Brothers of the Podesta. John Podesta and the Russians

Reddit CEO Stif Huffman admitted to editing supporters' comments Donald Trump because they insulted him. Users supporting the elected US President called Huffman a pedophile - because Reddit administrators closed the section of the site dedicated to the conspiracy theory about the connection between Bill and Hillary Clintons with child molesters. What was it and why is this whole story a warning sign for readers of one of the most popular sites in the world?

The story started with Pizzagate. Shortly before the US presidential election, links to another fake news appeared on Facebook with the headline “Pizzagate: How 4chan exposed the sick world of Washington’s occult elite” (4chan is an anonymous forum). The article stated that the Clintons, as well as Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, were allegedly associated with the underground pedophilic chain, which is based in the popular Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington. The reason for suspicion was Podesta's correspondence, published by Wikileaks: among other things, there were letters from pizzeria owner James Alefantis.

John Podesta. Photo

As evidence, photographs of children from Alefantis’ Instagram were cited, as well as the fact that the pizzeria’s slogan “Play. Eat. Drink" is shortened to PED; other arguments were approximately the same degree of persuasiveness. The publication gained popularity, and the owner of Comet Ping Pong began receiving anonymous threats, including death threats. Numerous online trolls from among Donald Trump's supporters have flooded Twitter with the hashtag #pizzagate and created a separate subreddit (topic channel) on the Reddit forum to find new evidence that pedophile network exists - and Hillary Clinton is involved in it. Alefantis contacted the FBI and asked Reddit and other sites to remove materials that his pizzeria was allegedly covering up a pedophile ring.

Jeffrey Epstein. Photo: Daily Mail

The main argument of conspiracy theorists is the Clintons' acquaintance with financier Jeffrey Epstein. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton maintained friendly relations with Jeffrey Epstein, who spent more than a year in prison on charges of involving a 14-year-old girl in prostitution. Epstein is a registered sex offender; he is credited with organizing sexual orgies with the participation of minors, but this was not proven in court. However, Donald Trump was also associated with Epstein: a lawsuit was filed against the elected US President for the rape of a minor at one of the parties at the financier’s home. The case was not widely reported because the allegations appeared to be unreliable; Moreover, in early November the claim was withdrawn.

Reddit has decided to shut up the trolls. By decision of the site administration, the /pizzagate subreddit was closed on November 22 due to violation of Reddit rules, including the publication of personal data. “We do not want our site to become a witch hunt,” a statement on the site reads. After this, supporters of Donald Trump in their thread cursed the Reddit administration - and personally the head and one of the creators of the project, Steve Huffman (pseudonym). This time they called him a pedophile, and also wrote him “fuck u/spez”.

The creator of Reddit was so fed up with Trump fans that he started editing the comments of the offenders. Here's what Huffman wrote on the evening of November 23: “Hi everyone. Yes, I got into the “fuck u/spez” comments and replaced spez with the moderator nicknames of r/the_donald (Trump subreddit) for about an hour. It was a tough week, having to deal with the whole “Pizzagate” thing. We try to maintain good relations with all of you, but it gets boring when you are constantly called a pedophile. As a CEO, I should not play such games, and now everything has been corrected. Our moderators are very upset with me, and I am more than sure that I will not behave this way again. Fuck u/spez.”

Typically, managers of large projects like Reddit do not have access to the internals of the site, but Huffman is not just a manager, he is the one who wrote Reddit.

Editing comments on Reddit is a serious crisis for the site. The link aggregator seems like a purely entertainment project, but Reddit is one of the most popular sites on the Internet, with more than 200 million unique visitors read every month. Reddit is the eighth most popular site in the US and 27th worldwide, more popular than Ebay, Tumblr, AliExpress, Pornhub and Odnoklassniki. Reddit users' questions were answered by Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger and hundreds of other celebrities and politicians.

The community of Donald Trump supporters alone has 300 thousand registered users, and it is unknown how many more people read it without registering. The fact that a Reddit executive can easily start editing comments because he has been personally offended by users is damaging to the site's reputation. Outraged by Huffman's behavior, Reddit users are wondering if the forum's creator misruled the comments. Barack Obama .

[, 11/24/2016, “Reddit CEO admitted to editing comments from users who criticized him”: Reddit CEOs are traditionally criticized for their decisions, however, as The Verge notes, the hatred towards Huffman is nothing compared to what they wrote about the last head of the company, Ellen Pao, who also deleted several controversial threads and fired Victoria Taylor, a popular organizer of AMA Q&A sessions - sidebar]

When exactly did John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, cut off business ties with Moscow? – asks The Wall Street Journal. John Freeman, associate editor of editorial, writes that in 2011, startup Joule Unlimited announced that Podesta, a former executive for President Bill Clinton, had been elected to its board of directors.

Eight months later, the investment fund (sic. – Note ed.) Rusnano, backed by the Russian government, announced that it plans to invest about $35 million in Joule. “A few months later, Joule announced that Anatoly Chubais, chairman of the board of Rusnano, would join its board of directors. Around the same time, Podesta came to work on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Council,” the article says.

According to the publication, when Podesta returned to government service in 2014 and became an adviser to Obama, he did not want to draw attention to his connections with Rusnano. In his income statement, Podesta said he divested his stake in Joule.

On Wednesday, a Clinton campaign official said that in 2014, Podesta severed ties with Joule, “transferred the entire interest to his adult children” and “stepped away from all matters related to Joule while serving in the White House.”

“But WikiLeaks also shows that Podesta received a bill for legal fees associated with the registration of Leonidio in Delaware,” the article says.

Around February 2015, Freeman continues, Podesta resigned from the US administration. Steptoe and Johnson later sent him an invoice for services provided in April 2015. The invoice “states that a Steptoe attorney spent half an hour working on Joule's “request to approve Mr. Akhanov's appointment,” the newspaper quotes. “Dmitry Akhanov, head of the Rusnano office in the USA, is now listed as a member of the board of directors of Joule. It is highly unusual for a company to ask someone no longer associated with it to approve the appointment of a board member. Perhaps Podesta resumed official relations with Joule and the Russian government’s investment fund immediately after leaving the White House and on the eve of joining Mrs. Clinton’s campaign?” – the publication reflects.

James Freeman, The Wall Street Journal

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta responded to WikiLeaks' publication of his personal emails by claiming that the emails were stolen by the Russians to ensure Donald Trump's election victory. However, he categorically does not want to talk about his joint business with a Kremlin-backed investment company, as well as his attempts to hide this cooperation from public attention.

“Clinton Cash” author Peter Schweizer and the Trump campaign are urging reporters to look at Mr. Podesta’s ties to Russia—and they may be right. The story began in 2011, when solar energy company Joule Unlimited announced that Mr. Podesta had been selected to join its board of directors. In a press release, Joule's CEO gushed that Mr. Podesta has "extensive experience both with U.S. authorities and working internationally." No one claimed that Mr. Podesta understood the scientific side of things, but the company founder said he hoped that the new board member "can help Joule establish the strong relationships necessary for long-term success."

Mr. Podesta, President Bill Clinton's former chief of staff, then ran the Center for American Progress, which supported the Obama administration's "reset with Russia." In 2009, during an event hosted by the center, Mr. Podesta personally spoke positively about “moving relations with Russia into a more constructive direction.”


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Russian service of the Voice of America 10.20.2016
Apparently, Mr. Podesta really tried to develop Russian-American business relations. In 2011, eight months after he joined Joule, the Russian government-backed investment fund Rusnano announced that it planned to invest $35 million in the company. A few months later, Joule announced that Rusnano head Anatoly Chubais was joining its board of directors. Around this time, Mr. Podesta joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisory council.

Of course, cooperating with a Kremlin-backed investment fund whose mission is to acquire technologies useful for Russia is not prohibited. As far as we know, there is also nothing illegal about being a freelance adviser to the US Secretary of State.

But when Mr. Podesta returned to the administration as an adviser to President Obama in 2014, he may have become concerned about the impression such ties might have. That's when Mr. Podesta announced in his statutory asset declaration that he had divested himself of his Joule shares.

Further the story becomes somewhat ambiguous. The correspondence released by WikiLeaks shows that around the time of his return to the White House, Mr. Podesta demanded that Joule transfer his shares to a company called Leonidio Holdings, LLC, created a few weeks earlier.

Leonidio is officially headquartered at the California address of Mr. Podesta's daughter, Megan Rouse, a financial planner. When we reached Ms. Rouse on Tuesday, she said she did not have time to discuss the matter, thanked us for calling, and hung up.

A Clinton campaign official told us on Wednesday that Mr. Podesta cut ties with Joule in 2014 when he returned to the White House. He allegedly "transferred the assets entirely to his adult children" and "removed himself from all things Joule for the duration of his time in the White House."

However, WikiLeaks records also show that Mr. Podesta received a bill for legal fees associated with registering Leonidio in Delaware. I wonder how often people pay to start companies in which they have no stake?

Mr. Podesta left the White House around February 2015. He later received an invoice from the law firm Steptoe and Johnson for services related to Joule performed in April 2015. This account was also published by WikiLeaks and states that a Steptoe employee spent half an hour working on “Joule's request to approve the appointment of Mr. Akhanov.” Dmitry Akhanov, head of the American branch of Rusnano, is now on the board of directors of Joule. It would be very strange for a company to ask a person who is no longer associated with it to approve a new member of the board of directors. After leaving the White House and before joining the Clinton campaign, did Mr. Podesta resume formal relations with Joule and the Russian government's investment fund?

Mr. Schweitzer says this is a clever attempt to circumvent the openness principles required of public servants: “Our openness laws should enable citizens to recognize potential conflicts of interest among senior officials. This is especially important in cases where they or their relatives have financial ties to unfriendly foreign governments.”

The Clinton campaign refused to give us the opportunity to speak with Podesta. He probably figures, given Clinton's lead in the race, that he can avoid the topic until Election Day and then say the news is old and no longer relevant. Be that as it may, voters now have the right not to take his statements about the Kremlin and Donald Trump seriously.

Mr. Freeman is a deputy editorial page editor for the Wall Street Journal.

John David Podesta(English John David Podesta; born January 8, 1949, Chicago, Illinois, USA) is an American politician, political strategist and lobbyist of Greek-Italian origin. White House Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton (1998-2001) and Advisor to US President Barack Obama (2014-2015). Founder, former President/CEO, and current Chairman and Counsel of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank in Washington, D.C., and a visiting professor of law at Georgetown University Law School. He co-chaired the team to transfer presidential power to Barack Obama in November 2008 (Obama-Biden Transition Project). He served as Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman for the 2016 US presidential election. Member of the US Democratic Party from Illinois.

early years

John Podesta spent most of his early life in Chicago, Illinois, USA, where he was born on January 8, 1949 and grew up in the Jefferson Park housing estate on the northwest side of the city. His mother Mary (née Kokoris) was Greek and his father John David Podesta Sr. was Italian. Another famous lobbyist, Tony Podesta, is his older brother. John's father did not graduate from high school, but encouraged his son to attend college.

In 1967, he graduated from a specialized preparatory school for admission to Lane Tech High School in Chicago.

In 1971, he graduated from Knox College in Galesburg (Knox, Illinois), where he volunteered in support of Eugene McCarthy's presidential campaign.

He graduated from Georgetown University Law Center in 1976 with a J.D. degree.

In 1976-1977 worked as an attorney in the Land and Natural Resources Division of the US Department of Justice.

In 1978-1979 Served as Special Assistant to the Director of the US Federal Government Agency ACTION.

He began his political career in 1972, participating in George McGovern's presidential campaign, which failed in 49 states.


Podesta served in various positions on Capitol Hill, including counsel to Senate Democratic Leader Thomas Daschle (1995-1996), chief legal counsel to the Senate Agriculture Committee (1987-1988), and general counsel to the minority caucus on the Senate Judiciary Subcommittees. issues: patents, copyrights and trademarks; security and terrorism; regulatory reforms, and also served as counsel for the majority faction on the Senate Judiciary Committee (1979-1981).

In 1988, brothers Tony and John Podesta jointly founded Podesta Associates, Inc., a lobbying firm in Washington, D.C., providing services in the areas of government relations and public policy. Now known as the Podesta Group, the firm "has close ties to the Democratic Party and the Obama administration [and] has been hired by some of the country's largest corporations, including Wal-Mart, BP and Lockheed Martin."

Bill Clinton's Presidency

Podesta served simultaneously as Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Presidential Staff (1997-1998).

Previously, from January 1993 to 1995, he was Assistant to the President, Chief of Staff, and Senior Advisor on Government Information, Privacy, Telecommunications Security, and Regulatory Policy.

In 1998, he became Clinton's chief of staff during his second term, a post he held until the latter's end in office in January 2001.

Podesta supported Executive Order 12958, which led to efforts to declassify millions of pages of US diplomatic and national security history.

Last years

In 2003, Podesta founded the Washington, D.C.-based Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank and think tank on progressive public policy and advocacy. He served as the organization's president and chief executive officer until 2011, when he was replaced in those positions by former CAP chief operating officer Neera Tanden. Podesta served for some time as Chairman of the Board of Non-Executive Directors, and remains on the board today, although not as Chairman.

Alas, not Steb, but it looks like it...

A Wikileaks leak revealed that Hilary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, is involved in Satanism. Participates in Spirit Cooking according to Crowley with occult artist Marina Abramovic, reported on one of the VK pages.

Clinton Campaign Chairman Invited to Bizarre for Satanic Performance

TV story without translation:

Clinton campaign chairman's brother practices occult rituals. John Podesta knew about this and was once invited to this “ritual dinner.”

Podesta participated in a satanic ritual with his brother and a Bulgarian artist. At one of which he ate blood mixed with sperm and breast milk. There is also a letter about sacrifices to Moloch. But that is not all. His email was hacked, where there were a lot of very strange letters about food like "let's order pizza for an hour. And this time I hope there won't be hair in the pizza" And "this time I'll have a hot dog without a bun". The encryption of the letters is very similar to the description of private parties where orgies with children and acts of cannibalism occur. God bless America.

In general, the entire publication by WikiLeaks of letters from John Podesta, the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign headquarters, revealed many unpleasant facts about the internal mechanisms of US political life. However, the letters, which do not directly address the former first lady's politics and presidential campaign, present an even stranger picture.

Former telecommunications lobbyist and political strategist John Podesta leads a very interesting life when he is not running the Hillary Clinton campaign. I have previously talked about his passion for ufology and correspondence with prominent UFO hunters and conspiracy theorists. From new WikiLeaks publications it follows that Podesta is no stranger to contemporary art with an occult tint.

"Dinner of the Spirits" with Marina Abramovic

In a letter dated June 28, 2015, the famous Yugoslav action artist Marina Abramovic asks lobbyist Tony Podesta if his brother can come to her so-called spirit dinner.

“Dear Tony, I am looking forward to the upcoming spirit dinner at my home. Could you let me know if your brother will join us? With love, Marina,” says the letter published on the WikiLeaks website.

Tony Podesta addresses the question to John Podesta, calling the artist Marina, which indicates her close acquaintance with the lobbyist brothers.

© Wikileaks

"Dinner of the Spirits" is an action by Marina Abramovic, in which the artist painted notes on the walls of an art gallery, using instead of paints a solution whose main ingredient is blood.

Installation by Marina Abramovic “Dinner of the Spirits”, 1997.

In a video from 1997, Abramovich paints an inscription on a wall that references the work of British occultist Aleister Crowley, who also used paints from blood, breast milk, honey and other human secretions in his rituals, and also made special infusions from them. In the video, Abramovich writes Crowley's recipe on one of the walls.

It is unclear from the letter whether Abramovich planned to hold another similar demonstration at her home for the Podesta brothers, or to actually organize a dinner using the ingredients in question.

Hot dogs for Barack Obama

In another letter from 2015, former White House Secretary of Staff Todd Stern, who succeeded John Podesta in the post in 1995, tells a colleague that he misses him and his rather specific meeting place.

“The next three months will be harder than in Beijing. Between 7 and 1600 there is no fun. Hope you're doing well. I dream of your hotdog stand in Hawaii,” the letter says.

The word "hot dog" probably has a figurative meaning here.

However, this mysterious message may become a little clearer in the light of other WikiLeaks publications - correspondence between the management of the private intelligence and analytical company Stratfor.

Letters from Startfor's Aaric Eisenstein to a number of senior executives, including the company's vice president of counterterrorism Fred Barton, discuss preparations for an event called "Chicago Hot Dog Friday."

“Let's throw a party in your honor, hot dogs. Aarik, join us!” - writes company president Don Kuykendall.

“If the same “waitresses” serve us, I’m all for it!!!” - Eisenstein responds enthusiastically. The word “waitresses” in the answer is enclosed in quotation marks.

© WikiLeaks

“They say Obama spent about $65,000 in taxpayer dollars shipping hot dogs and pizza from Chicago for a private party at the White House not too long ago if he used the same channels as us,” notes Fred Barton.

“I want to bring two very important people to a meeting with you in Washington. I think they will interest you, since they are leading persons in projects related to our sensitive topic. Both were at the head of very responsible departments dealing with secret scientific developments and projects of the Ministry of Defense. In other words, they are Class A officials,” DeLong writes.

One of the most unexpected discoveries of WikiLeaks was documentary evidence of the Clinton campaign manager's passion for ufology. This is evidenced by the correspondence of John Podesta with astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who warns the political scientist about the upcoming “war in space” and “aliens from the adjacent universe.”

"Dear John! As the war in space heats up, I wanted to warn you about some factors before our Skype conversation. Remember, non-hostile ETIs (intelligent extraterrestrial beings) from the adjacent universe are ready to help us with zero-energy technologies on Earth. They will not tolerate any military action either on Earth or in space,” says the letter, the text of which was published on the WikiLeaks portal.


There is no surprise in the ranks of the RZhS*.

We have already written about the device:

As for pizza and hot dogs without a bun - this is the designation of girls (pizza without hair means immature) and boys, because for occultists everything revolves around the female and male genital organs, which they shove everywhere, even into architecture - for example, a round square and an obelisk standing in the middle of it. The square, like the pizza, is feminine, the obelisk, like the hot dog, is masculine. And sexual acts with children, especially perverted ones, are a great success for them, according to the principle, the greater the abomination before God, the better.

Also, WikiLeaks is attaching to this topic the earlier scandal of Hilary and her assistant Huma Abedin (whose husband is seducing teenagers) in the case of the mass abduction of children from Latin America - probably abductions for these same orgies.

It's funny. While many people think that religious views are an attribute of the lower strata of the population, but it turns out that the higher, the more enlightened and freer a person becomes from a religious worldview, well, here’s how it turns out: the political elite is involved in the occult.

By the way, we noticed in the text of the very first picture in PS a description of the ancient Egyptian movement about the wife of Osiris, whose name is written in English exactly like the name of the Islamic State (a group banned in Russia) - ISIS Now you understand why this group arose in the first place, received is this name secretly supported by a number of Western elites?

And they tell us that there is no God. To control the masses, you need to atheize the population, depriving them of immunity to lies and manipulation, that’s all you need to know...

Be careful that you are walking dangerously...

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