Times and eras where it passes. June is the day of the history of victories of Russia

Moscow Historical Festival “Times and Epochs. The meeting continues! On August 27, a battle between Russian archers and the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will take place in Kolomenskoye. For the battle, a full-size fort will be built - a border fortress of the 17th century.

August 27 at the Zingaro site in Kolomenskoye reenactors will present festival guests with an episode from the Russian-Polish War of 1654–1667. The Tsarist army will stage a border battle with the Polish-Lithuanian forces; this large-scale event will take place as part of the “Times and Epochs” festival. Meeting". To recreate the life of the Russian army, on August 25, a full-size fort with a settlement will open, where archers, reiters, gunners and military artisans will settle.

The prison is being built on the model of the famous Albazin fortress of 1665–1681. This is not a decoration, but a full-fledged model in real size. It is being developed with the participation of experts in archeology and wooden architecture. The prison weighs 245 tons and consists of 1115 logs. On an area of ​​900 square meters there will be an official hut, a chapel, an arsenal, a stable, and a parade ground for drill exercises. Sagittarius with “fiery combat” will take positions on two 10-meter three-story towers, a stern centurion will teach the recruits military wisdom. In the craft village, craftsmen will show visitors the crafts of matchlock, pushkar and bullet making.

List of interactive platforms (program) of the festival "Times and Epochs" in Kolomenskoye:

European camp

Hardball game
Bowling game
Musketeers depot
Pikinerskoe depot
Scottish kilts
Board games
Historical cuisine
Fencing with foils
Earth fort

Polish camp

Winged Hussars
Baking bread
Archery range, lasso

Russian camp

Weapon workshop
Step wheel
Bullet workshop
Shooting range
Workshop for sewing and repairing dresses
Recruitment depot
A prison with a chapel and a prison hut

On August 26 and 27, demonstration training of various types of troops will be held on the battlefield. “Border Battle” will take place on August 27 at 17:00

The festival will take place in Moscow from June 1 to June 12, 2017 "Times and Epochs. Collection". Subject this year's festival historical reconstruction, its possibilities and achievements.

"Times and Epochs 2017" change format. Now this is not just an event in Kolomenskoye dedicated to a specific period. The festival becomes a grandiose convention of 6,000 reenactors from all over the world, who will represent eras from Antiquity to the 20th century for 12 days. "Times and Epochs. Collection" will become a real exhibition of the achievements of the reconstruction industry, a platform for the exchange of ideas and experience.

"Times and Epochs 2017"- these are 30 sites. 6000 participants and 12 eras.

Festival idea- bring together in the capital all the best from the world of reconstruction from all over the world. Different eras will intertwine on the streets and in parks into a single historical action. Muscovites and tourists will walk through the center from one era to another, going to parks to watch a 17th-century battle, a battle between legions and barbarians, or a camp of the Russian Imperial Army.

"Times and Epochs 2017" will begin on June 1 with arrival at Podmoskovnaya station retro trains with reenactors representing all time periods of the festival.

Starting point a great journey through times and eras will be festival information center on Tverskaya Square. The pavilion recreates the interiors of a Moscow hotel from the late 19th century. As in any decent hotel, guests can enjoy a cozy atmosphere, information about festival sites, maps, a program of events, explanations and assistance from staff who speak several foreign languages. The atmosphere of the Silver Age will be recreated in the pavilion: staff costumes, fashion magazines of those years on the counter, a pianist at the piano, an antique gramophone that the receptionist starts up several times a day, almost Blok-like strangers in fashionable toilets of the time, discussing futurist poets on the next sofa.

In different parts of the park "Kolomenskoye" camps of Peter's soldiers and Roman legionnaires will be located. On Tverskoy Boulevard visitors will meet teams of reenactors from all over the world. They will constantly replace each other, either leaving to participate in park festivals or returning for informal communication with colleagues and guests. On Kuznetsky Bridge you can look at the daily life of characters from bygone eras who will live in transparent honeycomb houses, and watch archaeologists processing objects found during excavations in Moscow. On Vostochnaya Street there will be a park of medieval siege engines. New Arbat will be transformed into a battle arena where the best medieval warriors will compete. On Chistoprudny Boulevard guests will be transported to the second half of the 19th century, to the picturesque Sevastopol promenade. A Revolution square will become a country dacha for Muscovites in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


The festival will be located at Tverskaya Street, Okhotny Ryad and Teatralny Proezd.

12:30–13:00 “Parade of Russian troops in honor of the capture of Paris” (Platz area).
A military sketch in which Alexander I will personally lead a parade in honor of the capture of Paris by Russian troops.

12:30–13:00 “The meeting place cannot be changed” (Pobeda site). Recreating a scene from the famous film.

13:00–13:30 “Mobilization” (Great Patriotic War site)
Theatrical production dedicated to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Guests will see the events of the first hours after the declaration of war on Nazi Germany.

13:30–14:00 “Review of Russian troops on the eve of the First World War” (Platz area).
Demonstration performance and training according to the regulations of the Russian army of 1908.

14:00–14:30 “Battle of Rus' and the Horde” (Medieval Rus' and neighbors site)
The battle of Russian soldiers against the steppe inhabitants, in which up to 50 participants of the “Times and Epochs” festival will meet.

14:30–15:00 “Streltsy Review” (Platz area)
Demonstration of combat readiness of soldiers: training in drill training, formation changes, movement in ranks.

15:00–15:30 “Fencing show of the 18th century” (Epoch of Peter I venue)
Sword fights according to the rules of dueling codes.

15:30–16:00 “Battle of the Russians with the Vikings” (Ancient Rus' site)
The battle of formidable peoples of the early Middle Ages, in which up to 100 reenactors participate.

The battle of formidable peoples of the early Middle Ages, in which up to 100 reenactors participate.
16:00–16:30 “Streltsy Review” (Platz area)
16:30–17:00 “Battle of Rus' and the Horde” (site Medieval Rus' and neighbors)
17:00–17:30 “Battle of the Russians with the Vikings” (Ancient Rus' site)
17:30–18:00 “Streltsy Review” (Platz area)
18:00–18:30 “Mobilization” (Great Patriotic War site)
18:30–19:00 “Parade of Russian troops in honor of the capture of Paris” (Platz area).
19:00–19:30 “Fencing show of the 18th century” (Epoch of Peter I venue)
19:30–20:00 “Review of Russian troops on the eve of the First World War” (Platz area).
20:00–20:30 “Battle of the Russians with the Vikings” (Ancient Rus' site)
20:00–20:30 “The meeting place cannot be changed” (Pobeda site)

Musical program at the venues
12:30–13:00 Performance by the folk group “Ochelie Soroki” (Drenaia Rus venue)
14.30–15.00 Performance of the folk group “New Kielce” (Dyakovskaya Culture venue)
18.00–18.30 Performance of the folk group “Ochelie Soroki” (Drenaia Rus venue)

Musical program on Okhotny Ryad

Historical block
13:00–14:00 Lodya - songs of Russian sailors
14:00–15:00 Ochelye Soroki - songs of the Russian North
15:00–16:00 New Kielce - music of the 19th–20th centuries
16:00–17:00 TeufelsTANZ - medieval music

Modern block
17:00–18:00 Acoustic boots - repertoire of the 20th century in rock treatment
18:00–19:00 Yoki - folk rock using authentic instruments
19:00–20:00 Inna Zhelannaya - folk rock
20:00–21:00 Alisa Ignatieva - songs of the peoples of the world

Persimfans on Tverskaya Square
An unusual concert-reconstruction on June 12 will also take place on the stage of the venue on Tverskaya Square.
To mark the 95th anniversary of the famous Persimfans orchestra - the Moscow symphony orchestra, which at the beginning of the 20th century, in search of a new sound, first began performing without a conductor - the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic" will perform a reconstructed musical program (also without a conductor). The public will enjoy masterpieces by Vivaldi, Ravel and Piazzolla performed by 60 wonderful musicians. The concert will take place from 19.00 to 20.30.

Participants of the festival "Times and Epochs. Meeting".

Group Academie Tordenskiold from the Norwegian town of Moss, reconstructs the early 1700s and the events of the Great Northern War. The head of the club, Lars J. Wessel Johnsen, descends from the Norwegian naval officer Peter Jansen Wessel, who during the Northern War, thanks to his exploits, rose to the rank of vice admiral.

Club Academie Tordenskiold - guests of honor at the opening ceremony of the festival" Times and eras. Meeting". June 2 at the site "Youth of the Russian Empire" in Tsaritsino Norwegians will show the Russian version of the duel between Charles XII and Peter Wessel.

Muscovites will again have the opportunity to immerse themselves in living history this summer: on August 10-22, 2018, the eighth historical festival of the “Times and Epochs” series will be held in Moscow - the largest festival of historical reconstruction in Russia!

"Times and Epochs" - This is a cycle of historical festivals that has been going on since 2011. The first festival of the series was dedicated to Ancient Rus': for 3 days, the townspeople could enjoy a spectacular program with the reconstruction of battles and battles, dedicated to the unification of the Russian people for protection from the steppe nomads, and were very pleased. The second festival, held in 2012, was dedicated to the Muscovite kingdom during the Time of Troubles, the third was dedicated to medieval Europe, the fourth - to the beginning of the 20th century and the First World War. In 2015, the audience was presented with a program about Ancient Rome and Antiquity, but a year later the wheel of history made a turn, and the theme of the festival again became Ancient Rus'.

Initially, “Times and Epochs” was held at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, but since 2017 the festival has changed its format: now the action takes place at many venues throughout the city. Over the years of the festival's existence, it has grown from a local event into a major international event, attracting tourists from different regions of Russia and countries around the world.

“Times and Epochs” 2018 promises to be held on an even larger scale: as many as 30 historical sites dedicated to different periods of history will be built in the city center and beyond, dedicated to different periods of history - from the Stone Age to the Soviet Thaw! Most of the sites will be located along the Boulevard Ring.

Venues and festival program

This year, the festival sites are literally closed - they are located along its entire length, on every boulevard, as well as in some parks and squares along its route.

. Gogolevsky Boulevard:"Moscow and Muscovites, XVII". The site is dedicated to a rather difficult period of Russian history, when the Time of Troubles had barely ended: here you can see an open military camp with light field fortifications and replica weapons, as well as a city settlement demonstrating the peaceful life of that time.

. Nikitsky Boulevard:"Middle Ages. How to build a castle? XIII." This site promises to be the most practical: the construction of a real castle will begin here, and anyone can help.

. Tverskoy Boulevard:"From Moscow to Paris. 1812-1814". Here the confrontation between the Russian and French armies will unfold: at the ends of the boulevard there will be army camps, and in the center there will be a “front” where military reviews, maneuvers and performances will take place.

. Novopushkinsky Square:"Toys and games from different eras." This site will be entirely dedicated to toys and games from different historical eras and will be divided into two parts: for boys and for girls.

. Pushkinskaya Square:"Historical fencing". On the square you will be able to get acquainted with the history of military art and watch fights between the best fencers and re-enactors of Russia and the world, and the bravest will be able to conduct a training battle in armor.

. Strastnoy Boulevard:"The beginning of the 20th century through the eyes of Antoshi Chekhonte" and "Moscow criminal investigation, 1945-1953". At different ends of the boulevard there will be two historical sites: the first will be dedicated to Moscow through the eyes of the writer Anton Chekhov, the second to the struggle of MUR employees against Moscow criminals in the post-war Soviet years. Visitors will be shown a typical gangster apartment, examples of police and police uniforms, weapons and vehicles of those years.

. Petrovsky Boulevard:"The Dawn of Humanity, Paleolithic-Mesolithic-Neolithic." At this site, festival visitors will be able to see the site of ancient people and get acquainted with the most ancient era in human history, learn about the development of tools, migration of people around the planet, the emergence of crafts and the first war that happened in the Mesolithic era.

. Rozhdestvensky Boulevard:"Russian-Turkish War, 1877-1878". On the boulevard you will be able to see how Russian soldiers and their opponents lived, take a short course for young soldiers, and also get acquainted with the urban life of Moscow in the 19th century.

. Sretensky Boulevard:"The first defense of Sevastopol, 1854-1855". Here, festival visitors will be able to get acquainted with significant events, objects and characters of the first defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War, as well as learn about the daily life of the participants in those events - soldiers and officers of the Russian and allied armies.

. Chistoprudny Boulevard: 3 spectacular venues for the “Times and Epochs” festival will unfold here! At the “Seven in the Past, X” site you will be able to get acquainted with the project of the same name, in which seven people will live for 9 months on an ancient Russian farm in the realities of the 10th century: they are allowed to use only authentic tools, household items, clothing and technology. The site “Ancient Rus', X” will be dedicated to the most ancient period of Russian history: here you can see a medieval camp, craft workshops and shopping arcades. One of the most spectacular venues of the festival will be the “Viking Age Shipyard, IX-XI”, where a Viking camp with a real shipyard will unfold!

. Pokrovsky Boulevard will also accommodate 3 sites at once: the first, "Ancient Wars", will be dedicated to the Romans, Greeks and barbarians, the second - "Scythia of Herodotus, Antiquity" - to the ancient era on the territory of Russia, the third - "The Great Embassy of Peter I, 1697-1698" - to one one of the largest diplomatic missions undertaken by Peter I.

. Yauzsky Boulevard will become a platform "North and South. Civil War, 1861-1865". A small American town will unfold here, where they will tell about significant events for North America: from the development of the Wild West to the Civil War of 1861-1865.

The festival venues will be located not only on the Boulevard Ring: on Tverskaya Square will talk about the Thaw era and life in the 1950s-1960s, in Kamergersky Lane- about medieval science and alchemy, and Theater Square will be dedicated to “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin. At the station metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya" there will be an exhibition about the Soviet Cultural Education of the 1920-1930s, as well as the “Moscow Courtyard” and “Geologists’ Camp” of the 1970-1980s. IN Museum "Presnya" The exhibition "Eclecticism of the Revolution" dedicated to the years 1914-1917 will be held. The “Military Pier of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945” site, which will unfold on Vorobyovskaya embankment: here you can get acquainted with the life of sailors of the Soviet fleet, as well as see a real patrol boat.

Two sites will be located far outside the historical center: “Moscow Station at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries” at Profsoyuznaya street will tell about the work of the station at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, and "The School of the Knight, XV" in Friendship Park will be dedicated to the era of chivalry.

All sites of the "Times and Epochs" festival are open from August 10 to 22, 2018, from 11:00 to 21:00. The festival will also include free city tours and a themed quest.

I managed to go to the “Times and Epochs” festival in the morning - before the protests began on Tverskaya. I expected to meet some kind of tortured “jingoism”, but I saw a truly wonderful historical holiday - with forges, playing the harp, free excursions and the opportunity to show off your skills in Morse code (which is especially dear to my heart as a former signal corporal). And as a film buff, I was especially happy to take a photo with “Ferdinand” from “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.”

Hundreds of people gathered on Tverskaya in the clothes of princely warriors and European knights, Russian soldiers and Her Majesty's guards - all of them are a little eccentric, but very open, sincere and artistic. I really didn’t think that it would be so soulful, because usually such events have a musty official smell. But not in this case.

To be honest, I don’t understand why the Navalnists, who coordinated the rally on Sakharov Avenue, rushed to Tverskaya if another mass event was already taking place there. The freedom of some should not violate the freedoms of others (I mean festival visitors, including a huge number of children). It’s a shame if the holiday, in which not only money was invested, but also the soul of an entire army of role-players and reenactors, really turned out to be disrupted (as some eyewitnesses have already written about on Twitter).

From June 1 to June 12, Moscow will host the grandiose historical festival “Times and Epochs,” which will bring 10 thousand reenactors and participants from all over the world to the capital.

12 eras will be reenacted at 30 street and park venues in different areas of the city. Among them are the Iron Age, Antiquity, Peter's time, 1812, the Crimean War. At the beginning of summer, everyone will be able to see that Moscow is the center of international historical reconstruction.

Shopping arcades

At the Times and Epochs shopping arcade, guests will find copies of historical artifacts, dishes and delicacies of the past. It is curious that in the Middle Ages few people knew how to read, so instead of the usual text signs in front of each shop or shop, distinctive signs were hung: a horseshoe meant a forge, a green bush meant a tavern, and scissors meant a barber’s place of work.

Podmoskovnaya station

On June 1, an ancient coal-powered train will arrive at Podmoskovnaya station, carrying guests from different eras. This will open the historical festival “Times and Epochs. Meeting". At Podmoskovnaya (this is the only operating railway complex of the early 20th century in the capital), travelers will be met by the station manager. Together with the reenactors, he will make a memorable entry in the festival’s “Book of Times” with a quill pen.

New Arbat

Throughout the festival from June 1 to 12 on New Arbat, everyone will be able to witness reconstructions of medieval battles, appreciate the skill of fencing with long swords, rapiers and rapiers, as well as hear the history of military codes and tournament rules. You can plunge into history on weekdays from 16:00 to 21:00 and on weekends from 12:00 to 21:00.

Kuznetsky Bridge

Lovers of Russian cinema are welcome from June 1 to 12 on Kuznetsky Most Street. The “Bauer” zone of the “History of Cinema” site will be opened here. Everyone will be able to visit the festival costume room and try on the outfits of film stars, stylized in the 20s of the last century. Here you can learn how to do hair, apply professional makeup, and then audition for the role of a silent film hero. All this and much more awaits Muscovites and guests of the capital at the address: st. Kuznetsky Most, property 6/3.

Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

On June 2, at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, you can plunge into the eras of the rulers who made the Russian Empire one of the leading European powers - Peter the Great and Catherine II. The main event will be a large-scale costume performance with horse quadrilles. The program was based on Catherine the Great's lush historical Carousel of 1766. Also on the site, guests will be able to learn more about the military affairs and exploits of the early 18th century, plunging into the atmosphere of Peter the Great’s times.

  • 17:00–18:00 — Theatrical performance “Carousel”
  • 20:00–20:30 — Theatrical performance “Gangut Action”
  • 21:00–22:00 — Reconstruction with the participation of Russian and European armies of the 18th century

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