Training before passing the OGE and Unified State Exam. Training before passing the OGE and Unified State Examination Main State Exam


The manual is intended for graduates of the 9th grade of general education institutions to prepare for the state final certification (OGE) in 2018. In 2018, a number of changes occurred in the draft specification, in particular, the “Real Mathematics” module was excluded. This manual has been written in accordance with these changes and covers all the main sections of the content element codifier.

The book has been significantly changed compared to the previous edition: many tasks have been revised and theoretical information has been updated, and when compiling options, the principles of their pairwise similarity and increasing the level of complexity have been implemented.

Example from the textbook

The manual is intended for the systematic preparation of 9th grade graduates of general education institutions for the state final certification in mathematics.

It differs significantly from the similar edition of last year. The necessary changes have been made to it, allowing it to be used both for independent work and directly when studying relevant topics in mathematics lessons at school:
all options for each topic are compiled according to the principle of pairwise similarity and increasing level of complexity;
theoretical information on each topic has been revised and supplemented with the necessary facts and examples, giving students the opportunity to independently solve basic-level problems;
many tasks have been replaced with new ones, similar to the exam ones.

The structure, form and content of the manual allow it to be used at various stages of preparation for the OGE, including the final exam. The book contains more than 160 new options, including tasks of varying difficulty levels (more than 1,400 training tasks with answers on 27 topics) for all sections of the OGE in accordance with 2018 specifications.

At the beginning of each paragraph there is a version of eight or five tasks with samples of their solutions and detailed explanations. The manual also includes four topics, tasks for which are of an increased level of complexity: “Algebra. Irrational equations and equations containing an unknown under the modulus sign”; "Algebra. Tasks with a parameter"; "Algebra. Equations and systems of nonlinear equations"; "Geometry. Advanced level tasks." These topics are indicated in the manual with a *.

We recommend starting the study of each topic by mastering the theoretical material presented at the beginning of each paragraph. If necessary, you can also refer to the school textbook and manual from the Legion publishing house “Mathematics. 7-11th grades. Pocket Guide."

Then you should analyze the option with sample solutions on your own or under the guidance of a teacher. The tasks in this option are typical and relate primarily to the basic level.

From authors 10
Thematic assignments 12
§ 1. Algebra. Approximate values ​​of quantities. Standard form of number and rounding of numbers 12
Basics 12
Option with 13 solutions
Option No. 1 15
Option No. 2 16
Option No. 3 18
Option No. 4 19
Option No. 5 20
Option No. 6 21
§ 2. Algebra. Relationships and proportions 22
Basics 22
Option with 23 solutions
Option No. 1 26
Option No. 2 27
Option No. 3 28
Option No. 4 29
Option No. 5 30
Option No. 6 31
§ 3. Algebra. Percent 33
Basics 33
Option with 35 solutions
Option No. 1 37
Option No. 2 39
Option No. 3 40
Option No. 4 41
Option No. 5 42
Option No. 6 43
§ 4. Algebra. Arithmetic operations and number comparison 45
Basics 45
Option with 48 solutions
Option No. 1 51
Option No. 2 52
Option No. 3 53
Option No. 4 54
Option No. 5 56
Option No. 6 57
§ 5. Algebra. Expression values ​​and formula conversions. 59
Basics 59
Option with 60 solutions
Option No. 1 63
Option No. 2 64
Option No. 3 66
Option No. 4 67
Option No. 5 68
Option No. 6 69
§ 6. Algebra. Degree with integer exponent 72
Basics 72
Option with 72 solutions
Option No. 1 75
Option No. 2 76
Option No. 3 78
Option No. 4 79
Option No. 5 80
Option No. 6 82
§ 7. Algebra. Polynomials and expression transformations 84
Basics 84
Option with 85 solutions
Option No. 1 88
Option No. 2 89
Option No. 3 90
Option No. 4 91
Option No. 5 92
Option No. 6 93
§ 8. Algebra. Algebraic fractions and transformations of rational expressions 94
Basics 94
Option with 96 solutions
Option No. 1 99
Option No. 2 100
Option No. 3 102
Option No. 4 103
Option No. 5 104
Option No. 6 106
§ 9. Algebra. Square roots 108
Basics 108
Option with solutions 109
Option No. 1 111
Option No. 2 112
Option No. 3 113
Option No. 4 114
Option No. 5 116
Option No. 6 116
§ 10. Algebra. Linear and quadratic equations 118
Basics 118
Option with 120 solutions
Option No. 1 123
Option No. 2 124
Option No. 3 125
Option No. 4 126
Option No. 5 127
Option No. 6 128
§ 11. Algebra. Systems of two equations with two unknowns 130
Basics 130
Option with solutions 131
Option No. 1 137
Option No. 2 140
Option No. 3 143
Option No. 4 145
Option No. 5 146
Option No. 6 148
§ 12. Algebra. Linear inequalities with one variable and systems of inequalities 151
Basics 151
Option with solutions 153
Option No. 1 157
Option No. 2 159
Option No. 3 160
Option No. 4 162
Option No. 5 163
Option No. 6 165
§ 13. Algebra. Quadratic inequalities and inequalities containing a variable under the modulus sign. Systems of inequalities 167
Basics 167
Option with 170 solutions
Option No. 1 176
Option No. 2 178
Option No. 3 179
Option No. 4 180
Option No. 5 181
Option No. 6 182
§ 14. Algebra. Number sequences. Arithmetic and geometric progressions 184
Basics 184
Option with solutions 187
Option No. 1 190
Option No. 2 191
Option No. 3 192
Option No. 4 193
Option No. 5 194
Option No. 6 195
§ 15. Algebra. Researching a function and plotting a graph 196
Basics 196
Option with solutions 202
Option No. 1 206
Option No. 2 209
Option No. 3 212
Option No. 4 215
Option No. 5 218
Option No. 6 221
§ 16. Algebra. Presentation of data in the form of tables, charts and graphs 224
Basics 224
Option with 226 solutions
Option No. 1 230
Option No. 2 234
Option No. 3 237
Option No. 4 240
Option No. 5 244
Option No. 6 250
§ 17. Algebra. Drawing up a mathematical model based on the conditions of a text problem 255
Basics 255
Option with 256 solutions
Option No. 1 260
Option No. 2 263
Option No. 3 265
Option No. 4 268
Option No. 5 271
Option No. 6 275
§ 18. Algebra. Word problems 279
Option with solutions 279
Option No. 1 284
Option No. 2 285
Option No. 3 286
Option No. 4 287
Option No. 5 288
Option No. 6 289
§ 19. Algebra. Elements of combinatorics, statistics and probability theory 291
Basics 291
Option with 296 solutions
Option No. 1 299
Option No. 2 301
Option No. 3 302
Option No. 4 304
Option No. 5 305
Option No. 6 307
§ 20. Algebra. Irrational equations and equations containing an unknown under the modulus sign* 309
Basics 309
Option with 311 solutions
Option No. 1 313
Option No. 2 314
Option No. 3 314
Option No. 4 315
Option No. 5 316
Option No. b 316
§ 21. Algebra. Jobs with parameter* 318
Basics 318
Option with solutions 321
Option No. 1 324
Option No. 2 325
Option No. 3 325
Option No. 4 326
Option No. 5 327
Option No. 6 327
§ 22. Algebra. Equations and systems of nonlinear equations* 329
Basics 329
Option with 332 solutions
Option No. 1 335
Option No. 2 336
Option No. 3 336
Option No. 4 337
Option No. 5 337
Option No. 6 338
§ 23. Geometry. Angles and lengths 339
Basics 339
Option with solutions 343
Option No. 1 347
Option No. 2 349
Option No. 3 351
Option No. 4 353
Option No. 5 354
Option No. 6 356
§ 24. Geometry. Areas of figures 359
Basics 359
Option with 360 solutions
Option No. 1 364
Option No. 2 365
Option No. 3 366
Option No. 4 367
Option No. 5 368
Option No. 6 370
§ 25. Geometry. Circle and circle 372
Basics 372
Option with 376 solutions
Option No. 1 380
Option No. 2 381
Option No. 3 383
Option No. 4 384
Option No. 5 386
Option No. 6 388
§ 26. Geometry. Selecting statements 390
Basics 390
Option with 390 solutions
Option No. 1 392
Option No. 2 392
Option No. 3 393
Option No. 4 394
Option No. 5 394
Option No. 6 395
Basics 397
§ 27. Geometry. Advanced tasks* 397
Basics 397
Option with 398 solutions
Option No. 1 401
Option No. 2 403
Option No. 3 405
Option No. 4 406
Option No. 5 ... 408
Option No. 6 410
Replies 411
Literature 427

Along with this also read:


Psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam

Developed by:

Ryabova L.A.

educational psychologist

MKOU "Secondary School No. 1" Bredy village

Bredy village, 2016

Purpose of the training: prevention of exam stress.

Training objectives:

Introducing graduates to methods of relaxation and relieving emotional and physical stress;

Teaching students methods of volitional mobilization and ways to maintain working well-being in preparation for exams.

Forms of work: group discussion, mini-lectures, training exercises, information.

Expected results:

    mastering the psychological foundations of passing the exam;

    developing a positive attitude towards the exam process;

    increasing resistance to stress;

    development of self-control skills based on internal resources.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time:

Teacher - psychologist . Hello guys. My name is Ryabova Larisa Aleksandrovna, I am a teacher and psychologist. You will be taking exams soon; this is a necessary and important step in your life. Do you feel nervous and afraid before taking the Unified State Exam?

To avoid this, you must learn techniques of mobilization and concentration. Therefore, today we will conduct a training. Psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam.

During the lesson, you and I will acquire some skills that will be useful in preparing for and passing exams. But before we move on to our conversation, I suggest you play a little.


    Exercise “Creative visualization”.


Try to imagine (visualize) the process of passing the upcoming exam. Draw a mental picture of how you enter the classroom where the exam is taking place, how you sit down in your seat, how you take sheets of paper and calmly begin to work, easily coping with all the tasks. Imagine that from the pileexam questions, you get the most suitable one and answer all the questions confidently and correctly. It’s as if on the screen you see and hear not only yourself, but also the teachers, with their whole appearance they show that they are satisfiedyour answer. Imagine getting a high score on your exam at the end. Your soul is light and joyful. How did you feel while doing this exercise? By “rehearsing” these actions, participants will set themselves up for success.

Main part:

    Exercise "Associations"

The teacher is a psychologist.Associations are the first thing that comes to mind when you hear a word or see an object. Try not to think for a long time, say the first thing that comes to mind. So, with whatDoes each of you associate the word “exam”? As many of you have noted, exams are stressful. How to learn self-control in difficult life situations? To do this, I will tell you what ways to relieve nervous and mental stress exist.

    Mini-lecture “Ways to relieve neuropsychic stress”

Negative emotions prevent us from getting to work and collecting our thoughts. How can you help yourself in a situation where you are already experiencing these emotions?

    You can defuse your emotions by speaking out to people who will understand and sympathize.

    If you are alone, you can beat a pillow or squeeze out a wet towel - this will help you relax, since usually with negative emotions most of the energy accumulates in the muscles of the shoulders, upper arms and fingers.

    Make any spontaneous sounds - tension may be “locked” in the throat.

    Put your tension into crumpling a sheet of newspaper, make this lump as small as possible and throw it away. Tear the other newspaper into small pieces, then throw away. From another newspaper, mold your mood. Paint over a newspaper spread (drawing with blots, finger painting with gouache).

    Dance to the music, sing your favorite song loudly.

    Take a walk in a quiet place in nature.

Discussion: what other methods can be used?

4. Relaxation


    introduce the concept of relaxation;

    teach how to cope with anxiety using breathing;

    teach how to cope with anxiety using muscle relaxation techniques.

Anxiety is usually associated with muscle tension and breathing problems. Sometimes, in order to achieve peace, it is enough to relax. This way of dealing with anxiety is called relaxation. You can do muscle relaxation or relaxation with breathing.

Exercise “Breathing relaxation”

Target: learn to cope with anxiety using breathing.

Instructions: “The easiest way is to breathe on a count. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Inhale for four counts, exhale for four counts. Take 3-5 breaths."

Discussion: “How has your condition changed? Did you encounter any difficulties while performing the exercise?

Exercise "Lemon"

Target: control of the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have squeezed out all the juice. Relax. Remember how you feel. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then perform the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy a state of peace.

5. Reflection

Target: receiving feedback on the past lesson.

Students are asked to answer some questions: “How are you feeling? What method of relieving anxiety seemed most suitable for you personally?”


The teacher is a psychologist. A person who is confident in his abilities, knows his strengths and qualities, a person who knows how to control and regulate his emotional state is always successful. I wish you success!

The teacher-psychologist distributes reminders to graduates.


    Gusarova T.S., Lesson with training elements for 11th grade students “Psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam.” [Electronic resource] / T.S. Gusarova //Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”. - Access mode: . – (Date of access: 02/04/2016).

    Zhidkova V.K., Mini-training to relieve tension and anxiety among students before exams. [Electronic resource] / V.K. Zhidkova // Social network of education workers “Our Network”. - Access mode: . – (Date of access: 02/08/2016).

    Chernyshova Yu. How to prepare for the exam and stay healthy[Text] // School psychologist. - 2002. - No. 19. – P. 60 – 65.

    Chibisova M. Yu. Unified state exam: psychological preparation (Psychologist at school)[Text] .- M.: Genesis, 2004. – 127 p.

    Chibisova M.Yu. Psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam. Working with students, teachers, parents[Text] .- M.: Genesis, 2004. – 184 p.

Sections: School psychological service

Goal: familiarization with the strategy and tactics of behavior during the preparation and passing of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.

1. teach skills of self-regulation and self-control based on internal reserves;

2. increase self-confidence, self-confidence, and resistance to stress;

3. develop the ability for self-knowledge and reflection of one’s own state and behavior;

4. develop mental cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination, speech);

5. develop feelings of empathy, self-attention and trust in others.

Working methods: mini-lecture, conversation, relaxation exercises.

Forms of work: individual and frontal work.

Means: 2 balls of different colors, weighted scales, star blanks, pens, reminders, MP3 music audio recordings, multimedia presentation.

Progress of the lesson


We have been taking exams our entire adult lives. This applies not only to exams at school, university or when applying for a job. Moreover, in recent years, exams at school have become quite commonplace; they are often held even in primary grades, and end with the epic final and entrance exams. And now new forms of final certification of graduates have appeared, in the form of State Examination and Unified State Examination . (Slide 1)

Exercise 1.

Continue the statement “For me, the GIA and the Unified State Exam are...”, “For my students, the State Examination and the Unified State Exam are...” (analyzing the results, the psychologist focuses on the common difficulties of teachers and students - fatigue, lack of time, overload...). (Slide 2)

Exercise 2.

The psychologist offers 2 balls of different colors, which are passed in a circle from different sides. The one who received 1 ball continues the phrase: “I like the conduct of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam...”, the one who received the 2nd ball - “The conduct of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam upsets me...”. At this time, the psychologist fixes the load on the scales, i.e. positive and negative answers and draws the participants’ attention to the “inevitability” of negative factors in the professional activity of a teacher and the need to preserve the physical and psychological health of a professional teacher. (Slide 3)


We understand the readiness of teachers and graduates to take the State Exam and the Unified State Exam as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, and qualities that allow them to successfully perform certain activities. The following components can be distinguished in readiness to pass the exam in the form of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam: (Slide 4)

- information readiness (awareness about the rules of conduct during the exam, awareness about the rules for filling out forms, etc.);

- subject readiness or content-based (readiness in a specific subject, ability to solve test tasks);

- psychological readiness (state of readiness - “mood”, internal disposition towards a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, updating and adapting the individual’s capabilities for successful actions in the situation of passing an exam).

Exercise “Tree of Life”. (Slide 5)


The leaves of this tree are the days of a person’s life. Each leaf will be fresh and green if you maintain the crown, in return equivalent branches will grow: I can, I want, I must.

These branches are supported by the trunk healthy lifestyle, nourished by the roots that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle (these are: physical activity, giving up bad habits, proper balanced nutrition, positive emotions, etc.). Let's close our eyes and imagine our tree of life... Ask yourself mentally the questions: What can I?...What do I want...What should I?...

Let's try to plant our own tree of life today! Let’s begin to nourish its roots with useful recommendations that will be useful to both students and teachers.

Mini-lecture “Formula for success”: (Slide 6)

Any exams are stressful. They require a person to mobilize all his forces, and not only intellectual ones. Jokingly, it’s hardly worth expecting that you will be able to pass this difficult test. The question is: how to ensure that the expenditure of labor, time and nerves is used with maximum efficiency and ultimately leads to the achievement of the set goal. A few tips for teachers and students will help them determine their own formula for success. .

Physical fitness preparation.

Of course, exams are primarily a test of intelligence and knowledge. But in order to survive the exam marathon to the end, you will first need to be in good physical shape. This means that you need to build your regime in such a way that you spend your energy sparingly, otherwise you may not have enough energy to reach the finish line.

The first and necessary condition is to get enough sleep. (Slide 7) It is believed that for proper rest a person needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day. However, this indicator is individual for each person. There is no doubt: not only the “quantity of sleep” is important, but also its quality. Here's what experts advise: (Slide 8)

  1. To ensure that preparing for the exam is not a burden, you need to know what time of day you work best. You, of course, have heard that among people there are “night owls” and “larks”. “Owls” are most active from 7 pm to 24 pm. “Larks” - early in the morning - from 6 to 9 o'clock and in the middle of the day. By observing yourself, you can find out whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark”. Try to notice what time of day you are most active. Choose the right time to study independently or prepare for exams!
  2. Our sleep is divided into phases lasting about 1.5 hours. The feeling of being “broken” often occurs when waking up in the middle of a phrase. Therefore, it is necessary that the time allotted for sleep be a multiple of 1.5 hours. In other words, it is better to sleep 7.5 hours than 8 or even 8.5. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to 6 hours of sleep (1.5 x 4), but, of course, as an exception. You won't last long on this regime.
  3. The best quality sleep is before midnight. It is no coincidence that “larks”, that is, people who are accustomed to going to bed early and waking up early, in principle need fewer hours to sleep than “night owls” - those who like to stay up late and have great difficulty getting up in the morning. The following scheme can be considered close to the ideal: lights out at 22:30, wake-up at 6:00. The day will seem “long” and how much you can do in it.
  4. High pillows should be avoided. Blood circulation processes in the brain proceed better if the head lies on a low, almost flat pillow, therefore, the body restores strength faster and more efficiently. If there is very little time left for sleep, but you still need to get enough sleep, you can try to lie down without a pillow at all.
  5. The room where the student sleeps should be cool and well ventilated. A very useful habit – not only during exams and other extreme situations – is the habit of sleeping with the window open in any weather. If it's very cold outside, it's better to take an extra blanket. But the air in the room must be fresh.
  6. Don't forget about the evening shower, which should be neither too hot nor too cold. Warm water washes away not only the dirt of the day - it takes away fatigue and tension and helps you relax.
  7. Under no circumstances should you overeat at night, especially not drink strong tea or coffee. The best drink before going to bed is a weak decoction of chamomile or mint (it is sold in the form of tea bags, which you just need to brew with boiling water). You can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the decoction, unless, of course, you are allergic to it.

Exercise “Rain in the Jungle”. (Slide 9)

Psychologist: “Let’s stand in a tight circle, one after another. Imagine that you are in the jungle. At first the weather was magnificent, the sun was shining, it was very hot and stuffy. But then a light breeze blew. Touch the back of the person in front and make light movements with your hands. The wind increases (pressure on the back increases). A hurricane began (strong circular movements). Then a light rain began to fall (light tapping on the partner’s back). But the rain began (moving the fingers of the palm up and down). It began to hail (strong tapping movements with all fingers). It began to rain again, a light rain began to patter, a hurricane swept through, a strong wind blew, then it became weak, and everything in nature calmed down. The sun came out again. Now turn 180 degrees and continue the game.”

After finishing the exercise, discussion: How do you feel after this massage? Was it pleasant or not to perform certain actions?

Continuation of the mini-lecture “Formula for Success”...

Balanced diet. (Slide 10)

In principle, no special diet is required during the examination session. You need to eat what you are used to and what you like. But still, a few simple tips are recommended:

1. The basis of a healthy diet for an “intellectual” is proteins and vitamins. Therefore, the diet should include enough meat and poultry, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. It is better to replace “heavy” side dishes of potatoes, rice or pasta with fresh salads from all kinds of vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers. Among vegetables, the “champions” in terms of vitamin C content, which is often called “health vitamins,” are cabbage and peppers. Instead of too hot seasonings and fatty mayonnaise, you need to use vegetable oil in half with lemon juice - this is both tasty and healthy. And don’t forget about fruits - fortunately, during the “hot” exam season, which occurs in the summer months, there is no shortage of fresh fruits and berries.

2. Many people like canned fruit juices, but... unfortunately, they cannot be considered a complete food product, because they are made from powder and water. Another thing is freshly squeezed juices. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and valuable minerals. To prepare juices, you need to use not only fruits (apples and oranges), but also vegetables - carrots, cabbage, beets.

3. You need to eat regularly. By skipping an hour of lunch because they don’t want to look up from their textbooks, students risk driving themselves into a state of “ravenous hunger.” Then it will be difficult to resist overeating, which will result in drowsiness. It is better to eat little by little, but on time.

4. Among the natural products that stimulate brain function and stimulate intellectual activity, nutritionists name:

Raw grated carrots with vegetable oil, which improves memory;

Cabbage, which relieves stress;

Vitamin “C” (lemon, orange) – refreshes thoughts and facilitates the perception of information;

Chocolate – nourishes brain cells;

Pineapple juice;

Avocado (half a fruit daily);

Shrimp (100 g per day) will help you concentrate

Nuts (100-200 g per day, morning and evening) have a beneficial effect on brain function and strengthen the nervous system.

5. It is better to refrain from taking medications (stimulants, antidepressants) - their effect on the body is not always predictable and is often fraught with side effects. So, in some cases, instead of a burst of energy, they lead to drowsiness and loss of strength. An exception can be made for vitamins such as “Undevit” and the drug “Glycine”, which are considered harmless.

Meditative and relaxation exercise – “Temple of Silence”. (Slide 11)

Psychologist: Imagine yourself walking on one of the streets of a crowded and noisy city... Feel your feet stepping on the pavement... Pay attention to other passers-by, their facial expressions, figures... Perhaps some of them look alarmed, others calm... or joyful... Pay attention to the sounds you hear... Pay attention to the shop windows... What do you see in them?.. There are a lot of passersby hurrying somewhere... Maybe you will see a familiar face in the crowd. You can go and greet this person. Or maybe you will pass by... Stop and think about how you feel on this noisy street?.. Now turn the corner and walk along another street... This is a calmer street. The further you walk, the fewer people you meet... After walking a little more, you will notice a large building, different in architecture from all the others... You see a large sign on it: “Temple of Silence”... You understand that this temple - a place where no sounds are heard, where not a single word has ever been spoken. You approach and touch the heavy carved wooden doors. You open them, go in and you immediately find yourself surrounded by complete and deep silence... Stay in this temple... in silence... Spend as much time as you need on this... When you want to leave this temple, push the doors and go outside. How do you feel now? Remember the road that leads to the “Temple of Silence”. Whenever you want, you can return to it again.

Continuation of the lecture “Formula for Success”...

What to do if your eyes are tired? (Slide 12)

During the period of preparation for exams, the strain on the eyes increases. If your eyes are tired, it means your body is tired: it may not have enough strength to complete the exam task. You need to make sure your eyes are rested.

Do any two exercises:

1. look alternately up and down (25 seconds), left and right (15 seconds);

2. write your first name, middle name, last name with your eyes;

3. alternately fix your gaze on a distant object (20 seconds), then on a sheet of paper in front of you (20 seconds);

4. Draw a square and a triangle with your eyes - first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Exercise “Float in the ocean.” (Slide 13)

“This exercise is used when you feel some kind of tension or when you need to control yourself, and you are afraid that you will lose control of yourself (sounds of the sea).

Imagine that you are a small float in a huge ocean... You have no goal, compass, map, rudder, oars... You move where the wind and ocean waves carry you... A big wave may cover you for a while, but you emerge again surface... Try to feel these pushes and dives... Feel the movement of the wave... the warmth of the sun... raindrops... the pillow of the sea below you, supporting you... What other sensations do you get when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean?

Exercise “Full Breathing”. (Music audio recording MP3)

“Take a comfortable position, straighten your back. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Air first fills the abdominal cavity, and then your chest and lungs. Take a full breath, then several light, calm exhalations.

Now calmly, without any special effort, take a new breath.

Pay attention to which parts of the body are in contact with the chair and floor. In those parts of the body where the surface supports you, try to feel this support a little more strongly. Imagine that the chair (floor, bed) is raised to support you. Relax those muscles with which you support yourself.

The pulse became smaller (lower!)”

Exercise “Find your star.” (Slide 15)

Psychologist: “Sit back and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and exhales... (calm music sounds).

Now imagine the starry sky. Stars big and small, bright and dim. For some it is one or several stars, for others it is an innumerable number of bright luminous points, either receding or approaching at arm's length.

Look carefully at these stars and choose the most beautiful star. Perhaps it is similar to your childhood dream, or maybe it reminded you of moments of happiness, joy, good luck, inspiration?

Once again, admire your star and try to reach it. Try your best! And you will definitely get your star. Take it from the sky and carefully place it in front of you, take a closer look at it and try to remember what it looks like and what light it emits. Now run your palms over your knees, down to your feet, and stretch sweetly, open your eyes.”

At this time, the psychologist lays out in front of the children a lot of pre-prepared multi-colored “stars”. Take the star that is most similar to yours. On one side of the “star” write what you would like to achieve in the near future, and on the other, write the name of your “star”. Attach it to our starry sky.

And now the stars will shine on us every training session, radiating kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, and support. And at the last lesson you will take them with you, they will lead you to your cherished goal and will accompany you all in exams and further in life.”

Exercise “Who praises himself best, or a reminder for a rainy day.”

Psychologist: each of the people has attacks of the blues, a “sour” mood, when it seems that you are worthless in this life, nothing is working out for you. At such moments, you somehow forget all your own achievements, victories, abilities, joyful events. But each of us has something to be proud of. There is such a technique in psychological counseling. The psychologist, together with the person who contacts him, draws up a memo in which the merits, achievements, and abilities of this person are recorded. During attacks of bad mood, reading the memo gives vigor and allows you to evaluate yourself more adequately. Let's do similar work. If you want, you can read your memos to us later. The completed forms will remain with you.

A large table depicted on the forms is drawn on the board.

MEMO FORM “My best qualities”

Instructions: “My best traits” - in this column, write down the traits or features of your character that you like about yourself and make up your strengths.
“My abilities and talents” - here write down the abilities and talents in any area that you can be proud of. “My achievements” - this column records achievements in any field. After everyone has written something down on their form, a discussion takes place: What was the meaning of doing this exercise for you? What did you take note of and will use?


So, today we got acquainted with the strategy and tactics of behavior during the preparation and passing of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. At the very beginning of the lesson, we talked about the tree of life. When preparing and passing the State Exam and Unified State Exam, do not forget its equivalent branches: I can, I want, I must. Nourish its roots with the useful recommendations you received today!!!

(Video for relaxation)

The programs of preparation courses for the OGE in the 9th grade of the FIRST Unified State Exam CENTER are developed taking into account all the requirements of FIPI and the specifics of passing the exam by qualified teachers who are experts of the OGE and the Unified State Exam. Throughout the entire training course, our students complete assignments of control measuring materials of the OGE in all subjects on original FIPI forms. A big plus is also that we don’t just teach rules and formulas, we also teach you to understand the very essence of the subject being studied.

In classes for each subject:

  • theoretical material is repeated and the rules for performing practical tasks are explained;
  • skills of solving standard tasks of control measuring materials of the OGE are developed;
  • homework is assigned and must be covered in subsequent classes;
  • trial rehearsal exams are conducted in a format as close as possible to the OGE;
  • Individual work is carried out with each student.

You should exercise every day if possible. For each discipline, it is advisable to devote at least 40 minutes a day to consolidating the material covered, since no less depends on independent work at home than on the experience of the teacher. Pay attention to what your child is doing during breaks between classes. For optimal memorization of information, you need to “connect” all types of memory. It is important not only to absorb material from textbooks, but also to build diagrams, study drawings, watch films on a given topic, listen to audio lectures, etc. For example, if you have to prepare for exams in biology and study the human circulatory system, it is better to remember it according to the diagram, that is, visually.

How to properly prepare for exams?

Of course, each teacher has his own methods by which he prepares for the OGE in the 2019/2020 academic year. You can show miracles of pedagogy and prepare a child in a couple of weeks of intensive classes, but this method is bad because hastily acquired knowledge can just as quickly and easily fly out of your head at the most crucial moment. Thus, the question you need to ask yourself is: “How to make sure that the preparation courses for the OGE bring maximum effect?” If you prepare for the exam and choose GIA courses in advance, you can consolidate all the material you have covered calmly and without haste. To do this, you need to plan a school week, in which there must be a free day to rest from mental stress.

To prepare for exams as effectively as possible, you need to:

  • determine which subjects to prepare for;
  • devote 1-2 days to each subject for preparation and consolidation;
  • highlight the important and unimportant in each subject;
  • contact the FIRST USE CENTER in Moscow for advice;
  • start taking courses;
  • pass your exams successfully!

Main State Exam

The main state exam (OGE) is a form of mandatory state final certification (GIA) for educational programs of basic general education of graduates of 9th grade of secondary educational organizations of the Russian Federation.

To conduct the OGE, control measuring materials (CMM) are used in the form of a set of tasks of a standardized form using special FIPI forms.

The required subjects for passing the OGE are Russian language and mathematics. Students choose additional subjects for the state exam in accordance with their professional orientation.

To move to grade 10 or enter a secondary vocational education institution, positive exam grades are required. Therefore, it is better to start preparing for the Unified State Exam in advance at the courses of the FIRST Unified State Exam CENTER.

The OGE is only the first step on the path to future professional education, but no less important than the Unified State Exam. Successful passing of the OGE depends on two factors - knowledge of the subject and the psychological preparation of the student.

When should I start preparing for the GIA?

Preparing for the State Examination in 9th grade is the most correct decision. Of course, you can start studying complex material earlier, but you can prepare well in two years, provided that you turn to experienced teachers. And many parents choose this particular path, turning to tutors who provide assistance in preparing the OGE from scratch. Why exactly 9th grade? It can be difficult for parents, as well as for schoolchildren themselves, to understand the seriousness of the upcoming exam, since in grades 8-9 it seems that there is still a lot of time until the “X-day”. Of course, this impression is deceptive, since time flies very quickly and you should not waste it. Meet as a family today to decide when to start preparing and together choose the appropriate elective courses. Among other things, you need to think about how best to distribute the load so that the child does not get tired and so that nothing interferes with his path to knowledge.


Preparation for the OGE: training

1 Among sentences 7-10, find a sentence with separate applications. Write the number of this offer.

(7) The bull, this frail, bespectacled man, swam to the Devil's Finger - a steep stone cliff at the entrance to the bay! (8) For him, of course, this was a truly desperate act. (9) And the silent sniffling of the boys was evidence of this... (10) Backwards the bully swam too slowly, awkwardly waddling from side to side and raising his arms, weak as reeds, high.

2 In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma when addressing.

One of the boys said hesitantly in my ear:

Guys, (1) But the bull is drowning...

What baffled them was (2) that he did not shout, “Help!” or something like that. The bull drowned silently and, (3) if I may say so, (4) with dignity.

3 Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 49. Write the answer in numbers.

(49) The bull jumped joyfully, and I suddenly realized: this one will certainly swim.

4 In the sentences below from the text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection.

And all the boys, (1) crowded around us, (2) laughed joyfully:

And what to watch? Let's swim together - and go crazy!

The bull jumped joyfully, (3) and I suddenly realized: this one will certainly swim. Not tomorrow, (4) but the day after tomorrow...

5 Indicate the answer option in which the means of expressiveness of speech is an epithet.

1) A dream is like faith. If you have it, go wherever you want, everything will be a joy.

2) Without a Dream, the Soul will dry up, like a sprout in the desert.

3) Once upon a time, his youthful heart responded to ancient wisdom, but his cold mind interpreted its meaning in its own way.

4) He became a Master and showed his students the path to happiness, which the elder brother did not achieve, sowed seeds and grew fruits, which the middle brother shied away from, and touched Perfection, which he himself once dreamed of.

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