Fun online lessons. Literacy trainer Now do your exercises

Primer (ABC) - the first book with which one begins to learn to read and write. Dear parents, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the well-illustrated online version of the Primer for children. This online primer contains not only games and tasks for memorizing letters and associated sounds, but also teaches how to read syllables. The Bukvar has a wide variety of educational games and tasks, all of them are interactive.

Letters. Games with letters. Exercises for repeating and memorizing letters
Repeat and consolidate what you have learned in ABC book The exercises and educational games from this section will help you. Educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds in words by ear and select words for a given letter.

Learning to count
This section presents a large number of exercises and games for teaching children to count. You can download and print ready-made counting cards, counting tables, children's dominoes for counting, mathematical drawing books, etc. The material presented in this section for teaching counting to preschoolers contains detailed instructions for both parents and children. All tasks are of a playful nature, which makes it easier to conduct activities and games with children.

Teaching reading to preschoolers
The section contains 120 different games for teaching reading. Reading games include: letter games, syllable games, word games. Games for learning to read also contain tasks aimed at developing the skills necessary for learning to read: phonemic awareness, spatial thinking, attention, memory, visual perception.

Entertaining mathematics for preschoolers
The section contains 120 different mathematical games for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years). Math games for preschoolers include: logic problems for preschoolers, tasks for learning to count, math coloring pages. Mathematical games are presented in order of increasing difficulty and are provided with detailed instructions for parents and specialists.

Preparing for school - educational games for children
Looking for games to prepare your child for school? In chapter “Comprehensive program of activities to prepare for school” We have collected a large number of different educational games for preparing for school, which, for convenience, are divided into lessons. Each lesson includes tasks: for the development of thinking, the development of attention, the development of memory, learning to count.

Entertaining lessons will help parents and teachers prepare children for school in a playful way. Before starting the next lesson, familiarize yourself with it. Try to assess the degree of difficulty of the tasks. Explain the conditions in your own words, ask questions to make sure your child understands them. If there are difficulties, ask leading questions that encourage the child to think independently, do not give ready-made answers. Together with your little student, rejoice at the solution you have found.

Preparation for school. Part 1. Educational games offered for activities with children will help you objectively assess the level of intellectual development of your child and independently organize the preparation of your preschooler for school. The most important thing is to understand that preparing for school is a long and creative process that is best organized in a playful way. Preparation for school should begin in advance and be carried out regularly.

Preparation for school. Part 2. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and classification, and working with sets. Agree that your child needs a high level of intellectual development not only for studying in the first grade, it increases his competitive advantages for life, and the presented tasks are ultimately aimed at this.

Using didactic games with punched cards in working with preschool children to teach literacy

Author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery
Description of work: didactic games with punched cards are designed for children 5-7 years old to teach the elements of literacy. This material will be useful for educators, speech therapists, and parents in working with preschoolers.
Target: teaching literacy to preschoolers through the use of didactic games with punched cards.
- improve phonemic perception, skills of sound and syllabic analysis of words, sentences, reading words, sentences;
- develop graphic skills.

The main activity of preschool children is play. The use of didactic games with punched cards makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, and activates children's activities.
Card- This is an individual laminated or filed task card made of paper or cardboard. The child completes the tasks using a felt-tip pen or marker. After checking, the lines can be easily removed with a sponge.

The advantage of punched cards over a simple task card is their repeated use.
Using punch cards allows you to:
- consolidate the material covered;
- quickly check the mastery of the material;
- develop independence and fine motor skills;
- activate children’s mental activity and attention;
- take into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers.
- on one's own;
- in pairs - children exchange punch cards and check each other’s assignments;
- frontally - the teacher hangs a sample of a correctly completed task on the board, the children compare it with the sample.
Punch cards can be used:
- teachers in subgroup and individual lessons,
- teachers and parents of preschoolers in independent activities in kindergarten and at home.
Didactic games with punched cards have a developmental, educational and educational value. This is their practical value.

Didactic game “Find the letter”
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and letters on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children connect each picture with a line to the letter with which its name begins.

Didactic game “Find the picture”
Target: improving sound-letter analysis skills.
Equipment: punched cards, on which letters are depicted on the left, and objects on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children connect each letter with a line to an object whose name begins with that letter.

Didactic game “Hard-Soft”
Target: Development of phonemic perception (differentiation of sounds [b] - [b])
Equipment: punched cards that show a letter and pictures whose names begin with a hard or soft consonant.
Progress of the game. Children determine with what sound the name of an object begins. If the first sound is a hard consonant, circle the picture with a blue felt-tip pen. If the first sound is a soft consonant, the picture is circled with a green felt-tip pen.

Differentiation of sounds [l] - [l]

Didactic game “Choose a sound scheme”
Target: improving sound analysis skills.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and on the right - diagrams of sound analysis of words, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children connect with a line each picture with a sound diagram that matches the name of the depicted object.

Didactic game “Find the place of the sound in the word”
Target: improving sound analysis skills (determining the place of sound in a word).
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and on the right - diagrams of the location of sounds in words, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children determine the place of the sound [p] in a word (beginning, middle, end) and connect it with a line to the corresponding diagram.

Children determine the place of the sound [s] in a word (beginning, middle, end) and connect it with a line to the corresponding diagram.

Didactic game “Count the syllables”
Target: improving syllabic analysis skills.
Option 1.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and numbers on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children divide the names of objects into syllables and connect them with a line to a number that indicates the number of syllables in the word.

Option 2.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and syllabic patterns on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children divide the names of objects into syllables and connect them with a line to a syllabic diagram, which indicates the number of syllables in a word.

Didactic game “Match the picture to the syllable”
Target: improving the skills of syllabic analysis and reading syllables.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and syllables are printed on the right, in the middle there is a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children look at the pictures and connect each picture with a line to the syllable with which its name begins.

Didactic game “Match the syllable to the picture”
Target: improving skills of syllabic analysis, reading syllables
Equipment: punched cards, on which syllables are printed on the left, and objects are depicted on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children read the syllables and connect each syllable with a line to an object whose name begins with that syllable.

Didactic game “Guess the word”
Target: improving word reading skills.
Equipment: punched cards, on which words with a missing letter are printed on the left, and objects on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children add the missing letter (L) at the beginning or end of the word, read it and connect it with a line to the corresponding picture.

Didactic game “The word has crumbled”
Target: improving skills in composing and reading words.
Equipment: punched cards, on which letters from words are printed on the left, and objects on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children make words from letters, print them in boxes and connect them with a line to the corresponding picture.

Didactic game “Find the sentence pattern”
Target: improving skills in analyzing and reading sentences.
Equipment: punched cards, on which sentences are printed on top, and sentence diagrams are shown below, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children read the sentence and connect a line to the corresponding diagram.




MKOU "Lermontovskaya Secondary School", Kuytunsky district,

Irkutsk region

Read carefully

get ready to answer

for questions!

Bannikova Ekaterina Petrovna







The cat was sleeping on the roof. She clenched her paws. A bird sat down near the cat. Don't sit too close, little bird. Cats are very cunning.

18 words (L. Tolstoy)

Where did the cat sleep?

on the roof

on the porch

on the crib

Come back

and read the text





The boys Misha and Seryozha lived with their grandfather. They helped grandfather dry the net. Grandfather taught the boys to fish. The boys loved working with their grandfather.

Who lived with grandfather?

Misha and Seryozha

Masha and Seryozha

Misha and Sasha

Come back

and read the text




Spring has come, water has flowed. The children took planks, made a boat, and launched the boat on the water. The boat floated, and the children ran after it, shouted and saw nothing in front of them, and fell into a puddle.

31 words (L. Tolstoy)

What did the children make the boats from?

from a stick

from paper

from a plank

Come back

and read the text





Dandelion looks like the sun with golden rays. And next to it is a white fluffy ball.

Tanya blew on the ball. The fluff flew. That's why it's called dandelion. Tanyusha came home with a golden wreath on her head. In the evening the girl fell asleep. And the dandelions closed their flowers until the morning.

(38 words)

What flowers did Tanyusha weave a wreath from?

from daisies

from dandelions

from cornflowers

Come back

and read the text






Now do your exercises!

Tilt left and right!

Close your eyes and count to five!


Get back to training!


  • student 1
  • student 2
  • student 3
  • board
  • turtle
  • head rotation
  • jumping
  • tilts to the right
  • gym
  • http :// mms . mts . ru :8080/ data /000/522/522392_ thumb . gif- gold fish
  • http :// www . infobarrel . com / media / image /136866_ max . jpg- background
  • red striped fish
  • red striped
  • veiltail
  • striped guppy
  • at the school board
  • laptop
  • blackboard
  • children read books
  • background notebook sheet
  • number 1
  • Tests to test reading technique - Tests in Russian language and mathematics. Teacher's manual. /L.I. Tikunova, V.G. Goretsky, V.P. Kaknakina et al.-M.: Education, 1988 -207 p. _(B-primary school teacher)
  • The presentation used email. clock-timer, author Vazhenin Sergey Valerievich, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School s. Zakarinye, Slobodsky district, Kirov region
  • Sound files made in the program Audacity Fokina L.P. (thank you so much)
  • A slide from the presentation “Fish swam in the pond” by speech therapist teacher of the city of Novorossiysk E.Yu. Polevskaya was used.
  • The basis is the work of primary school teacher Elena Aleksandrovna Kuznetsova, Municipal Educational Institution primary secondary school in the village of Gornopravdinsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region.

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