Structured horoscope of Gregory Kvasha. Gregory Kvasha - New marriage horoscope

This is how a person works - he wants to know what awaits him, what is destined for him. And therefore, unable to resist, the marriage theory nevertheless decided to issue a new section - marriage purposes.


Before talking about destinations, I would like to remind you that the structural horoscope speaks of four types of marriage and one exception.

Patriarchal marriage. The spouses in it are one year old, or the difference between the years of birth is a multiple of four. Both spouses must be within the same troika of signs: either they are in the troika “Horse, Tiger, Dog”, or in the troika “Cat, Goat, Boar”, in the troika “Rooster, Snake, Bull”, finally, the option is possible

Patriarchal marriage within the trinity “Rat, Monkey, Dragon.” Exception: the union “Monkey - Rat”.

Romantic marriage. The difference in the years of birth of spouses is a multiple of two, but not a multiple of four. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Dog or Tiger, then the other is from the trio “Rat, Monkey, Dragon”. And if one of the spouses is a Rooster, Snake or Bull, then the other is a Goat, Cat or Boar. Exceptions: Horse - Rat unions; Goat - Snake; Rooster - Cat.

Equal marriage. Here arithmetic calculation is not convenient. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Tiger or Dog, then the other is from the trio “Rooster, Snake, Bull”. If one of the spouses is Rat, Monkey, Dragon, then the other is from the trio “Cat, Boar, Goat”. There are many exceptions: Tiger - Bull, Dog - Bull, Dog - Rooster, Cat - Dragon, Boar - Dragon.

Spiritual marriage. We can say that here are all the remaining combinations. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Tiger, Dog, then the other is a Cat, Boar or Goat. If one of the spouses is a Rat, Monkey, Dragon, then the other is certainly a Bull, Rooster or Snake. Exceptions: Tiger - Goat, Horse - Boar, Snake - Monkey.

A vector marriage, in fact, is not a marriage, but a kind of magical action with an unpredictable scenario. All of the above exceptions are collected in a vector union: Horse - Rat, Rat - Monkey, Monkey - Snake, Snake - Goat, Goat - Tiger, Tiger - Bull, Bull - Dog, Dog - Rooster, Rooster - Cat, Cat - Dragon, Dragon - Boar, Boar - Horse. That is, signs that are in a “master-servant” relationship with each other.


The meaning of this marriage purpose is that children copy the marriage of their parents1. Yes, a child, having matured, tries to repeat the relationship of his parents, to reproduce the atmosphere in which he grew up, matured, and became a person.

Thus, a child who grew up in a patriarchal marriage, in the case of pleasant memories, will consciously or unconsciously try to repeat the marriage of his parents. Another mechanism is also possible: in a patriarchal marriage, a person of a special type is brought up, economical, cheerful, simple, child-loving, a friend of animals and plants. He will unconsciously gravitate towards a patriarchal marriage.

Similarly: a child raised by the spouses of a romantic marriage will grow up to be a dreamer, a romantic, chivalrous if he is a youth, or, accordingly, a very tender and ephemeral girl. This is the direct path to a romantic marriage.

Continuing the idea expressed, we note that a child raised in a successful, fulfilled spiritual marriage will inevitably dream of recreating the spiritual environment in his family. And therefore, the best thing for him is to get into a spiritual marriage.

No connection could be found between the vector marriage of parents and the marriage of children. Therefore, we can assume that children of vector marriages have a free marital destiny.

I would like to remind you once again how marriage purpose can be calculated arithmetically. First of all, the type of marriage is determined by the years of birth (signs) of the father and mother. Based on this, the expected sign of the spouse is “calculated”. Let me also remind you that the sign obtained in this way may not coincide with either the sign of the father or the sign of the mother.

For example, if the parents have a patriarchal marriage of Horse - Dog, and the daughter was born in the year of the Dragon, then she is destined for a patriarchal spouse of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey signs, with a slight advantage of the Rat.

If the parents' marriage is unsuccessful, then it is hardly worth expecting too much from this destiny for the daughter.


For many girls, a father is the ideal man, and they dream of a husband who is like their father. Likewise, a son can transfer his love for the image of his mother to the imaginary image of his bride and future wife.

It is easy to calculate this purpose. For a girl, her husband must have the sign of his father; the bride must have the sign of the year of birth of the groom's mother. However, in addition to one main sign, one or two signs from the same ideological trinity are mentioned, because for marriage these signs are identical.

So, if the father is a wise and strong-willed representative of the “Horse - Tiger - Dog” troika, then the daughter’s future husband will repeat his image if he represents any of the three indicated signs. Of course, vector options don't count.

In the same way, the loving and mysterious father from the “Rat-Dragon-Monkey” trio can be replaced in a woman’s heart by the husband of any of the three signs, and by no means only the sign of the father.

The same situation is with the fighting and courageous signs from the three “Rooster - Snake - Bull”. The husband can be any of the three.

Finally, the beautiful and harmonious, erudite and practical men of the “Cat - Boar - Goat” troika are completely interchangeable in the consciousness and subconscious of a girl who has become a bride.

The situation is absolutely similar with young men turning into husbands. The image of the mother, stuck in the cortex and subcortex from the first days of life, is always with them. Willingly or unwittingly, they will always compare the bride (wife) with their mother. And not so much with the current one, but with the one from the past, from childhood memories. The mother has changed, but the sign remains the same.

So, if the mother is an intelligent, fighting and determined representative of the “Horse - Dog - Tiger” troika, then the son will look for the same traits in the contenders for his heart and hand.

The behavior of men who have been fascinated since childhood by the beauty of their mother from the “Dragon - Monkey - Rat” trio is similar: they will definitely like representatives of one of these three signs.

If your mother has taken care of you since childhood and loved you in the way that very strong and loving women from the “Rooster - Snake - Bull” trinity can do, then you will inevitably look for love and care of just that degree, and therefore you will be drawn to one of the three indicated signs.

Finally, if the magic and witchcraft of the women of the troika “Goat - Cat - Boar” penetrated into the soul from childhood, then where should one look for a wife if not among the representatives of these three signs.

This purpose is stronger, the stronger the attachment of a daughter to her father or a son to his mother. If the daughter is closer to the mother than to the father, and the son is friendly with the father, and not with the mother, then this purpose does not work at all.


Quite a lot has been written about the age theory of the structural horoscope, which has recently been called the Chinese age horoscope in many publications (of course, not in “Science and Religion”) (I swear that I’m not Chinese), including in “Science and religion." But when talking about the purpose of marriage, we need to repeat some ideas.

Marriage at the age of the Rat (17 - 24) would be a mistake for both men and women. This is more the age of dating than of a real desire to live together. If you are completely unbearable, then, of course, you are drawn to a romantic marriage - with its illusions, misalliances and love for opposites.

Pig's age (24 - 31) is more suitable for marriage, but it does not cancel the orientation towards romantic marriage. As before, the cohabitation of a man and a woman is depicted somewhat ideally; life is presented as a series of amusements and parties, visiting and receiving guests. Here the desire is not so much for the real quality of family life, but for some of its beauty (or prettiness). At this age, traveling or dancing together may be more important than household problems.

The age of the Dog (31 - 40) is ideal for marriage, but not for everyone, but for a patriarchal one. In a woman, in a sharp form, in a man, the instinct of procreation awakens a little weaker. I am drawn specifically to farming and everyday life; I want to buy a summer house and have livestock. All this, intertwining and harmonizing, gives rise to a stereotype of a patriarchal union.

The age of the Snake (40 - 55) overturns all previous ideas about marriage. A man in his terrible and terrible “mid-life crisis” loses his former will, panics, and throws himself into all kinds of troubles. Sometimes he leaves the marriage, sometimes he stays, but loses his former interest in the household and children. And sometimes he just slips into depression. A woman, on the contrary, blossoms, gains will and independence, raises and unfurls the banners of her power. At least in my family.

The notorious castling occurs: the husband cedes power to his wife. However, where and when was power given up voluntarily? Of course, battles and fights take place and competition begins. The man is trying to prove that he is still quite masculine, and the woman is trying to demonstrate that her new strength is not an illusion, but a reality. And these are already signs of an equal marriage, with its competitiveness, career impulses and aggravation of sexual problems.

Towards the end of the age of the Snake and at the age of the Dragon (55 - 70), pure love flares up again in the hearts of women and especially men. She is already devoid of her former sexual accents, spiritualized and sublime. Finally, tired of fighting and competing, a man and a woman can just talk. It turns out that they just didn’t have time to talk. Either dancing and guests, then children and housekeeping, then mutual claims and grievances. And so they waited, the time had come for true communication between those who created and fought, and those who believed and waited. We are, of course, talking about spiritual marriage.

As they say, everything is clear, but just in case, let’s clarify: before the age of 31 one is destined to enter into a romantic marriage, from 31 to 40 years one is destined to enter into a patriarchal marriage, after 40 - into an equal marriage, and after that - only into a spiritual one.

This is the only purpose that changes with age and does not enter into a dispute between purposes with an unambiguous recommendation. It also predicts to a person moments of weakening and strengthening of his marriage. It is very important when a person hesitates between several destinations and simply waits for the next age to decide on something.


The fact that marriage and profession are twin brothers hardly needs to be proven. What is the cause and what is the effect is very difficult to determine. A person who finds himself in a patriarchal marriage is inevitably drawn to peasant labor, to nature, to working with animals and plants. However, the inverse relationship also works: the original peasant has a direct path to the patriarchal union, because the division of labor characteristic of this marriage, the distinction between women's and men's affairs, the short time of direct contact - all this is taken from the peasant way of life.

Likewise, an equal marriage inclines a person towards a career - political, scientific or financial, it does not matter. But the opposite situation also works: a person inclined towards a career life will feel much more comfortable in an equal marriage, where he will gain additional strength, excitement and the aggressiveness necessary for a career.

A romantic union straightens a man's shoulders, making him much more courageous. A romantic marriage, on the contrary, makes a woman tender, sophisticated, as if woven from everything pink, transparent and fluffy. And here the opposite law also works: men of masculine professions, military men, sailors, athletes are drawn to a romantic union. Women who have been paying increased attention to their appearance, fashion, grace, etc. since childhood are also drawn to a romantic union.

In a similar way, an identity is established between creative professions and spiritual marriage. Such a marriage itself awakens creative abilities in a person, but creativity itself moves a person towards spiritual marriage, because the creator is the one who wants to express himself, to speak out. And where else to speak out, if not in a spiritual marriage?

So it is very easy to understand who is destined for what kind of marriage: for the military - romantic, for careerists and businessmen - equal, for peasants and hermits - patriarchal, for creators - spiritual.


Despite all the obviousness of these purposes, they are not enough. There is also a purpose hidden in a person’s horoscope. And although this destiny has no more rights than others, it is more interesting because it allows you to look into the marriage fate of the greats of this world.

The yearly sign of the intended spouse is recorded in the person’s horoscope in the form of a zodiac sign. If you are a Capricorn, then you are assigned a spouse born in the year of the Rooster. If you are an Aquarius, then you are destined for the Dog. And so on: Pisces - Boars, Aries - Rats, Taurus - Bulls; When choosing a spouse, Geminis should look closely at Tigers, Cancers at Cats, Leos at Dragons. Autumn signs gravitate toward compassionate signs. Virgo needs a Snake, Libra needs a Horse, Scorpio needs a Goat. Monkeys would be suitable for Sagittarius in marriage. Replacement is possible within ideological troikas, if it is not

Vector combinations are born or do not disappear.

For the marriage theory, which has not changed for 12 years, this is a revolution. And as always, the most sensational part of this revolution is the vector ring. Now it turns out that a person with an internal vector may not be afraid of a vector marriage. Alas, I have to admit that especially for the rabid owners of internal vector fire, a vector marriage (in the position of a servant) would even be beneficial.

Now it’s time to apply the latest theoretical amendment to the most famous marriages.

Although the poet warned: “We’d better keep silent about what’s close,” I’ll still note that the two most popular politicians today - President Putin and Mayor Luzhkov - have definitely fulfilled their marriage destiny.

V.V. Putin (Dragon, Libra) has a romantic marriage (his wife’s sign is Dog), Yu.M. Luzhkov (Rat, Virgo) has a spiritual marriage (his wife’s sign is Snake).

But for Bill Clinton (Dog, Leo), the horoscope indicated a romantic marriage, but he ended up in a spiritual marriage (Hilary - Pig) and did not keep it at the proper height.

Let us now turn to the emperors and empresses. Paul I (Dog, Libra) was supposed to settle down in the patriarchal, but was twice in a spiritual marriage. However, there was also his amazing long-term friendship with Ekaterina Nelidova (Horse), which filled the emptiness of his life.

The patriarchal marriage was intended for Elizaveta Petrovna (Bull, Capricorn), and her union with Razumovsky (Bull) was harmonious in this sense.

Peter I (Rat, Gemini) was supposed to have a romantic marriage according to his horoscope. This king was truly romantic - his whole life speaks of this. However, his marriage was patriarchal, for Catherine was born in the year of the Rat.

When you get acquainted with the fates of poets and writers, you are once again convinced that their marriage affairs are not very good. Nikolai Gumilyov (Dog, Aries) was a romantic by horoscope, a romantic by way of life, but instead of a romantic marriage he ends up in a vector marriage. His wife Anna Akhmatova (Ox, Cancer) also had a romantic horoscope, however, in the future she had romantic unions.

The poet Vladislav Khodasevich (Dog, Gemini) was destined for a patriarchal marriage, in which he remained. But such a life seemed boring to him, and he also ended up in a vector union - with Nina Berberova (Bull). It didn't end well.

The romantic poet Nikolai Zabolotsky (Cat, Taurus) lived for many years in a patriarchal marriage. And this union could not be successful for him.

The fate of another romantic, Vladimir Mayakovsky (Snake, Cancer), could have been more prosperous. His muse was to be the Cat woman. And he found her - this is, of course, Lilya Brik. But she could not live up to this role; the poet rushed into the pool of vector passions, which may have ruined him.

The great romantic Mikhail Bulgakov (Cat, Taurus), after several unsuccessful unions, still found his destiny - precisely in a romantic marriage, in full agreement with the purpose of the horoscope. This union helped him both in life and in his work. Everything became harmonious. The man found himself, and we all found his brilliant novel.

There are times when a person misses his destiny. Sergei Yesenin (Goat, Libra) was supposed to marry a Horse. This is precisely the sign of Zinaida Reich. But they failed to save the marriage. Reich married theater reformer Vsevolod Meyerhold (Dog, Aquarius) - and this marriage, in full accordance with the horoscope, was truly harmonious.

The titan of the spirit Leo Tolstoy (Rat, Virgo) was destined for a spiritual marriage, but lived his entire life in a patriarchal marriage. Maybe that’s why there was so much tossing and turning in his life. The horoscope (and this is the essence of personality) asked for one thing, marriage demanded another.

The marriage of Kirkorov (Goat) and Pugacheva (Bull), which amazed many, was, it turns out, registered in the horoscope of the popular singer, for he is also a Taurus.

The theory allows owners of the so-called internal vector any version of their life. Pushkin (Goat, Gemini) chose an equal marriage and was happy in it. Osip Mandelstam (Cat, Capricorn) chose a patriarchal marriage. Dostoevsky (Snake, Scorpio), like Pushkin, lived and worked in an equal marriage. Karl Marx (Typhoid, Taurus) chose a patriarchal union. But as has already been said, vector marriage is not alien to these people. Maria Mironova (Dog, Capricorn) lived her life in just such a marriage (Menaker - Ox). In the storm, the great tennis player Andre Agassi (Dog, Taurus), who linked his fate with Steffi Graf (Rooster), is looking for peace.

Let's sum up the disappointing conclusion: every person has at least five marriage purposes. It’s good if they all coincide (there are many such cases), but what if the purposes of the spouses are completely different? Isn’t this the reason for unsuccessful marriages, divorces, and actual polygamy?

(wife, mistress, friendship with the service, etc.) Or this is the problem: a person lives, listens carefully to his heart, to fate, and finally finds the only and beloved one, destined for him in all respects (professional and age matching, love, etc.) .d.). It’s a seemingly happy moment, and then it turns out that he (she - him) is not destined for her, neither by father, nor by parents, nor by horoscope, the shaky foundation disappears from under her feet, the marriage hangs by a thread. Of course, many such and many similar situations can be cited.

I don’t want to put an end to this story about marriage purposes. I would like the story to be perceived by readers as the beginning of a conversation. I will be happy to respond to your attempts to analyze your marriage purposes, your successes and failures.

Let's discuss the marriage test of Grigory Kvasha and Evgeniy Savenkov. To know what we are discussing, go to the page with the G. Kvasha test program, which was made by E. Savenkov:

We substitute the person’s data (for example, Pig-Leo, or Dragon-Pisces, or some other...) and change all the partners that he could theoretically have (144 combinations). We get a sign. Those. the dates are simply substituted, and you get the answer that the authors of the program put there (it seems - in 2008).

Here I am simply discussing THEIR test, and talking about mine additionally. As I hoped, my version of the program should exactly reproduce the previous algorithm.

There is nothing complicated in the tables given: I simply give examples of how THEIR test works for specific options. Why and why? Because I doubt that they themselves know exactly what they did. And so that it would be clear later: why did I suddenly refuse to accurately reproduce their test and immediately offer my own version.

Why was it necessary to repeat the existing test at all? The considerations are as follows: if we could reproduce a long-existing algorithm in software, we could hope to understand the logic embedded in it. But the fact is that it was not possible to reproduce the test 100%: the program, in my opinion, contains a logical discrepancy. And I cannot reproduce the violation of this internal program logic itself.

Grigory Kvasha has a description of the idea of ​​the algorithm, but it also does not correspond to the actions of the program - in my opinion.

But still, basically, it was possible to reproduce the functions of the program - except for the mentioned violations.

To demonstrate the differences, I calculated all combinations of possible partners for four images: Dragon-Pisces, Pig-Lion, Tiger-Pisces, Monkey-Capricorn. It can be seen that inconsistencies arise when the type of thinking of partners coincides in cases where there is an internal vector. Those. Savenkov E.’s program, in an incomprehensible way to me, does not take into account in many such cases the coincidence of ideologies (in terms of the structural horoscope).

The table shows the assessments of the “quality” of marriage according to Kvasha-Savenkov, and separated by a hyphen – the assessments obtained according to the new program I wrote. The red font highlights the vector's image. (It is the presence of a vector in a pair that is the critical point of the Kvasha-Savenkov algorithm).

Dragon-Pisces: partnership options (16 deviations from the Kvasha-Savenkov test).

Pig-Lev: partnership options (27 deviations from the Kvasha-Savenkov test).

Tiger-Pisces: partnership options (3 deviations from the Kvasha-Savenkov test).

Monkey-Capricorn: partnership options (4 deviations from the Kvasha-Savenkov test).

To demonstrate the “strangeness”, let’s take the pair Pig-Leo/Monkey-Capricorn, the images Vector and Jester. The Kvasha-Savenkov test gives the combination a score = 4.

Let's try to “reverse” the signs of our partners. There are 4 options in total, corresponding to the same images. Those. To the above you can add the following:

  • Dragon-Pisces/Rooster-Sagittarius, Vector and Jester, Kvasha-Savenkov test = 8
  • Pig-Leo/Rooster-Sagittarius, Vector and Jester, Kvasha-Savenkov test = 4
  • Dragon-Pisces/Monkey-Capricorn, Vector and Jester, Kvasha-Savenkov test = 4

But according to logic, in this case quite obvious, something else should have turned out. That is: either all 4 options should have a score = 4, or the Pig-Leo/Monkey-Capricorn case should also get a b O higher rating. According to my algorithm = 7 (almost like Dragon-Pisces/Rooster-Sagittarius). It was these “disruptions” in the Kvasha-Savenkov algorithm that led to the need to abandon the exact repetition of their program, and forced us to make our own edits.

This may seem unusual, but still the position of the vector in the pair should not affect the assessment of the “symmetrical” test. Those. a vector “participating” in the coincidence of “ideologies” should, in theory, have a different meaning than one that finds itself “outside” and not “inside” such a coincidence.

There are actually a lot of different ideas for improving scoring calculations, and I hope to publish them someday. And even, if you're lucky, implement it. Of course, I invite everyone interested to cooperate.

There is also a link to my version of the test program, which almost completely reproduces the Kvasha-Savenkov algorithm. I don’t see the point in giving a link here, since the program is still crude, and it would be better if only trained people used it.

Grigory Kvasha

Find yourself by your birth sign. Encyclopedia of Horoscopes

Every time, opening a book, the reader hopes to find in it something in tune with his thoughts, his spiritual structure, but is it always possible to find lines in someone else’s text that are addressed directly to you? I think not. The structure of this book is such that here everyone will find words dedicated to him personally, and not just words, but all the information necessary to comprehend the possibilities given to you at birth. In this book, the author has collected almost all sections of the structural horoscope together, forming TEN horoscopes in the GENERAL SECTION. The PERSONAL SECTION repeats the GENERAL SECTION, but for each sign separately. You can immediately turn to the PERSONAL SECTION, but if you need a more accurate and detailed understanding of the problem, you will need to return to the same topic in the GENERAL SECTION.

So how do you find yourself and achieve success in life? Let's turn to the PERSONAL SECTION. So:

First. You need to believe in your annual sign, understand its main idea. For this there is a so-called title chapter. It is with these chapters that all 12 parts of PERSONAL SECTIONS begin. Sometimes the stated theme shows a certain private plan of the sign (“Boar is a crafty predictor”), but more often it is really the most important, main idea for the sign (“Bull is the creator of the table of ranks”).

Second. The same annual sign, but already decomposed into components. The temperament of a sign, the source of its energy, is the first component. The second component is your psychological type. The third is the relationship of the sign with fate. In fourth place is the type of spatial and social orientation. Having learned all the structural components of your sign, you can establish the maximum list of possibilities inherent in the sign of your birth.

Third. It turns out that male and female signs differ, and in the most important thing - in their strategic approach to life. This is very important, perhaps the most important thing in the book. Here you need to read more carefully, especially since, having separated, male and female signs remain in the spectrum of four types of thinking - logicians, realists, mystics, strong-willed people. Find out your element, and a lot of things in your life will become clear to you.

Fourth. World achievements sign. Find out which of the greats is closest to you in spirit.

Fifth. It's about marriage. Each of the 144 marriages (12 male signs to 12 female ones) receives its own personal text. It is clear that this text cannot be too detailed, and therefore for details one must turn to the GENERAL SECTION, where the basics of the five types of marriage (patriarchal, equal, romantic, spiritual, vector) are outlined in the most detailed manner, and the corresponding commandments are also given.

Sixth. Marriage purpose. There are two main interests here. The first interest is for those who have not yet married or are again at a marriage crossroads. Why not find out the annual sign of your betrothed according to your horoscope? The second interest is for those who are married and everything is fine with them. Why not see which spouse is more destined for whom? This is by no means superfluous, because it reveals the true balance of power in the family. Some spouses tend to overestimate their worth, others underestimate. Do not forget that the entire theory of marriage destiny is given in the GENERAL SECTION, but in each PERSONAL SECTION only the destiny according to the horoscope is given.

Seventh. Having dealt with your personal life, you need to turn your attention to production problems. Whether you are the boss or not, relationships in the team must be built according to a certain scheme, and this scheme is outlined in sufficient detail for your sign. From now on, the 12 annual signs will be divided into 6 categories for you: Subordinate, Companion and Vector Servant will strengthen your position, but with the Vector Master, Clone and Advisor you will have to be more careful and limit all contacts. By the way, this information is published for the first time.

Eighth. Virtual horoscope and image sign. The importance of this factor in life is rapidly growing, because in the modern, increasingly virtual world, a person is met and escorted by his clothes, that is, by the image that he has created for himself. But it is impossible to create the correct, that is, beneficial for you, image without a virtual horoscope. The only way is through endless trial and error. But do you really have time for this?

Ninth. Successful and unsuccessful years, periods of forcing events and periods of complete refusal of activity, and most importantly - the timing of the arrival of that very wind of time, which in some years must be caught by raising the sails, and in other years overcome, cutting elastic currents with the forehead. All this is also very important to know.

And one last thing. Absolutely all materials in the book are open and verified by me personally. The horoscopes presented have nothing to do with astrology, esotericism, the Chinese, or the Babylonians. For everything said, I take full personal responsibility. The only thing I would like to remind you is that I did not create a vector ring, marriage elements or virtual signs. I just discovered all this and am responsible for whether I presented my theory better or worse. The Creator is responsible for everything else.

General section




Virtual horoscope

Each of us has an annual sign, and it dictates to us its own conditions, its own rules of behavior. But there is also a zodiac sign, and it has requirements for its bearer. How do these two signs get along within one person? Are they friends or enemies, interact or can hardly tolerate each other, like neighbors in a communal apartment?

This question has interested many researchers, but not only them. Any person who has learned the significance of a horoscope should be not indifferent to the internal struggle of two horoscopes.

As a researcher, I spent ten years (1991–2001) solving this problem and now I know the exact answer. The signs interact very actively with each other, but at the same time they themselves do not change in any way, they remain the same as they were, but from their interaction a third sign is born. Isn't it true that something similar happens everywhere in nature? The feminine and masculine principles interpenetrate and give birth to a new being, a new essence.

How to determine your personal virtual sign?

First, let's clarify the annual and zodiac signs (see tables on page 6).

So: the zodiac and eastern signs remain in a person on their own, but next to them a third sign appears, born from their interaction. Now there are three of them. All that remains is to distribute responsibilities between the three signs, as well as find names for the new horoscope and its signs and describe their qualities.

As for the distribution of responsibilities between the three signs of a person, not everything is simple. Each horoscope duplicates the functions of the other, partially encroaching on someone else’s territory. And yet, if you decide on the most important thing, then:

The zodiac horoscope is health, life plans, ambitions, intentions, as well as all the characteristics of a person in childhood (up to 12 years).

The Eastern (annual) horoscope is about types of thinking, types of creative orientation - everything related to human behavior after 12 years, especially behavior in love and marriage. And of course, the implementation of those very plans and their ambitions that the zodiac sign laid down in a person.

The third horoscope, born in the struggle between plans and implementation, shows the type of human harmony. The correspondence of plans and implementation gives rise to high harmony, but makes a person less active. Poor correspondence reduces harmony but increases energy. This is how the image of a person, the optimal image, is born. Since we are not talking about the real essence of a person, but only about his image, the picture he creates, the horoscope is called Virtual.

There are not 12 or 144 signs in the new horoscope, but seven (King, Vector, Jester, Knight, Aristocrat, Professor, Leader). All the names of the signs, as well as their descriptions, were determined experimentally, as a result of long studies of the destinies of people who managed to find a profitable image and made a career out of it, as well as the most famous film images of domestic and world cinema.

The mechanism for the formation of signs is as follows. First you need to know the system of correspondence between annual and zodiac signs. Here she is:

Rat - Aries, Ox - Taurus, Tiger - Gemini, Cat - Cancer, Dragon - Leo, Snake - Virgo, Horse - Libra, Goat - Scorpio, Monkey - Sagittarius, Rooster - Capricorn, Dog - Aquarius, Boar - Pisces.

This list becomes the basis for determining all signs and at the same time a list of combinations for determining one of the seven signs - the King.

Current page: 1 (book has 24 pages total) [available reading passage: 16 pages]

Grigory Semenovich Kvasha
New marriage horoscope. Find your ideal partner


In this book, for the first time in his practice, the author tried to look at the problem of love not only from a female point of view, but also from a male one. Usually only the female version was written, that is, any of the 144 possible (12 female signs multiplied by 12 male) unions was sought through female signs and, in fact, was described from a female point of view. Now there is a men's version. From now on, a man does not need to look for a description of his union through the sign of his woman.

Thus, the book contains 288 descriptions of various unions, so that each union is described twice, from the woman’s side and from the man’s side. In the female description, for clarity, more attention is paid to visual examples (from films); more is said about love in the lives of the great. In the male description, more attention is paid to theory, because a certain abstract principle is more important to a man than a visual image.

In any case, it makes sense to read the description of your union from both a male and a female point of view. But this, alas, is not enough. It is necessary to read that fragment of the theoretical part, which describes the union in which you find yourself (Patriarchal, Romantic, Equal, Spiritual, Vector). Particular attention should be paid to the so-called Commandments, where detailed and strict instructions on behavior strategies are given.



Theory of love

To understand the love and marital interaction of a man and a woman, it is enough to know ideological structure, dividing the 12 annual horoscope signs into four triplets. The point is that in ideological structure male and female signs are fundamentally different from each other. Understanding this difference makes it possible to begin the process of literal penetration into each other, which ultimately leads to a true union of love for a new entity, allowing one to calculate the Structural Horoscope.

Please note that the signs are not completely different, but only partially. The so-called external attributes, the linguistic sphere of signs are the same, only the denominators, that is, types of thinking, differ. Moreover, men's types of thinking coincide with the attributive meaning of the sign, but women do not.

Male signs

Tiger, Dog, Horse- these are signs of Will. Their will is present both at the level of external manifestations - a bewitching appearance, voice, imperious manners, and at the level of thinking - strategic planning, a long decision-making process and at the same time a powerful desire to fulfill this decision.

Rooster, Snake, Bull- these are signs of Logic. They know how to count, they know how to plan, although sometimes they are too schematic. These are fighting signs, cocky, with good reactions.

Cat, Goat and Boar– these are Realistic signs. Their main advantage is the ability to rely on life experience, their own and others... Observant, internally balanced people, they have an aesthetic perception of the world.

Rat, Monkey, Dragon– Mystic signs, signs of Love. Their mysticism is, first of all, a reluctance to rely on formal logic and life experience. Therefore, mystical signs give the most unbiased people who will only believe in what they check themselves. The flip side of such corrosive empiricism is a breakthrough into the mystical world of dreams, visions and hallucinations.

Female signs

Tiger, Dog and Horse outwardly they demonstrate the same Will as male signs, the same signs of power in their voice, posture, and gaze. In reality, they have logical thinking, exactly the same as that of men of logical signs...

Rooster, Snake, Bull demonstrate exactly the opposite qualities than men of their signs. Outwardly, they are just as militant and harsh as men, but their type of thinking is strong-willed, which is why they are able to reign, manage, and be responsible for the lives of large groups of people.

Cat, Goat and Boar. Outwardly, the same calmness and contemplation as men have. In fact, there is a powerful mystical will, a mystical comprehension of the truth, but a lack of understanding of the realities of life.

Rat, Monkey, Dragon- here everything is the opposite: outwardly - extravagance, close to insanity, in reality - a powerful realistic mind, a wonderful sense of taste, proportion, style, etc.

There is only one step left to the theory of love interaction. Those unions where the linguistic sphere (way of life) is united are everyday unions, with the primacy of the external side of life.

Those unions in which the types of thinking are the same will be mental, intellectual unions, unions of struggle and rivalry.


Meaning of numbers:

1 – Patriarchal, nested, everyday marriage.

2 – Equal, intellectual, competitive marriage.

3 – Romantic, poetic, sublime marriage.

4 – Spiritual, internal, endless marriage.

Hidden under the “O” sign is a Vector Marriage.

The third type of union is Romantic, in which there are signs with opposite types of attributes (for example, a combination of will and mysticism, logic and contemplation).

The fourth type of union is the most difficult - Spiritual. Here it is not the types of attributes that oppose each other, but the types of thinking...

Vector union. unpredictability

The vector ring is a fairy tale, a myth, a song, it is so mystical and mysterious, but at the same time it is the roughest and cruelest reality, from which one cannot shield ourselves from talking about disbelief in horoscopes.

So, Vector ring. We will announce, as they say, the entire list of characters. Rat - Monkey, Monkey - Snake, Snake - Goat, Goat - Tiger, Tiger - Bull, Bull - Dog, Dog - Rooster, Rooster - Cat, Cat - Dragon, Dragon - Boar, Boar - Horse, Horse - Rat. The position of the signs is not equivalent. In each listed pair, the Servant is in first place, the Master in second.


If we try to roughly explain, using generally accepted concepts, what happens when Vector neighbors come into contact, it turns out that Vector relationships are like a master key that opens a person’s protective field. In any other case, you need to find the keys for a long time or try to persuade him personally to give you the keys to his heart, his soul, his body, etc. Vector contact is like a break-in, a hole in the wall, and sometimes the complete destruction of the roof over your head .

In the current situation (after the opening of a person’s protective systems), it would seem that there are many advantages - quickly established contact, a complete feeling of comfort, the simultaneous possibility of the hottest passion, spiritual mutual understanding, and intellectual coordination. However, the summer of love euphoria ends soon, and the winter of real life begins. This is where it turns out that someone’s immune system is destroyed, someone’s nerves are completely unbalanced, someone has become overly aggressive, and someone has switched off from life and wanders around as if hypnotized.

The general formulation states that the Servant in the Vector Union degrades, and the Master loses his conscience (becomes rude). In fact, there are many options - the Servant can become hysterical, eccentric, while the Master will be forced to look after such a Servant as a nanny, etc.

In general, Vector Unions are extremely diverse in their scenarios. The most common scenario is when two people cannot be apart for a long time, but as soon as they come together, conflicts begin. There are known cases when participants in a Vector Union grow together, like Siamese twins, roam everywhere, holding hands... It happens that the Vector Union stuns people and they switch off, not perceiving the world around them. The only immutable truth here is that, unlike all other unions, the Vector scenario cannot be predicted and cannot be guaranteed. In fact, you never know how people whose house has fallen apart will behave - they will leave, start building a new one, continue living in the ruins, move in with neighbors...

Vector commandments

For some, the Vector Union is obvious evidence of Divine intervention in our lives, for others it is an equally obvious consequence of the devil’s machinations. Hence the main commandment: once in the Vector Union, do not rely on everyday life. A vector union is a guarantee of, if not adventure, then at least anomalousness. Expect that aliens will visit you, a poltergeist will settle under your bed, drums, little devils, angels will appear everywhere, everything will mix up in the house and will spin under your feet. In a word, your life, already not simple and clear, will become completely beyond the control of reason. You can rush through churches in fear, driving out an evil spirit, or consecrate a strange union with a church blessing. But this, alas, does not change anything; the church has no power over the Vector Ring.

You can join the Vector Union out of great love, you can get into it completely by accident, you can pretend that the Vector Union did not mean anything to you, but you will never be able to prove that this story did not turn you inside out. This is a scalpel, God or hell, but it is the sharpest surgical instrument, and it is not used for trifles. And even if you manage to leave the Vector Union alive and unharmed, the scar will remain for life.

Try to perceive Vector interactions as a test, as a kind of dilemma. Moreover, not a single answer is obviously correct or incorrect. This is not a guessing game or a quiz. You say to the Vector Union: “Yes!” - and go right or say: “No!” - and go left. And since then there is no turning back for you. A vector scalpel cuts out half of your soul and throws it away forever. And no one will say which half was better and more necessary. The choice is not between darkness and light, not between good and evil, which would be very comforting for us, but rather between order and chaos, between love and morality, that is, between things that everyone would like to preserve in their entirety.

The number of Vector scenarios is unlimited. One of the main entertainments of humanity is collecting Vector compositions. And yet, first, it’s worth understanding the main thing about your Vector Union: are you growing together or, on the contrary, are you rejecting each other. We are talking not so much about mental interactions as about purely physiological reactions. Any drug analogies are possible: smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. If you are sick of cigarettes, then no matter how strong your addiction to nicotine is, you need to pull yourself together and quit. If you realize that vodka is killing you, gather your strength and kill vodka first. If smoking and drinking leave you with the opportunity to live a comfortable life, then live to your health. Not every Vector Union needs to be destroyed.

But if you still managed to get out of Vector captivity, then rejoice immensely. You have reached a new level, God has kissed you. Now you simply must make a fantastic career, especially if you were a Servant in the destroyed Vector Union. Theory always congratulates people who have left Vector captivity. If the collapse of any other union is always a recognition of weakness and helplessness, then the collapse of a Vector Union is always a recognition of a person’s strength, the power of his spirit. But if your Vector Union follows the principle of “24 hours together” and you are still alive, then spit on everything and don’t read any commandments, everything is fine with you, you have long grown together, you have one body, one soul and two brains in synchronous mode, you don’t need anyone and are not interested in anyone.

It’s a completely different matter if every minute spent together changes your mood, if you look like a kettle forgotten on a burning stove, heat up, boil and, finally, burn.

To scare people with the Vector Union or not to scare them – that is the question. On the one hand, you can’t intimidate - you will end up withholding strategic information. Still, the Vector Union is cooler than the Bermuda Triangle - the immune system breaks down, the roof goes crazy, and so on. On the other hand, if you intimidate a person, and the Vector Union turns out to be happy, calm and peaceful, who will you find yourself after that? Therefore, the main commandment, which follows from the unpredictability of the Vector Union, is not to try to predict how it will all end and what scenario it will follow. Nothing is known in advance.

Don't look for a golden mean in the Vector Union. He's either too good or too bad. Everything average, ordinary, universal is impossible for the Vector Union. Either delight or despair. Hence the main tactical commandment of the Vector Alliance - go to the end in the chosen direction. Either together until the end, or apart until the end. But running back and forth in a Vector adventure is undesirable. Nothing will settle down, will not be tolerated and will not fall in love, will not settle down and will not settle down. If you decide to leave, go away. I decided to stay - stay. This commandment is especially important precisely because in the Vector Union the will is weakened many times over and may even disappear completely. Any exaggerated assessment is only beneficial, because it helps to make a clear decision whether to stay or leave.

For those who like to look for a higher meaning in everything, it is very important to understand why the Vector Union exists at all and why it went to a specific person. According to the latest ideas, Vector interaction is omnipresent and inevitable, whether the Vector is large, small, Karmic years or Karmic months. And everywhere Vector influences help a person to interrupt the ordinary course of life and reach a new level. Yes, through stress, through humiliation, sometimes disaster... But apparently there is no other way. Thus, Vector tests are sent to those from whom a sharp change in circumstances is expected, who has already outgrown their old pants, but does not dare to change them. This is where the Vector Union appears, that very nightmare that explodes the old established life and at the same time serves as a control test for reaching a new level.

Thus, the Vector Union also has its positive sides. The Vector Union destroyed some, but exalted others, transferring them to a completely different, higher level, placed some in the ring of time, forcing them to move in a circle, and elevated others to the axis of ultra-fast progress. So be proud, be proud, no matter what happens to you in the Vector Union. The universe itself has challenged you. If you lost, it means that you were the main figure interfering with higher powers. If you win, be proud of the victory itself.

If the Spiritual Union allows two people to ignore public opinion, then the Vector Union allows everything in the world. In a destructive scenario, everything is allowed, because there are no forces. In the creative scenario, everything is allowed because the man and woman fused in the Vector are no longer separate people, they are some new being, with a new physiology, a new psychology, a new morality, or rather, with the absence of it. All the meanness of the Equal Union, all the arrogance and arrogance of the Spiritual Union are trifles compared to what a successful Vector Union allows itself. Truly there is no limit.

Describing the details of the so-called equilibrium unions, we were forced to recognize the symmetry in the position of the spouses. Emphasizing the inequality of the sexes in the Romantic and Patriarchal unions does not deprive them of balance. Each remains a dominant figure in his element. The Vector Union is a completely different matter. There is a Master and a Servant. The position of the signs is initially different. The Master can and must become the Master, the Servant must and can become a blind executor of the Master's will. Alas, in real life everything is not so simple, and often it is the offended Servant who strives for power, and the relaxed Master who does not want to command. Still, let everyone play their role. If you get to command, pull yourself together and command, if you get to serve, serve and don’t rock the boat. There is even a certain benefit to being a Servant. The servant is a suffering figure, morally purified. The owner is an ungrateful and indifferent monster.

A spiritual union moves a person away from his native sign, but does it slowly and for a long time. In addition, in a Spiritual Union, the sign shift goes in a precisely defined direction, according to normal logic. The vector union literally hacks all defense systems, rips open all protective shells and throws two completely different people into the most powerful embrace. As a result of this nightmare surgery, the shift of signs occurs quickly, chaotically, roughly. Finally, the shift is going in a direction that cannot be explained by ordinary logic. Moreover, if in the Spiritual shift only one structure is crushed, then everything is here at once. Loss of a sign means loss of all necessary settings.

A vector union is a situation in which rotation always goes in one direction; there is practically no concept of reverse motion, just as there is no concept of trial and error. Everything is always here once and for all. Therefore, consulting such a union is almost impossible. There is no clear and obviously useful advice. Today, such a consultation is an attempt to open their eyes so that the spouses can see themselves from the outside, as well as help in the spouses themselves finding the main decision - to continue the Vector experiment or stop. If the decision is made (by at least one of the two participants), then the consultant helps in full force, because the technique for leaving the union is known.

So, you have decided to leave the Vector Union. Learn to manage time. Reduce communication time. If there is a physiological addiction, then try to replace it with another addiction, it doesn’t have to be about another person, it can be anything - sports, travel, a car, and so on... Finally, you feel that your spirit has become stronger, your knees are not shaking large... Run, run as hard as you can, and if you have no strength, then crawl, crawl until you lose consciousness. And when you crawl away, then freeze and hide, not responding to cries for help, or messages of death, or screams, or crying. Plug your ears, close your eyes and take as long as you can. But even when you have already won and confidently broken the Vector Alliance, continue to be careful and do not lose your vigilance. To a greater extent, all this applies to departing Servants.

If you decide to stay, then realize that this is forever. Imbue yourself with fatalism, outline the range of issues that you refuse to discuss and refuse to think about. From now on you are deprived of freedom of choice, you are a lifelong slave to the decision you made. Don't complain, don't grumble, don't seek consolation. Relax your muscles, ignore everything, live as you live. You will be fine - everything will be fine.

And now a list of horoscopes of people who feel even better in the Vector Union than in others, because the Vector Union was intended for them.

Rooster - Aquarius, Rooster - Cancer, Dog - Capricorn, Dog - Taurus, Pig - Leo, Pig - Libra, Rat - Libra, Rat - Sagittarius, Ox - Aquarius, Ox - Gemini, Cat - Capricorn, Cat - Leo, Dragon - Pisces, Dragon - Cancer, Snake - Scorpio, Snake - Sagittarius, Horse - Pisces, Horse - Aries, Goat - Gemini, Goat - Virgo, Monkey - Aries, Monkey - Virgo.

Patriarchal Union

The description of the Patriarchal Union most closely resembles instructions for raising the younger generation. Sometimes the Patriarchal Union is called “children’s union”. This means that the main and practically the only goal of this union is the birth and upbringing of children, the creation of a special children's world.

Calculating the Patriarchal Union is very simple. A man and a woman were either born in the same year, or the difference in years of birth is a multiple of four (4, 8, 12, etc.).

So, only one of the following options can be called a Patriarchal Union: Tiger - Tiger, Tiger - Dog, Tiger - Horse, Dog - Dog, Dog - Horse, Horse - Horse, Bull - Bull, Bull - Snake, Bull - Rooster, Snake - Snake, Snake - Rooster, Rooster - Rooster, Goat - Goat, Goat - Cat, Goat - Boar, Cat - Cat, Cat - Boar, Boar - Boar, Rat - Rat, Rat - Dragon, Dragon - Dragon, Dragon - Monkey, Monkey - Monkey. The Rat-Monkey union is vector and does not obey Patriarchal laws. No other union, no matter how much food, dishes, children and animals it contains, can, according to theory, be called a Patriarchal Union.

In the Patriarchal Union, the signs find equality at the linguistic level (way of life), as for the types of thinking - they are very different. Hence the main direction of action, strategy of behavior - to strengthen in every possible way the general approach to the way of life, but in no case to intrude into the area of ​​individual creativity, intellectual searches, etc.

The first feature is purely age-related. Independent thinking in women begins to actively work after 40 years, therefore, any Patriarchal union after 40 years experiences a crisis. Therefore, it is advisable to solve the main problems of the union before the woman’s fortieth birthday.

As for the other limit, the best age for starting a life together is 24 years old, and for having children is closer to 28–30 years old (the same in other unions). There are no strict restrictions for men who are in the Patriarchal Union. It is much more important that, when forming such a union, a man and a woman really want to have children and do not get too hung up on love, passion, joint creativity, etc.

Truly happy people in the Patriarchal Union, as a rule, are pure, naive people, not too “educated” in matters of passion, who in their own way have retained a childish outlook on life. That is why the second name of the union - “children's” - indicates not only that the union is based on children, but also about a certain “childishness” of the parents.

For a very long time, the structural horoscope refused to talk about marriage topics with unmarried ladies - on the sole grounds that if there is no marriage, there is no conversation. However, the paradox of the situation is precisely that those who do not have it are most interested in marriage. This is how a person works - he wants to know what awaits him, what is destined for him. And therefore, unable to resist, the marriage theory nevertheless decided to issue a new section - marriage purposes.


Before talking about destinations, I would like to remind you that the structural horoscope speaks of four types of marriage and one exception.
Patriarchal marriage. The spouses in it are one year old, or the difference between the years of birth is a multiple of four. Both spouses must be within the same troika of signs: either they are in the troika “Horse, Tiger, Dog”, or in the troika “Cat, Goat, Boar”, in the troika “Rooster, Snake, Bull”; finally, the option of a patriarchal marriage within the troika is possible "Rat, Monkey, Dragon." Exception: the union “Monkey - Rat”.
Romantic marriage. The difference in the years of birth of spouses is a multiple of two, but not a multiple of four. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Dog or Tiger, then the other is from the trio “Rat, Monkey, Dragon”. And if one of the spouses is a Rooster, Snake or Bull, then the other is a Goat, Cat or Boar. Exceptions: Horse - Rat unions; Goat - Snake; Rooster - Cat.
Equal marriage. Here arithmetic calculation is not convenient. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Tiger or Dog, then the other is from the trio “Rooster, Snake, Bull”. If one of the spouses is Rat, Monkey, Dragon, then the other is from the trio “Cat, Boar, Goat”. There are many exceptions: Tiger - Bull, Dog - Bull, Dog - Rooster, Cat - Dragon, Boar - Dragon.
Spiritual marriage. We can say that here are all the remaining combinations. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Tiger, Dog, then the other is a Cat, Boar or Goat. If one of the spouses is a Rat, Monkey, Dragon, then the other is certainly a Bull, Rooster or Snake. Exceptions: Tiger - Goat, Horse - Boar, Snake - Monkey.
A vector marriage, in fact, is not a marriage, but a kind of magical action with an unpredictable scenario. All of the above exceptions are collected in a vector union: Horse - Rat, Rat - Monkey, Monkey - Snake, Snake - Goat, Goat - Tiger, Tiger - Bull, Bull - Dog, Dog - Rooster, Rooster - Cat, Cat - Dragon, Dragon - Boar, Boar - Horse. That is, signs that are in a “master-servant” relationship with each other.


The meaning of this marriage purpose is that children copy the marriage of their parents1. Yes, a child, having matured, tries to repeat the relationship of his parents, to reproduce the atmosphere in which he grew up, matured, and became a person.
Thus, a child who grew up in a patriarchal marriage, in the case of pleasant memories, will consciously or unconsciously try to repeat the marriage of his parents. Another mechanism is also possible: in a patriarchal marriage, a person of a special type is brought up, economical, cheerful, simple, child-loving, a friend of animals and plants. He will unconsciously gravitate towards a patriarchal marriage.
Similarly: a child raised by the spouses of a romantic marriage will grow up to be a dreamer, a romantic, chivalrous if he is a youth, or, accordingly, a very tender and ephemeral girl. This is the direct path to a romantic marriage.
It's easy to guess what will be discussed next. In an equal marriage, children grow up in a more aggressive environment, mature early, and strive for material wealth. With such an attitude, it is very easy, as an adult, to rush into an equal marriage.
Continuing the idea expressed, we note that a child raised in a successful, fulfilled spiritual marriage will inevitably dream of recreating the spiritual environment in his family. And therefore, the best thing for him is to get into a spiritual marriage.
No connection could be found between the vector marriage of parents and the marriage of children. Therefore, we can assume that children of vector marriages have a free marital destiny.
I would like to remind you once again how marriage purpose can be calculated arithmetically. First of all, the type of marriage is determined by the years of birth (signs) of the father and mother. Based on this, the expected sign of the spouse is “calculated”. Let me also remind you that the sign obtained in this way may not coincide with either the sign of the father or the sign of the mother.
For example, if the parents have a patriarchal marriage of Horse - Dog, and the daughter was born in the year of the Dragon, then she is destined for a patriarchal spouse of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey signs, with a slight advantage of the Rat.
If the parents' marriage is unsuccessful, then it is hardly worth expecting too much from this destiny for the daughter.


For many girls, a father is the ideal man, and they dream of a husband who is like their father. Likewise, a son can transfer his love for the image of his mother to the imaginary image of his bride and future wife.
It is easy to calculate this purpose. For a girl, her husband must have the sign of his father; the bride must have the sign of the year of birth of the groom's mother. However, in addition to one main sign, one or two signs from the same ideological trinity are mentioned, because for marriage these signs are identical.
So, if the father is a wise and strong-willed representative of the “Horse - Tiger - Dog” troika, then the daughter’s future husband will repeat his image if he represents any of the three indicated signs. Of course, vector options don't count.
In the same way, the loving and mysterious father from the “Rat-Dragon-Monkey” trio can be replaced in a woman’s heart by the husband of any of the three signs, and by no means only the sign of the father.
The same situation is with the fighting and courageous signs from the three “Rooster - Snake - Bull”. The husband can be any of the three.
Finally, the beautiful and harmonious, erudite and practical men of the “Cat - Boar - Goat” troika are completely interchangeable in the consciousness and subconscious of a girl who has become a bride.
The situation is absolutely similar with young men turning into husbands. The image of the mother, stuck in the cortex and subcortex from the first days of life, is always with them. Willingly or unwittingly, they will always compare the bride (wife) with their mother. And not so much with the current one, but with the one from the past, from childhood memories. The mother has changed, but the sign remains the same.
So, if the mother is an intelligent, fighting and determined representative of the “Horse - Dog - Tiger” troika, then the son will look for the same traits in the contenders for his heart and hand.
The behavior of men who have been fascinated since childhood by the beauty of their mother from the “Dragon - Monkey - Rat” trio is similar: they will definitely like representatives of one of these three signs.
If your mother has taken care of you since childhood and loved you the way very strong and loving women from the “Rooster - Snake - Bull” trinity can do, then you will inevitably look for love and care of just that degree, and therefore you will be drawn to one of the three indicated signs.
Finally, if the magic and witchcraft of the women of the troika “Goat - Cat - Boar” penetrated into the soul from childhood, then where should one look for a wife if not among the representatives of these three signs.
This purpose is stronger, the stronger the attachment of a daughter to her father or a son to his mother. If the daughter is closer to the mother than to the father, and the son is friendly with the father, and not with the mother, then this purpose does not work at all.


Quite a lot has been written about the age theory of the structural horoscope, which has recently been called the Chinese age horoscope in many publications (of course, not in “Science and Religion”) (I swear that I’m not Chinese), including in “Science and religion." But when talking about the purpose of marriage, we need to repeat some ideas.
Marriage at the age of the Rat (17 - 24) would be a mistake for both men and women. This is more the age of dating than of a real desire to live together. If you are completely unbearable, then, of course, you are drawn to a romantic marriage - with its illusions, misalliances and love for opposites.
Pig's age (24 - 31) is more suitable for marriage, but it does not cancel the orientation towards romantic marriage. As before, the cohabitation of a man and a woman is depicted somewhat ideally; life is presented as a series of amusements and parties, visiting and receiving guests. Here the desire is not so much for the real quality of family life, but for some of its beauty (or prettiness). At this age, traveling or dancing together may be more important than household problems.
The age of the Dog (31 - 40) is ideal for marriage, but not for everyone, but for a patriarchal one. In a woman, in a sharp form, in a man, the instinct of procreation awakens a little weaker. I am drawn specifically to farming and everyday life; I want to buy a summer house and have livestock. All this, intertwining and harmonizing, gives rise to a stereotype of a patriarchal union.
The age of the Snake (40 - 55) overturns all previous ideas about marriage. A man in his terrible and terrible “mid-life crisis” loses his former will, panics, and throws himself into all kinds of troubles. Sometimes he leaves the marriage, sometimes he stays, but loses his former interest in the household and children. And sometimes he just slips into depression. A woman, on the contrary, blossoms, gains will and independence, raises and unfurls the banners of her power. At least in my family.
The notorious castling occurs: the husband cedes power to his wife. However, where and when was power given up voluntarily? Of course, battles and fights take place and competition begins. The man is trying to prove that he is still quite masculine, and the woman is trying to demonstrate that her new strength is not an illusion, but a reality. And these are already signs of an equal marriage, with its competitiveness, career impulses and aggravation of sexual problems.
Towards the end of the age of the Snake and at the age of the Dragon (55 - 70), pure love flares up again in the hearts of women and especially men. She is already devoid of her former sexual accents, spiritualized and sublime. Finally, tired of fighting and competing, a man and a woman can just talk. It turns out that they just didn’t have time to talk. Either dancing and guests, then children and housekeeping, then mutual claims and grievances. And so they waited, the time had come for true communication between those who created and fought, and those who believed and waited. We are, of course, talking about spiritual marriage.
As they say, everything is clear, but just in case, let’s clarify: before the age of 31 one is destined to enter into a romantic marriage, from 31 to 40 years one is destined to enter into a patriarchal marriage, after 40 - into an equal marriage, and after that - only into a spiritual one.
This is the only purpose that changes with age and does not enter into a dispute between purposes with an unambiguous recommendation. It also predicts to a person moments of weakening and strengthening of his marriage. It is very important when a person hesitates between several destinations and simply waits for the next age to decide on something.


The fact that marriage and profession are twin brothers hardly needs to be proven. What is the cause and what is the effect is very difficult to determine. A person who finds himself in a patriarchal marriage is inevitably drawn to peasant labor, to nature, to working with animals and plants. However, the inverse relationship also works: the original peasant has a direct path to the patriarchal union, because the division of labor characteristic of this marriage, the distinction between women's and men's affairs, the short time of direct contact - all this is taken from the peasant way of life.
Likewise, an equal marriage inclines a person towards a career - political, scientific or financial, it does not matter. But the opposite situation also works: a person inclined towards a career life will feel much more comfortable in an equal marriage, where he will gain additional strength, excitement and the aggressiveness necessary for a career.
A romantic union straightens a man's shoulders, making him much more courageous. A romantic marriage, on the contrary, makes a woman tender, sophisticated, as if woven from everything pink, transparent and fluffy. And here the opposite law also works: men of masculine professions, military men, sailors, athletes are drawn to a romantic union. Women who have been paying increased attention to their appearance, fashion, grace, etc. since childhood are also drawn to a romantic union.
In a similar way, an identity is established between creative professions and spiritual marriage. Such a marriage itself awakens creative abilities in a person, but creativity itself moves a person towards spiritual marriage, because the creator is the one who wants to express himself, to speak out. And where else to speak out, if not in a spiritual marriage?
So it is very easy to understand who is destined for what kind of marriage: for the military - romantic, for careerists and businessmen - equal, for peasants and hermits - patriarchal, for creators - spiritual.


Despite all the obviousness of these purposes, they are not enough. There is also a purpose hidden in a person’s horoscope. And although this destiny has no more rights than others, it is more interesting because it allows you to look into the marriage fate of the greats of this world.
The yearly sign of the intended spouse is recorded in the person’s horoscope in the form of a zodiac sign. If you are a Capricorn, then you are assigned a spouse born in the year of the Rooster. If you are an Aquarius, then you are destined for the Dog. And so on: Pisces - Boars, Aries - Rats, Taurus - Bulls; When choosing a spouse, Geminis should look closely at Tigers, Cancers at Cats, Leos at Dragons. Autumn signs gravitate toward compassionate signs. Virgo needs a Snake, Libra needs a Horse, Scorpio needs a Goat. Monkeys would be suitable for Sagittarius in marriage. Replacement is possible within ideological triplets, as long as vector combinations do not appear or disappear.
For the marriage theory, which has not changed for 12 years, this is a revolution. And as always, the most sensational part of this revolution is the vector ring. Now it turns out that a person with an internal vector may not be afraid of a vector marriage. Alas, I have to admit that especially for the rabid owners of internal vector fire, a vector marriage (in the position of a servant) would even be beneficial.
Now it’s time to apply the latest theoretical amendment to the most famous marriages.
Although the poet warned: “We’d better keep silent about what’s close,” I’ll still note that the two most popular politicians today - President Putin and Mayor Luzhkov - have definitely fulfilled their marriage destiny.
V.V. Putin (Dragon, Libra) has a romantic marriage (his wife’s sign is Dog), Yu.M. Luzhkov (Rat, Virgo) has a spiritual marriage (his wife’s sign is Snake).
But for Bill Clinton (Dog, Leo), the horoscope indicated a romantic marriage, but he ended up in a spiritual marriage (Hilary - Pig) and did not keep it at the proper height.
Let us now turn to the emperors and empresses. Paul I (Dog, Libra) was supposed to settle down in the patriarchal, but was twice in a spiritual marriage. However, there was also his amazing long-term friendship with Ekaterina Nelidova (Horse), which filled the emptiness of his life.
The patriarchal marriage was intended for Elizaveta Petrovna (Bull, Capricorn), and her union with Razumovsky (Bull) was harmonious in this sense.
Peter I (Rat, Gemini) was supposed to have a romantic marriage according to his horoscope. This king was truly romantic - his whole life speaks of this. However, his marriage was patriarchal, for Catherine was born in the year of the Rat.
When you get acquainted with the fates of poets and writers, you are once again convinced that their marriage affairs are not very good. Nikolai Gumilyov (Dog, Aries) was a romantic by horoscope, a romantic by way of life, but instead of a romantic marriage he ends up in a vector one. His wife Anna Akhmatova (Ox, Cancer) also had a romantic horoscope, however, in the future she had romantic unions.
The poet Vladislav Khodasevich (Dog, Gemini) was destined for a patriarchal marriage, in which he remained. But such a life seemed boring to him, and he also ended up in a vector union - with Nina Berberova (Bull). It didn't end well.
The romantic poet Nikolai Zabolotsky (Cat, Taurus) lived for many years in a patriarchal marriage. And this union could not be successful for him.
The fate of another romantic, Vladimir Mayakovsky (Snake, Cancer), could have been more prosperous. His muse was to be the Cat woman. And he found her - this is, of course, Lilya Brik. But she could not live up to this role; the poet rushed into the pool of vector passions, which may have ruined him.
The great romantic Mikhail Bulgakov (Cat, Taurus), after several unsuccessful unions, still found his destiny - precisely in a romantic marriage, in full agreement with the purpose of the horoscope. This union helped him both in life and in his work. Everything became harmonious. The man found himself, and we all found his brilliant novel.
There are times when a person misses his destiny. Sergei Yesenin (Goat, Libra) was supposed to marry a Horse. This is precisely the sign of Zinaida Reich. But they failed to save the marriage. Reich married theater reformer Vsevolod Meyerhold (Dog, Aquarius) - and this marriage, in full accordance with the horoscope, was truly harmonious.
The titan of the spirit Leo Tolstoy (Rat, Virgo) was destined for a spiritual marriage, but lived his entire life in a patriarchal marriage. Maybe that’s why there was so much tossing and turning in his life. The horoscope (and this is the essence of personality) asked for one thing, marriage demanded another.
The marriage of Kirkorov (Goat) and Pugacheva (Bull), which amazed many, was, it turns out, registered in the horoscope of the popular singer, for he is also a Taurus.
The theory allows owners of the so-called internal vector any version of their life. Pushkin (Goat, Gemini) chose an equal marriage and was happy in it. Osip Mandelstam (Cat, Capricorn) chose a patriarchal marriage. Dostoevsky (Snake, Scorpio), like Pushkin, lived and worked in an equal marriage. Karl Marx (Typhoid, Taurus) chose a patriarchal union. But as has already been said, vector marriage is not alien to these people. Maria Mironova (Dog, Capricorn) lived her life in just such a marriage (Menaker - Ox). In the storm, the great tennis player Andre Agassi (Dog, Taurus), who linked his fate with Steffi Graf (Rooster), is looking for peace.
Let's sum up the disappointing conclusion: every person has at least five marriage purposes. It’s good if they all coincide (there are many such cases), but what if the purposes of the spouses are completely different? Isn’t this the reason for unsuccessful marriages, divorces, actual polygamy (wife, mistress, friendship with the service, etc.) Or is this the problem: a person lives, listens carefully to his heart, to fate, and finally finds the only and beloved one destined for him in all respects (professional and age suitability, love, etc.). It’s a seemingly happy moment, and then it turns out that he (she - him) is not destined for her, neither by father, nor by parents, nor by horoscope, the shaky foundation disappears from under her feet, the marriage hangs by a thread. Of course, many such and many similar situations can be cited.
I don’t want to put an end to this story about marriage purposes. I would like the story to be perceived by readers as the beginning of a conversation. I will be happy to respond to your attempts to analyze your marriage purposes, your successes and failures.

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