Handball message. History of the Russian Handball Federation

Handball (from German hand - “hand” and ball - “ball”) is a team game with a ball. The competition is held indoors or in an open area (size - 40x20 m, gate 3x2 meters) between two teams of 7 by 7 or 11 by 11 players. The game is played using a round inflatable ball, the size of which is 58-60 cm in circumference for men and 54-56 cm for women. Ball weight - from 425 to 475 g (for men's teams) or from 325 to 375 g (for women's teams).

The game consists of two halves of 30 minutes with a break between them of 10 minutes. The goal of the competition is to throw the maximum possible number of balls into the opponent’s goal, trying not to step beyond the line limiting the 6-meter space in front of the goal. The initial throw is made from the center of the court in any direction. Two judges evaluate the players' actions.

According to scientists, games like handball were known in ancient times. Mentions of them can be found in Homer’s Odyssey, in the treatises of the ancient physician Claudius Galen, and in the poems of the famous minnesinger Walter Von der Vogelweide.

Some researchers argue that modern handball was created by Danish football players around the end of the 19th or beginning of the 20th century, so as not to interrupt training in the winter. The game, played indoors, involved 6 players and a goalkeeper, and the ball had to be passed by hand only.

And in 1890, a ball game called “hazena” (from the Czech “throw”, “throw”) was quite popular in the Czech Republic, which boiled down to unregulated throwing and catching of the ball. However, the official date of the birth of handball is considered to be 1898 - it was then that in one of the real schools in the Danish city of Ordrup, physical education teacher Holger Nielsen offered his students a new type of ball game - “handball” (from German hand - “hand” and ball - “ball”) ").

Almost 20 years later - in 1917 - Berlin resident Max Heiser combined the advantages of the two above-mentioned games, creating handball. Just 3 years later, the first games for the Cup and the German Handball Championship took place, and in 1926 handball was recognized as an international sport. The International Amateur Handball Federation (IAHF), which included 11 countries, was founded in 1928 in Amsterdam (existed until 1944), in 1936 handball was recognized as an Olympic sport, and was included in the program of the XI Olympiad in Berlin. The International Handball Federation, created in 1946, approved a program for the development of this sport and outlined the dates for holding world championships with the participation of men's and women's teams.

The number of players in a handball team has always been 7x7. This is not entirely true. At first, teams did consist of seven players, but in 1946 the International Handball Federation approved the holding of world championships in this sport with the participation of men's and women's 11x11 teams. Later, World Handball Championships were held every 4 years until 1966, when the last 11x11 World Handball Championship took place. Nowadays, handball in the 7x7 format firmly holds the palm at all major competitions.

In the beginning, only women played handball. This sport was indeed created specifically for women, but at the 1936 Olympics (Berlin) only men's teams participated in handball competitions. Women's teams were able to take part in the Olympics only in 1976 (Montreal).

First, the European handball championships were held, and only then the world championships. This is wrong. World championships in this sport have been held since 1936 (for men) and since 1976 (for women). And the European Championships for men's and women's teams were first held in 1994, and since then have been held regularly every two years under the auspices of the European Handball Federation (EHF).

They play handball only in the hall. In fact, there is a variation of this sport - beach handball. The name speaks for itself - this type of game takes place in the open air, sometimes on the shore of a pond or on a sports ground.

Beach handball is just entertainment. Indeed, in the last century there were not even national teams for this sport. However, the game, which takes place in the fresh air, is rapidly developing, gaining more and more fans and, according to experts, has every chance of soon being included in the Olympic program.

Handball rules were developed in 1896. This is not entirely true. New competition rules (reducing the size of the ball, introducing the rules of “three steps” and “three seconds”) were developed only in 1923, 3 years after the handball competitions took place in Berlin. The above-mentioned innovations, according to experts, contributed to the improvement of playing technique.

Russia learned about handball only after the revolution. Wrong opinion. The ancestor of domestic handball - the Czech hazena - appeared in Kharkov back in 1909, and was actively cultivated as one of the types of gymnastic games in the Sokol society. And in 1914, Dr. E.F. Maly developed quite detailed and clear rules for handball, and many of them were used to create international rules for this sport. In fact, it was domestic handball that was the world's first complete version of this game.

At the Olympics, the first places in handball are most often taken by Danes or athletes from Germany. This is wrong. Athletes from Denmark became winners of the Olympic Games three times (and specifically the women's team), from Germany (later - the GDR) - twice, but handball players from the USSR (later - the CIS and Russia) have 6 gold medals.

A left-handed person cannot play handball. Maybe, moreover, he is quite capable of becoming an Olympic champion. A specific example is Igor Vasiliev, who became the champion of the Olympic Games in 1992, the world champion in 1993, and took second place in the European Handball Championship in 1994.

In Russia people don’t like to play handball, especially women. Maybe this game is not as popular as, say, football or basketball. However, we should not forget that it was the USSR national team that most often took first place at the Olympic Games. And the Soviet women's team is the most titled in the history of handball - after all, the athletes won twice at the Olympics and three times at the world championships in this sport.

A draw in handball is common. Indeed, a draw in this game is acceptable. However, if a knockout tournament is held and the results are equal, one or, if necessary, two halves are played, consisting of two periods of 5 minutes with a one-minute break between them. If the competition in this case leads to a draw, the teams take a penalty (5 throws each from the 7-meter mark).

After the final whistle the referee will not penalize the athletes. If there was a violation of the rules or unsportsmanlike behavior before or at the time of the final signal, the referee will punish the offending player even if the signal is given to end the half (game).

In handball, any field player can replace the goalkeeper and vice versa - the goalkeeper can act as a field player. This is true, but it should be remembered that the goalkeeper's uniform is different from the uniform of the players of both teams and the equipment of the opposing goalkeeper. Therefore, in the case of the above-mentioned substitution, the player will first have to change clothes.

If there are less than five players from one of the teams on the handball court, the game automatically stops. No, even if there are less than five players on the court, the competition can continue. The decision to finally stop the game is made by the referees.

The current form of handball arose thanks to Danish football players at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It was invented to replace this competition in the winter. The game involves using all parts of the body, except the legs, to score a ball into the opponent's goal.

The homeland of handball has not been precisely established, since similar games were mentioned in the medieval poems of Walter von der Vogelweide.

The official date of origin of the handball game is considered to be 1898. Holger Nielsen, a physical education teacher at a school in the Danish city of Ordrup, introduced a game called handbold into the curriculum for women's groups, in which teams of 7 people played on a small playing field, throwing the ball to each other friend and trying to get into the opponent's goal.

Studies of more recent periods give reason to believe that handball originated even earlier. In 1890, the game of hazen became popular, which translated means “throw, throw,” the conditions of which are very similar to the rules of handball.

In 1917, Max Heiser combined handball and hazena to create a new game for women called handball.

By 1918, the development of two opposing currents of the game began to be observed: in the east of the Czech hazen, and in the west and north - German handball.

The emergence of handball as an international sport in 1926 prompted the spread of the game and the emergence of handball clubs in a number of countries.

Features of the competition

Handball is a fairly dynamic game. Unlike football, where you only see a couple of goals scored throughout the entire game, in handball there are constant attacks. But this is not basketball, because the ball is thrown into a goal, not a basket. The task in this type of game is complicated by the increased dimensions of the goal and the reduced size of the ball.

In 1914, Dr. E. F. Mala developed fairly clear and detailed rules for the game of handball; subsequently, many of them were used in drawing up the rules of the international standard for this sport. We can say that Russian handball is the world's first completed version of this game.

This type of competition is of a team nature. Competitions are held indoors, outdoors, and there is also a beach version of this game.

Competition conditions

The size of the court should be 20*40 m, and the goal should be 2*3 m. The game uses a ball of small diameter, and its size and weight vary depending on the female or male players, as well as their age.

How many halves are there in handball? The entire game is divided into two halves of 30 minutes, with breaks of 10 minutes. The goal of the event is to throw the maximum number of balls into the goal of the opposing team, while you cannot step beyond the line limiting the space in front of the goal. The game begins with a throw in any direction from the center of the court. All actions of the playing teams are assessed by two judges.

As a health-improving and preventive, that is, physical education means, playing handball is more accessible and easier to implement. Compared to football, basketball and volleyball, it is more effective, but for unknown reasons less popular. Anyone can take up this sport.

It is safer and more democratic than many others, since it does not require any special ball handling skills or physical data. Without allowing cruelty in attack and defense, that is, forceful combat, handball is very easy to adapt for health groups of adults and elderly people of very different levels of fitness and for children's and youth groups in general. Many teachers use a handball outline for physical training in middle school at school. .

This sport is convenient because you can do it anywhere: on the beach, in the pool, in the gym, on the street, using any ball and a minimum of equipment.

Handball: rules of the game

1. Start of the competition. At the beginning of the game, the ball is introduced into the middle of the field. The participant receiving the serve must be 3 meters away. Such serves may be made during the competition after a goal has been scored or at the beginning of the subsequent half.

2. Team members are allowed to touch the ball with any part of the body, except for the legs; they are also allowed to play handball with their heads; they can move freely around the field, dribbling the ball and making a pass. Throwing the ball to a partner is allowed only if he is more than three meters away from him.

3. This competition has several simple but very important rules. Before making a pass or throwing the ball into the opponent’s goal, each participant has the right to hold it only for three seconds. At the same time, with the ball in your hands, you can take 3 steps, no more, then you have to throw it to someone else.

4. What can a goalkeeper do during a handball game?

  • To protect the goal area, he can touch the ball with any part of his body, including his feet.
  • Throw the ball within the goal area.
  • Enter the playing field and take part directly in the fight for the ball, applying the general rules of handball.

5. What can't a goalie do?

  • Expose your opponent to danger while defending your zone.
  • Leave the goal line with the ball.
  • Touch the ball outside the line until another player touches it.
  • Return with the ball back to the goal.
  • Cross the goalkeeper's boundary line before the opponent taking the 7-meter throw has dropped the ball.

6. When is the ball considered “out of play”?

  • When it rolls over the side line of the field due to the fault of one of the participants, in this case the opposing team puts the ball into play from the point of the previous crossing of the field boundary.
  • If the ball crosses the goal line due to the fault of the goalkeeper or attacker, then the goalkeeper initiates it.
  • If the ball touches the ceiling, the referee will draw a held ball by throwing it into the air.

7. Time out. During the game, the coaches of both teams, regardless of how long the handball is played, have the right to take one time-out lasting 1 minute. The referee can stop the clock and call a time-out in several cases:

  • Disqualification and removal from the game for 2 minutes.
  • Purpose of a seven-meter throw.
  • Violation of the substitution rules or bringing an extra player onto the court.
  • If the judges need to consult.

8. When are participants replaced? In handball, players can be replaced an unlimited number of times. A replacement team member may enter the field only after the handball player being replaced has left it. The intersection of participants is carried out only through the replacement field. The same rules apply when changing goalies.

9. In case of violation of the rule, a two-minute removal from the game is imposed. If the rules of handball are violated by several athletes at once, then only the first of them is punished by removal, and the competition continues after the free throw of the opposing team.

10. If an extra player enters the field or interferes with the fight from the substitution zone, he is punished by being sent off for 2 minutes, and the team at this time continues to participate in a reduced number. The rivalry continues after the free throw of the opposing team.

11. Passive game. The team dribbling the ball must direct it into the attacking zone and throw it into the enemy goal. If the transfer of the ball from the defensive zone to the offensive zone is delayed, then this is considered a passive game. The team is penalized with a free throw from the place where the ball was when the competition was suspended. The free throw is carried out by the opposing team. Such maneuvers can be carried out deliberately by the team in order to prolong the handball game and prevent the opponents from gaining possession of the ball. If the referee notices the slightest attempt at passive tactics, he first gives the team a warning. If this method continues, a free throw is awarded against the players in possession of the ball.

Handball rules allow:

  • Use your hands to block and control the ball.
  • Using an open palm to knock the ball off an opponent's hands.
  • Shield your opponent with your body, even if he has the ball.
  • To hinder your opponent's actions, touch him with your hands from the front.

In handball it is not allowed:

  • Snatch the ball from the opponent's hands.
  • Block or push away an opponent with your legs and arms.
  • Carry out any physical impact: jumping on an opponent, attacking, pushing, detaining, grabbing, or any other actions that may endanger him.

Depending on the severity of each violation in a competition such as handball, the rules of the game require first a warning, then a 2-minute suspension, seven-meter or free throws, or even disqualification.

Punitive measures are applied in increasing order. If a participant causes harm to others or puts them in danger, regardless of the break or time of play, he may be disqualified without warning.

A 7-meter throw may be awarded for gross violations that indirectly or directly caused a subsequent stoppage of the competition. This throw is carried out from a distance of seven meters from the goal location; in this case, the opponents do not have the right to interfere with the player in any way by intercepting the ball. The goalkeeper at this time has no right to go beyond the 4-meter goal area beyond the specified line.

Storming the gate

The referees will count a goal if the ball has completely crossed the entire width of the goal line, provided that the attacking player correctly follows the rules. All this is closely monitored by the referee located at the goal line. If done correctly, it will show that the goal has been counted.

A goal is counted even if a member of the defending team commits some violations while hitting the ball into the goal.

A hit is not counted when the timekeeper or referee interrupts play before the ball has completely crossed the goal line.

A goal can be credited to the opposing team if a participant accidentally hits their own goal, except when a goalie throw is performed.

Suitable shoes for handball

In this sport, it is best to use sneakers. They provide strong adhesion to the floor surface. Their additional advantage is ease of walking and running, created by good sole flexibility and shock absorption. There are many options available on the modern market that fit these parameters. Every athlete can now choose the most suitable model for himself.

What properties should a handball uniform have?

The rules of the game determine the requirements for handball uniform. During the entire match, with a total duration of 1 hour and 10 minutes, the opposing teams try to score as many goals as possible into each other’s goal. It is allowed to use the head, hips, arms, body and knees, while one participant must not hold the ball for more than 3 seconds or run with it more than 3 steps.

With such an active game, the handball uniform must allow unhindered movement, be durable and comfortable. Each participant's kit includes a T-shirt and shorts, usually of different colors. When choosing a game uniform, it is important to pay attention to every little detail: quality of fabric, seams, cut, style, shade, etc.

Goalkeeper equipment differs from the costumes of participants on the field in that it is more closed, this is necessary to reduce the pain from being hit by the ball. After all, regardless of how many halves there are in handball, training takes place over a longer period of time. During the game, falls and close contact between participants are possible. To create such clothing, special-purpose knitted fabrics with a strong and rigid structure are used.

In professional wrestling, as a rule, two types of costumes are used: training and game. They differ in fabric composition and style.

Fabrics containing a large percentage of cotton fibers have better breathability and provide high wearing comfort, but they quickly lose their original shape and stretch. Cotton has been replaced by ones that can quickly remove excess moisture, hold their shape well and dry quickly, they will not show scuffs or puffs, and caring for them is quite simple.

Handball ball

According to all the rules, a handball ball is made from a synthetic material based on polyurethane or genuine leather. Its surface must have anti-slip properties. Underneath there is a layer of foam that provides softness to the ball. Generally, it should be tacky to the touch in order to maximize its grip. During the game, many participants use handball mastic; it ensures the maximum possible contact between the palm and the ball.

For beach competitions, balls are made of foam rubber with a smooth and dry surface. Quite often they can be found in bright colors.

Main sizes of handball balls:

  • A ball with a circumference of 50-52 cm has a weight of 290-330 g. The game's purpose is for teams of girls and boys aged 8-14 years.
  • A ball with a circumference of 54-56 cm has a weight of 325-375 g. It is used in women's teams over 14 years of age and men's teams after 16 years of age.
  • The ball, adapted for games by men over 16 years of age, has a circumference of 58-60 cm and weighs 425-475 g.

Creation and development of beach handball

The game originates in the 90s of the twentieth century. Beach handball literally immediately attracted attention and gained its admirers and admirers.

Its popularity was due to several factors:

  • Scoring extra points for a beautifully scored ball into the opponent's goal.
  • Extraordinary rules.
  • Beautiful game.

In relation to classic handball, beach handball has several distinctive features, which is why it is recognized as an independent sport.

Beach Russian handball began to develop in full force in the early 2000s. Italian athletes are superior to all in this sport, but representatives of the following countries are practically equal to them in professionalism and popularity:

  • Russia.
  • Ukraine.
  • Belarus.
  • Spain.
  • Holland.
  • Greece.

Established game rules and necessary equipment for the competition

Developing the rules for this type of game is a separate matter. They were installed by the same Italians who came up with the idea of ​​beach handball.

According to the conditions, each team consists of 8 people, two of whom are goalkeepers. There must be 4 participants on the playing field, one of whom is the goalkeeper. However, members of both teams must wear different uniforms and go barefoot. You are allowed to wear socks or bandage your feet.

A goal is counted only when the ball completely crosses the goal line, and if the throw was executed beautifully and spectacularly, two points are counted for it. In addition, two points are added for a goal if it was scored from a distance of 6 meters, or if it was scored by the goalkeeper. Therefore, even with a large difference in the results of the teams, there is always an opportunity to even the score.

The dimensions of the court should be 12 m long and 12 m wide + goalkeeper zones, each 3 m wide and 2 m high.

For the game, 350 g / 55 cm in circumference is used for men, and a lighter option for women is 300 g / 50 cm.

Conducting competitions

Beach handball currently hosts numerous competitions, European and World Championships. Games are played in mixed men's and women's teams. In the last few years, the trend of children's beach handball competitions has begun to increase.

It is important to note that beach handball reached the world level by the beginning of 2000. As a result of the first World Championship, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were able to take the majority of prizes in competitions of both sexes.

Today, handball in Russia does not stand still and is actively developing. Regional schools are being created for those who wish, so that teams of our athletes can easily win the title of champions in the future.

Handball is a popular ball game. It is played by two teams of seven people. This game is somewhat similar to rugby and basketball. Handball is played on a rectangular court 40 m long and 20 m wide. On both sides of the court there should be goals 3 m wide and 2 m high. The game is played in two thirty-minute halves.

The main task of the players is to protect their goal and strive to throw more balls at their opponents into their goal opposite. The ball must be thrown at the goal from outside the six-meter zone. If after an hour of play (60 minutes) the result between the teams is a draw, then two additional five-minute halves are assigned. But if the winner is not determined in this case, then the judge orders a series of throws from the seven-meter zone. When the game is stopped for a short time, the clock does not stop. Each team has the opportunity to take a time-out in each half. A time-out can only be taken when a team is attacking and for only one minute.

Ball in handball players can stop and throw with different parts of the body other than the soles of their feet. You can play with your hips and knees. The player holds the ball for no more than 3 seconds and can take no more than three steps with the ball. It is prohibited to step beyond the line of the opponent's goalkeeper zone. The referee deprives the team of the ball for a passive attack. You can block your opponent with your body and you can control his progress across the court with bent arms.

Handball is a relatively young sport. As it is now, it was invented at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries by football players from Denmark to replace football to play in the winter. The peculiarity of handball is that I play it with my hands. Although the roots of handball are from ancient times - even Homer in his writings mentioned a game similar to handball by the ancient Greeks. Research makes it possible to name the date of the birth of handball in 1890. It was then that a version of another ball game called “hazena” spread in the Czech Republic. In this game they threw and caught the ball without fighting in mixed groups. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, Max Heiser from Berlin, combined these two games and created a new game of "handball" for women. But no one thought that the game would find many fans and spread throughout the world.

Handball was recognized as an international sport in 1926. and this gave a huge impetus to the development of this game in many countries. Entire clubs were created in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain and other countries. In Amsterdam in 1928 The amateur international handball federation was created. Handball was first included in the Olympic program in 1936. The first Olympic champions were the handball team from Germany. And handball was returned to Olympic competition only in 1972. in Munich at the twentieth Olympic Games. Then the competition was held in a closed hall and only men's teams took part. The winners were the Yugoslav team.

Women's handball was included for the first time in the Olympic program in Montreal in 1976. When handball was included in the program of the Olympic Games, its popularity increased very sharply in the world.

Even greater changes in handball are being made by changes to the rules of the game, which the International Handball Federation has the right to establish. Thus, a break was introduced by the rules of the game. After the first thirty minutes of the game, the teams stop for a one-minute break, and before they only changed goals with each other. Players now throw a ball into the goal that is almost like a football, and the goal is now 198 cm high and 3 meters wide. In women's handball the ball is slightly smaller. Handball is now deservedly called an athletic game, but it is equally popular among both men and women.

Definition of sport

Handball is a team game with a ball, played mainly with the hands.

Brief description of the history of occurrence.

Handball was invented by Danish football players at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; it was originally intended to replace football in cold weather. Although the first mentions of playing with a ball with hands were found in Homer’s Odyssey and in the notes of the ancient Roman physician Galen.
The official date of the appearance of the sports ball game is considered to be 1898, when the teacher of physical education at the Ordup School (Denmark) Holger Nilsson introduced a ball game called “haandbold” into the physical education lessons of women’s groups, in which teams of 7 people competed on a small field. , passing the ball to each other and trying to throw it into the goal.
In 1890, a folk version of the ball game called “khazena” (throw, throw) became widespread in the Czech Republic. The game consisted of throwing and catching the ball at each other. In 1917, Berliner Max Heiser combined these games and created a new one - “hand ball”. No one imagined that this game would become popular all over the world. Already in 1920, the first games for the Cup and the German handball championship took place in Berlin. And in 1923, new competition rules were introduced: the size of the ball was reduced, the rules of “three seconds” and “three steps” were introduced.
The recognition of handball as an international sport in 1926 became an impetus for the development of the game in a number of countries. In 1928, the International Amateur Handball Federation (IAHF) appeared in Amsterdam, which existed until 1944. It included 11 countries that actively developed handball. In 1936, handball was first included in the Olympic Games program.
The next rise in the popularization of handball began with the creation in 1946 of the new International Handball Federation - IHF.
The emergence of Russian handball dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. This sport first appeared in the Russian Empire in 1909 in Kharkov; it originated from the Czech version of the game “hand ball”. The credit for the development of handball in pre-revolutionary Russia belongs to Dr. E. F. Maly, who by 1914 completed the work on creating a highly mobile and effective game with the ball and developed the first official rules of Ukrainian handball in our country.
The first information about the beginning of the development of handball and handball in the USSR dates back to 1922 - the first meetings took place in Moscow at the experimental demonstration sites of Vsevobuch.

Description of the varieties of sports discipline.

Playground. The game takes place indoors on a rectangular court measuring 40x20 m. A safety zone of at least 1 m along the side lines and at least 2 m behind the goal line is organized around the court. The long boundaries of the court are called side lines, the short ones are called goal lines - they are located between the goal posts or the outer goal lines (outside the goal). The width of all marking lines is 5 cm (with the exception of the width of the goal line between the posts is 8 cm).
Each of the goal lines is adjacent to the goal area, which is limited by the goal area line drawn as follows: opposite the goal, at a distance of 6 m from the goal line, a parallel line 3 m long is drawn. The ends of this line are connected to the external goal lines by arcs with a radius of 6 m, centered at the inner corners of the goalposts.
At a distance of 3 m from the outer boundary of the goal area line, a broken free throw line (9-meter line) is drawn parallel to it. The lengths of the segments of this line and the distance between them are 15 cm.
Opposite the goal line, parallel to it, at a distance of 7 m in the center of the goal, a 7-meter line 1 m long is drawn. Opposite the goal line, parallel to it, at a distance of 4 m in the center of the goal, a goalkeeper limit line (4-meter line) 15 long is drawn cm.
The midpoints of the lateral lines are connected by a central line.
Parts of one of the side lines from the center line to a distance of 4.5 m from it are called the substitution lines of each team. The boundaries of the substitution lines are marked by lines running at right angles to the side line and extending 15 cm from it in both directions.
Gates. A goal is installed in the center of each goal line. Internal dimensions of the goal: width 3 m, height 2 m. The goal posts and crossbar must have a square section with a side of 8 cm, and the rear edge of the posts must coincide with the outer edge of the goal line. The goal posts on the three sides visible from the court must be alternately painted in two contrasting colors that differ from the colors of the court.
Ball. The handball must be round and not slippery or shiny, made of either leather or synthetic materials. There are 3 sizes of handballs:
1. With a circumference of 50-52 cm, weight 290 - 330 grams, for teams of boys 8-12 years old and girls 8-14 years old.
2.Circumference 54-56 cm, weight 325 - 375 grams, for women's teams over 14 years old and men's teams 12-16 years old.
3.Circumference 58-60 cm, weight 425 - 475 grams, for men's teams over 16 years old.
Team. Each team has 14 people, of which 7 go to the site, the rest are reserves. One of the players on the court is the goalkeeper. In addition to the players, the team may include up to 4 officials, recorded in the match report. One of these officials is the official representative of the team, having the right to address the scorer, timekeeper and possibly the judges.
Duration of the game. Matches for adult teams (from 16 years old) consist of two halves of 30 minutes each with a 10-minute break (matches for children's teams 8-12 years old consist of two halves of 20 minutes each, and matches for teams 12-16 years old - of two halves of 25 minutes each) . After the break, the teams change sides of the court. If it is necessary to identify the winner, additional time may be assigned - two halves of 5 minutes each with a 1-minute break. If the first extra time does not reveal a winner, then after 5 minutes a second extra time is assigned under the same conditions. If the second extra time ends in a draw, a series of 7-meter throws is awarded.
Progress of the game. The player is allowed to throw, push, catch and stop the ball using his hands, head, body, hips and knees. The ball can be held for no more than 3 seconds, and also taken no more than 3 steps with it, after which the ball is passed to another player, thrown into the goal or hits the floor. It is allowed to take the ball from the opponent with an open palm and control the opponent’s movement with bent arms. A goal is counted only when the ball completely crosses the goal line, and the attacking team has not violated the rules and the referee has not stopped the game. The referees have the right to count a goal if the ball did not hit the goal due to outside interference (collided with a foreign object thrown onto the court as a result of the actions of an outsider), but should have gotten there if not for the interference. The team that scores more goals than the opposing team wins.
Goalkeeper. There is a special set of rules for the goalkeeper: he is the only one who can touch the court with his hands within his goal area, and in the same area he can touch the ball with any part of his body. The goalkeeper is allowed to move around his goal area without time restrictions and without restrictions on the number of steps.
Punishments. The rules provide for 3 types of personal penalties that can be imposed on players and team officials:
removal for 2 minutes;

Existing international, European and state (Russian) federations, and other large (state) associations related to the described sport.

INTERNATIONAL HANDBALL FEDERATION/IHF, International Handball Federation (http://www.ihf.info/)
Russian Handball Union (http://www.rushandball.ru/)

The main competitions in this sport.

Champions League

Persons and personalities of the sport of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Salmanovich Maksimov - Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach, Champion of the 1976 Olympic Games (Montreal)

http://gandbol.org/ - Handball World
http://hand-ball.ru/ - Information portal



(Danish håndbold, English) Handball) - team game with ball 7x7 players (6 field players and a goalkeeper in each team). They play with a ball and their hands. The goal of the game is to throw as many balls as possible into the opponent’s goal (3x2 m).

History of handball.

In ancient times, the ancient Greeks played a handball-type game in which a ball the size of an apple was thrown from hand to hand. Homer in the Odyssey describes this game called Urania. Modern handball, as we know it today, was formed in the late 19th century in northern Europe, primarily Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The Dane Nielsen published modern handball rules in 1898

Handball equipment

The Light Industry products supplied by the company meet all the rules and are professional sports scoreboards for championships of any level.

Rules of the game


Adjacent to each goal line is gate area, limited goal area line, carried out as follows: directly opposite the goal, at a distance of 6 m from the goal line, a parallel line 3 m long is drawn. The ends of this line are connected to the outer goal lines by arcs with a radius of 6 m, centered at the inner corners of the goal posts. The game takes place indoors on a rectangular site measuring 40x20 m. There must be a safety zone around the site measuring at least 1 m along the side lines and at least 2 m behind the goal line. The long boundaries of the site are called lateral lines, short - goal lines(between the goal posts) or outside goal lines(outside the gate). All lines are part of the areas they limit. The width of all marking lines is 5 cm (with the exception of the width of the goal line between the posts is 8 cm).

At a distance of 3 m from the outer boundary of the goal area line, a broken line is drawn parallel to it. free throw line(or 9 meter line). The lengths of the segments of this line and the distance between them are 15 cm.

Opposite the goal line, parallel to it, at a distance of 7 m in the center of the goal, a 7 meter line 1 m long.

Opposite the goal line, parallel to it, at a distance of 4 m in the center of the goal, a goalkeeper limit line (4 meter line) 15 cm long.

The midpoints of the lateral lines are connected center line.

Parts of one of the side lines from the center line to a distance of 4.5 m from it are called replacement lines each of the teams. The boundaries of the substitution lines are marked by lines running at right angles to the side line and extending 15 cm from it in both directions.


A goal is installed in the center of each goal line. They must be securely fastened. Internal dimensions of the goal: width 3 m, height 2 m. The goal posts and crossbar must have a square section with a side of 8 cm, and the rear edge of the posts must coincide with the outer edge of the goal line. The goal posts on the three sides visible from the court must be alternately painted in two contrasting colors that differ from the colors of the court. The gate must have a net.


Circumference 50-52 cm, weight 290-330 g. for teams of boys 8-12 years old and girls 8-14 years old. The handball is made of leather or synthetic material. It should be round and not slippery or shiny. There are 3 sizes of handballs:

  1. Circumference 54-56 cm, weight 325-375 g for women's teams over 14 years old and men's teams 12-16 years old
  2. Circumference 58-60 cm, weight 425-475 g for men's teams over 16 years old


The team consists of 14 people, of which no more than 7 can be on the site at a time, the rest are reserves. One of the players on the court is the goalkeeper. At the beginning of the game, each team must have at least 5 players. A substitute player can enter the court at any time after the player of the same team who was on it has left it, who, in turn, becomes a substitute. At the same time, players can enter and leave the court only through their team’s substitution line. The number of replacements is not limited.

There are the following positions (roles) of players in handball.

1. Goalkeeper.

2. Corner or extreme. (They play on the flanks; as a rule, they are dexterous, technical and fast players).

3. Center or point guard. (Plays in the center of the field, often serves as a point guard. For this reason, the ability to pass and vision of the field are important).

4. Welterweight. (They play between the corners and the center. As a rule, these are tall players with a strong throw).

5. Linear. (Plays on the 6-meter line. His task is to interfere with the enemy’s defense, to fight for balls hit by the opposing goalkeeper. As a rule, the lineman is strong and stocky)

In addition to the players, the team may include up to 4 officials included in the match report. One of these officials is the official representative of the team, having the right to address the scorer, timekeeper and possibly the judges. The team official is also responsible for ensuring that only authorized persons are present on the bench and on the court.


The referees are assisted by a secretary and a timekeeper who are located at the table near the team substitution lines. The match is officiated by two equal referees. In case of disagreement, the decision is made by the judges jointly after a meeting. If the judges agree on the assessment of the violation, but assign different penalties, the more severe of them applies.

Game duration

Matches for adult teams (from 16 years old) consist of two halves of 30 minutes each with a 15-minute break (matches for children's teams 8-12 years old consist of two halves of 20 minutes each, and matches for teams 12-16 years old - of two halves of 25 minutes each) . After the break, the teams change sides of the court. If it is necessary to identify the winner, additional time may be assigned - two halves of 5 minutes each with a 1-minute break. If the first extra time does not reveal a winner, then after 5 minutes a second extra time is assigned under the same conditions. If the second extra time ends in a draw, a series of 7-meter throws is awarded (similar to post-match penalties in football). Competition regulations may provide for a series of 7-meter throws immediately after the end of regular time.

The time count is not interrupted during short-term stoppages of play (for example, when the ball goes over the side line). If a longer stop is necessary, the judges may stop the stopwatch. In particular, stopping the stopwatch is mandatory when a player is sent off or during a referee meeting.

Each team has the right to take a 1-minute time-out once during a half, during which the stopwatch also stops. A time-out is allowed when the team is in possession of the ball.

A game

  • Players can throw, catch, push and stop the ball using their arms, head, body, hips and knees;
  • The player can hold the ball for no more than 3 seconds, and also take no more than 3 steps with it, after which he must pass the ball to another player, throw it at the goal or hit it on the floor;
  • Only the goalkeeper of the respective team can touch the court within the goal area. However, jumping across the goal area is permitted;
  • It is allowed to take the ball from the opponent with an open palm, control the opponent’s movement with bent arms upon contact with him, and block the opponent with the body;

  • Goalkeeper It is not allowed to play the ball passively, without visible attempts to attack;
  • A goal is counted if the ball completely crosses the goal line, and the attacking team did not violate the rules, and the referee did not give a signal to stop the game. The referees can count a goal if the ball did not go into the goal as a result of outside interference (collision with an object thrown onto the court, actions of an outside person, etc.), but should have gone there without this interference.
  • The match is won by the team that scores more goals than the opponent. Draws are allowed, but if it is necessary to determine the winner of the game, extra time (see above) and/or a series of 7-meter throws (depending on the competition regulations) may be awarded.

The actions of the goalkeeper are regulated by special rules:

  • The goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the court within his goal area;
  • The goalkeeper, within his goal area, may touch the ball with any part of his body when defending the goal;
  • The goalkeeper can move with the ball around his goal area without restrictions on the time of possession of the ball or the number of steps (however, delaying the time when throwing the goalkeeper is not allowed);
  • The goalkeeper may leave his goal area without the ball; outside of it, the goalkeeper is treated as an ordinary player;
  • The goalkeeper may not leave the goal area with the ball in his hands, but it is permitted to enter with the ball not under the goalkeeper's control;
  • The goalkeeper cannot return to his goal area with the ball;
  • The goalkeeper cannot, while in the goal area, touch the ball located outside of it.


The rules of handball describe five standard throws used to start the game and to restart it after various situations (a goal, the ball going out of bounds, fouls, etc.).

Initial throw

A kickoff is a way to start a game, as well as restart it after a goal is scored. One of the teams gets the right to kick-off at the beginning of the first half as a result of a toss, the other team takes the kick-off at the beginning of the second half. The kick-off after a goal is scored is taken by the team that missed the goal. The player taking the initial throw must be in the center of the court (deviation from the center along the center line is allowed at a distance of about 1.5 m). One foot of the player must be on the center line, the other on or behind the center line. The throw is performed at the referee's whistle for 3 seconds in any direction. The throw is completed when the ball leaves the player's hand. The other players of the team taking the shot must remain in their half of the court until the referee's whistle. The opponents of the team taking the shot must be in their half of the court when shooting at the beginning of the half, and when shooting after a goal has been scored, they can be in any half of the court. However, the distance between the player taking the throw and the opponents must in no case be less than 3 m.

Shot from the sideline

A throw from the sideline is performed in the following situations:

  1. The ball has completely crossed the side line - the throw is made from the place where the ball crossed the line;
  2. The ball has completely crossed the outer goal line, and was last touched by a field player of the defending team - the throw is taken from the junction of the side line with the outer goal line;
  3. The ball has touched the ceiling or structures above the court - the throw is made from the point on the side line closest to the point of contact.

The throw is performed by the opponents of the team whose player last touched the ball. The player taking the throw must place one foot on the sideline; the position of the second foot is not regulated. The opponents of the player taking the throw must be at least 3 m away from him, and if the goal area line is less than 3 m from where the throw was taken, they can be directly next to this line.

Goalie throw

A goalkeeper throw is performed when:

  1. The ball has completely crossed the outer goal line and was last touched by the goalkeeper of the defending team or any player of the attacking team;
  2. A player from the attacking team has entered the goal area or touched a ball that is rolling or lying in the goal area;
  3. The goalkeeper has taken control of the ball in the goal area or the ball is lying in the goal area;

The throw is performed by the goalkeeper of the defending team. The goalkeeper taking the throw must be in the goal area and direct the ball so that it crosses the goal area line. The throw is considered completed when the ball completely crosses the goal area line. Opponents may be directly adjacent to the goal area, but are not allowed to touch the ball until the shot has been taken. A goal scored into one's own goal immediately after the goalkeeper's throw is not counted.

Free throw

A free throw is awarded for violations of the rules, and also as a way to restart the game after it was stopped, even if there was no violation (for example, after a time-out). The free throw is taken by the team that was fouled or that was in possession of the ball before play was stopped. When a free throw is awarded against the team in possession of the ball, its player must immediately release the ball or put it on the floor. A free throw is taken from the place where the violation of the rules occurred or where the ball was at the time the game was stopped. If the throw is to be taken from within the goal area of ​​the team taking the throw, or from the area bordered by the opponents' free throw line, then it is taken from the nearest point outside these areas.

A free throw is performed without the referee's whistle (exception is a throw when the game is restarted without violating the rules). Opponents must be at least 3 m away from the player taking the throw (the exception is that the goal area line is less than 3 m from him, in which case it is allowed to be directly next to this line).

When awarding a free throw, the referee gestures in which direction it is assigned (the arm is extended in the appropriate direction, the palm is straightened and turned perpendicular to the floor).

7 meter throw

Valid scoring opportunities include, but are not limited to: A 7-metre throw is awarded when, as a result of prohibited actions by opposing players or officials, the actions of outsiders or force majeure situations (for example, breakdown of lighting), a team is deprived of a valid scoring opportunity. A violation punishable by a 7-meter throw can occur anywhere on the court.

  • Finding the player with the ball near the opponent’s goal area line, and the opponent can no longer prevent him from making a shot at goal using legal means;
  • The player with the ball goes one-on-one with the opposing goalkeeper;
  • A goalkeeper's exit from the goal area when the player in possession of the ball can freely throw it into an empty goal.

The player taking the throw is behind the 7-meter line at a distance of no more than 1 m from it, without touching the line. The opposing goalkeeper is between the goal line and the goalkeeper's boundary line. The remaining players are located behind the free throw line, and the opponents of the player taking the throw must be at least 3 m from him. Players of the team taking the throw may not touch the ball after the throw until the ball touches an opposing player or the goal.


The rules provide for 3 types of personal punishments:

  • Warning;
  • Remove for 2 minutes;
  • Disqualification (removal until the end of the game).

These penalties can be imposed on both players and team officials.


A warning is issued for violations directed against an opposing player or unsportsmanlike behavior (showing dissatisfaction with a referee's decision, violating the 3-meter rule when an opponent performs a standard throw, actively blocking a shot or pass with a foot below the knee, “theatrical performance” with the aim of misleading the referees, etc.). P.). The issuance of a warning is accompanied by the presentation of a yellow card. Maximum number of warnings during one game:

  • All players of one team - 3 warnings;
  • All officials of one team - 1 warning.

Once the maximum number of warnings has been reached, more severe penalties will be imposed for further violations. A warning is also not given to a player who has already been sent off for 2 minutes in a given game.

Delete for 2 minutes

The removal is accompanied by a gesture from the referee - raising his hand with two straightened fingers. With this penalty, the ejected player leaves the court for 2 minutes of playing time, the team plays this time with an incomplete team. The ejected player is on his team's bench. When this penalty is applied to a team official, he remains on the bench and one of the players serves the suspension period. A 2-minute suspension is awarded for violations dangerous to the health of an opponent (high intensity, against a fast-moving opponent, associated with physical actions in the area head or neck, hard blows, etc.), more serious unsportsmanlike behavior (protests expressed by loud shouts, gestures or provocative actions, failure to retain the ball when deciding against the team in possession of the ball, blocking access to the ball in the substitutes' area), entering the court of an extra player, interference in the game of a substitute player, unsportsmanlike behavior of a sent-off player. In addition, expulsions are awarded for less serious offenses when the player, team or officials have received the maximum number of warnings.

The third 2-minute removal of one player during the match entails his automatic disqualification (removal for the rest of the game). All officials on the same team may receive only one 2-minute suspension; further violations will be punishable by disqualification.


Disqualification is accompanied by the presentation of a red card. A disqualified player or official must leave the court and substitutes area and may not have any contact with the team for the remainder of the game. Disqualification is always accompanied by a 2-minute suspension. 2 minutes after the disqualification, the team can release the player to replace the disqualified one. Disqualification (removal until the end of the game) is assigned for gross violations of the rules, gross unsportsmanlike behavior (demonstratively throwing the ball back after the whistle, the goalkeeper’s refusal to reflect a 7-meter throw, throwing the ball at the opponent’s head when free throw or 7-meter throw, deliberately throwing the ball at an opponent during a stoppage of play, etc.). In case of particularly serious violations, disqualification is accompanied by writing a report to the relevant sports structures (insult or attack on another player, referee, spectator, official; interference of an official in the game, etc.). A disqualification will also be issued if a player receives a third 2-minute suspension during the same game or if team officials receive a second or subsequent 2-minute suspension during the game.

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