Is the dead Buddhist monk still alive? Buddha who sleeps for 80 years.

HP Pandido Khamba Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelova, about whom much is known. In 1911 he was elected KHP Pandito Khambo Lama of the "Lamaist clergy of Eastern Siberia" and remained in this position until 1917. In early February 1913, he attended the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty in St. Petersburg and opened a Buddhist temple.

He organized hospitals during the First World War and received many awards from Nicholas II. For the wounded, he donated his entire fortune. He was a man who actively lived in the interests of Russia and his people - and probably in this we should look for the clue to his last amazing deed. Predicting changes in the country in the new millennium, he left his body as a sacrificial message that humanity has no right to lose.

In September 2002, it was two years since the body of the lama was found outside the burial place - in the open air. However, the body continues to remain intact. Although the monks watching him note some changes in states - spontaneous releases of moisture and salts.

Russian scientists brought from Buryatia to Moscow unique parts of the body of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov's Hambolama. The incorruptible great teacher himself is in the Ivolginsky Monastery, near Ulan-Ude. And before that, the lama spent 75 years of his life in the grave. That's how your life is. Already preliminary results of the analysis of the biomaterial showed that science for the first time encountered the phenomenon of "immortality" of a long-dead person. Unfortunately, the head of the traditional Buddhist sangha of Russia soon banned biomedical research on the monk's body. However, the analysis of the previously obtained results continued. Now the Moscow experts have the first conclusions, which can safely be called sensational. They shared them with the correspondent of "Version".

According to scientists involved in the study of the phenomenon, first you need to understand how it became possible that parts of the body of the Hambo Lama ended up in their hands. After all, the Buryats do not dig up graves, and even visiting a cemetery is an extremely painful procedure for them. But Itigelov left a clear will, which the monks fulfilled. So the lama was sure that he would complete his mission. But what? To do this, you need to refer to his biography.
One of the legends says that the llama could walk on water.

Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov was the head of the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia from 1911 to 1917. He gained fame as a philosopher and physician. He spent his whole life in Buryatia and only once traveled outside Siberia to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. During the First World War, he organized hospitals and received several government awards. There were legends around his name during his lifetime. One of them says that the monk could, like Christ, walk on water.

The circumstances of the death and burial of the Hambo Lama in 1927 are very unconventional for Buddhism. Surrounded by his students, Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov sat in the lotus position and ordered his body to be removed from the grave after some time, promising to return alive. Then he began to read by himself the prayer of accompanying the deceased and plunged into deep meditation. When the disciples considered that there were all signs of death, the body of the lama in the same lotus position was placed in a cedar sarcophagus and buried in the village cemetery.

The authority of the teacher was indisputable. The students have visited Dasha-Dorzho twice since then: in 1955 and 1973. They were convinced of the incorruptibility of the body, dressed Itigelov and again lowered into the grave. In September 2002, Itigelov's body was exhumed from the sarcophagus in compliance with all legal procedures. Forensic experts drew up an act in which they noted the integrity of the skin, nails, hair, softness and elasticity of tissues, and the mobility of the joints of the hambo lama. It became clear that this is not mummification, not embalming, not tanning, and not even the result of preserving the body in permafrost conditions, but some other, still unknown state.

Laboratory analysis confirmed that the body of the monk lives.

“When the scientific group arrived in Buryatia, the current Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, fortunately for us, provided us with the necessary biological material, five hairs and a cut of a nail,” says Galina Ershova, head of the Itigelov phenomenon study project, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the RPU. particles of skin that fell off when the monks dressed Itigelov.Now we have completed a series of possible analyzes of the samples provided.In the laboratory of forensic medical examination, they were conducted by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Zvyagin, a world-class figure in this kind of examination.In particular, he examined the remains of members royal family."

Initially, it was assumed that organics, living protein compounds in the body of a llama would be destroyed, and tissues would be consolidated due to inorganics, as is the case in mummies. It turned out quite the opposite! Infrared spectrophotometry showed that the protein fractions of Itigelov cells have in vivo characteristics. Professor Zvyagin, a man with vast experience, was amazed.

Galina Ershova did not immediately answer the correspondent's direct question whether the Hambo Lama was alive or dead.

I fear hurting the feelings of believers. Now Itigelov, of course, is not alive, he cannot get up and go. But, leaving for another world in a state of meditation, he plunged not into death, but into another state. The results of the research suggest that the llama artificially introduced himself into suspended animation. This is what happens to some species of living organisms under stress. But how to reach this state? Stop breathing, oxygen exchange? If there is no oxygen, a chain reaction of destruction begins in the body. Or did Itigelov use some superficial, as yogis call it, "light breathing", which lasted for decades? By the way, in the will of the lama, the key figure for Buddhists is 75 years. It is tied to the stages of Buddha's enlightenment." So he was buried alive?
Undoubtedly.It turns out that all this time in the grave he was also alive?

Yes, I believe that was the case. The state of Khambo Lama Itigelov changed after he was removed from the grave, practically before our eyes. Just then they did not pay attention to some obvious signs. There is such a phenomenon: at the time of death, the body sharply loses moisture. And Itigelov, when he was removed from the grave and was outside the box, began a sharp exodus of moisture from the body. The glass cube in which the monks in the monastery had placed him suddenly began to fog up. This was the moment of the final departure of the great teacher. And at the same time a triumph. He came back alive, as promised!

That was the lama's idea. I don't know if he believed that he could make the body obey itself again: come to life, stand up. Hardly. Dasha-Dorzho was a doctor and perfectly understood what muscle atrophy is without movement, it is almost impossible to restore their functionality. But he expected to remain in a hibernation-meditation state until he was removed from the sarcophagus. Itigelov entered a state of suspended animation to prove the infinity of spiritual power. He knew that he would meet the stipulated time. I sincerely admire them.

"Golden devotees" are not uncommon in Tibet.

Now Galina Ershova is searching for analogues of the "Itigelov phenomenon" in the Buddhist southeastern religious space. There is a version that the dried-up figures of meditating lamas, covered with either lacquer or gold, could be phenomena of this order by living people in a trance.

The unique phenomenon suggests whether the Buddhist practice of "meditating on the teacher" is connected with this, the professor continues. Apparently, these people were forever associated with the information space, or, in Buddhist terms, with the void. But they were not dead, but bodily and spiritually belonging to our world. They became a kind of resonators that helped the monks in a trance to enter the general information field, to touch the understanding of the cosmos. "To meditate on someone" means to be completely identified with some spiritually strong person, and then he transfers the seeker to other worlds and spaces.

The bodies of these ascetics can be seen in the temples of Tibet and Southeast Asia. Probably, at the dawn of history, they went through the same spiritual path as Itigelov, before going into physical death. However, there is no reliable evidence. Itigelov is the only phenomenon scientifically described. According to Ershova, he realized his task. He was a man who actively lived in the interests of his people, and this is probably the reason for his last amazing deed. Predicting changes in the country in the new millennium, he left his body as a sacrificial message that humanity has no right to lose.

How he managed to do this is still a mystery. Now the second expedition, funded by the "Unknown Planet" project, is being prepared, already to Tibet and Southeast Asia, in order to study the issues of psychophysiology, meditation, the practice of controlling one's own body, yoga techniques, and breathing on the spot. Experts believe that we should at least try to understand the abilities inherent in a person that lead to such a state of the body as observed by Itigelov, and express them in scientific terms. At the same time, the soil and geology of the region will be studied. There is already an agreement with NASA and the Americans will provide satellite images of the area in different ranges. For the purity of the study, it is necessary to know if there are any radiation and soil anomalies in the area of ​​​​the former burial place of the Hambo Lama.

Itigelov can return the soul to the body.

Currently, the body of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov is in the Ivolginsky datsan, the center of Russian Buddhists, 30 kilometers from Ulan-Ude. "For us, the phenomenon of Itigelov is that he made atheists doubt their unbelief, removed doubts from those who doubted that they were right, strengthened believers in fortitude. He left a message without saying a word," the current head of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia believes Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev.

Buddhists still treat Itigelov as a living person in a special state of consciousness and physicality. They believe that neither knowledge nor a sharp mind can make a person like Dasha-Dorzho. To do this, you need to experience great compassion for all living beings, to become a bodhisattva "an ideal being who is filled with compassion for everything that exists, but does not want to taste freedom until everyone else is not free ...".

And despite the fact that the official Buddhist church denies the possibility of returning the lama's soul to the body, the monks believe that Dasha-Dorzho can come to life if desired. The Dalai Lama is of the same opinion.

86 years old sitting in the lotus position with a straight back

If you still don’t believe in miracles, it’s time for you to visit Buryatia: there, in the Ivolginsky datsan, a 40-minute drive from Ulan-Ude, a man who died 86 years ago is sitting under a glass jar.
Sits in the lotus position with a straight back, supported by no one and nothing. Scientists do not know why the body not only does not decompose, but for some reason exudes a fragrance. And most importantly, why any, even the most recent skeptic, being near feels awe and at the same time feels a huge surge of spiritual strength. Buddhists know that Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, their beloved Khambo Lama, as he once promised, returned to the world of the living and again began to work miracles.

One of the main shrines of the Ivolginsky datsan is the bodhi tree, or banyan tree, which is revered by all Buddhists - according to legend, it was under it that the Buddha achieved complete enlightenment. For this tree, a special greenhouse was even built in the monastery. Any person can find healing here, spiritual or physical - the monks treat parishioners with the help of Tibetan medicine, perform ritual rituals.

There are rumors that the datsan can also give healing - they say that the imperishable body of Khambo Lama Itigelov has such a miraculous gift, which can be worshiped in the Ivolginsky datsan. It is kept in the Pure Land Temple, which attracts Buddhists from all over the world. As the legend says, Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov, already a deep old man, sat in the lotus position and left his body at the beginning of the last century, ordering his students to bury him, but get him out of the grave when 70 years old. The students followed his instructions and today, about eighty years after his "death", Lama Itigelov still sits in the lotus position in the main dugan (temple) of the Ivolginsky datsan.

The imperishable body of the former Head of the Buddhists of Russia, Lama Dash Dorzho Itigelov, who died 80 years ago, is one of the cases of energy-informational transformation of the highest level of the practice of self-development of the Spirit. Expert studies show amazing results: Itigelov has all the signs of a living person - soft skin, movable joints, and weak brain activity is also noted. Once every six months, Lama even adds or loses up to half a kilogram of weight.

On strictly defined days, long queues of those wishing to touch the shrine line up at the lama, “sitting” under a glass cap, according to rumors, healing and fulfillment of desires are not uncommon here.

Lama's blessing
Who is Lama Itigelov? In 1911-1917. this man was the head of all the Buddhists of Buryatia. But people of various concessions went to see him, including Nicholas II himself with his family: the fame of the healing abilities of Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov reached brilliant St. Petersburg. But Khambo Lama did not begin to tell the sovereign about what a terrible end was in store for him and his entire family. For what? You can’t get away from fate ... He knew in advance what times were coming, what to prepare for. He exhorted other lamas to leave Russia - to save themselves. At the same time, he himself was in no hurry to leave, being in absolute calm: “They won’t have time to take me.” In general, he knew a lot and was able, this unusual lama. He wrote a great many works on Buddhism. Thoroughly studied Tibetan medicine and left a huge treatise on pharmacology. All of Buryatia hunted for his blessing. It is understandable - how could it be otherwise, when all the soldiers who received Itigelov's blessing before leaving for the Russian-Japanese war returned home safe and sound? And he could also walk on water, move in space and predict future events. But most importantly, he managed to subjugate time!
Good wishes to the departing
In 1917, he resigned as head of the Buddhists of Russia and for 10 years perfected his spirit. On June 15, 1927, he called all his students and told them: “Come to me in 30 years - look at my body. And after 75 years I will return to you.” Confused students stood around the teacher. They were even more surprised when he sat in the lotus position and asked them to read the Buddhist prayer "Good wishes to the departing." They refused - after all, this prayer is read only to the dead. Then Itigelov himself uttered it and at that very moment he stopped breathing. The lama's body was placed in a cedar coffin and buried in the ground. And dug up after 30 years - a secret from the authorities. The monks made sure that the body remained incorruptible, performed the necessary rituals, changed clothes and buried again. The second time the monks were convinced of the safety of the body in 1973, but they pulled Itigelov out of the ground only on September 10, 2002 - exactly 75 years after his death - in accordance with the will of the teacher. It was then that the most interesting began - for people who are far from Buddhism, of course. The medical examiner who was present at the exhumation examined the body and asked to convene a commission: he had never seen anything like this before! After all, the lama was not only recognizable in appearance - he retained all the signs of a living being: he remained warm and he still had soft, elastic skin. A man who spent 75 years in a coffin had ears, eyes, fingers, teeth, eyelashes and eyebrows in place! All his joints were bent without exception! Itigelov was transferred to the Ivolginsky datsan, specially built for him, dressed in new clothes and put under a glass cap, which, if it protects from anything, is only from dust. Buddhists did not undertake any other tricks to save the lama. But since then, the body has not undergone practically any changes - except for the skin has become a little rougher. Lama Itigelov still sits in the lotus position and even gains weight from time to time - up to 2 kg per year, and then loses weight. The lama is not an exhibit, Buddhists treat him as if he were alive, and therefore only Itigelov’s fallen hair, skin flakes and a tiny fragment of a nail fell into the “torn apart” of scientists. This was enough for researchers from the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to admit the incredible: “The condition of the tissues is such that it fully corresponds to the in vivo characteristics. We are not aware of cases of such preservation, this is a kind of scientific mystery ... In many respects, the body of the Khamba Lama gives the impression of the body of a living person ... "
Putin and Lama
Needless to say, the Ivolginsky datsan has become the longed-for dream of every pilgrim. True, you can get to the lama only a few times a year - on major holidays. In 2013 it will host July 12, September 9, October 26 and November 28. Do not try to get into the datsan by the opening - there will be a crowd of people. It is best to come here at four o'clock in the evening, when the flow of pilgrims has somewhat dissipated. And yet, be prepared for a long wait - the lama's blessings are coveted by many, including the powers that be. Vladimir Putin himself visited Itigelov twice - is that why he became president of Russia twice? Whatever the road that will lead you to the lama, remember a few simple rules for visiting the datsan. Stock up on a hadak in advance - a gift scarf: you will touch it to the Teacher's scarf and receive a certain blessing. In principle, you can not do this, just as it is not necessary to reach out to the hands of the Khambo Lama at all costs: he will already notice the supplicant and reward him according to his faith and merits.

In September 2002, a sensation spread around the world. In Buryatia, in a rural cemetery, a lama, the head of the Buddhists of Russia, Dasho Dorji Itigelov, who passed away in 1927, was removed from the grave. The body of the monk for 75 years has not decomposed and has not undergone any changes. Moreover, the schemnik has sweating, hair and nails grow.
The monastery itself is located in the middle of the steppe. On four sides from human eyes it is surrounded by a mountain range. Despite the fact that the republican center is located very close, and the highway to Ulan-Ude is not far away, city residents bypass this place, as there is an opinion that shamans live here. This is not surprising, because already at the entrance to the datsan, multi-colored handkerchiefs hang on the bushes, which are believed to keep the souls of dead monks. In the courtyard of the monastery, which is surrounded by an ordinary wooden fence, there are several pagodas, which gives the impression that this is not Russia, but at best China. In one of these temples, the body of the imperishable Lama rests. “The very fact of the appearance of Dasha-Dorzho on earth is a mystery,” says Galina Ershova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, a nine-year-old boy, the future monk came to be hired on work for one of the local farmers, holding a staff in one hand and a skull in the other. For Buddhists, this is considered a sacred symbol. Until the age of 15, Itigelov grazed sheep, and having matured, he himself reached the Aninsky datsan, in Buryatia, where he learned Buddhism for 20 years.

Having become an enlightened monk, Dasho-Dorji was engaged in medicine and philosophy, gaining fame as a healer known throughout Russia. Legends say that the monk could, like Christ, calmly walk on water. In 1911, Itigelov was elected Pandito Khamba Lama of the Buddhist clergy in Russia. During his lifetime, the schemnik enjoyed great respect, and was a close acquaintance of Emperor Nicholas II. The autocrat even allowed the lama to open a Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg.

After the October Revolution, Itigelov, anticipating repression, resigned as a spiritual leader, and retired to his native datsan. Not long before his departure, foreseeing the annihilation of the clergy, the lama called on his supporters to leave the country of the Soviets. And when asked why he himself did not leave, he answered "They will not have time to take me."

In the summer of 1927, the monk gathered his followers, announced that he was leaving, and began to prepare for death. Before that, Itegelov ordered his students to bury him in a cedar box in 6 days. “I will return to you in 30 years, then you dig me out,” the schemer said at parting. Then the lama began to meditate. On the seventh day, the Hambo Lama's head sank to his chest. This was a signal to the disciples that the consciousness of the great teacher had moved into Nirvana.

The monks opened the grave as ordered by the teacher in 1955. Itigelov's body remained unchanged. Having changed the clothes of the hermit, they buried him back. The Hamba Lama was recovered again in 1973. Convinced of the safety of the body, and having performed the necessary ceremonies, it was buried again. The monk was finally raised in 2002. The exhumation was attended by representatives of the authorities and forensic experts. The relics of a Buddhist saint have not been touched by time.

“We carefully examined the lama’s body, drew up, as expected, a protocol, signed it,” says Professor Viktor Zvyagin, head of the Identification Department of the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination, Doctor of Medical Sciences. “The body is in such a state as if it had died quite recently. Joint mobility, skin turgor - everything corresponds to the parameters of a person who died maybe a day or two ago. Any falsification is excluded. not only because believers would consider it sacrilege, but also because we had the opportunity to compare our observations with the materials of two years ago, when the exhumation was carried out. No artificial methods known to science to maintain such a state of the body such as mummification, embalming, etc. were not applied in this case. There are no traces of an autopsy, extraction of the brain and internal organs, we did not find any injections, incisions, or similar effects.

From the Act of the external examination of the exhumed body of Dasho-Dorzhi Itigelov, carried out in the premises of the Ivolginsky datsan:
“The skin of the body is light gray in color, dry, pliable when pressed with fingers. The soft tissues of the corpse are elastic, mobility in the joints is preserved. No traces of a previous opening of body cavities for the purpose of possible embalming or conservation were found.”
After conducting a study of skin particles, scientists came to sensational conclusions. Not only did the llama cells not die, but they continue to divide. In other words, most likely all vital processes in the body of a monk continue, only they are slowed down by a million times.
“In world practice, this is the only officially recorded case of such a preservation of the body,” says Zvyagin. “Of course, cases of mummification and embalming of bodies are known. For example, in St. Petersburg it was fashionable at the end of the 19th century. Nikolai Pirogov himself prepared a solution for storing his body, which has been preserved near Vinnitsa for more than 120 years. But for this, the internal organs were removed, and special chemicals were used. It is not uncommon to find bodies in permafrost, but they quickly disintegrate when in contact with the external environment.

Abnormal news from around the world:

10 September 2002, the body of the 12th Pandito Khambo Lama was raised from the ground, and it was found that the Hambo Lama literally lives after death: he has warm hands, he sweats and even opens his eyes. Leading scientists and religious figures tried to explain this phenomenon.

E This review tells about the imperishable body of the Buryat Lama, which remains "alive" for 80 years.


Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov

During his lifetime, Khambo Itigelov predicted the events of the 20-30s of the last century

Imperishable Khambo Lama Itigelov was Buryat Nostradamus. At least, this is what the researchers of the phenomenon of the imperishable llama, who gathered at an international conference in the Ivolginsky datsan of Buryatia, say, Baikalinform news agency reports.

Buryat theologians found a book written by the lama allegorically in the old Mongolian language interspersed with Tibetan and Sanskrit. In two years, they managed to decipher a small part of the message - in which the events of the 20-30s of the last century were predicted.

It's just some Buryat Nostradamus. And if we manage to decipher the message in its entirety, I think it will be the greatest knowledge for all of us, - said Tatyana Strizhova, senior researcher at the Russian State Humanitarian Institute.

Decryption work continues.


Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov, already a deep old man, sat in a lotus and left his body at the beginning of the last century, telling his students to bury him, but to take him out of the grave again after 70 years. The disciples followed his instructions and now, about 80 years after his "death", Lama Itigelov is still sitting in a lotus in the main dugan (temple) of the Ivolginsky datsan.

The imperishable body of the former Head of the Buddhists of Russia, Lama Dash Dorzho Itigelov, who died 80 years ago, is one of the cases of energy-informational transformation of the highest level of the practice of self-development of the Spirit.

Medical experts are shocked: Itigelov has all the signs of a living body: soft skin with no signs of decay, a nose, ears, closed eyes (the eyeball has not leaked out), fingers and elbow joints are mobile. Even the "live" smell remained.

The well-known manual therapist Alexei Azheev, who has been observing the body since 2002, determined the pulsation of the brain. According to him, in the living - the cerebral hemispheres give out 3-4 rhythms per minute, and in the motionless Itigelov - 1.

Once every six months, Lama even, as if alive, gains and loses half a kilogram in weight.


Miracles cannot be interpreted. That's why it's a miracle. It cannot be described. With this conclusion, the report on the trip to the Ivolginsky datsan should be limited. Mission Impossible. Funny sparrows were flying in the temple. They played chasing each other. And what words can you use to express your absolute certainty that if a bird lands on the forehead of the Buddhist lama Dashi Dorzho Itigelov, who died 80 years ago, he will smile and wave his hand away from it? Here he is sitting right in front of you, supported by nothing and no one and, contrary to all the laws of biology and physics, physiology and gravity, with a straight back, in the lotus position. What words to designate the vibrations of your soul and thousands of other souls, ruthlessly carrying to Itigelov each - their misfortunes and obsessions, passions and complexes, their private, intimate, compact hell, in the hope that he will help, correct, pull out?

The most perfect thing about people is that they die one day. The most important achievement of mankind is the awareness of human mortality, this is the cornerstone of Western civilization. From the understanding of its inevitability, its essence, all European philosophy arose, all the great books and deeds, all those regulating, restraining mechanisms that have not allowed us to kill each other until now. All the best that Western civilization has created comes from death, from the fact that we can think clearly about it.

And here is Itigelov. With his shocking relationship with death. Buried in 1927. It was dug up in 2002. For 75 years, his body was not even touched by decay. This year will be five years since Itigelov is with us. Here. He doesn't change. He has not old-fashioned warm hands, multi-day stubble. He sweats. Physiological processes take place in his body. Scientists testify that in many respects it gives the impression of the body of a living person. There is no explanation for this.

Going to the datsan, he agreed on the time when Itigelov's body could be seen and bowed to him. And they answered me about the time of our personal MEETING. Yes, for Buddhists, death is just one of the stages of personality development. But still. The Buryat miracle is performed not in the Middle Ages, when priests ruled the minds, but now. When people have "Dom-2" on TV, elections of people's deputies and genetically modified food. When, it would seem, everything is clear with this world. And this is where it becomes clear: death - as non-existence - is not. Man, if he wants, can conquer death. Not a new idea, of course, but now argued. Here is the argument - go to Buryatia. On a patch in front of the Ivolginsky datsan, find out who and how to contact. Here, ask for a blue hadak (a double-folded silk towel or ribbon offered as a gift), find out exactly how to offer it. Ask where the shireete (abbot) lives. You will be shown.

However, it is possible without these conditions. Especially for all of you - these are the days when you can meet Itigelov. This year - April 26, May 2 and 31, July 18, September 15, November 1, December 4. And then already in 2008 - February 6th. Every year, dates with the holy lama take place on major Buddhist holidays. And their dates vary depending on the lunar calendar. Consider only - the number of pilgrims is growing. In 2002, 3 thousand people came to Itigelov, in 2003 - 20 thousand, the next year again an order of magnitude more - 200 thousand, in 2005 - 350 thousand, last year there were already more than half a million. The queue stretches into the valley for a kilometer, the lamas say that Itigelov regulates it himself.

The Buddha has a great-niece - Yanzhima Vasilyeva. Her great-grandmother was the elder sister of the lama. Yanzhima created the information center “Together with Itigelov” in 2002, and in 2004, the Itigelov Institute. Smiling and energetic, talking about her relative, she says that she is most of all “afraid of zombifying people”, therefore she does not insist on anything in principle. She is afraid that Itigelov is turning into a brand. But, of course, the lack of PR for this brand is the best PR. The answer, who she considers Khambo Lama, I still got. That was hard. “We, because of our modesty, do not say that the Buddha has come.” As for the Ivolgin lamas, they are silent, like partisans. Or change the subject.

Incredible - obviously

The impression is that the “keepers” (key chains) with the face of Itigelov are in all the cars of Ulan-Ude. Including the cars of those who breathe evenly towards Buddhism, and in general to the assumptions that there is something else besides this life. However, other material signs of Itigelov's cult are not visible. Buryat Buddhists are still holding out, not crossing the line beyond which the show, the “Feast of St. Jorgen” and the triumph of market values ​​can begin.

Ivolginsky datsan - 36 miles west of the city. Here, on five hectares of the valley, there is a complex of Buddhist temples (dugans), a monastery, since 1991, the Buddhist University “Dashi Choynhorlin”. Now 140 young men study in it, they live together with llamas in huts. Furnaces are everywhere. The boiler room heats only the main dugan and the greenhouse with the sacred Bodhi tree. Life is ascetic, the clothes of lamas and students differ only in hats. Itigelov said that Buddhism is not a religion, not a science, and not a philosophy. This is freedom. So they are torn from our world of suffering and things.

Taking pity on the pilgrims from Krasnoyarsk, Tuva, Mongolia, who arrived a day before the appointed meeting, the lamas allow us to see Itigelov in advance. You can't take pictures. There were not many people, everyone was able to come up to the Khambo Lama three times and touch his hands. The next day, riot police were on duty at the entrance to the temple - to hold back the onslaught. And itigelov, after a few hours of worship, they decided to cover with glass, and people, seeking blessings, no longer touched the body, but the hadaks from his hands, released behind the glass.

What did they ask? It's none of my business - someone else's innermost, but the look stopped at the bag with children's things, which a middle-aged man applied to the hands and knees of the Khambo Lama. The couple standing in front has a photograph of a soldier against the backdrop of mountains. Someone puts a bag of sweets to Itigelov's hand.

It seems to some that Itigelov smiled at him, someone saw him open his eyes - they are dark green. It seemed to the woman with whom they were talking that he leaned towards her, leaned over - she was led, she almost fainted. People are crying. They laugh. Reactions also depend on the holiday when people go to the saint. Someone even recoils from Itigelov's energy, it blows away like a wave. Another may remember what happened to him when he met the lama, only after a few hours.

They say you only have to ask for one thing. Yanzhima did not comment on this belief, she only smiled and started talking about a complex spiritual phenomenon. But, I interrupt, people go to him like a magician, for the fulfillment of desires. And I ask you to confirm the stories about the miraculous rescues of those who bowed to Itigelov, in car accidents and even plane crashes, about the healing of the sick. Everything is just like that. Leave the temple, leaving the crutches. A well-known Moscow businessman working in the food and processing industry survived a terrible accident. At that moment I saw Khambo Lama. He flew in a second time - to give money for the erection of Itigelov's palace, and construction began with his large donation. Anatoly Chubais, impressed by the meeting with the great lama, freed the datsan from paying for electricity. And then there was an attempt on his life. Some time later, Yanzhima spoke with the head of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. According to him, after the attack and his rescue, Chubais first of all remembered Itigelov.

They say that Itigelov positively corrects karma for everyone who comes to him. Rashid Nurgaliyev, a few months after visiting Khambo Lama, became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuriy Yekhanurov, a year later, became the prime minister of Ukraine. Sergei Ivanov, who came to the datsan during his vacation, is now listed as a successor and has been appointed First Deputy Prime Minister. I don't know if that's what they wanted by touching the Khambo Lama, and who benefits from such an "improvement of karma". According to Buddhist monks, the three most terrible things that can happen to a person are beauty, fame and wealth.. Consequently, Khambo Lama helped all these gentlemen to be, if not up to their necks in shit (about beauty is a moot point), then up to their throats? Or is that the intention?

Spiritual testament
Khambo Lama of the Great Dashi Dorji Itigelov

(published in translation from the ancient Buryat language)

WITH highlighting the importance for remembering, we emphasize with the following words:
T ore found, a human treasure, having found the liberating faith,
T ore acquired the precious teaching of the Buddha having acquired,
T hard to get to meet the Ochirdari lama
ABOUT deceived by very dangerous worldly knowledge, having lost,
B walking carelessly, this life ends time
IN Eter karma of previous deeds drives from behind
IN in front of misfortune broadcasts, Death Master leading to the slaughter
WITH utterly lonely, in the next being the departure of the hour
R alone, beloved, brothers sisters, things objects
D they will even become poison, without bearing any benefit.
T how all the highest Buddhas instructed before coming, therefore
H starting from now heartless this world having considered
H Start Practicing the Ten Good Deeds Now!
D who complete their word in their life, leaving a message, I will say -
IN there is no more than this.

No one knows what people come here with and what they leave here with. Surely after all, and every bastard rides. And crazy. And the benefactors of the human race. Here in Andrey Tarkovsky's "Stalker" it was at least problematic to get to the room where the most sincere and hard-won came true, you had to go through police cordons and a system of traps. And here - no difficulties. Come and go ask. In Tarkovsky’s providence, the hope was expressed that “an individual person cannot have such hatred or, say, such love that would extend to all of humanity ... Well, money, women, well, revenge is there - so that the boss is run over by a car.” Maybe. Still, it’s good that it didn’t come true a little, God didn’t get tired of us, he didn’t give us a mysterious zone, but the sage Itigelov. Who certainly knows what he's doing. And yet, when asking for something, think well so that it doesn’t work out for you. And in general - is it worth it for you to go?

Itigelov's defense

About cordons and traps. Talking with parishioners, I realized that I was not the only one who at some point had a shameful desire to put metal detectors at the entrance to the dugan, and enclose the datsan around the perimeter with a three-meter fence. Just in case. From crazy bombers. From officials who are able to fit a plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with a sterile capsule behind a llama. From those who believe that we live once, from unrecognized geniuses who dream of the Nobel Prize. And then Sergei Ivanov, who was on vacation and went to the datsan, was guarded by policemen stationed along the entire length of the 36-kilometer road, on both sides of it, and the one to whom he was going and who is of no less value to mankind than the respected First Deputy Prime Minister, they are not guarded in any way.

Of course, Itigelov will defend himself. Of course, the lamas are right in believing that they have no right to refuse someone to meet him. But still.

Only Yanzhima tries to investigate people who come to Itigelov. She always gives them questionnaires. There are only three restrained questions. Where and when did you come to the meeting? There are people who go to Itigelov constantly - every time there is access, someone comes for the 3rd, 5th, 9th time. They are flying from Moscow (I would not have noticed this delegation if it weren’t for a very well-known face of a modestly dressed woman, a State Duma deputy), from Europe, Africa. From Japan, Korea.

Superficial content analysis of answers to the question “What do you experience when you personally meet the Khambo Lama?” shows that the words are arranged in this order according to the degree of repetition. From the most used to the least: calmness, ease, peace, surprise, delight, admiration, hope, spirituality, awe, gratitude, relief of the soul, ecstasy, adrenaline rush. Also, from single statements: “such a feeling is impossible to tell”, “a slightly incomprehensible feeling of calmness and lightness”, “trembling through the body when I touched his hands”, “there was a sense of community”, “feelings are special, still incomprehensible”, “ anxiety and unrest pass”, “I want all living beings to feel good and calm. But at the same time I feel pity.”

From the answers to the question “What has changed for you after meeting with the Khambo Lama?”: “I am always very worried and forget what I wanted to tell him”; “Changed outlook on the future”; "Think"; “Everything has become good”; "All goes to good"; “My life has changed completely, my health and well-being have improved”; “I cherish every meeting very much. The outlook and views on many actions in my life have changed, there is no fuss”; “Everything has changed for the better, everything comes true.” They write about a car they bought, about getting rid of cancer.

What did I feel? Naturally, when everything took place, the excitement passed. Later, you know, somewhere in the region of the heart and a little higher, warmth and peace spread. And at night he dreamed of me.

...All this can be tried to understand only by turning off the brain. Moreover, the scientists shrugged their shoulders. Buddhists would probably agree with Blessed Augustine, who said that we "understand to the extent that we love."

Itigelov and love

About love. And o scientists. Professor Boris Bolshakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of the University "Dubna", asked himself how the energy balance of the body is ensured, what it "feeds" with a lack of light (Itigelov is constantly on the second floor of the dugan, where there is no artificial lighting, but natural obvious disadvantage)

The professor suggested that Itigelov receives energy through a stream of frequencies. The fact is that lamas read a prayer twice a day, consonant with the prayer of love. “Every spoken word is a vibration, every prayer is a stream of frequencies.” Let's omit the professorial formulas, graphs. The essence of his hypothesis is as follows: in order to fill the body with love and harmony and reach the state of a standing wave, it is necessary that the frequency of the brain be equal to one hertz. With Itigelov, Bolshakov suggests, this is exactly the case, and this frequency is equal to the frequency of the brain of an infant in the womb at the age of 2-3 months from the moment of conception. Recent studies, by the way, have shown that when a person reads or hears a prayer, the frequency of oscillations of brain cells in him becomes the same as in a baby.

The pendulum with which Bolshakov worked on Itigelov reacted to him with the same oddities as when examining some children.

I learned all this from Yanzhima later. In the meantime, sitting on a long bench, I listened to the lamas. Sanskrit, in which melodious prayers were offered, is not understood by the parishioners, but is considered the language most understandable to the gods. Just as fascinating as the babble of children who have just begun to speak, reading poetry by your child at his first matinee in kindergarten. The main dugan of the Ivolginsky datsan generally resembles a large children's room inside - with the manners of local icon painting, the faces of deities, their special plasticity. Ornaments, rich colors. If it is green, then it is saturated, lively green, if it is blue, then it is warm, deep. And these copper plates, tambourines, these lamas' hats, their smiles. These 15 miracles of Buddha Shakyamuni are childhood, in its pure, distilled form!

Then I pestered Yanzhima with questions and became convinced of the non-randomness of both my associations and the fact that Itigelov wanted to return right here, to this temple. Yanjima said that in the last years before his departure, Hambo Lama was very fond of playing with children. She documented the testimonies of Zoya Galsanova, born in 1938, who well remembered her mother's stories about Itigelov. “As he aged, his body greatly decreased in size. He loved children very much and told them: “You put me in your cart and take me.” When those, playing, ran away, he said: "Leaving me, do not run far away." It was very surprising: how such a big llama could easily sit in a children's cart to be carried by children and watch them play.

When I was flying away from Ulan-Ude, and the plane pierced the region of the clouds, and I no longer saw how far the snow had gone below, how it fell on lonely trees, my head suddenly became dizzy, and suddenly I clearly realized that I, like others coming to him, this little dry man, who became a Buddha, drove around him in a circle. Entering the datsan, you bypass it according to the movement of the Sun (clockwise, if you like). Walk around the steps. Inside the dugan, you move in the same way. Around the cleansing fire, which was just being burned. And, as in a child's game, you can not turn around at the fire.

And Yanzhima constantly mentioned the wheel of Samsara. So inside myself, I was satisfied with this explanation: Itigelov carried his cross of chosenness around the circle of life, returning to his mother's womb. Returning to his mother, about whom he, an orphan, could not help yearning. In the end, to become like children, we are called by all the great religions.

Be that as it may, there is no scientific explanation for the Itigelov phenomenon. And is it possible? Apparently, it should be sought in a completely different area. Here the children know exactly which one. It’s a pity he didn’t take the youngest with him, he would have liked that they still celebrate the New Year here, Christmas trees in the squares, everyone gives gifts to each other. He would tell me everything about Itigelov.

The Buryats calculated exactly - up to 5 years old children are like gods, they have not yet been imposed knowledge and habits, which then it is good to get rid of by meditating.

God lives in every church for children. Well, at least they believe in Santa Claus. Falling asleep on the plane, I remembered how my son asked me:

May the tree always, always burn.
- Let be.
- And when we go to bed - so be it.
- So we will fall asleep and will not see whether it burns or not.
- Let it burn anyway!

Everything in this world is invented by someone, the question is not who. The question is in us, in the body that is responsible for our faith. Has he atrophied - after all, what happens to people is what they believe in. And everything that surrounds them is like their desires.

You can replace God with money, faith with happiness (judging by the questionnaires, they ask Itigelov the most). Could be so. But what's the point?

Remember the questionnaire about pity. You can be sad - the only respondent said this. And you can rejoice - after all, someone said after all! He also took pity on him, pitying us. Yes, regretful. Why else would he leave his body - to us? After all, he did it consciously, on purpose - about what is happening to him today, he wrote, leaving, 80 years ago.

What else could be his message? Would we delve into his manuscripts? He calculated everything correctly, and this is a chance for those who fly to the moon and split the atom not to completely scatter. His body is like a planetary antibiotic so that our souls do not rot.

And still it is necessary to regret Yanzhima. And lam. Scientists are on them. Why, it is not clear. Do they want to “sit down” on financial injections into the problem of immortality? Make other bipeds immortal? And then: what place, what body are they going to unravel the “Itigelov phenomenon”? Measure body temperature? What for? How will they measure the strength of the spirit? What can they understand about it? What they can do, we know. Didn't they have a hand in this civilization, aren't they now gloomily watching how it is destroying the planet? Or am I confusing something? And it was they, the Nobel laureates, who came up with the idea of ​​going forward, waving a twig in front of them so as not to crush the ant, and thanks to this, hundreds of thousands of people behave just like that? By the way, on a patch near the datsan, where there is trade, you can buy oriental slippers with turned up toes - so as not to hurt the ground. Trying them on, an adult man, also like me, from Krasnoyarsk, and experiencing the same culture shock, noticed that all of our science “really rests” in comparison with such concern for the planet, with the idea of ​​bending the socks of slippers like this.

There is hope. On the days of Itigelov's meetings with the people, he sweats and gains weight by 100 grams. This is Love.

We did the right thing in childhood that we believed in fairy tales. So everything is.

From an interview with Novaya XXIV Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev:

People were not ready for the arrival of Itigelov. And today, four and a half years later, they are still not ready. 95 percent, when meeting with Itigelov, solve personal problems ... There is such a Russian stereotype: there is no prophet in their land. It is so accepted among us that all smart people come from outside, only they are allowed to teach how to live. To say that the arrival of Khambo Lama Itigelov is similar to the coming of Buddha Shakyamuni, we will not turn our tongues, it’s scary, there is no spirit. Enough stupidity, but no spirit. Although this issue must be considered carefully.

Are you afraid that the body of Itigelov, declared a Buddhist shrine, may suffer the fate of the shrine of another people - the Altai - the mummy of Princess Ukok? The sacred plateau for the Altaians was excavated, the princess was taken away. There are many such examples. The year 1998 was not forgotten either, when, against your will, the President of Buryatia authorized the export of the Atlas of Tibetan Medicine to the United States. From that world where money decides everything, one day they will bring you paper from the Kremlin. Or without any paper they will insistently ask. Someone will want the Nobel Prize for a breakthrough in the study of immortality, or someone will want to plant Itigelov in their home temple. After all, this is a sensation for the whole world. Money will not be spared.

First of all, this is the value of the Buryat Buddhists. I think the Atlas was a good lesson for the officials, for the President of Buryatia, Potapov, who gave the command to beat the lamas. Well, if someone still has such a desire, Itigelov simply will not be found. Officials will come and ask: where is he? And Itigelov will be where he needs to be.

Alexey Tarasov
New Newspaper
Ulan-Ude - Krasnoyarsk

Now the body of Itigelov was transferred to the Ivolginsky datsan as a sacred relic. The llamas take care of him, although in a rather uncomplicated way - sometimes they brush off the dust. Five years ago, Itigelov's phenomenon shocked the whole world, but since then no serious public events have been held on this occasion. And on July 2, the first international conference “The Phenomenon of Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov” was held in Buryatia. On it, the version of the origin of this miracle was presented to the general public for the first time.

The opening day of the conference was swelteringly hot. More than 130 forum participants gathered in the main Buddhist temple in Russia - Ivolginsky datsan - to explain the phenomenon of the imperishable body of Khambo Lama Dashi Dorzho Itigelov with the help of two sciences - secular and Buddhist.

Patriarchs of the Buddhist Church, religious scholars, journalists, ordinary lay people from Norway, India, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, cities of Russia arrived at the conference. “Khambo Lama Itigelov miraculously left his bodily collection of five skandhas unchanged,” said Damba Ayushev, a member of the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation, opening the forum. “The moment of truth has arrived for the first time. We will decide how to deal with the phenomenon. Our conference will go down in history as the first attempt to explain the phenomenon of the precious body of Khambo Lama Itigelov.”

Then the head of the Buddhists of Russia, Damba Ayushev, announced why the body of the Khambo Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov did not decay. In the 20s of the last century, the 12th Khambo Lama performed the ritual of investing 5 sacred vessels for the spirits of the earth, the owners of the area. At the same time, he never touched the ground, which is why the great element keeps his body. “Khambo Lama asked the believers not to lower him to the ground during the ritual (during the ritual, the students carried him in their arms). This is one of the reasons why his body has not changed,” said Damba Ayushev. And thus, Buddhists believe, the Khambo Lama achieved the comprehension of the Void - the great reality of all phenomena. Therefore, when he passed away, he entered into a state of meditation and purified his body. And now, even after death, it persists.


Few people want to know the truth about Itigelov, which breaks the usual picture of the world. People judge for themselves. It is important for them to prove to themselves that everyone is the same, that you can only live the way they do. People would be pleased to hear that Pushkin shot himself in duels “for image”. What the New Testament wrote, advertising Jerusalem for tourists. That the Buddha is just an effective PR project ...

Russia is not alive because of oil prices. And "Gazprom" has nothing to do with it, and even V.V. Putin. We are saved by old women praying in churches, putting candles to the Mother of God with their last pennies. But Russia is leaving the Far East and Siberia, Russians are leaving Buryatia as well. There are fewer and fewer Orthodox grandmothers here. Why hasn't this land been torn apart for resources by China, Japan and the USA? Buryat lamas, of course, know the answer, but they do not like to rant. They only mention that XII Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov, upon taking office, swore allegiance to Emperor Nicholas II. And everything that Itigelov did is sacred for the Buryat Buddhists.

Not Buddhists, but State Duma deputies, discussing the phenomenon of Itigelov, said that Russia owes it to him both the preservation of its eastern borders and the stabilization of the economy.

First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, visiting the Ivolginsky datsan, said that Itigelov “continues to serve Russia,” while Vice Admiral Valery Dorogin, a member of the Duma, called him “a component of national security.” So, scientists from the University of Dubna, who have been studying the phenomenon of Itigelov for a long time, stated that the mental body of the Khambo Lama extends over 18-20 thousand kilometers. And they connected sacred phenomena with this force, which are increasingly manifested on the territory of ethnic Buryatia.

It is useless to refute or argue the validity of such statements, people have always been looking for some “fifth element”, a magical link in the chain of things and events that can save and preserve here, in this world. The rational mind means absolutely nothing here, because it is helpless. I'll just record: when Itigelov returned to us, there really was a certain calming of Russia - an end to the war in Chechnya, local civil wars in large cities for property. Oil prices again. And why did the president suddenly divert the pipe from Baikal, and was it the president? As for the persecution of the oligarchs, Itigelov warned in his message to his descendants: “Wealth, insanely collected and accumulated, will turn into a special poison.”

Itigelov's earthly life

Since we are talking about things that people who are not familiar with Buddhism will seem unrealistic, I will tell you right away about my sources of information. Yanzhima Vasilyeva, the great-niece of Khambo Lama Itigelov and director of the Institute named after him, talking about the earthly path of her great relative, relies on the testimonies of fellow countrymen she collected, fifty archival sources, state and monastic. She immediately warned that there were three versions of Itigelov's biography: from birth, 1852, to 1895. All archivally confirmed, but contradict each other.

Also, information was received from Ganzhur Lama, the rector of the Buddhist University, Bimba Lama, the custodian of Itigelov's precious body, and XXIV Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev. Each of them brought bright colors to the story of Itigelov's earthly lives.

So, it is believed that Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was born in 1852. Nevertheless, lamas suggest that the boy was born immediately at the age of five. No one knows or knew who his mother was. The Buryats have always had a very careful attitude to the pedigree, they remembered and recorded up to 30 generations. True, in the male line, women did not fit. And the family of the father is known, about the mother - zero information. The boy grew up as an orphan - a unique case, since among the Buryats all children left without parents were brought up by relatives. The advantage of living by birth. Khambo lama Ayusheev believes that Itigelov is of unearthly origin.

The boy grazed other people's cattle and said that he would be a Khambo lama. They laughed at him. One day he appeared riding a bull with a stake in his hand. On the stake was a human skull. The lamas became aware of what had happened, they predicted a special fate and great destiny for the child. Indeed, everything was predetermined. As a boy, he went to study at the Aninsky datsan, and his teachers were people for whom, when they were just born, Tibetan lamas specially came. These children were the earthly incarnations of the Buddha of Longevity and the Buddha of Wisdom. The monks of the Aninsky datsan answered with a polite refusal: “The gods themselves know where they will be born.” And his teacher was the shireete (abbot) of the Aninsky datsan, the earthly incarnation of the Buddha of compassion. He assigned the student an allowance of 5 rubles a month and ordered the inhabitants of the surrounding villages to pay this money in turn. For more than 15 years, the inhabitants of Oybont also paid a fee for the release of Dasha Dorzho from military service - he was considered a native of the Cossack class.

And when in 1911 Itigelov was destined to become the head of the lamaist clergy in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia, all the obstacles to his election were suddenly resolved at once. A lot of people around - from lamas to the governor of Eastern Siberia - do things that help Itigelov's fate to come true. Ayusheev: “These are incredible things. It seems that everyone and everything was subordinated to the fulfillment of the mission entrusted to Itigelov.

According to the lamas, during his lifetime, Itigelov said that he knew about his three reincarnations. So, for believers, he was undeniably a reincarnation of the first Khambo Lama Zayaev, the founder of Buddhism in Russia. Zayaev was born in 1702. He lived for 75 years and, leaving, promised his students to return. In 1852, 75 years after Zayaev's death, Itigelov was born. He also lives for 75 years. And comes back to us again after 75 years. That is, the number 75 is repeated four times. When Itigelov took office as Khambo Lama, the parishioners of the Tsongol datsan, flooded during floods, asked him to determine a new place for the construction of the temple. He pointed out the place, saying that Zayaev's bell and vajra were buried there. And there they really found his personal belongings and subsequently built a new datsan.

Two years ago, Lama Zhargal Dugdanov, among the thousands of publications stored in the Devazhin-dugan of the Ivolginsky datsan, discovered Itigelov's previously unknown manuscript. On five sheets in Tibetan, he tells about 12 of his reincarnations over several millennia: five in India, five in Tibet and two in Buryatia. Itigelov tells how in a past life, being Zayaev, he alternately presents offerings in the form of gold, silver and corals to the Dalai Lama, Panchen Lama and Buddhist deities and receives information from them about his previous lives. Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev: “If even one inaccuracy had been made in this book, he would never have been able to achieve an eternal body.”

Nicholas II and the royal family revered Itigelov (I remind you that the Buryat lamas healed crowned persons), he had many Russian awards. His native people, the Buryats, began to idolize him even during his lifetime. In 1903, when he was appointed shireete of the Yangazhinsky datsan, he donated all his fortune to the construction of new dugans in honor of the soldiers who died in the Russo-Japanese War. Three hundred Yangazhinsky Cossacks received a blessing from him, going to the front of the First World War, and none of them died, everyone returned home. Itigelov creates the "General Buryat Society" - to help the front. Having united 120 religious and secular persons, Itigelov raised money for the wounded and their families, organized infirmaries, sent emchi lamas to front-line hospitals. On the Orthodox Easter of 1915, the soldiers received parcels from Buddhist Buryatia.

Itigelov had no illusions about Soviet power. Unlike colleagues who hoped that the Buddhist religion would allow them to live peacefully with the new regime. Alas, the lamas soon found out that the Soviet authorities viewed everything from the standpoint of two extremes: the eternal and the non-eternal, matter and spirit, materialism and idealism. And the communists chose one of the extremes (we, as the heirs of the Bolsheviks, are also trying to understand: whether Itigelov is alive or dead, we cannot understand any other state). Buddhists profess the principle of the middle, free from extreme judgments: no love, no hate - only compassion.

It did not work out to coexist with the Bolsheviks, some of the lamas left for Tibet, others were awaiting arrests and executions - everything, as Itigelov predicted. Buddhist shrines were destroyed. The Yangazhinsky datsan was wiped to dust - the steppe was white from it, from shreds of manuscripts. And in the Aninsky datsan, a slaughterhouse was set up in the ruins of the blown up central dugan.

But all this happened after the departure of Itigelov. He himself did not try to emigrate, he said about the commissars: "They won't take me." And so it happened.

There are many legends about the arrests of Buryat yogis. Enkavedeshniki many times came for one of the lamas. Guzhi Dashinima sat in front of them and read, but they did not see him. When they got tired of these hide-and-seek games, they began to threaten the lama's students, and then he decided to give himself into the hands of the new government. However, the guards soon found him dead - the lama, having entered samadhi, left the body. Ganzhur Lama told me: in those days it was still in the order of things - llamas flew, passed through walls, instantly overcame huge distances, walked and rode horses on water, like on dry land.

The stories about the supernatural powers of the Buryat yogis can be treated as legends, but Yanzhima refers, for example, to the surviving official police report. It follows from it that in May 1917 (revolutionary outrages were already taking place), the returning front-line soldiers in the Tamchinsky datsan staged a brawl and a booze. Itigelov, having learned about this, rushed to the datsan - on a horse he rode along the surface of the White Lake (now called Sulphate Lake) as if on a paved road. Then he jumped from the steep bank of Goose Lake, cut through the water surface and rushed along the dry bottom straight to the datsan. When he jumped ashore, the waters closed behind him. The rising waves washed away some of the brawlers who had gathered in the datsan and cleared the desecrated territory. The rest, seeing Khambo Lama, fled in fear.

Itigelov, a practitioner of the highest level, they say, could move instantly: as soon as the door was closed behind him, he immediately found himself a kilometer away from it, turning into a point.

In 1917, Itigelov left the post of Pandito Khambo Lama. He wrote a message to his descendants, it was discovered only in 1998 in the library of the Ivolginsky datsan. He knew that he would return in an eternal body. On June 15, 1927, Itigelov, in a state of meditation, plunged into nirvana. Before that, he turned to the monks with a request to read him a special prayer - good wishes to the departing. She escorts the dead so that the soul leaving the body finds its karmic destiny. The embarrassed disciples could not decide on this prayer while the Teacher was alive, then Itigelov began it himself. The monks were forced to pick her up. In the lotus position, in which the Khambo Lama stopped breathing, the body was buried in a bumkhan (cedar box) in the Khukhe-Zurkhen area. Before leaving completely, he gave clear instructions on how to bury him and when to visit - the first time in 30 years.

Life after death

A group of lamas raised Itigelov's body in 1955 - two years earlier than he bequeathed. The procedure was forced - a strong storm in the village of Zun Orongoy tore off the roofs, and the head of the Buddhist clergy decided to conduct the necessary rites before the appointed time. Convinced of the immutability of Itigelov's body, the lamas changed his clothes and bumkhan. The same ritual was performed in 1973. Then it was associated with a severe flood that cut off the Ivolginsky district from Ulan-Ude for a month.

The current custodian of Itigelov's body, Bimba Lama, is very friendly, but not particularly talkative, believing that only after his departure to another world will it be possible to make public "his innermost". Nevertheless, he does not hide - he always kept in mind the idea that the current generation of lamas needs to re-find Itigelov's sarcophagus and check the condition of his body. He saw in a dream his meeting with the great Teacher. The discovery of his message only confirmed the wish of the Bimba Lama. He found a man who knew exactly where the Teacher was buried - the grandfather of Amgalan Dabaev, born in 1914. On September 7, 2002, he pointed out to Ayusheev the place of burial. Interestingly, Pandito Khambo Lama independently went to this place, grandfather approached him by a different path.

The lamas received the consent of their relatives for the exhumation, and on September 10 they dug out a box with the body, covered with salt, at a depth of one and a half meters. The medical examiner who was present, after examining the body, refused to do anything with it, as he had never seen such a thing. And he asked to create a commission. The lama was not only outwardly recognizable, all the signs of a living body were found in him: elastic skin without any signs of decay, the nose, ears, eyes (they are closed), fingers were preserved in place. All his joints were bent, including the smallest ones on his fingers. Perfectly preserved teeth, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows. Itigelov was transferred to the Ivolginsky datsan.

Bimba Tsybikov, born in 1910, candidate of historical sciences, who had seen the lama until 1927, was invited for identification. According to him, Khamba Lama was small and very thin, and now he has become even smaller. But he immediately recognized Itigelov's features - they did not change at all.

From the “act of external examination of the exhumed corpse”, signed on September 11 by three leading specialists of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination: “Any extraneous aromatic, resinous or putrid odors from the contents of the box and from the corpse were not determined ... The soft tissues of the corpse were of a tightly elastic consistency, mobility in the joints was preserved . The hairline on the head, the nail plates are preserved. The posture of the corpse during the extraction of the latter from the box is maintained without the use of any supporting and fixing devices. There were no traces indicating a previous opening of the body cavities for the purpose of possible embalming or conservation, as well as any injuries, traces of previous injuries, surgical interventions, diseases on the body of the corpse.

December 1, 2004, 13:27
RSUH professor spoke about the results of the study of the imperishable body of a Buddhist lama

Moscow. December 1. INTERFAX- The sensational results of research into the imperishable body of a Buddhist lama were made public on Wednesday in Moscow.

"Samples taken 75 years after the burial showed that the organic matter of the skin, hair and nails of this deceased person is no different from the organic matter of a living person", - said Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities Galina Ershova.

We are talking about the body of a famous religious figure named Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov, who was the head of Russian Buddhists from 1911 to 1927.

Before his death, he bequeathed to get his body out of the ground in about 30 years. Since then, the exhumation has been carried out twice: in 1955 and 1973, and both times it turned out that the body of the Hambo Lama did not smolder. The same thing was discovered for the third time, in 2002, after which the doctors decided to examine the body of D. Itigelov.

"His joints are bent, soft tissues are pressed through like a living person, and after opening the box in which the lama rested for 75 years, a fragrance began to come from there"- said G. Ershova.

According to her, "this completely contradicts the ideas of what should happen to a person after 75 years of burial."

G. Ershova also noted that there has never been a single such fact not only in the history of Buddhism, but also in the history of mankind in general.

The body of the late lama has been an object of worship for the Buddhists of Buryatia for two years now. It is located in the Ivolginsky temple of Ulan-Ude - the main Buddhist temple in Russia.

At the press conference, a fragment of an interview with Damba Ayusheev, the current head of the Buddhist traditional sangha (community) in Russia, was also shown, who noted that this phenomenon “gave even more faith to Buddhist believers, removed doubts from doubters, and made atheists think.”

First, a sarcophagus was built for the lama from a double-glazed window, then it was decided to order two refrigerators from the Krasnoyarsk Biryusa plant. However, they did not have to be plugged into the outlet - there is no need. Itigelov does not need to be protected from time. Glass only protects from dust. The monks say that sometimes it fogs up from the inside. Bimba Lama dresses Itigelov, he also takes care of the body, wiping it with a towel. The clothes of the Khambo Lama were returned from the Museum of the History of Buryatia. The new dressing gowns were made by a seamstress from Upper Ivolga. Dr. Aleksey Azheev says he felt Itigelov roll with laughter when he and colleagues measured his body. (In a datsan, in general, you don’t always understand who they are talking about now - about a long-dead lama or about a living one. About whose emotions, whose laughter, whose lively reaction they are telling.)

In December 2004, Viktor Zvyagin, head of the Personal Identification Department of the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, participated in the re-examination. In addition, for examination in Moscow, Zvyagin was given samples of hair, skin that had peeled off by itself, and a cut of a nail from the lama's foot. From his comments: “The condition of the tissues is such that it fully corresponds to the lifetime characteristics. We are not aware of cases of such preservation, this is a kind of scientific mystery... In many respects, the body of the Hamba Lama gives the impression of the body of a living person... It was a big surprise for me when we did infrared spectroscopy of tissue samples and made sure that their composition is not much different from the composition of the same tissues in a living person ... No artificial methods known to science to maintain such a state of the body such as mummification, embalming, etc. were not applied in this case. There are no traces of an autopsy, extraction of the brain and internal organs, we did not find any injections, incisions, or similar effects.” Military doctors studied the cell nucleus using the nuclear resonance method. Their conclusion: the cell is alive and the nucleus is intact.

Soul Adventures

The Dalai Lama said that Itigelov has not yet reached Buddhahood, but is moving towards it. And Bogdo Gegen IX believes that the lama has already gone beyond the limits of samsara, having stopped rebirth. Meanwhile, people who have been observing the llama over the years note that his hair has grown and darkened and his skin color has changed somewhat - in some places it turned brown, somewhere it became golden. When I asked whether this was a precedent in Buddhism, Ganzhur Lama answered in the negative. Attempts to preserve the bodies of teachers have been known since the Middle Ages. Having decided to leave this life, they can plunge into the state of samadhi and purify the body so that after death it is preserved.

It remains to believe in the word: in samadhi, the vital activity of the “gross body” stops completely, or life processes slow down millions of times. This happens under the conscious control of the yogi - his "subtle body" continues to live. In other words, Itigelov slowed down, almost stopped time. The body only seems to be dead, life energy is left in it, and it must be protected from external influences. Therefore, before immersing in samadhi, the monks retired to caves inaccessible to others. Who has not heard the legends about the Tibetan caves, in which frozen yogis have been “sitting” for many centuries?

I also heard a slightly different explanation (in general, as you understand, the hierarchs of Buddhism demonstrate an enviable pluralism of opinions regarding Itigelov's condition). His soul, which has reached enlightenment, is outside the body, but has a connection with it. And - can return.

Be that as it may, mankind has not previously been able to verify the success of preserving the body after death in an unchanged form. There are no analogues of incorruptibility that would exist today or would be known about them from archival records. The only example mentioned by both Yanzhima and Ganzhur Lama is Bogdo Zonkhava. On the eighth day after leaving this world, his hair began to grow and he was placed in a mortar. She was in Lhasa, in 1959 the Chinese military blew her up.

By the way, the lamas say that on the basis of the work of Bogdo Zonkhava “Praise to interdependent origination” (the root text on the emptiness of all phenomena), Itigelov made “a comprehensive and qualitative analysis of emptiness and achieved a direct, practical comprehension of emptiness - the great reality of all phenomena.” Well, as if it were simpler ... Expert Elena Alexandrovskaya said that iron, zinc, silver, iodine were absent in the tissue samples of Itigelov's body, or they were negligible. “It feels like there, inside, emptiness! Where did it all go? She assumes that this perfect emptiness has suppressed all bacteria.

True, the Itigelov Institute forwarded her report to the Russian Academy of Sciences for evaluation, and from there they answered that this was a very rough analysis, the error was large. And since the scientists began to violate the agreements - such a study was not planned, it was decided to return the tissue samples on January 3, 2005 to their homeland. This was accompanied by an ugly story: Professor Zvyagin was warned that a photo of the great lama without clothes (it was allowed to be taken for anthropological research) should not be leaked to the tabloid press. But that's exactly what happened.

Leaving a will, Itigelov knew that decay would not touch his body. But the trick is that this emptiness is not only comprehended and meaningful, Khambo Lama from it, independent of our time and space, monitors our world and talks to us. In January 2003, he suddenly began to lose weight, and behind the glass where he was, for some reason, the humidity went off scale for 96%. This went on for three days, during which those around them puzzled over what to do. It has always been believed that Itigelov in 1922 plunged four sacred vessels into the ground. Jewels, medicinal herbs, sacred things were kept there - in order to harmonize relations with the owner of that area (in Buryatia, the forces of nature are spiritualized: for example, no matter what mountain you go past, you will definitely be told who its owner is - a man or a woman, and why the mistress of this mountain , which during the war earthly women went to pray, let the townspeople dachas come to her, and the owner of that mountain over there allowed only the military to place locators on the top).

So, in order to clarify information about these “earth stabilizers”, the lamas urgently went to the old people, and one 90-year-old grandmother suddenly said that there were actually not four, but five such vessels. When he, the fifth, was found and performed ritual actions, Itigelov's weight immediately returned to the previous 41 kg, the humidity behind the glass returned to normal. In May 2003, the lamas lifted another vessel and loaded a copy of it under Itigelov's palace, which was under construction in the datsan. And the original, having updated, was returned to its place.

Today it is believed that more than 50 philosophical books were written by the great lama. Most are under sacred names, their authorship continues to be established even now, they are translated (so far it turns out badly into Russian, the meaning is lost), they try to decipher and interpret. Not all manuscripts have yet been found. Ganzhur Lama believes that Itigelov himself decides when to give them to us. Looks when we are ripe for them.

But the main book, the lamas say, is his body. A textbook that clearly tells about the possibilities of a person.

Recently, Itigelov opened his eyes twice. At his institute, they say that it has not yet been clarified what this is connected with. On February 16, a few minutes before the Khambo Lama's meeting with the people, it happened again. This is the testimony of Konstantin Zhalsaraev, he was there. From that day on, he decided to work at the Itigelov Institute as a volunteer.

And further. During my stay in the Ivolginsky datsan, it became obvious to me that the lamas deliberately do not publish a huge amount of information. They can be understood. They protect both Itigelov and their lives from our “good” world.

They already know that people judge by themselves. It is important for them to prove to themselves that everyone is the same, that you can only live the way they do. People would be pleased to hear that Pushkin shot himself in duels “for image”. What the New Testament wrote, advertising Jerusalem for tourists. That the Buddha is just an effective PR project.

Few people want to know the truth about Itigelov, which breaks the usual picture of the world. Well, we in this world, unlike Itigelov, live and die.

Alexey Tarasov
New Newspaper
Ulan-Ude - Krasnoyarsk

Khambo Lama rode on a horse across the lake, as if on the ground

According to the surviving official police report, Itigelov once rode on a horse across the surface of the White Lake (now called Sulfatnoe), as if on a paved road. He could instantly move: as soon as the door was closed behind him, he immediately found himself a kilometer away from it, turning into a point. No one, however, is able to repeat his method of realizing emptiness. The current head of the Buddhists of Russia, Khambo Lama Ayusheev, said on this score:

If I knew how to do this, I would have left this world of suffering long ago.

In July of this year, the international conference "Phenomenon XII Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov" was held in the Ivolginsky datsan. According to the plan of the organizers, it should not have had a pronounced scientific or religious character. As Khambo Lama Ayushev said:

The phenomenon is of interest to everyone. Let them come, let them say what they want, what they see, what they understand.

Although the abstracts of the conference have not yet been published, it is known that the opinions of the participants regarding the state in which Itigelov is located are divided. A Buddhist scholar from India, Jampa Sandepa, is sure that Itigelov is still in a state of prolonged meditation. In the history of Buddhism, yogis have repeatedly reached the same state.

Indeed, the hermits in Tibet, who decided to cultivate themselves by renunciation of the world, secluded themselves in stone bags in complete darkness and emptiness. The first retreat lasted, as a rule, 3 years 3 months and 3 days. Once a day, food was delivered to the hermits. At the end of the term, the hermit returned to the world, but not for long. The next time taking seclusion until the end of his days.

No one gave Itigelov food for 75 years, and he left on the eve of the persecution against the lamas, having previously said that they would not have time to take him. Thus, he managed to avoid repressions and not see the destruction of datsans and the desecration of faith.

The life of a yogi is by no means colorless and not useless, he can be useful indirectly, through his thoughts - waves of energy, which become material when concentrated. A directed and partially concentrated thought can move objects, turn into an instrument of telepathy and make a person perform certain actions at a distance. However, this technique is not the highest in Buddhism.

Help "AiF" about Dashi Dorzho Itigelov

The rector of the Ivolginsky datsan, Lama Dagba Ochirov, on the contrary, expressed the opinion that Itigelov had reached the highest state in Buddhism - emptiness. According to the custodian of the Precious Body of the Gelong Lama Bimba Dorzhiev, no analogues of Itigelov's phenomenon, despite the search, have yet been found.

According to other lamas, Khambo Itigelov kept his body, foreseeing troubled times. He left himself the opportunity to return to the world at the right time to save people from suffering. Lamas believe that already now Itigelov has brought colossal benefits to all living things. By helping living beings to escape from suffering and find a good birth, he thereby contributes to the purification of the common karma of the whole world.

"Arguments and Facts"

Hello dear readers!

Our today's story is about a miraculous return after many decades, about gaining faith and the unique possibilities of the human mind. Read about the "sleeping" Buryat monk Dashi Dorzho Itigelov.

Is meditation possible for over 85 years? Why is the state in which the most famous imperishable monk in Buryatia lives today , Dashi Dorzho Itigelov , goes beyond understanding and modern scientific concepts? Is it possible to talk about the phenomenon of life after death?

The information presented in our article overturns the usual ideas about the structure of the world.

First some historical facts

Buddhism in the territory of modern Buryatia goes back to the 2nd century BC. However, one can speak about the mass penetration of religious teaching in Transbaikalia only starting from the 17th century.

After the state borders between Mongolia and Russia were officially defined in 1722, the Buryat tribes took their place in the Russian Empire.

The year 1741 was marked by another significant event for the followers of the Buddha: the reigning Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree in which Buddhism was recognized as the official state religion, and lamas found confirmation of their leading role within the confession.

Since the second half of the 19th century, schools and monasteries have become a stronghold of progressive spiritual and scientific development for the Buryats.

Demonic times for all religious denominations came with the events of 1917. Calling religion "opium", the 18th year of the last century was marked by the release of a law separating all religious movements from the state.

Buddhism in the struggle of power with dissent was no exception. There was a large-scale destruction of spiritual knowledge created over the centuries and accumulated. More than 1800 lamas, distinguished by a high level of education, were subjected to repressions, hundreds were sent to prisons, hard labor, were shot. Buddhist temples were turned into slaughterhouses, cynically destroyed.

The next period of thaw and incipient revival falls on the post-war period, when in the 46th year of the last century permission was received to open two datsans: Ivolginsky in Buryatia and Aginsky in the Aginsky national district of the Chita region.

The period since 1991 can safely be called the second real revival of the Buddhist movement in Russia.

What do we know about Itigelov

Pandito Khambo Lama XII led the Buddhist denomination in Buryat territory from 1911 to 1917. His image is an object of worship not only for the Buryat branch of the teaching, but for the entire Buddhist community as a whole.

This is an imperishable monk in Buryatia, who continues to be in a state of meditation for more than 85 years. His life, departure and return are shrouded in mystery. But let's talk about everything in order.

Stages of the path

According to the surviving data, Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was born in May 1852 and orphaned early. At the age of five, he was adopted as a laborer in one of the families, but the owners, seeing exceptional talents in the boy, contributed to the fact that the child ended up in the Aninsky datsan.

Starting at the age of fifteen and for as long as 23 years, Itigelov comprehended the intricacies of Buddhist teachings, Tibetan knowledge in medicine and other sciences. Since 1898, he independently taught the philosophy of Buddhism, reaching the level of a lama.

The year 1911 was marked by an important event: Itigelov was elected Pandito Khambo Lama XII, becoming the head of the Buddhist movement in Eastern Siberia. In this position, he is known for his exceptional patriotic feelings both for the people of Buryatia and for Russia as a whole.

So, during the First World War, under his leadership, hospitals were opened to treat the wounded, and the charitable society he created helped raise money, food, and medical equipment for the front. For the shown patriotism he was deservedly presented to the imperial awards of that time.

“In order to find an outlet in eternity, one must constantly help people.” (Dashi Dorzho Itigelov).

last years of life

There is a version that the reason why Itigelov had to leave his leadership position in 1917 was illness.

However, according to the surviving testimonies, he foresaw the coming of Soviet power, the upcoming repressions, persecutions, destruction that the followers of the Buddha would have to face and decided, refusing to fast, to begin preparations for his upcoming revival, continuing to simply serve in the monastery .

Having reached the age of 75, Pandita Khambo Lama XII Dashi Dorzho Itigelov gathered his disciples on the day of the full moon in June 1927 and, having previously left instructions for them, plunged into samadhi and reached nirvana.

Lama's testament

Leaving, Itigelov secured the promise of the students that they would fulfill his last lifetime instructions. The instructions concerned how to dispose of the Master's body:

  • When the lama reached the level of nirvana, it was necessary to place him in a cedar wood sarcophagus, maintaining the lotus position familiar for meditation, and bury him.
  • It is the duty of the disciples to periodically monitor the condition of the lama's body. Specific dates were named in the 57th and 73rd year of the last century. If, when examining the body, signs of decay of the flesh were noted, the body had to be given to the fire.
  • It was necessary to open the cedar tomb exactly 75 years later. It was through this period that the Great Lama appointed his return.

The burial was checked on the instructions of the head of the Buddhist movement of that time twice, in 1955 and in 1973. Each time, the absence of any changes in Itigelov's condition was found.


After the specified period, the will of the monk was fulfilled. In 2002, on September 10, after the necessary legal procedures, a wooden sarcophagus was pulled out of the ground. To the surprise of all present, who were expecting to see something similar to the mummy of a monk, it turned out that the lama continues to remain in the same lotus position, like a living person who has been meditating for many years.

His skin, hair, fingernails, all parts of his body looked like he was in a hibernation-like state. All joints retained mobility, there were no signs of decomposition of biological tissues. After 75 years, the amazing return of Pandito Khambo Lama XII has come, just as he promised.

The Unsolved Mystery of the Monk

The best forensic scientists and medical experts were involved in the study of the Itigelov phenomenon. The research continued for more than three years. The biological material that was obtained: areas of the monk's skin, nail phalanges and hair, were subjected to detailed study using the latest modern technology.

The conclusions reached by the experts can be summarized as follows:

  • there are no signs of body embalming or artificial preservation;
  • all internal and external organs, sense organs are preserved, there are absolutely no signs of their destruction;
  • spectral analysis of tissue samples did not reveal data characteristic of the destruction of protein molecules, the tissues looked as if the monk was still alive;
  • skin turgor is preserved, all joints are mobile, there are no specific odors accompanying the processes of decomposition of the flesh;
  • the body turned out to be capable of maintaining and retaining heat up to 34 degrees, while the ambient air temperature at the time of measurements ranged from 17 to 23 degrees.

Scientists are faced with an inexplicable, from the point of view of modern science, phenomenon. It is still unknown what the state in which the monk can be called can be called, because at the cellular level the presence of some semblance of signs of vital activity has been reliably confirmed.

On the basis of the conducted scientific research, scientists formulated a hypothesis about the great role of thought, consciousness, and the unexplored possibilities of the brain.

"Be pure in the midst of a sea of ​​mud of a dangerous troubled time..."

These prophetic words of Pandito Khambo Lama XII sound like an instruction to the modern world community. The monk is the author of more than 50 philosophical treatises, however, the best textbook he left for the edification of all living is his body, demonstrating the power of thought and spirit over the flesh.


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