Total war warhammer 2 what factions will there be. Classic races of Total War: Warhammer

Total War: Warhammer 2 - Legendary Difficulty Guide

In this guide we will talk about the legendary difficulty of Total War: Warhammer 2. We will talk about the stages of completing the campaign, strategy on the world map, the influence of magic, the army, the lords, the most common mistakes and intrigues.

A few words about legendary difficulty. It just so happens that it has an effect on almost every aspect of the game. No saves! The economy is weaker, costs are higher, natural (starting) enemies are stronger and meaner, friends are not very reliable, and neighbors are waiting for your mistake. A special imprint is the absence of a tactical pause and slowdown, which can easily lead to defeat in battle. It won't be easy, but we are not afraid of difficulties.

The brutality of the early game on Legendary difficulty is captured in the image to the right.

A little background on this move - we had to withdraw the army from Caelra to try to intercept the horde of beastmen.

The enemy on the left (yellow) holds two armies on the western border. Ratitch immediately tried to destroy our army, we had to retreat, letting the horde pass.

Norsca from the north took advantage of the lack of an army and plundered Caelra. Two armies of the “Bound” (dark elves) are sailing from the southeast. A horde (orange) walks among the lands, wreaking havoc and plundering the surrounding area.

Is anyone else surprised by the cruelty of the dark elves?

This article is based on the game of the Dark Elves, so the guide "Total War Warhammer 2: Dark Elves" is closely related and may be interesting to read.

We have added a small text walkthrough of "" with a slight lyrical twist. It describes the process of Malekith's company gaining supremacy to conquer their own land and gain strategic superiority. You might be curious.

Company stages

Typically, the company is divided into the following stages:

1. Birth of a nation

The most dangerous and active. You need to gain strength and get stronger in your home zone, protect it, secure it and conquer several neighboring regions. If you lose your army here, you risk being left without money and a chance to win.

Development at this stage depends on battles under personal leadership, so you will need to assemble a decent army.

2. Development

Increasing the number of armies and conquering the native continent (the strategic part of it).

The choice of expansion goal and development method is much more important here than just conquest. To maintain the army, we will need serious financial investments, in the absence of which the nation will slide into poverty.

3. Becoming

Development of the empire's economy, formation of armies using all available capital. Here comes to the fore economy.

4. Dominance

Let's go smash the enemies. This period seems to be mostly strategic battles of army groups, because the enemy also does not sit still. He will also have a large number of troops that need to be defeated and driven, conquering the lands.

5. Ritual

If you want to complete the ritual, you will have to turn your armies to maximum defense of the cities, because the armies of chaos will not exchange themselves. They will simply destroy all life in their path. If our economy rests on these cities, then the empire can collapse like a house of cards.

To carry out the rituals, we will need relics, so we will have to surpass the mining speed of your rivals. It is unlikely that you will be able to outpace everyone. At some point, you will have to manually prevent the enemy from performing rituals.


Here we will have to think not only about the strategic planning of the disposition of armies, but also about the conduct of affairs. This is what will allow us to start expanding.

On Legendary difficulty it is much more difficult to expand for reasons of rebellion and strategic mobility (withdrawing an army weakens the borders).

Provincial rebellion is higher on this difficulty. Leaving the region without an army, order in it will decline noticeably faster, which will lead to rebellion. At the beginning of the game, expansion beyond the borders of the home region is contraindicated, since the order in it leaves much to be desired.

On a note: An army in a city affects order more than in the field.

Having captured a city in a neighboring province, you will have to run between it and your native land, suppressing new rebellions. We can only hope that the enemy will not notice the weakness. Even being a strategic genius, the army is unlikely to be able to withstand six victories without a significant reduction in combat readiness.

UPD 1.41.1: Since the battles have become much more difficult, you should not rely on 10-20% damage. The army will be able to withstand a maximum of 2 battles.

From a tactical point of view, the ability to defend your borders depends on the defense of the cities and the army nearby. Regional capitals initially have walls, which allows them to resist superior enemy forces, but ordinary cities do not have them. Any well-equipped army can easily defeat the garrison of such a city.

The only way out of this situation is to build walls, but this only gives a temporary effect. There is a chance to defend yourself, but a long siege does not spare anyone. The main point of the walls is to give the army more time to defend the borders. This conclusion can be rephrased as follows: walls make it possible to keep an army more than one step away.

Advice: To be able to retreat, keep your army at a certain distance from the enemy. If you are close, once you can move away, the enemy army will be able to catch up with you. You won't be able to retreat a second time.

It is much more effective at first to undermine enemies and replenish the treasury with raids on enemy territory. Looting provinces will have a much more beneficial effect on the company by weakening the enemy and replenishing the treasury.

The best way to expand is to ensure that our army can always meet the enemy. Being surrounded by rivals, this is impossible to achieve, since by withdrawing the army in any direction, we expose our rear.

The best way is to achieve a non-aggression pact. We have two options at our disposal: with a sword in hand or through diplomacy. This way you can protect your rear.

On a note: Having declared war, peace can only be achieved after a series of victories.

It is best to outline a specific path for the development of the empire. As an example, you can go to the edge of the map (if your empire is nearby). This way you can be sure that the enemy will not unexpectedly attack you from the rear, and you can involve all the armies in the work. Another option is to use the seas, which is less reliable. Using mountain ranges is even less reliable, as some factions are capable of using animal trails. The world of Warhammer 2 is in constant global war. There is a chance that an army or even two will suddenly sail towards you, but the chance that the enemy will get stuck in a battle with a neighbor is greater, so there is room for maneuver.


Legendary difficulty will veto strategic view in battle, minimap, pause and even slow speed. You will need to react quickly to the progress of the battle. You need to build an army in such a way that you are prepared for anything and know all the available abilities.

The first thing we must do is to create the most universal army from those troops that our civilization possesses. It should turn out to be stable, tactically mobile and efficient from the management side, because we will have to control it manually more than once. It is the army that is the key to our wealth and security in these turbulent times. Considering the complexity of the game, the larger our army, the calmer we will feel.

We need to make the most of all the strengths of the chosen civilizations. The main goal of the first army is the least losses. We will have to fight often, so losses of more than 20% of the army may result in the loss of troops after several battles.

Advice: If you see an opportunity to withdraw thinned units from the battle without much harm, do it. Damage distributed throughout the army is healed faster than restoring a barely alive squad of fighters. An auto attack by an army with such units is expensive.

The dark elf army, even in the early stages of development, has serious power and effective combat potential. Almost all units of the early period have shields and are capable of holding off a shooting attack, but we should focus on more than one nation in our passage.

Each available empire has its own strengths and weaknesses, so we must first pay attention to the bonuses of the faction and lords, and then to their skills and the strengths of the armies.

The initial stage may be such that you have to fight off attack after attack, fighting several armies per turn, only for your army to dry up like a trickle.

As one of the winning and simplest battle strategies, we propose to assemble a shooting army. Its advantages lie in less necessary control (there is no pause) and an effective reduction in enemy forces before the start of the battle, which significantly affects their morale and, as a result, leads to a speedy enemy retreat.

This army composition is most effective for high elves, because their attack radius is the largest. The Dark Elves are able to match their superiority with the strength of their own crossbows. Lizardmen are strong in close combat, so here you will have to pay more attention to the flow of the battle.

We described the composition of the dark elf army in detail in the article " Total War: Warhammer 2 - Dark Elves"You can read about the strengths of each side in the corresponding guides.

Heroes should be dressed in the best they can find. Each effect must suit the specialty of the army, lord or hero. Each combat ability increases your chances on the battlefield, so it is advisable to use all available ones.

On a note: Dark elf lords can mount black dragons at level 18. Their power will increase noticeably due to damage, poison and intimidation, but this monster is quite voracious. Maintaining such a pet will cost the lord 270+ coins (reducing the maintenance does not give the original figure).

Magic and Spells

Playing on Legendary difficulty leads to a certain conclusion - "the main thing is not a certain style of magic, but the correct use of spells."

Different schools of magic can provide the best advantage over the enemy, but the complexity of the organization, the use of spells and the different heroes can confuse the player.

Confusion of judgment in battle can be called one of the main signs of defeat, so do not complicate your life. Specialize in two spellcasters: a lord and one of the mages.

The army must have one magician and one duelist.

A mage can destroy enemy forces, support his troops, generally use magic for the benefit of the army... among other things, a mage can also be effective in a duel through spells, but this may be unwise due to the waste of valuable magic.

Duelists are capable of greatly ordering the enemy army, but their main goal is to hunt for enemy heroes. Having deprived the enemy of a general, the army would almost certainly take flight. By defeating the caster, you will noticeably reduce incoming damage. By destroying the monster, you will make the task of your army easier... I wonder if destroying monsters gives an advantage? The sight of a falling dragon should evoke a battle cry from the enemy army.

Warlords are stronger than heroes, so pay close attention to the progress of the fight.

Mage Lords are especially effective on the battlefield, as they share both functions and keep a free slot for another unit to choose from. The main thing is not to lose sight of the lord's health. Some of the most powerful spelllords are Malekith and Morathi, advice on their use can be found in the corresponding articles.

The use of spells should be as effective as possible to reduce the losses of your own army. Destroy melee units, slow down enemies, making them targets for shooters, strengthen your warriors. The main thing is the effect. Try to concentrate on several spells to use them effectively.

Auto fight

We will talk about it briefly. Auto combat allows you to reduce company time. It should be used in two cases: you are greatly superior to the enemy army; You don’t know how to fight the enemy army, but you are quite superior in strength.

If the chances are equal or you concede, under no circumstances leave things to chance. Auto combat is merciless. The chance of losing the army is too dangerous. Look around the landscape. If you have nowhere to fortify yourself, think about it. If you retreat, will the enemy be able to catch up with you in full strength in the same turn? Will you find yourself in a more vulnerable place?

Personal presence makes the battle more successful, for at least one reason - the complexity of the company. The more complex the company, the less luck fate will give you.

Advice: It doesn't always make sense to fight on the battlefield. If the enemy has a lot of archers, auto combat sometimes calculates the fight much better than if you enter the field. It can be assumed that this is due to the computer’s better maneuverability on the battlefield, which results in the archers being engaged in combat fairly quickly. Without a pause, achieving such agility is difficult.

Auto combat is harmful for weakened units. The computer does not hesitate to send every warrior into battle, even half-dead. There is a great risk that the squad may be completely lost.

On a note: The amount of experience you gain does not depend on the battle/auto battle, so there is no point in wasting extra time if your advantage is undeniable.


When playing as Malekith, the expansion has 2 strategies:

1. You're lucky.

2. You're out of luck.

1. In the first case, we have the opportunity to attack our neighbor, since no one is bothering us. This is a rare situation that can be slightly advanced through competent battles with neighbors. This option is less financially expensive, since it allows expansion using one army. The main target is the Grond gold mine as it is financially sound.

2. We were unlucky. We are constantly being attacked from all sides. It was as if the enemies had decided to tear us to shreds. It would seem that everything is bad, but even here there is an opportunity to get out.

The dark elves' bias towards trophies will play into our hands. The enemies will not send separate, weak detachments of fighters to us. Well-trained main armies await us. By breaking one, we will get a substantial jackpot in trophies, and improving the loot will allow us to increase profits through battles.

If we have the opportunity, it is worth visiting the enemy and plundering the neighboring settlement.

Having collected enough trophies, we will have to create an army, going towards a budget deficit. The most important thing is to calculate your finances so that there is enough time to get to the next enemy city in order to plunder it and then capture it. It is this order that gives us more profit. This march will need to be maintained until financial solvency, and then move on to the second stage of the company.

Lords on Legendary difficulty

The standard guideline for low content on legendary difficulty will not work and here's why. Let's look at the dark elves as an example. Difficulty imposes an increase in maintenance on the hero's army. Malekith's solid bonus of 50% upkeep reduction turns into... 20%.

The more or less adequate army, assembled from junior troops, has a content of 3450 (relatively speaking). Taking into account the manager’s full skill (-15%), 3000, which is removed at once by adding a second army (+15% for the maintenance of “all” troops). We can also add “respect and fear” (-8%) for a total of 23%, which will be 2650. For this we will need “just enough” 9 and 11 skill points, respectively. Maintaining a hero will cost this 8%.

At first, on legendary difficulty, you will not be able to afford to purchase a second army, so the reduced content will not give us a bonus to increase the strength of the army, only a few coins for pocket money.

UPD 1.41.1: The content is now adequately reduced so that balance has returned. The choice between magic or reduced content + rush attack remains equal. Please note that the battles have become noticeably more difficult.

The emphasis on army command will result in... we'll estimate this to be a 10-20% increase in strength. Of course, an increase in strength will be transformed into a decrease in losses, but is 10-20% of strength worth so much effort...

Excluding special skills that will be useful one way or another: governing the country, transport, all that remains is magic. This is where our legendary spelllords are especially effective. The ability to greatly undermine the morale of enemies, beat manpower, or increase the power of one’s own units greatly influences the outcome of the battle, which is most effective in our situation.

Advice: Whenever possible, teleport for the legendary items. They provide a significant advantage. You can complete the game without them, but with them it will be noticeably easier.

It's difficult to say about the legendary warrior lords, since their combat skills may be inferior to magical ones, but everything should be approached carefully. It is possible that some lords' skills in commanding an army can make it more deadly than a fireball.

After acquiring the lord's maximum power in battle, it's worth thinking about the next benchmark. Strengthening the army could increase power, but reducing maintenance would have a greater effect.

Once your lord has maxed out his main army, your empire will likely make some profit. Coupled with the reduction in maintenance, this will give you the opportunity to hire a second army. In addition to the second army, the skill located in this branch will be very useful to us - rush attack. The ability to attack against only one army in the future game will be very useful to us, since the enemies also do not stand still.

On a note: The Swift Attack skill is more useful in the mid to late game. At the beginning, factions do not have too many resources and cannot afford a large number of armies. Two armies, for example, are rarely close to each other because they must defend opposite borders of the empire.


There are 4 most painful errors when playing on legendary difficulty:

1. Lack of preparation.

Before rushing into battle, we must weigh the pros and cons. Assess your strengths. “Is it worth rushing at two enemy armies under the fortress?”

2. Fatigue.

If you are tired, you react less to various changes in the situation. A game is a game. Your brain knows this. Your consciousness will prefer to relax, saying, “Okay, everything is fine.” On legendary difficulty, a mistake can cost several hours of development or the entire company.

3. Self-confidence and impatience.

Leaving even a beaten enemy in the rear can slow down your progress in the game for a long time. This point is described in sufficient detail in the article " Total War: Warhammer 2 - Walkthrough for the Dark Elves (Malekith), legend"Leaving the enemy in the rear affected development due to retreat and regrouping.

Intrigues and actions of heroes

In fact, this section is not required for a general company. The effect here is rather entertaining, since there is not much direct income from them.

Let's say, after you have set up a decent economy, you finally start accumulating funds and you want to use heroes in someone else's war. The only point here is curiosity, whether it will be possible to influence the outcome of someone else’s war.

You will have to constantly monitor enemy armies on the other side of the world, which will lead to increased company time. Your heroes will be far from the army and will not be able to directly influence the outcome of your actions.

We would prefer to look at this issue as a waste of time that does not provide sufficient benefit in a short period of time.

A trick to reduce the replacement of losses by the enemy army

This trick has sometimes worked against the player, so it might work against the enemy as well.

In order to gain an advantage for a while, you can use the reduction of loss replacement. Thus, the enemy army will be stunned and weakened. You can use this time to accomplish some strategic goal or retreat for reinforcements (replenishment).

It is possible that the computer will prefer to rally broken troops and hire new units, which will result in additional costs on its part and will ultimately affect the reduction of its treasury. Those. if we want a truce, we can count on smaller bonuses.

A guide for beginners. How to win the campaign in Total War: WARHAMMER 2 (II).

NOW IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! Text version and voice-over video. Everything for beginners))

Welcome to this video guide that will teach you to understand what is happening on the battlefield and will help you win. We'll talk about different units and their characteristics.

Let's start, of course, with the Lord - this is the most important piece on the board. They can range from light mages in togas to huge armored monsters.
Their main task is to lead the army, so you must protect them and not let them die in battle. The greatest danger to a lord comes from enemy lords. Try to stay away from them.

Heroes, as well as lords, can be very different; in any case, they are your best choice if you need to destroy enemy characters or dangerous troops.
Mages should not be thrown into melee combat because their main strength is in magic - causing damage and weakening the enemy, strengthening and healing your troops. They can do anything, but most magicians are weakly armored and not particularly good in hand-to-hand combat, so they need to be carefully protected and protected.
Melee infantry are your main killing force, excellent against any type of infantry, but they are quite vulnerable against monsters and cavalry so should be avoided.
Melee infantry with polearms is essential on the battlefield to deal with large targets. Basically these are kopecks which can be used against monsters, cavalry and flying units and other large infantry. But they are vulnerable against any foot melee with various swords and axes.
Missile infantry can have many different uses on the battlefield. They can deal damage to any type of units but they are also vulnerable against any melee units and need to be protected from attacks, especially from enemy cavalry which is very effective against them.
Cavalry is a highly mobile part of your army. They can protect your troops and attack the enemy. Flank and rear attacks, destruction of riflemen and artillery personnel are especially effective. The main threat to them is infantry with polearms - spearmen, halberdiers, and so on. Stay away from them.
Monsters can have very different types - small groups, single huge creatures, agile flying units, but they are all very dangerous. They easily crush your infantry, but you need to try to keep them away from infantry with polearms. Arrows, bullets and shells are also very effective in fighting monsters.
Artillery inflicts great damage on the enemy long before he enters the battle. It is capable of hitting any target, but is most effective when firing at large concentrations of infantry, but beware - artillerymen cannot defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat, so be prepared to defend them.
So what makes the Uints what they are and how they fit together.
Information about the unit is written in the information panel - the number in the squad, the number of hit points, as well as various characteristics and abilities. you need to understand what they mean in order to play Total War effectively.
Hitpoints determine the amount of so-called health - how much damage a squad can take. They can be added or subtracted by buffs and debuffs.
Armor determines the degree to which a unit is protected from damage. The higher it is, the less damage the unit will receive from enemy attacks.
Morale determines how strong a unit's fighting spirit is and how steadfastly it will withstand blows. If morale is low, the unit may flee the battlefield.
Speed ​​- determines how fast a unit moves across the battlefield. Accordingly, the more armored a unit is, the slower it is.
Melee attack determines a unit's chance to damage an enemy in melee combat, the chance to hit an enemy. The higher it is, the more damage the enemy will receive as a result, because his defense will be broken more often.
Melee defense determines a unit's chance to dodge or block an enemy's attack. Accordingly, units with a high score will receive less damage and can fight much longer.
Another important indicator is Weapon Strength. This indicator will determine the amount of damage inflicted on the enemy upon a successful strike, i.e. breaking through his defenses in close combat. The indicator is summed up from base damage and armor-piercing damage.
Onslaught or charge is a bonus that adds damage during a quick attack, so to speak, “on the run.” However, it only works if this condition is met. For example, a squad of knights can be repeatedly withdrawn and launched into an attack with their lances lowered. But when the knights stop after a hit, subsequent weapon strikes do not have this bonus.
Now you know what the characteristics of units in battle mean
Now let's talk about the importance of armor-piercing weapons.
The armor-piercing power of a unit's weapon can be determined by the cuirass icon that appears next to the Weapon Strength number. If you hover your cursor over it, in the drop-down window you can see exactly how many units of base damage and armor-piercing it includes.
Units with a high armor-piercing rating are the best choice for fighting highly armored opponents, because despite the powerful armor, the enemy will receive more damage for each successful hit. In this case, the base damage will not fully penetrate the armor and cause damage.
You can see many more symbols when viewing a block of information about a unit - you can hover over them yourself, read in the drop-down tips what they mean and think about how this can be used on the battlefield. go for it!
Now that you know what it all means and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each unit, you can begin the battle.
As a result, each of your units will collide with an enemy; you can use a hint comparing the strength of your and enemy units.
So my White Lions went out to battle against the executioners of Khar-ganeth. I selected my Lions and hovered over the executioners. You can see that bookmarks have appeared in the information panel, which show the advantages and disadvantages of my squad compared to the enemy. green is what the enemy is superior in, and red is inferior in what.
We see that executioners have more armor, morale, weapon power and attack. Lions surpass them only in speed and melee attack. The melee defense of both units is the same.
Based on this data, I can predict that the executioners will defeat the lions, and so it happens.
It should be noted that executioners are more expensive and this is a good indicator of the quality of the unit, but this does not mean that the more expensive unit always wins. If I had used some auxiliary units on the battlefield, the Lions could well have emerged victorious.
So you need to understand which units are best to use in a given situation, how, when and where to place them. You should also remember the characteristics of the faction with which you will be fighting,
For example, if I'm going to fight lizardmen, then I just need to take with me more units with polearms that have a bonus against large enemies. Because they have many such large and strong lizards.
If I'm facing high elves, I know they have a lot of ranged archers so I need something to neutralize them with.
The Skaven tend to push numbers, so I'll need a lot of cheap infantry to be able to hold off this avalanche.
The dark elves have a lot of powerful melee infantry, so I'll have a better chance of success if I hire more cavalry for flanking and rear attacks.
In general, as you already understand, you need to take a flexible approach to the formation of armies, depending on the theater of operations and the intended enemy.
Finally, let's look at the basic structure and the concept on which it is based.
The army can be conditionally divided into several parts.
The main body forms the front line in the center of your position. These are usually polearm warriors or swordsmen ideal for holding the front. Their task is to create a monolithic line into which the enemy cannot break through.
the left flank should be protected by more mobile units that, if necessary, can overturn or repel a flank attack or simply hold back the flank from the enemy’s onslaught.
The right flank has the same function. It usually makes sense to place spearmen and cavalry on the flanks.
Behind the backs of the warriors holding the center, you need to place shooters and everything that needs protection. Of course it’s safer here than at the front. A little further it is necessary to place detachments to protect the riflemen and reserves that will quickly respond to flank and rear attacks.
This is a basic formation and you need to understand the place of each unit in the formation, in supporting each other.
After all, the morale of soldiers greatly depends on whether the rear and flanks are covered. We must always remember this.
After all, the beauty of Total War is that you can recruit a variety of units, form a variety of armies and try different strategies on the battlefield.
So don't be afraid to get creative and experiment.

There are a huge number of important nuances in the game Total War: Warhammer 2: from diplomacy to taxes. Just playing the game, let alone getting close to winning, can be a daunting task for beginners and others. Therefore, it is necessary to study this guide to the Lizardmen faction.

Best Legendary Lord

You have two options for legendary lords - Mazmamundi, the caster of Slaan, or Krok-Gar, a general of the old blood, focused on close combat and bonuses to adjacent units.

Which Lord is best for your Lizardmen army? It depends on what you want from your campaign. Krok-Gar starts at a different point on the map and has a harder starting difficulty in the campaign. On the other hand, Mazdamundi has a lot going for it as a new player. It allows you to access an additional Sly Mage Priest and offers reduced Ritual costs. But he's also terrible at diplomacy. However, many of his long-range spells more than make up for this.

Geomagnetic network

Regardless of which lord you choose, the Lizardmen's big advantage is the Geomagnetic Network, which connects the cities in your provinces with magical powers. It's incredibly useful, so you should always beat the web host area whenever you can and update it constantly.

Various settings for the Network give you colossal bonuses if you pump them up to the fifth level. To improve it to its highest point, you need to maintain nodes connected to cities with equal geometric strength, and maintain your relationships with neighboring settlements. Don't forget to create Geomagnetic Markers and Magnets in cities that are also not connected to the Network.

Always ensure that capitals have space for geomagnetic structures and upgrades. If you regularly add and upgrade the network, you will often be on par with gold and bonuses. They will keep you one step ahead of other factions.

Lizardmen Campaign Strategy

At the beginning of the campaign it is worth being quite aggressive, destroying the Skaven and Skeggi, but ignoring the Empire in the south or gaining diplomatic relations with them.

After taking the Monolith of the Fallen Gods, it is time to get a new lord and start creating an additional set of armies. This will help solve problems in different parts of the map simultaneously.

Any of the legendary Lizardmen lords have access to four powerful rites, all of which are costly. But they offer great bonuses. Rite of Cruelty is the least expensive and often also the most useful because it gives you a bonus, gold and mercenaries. This way your armies can pump up faster.

On the defensive front, Sotek's Rite can be incredibly useful, hindering enemies in your province and making ambushes more deadly.

Be sure to complete quests in the early game to earn gold and Ancient Plaques, as you will need them for rituals. In particular, be sure to rush towards the quest Mirror, Mirror to create a treasure trove at the search location, and a steady flow of plaques.

Whenever a ritual is performed, random Chaos forces will appear behind your provincial lines near the cities hosting the rituals (or nearby cities that are not protected). Other factions will also be able to see where you perform rituals. In other words, don't try to expand while you're doing the ritual because you need armies to protect your cities during this time.

On the expansion front, you can mostly ignore frozen regions as places to hide, since lizards will see public order drop in cold regions. The best places to conquer and fortify are jungles and deserts, although anything that isn't frozen can work in your favor.

When adding Lizardmen to your empire, be sure to take into account the level of upkeep and costs associated with your expensive armies. So create economic buildings and do what you can to conserve gold.

On the tech tree, go where you want, focusing on which unit type you use the most. Upgrading powerful mid-tier saur warriors is an effective strategy, but it's also worth grabbing a few upgrades on the tree. They help increase public order in your provinces, as influences of corruption often arise.

Total War: Warhammer 2 is a strategy game created by Creative Assembly, the next version in the series. Players will travel through a fantasy world in the fictional Warhammer universe. There are four different races in the game, and you have to choose one of them.

Perhaps the best game in the world of War Hammer.

Gambling addiction

The Warhammer universe (not the one with the God-Emperor, but where Sigmar) is famous for its harsh gloom. There are almost no heroes here, and an ordinary person lives day after day with the understanding that at any moment one and a half meter rats can crawl out of the sewer and ruin the whole day. And, most likely, a very short remaining life.

Game mechanics Total War brought to perfection many, many projects ago. Total War: Warhammer occupies a place of honor in this series. This was an excellent, well-thought-out game - a real find for fans of grand strategy games. Also in the famous fantasy setting!

Therefore, when the second part appeared on the horizon, fans largely rallied around one simple motto: “Don’t break it!” They didn't break it.

Official trailer.

The Not-So-Old World

A two-tailed comet divided the sky and weakened the magic of the Great Vortex. This means that the time of prophecy has come, the time of war. This time we are fighting on the territory of the “New” World: Lustria and the Southern Lands (that is, in America and Africa, if we refer to real continents). And the factions available to us are more “exotic”: rat-men-skaven, lizardmen, dark elves and high elves. As usual, each nation has its own set of units, style of warfare, its own management features on the global map - and sometimes even a unique resource.

Now all races start in strictly opposite corners of the world, which encourages a slightly more relaxed playstyle. Each faction slowly clears its quarter of the map - and then a war of cool high-tech armies of top units with pumped-up generals begins. In addition, in addition to the “general” victory of the “take out everyone” type, a quest-based victory was added to the campaign. This is if you manage to complete the ritual for which you actually entered the war. More on this below.

But don't think that the game world is populated only by non-humans. A pleasant surprise: all the nations of the previous game are present on the field as small (sometimes with giant territories) factions with a full set of units and their own logic of diplomacy. They are not yet playable, but their very presence allows us to hope that with additions the number of playable factions will gradually grow to the size of the full roster of the tabletop Warhammer.

For experts of the Hammer of War, there will be some offensive moments. Factions such as Arabia and Khemri, unfortunately, were replaced with... analogues. Instead of necro-Egyptians, we are met by vampire armies (in the sunny desert!), instead of armies of Bedouins and assassins, we are met by ordinary tanned guys from the Empire. We hope that, as in the first part, over time there will be unique factions here.

War in the jungle and elves in the trees

If you've played the first game, or any game in the Total War series, you'll immediately find yourself right at home. A familiar system of armies, a familiar system of provinces. Construction, heroes, war, technology tree - everything is as we are used to. The developers followed the path of “don’t fix what isn’t broken,” and we thank them very much for that.

However, there are also innovations.

The tactical battle map is no longer flat and boring. The game finally fully takes into account differences in altitude, climatic preferences and the influence of vegetation on shooting accuracy. Now it is quite possible to arrange a battle like “300 elves against a horde of ratmen” in a narrow passage. It is logical that this made the tactical part much more epic.

Also, more units are brought onto the battlefield, and there is a completely different level of animation and elaboration of fighter models (there is no comparison at all with the imperial Pinocchio infantrymen of the first patch of the previous part).

But the AI ​​is now downright disgusting (unfortunately, there’s no other word for it). No, he hasn't gotten any smarter. It’s just that the game doesn’t even try to hide the fact that the AI ​​sees and hears everything and therefore instantly reacts to any change on the field. Instantly. It’s very annoying when a cunning plan (for example, hitting the flank of enemy artillery with horsemen hidden in the forest) breaks down exactly at the moment when the units become visible.

Who is who

Lizardmen- the aborigines of Lustria and the oldest race of the War Hammer world. The self-proclaimed “defenders of peace” are serving as heavyweights in this war. There are many tenacious and powerful units, good sorcerers, and combat dinosaurs (yes! lizards riding dinosaurs!) are simply universal fighters with frightening damage rates. Naturally, this means that almost all units are extremely expensive (although you can get free reinforced versions of them for quests).

Skaven- The rat people of the Under-Empire, which extends beneath the entire known world. Rats have the weakest troops in the game. Even monsters and Wheels of Doom are relatively weak in clashes against similar units from other factions.

The strength of the Skaven lies elsewhere: there are infinitely many of them. Their troops replace their losses incredibly quickly, and their cities instantly develop. What is it worth to have the opportunity to immediately populate cities up to the fifth stage of development! Given an equal balance of power, they will, of course, lose. But there are always five, or even ten times more skaven.

High Elves- the most balanced faction and a good choice for beginners. These ancient warriors, who call themselves Asura, protect the world from the forces of chaos and destruction. The elves resemble the troops of the Empire from the first part. They are above average in everything, but are incredibly good at only one thing - magic and magical creatures. High elves also reveal a map during trade and can influence the diplomatic relations of other factions. These proud people prefer to pit enemies against each other - and strike only where necessary.

Dark Elves- traitors and ruthless killers led by the sorcerer-king Malekith. Dark elves destroy their opponents with fast and deadly attacks. Their arsenal includes heavy cavalry, monsters, and squads of speedy assassins. In addition, the black arks of the dark elves are real sea cities where you can hire heroes with lords and recruit armies, which provides Malekith's troops with complete superiority on the water. The Legendary Lord's trait allows him to give some of his experience to other commanders, but be careful. If an ordinary commander becomes stronger than a legendary lord, he may well resort to betrayal typical of the dark elves!

Each faction has a unique resource needed to advance towards a story victory. Important: each side of the conflict sees only its own resource, but the key cities are the same for everyone. In other words, in a location where the skaven see warpstone, the lizardmen, for example, will find solar tablets. Hence a simple and wonderful conclusion: in the second part, key cities and fortresses can fall under the control of any of the main factions!

I love the smell of warpstone in the morning!

Resources are mainly needed to perform rituals that allow you to skip the painfully long stage of conquering all the provinces of each opponent. To win, you need to complete five such rituals, and their cost in terms of resources and time increases with each success. There's a lot of work to be done towards the end - especially since the game regularly creates neutral armies in the campaign, which become stronger as the factions advance to victory. Of course, these armies usually appear somewhere in the deepest rear.

Purely mechanically, the ritual works as follows. If you have the required amount of resource, you will activate three of your cities (randomly, of course). For ten turns, these cities are visible to everyone, and the loss of any of them cancels the ritual, and you are deprived of the right to try again for a few more turns. What’s even more unpleasant is that for a certain amount of money, any faction can create an instant “invading army”... right on the lands of the player performing the ritual. The AI ​​really loves this option and sends out two or three top armies as soon as the player is about to win.

However, even if the AI ​​is weak and they have no money, the game, in addition to other troubles, immediately creates from three to eight (!!!) armies of Chaos or Skaven. Which begin to burn and destroy everything they see. Are you bored, you say? Hold it.

On the unpleasant side: the classic sins of the TW series are evident. The AI ​​makes unforgivable mistakes in a global war, the game takes a long time to load and can crash after a tactical battle (and when the battle lasts half an hour, this is very, very disappointing). As a fan of the Hammer of War, I can’t help but note one more point: the admissibility of absolutely impossible situations (for example, when noble dwarves ask for mercy from ratmen), which can offend fans of the universe.

All games in the Total War series involve both the use of global strategy in the campaign and targeted tactics in battles. In the previous one, we looked at the strategic side of all the new races in Total War: Warhammer 2. In this article, we will look at the tactics that you can use in the battles of this game.

Tatar trap

This technique was often used by the Mongol-Tatar armies. One fast squad moves forward to act as bait. The rest of the army waits in ambush. The decoy unit moves forward, attacking the enemy and causing some damage, and then retreats. The heated enemy rushes in pursuit and does not notice how the trap slams shut. Your main forces are ambushed from all sides, and the enemy only helplessly watches his defeat.

The technique itself, however, is not the simplest, although it is effective. If you use rifle units in an ambush, be sure to turn off their shooting without orders, as they can reveal the location of your main troops in advance. Cavalry are best suited for this tactic because they have the most flexibility in combat.

Workaround maneuver

In this tactic, you will need a main army with good defense and several fast units for the maneuver itself. Place the main troops in the center, and in ambush, away from them, place units for maneuver. The enemy is attacking a large concentration of your troops, but while your troops are holding out, the ambush troops very quickly bypass the enemy from behind and hit the stunned troops in the rear.

The maneuver is not very difficult to execute, but it is necessary to hit the enemy’s rear before he has time to react and deploy his troops to meet the ambush squads.

Stretched defense

It helps if the enemy has fewer troops, but at the same time they are more powerful than yours. Everything is simple here. Distribute your troops on the widest possible front. The enemy will not be able to cover the entire battlefield, which means that your units that have not been attacked by the enemy will be able to easily hit him in the rear while he is busy fighting with other warriors.

The technique is very simple and anyone can do it. But remember, the number of enemy troops should not exceed the number of your troops.

All-round defense

If the previous technique helps when your army has a numerical superiority, then the opposite is true. Line up your troops in a rectangle so that there are spearmen or other melee units on the outside, and ranged troops and the lord inside, under protection. The enemy will not be able to attack you from the rear, and the effects of the lord will spread to your entire army.

The technique is very simple and does not require anything at all except that your units are stronger than the enemy units.

Attack tactics in a siege

The best tactic is to distract the enemy to one side of the wall with a siege tower and a small number of infantry, while your main forces, led by monsters, attack the gate that is located further from the distracting units. After the gate is broken through, move the horsemen there and attack with all your might, breaking through to the central square. Capturing it will bring you victory in the siege.

If there are no monsters in your army, you can use siege engines (for the Skaven) or a simple battering ram, but there is no guarantee that it will reach the gate.

The tactics themselves are simple and almost certainly ensure victory, but at the same time require significant funds to produce such an army.

Siege Defense Tactics

Place all melee and ranged infantry on the walls. It is best to leave the riders in the evil of the gate, since they are not so susceptible to attack by pressure. On the streets leading to the central square, place more cavalry and existing monsters. In the central square, leave the heroes and the lord, as well as one or more squads of horsemen, who will serve as a reserve if things go wrong.

If there are no cavalry or monsters, place melee infantry in a dense formation, if possible with the support of siege equipment.

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