Sound designation of a verb. Animal sound verbs

Dear parents, for children who are going to 1st grade, classes on drawing up the sound diagram of a word will be very useful.

Let's try to figure out how to correctly create a sound diagram of a word or a sound model of a word. We can also call this type of work sound-letter word analysis or phonetic analysis.

Phonetics is a branch of the science of language in which the sounds of a language, stress, and syllables are studied.

We call the sounds that a person makes speech sounds. Speech sounds are formed in the speech apparatus when air is exhaled. The speech apparatus is the larynx with vocal cords, oral and nasal cavities, tongue, lips, teeth, palate.

There are six vowel sounds in the Russian language: [a], [o], [u], [e], [s], [i]. Vowel sounds can be stressed or unstressed.

We will denote vowel sounds in red (I took the symbols for sounds from the “School of Russia” program).

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When we pronounce consonant sounds, the air encounters an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue). Some consonants consist only of noise - these are voiceless consonants. Others are made of voice and noise. These are voiced consonants.

Consonants are also divided into hard and soft.

Hard consonants are indicated in blue, soft consonants are indicated in green.

According to the “School of Russia” program, we denote the fusion of a vowel sound with a consonant by a rectangle divided diagonally by a straight line, where we paint the consonant below and the vowel above.

Make cards out of construction paper or paper to make words. You will also need cards with an accent mark and a dividing line.

You can draw diagrams in a notebook with large squares. It’s even better to combine both types of work.

Start working with simple words - one or two syllables.

So, you've made the cards and are ready for class.

Think about how to interest your child.

Maybe you can teach your doll Masha or your favorite bunny to form words?

Or will you solve riddles and make a diagram of the answer word?

Or maybe a word (card or picture) is hidden and you play the game “hot and cold”?

It’s very good if you come up with something interesting and have an incentive to work.

Fragment of the lesson.

Guess a riddle.

The grandfather is sitting dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears.

Let's make a diagram of the word onion.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

We say bow with clap of our hands. This word has 1 syllable.

2. What sounds does a syllable consist of?

We pronounce it drawn out l-u-k.

The first sound is [l]. This is a hard consonant sound. The second sound is [u]. This is a vowel sound. The sounds [l], [u] merge together, resulting in a merger [lu]. We select the desired card - merging a hard consonant with a vowel sound.

The third sound [k] is a hard consonant. We choose a card for a hard consonant.

3. Let's denote the sounds with letters. The sound [l] is denoted by the letter “el”. The sound [u] is the letter “u”. The sound [k] is the letter “ka”.

We do not place stress on monosyllable words. The word has one vowel sound, which means it is stressed.

According to the “School of Russia” program, there are no designations for voiced and voiceless consonants. Therefore, you can show your imagination and come up with your own designations for a voiced and voiceless consonant. For example, in the game “Find out the sound” I chose a bell to represent a voiced consonant, and a smiley face with headphones on for a voiceless consonant. The pictures can be printed and used in the diagram.

You can practice characterizing sound in the game.

A game

A ribbon of letters will help you characterize the sound.

The tape shows very clearly what sounds the letters represent.

For example, the letter “en” denotes two sounds - hard [n] and soft [n"]. Therefore, the rectangle has two colors - blue and green. These sounds are voiced, so there is a bell on top.

All sounds in the top row are voiced, while those in the bottom row are voiceless.

The letter “zhe” denotes one sound – a hard sound [zh]. Therefore the rectangle is completely blue. This is a ringing sound.

Particular attention should be paid to iotated vowels.

The letters i, ё, yu, e can mean two sounds or one.

When they appear at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, they represent two sounds:

I [th" a], yo [th" o], yu [th" y], e [th" e]

After a consonant sound, they designate one sound: i [a], ё [o], yu [u], e [e].

Let's make a diagram of the word Yana.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

This word has two syllables.

2. The first syllable is I. This is a fusion of two sounds - [th"], [a]. The sound [th"] is a soft consonant, the sound [a] is a vowel. We choose a card - a fusion of a soft consonant and vowel sound.

3. Place a dividing line after the first syllable.

3. The second syllable is na. This is a fusion of two sounds - [n], [a]. The sound [n] is a hard consonant, the sound [a] is a vowel. We choose a card - a fusion of a hard consonant and a vowel sound.

4. Put emphasis. We find the stressed syllable. We say the whole word, highlighting the stressed syllable. The stressed syllable is the first. So that the child understands that the stress is placed correctly, try placing the stress on the second syllable.

5. We designate sounds with letters.

The sounds [y"a] are denoted by one letter - the letter i.

The sound [n] is denoted by the letter “en”.

The sound [a] is denoted by the letter a.

All symbols of sounds in the article are taken from the “School of Russia” program. But the most important thing for us is that the child learns to characterize sound and know how to work with models. If a child has learned to characterize a sound, then replacing the designation will not be difficult.

Olga Gordeeva


Sound analysis of a word is the determination of sounds in a word in order and their characteristics (vowel - consonant, voiced - deaf, soft hard)

Sound pattern of a word- this is a sequence of squares - symbols laid out in the same order as sounds in a word.


Sound analysis performed by sequentially highlighting by voice sounds in a word and their characteristics.

Let's do it sound analysis of the word HOME:

ddd-ohm - first sound D - it is consonant, sonorous, hard - let's denote it with a blue square with a bell.

d – ooo – m - second sound O - he

vowel - let's denote it with a red square.

to –mmm - third the sound M is a consonant, sonorous, hard - let's denote it with a blue square with a bell.

IN the word HOUSE has 3 sounds, 2 consonants and 1 vowel.

Consonants sounds D and M.

Vowel O sound.

Let's call sounds in order: HOUSE.

Let's write word in letters:HOUSE


kkyk - it - first sound Кь – consonant, deaf, soft, denoted by a green square.

IN the word whale has 3 sounds: 2 consonants and 1 vowel. Consonants Кь and Т. Vowel I. Let's call sounds in order K, I, T.


Letters denoting voiced sounds:

M, B, G, D, N, V, F, L, R, Z, J.

Letters representing deaf people sounds:

P, K, X, T, F, Sh, S, Ch, Shch, C.

Voiced or voiceless sound children determine by placing their hand on their throat. If during utterance sound"throat is ringing" - ringing sound. If "doesn't ring"- deaf

Letters denoting always solid sounds: Sh, F, C.

Letters denoting always soft sounds: Shch, Ch, J.

The remaining letters can represent two sound hard and soft: T and T, P and P, K and K, D and D, etc.

Softness and hardness children sounds

determine by ear:

MEL – Is the sound soft?.

CHALK - sound l hard.

CAT - sound K hard.

KIT – soft sound.

Parents can check the following way:

If in a letter A, O, U, Y, E are written after a consonant, then it means a hard sound.

If the letters E, E, Yu, I are written after a consonant letter in a letter, then it means soft sound.

Sounds E,Yo,YU,YA – there is no such thing, these are vowels that indicate the softness of a consonant in writing.

Voiced consonants sounds at the end of words in speech they are deafened and replaced by paired deaf: D – T, G – K, B – P, F – W, ​​V – F, G – S.

We write ICE - we say [FLIGHT]

We write KNIFE - we say [NOSH]

We write SNOW - we say [SNACK]

The letters E, E, Yu, I, standing in word after a consonant they denote accordingly E sounds, O, U, A.

All this must be taken into account when performing sound analysis of words.

Database as a graph

In the study of animal sound verbs, one has to deal with quite a lot of types of information: verbs, languages, metaphors, animals, language examples, and translations. The researcher's main job is to understand how these data elements are related to each other, identify consistent patterns, and explain exceptions. The tool that you now see in front of you is designed to simplify the first of these tasks - to understand how the data we are interested in is related to each other - and to do this, visualize the data in the form of a graph.

In the graph, each node represents an animal, a verb of a language, or a certain type of semantic transition. Thus, to find out which verbs correspond to a particular animal or which metaphors a particular verb has, it is enough to look at the connections between the corresponding nodes.

In order to use the database comfortably, you need to remember some conventions:

  • Red nodes represent animals. The size of an animal's node varies depending on how many languages ​​the verb corresponding to that animal is found in.
  • Black nodes represent semantic transitions.
  • Nodes of other colors correspond to verbs of different languages. Each tongue is assigned a specific color. In addition, when you hover over a node, you will see a tooltip with its corresponding verb and language name.

To search for animals and metaphors in certain languages, there are three search boxes at the top of the window: “Animal”, “Language” and “Metaphor”. For example, when you enter the site, you see the request “cat, dog”, “Moldovan, Greek, “person”. This request will allow you to find out which verbs corresponding to the sounds of cats or dogs in Greek and Moldavian languages ​​have metaphorical meanings associated with a person. In addition, the graph constructed from such a query shows that cats and dogs in these two languages ​​do not have a common verb.

In each search box you can enter 0, 1 or more search items. If you are looking for several animals or several languages ​​at once, then their names must be entered separated by commas, for example, “cat, dog” or “Chinese, Polish”.

A list of languages ​​and corresponding colors, animals and types of metaphors can be seen in the "About the database" tab or by clicking on the link.

Example requests

The database allows you to answer many non-trivial questions. We will give examples of such questions and show how to write a database query.

Is there a language in which bears and bees are united by a common sound verb?

Request:[bear, bee], ,

How to analyze the resulting graph: two red nodes, corresponding to a bee and a bear, are directly connected by only one colored node. This node corresponds to the Khanty verb "omitɨ". This means that the answer to the question posed is “yes, such a language exists.” In addition, the constructed graph can answer other questions. For example, the same size of red nodes shows that verbs corresponding to these animals are present in the same number of languages. You can also see all the metaphors associated with the bear and the bee, and find out if there are the same semantic transitions. (Yes, there are two of them: the hum of musical instruments and speech.)

In what languages, besides Russian, can the verb horse sound mean loud laughter?

Request:[horse], , [laughter]

In the resulting small graph, the colored nodes show the verbs corresponding to horse in different languages. When we hover over the node of interest, we can see the verb itself and the name of the language. Thus, we see the following list of languages: Finnish, Moldavian, Indonesian, Serbian, Hungarian, Komi-Permyak, Komi-Zyryan, Armenian, Erzya (Shoksha).

From the sounds of which animals does the metaphorical transition to the crying zone most often occur?

Request:, , [crying]

Since we are interested in the most common animals, we need to look at the red nodes of the largest size. The largest nodes correspond to animals: donkey, puppy, dog, bear. Based on this query, the graph turns out to be quite extensive. If you need to fix some nodes in a more convenient position, drag them with the mouse to the desired area of ​​the screen.

Words are divided into syllables. Syllable- this is one sound or several sounds pronounced by one exhalation push of air.

Wed: wow, wow.

1. In the Russian language there are sounds of different audibility: vowel sounds are more sonorous compared to consonant sounds.

    Exactly vowel sounds form syllables, are syllabic.

    Consonants are non-syllabic. When pronouncing a word, the consonant sounds “stretch” towards the vowels, forming a syllable together with the vowels.

2. A syllable can consist of one sound (and then it must be a vowel!) or several sounds (in this case, in addition to the vowel, the syllable contains a consonant or a group of consonants).

The rim is o-bo-dok; country - country; night light - night light; miniature - mi-ni-a-tyu-ra.

3. Syllables can be open or closed.

    Open syllable ends with a vowel sound.

    Wow, country.

    Closed syllable ends with a consonant sound.

    Sleep, lay-ner.

    There are more open syllables in Russian. Closed syllables are usually observed at the end of a word.

    Wed: no-chnik(the first syllable is open, the second is closed), oh-bo-doc(the first two syllables are open, the third is closed).

    In the middle of a word, the syllable usually ends in a vowel sound, and the consonant or group of consonants that comes after the vowel usually ends in the following syllable!

    No-chnik, dammit, announcer.


Sometimes a word can have two consonants written but only one sound, for example: get rid of[izh:yt’]. Therefore, in this case, two syllables stand out: and-live.
Division into parts out-live corresponds to the rules of word hyphenation, and not division into syllables!

The same can be seen in the example of the verb leave, in which the combination of consonants zzh sounds like one sound [zh:]; therefore the division into syllables will be - leave, and division into parts for transfer is leave.

Errors are especially common when highlighting syllables in verb forms ending in -tsya, -tsya.

  • Division twisting, pressing is a division into parts for transfer, and not a division into syllables, since in such forms the combination of letters ts, ts sounds like one sound [ts].

  • When dividing into syllables, combinations of letters tc, tc go entirely to the next syllable: hover, press.

    In the middle of a word, closed syllables can only form unpaired voiced consonants: [j], [р], [р'], [л], [л'], [м], [м'], [н], [н' ].

    May-ka, Sonya-ka, so-lom-ka.


When combining several consonants in the middle of a word:

1) Two identical consonants necessarily go to the next syllable.

O-t-t, yes-nn-y.

2) Two or more consonants usually extend to the next syllable.

Sha-pk a, equal.

Exception make up combinations of consonants in which the first is an unpaired voiced voice (letters r, r, l, l, m, m, n, n, th).

Mark-ka, dawn-ka, bul-ka, insole-ka, dam-ka, ban-ka, ban-ka, bark-ka.

4. The division into syllables often does not coincide with the division into parts of the word (prefix, root, suffix, ending) and with the division of the word into parts during transfer.

For example, the word calculated is divided into morphemes calculated (races- console, counts- root; a, nn- suffixes; th- ending).
When transferred, the same word is divided as follows: calculated.
The word is divided into syllables as follows: calculated.

Word hyphenation rules Examples
1. As a rule, words are transferred into syllables. The letters ъ, ь, й are not separated from the previous letters. Ride on, go on, go on, go on.
2. You cannot move or leave one letter on a line, even if it represents a syllable. Oh bo-dok; words autumn, name cannot be divided for transfer.
3. When transferring, you cannot tear off the final consonant letter from the prefix. From -to leak, from -to pour.
4. When transferring, the first consonant cannot be removed from the root. To murmur, to murmur.
5. When hyphenating words with double consonants, one letter remains on the line and the other is moved. Ran-n-i, ter-r-or, van-n a.
6. The letter ы after the prefix cannot be torn off from the root, but the part of the word starting with the letter ы should not be transferred. Times - say.
In the process of school learning the Russian language, students become familiar with different types of analysis. This includes a lexical analysis of a word and an analysis of its composition and methods of formation. Children learn to parse a sentence into members, identify its syntactic and punctuation features. And also perform many other language operations.

Rationale for the topic

After repeating the material covered in elementary school, 5th grade students begin the first major section of linguistics - phonetics. The completion of its study is the analysis of the word by sounds. Why does a serious and deep acquaintance with native speech begin with phonetics? The answer is simple. The text consists of sentences, sentences - of words, and words - of sounds, which are the building blocks, the building material, the fundamental basis of language, and not only Russian, but any language. That is why parsing a word by sounds is the beginning of the formation of practical skills and abilities of schoolchildren in linguistic work.

The concept of phonetic analysis

What exactly does it include, and what do schoolchildren need to know in order to successfully cope with phonetic tasks? Firstly, it is good to be familiar with syllabic division. Secondly, parsing a word by sounds cannot be done without a clear distinction between vowel and consonant phonemes, paired and unpaired, weak and strong positions. Thirdly, if it (the word) includes iotized, soft or hard elements, doubled letters, the student must also be able to figure out which letter is used to indicate a particular sound in the letter. And even such complex processes as accommodation or assimilation (similarity) and dissimilation (dissimilarity) should also be well studied by them (although these terms are not mentioned in textbooks, nevertheless, children become familiar with these concepts). Naturally, parsing a word by sounds cannot be done if the child does not know how to transcribe and does not know the basic rules of transcription. Therefore, the teacher must approach teaching the “Phonics” section seriously and responsibly.

What is a scheme for parsing a word by sounds? What stages does it include? Let's look at this in detail. To begin with, the lexeme is written out from the text, a “dash” sign is placed, after which it is written again, only this time divided into syllables. Emphasis is placed. Then square brackets are opened, and the student must transcribe the word - write it down as it is heard, i.e., identify its sound shell, indicate the softness of phonemes, if any, etc. Next, under the transcription option, you need to skip the line, swipe down vertical line. Before it, all the letters of the word are written in a column, after it, the sounds are written in square brackets and their full characteristics are given. At the end of the analysis, a small horizontal line is drawn and, as a summary, the number of letters and sounds in the word is noted.

Example one

How does all this look in practice, i.e. in a school notebook? Let's first make a trial analysis of the word by sounds. Examples of analysis will make it possible to understand many nuances. We write down: bedspread. We divide it into syllables: po-kry-va´-lo. We transcribe: [veils].
Let's analyze:
p - [p] is a consonant sound, it is deaf, paired, para - [b], hard;
o - [a] is a vowel sound, unstressed;
k - [k] - consonant sound, it is dull, parn., [para - g], hard;
p - [p] - a consonant sound, sonorant, therefore unpaired in voicing, hard;
ы - [ы] is a vowel, unstressed in this position;
in - [v] - this sound according to, is voiced, its pair is [f], hard;
a - [a´] - vowel sound, in a stressed position;
l - [l] - this is a concordant sound, it belongs to the sonorant ones, therefore unpaired, hard;
o - [a] - consonant, unstressed.
Total: 9 letters in a word and 9 sounds; their number is completely the same.

Example two

Let's see how to parse the word "friends" by sounds. We act according to the already outlined scheme. We divide it into syllables, put the emphasis: friends´. Now we write it down in transcribed form: [druz "y"a´]. And we analyze:
d - [d] - consonant, it is voiced and is paired, para - [t], hard;
p - [p] - consonant, voiced, sonorant, unpaired, hard;
y - [y] - vowel, unstressed;
z - [z"] - according to, is voiced, has a voiceless pair - [s], soft and also paired: [z];
ь - does not indicate sound;
i - [th"] - semivowel, always voiced, therefore unpaired, always soft;
[a´] - vowel, stressed.
This word has 6 letters and 6 sounds. Their number is the same, since b does not indicate a sound, and the letter I after a soft sign indicates two sounds.

Example three We show how to parse the word “language” by sounds. The algorithm is familiar to you. Write it down and divide it into syllables: I-language. Transcribe: [th "izik". Parse phonetically:
i - [th"] - semivowel, voiced, always unpaired, only soft;
[a] - this sound is vowel and unstressed;
z - [z] - acc., voiced, paired, para - [s], hard;
ы - [ы´] - vowel, stressed;
k - [k] - consonant, deaf, paired, [g], hard.
The word consists of 4 letters and 5 sounds.

Their number does not coincide because the letter I is at the absolute beginning and denotes 2 sounds. Example four Let's see what parsing the word "squirrel" looks like by sounds. After he is discharged, make the syllable division: squirrel. Now transcribe: [b"e´lka]. And perform a letter-sound analysis:
b - [b"] - acc., voiced, paired, [p], soft;
e - [e´] - vowel, stressed;
l - [l] - acc., sonorant, unpar., in this case solid;
k - [k] - acc., deaf., paired, [g], solid;
a - [a] - vowel, unstressed.

This word has the same number of letters and sounds - 5 each. As you can see, phonetically analyzing this word is quite simple. It is only important to pay attention to the nuances of its pronunciation.

Example five

Now let's analyze the word "fir" by sounds. Fifth graders should find this interesting. It will help to repeat and consolidate the phonetic features of iotated vowels. The word consists of one syllable, which is also unusual for students. It is transcribed like this: [е´л"]. Now let’s analyze:
e - [th"] - semivowel, voiced, unpaired, soft;
[e´] - vowel, stressed;
l - [l´] - consonant, sonorant, therefore unpaired, in this word soft;
ь - does not indicate sound.
Thus, the word “fir” has 3 letters and 3 sounds. The letter E denotes 2 sounds, because it is at the beginning of the word, and the soft sign does not denote sounds.

Drawing conclusions

We have given examples of phonetic analysis of words consisting of different numbers of syllables and sounds. A teacher, explaining a topic and teaching his students, should try to fill their vocabulary with the appropriate terminology. Speaking about the sounds “N”, “R”, “L”, “M”, we should call them sonorant, simultaneously pointing out that they are always voiced and therefore do not have a pair for deafness. [Y] is not sonorant, but also only voiced, and in this parameter it is adjacent to the previous 4. Moreover, it was previously believed that this sound belongs to consonants, but it is fair to call it a semivowel, because it is very close to the sound [and]. What's the best way to remember them? Write down the sentence with the children: “We didn’t see our friend.” It includes all sonorants.

Special cases of parsing
In order to correctly determine the phonetic structure of a word, it is important to be able to listen to it. For example, the word form for “horses” will look like this in transcription: [lashyd “e´y”], “rain” - [do´sch". It is quite difficult for fifth-graders to deal with such and similar cases on their own. Therefore, the teacher should try in the lessons analyze interesting examples and draw students' attention to some linguistic subtleties. This also applies to words such as “holiday”, “yeast”, i.e., containing double or unpronounceable consonants. In practice it looks like this: holiday, [ pra´z"n"ik]; trembling, [trembling]. A line should be drawn above the “zh”, indicating the duration of the sound. The role of the letter I is also non-standard here. Here it denotes the sound Y.

About the role of transcription

Why does a word need to be transcribed? Phonetic analysis helps to see the graphic appearance of the lexeme. That is, to clearly show how the word looks in its sound shell. What is the general purpose of such an analysis? It consists not only of comparing linguistic units (letters and sounds, their number). Phonetic analysis makes it possible to trace in what positions the same letter represents different sounds. Thus, it is traditionally believed that in the Russian language the vowel “ё” is always in a strong stressed position. However, this rule does not work in words of foreign origin. The same applies to complex lexemes consisting of two or more roots. For example, the adjective tricore. Its transcription is as follows: [tr"iokh"a´d"irny"]. As you can see, the shock sound here is [a].

On the issue of syllabification

Syllable division is also a rather difficult question for fifth graders. Usually the teacher guides children to the following rule: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables. Re-ka: 2 syllables; po-soul: 3 syllables. These are the so-called simple cases when vowels are surrounded by consonants. The situation is somewhat more complicated for children. For example, in the word “blue” there is a confluence of vowels. Schoolchildren find it difficult to divide such options into syllables. You should explain to them that the rule remains the same here: si-nya-ya (3 syllables).

These are the features observed during phonetic analysis.

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