Bishop Alexander (Mileant)

Interesting facts from the life of Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky literally burst into the world with his soul-stirring, unusual poems. Handsome, powerful, broad in gestures, thoughts and feelings - this is this...

in detail / 13.03.2024
Interaction between man and the technosphere What will we do with the received material?

Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household, etc.) constantly interact with each other in the process of life...

in detail / 01.03.2024
Who was the first Russian Tsar?

“History itself speaks for us. Strong kings and states have fallen, but our Orthodox Rus' is expanding and prospering. From scattered small principalities...

in detail / 29.01.2024
The use of innovative health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions (from work experience)

The topic of our seminar: “Modern innovative health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions” / slide 1,2 / Our kindergarten...

in detail / 22.01.2024
Interesting facts about libraries around the world

A library is an ordinary and at the same time amazing place where books live. Sometimes we don’t realize how many interesting things there are with them...

in detail / 18.12.2023
Generalized coordinates and generalized forces What does the work of forces look like in generalized coordinates

Theorems on the motion of the center of mass, on the change in momentum and angular momentum of a system of material points. Laws of conservation of speed...

in detail / 07.12.2023
How and why Sumerian writing was invented

MHC. GRADE 10. ARTISTIC CULTURE OF ANCIENT FOREIGN ASIA IN THE IV-I millennia BC. in the lower reaches of the two large rivers Tigris and Euphrates...

in detail / 12.10.2023
First trip around the world

Every educated person can easily remember the name of the one who made the first trip around the world and crossed the Pacific Ocean. The Portuguese did it...

in detail / 06.10.2023
Educational and methodological manual on technology on the topic: Methodological recommendations for teachers of technology Recommended list of dissertations

Download: Preview: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kurgan State University" Faculty of Pedagogy Department of "Vocational Training,...

in detail / 20.08.2023
When is All Saints' Day celebrated?

HISTORY OF THE HOLIDAY OF ALL SAINTS In the 4th century, the first mentions of this holiday began to appear. In the sermon of St. John Chrysostom (IV century) he...

in detail / 04.07.2023
Preparing for the OGE in biology

Biology is a complex of sciences about living nature that studies the structure and functions of living beings, their diversity, origin and development, and...

in detail / 25.01.2023
What is Nicolaus Copernicus famous for?

According to a brief biography of Copernicus, he was born in the Polish city of Turon in 1473. The interesting thing is that this city became Polish in just...

in detail / 18.05.2022
Great love stories of Russian emperors and empresses

The brightest favorites and mistresses of Russian emperors I February 7th, 2018 Hello dear ones. Quite a broad topic. There is, as they say,...

in detail / 27.01.2022
Minecraft 1.7 2 mods aether. Team Raid System

A fairy-tale dimension with floating areas of land. Aether II is a paradise mod that adds a new world to the game with its own laws, valuable...

in detail / 18.01.2021
Comma and semicolon in BSP presentation for a Russian language lesson (grade 9) on the topic

Unconjunct sentences are those complex sentences in which the parts are connected only by intonation. The main feature of such complex structures...

in detail / 23.11.2020
Work program of the academic discipline od b

After studying the chapter, the student should: know about the changing social and cultural situation during the “thaw” period; about ideological and creative positions...

in detail / 21.10.2020
Sergei Yesenin The ninth myth: a forged will

One of the most amazing Russian poets, Sergei Yesenin, was killed in one of the hotels in St. Petersburg in 1925. The killers wanted to make it look like this...

in detail / 27.09.2020
Buddha who sleeps for 80 years

BIOGRAPHY. HP Pandido Khamba Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelova, about whom much is known. In 1911, he was elected KP Pandito Hambo Lama of the “Lamaist...

in detail / 04.08.2020