White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Anglo-Saxons and the world White Protestant Anglo-Saxon

In my opinion, the Anglo-Saxon elite is a direct enemy of Russia and the rest of the world as a whole. From time immemorial, England has taken the position: the best defense is attack! And I can say that she defended herself quite well. The British Empire was the largest state that ever existed. The hegemony of British power spread throughout the world with its colonies. It is now generally accepted that the United States is the world aggressor - this is true, but not entirely. Let's remember who sits at the head of this country. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant or WASP for short. White Anglo-Saxon Neoconservative Protestants (BASP).

If we remember the distant times when the United States did not yet exist, and European colonists in the person of the British and French landed on the territory of North America, then the British represented the Protestant Church, and the French - the Catholic Church. Both of these peoples fought among themselves for territories and were eventually distributed, as we see now. Anglo-Saxon fundamentalism knew no bounds. If the French treated their mission realistically, as a missionary one, then the British - rather, as an aggressive-colonial one. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants formed the modern United States and subjugated everyone to their will. Ever since those colonial times, the ideology of the BASPs had some kind of proud character, showing the superiority of this particular ethno-religious layer over others. It was the BASPs who began to keep slaves from Africa on their plantations and brutally exterminated the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. The British Empire rejected the Romanesque models of humane treatment of people of color and pursued a cruel and uncompromising policy of double standards. If for the Catholic French any discrimination was unacceptable, then for the Protestant English it was the norm.

The British Empire collapsed, its colonies became independent states, and in our times it was replaced by its successor - the United States. Or maybe it didn’t collapse, but only transformed into modern Great Britain. The hegemony of the Anglo-Saxons was slightly transformed: Pax Britannica was replaced by Pax Americana. A new occupation of the Anglo-Saxons began, using revolutions and changes of power in various states.

The modern American elite consists precisely of the descendants of the first colonists - white Anglo-Saxons of the Protestant faith. They stick to each other, create various elite clubs, societies in which just anyone is not allowed. It is Anglo-Saxon neoconservatism that is to blame for the fact that the United States has become a global aggressor. If you ask every inhabitant of the globe: “How do you feel about the American government?” - The majority will answer: “Strongly negative!”

At all times, all large states have always had some kind of right-wing ideas in their governments. Be it Rome or the 3rd Reich, the Russian Empire or the USA. Right-wing ideas gave power to empires and states. American conservatism presupposes reverence for their traditions and following them, blind fanaticism that destroys everything in its path. The American establishment consists of neoconservatives with fundamental ideas of world domination and subordination of the entire world to themselves. Right-wing ideas have always won and will continue to win elections, whether democratic or not, it doesn’t matter. Right-wing ideas are much stronger than all other (left-wing) ideas because they represent power, the desire for dominance, and national interests. In contrast to the disorganized leftist ideas, the right ones represent a concentration of basic ideas and postulates in the person of the ruler, the emperor. (I am not a supporter of right-wing ideas and political power in general)

The American elite represents exceptional cynicism and self-centeredness. If during the 3rd Reich the thought of superiority circulated in the minds of citizens for 12 (well, a little more) years, then among the Anglo-Saxons, who truly honor their traditions, this thought has been circulating for more than one century. For example, the Bush family is precisely a descendant of the first colonists from the British Empire, just like the Kennedy family.

I respect people who honor the traditions of their people, but what traditions do Americans have? Kill, rob, consume, profit. It makes me wonder - what kind of traditions are these? If you look at American westerns, you can see that the Americans did nothing but kill people and try to make money. How can one have a positive attitude toward a people whose traditions include killing, bending others to their will, striving for world domination, and making as much (not making!) money as possible? What can you expect from such traditionalists?

The fascism of the BASPs accompanied them on any route they followed. Just remember the Ku Klux Klan. Until the 50s, black people had to give up their seats on public transport to whites, black children went to school accompanied by police with dogs in order to avoid collisions with white fascist youth holding chains and bats at the ready. The fascism of white conservative people is clearly visible in films such as American History X and Fanatic. And this is their tradition? Kill, destroy, strive to subjugate everyone to your will?

For example, German fascism or even the fascism of the Russian modern ultra-right has at least some logic and is quite explainable. The Germans really wanted to liberate their rightful lands from various foreigners, as did the Russian fascists. But what is American fascism? First they came to someone else's territory, drove them out, and then killed the local population. Then they brought blacks from Africa to work and these blacks were then subjected to beatings and humiliation. Do you agree that there is a difference between the fascism of the 3rd Reich and American fascism?

The American elite are descendants of bandits and robbers; they consider the exploits of their ancestors as pride. And if they were only interested in money - but they are interested precisely in world domination: the subjugation of other nations to themselves - to white Anglo-Saxon Protestant neoconservatives. If you look at what Protestantism is, then any Orthodox or atheist will say that it is nothing more than a sect. Protestantism, both in colonial times and now, presupposes fundamentalism, fanatical adherents who are ready to kill for the will of their next pastor. And if you look at charismatics - and this is also Protestantism, as well as neo-Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Baptists, Mormons, Lutherans - is this what Jesus taught? Protestantism seems to many (except the Protestants themselves) to be nothing more than one big sect and, therefore, sectarians rule the most powerful state?

What is Protestantism? Let's remember how it was formed.

Christ commanded His Apostles to teach all nations and thereby created the first Christian church. Then in 1054 the church split into Roman Catholic and Orthodox. Then in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to church doors, giving rise to Protestantism. Protestantism perverted the original Teachings of Christ. He removed many of the Sacraments, leaving only baptism and communion, and even then not in all movements. Protestantism represents various directions, such as Lutheranism, Baptistism, Calvinism and many others. Among Lutherans, for example, it is possible for a homosexual to become a priest. In other movements, it is believed that if a person has been baptized, then he is guaranteed to be saved - he will go to Paradise, and there is no need to even confess and repent of his sins. Those. Protestantism is like a schism in a cube, a triple schism and a renunciation of the original source - Orthodoxy.

Many American Protestants believe that they can be transported to Heaven at any moment just because they are Christians. BASPs believe that they have a special mission and that they are a special people who are about to ascend to heaven, and they unquestioningly believe in their pastors. The pastor said to bomb Iraq, which means we will bomb Iraq. The pastor said to bomb Libya, which means we will bomb Libya. “God said me - strike Iraq,” - “God told me to strike Iraq,” - this is how George Bush motivated his aggression.

The faith of the BASPs is a huge electoral mechanism that brought Bush to power. It is known that in the United States less than 50% of the population votes in presidential elections, and extreme right-wing Christians, i.e. BASPs make up only 13%, but each of them votes. These people support nuclear strikes, support armed conflicts, because it suits their beliefs, because the pastor said so. Far-right evangelical Christians preach war against Muslims, inciting it, because they fanatically believe that in this battle they will ascend to heaven. Religious fundamentalism in the United States is much more developed than even in Muslim countries.

What do you think when you find out that the ruling elite of the most powerful state are fanatics seeking world domination? It would be one thing if all this was done just for money, but this is far from the case. In the minds of the American elite sits a fundamental idea that is much stronger than money; money is only a tool of this idea. How should we react and what should we expect from such a government? Which is about to come to you - to build your own “democracy”.

, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
- an acronym, a popular cliche in the mid-20th century, a term denoting privileged origin. The abbreviation stands for a representative of the Caucasian race, a Protestant of Anglo-Saxon origin. It is used mainly in North America. The acronym, before changing demographics due to immigration, was similar to the concept of “100% American” - that is, representatives of the more affluent strata of US society, who previously played a dominant role in shaping the elite of American political and economic life. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants include primarily the descendants of the first wave of immigrants of the 17th-18th centuries during British colonization (see Americans of English descent), who largely shaped the United States, and to a certain extent still have a decisive influence on some areas of American society. .

The British colonization of North America was carried out in intense competition with the leading Catholic powers of the time - France and Spain, as well as under the conditions of the Reformation in Britain, which predetermined a negative attitude towards Catholics among the British and British Puritan colonists in the USA. Also, Great Britain completely rejected the Romanesque models of humane treatment of the colored population and pursued a cruel and uncompromising policy of double standards in relation to black slaves and autochthonous Indians. This, in turn, predetermined the fate of all non-white groups in the US population, who were gradually excluded from participation in governing the country. Institutional discrimination and racism (see Jim Crow laws) ensured that the early English-speaking settlers and their descendants would retain control of power in the country as a whole, although their demographic weight became less and less significant throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. And if German Americans and immigrants from German countries gradually joined the ranks of the elite, then the assimilation of Italian (see Italian Americans), Polish and Irish immigrants was no longer so smooth, not to mention African Americans, Latin Americans and especially Mexicans, who, despite their numerical dominance in some states and cities (for example, New Mexico since 2006 or Miami) are poorly represented in government and the economy. Although minority groups (racial, ethnolinguistic) make up over a third (35%) of the US population (2008 estimate), the country's first 43 presidents were white. Elected in 2008, Barack Obama became the first non-white US president in the history of the country and the first mulatto to occupy this position in the American White House in Washington, where the non-white population makes up 70%, including about 55% African-American.


The lifestyle of this group in the country was previously characterized by extreme intra-class isolation, imitation of the traditions and hobbies of the British royal court. Closed private clubs were popular among BASPs, which usually did not admit blacks, Catholics and Jews (private establishments in the United States have the right to discriminate); children attended closed private educational institutions or British universities. Their typical hobbies were golf, tennis, badminton, horse riding, polo and yachts. Currently, as a result of assimilation processes, interethnic (but not interracial) barriers in the United States are greatly blurred and BASPs are no longer a completely group of the population. However, many stereotypes of perception of this group persist.

It is completely natural to start stereotyping with this group of US residents - it was their ancestors who laid the foundations of American society, and they themselves continue to hold leadership in it.

Who are WASPs

WASP - W hite A nglo- S axon P rotestant ( B white, A nglo WITH ax, P rotestant).

If we approach the name formally, then these are Americans of British origin, Protestants by faith. The word White in this definition is unnecessary, because the Anglo-Saxons automatically belong to the white race. It was added to give the abbreviation meaning: wasp - wasp. Sometimes when decoding a word W hite(white) is replaced by W ealthy(rich).

"Mom, Jay called me white again
Anglo-Saxon Protestant!

The abbreviation itself has existed since the 50s of the 20th century, but there is no general agreement on who to include in this group. Some believe that WASP includes only people from Albion, others add descendants of colonists from the Protestant countries of Northern Europe (Scandinavians, Dutch, Germans). In the narrowest sense, WASPs are the chosen representatives of the rich and thoroughbred clans of the northeastern establishment; in the broadest sense, they are white Protestants from any part of America.
Catholics and Jews (because of religion), blacks and Latinos (because of race), are obviously not WASPs.

And now - one wonderful list in which almost everyone can be classified as a WASP.

This is a list of 44 American presidents, in which there is only one Catholic (Kennedy), only one black (Obama), and the majority are descended from the English and Scots, with minor additions of Irish and other northern Europeans (Dutch, German)

1 George Washington
2 John Adams
3 Thomas Jefferson
4 James Madison
5 James Monroe
6 John Quincy Adams
7 Andrew Jackson
8 Martin Van Buren
9 William Henry Harrison
10 John Tyler
11 James K. Polk
12 Zachary Taylor
13 Millard Fillmore
14 Franklen Pierce
15 James Buchanan
16 Abraham Lincoln
17 Andrew Johnson
18th Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
19 Rutherford B. Hayes
20 James A. Garfield
21 Chester A. Arthur
22 Grover Cleveland
23 Benjamin Harrison
24 Grover Cleveland
25 William McKinley
26 Theodore Roosevelt
27 William Howard Taft
28 Woodrow Wilson
29 Warren G. Harding
30 Calvin Coolidge
31 Herbert Hoover
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt
33 Harry S. Truman
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower
35 John F. Kennedy
36 Lyndon B. Johnson
37 Richard M. Nixon
38 Gerald R. Ford
39 Jimmy Carter
40 Ronald Reagan
41 George Bush
42 Bill Clinton
43 George W. Bush
44 Barack H. Obama
Irish Scots
Irish Scots
Irish Scots
Irish Scots
Irish Scots
Irish Scots
Irish Scots
English/Irish Scots

Note. Irish Scots - Scots who moved to Ireland in the 17th century

British colonists

What determined the main role of the WASPs in American society? Neither the fact that they are white, nor the fact that they are Protestants. The key is the word “Anglo-Saxons”.
Despite the fact that North America was discovered and explored by sailors from other countries, it was the British who were the first ethnic group to found permanent settlements here.
The first settlements were Jamestown (1607) in the south and Plymouth (1620) in the northeast

These settlements were culturally completely different (by the way, a good example of the dissimilarity of groups of people of the same nationality).
Jamestown was the seed from which grew the Southern aristocracy and slavery; Plymouth, with its town meetings, on the contrary, laid the foundation for future democratic institutions. In between the southern (Southern) and northeastern (New England) English colonies were the Dutch, later conquered by the British and called the Middle Atlantic colonies. From these colonies came the tolerance and capitalist enterprise of the Yankees.

The defining influence of the British on American culture occurred during the colonial period.
In 1790, 63% of the colonial population came from or descended from the British Isles:

English - 48.3%
Scots - 6.6%
Irish Scots -4.8%
Irish - 2.9%
Africans - 18.9%
Germans - 6.9%
Dutch - 2.7%
Native Americans (Indians) - 1.8%
French and Swedes - 1.8%

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of this English majority on all aspects of American culture: language, law, customs and values.

British are immigrants

Lieutenant Golitsyn, maybe we’ll come back
Why do we need foreign land, lieutenant?

Since 1825 (after the British Parliament lifted the ban on the emigration of workers), mass immigration from the British Isles began. English, Scottish, and Irish artisans found jobs in American textile mills that paid twice their income at home.

Unlike other immigrants, the British were not tied to one place or occupation. They moved easily in search of better jobs, leaving immigrants of other origins with lower wages. This is explained by the fact that the British emigrated to a country with their own language and similar culture. They practically did not encounter linguistic discrimination, and to a large extent cultural discrimination. Evidence of this is the absence of universal “ethnic nicknames” that are mandatory for other immigrants (except for the completely non-offensive “John Bull”, which is also practically not used in America).

But the fact that British immigrants were not strangers to the dominant culture in society turned out to be an unexpected minus. A slight digression is necessary here.
The combination “The Immigrant Attitude” has long been a stable phrase in America. It is translated as “immigrant mindset” and means the mindset and behavior of a “stranger among strangers”, forced to work hard to survive. He has no choice but to win. With this attitude he succeeds most of the time.

The attitude of an immigrant depends on where he came from and where he immigrated. It’s one thing to leave forever for a country that is completely foreign to you, and another to enter a country of your language and culture, with the opportunity to always return.
Therefore, many of the British found themselves completely unprepared when it turned out that their assigned role was “outsiders.”

Here is a summary image of America through the eyes of 19th century British immigrants.
"For the British, Americans are men of action, little concerned about the meaning of life, blind to the beauty of their land and hostile to everything elegant...
Expecting America to be dynamic, the British found it boring. Human communities turned out to be not at all open and alive, but permeated with suspicion and dying. Americans were often unemployed, but boasted of their economic opportunities, cursed politicians, but defended their political system, were advocates of freedom, but enforced conformism...

More recent immigrants were even harsher.
The land of the careless, the language is not English at all, but simply primitive jargon - a mixture of German idioms and colloquial solecisms (semi-regular figures of speech), the implementation of laws is a complete farce, American children are spoiled ignoramuses. Many return to England dissatisfied with the manners and behavior of the people.

Still, the majority of British immigrants remained in the United States.
Britain is third on the list of countries that provide the largest number of immigrants to the United States (5 million came from it between 1820 and 1993).
And, no less important, she is the main donor of blue blood - “white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant.”

What is it like to be a WASP?

The thing you have to remember about WASPs is
they love animals and can't stand people
(Gordon Gekko - Michael Douglas, "Wall Street")

WASPs are the most privileged, powerful, and wealthy minority in the United States.

WASPs are people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, got everything from birth and entered into a protected, pure, white world. They inherit wealth, live in historical houses, dress specially, know their ancestors (whose images hang on the walls) hundreds of years ago, their high leisure time is fox hunting, horse riding and similar social pastimes in their very, very closed circle .

WASP means
blonde hair,
madras trousers,
passion for boats
Episcopal Church,
speech through teeth
squash game,
bad kitchen,
New England Isles,
and an ethical code, the main principle of which is “Don’t waste your capital”

And now - an ethnographic journey into the world of WASP.

WASP , White Anglo-Saxon Protestants- an acronym, a popular cliche in the mid-20th century, a term denoting privileged origin. The abbreviation stands for a representative of the Caucasian race, a Protestant of Anglo-Saxon origin. It is used mainly in North America. The acronym, before changing demographics due to immigration, was similar to the concept of “100% American” - that is, representatives of the more affluent strata of US society, who previously played a dominant role in shaping the elite of American political and economic life. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants include primarily the descendants of the first wave of immigrants of the 17th-18th centuries during British colonization (see Americans of English descent), who largely shaped the United States, and to a certain extent still have a decisive influence on some areas of American society. .

The British colonization of North America was carried out in intense competition with the leading Catholic powers of the time - France and Spain, as well as under the conditions of the Reformation in Britain, which predetermined a negative attitude towards Catholics among the British and British Puritan colonists in the USA. Also, Great Britain completely rejected the Romanesque models of humane treatment of the colored population and pursued a cruel and uncompromising policy of double standards in relation to black slaves and autochthonous Indians. This, in turn, predetermined the fate of all non-white groups in the US population, who were gradually excluded from participation in governing the country. Institutional discrimination and racism (see Jim Crow laws) ensured that the early English-speaking settlers and their descendants would retain control of power in the country as a whole, although their demographic weight became less and less significant throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. And if German Americans and immigrants from German countries gradually joined the ranks of the elite, then the assimilation of Italian (see Italian Americans), Polish and Irish immigrants was no longer so smooth, not to mention African Americans, Latin Americans and especially Mexicans, who, despite their numerical dominance in some states and cities (for example, New Mexico since 2006 or Miami) are poorly represented in government and the economy. Although minority groups (racial, ethnolinguistic) make up over a third (35%) of the US population (2008 estimate), the country's first 43 presidents were white. Elected in 2008, Barack Obama became the first non-white US president in the history of the country and the first mulatto to occupy this position in the American White House in Washington, where the non-white population makes up 70%, including about 55% African-American.


The lifestyle of this group in the country was previously characterized by extreme intra-class isolation, imitation of the traditions and hobbies of the British royal court. Closed private clubs were popular among BASPs, which usually did not admit blacks, Catholics and Jews (private establishments in the United States have the right to discriminate); children attended closed private educational institutions or British universities. Their typical hobbies were golf, tennis, badminton, horse riding, polo and yachts. Currently, as a result of assimilation processes, interethnic (but not interracial) barriers in the United States are greatly blurred and BASPs are no longer a completely group of the population. However, many stereotypes of perception of this group persist.

WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants- an acronym, a popular cliche in the mid-20th century, a term denoting privileged origin. The abbreviation stands for Caucasian, Protestant of Anglo-Saxon origin. It is used mainly in North America. The acronym, before changing demographics due to immigration, was similar to the concept of “100% American” - that is, representatives of the more affluent strata of US society, who previously played a dominant role in shaping the elite of American political and economic life. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants include primarily the descendants of the first wave of immigrants of the 17th-18th centuries during British colonization (see Americans of English descent), who largely shaped the United States, and to a certain extent still have a decisive influence on some areas of American society. .


The British colonization of North America was carried out in intense competition with the leading Catholic powers of the time - France and Spain, as well as under the conditions of the Reformation in Britain, which predetermined a negative attitude towards Catholics among the British and British Puritan colonists in the USA. Also, Great Britain completely rejected the Romanesque models of humane treatment of the colored population and pursued a cruel and uncompromising policy of double standards in relation to black slaves and autochthonous Indians. This, in turn, predetermined the fate of all non-white groups in the US population, who were gradually excluded from participation in governing the country. Institutional discrimination and racism (see Jim Crow laws) ensured that the early English-speaking settlers and their descendants would retain control of power in the country as a whole, although their demographic weight became less and less significant throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. And if German Americans and immigrants from German countries gradually joined the ranks of the elite, then the assimilation of Italian (see Italian Americans), Polish and Irish immigrants was no longer so smooth, not to mention African Americans, Latin Americans and especially Mexicans, who, despite their numerical dominance in some states and cities (for example, New Mexico since 2006 or Miami) are poorly represented in government and the economy. Although minority groups (racial, ethnolinguistic) make up over a third (35%) of the US population (2008 estimate), the country's first 43 presidents were white. Elected in 2008, Barack Obama became the first non-white US president in the history of the country and the first mulatto to occupy this position in the American White House in Washington, where the non-white population makes up 70%, including

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