire. For this purpose, Peter went to Europe.

At this time, the activities of Peter I consisted only of creating political unions. He studies shipbuilding, structure, and culture of other countries. Returned to Russia after news of the Streltsy mutiny. As a result of the trip, he wanted to change Russia, for which several innovations were made. For example, chronology according to the Julian calendar was introduced.

To develop trade, access to the Baltic Sea was required. So the next stage of the reign of Peter I was the war with Sweden. Having made peace with Turkey, he captured the fortress of Noteburg and Nyenschanz. In May 1703, construction of St. Petersburg began. Next year, Narva and Dorpat were taken. In June 1709, Sweden was defeated in the Battle of Poltava. Soon after the death of Charles XII, peace was concluded between Russia and Sweden. New lands were annexed to Russia, and access to the Baltic Sea was gained.

Reforming Russia

In October 1721, the title of emperor was adopted in the biography of Peter the Great.

Also during his reign, Kamchatka was annexed and the shores of the Caspian Sea were conquered.

Peter I carried out military reform several times. It mainly concerned the collection of money for the maintenance of the army and navy. It was carried out, in short, by force.

Further reforms of Peter I accelerated the technical and economic development of Russia. He carried out church reform, financial reform, transformations in industry, culture, and trade. In education, he also carried out a number of reforms aimed at mass education: he opened many schools for children and the first gymnasium in Russia (1705).

Death and legacy

Before his death, Peter I was very ill, but continued to rule the state. Peter the Great died on January 28 (February 8), 1725 from inflammation of the bladder. The throne passed to his wife, Empress Catherine I.

The strong personality of Peter I, who sought to change not only the state, but also the people, played a vital role in the history of Russia.

Cities were named after the Great Emperor after his death.

Monuments to Peter I were erected not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. One of the most famous is the Bronze Horseman in St. Petersburg.

Other biography options

  • Contemporaries and historians note that Peter I was distinguished by his tall height, more than two meters, beautiful, lively facial features and noble posture. Despite his formidable dimensions, the king still could not be called a hero - shoe size 39 and clothing size 48. Such disproportion was observed in literally everything: his shoulders were too narrow for his gigantic height, his hands and head were too small. His frequent dashing and fast walking did not save the situation. Those around him did not feel the strength and power in him. He conquered others.
  • see all

This is the third and final part of materials about Peter the Great. It will consist of three posts. In order to somehow systematize the pictures, let’s go over the biography of the emperor, taken from the “all-knowing” “WIKIPEDIA”.

The early years of Peter. 1672-1689

Peter was born on the night of May 30 (June 9), 1672 in the Terem Palace of the Kremlin (in 7180 according to the then-accepted chronology “from the creation of the world”).
The father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, had numerous offspring: Peter was the 12th child, but the first from his second wife, Tsarina Natalya Naryshkina. On June 29, on the day of Saints Peter and Paul, the prince was baptized in the Miracle Monastery (according to other sources, in the Church of Gregory of Neocaesarea, in Derbitsy, by Archpriest Andrei Savinov) and named Peter.
After spending a year with the queen, he was given to nannies to raise. In the 4th year of Peter’s life, in 1676, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich died. The Tsarevich's guardian was his half-brother, godfather and new Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Deacon N.M. Zotov taught Peter to read and write from 1677 to 1680.
The death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the accession of his eldest son Fyodor (from Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna, née Miloslavskaya) pushed Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna and her relatives, the Naryshkins, into the background. Queen Natalya was forced to go to the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.

Birth of Peter the Great.
Engraving for the illustrated History of the Russian State by N. M. Karamzin. Edition Picturesque Karamzin or Russian history in pictures, St. Petersburg, 1836.

Streletsky riot of 1682 and the rise to power of Sofia Alekseevna

On April 27 (May 7), 1682, after 6 years of gentle rule, the liberal and sickly Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich died. The question arose of who should inherit the throne: the older, sickly and feeble-minded Ivan, according to custom, or the young Peter. Having secured the support of Patriarch Joachim, the Naryshkins and their supporters enthroned Peter on April 27 (May 7), 1682.
The Miloslavskys, relatives of Tsarevich Ivan and Princess Sophia through their mother, saw in the proclamation of Peter as tsar an infringement of their interests. The Streltsy, of whom there were more than 20 thousand in Moscow, had long shown discontent and waywardness; and, apparently incited by the Miloslavskys, on May 15 (25), 1682 they came out openly: shouting that the Naryshkins had strangled Tsarevich Ivan, they moved towards the Kremlin. Natalya Kirillovna, hoping to calm the rioters, together with the patriarch and boyars, led Peter and his brother to the Red Porch. However, the uprising was not over. In the first hours, the boyars Artamon Matveev and Mikhail Dolgoruky were killed, then other supporters of Queen Natalia, including her two brothers Naryshkin.
On May 26, elected officials from the Streltsy regiments came to the palace and demanded that the elder Ivan be recognized as the first tsar, and the younger Peter as the second. Fearing a repetition of the pogrom, the boyars agreed, and Patriarch Joachim immediately performed a solemn prayer service in the Assumption Cathedral for the health of the two named kings; and on June 25 he crowned them kings.
On May 29, the archers insisted that Princess Sofya Alekseevna take over control of the state due to the minor age of her brothers. Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna was supposed to, together with her son - the second Tsar - retire from the court to a palace near Moscow in the village of Preobrazhenskoye. In the Kremlin Armory, a two-seat throne for young kings with a small window in the back was preserved, through which Princess Sophia and her entourage told them how to behave and what to say during palace ceremonies.

Alexey Korzukhin Streltsy rebellion in 1682 1882

Nikolai Dmitriev - Orenburg Streletsky revolt. 1862

Preobrazhenskoe and amusing shelves

Peter spent all his free time away from the palace - in the villages of Vorobyovo and Preobrazhenskoye. Every year his interest in military affairs increased. Peter dressed and armed his “amusing” army, which consisted of peers from boyhood games. In 1685, his “amusing” men, dressed in foreign caftans, marched in regimental formation through Moscow from Preobrazhenskoye to the village of Vorobyovo to the beat of drums. Peter himself served as a drummer.
In 1686, 14-year-old Peter started artillery with his “amusing” ones. Gunsmith Fyodor Zommer showed the Tsar grenade and firearms work.
16 guns were delivered from the Pushkarsky order. To control the heavy guns, the tsar took from the Stable Prikaz adult servants who were keen on military affairs, who were dressed in foreign-style uniforms and designated as amusing gunners. Sergei Bukhvostov was the first to put on a foreign uniform. Subsequently, Peter ordered a bronze bust of this first Russian soldier, as he called Bukhvostov. The amusing regiment began to be called Preobrazhensky, after its quartering place - the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.
In Preobrazhenskoye, opposite the palace, on the banks of the Yauza, an “amusing town” was built. During the construction of the fortress, Peter himself worked actively, helping to cut logs and install cannons. The “Most Joking, Most Drunken and Most Extravagant Council”, created by Peter, was located here - a parody of the Orthodox Church. The fortress itself was named Presburg, probably after the famous at that time Austrian fortress Presburg (now Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia), which he heard about from Captain Sommer. At the same time, in 1686, the first amusing ships appeared near Preshburg on the Yauza - a large shnyak and a plow with boats. During these years, Peter became interested in all the sciences that were related to military affairs. Under the guidance of the Dutchman Timmerman, he studied arithmetic, geometry, and military sciences.
One day, walking with Timmerman through the village of Izmailovo, Peter entered the Linen Yard, in the barn of which he found an English boot. In 1688, he instructed the Dutchman Karsten Brandt to repair, arm and equip this boat, and then lower it to the Yauza. However, the Yauza and Prosyanoy Pond turned out to be too small for the ship, so Peter went to Pereslavl-Zalessky, to Lake Pleshcheevo, where he founded the first shipyard for the construction of ships. There were already two “Amusing” regiments: Semenovsky, located in the village of Semenovskoye, was added to Preobrazhensky. Preshburg already looked like a real fortress. To command regiments and study military science, knowledgeable and experienced people were needed. But there were no such people among the Russian courtiers. This is how Peter appeared in the German settlement.

Ilya Repin Arrival of Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich to the Semenovsky amusement court, accompanied by their retinue, 1900

German settlement and Peter's first marriage

The German settlement was the closest “neighbor” of the village of Preobrazhenskoye, and Peter had been keeping an eye on its curious life for a long time. More and more foreigners at the court of Tsar Peter, such as Franz Timmermann and Karsten Brandt, came from the German Settlement. All this imperceptibly led to the fact that the tsar became a frequent visitor to the settlement, where he soon turned out to be a great admirer of relaxed foreign life. Peter lit a German pipe, began attending German parties with dancing and drinking, met Patrick Gordon, Franz Yakovlevich Lefort - Peter's future associates, and started an affair with Anna Mons. Peter's mother strictly opposed this. In order to bring her 17-year-old son to reason, Natalya Kirillovna decided to marry him to Evdokia Lopukhina, the daughter of a okolnichy.
Peter did not contradict his mother, and on January 27, 1689, the wedding of the “junior” tsar took place. However, less than a month later, Peter left his wife and went to Lake Pleshcheyevo for several days. From this marriage, Peter had two sons: the eldest, Alexei, was heir to the throne until 1718, the youngest, Alexander, died in infancy.

Preobrazhenskoe and amusing shelves (engraving)

Nikolai Nevrev Peter I in foreign attire in front of his mother Queen Natalya, Patriarch Andrian and teacher Zotov. 1903

Dmitry Kostylev Choosing a path. Peter the Great in the German settlement 2006

Accession of Peter I

Peter's activity greatly worried Princess Sophia, who understood that with the coming of age of her half-brother, she would have to give up power.
The campaigns against the Crimean Tatars, carried out in 1687 and 1689 by the princess’s favorite V.V. Golitsyn, were not very successful, but were presented as major and generously rewarded victories, which caused discontent among many.
On July 8, 1689, on the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the first public conflict occurred between the matured Peter and the Ruler. On that day, according to custom, a religious procession was held from the Kremlin to the Kazan Cathedral. At the end of the mass, Peter approached his sister and announced that she should not dare to go along with the men in the procession. Sophia accepted the challenge: she took the image of the Most Holy Theotokos in her hands and went to get the crosses and banners. Unprepared for such an outcome, Peter left the move.
On August 7, 1689, unexpectedly for everyone, a decisive event occurred. On this day, Princess Sophia ordered the chief of the archers, Fyodor Shaklovity, to send more of his people to the Kremlin, as if to escort them to the Donskoy Monastery on a pilgrimage. At the same time, a rumor spread about a letter with the news that Tsar Peter at night decided to occupy the Kremlin with his “amusing” ones, kill the princess, Tsar Ivan’s brother, and seize power. Shaklovity gathered the Streltsy regiments to march in a “great assembly” to Preobrazhenskoye and beat all of Peter’s supporters for their intention to kill Princess Sophia. Then they sent three horsemen to observe what was happening in Preobrazhenskoe with the task of immediately reporting if Tsar Peter went anywhere alone or with regiments.
Peter's supporters among the archers sent two like-minded people to Preobrazhenskoye. After the report, Peter with a small retinue galloped in alarm to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The consequence of the horrors of the Streltsy demonstrations was Peter's illness: with strong excitement, he began to have convulsive facial movements. On August 8, both queens, Natalya and Evdokia, arrived at the monastery, followed by “amusing” regiments with artillery. On August 16, a letter came from Peter, ordering commanders and 10 privates from all regiments to be sent to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Princess Sophia strictly forbade the fulfillment of this command on pain of the death penalty, and a letter was sent to Tsar Peter informing him that it was impossible to fulfill his request.
On August 27, a new letter from Tsar Peter arrived - all regiments should go to Trinity. Most of the troops obeyed the legitimate king, and Princess Sophia had to admit defeat. She herself went to the Trinity Monastery, but in the village of Vozdvizhenskoye she was met by Peter’s envoys with orders to return to Moscow. Soon Sophia was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent under strict supervision.
On October 7, Fyodor Shaklovity was captured and then executed. The elder brother, Tsar Ivan (or John), met Peter at the Assumption Cathedral and actually gave him all power. Since 1689, he did not take part in the reign, although until his death on January 29 (February 8), 1696, he continued to be a co-tsar. At first, Peter himself took little part in the board, giving powers to the Naryshkin family.

Azov campaigns. 1695-1696

The priority of Peter I in the first years of autocracy was the continuation of the war with Crimea. The first Azov campaign, which began in the spring of 1695, ended unsuccessfully in September of the same year due to the lack of a fleet and the unwillingness of the Russian army to operate far from supply bases. However, already in the winter of 1695-96, preparations for a new campaign began. The construction of a Russian rowing flotilla began in Voronezh. In a short time, a flotilla of different ships was built, led by the 36-gun ship Apostle Peter. In May 1696, a 40,000-strong Russian army under the command of Generalissimo Shein again besieged Azov, only this time the Russian flotilla blocked the fortress from the sea. Peter I took part in the siege with the rank of captain on a galley. Without waiting for the assault, on July 19, 1696 the fortress surrendered. Thus, Russia's first access to the southern seas was opened.
During the construction of the fleet and the reorganization of the army, Peter was forced to rely on foreign specialists. Having completed the Azov campaigns, he decides to send young nobles to study abroad, and soon he himself sets off on his first trip to Europe.

K. Porter Azov. Capture of the fortress

Andrey Lysenko Peter I in the forge

Yuri Kushevsky New business in Russia! Launching of the galley "Principium" at the Voronezh shipyard on April 3, 1696, 2007.

Grand Embassy. 1697-1698

In March 1697, the Grand Embassy was sent to Western Europe through Livonia, the main purpose of which was to find allies against the Ottoman Empire. Admiral General F. Ya. Lefort, General F. A. Golovin, and Head of the Ambassadorial Prikaz P. B. Voznitsyn were appointed great ambassadors plenipotentiary. In total, up to 250 people entered the embassy, ​​among whom, under the name of the sergeant of the Preobrazhensky regiment Peter Mikhailov, was Tsar Peter I himself. Peter was not officially traveling as a tsar. For the first time, the Russian Tsar undertook a trip outside his state.
Peter visited Riga, Koenigsberg, Brandenburg, Holland, England, Austria, and a visit to Venice and the Pope was planned. The embassy recruited several hundred shipbuilding specialists to Russia and purchased military and other equipment.
In addition to negotiations, Peter devoted a lot of time to studying shipbuilding, military affairs and other sciences. Peter worked as a carpenter at the shipyards of the East India Company, and with the participation of the Tsar, the ship “Peter and Paul” was built. In England, he visited a foundry, an arsenal, parliament, Oxford University, the Greenwich Observatory and the Mint, of which Isaac Newton was the caretaker at that time.
The Grand Embassy did not achieve its main goal: it was not possible to create a coalition against the Ottoman Empire due to the preparation of a number of European powers for the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). However, thanks to this war, favorable conditions developed for Russia’s struggle for the Baltic. Thus, there was a reorientation of Russian foreign policy from the southern to the northern direction.

The Great Embassy of Peter I to Europe in 1697-98. On the right is a portrait of Peter in the clothes of a sailor during his stay in the Dutch Saardam. Engravings by Marcus. 1699

Daniel Maclise Mid-19th century. Peter I in Deptford in 1698. From the collection of the London Gallery

Dobuzhinsky Mstislav Valerianovich. Peter the Great in Holland. Amsterdam, East India Company shipyards. (sketch) 1910

Return. Crucial years for Russia 1698-1700

In July 1698, the Grand Embassy was interrupted by news of a new Streltsy rebellion in Moscow, which was suppressed even before Peter’s arrival. Upon the tsar’s arrival in Moscow (August 25), a search and inquiry began, the result of which was the one-time execution of about 800 archers (except for those executed during the suppression of the riot), and subsequently several thousand more until the spring of 1699.
Princess Sophia was tonsured as a nun under the name of Susanna and sent to the Novodevichy Convent, where she spent the rest of her life. The same fate befell Peter’s unloved wife, Evdokia Lopukhina, who was forcibly sent to the Suzdal monastery even against the will of the clergy.
During his 15 months in Europe, Peter saw a lot and learned a lot. After the return of the tsar, his transformative activities began, first aimed at changing the external signs that distinguished the Old Slavic way of life from the Western European one. Immediately, at the first meeting, the close boyars lost their beards. The following year, 1699, Peter, right at the feast, cut off the traditional Russian long-skirted clothing of dignitaries with scissors. The new year 7208 according to the Russian-Byzantine calendar (“from the creation of the world”) became the 1700th year according to the Julian calendar. Peter also introduced the celebration of January 1 of the New Year.

Vasily Surikov Morning of the Streltsy execution. 1881


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