The meaning of quality of life in the Japanese encyclopedia from A to Z. Standard of living of the population About human thought

When I was in 11th grade, our teacher suddenly fell ill, and a girl intern only a couple of years older than us came to replace her. This was one of the most interesting social studies lessons of my entire studies! Marina Nikolaevna told boring economic topics more interestingly than any teacher. She explained what is quality of life, what they are made of salaries our parents and how much we need to work to pension it was possible to live with dignity.

What is meant by quality of life?

Our life is far from the economy, but sometimes it can come in handy. For example, when calculating the quality of our life. This term shows a certain average level of well-being an ordinary resident of the country. And it includes many components:

  • living wage- that is, the amount with which, in theory, you can buy the most necessary products for life;
  • number of products in consumer basket and their cost;
  • availability medical care;
  • opportunity for citizens to receive education;
  • ticket prices for cultural events– cinema, exhibitions, concerts;
  • availability housing;
  • level pensions and other social benefits;
  • presence or absence benefit programs for people of “vulnerable” categories - disabled people, orphans, pensioners, young families and so on.

How is quality of life measured?

One of the most objective quality of life indicators The amount of money that falls on each resident of the country is considered. If you calculate the total cost of all services (including utilities, medical, tourism) and goods that were produced in the country in one year, and divide by the number of people living in the country, you will get an average number. This is the so-called GDP(or Gross Domestic Product) per capita. The higher it is, the more necessary things an average person can purchase.

Alas, The wealth of a country does not always mean the wealth of the population. The more people there are in a country, the greater the number of people who will have to divide the gross product by. For example, the total cost of all industry in Russia and Germany in 2016 was almost the same: slightly less 4 trillion dollars. But due to the difference in population the cost of living in Russia was almost 2 times less than in Germany.

Quality of life and the “food basket”

A special role for consumer basket. In Russia it includes several hundred items: this and food, And cloth, and g hygiene supplies, And public utilities. And this list is not that big. For example, according to this table, in three years one person only needs 6 pairs of shoes! The food, however, is also not encouraging: per year, one citizen, according to calculations, can get by with 126 kilograms of bread: this is 345 grams per day - slightly more than in besieged Leningrad.

By the way, if you compare the statistical data, you can clearly see: the higher the cost of living, the higher the life expectancy. And this is not surprising, because the quality of life, first of all, is the ability to pay for the services necessary for survival. Medical, for example.

Quality of life is considered as a system of indicators characterizing the degree of implementation of people’s life strategies and satisfaction of their life needs. Programmatic improvements in the quality of life are considered as a social project aimed at increasing people’s opportunities to solve their problems, achieve personal success and individual happiness.

The quality of life- a set of indicators of the general well-being of people, characterizing the level of material consumption (standard of living), as well as the consumption of directly unpaid benefits.

Quality of life involves:

Clean environment;

Personal and national security;

Political and economic freedoms;

Other conditions of human well-being that are difficult to quantify.

The quality of life- this is a category that is not as standardized as the concept of “quality” presented in international ISO standards. Each community develops this concept independently, based on its ideals. In many countries, the idea of ​​quality has become a national idea. Quality of life is usually understood as the financial security of the community, unity with nature, responsibility to future generations and much more.

Characterizing the essence quality of life As a socio-economic category, it is necessary to emphasize a number of its features:

Firstly, quality of life is an extremely broad, multidimensional, multifaceted concept, incomparably broader than “standard of living.” This is a category that goes far beyond economics. This is first of all sociological a category that covers all spheres of society, since they all contain people’s lives and their quality.

Secondly, quality of life has two sides: objective and subjective. The criterion for objective assessment of the quality of life is the scientific standards of people's needs and interests, in relation to which one can objectively judge the degree of satisfaction of these needs and interests.

On the other hand, the needs and interests of people are individual and the degree of their satisfaction can only be assessed by the subjects themselves. They are not fixed by any statistical values ​​and practically exist only in the minds of people and, accordingly, in their personal opinions and assessments.

Thus, assessment of quality of life comes in two forms:

the degree of satisfaction of scientifically based needs and interests;

satisfaction with the quality of life of the people themselves.

Third, quality of life is not a category separated from other socio-economic categories, but unites many of them and includes them in a qualitative aspect.

Thus, the components of quality of life include lifestyle, standard of living, and the environment, enriched with qualitative assessments. For example, when characterizing the quality of life, one cannot limit oneself to assessing nutrition by its nutritional value (calorie content, content in grams of proteins, fats). It is impossible to ignore such qualities of nutrition as its regularity, variety, and taste. When characterizing the quality of working life, one cannot limit oneself (as when analyzing the standard of living) to indicators of employment, unemployment, length of the working day, week, year, and the level of occupational injuries, but it is necessary to assess the compliance with the interests of workers of the content and nature of work, its intensity, relationships within the work collective and etc.

The quality of life- this is the degree of development and completeness of satisfaction of the entire complex of needs and interests of people, manifested both in various types of activities and in the very sense of life. The problem of quality of life includes the conditions, results and nature of work, demographic, ethnographic and environmental aspects of people’s existence. There are legal and political aspects to this problem related to rights and freedoms, behavioral and psychological aspects, and a general ideological and cultural background.

As for well-being in general, this is a kind of synthesis, a generalizing view of the social organism, including all of the above aspects.

Achieving the highest possible quality of life for the population is a priority goal of a social market economy. One of the most important prerequisites for the implementation of this task is the implementation of an effective policy for the welfare of the population. The central place in welfare policy is occupied by the income of the population, their differentiation, and the constant increase in the standard of living of citizens.

The quality of life for people is inseparable from the goals that they set for their lives, that is, it is associated with the effectiveness of life in the broad sense of the word, and not only with satisfaction with their personal life, but also with satisfaction with their position in the country and in the world, which affects people's well-being.

There are two possible approaches:

· drawing up a consolidated list of indicators in accordance with the structure of needs and interests;

· a more preferable analytical approach, in which indicators of quality of life are first of all grouped by spheres of life in accordance with the structure of the processes of people's lives themselves, followed by a synthetic generalization.

Both methodologically and for practical purposes, it is very important to assess the quality of life not only in general, but also in each of its main areas.

These areas include:

· working life;

· the sphere of development of people's abilities;

· family life;

· life and health maintenance;

· life of the disabled;

· environment;

· life in experimental economic situations.

A special area of ​​people's lives is formed by concern for the future.

Each of these areas has its own specific components that require a qualitative assessment. If you combine them into a single system, you get a very complex and extensive structure. For example, the transition to a market economy changed the quality of labor, since for the bulk of the economically active population it became hired labor, depending on the relationship between supply and demand, on the economic situation. The positivity of socio-economic transformations is expressed in the fact that workers have received greater freedom in choosing where to work, and competition in the labor market has become an additional incentive for the development of personal abilities and their use.

UN list of countries by quality of life

Russia ranked sixth in the list of countries in the world compiled by the UN according to a number of criteria, collectively called “the quality of life in them.” Norway has already occupied first place on this list for a year in a row. Second, third, fourth and fifth, respectively, are Sweden, Canada, Belgium and Australia. In sixth place is the USA. Iceland is in seventh place, the Netherlands is in eighth place, Japan is in ninth place, and Finland rounds out the top ten.

In the second ten are countries where life is not as good and cloudless as in the countries of the top ten, but still at a fairly high level for the 21st century. In it, places from 11 to 20 went to Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand and Italy, respectively.

Sierra Leone closes the list in 173rd place. According to the UN, in Eastern Europe, in the countries of the former USSR, as well as in many African countries, the standard of living is now lower than at the end of the Cold War (i.e. in the late 80s - early 90s). People there live poorer and die earlier.

Officially, the UN list is called the “Best Countries to Live In” list. When compiling it, factors such as level of education, life expectancy and per capita income were taken into account.


1. Bobkov V., Maslovsky-Mstislavsky P. Dynamics of living standards of the population.//Economist.- 1994.-No. 6.

2. Abakumova N.N., Podovalova R.Ya. Income and wage policy: Textbook. – Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1999.

3. Institute for Quality of Life, Internet address

What could be more important than the quality of our life?

Number of years lived? Don't think.
If every next day is similar to the previous one, and there is nothing new and fresh in life, this is not life! This is already existence. When the days are similar, they merge and it seems that life has flown by like one day. Ask 70-80 year olds about this, they will confirm!
Of course, quality of life is important at the moment and is determined by how a person feels. How healthy he is, how happy he is.

What is quality of life?

There is a difference between quality and standard of living.
Standard of living- this is the DEGREE OF SATISFACTION of the physical, spiritual and social NEEDS of people.
The quality of life- this is a CONDITION. State of health (physical, mental and social well-being), the ability to have freedom of choice, self-affirmation, the quality of human relationships.

A person who is internally free, capable of enjoying the world, loving and creating, has a high quality of life.
Of course, the quality of life also depends on a person’s standard of living.
The quality of life also depends on the goals that a person sets for himself; it is related to the effectiveness of life in a broad sense.

They also say that the quality of our life depends on the quality of our communication. How and with whom do you communicate?
Omar Khayyam once said:

  • To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot.
  • Remember two important rules to get started:
  • You'd rather starve than eat anything
  • And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

Quality of life is a concept that relates more to the inner world. To what a person thinks about himself. However, as is inside, so is without, “as above, so below.” A person’s thoughts create the world in which he lives. How satisfied are you with your life? It’s good, if not completely, if you still want “something like that...”. There is room to grow!

So what determines quality of life? Having a car or a fur coat? Or maybe because of how interesting you are in life? Do you get up in the morning with anticipation of something new or does this day promise to be as gray as thousands of others before it?

Improving the quality of life depends on the person himself. But only if he takes responsibility for his life. Only then will he be able to control its quality.

How to take control of your quality of life?

As progress moves forward every day, many people begin to realize that sometimes they want to be alone with themselves. Each of us wants to take a break from the modern world and relax so that no one stresses them out. Each person relaxes in his own way, and perhaps someone, on the contrary, follows new products and wants to keep up with the times. For all such people who want to change themselves a little, Optimus of Life will help.

Optimus of life - quality of life management from A to Z

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Hello everyone.

What does a person’s quality of life depend on? Let's figure it out together. The concept of quality implies a lot of benefits, efficiency and much more. But there is one quality that, in principle, makes a person human.

Quality of life (review)

I asked this question and immediately the image of a banal answer arose in my memory - a man must build a house, give birth (but where should he) a son (heir), plant a tree and... what else?

And the woman? Give birth to children, look after the household, educate, create comfort in the house... And that’s all? Perhaps you can add, please your husband. And where is the meaning? The meaning of procreation, the continuation of the life of the human species on Earth?

And, if possible, bring benefit to society, the planet, the whole world. But what benefit? In addition to all this, religion tells us that a person comes into the world to strengthen his faith in God through tireless prayer. And where did it come from, such a relaxed faith? But this is a retreat.

The question arises, why does God need faith and prayer? We don’t even understand who he is, because he is so great that he doesn’t even hear us poor people, just as we sometimes don’t hear what all sorts of insects are squeaking about. No, they tell us that God is great, but he also descends to us with his love in the form of punishment and punishment from God.

Well, everything is clear here, a person, before he is born, falls into terrible sin, only because he was born. Here the question is posed differently: who gives birth to a person? And this is a woman who, by definition, is guilty of seducing Adam, which means that all her offspring are mired in sins.

Again a small digression. We need to concentrate, otherwise we are talking about complex things, and jokes are inappropriate. But I want to find, understand, what is the quality of a person’s life? Is it really only in tireless prayer and in a life that goes on?

Man and animal. What is the difference?

Is it so? After all, I am not an animal or a plant, I am a conscious being and quite smart, I would like to compete with God, show off my dexterity and intelligence, but they tell me that God doesn’t need your intelligence, you need prayer, obedience and asceticism. I decided to understand what distinguishes humans from animals, what can I do that animals cannot?

I thought for a long time - I’m not an animal, even though our bodies are similar in structure, and I realized, after all, this is elementary. Let's compare. I feel, animals feel too, but I am intelligent, and animals are not.

What is the mind? This is the ability to think, analyze and make decisions using your sharp mind, and not according to God’s law or anything else.

Thought knows no barriers, it is outside of time and above space, it does not depend on anything. They will say, how is it, don’t people think within the framework of the same laws? They are soaping. But do they think? They, who think within the framework of all kinds of laws, stereotypes, and traditions, are not thinkers; they are sources for filling the same canons and stereotypes with energy. Okay, let's be ethical and call such people simply two-legged perfect mammals, a type of predator. Of course, the quality of life for such people is determined not to become animals.

Who will teach them to think, these bipeds, they have no time, they need to build a house, create an heir, plant a tree and take a place in the cemetery. And not everyone is given the ability to write poetry or invent something, or create something.

Yes, no one will teach them, because first you need to want to become a reasonable person. But a person was born a human, which means he must develop the ability to think, otherwise he would have been born some kind of animal or plant, at worst a single-celled amoeba, so that the quality of life of such a biped would correspond to his status.

What is the quality of life for a person?

I wrote all this in a vulgar style to show on what the quality of a person’s life depends, let me draw your attention - Human. The quality of life of animals, for example, depends on what benefits they provide in nature and what their purpose is in the laboratory of universal life.

Nature is unique and there is nothing superfluous or lacking in it, it is unique in everything except humans. There is something in man that even determines nature, and this is human thought, which is not subject to any earthly laws.

So it turns out that the quality of human life is determined in the development of thinking, in the development of human thought, and this sphere is outside the fundamental laws of life, because this is the prerogative of the creator himself, and not the creation. So the quality of human life has been determined; it lies in learning to create, through mastery of thought, to create first on Earth, and then in heaven, in controlling thoughts.

Let us summarize the preliminary results - the quality of human life is in the ability to think, from mind to wisdom, from wisdom to spiritual understanding, from spiritual understanding to the creation of new creations.

About human thought

We are told that there is a higher and a lower in the world, but what is it and how? Of course, everything that is mortal on Earth, and even the Earth itself, because the solid and corruptible are the lower, and what is in the sky, that is, the divine spheres, is the highest, but where these divine spheres are is not supposed to be known, because it , the highest, knows no earthly limitations.

What is this? It’s amazing that if we consider human thought, then it is that highest thing, over which the laws of the dense world have no power. Does it have any restrictions? In esotericism it is called the highest mental world, and again it is not clear where this world is. But I will say differently, within the framework of modern symbols, thought is a field form of life; what a field is, look in physics.

But besides the mental, there is a spiritual world, and this is where a person’s path is prohibited, because he is sinful, or, well, unworthy in terms of the quality of his life.

Wait, isn’t man the bearer and producer of the Spiritual principle? Thought is a creation of the Spirit, the Bible says - “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”... What! The Word of God is the place of origin of thought, the first impulse of consciousness to the arisen desire to create.

But isn’t man a Thinker, that is, a creator of thoughts, a creator of the Word? After all, he is the creator and creator of the same thoughts and ideas, which he then embodies in life in the form of products, words and masterpieces of beauty. But how can he, the bearer of the Spirit of Truth, compete with God?

Man is the bearer of the Supreme, its source

Compete with God! Here's the key phrase. To compete in something, you need to have such capabilities and a person has them. God hid in the depths of man, and we are looking for him everywhere. There is life in animals, but there is no God the Creator, so there is no reason for them to compete, they cannot create the Word, which...

But a person can, and this is the meaning of a person’s life, learn to think, create, and the quality of a person’s life depends on this. And I’ll add a little, the concept of thinking does not mean ignoring feelings, because the quality, fullness and beauty of thoughts depends on feelings, but these are private issues that need to be sorted out throughout life.

Here I have only touched on the issue of human quality of life. But before I write further, I will give a short text that determines the meaning of a person’s life and the quality of this life. I don’t know the author of this quote, it was all too long ago... but thank you in advance. We have a gift, the development of which determines the quality of life.

So who are you, the person who carries within you the Creator himself and all of Creation? Why do you come to Earth? Can he find the Creator within himself, free him from all divine and devilish shackles, and begin to create with his skill, the power of the Creator and the beauty of Creation?

I think that I have answered the question posed, what is the quality of a person’s life - in the development of thinking and thought and in finding the Creator in his Creation.

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