Mathematics tests to prepare for PISA. Pisa assignments in the Russian language Pisa assignments in the Russian language

Option 1

Task No. 1.

One of the important components for keeping our body in good shape is consuming the required amount of vitamins and minerals. In the spring, weakened immunity is felt. Iron deficiency leads to serious consequences: slower development of motor skills, impaired coordination, slower speech development, and a lack of iron in the body leads to the development of anemia.

On Monday, the school canteen menu for lunch offered: buckwheat porridge (200 g) with cutlet (100 g) and cauliflower salad (100 g), and on Tuesday the menu offered liver pancakes (150 g) with beetroot and prune salad (100g). On what day did you receive your daily iron requirement after eating lunch? On what day should you add iron-containing foods to your menu?

Task No. 2

Task No. 3

Elena Ivanovna regularly purchased shoes for her son and made her choice in favor of the ECCO brand. At the sale of the spring collection of shoes of the ECCO brand in the MART shopping center, a 25% discount was offered on boots for boys with an initial cost of 19,900 tenge, and the website offers discounts on all shoes of the ECCO brand from 15%-55%. Find out which is the most profitable way to purchase boots.

Problem No. 4

To prepare identical gifts for children, we bought 90 chocolate bars, 150 apples and 210 candies. What is the largest number of identical gifts that can be prepared?

Problem No. 5

Which version of holiday discounts is more profitable for the buyer? First: if the store first reduces the price of a product by 20%, then it will reduce the new price by 30%. Or the second option: the store immediately reduces the price by 50%. Justify your answer.

Problem No. 6

The sides of the triangle are equal to A, B and C. Which of the following statements is true:

A) C minus B always equals A.

B) C minus B is always greater than A.

B) C minus B is always less than A.

D) Neither option is correct.

Problem No. 7

A) 2 x 6 x 36

B) 2 x 15 x 16

B) 12 x 8 x 5

D) 3 x 32 x 5

D) 3 x 4 x 40

Problem No. 8

There is a palm tree growing on both banks of the river, one opposite the other. The height of one is 20 meters, the other is 30 meters. The distance between the bases of the palm trees is 50 meters. There is a bird sitting on the top of each palm tree. A fish appeared on the surface between the palm trees in the river. Both birds simultaneously rushed towards the fish at the same speed and flew up to it at the same time. At what distance from the base of the taller palm did the fish appear?

Problem No. 9


The graph shows how the speed of the racing car changed when it passed the second lap along a three-kilometer ring track without ascents or descents.

Question 1: RACE CAR SPEED

What is approximately the distance from the start line to the beginning of the longest straight section of the track?

Speed ​​Speed ​​of a racing car on a 3 km long track

(when passing the second circle)

Question 2: RACE CAR SPEED

At what point on the track was the car's speed slowest during the second lap?

    At the starting line.

    Approximately at the 0.8 km mark.

    At approximately the 1.3 km mark.

    Approximately in the middle of the route.

Question 3: RACE CAR SPEED

What can you say about the speed of the car when passing the track between the 2.6 km and 2.8 km marks?

    The speed of the car remained constant.

    The speed of the car increased.

    The speed of the car decreased.

    From this graph it is impossible to determine the change in machine speed.

Question 4: RACE CAR SPEED

Below are five different shaped racing tracks:

On which of these tracks was the racing car driven, the speed graph of which was shown earlier?

S - start line

Problem No. 10 EXCHANGE RATE

Mei-Ling from Singapore was preparing to travel to South Africa for 3 months as an exchange student. She needed to exchange some amount of Singapore dollars (SGD) into South African rands (ZAR).


Mei-Ling learned that the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the South African rand was:

Mei-Ling exchanged 3,000 Singapore dollars for South African rands at this exchange rate. How many South African rands did Mei-Ling receive?


After returning to Singapore after 3 months, Mei-Ling was left with ZAR 3,900. She exchanged them again for Singapore dollars, noticing that the exchange rate had changed as follows: 1 SGD = 4.0 ZAR

How much money in Singapore dollars did Mei-Ling receive?

Answer:................................................ .....


Over the past 3 months, the exchange rate has changed, instead of 4.2 it became 4.0 ZAR per 1 SGD.

Was the exchange rate of 4.0 ZAR instead of 4.2 ZAR in favor

Mei-Ling, when did she exchange South African rands for Singapore dollars again? Write down an explanation for your answer.

Problem No. 11ROBBERY

On a television broadcast, a journalist showed the following diagram and said:

“The chart shows that the number of robberies has increased sharply in 1999 compared to 1998.”


Do you think the journalist made the right conclusion based on this chart? Write down an explanation for your answer.

Problem No. 12SKATEBOARD

Sergey is a big fan of skateboarding. He often goes to the Sports store to find out prices for certain goods.

In this store you can buy a fully assembled skateboard. But you can buy a platform, one set of 4 wheels, one set of 2 wheel holders, and a set of metal and rubber components and build your own skateboard.

Store prices for these products are presented in the table:


Price in zeds

(currency unit)

Assembled skateboard


One set of 4 wheels

One set of 2 wheel holders

One set of metal and rubber skateboard parts (bearings, rubber spacers, bolts and nuts)



Sergei wants to build his own skateboard. What is the lowest price and what is the highest price you can pay in this store for all the components of a skateboard?

(a) Minimum price in zeds: .................... (b) Maximum price in zeds:. .......................


The store offers a choice of three different types of boards, two different sets of wheels, two different sets of metal and rubber parts. There is only one choice of wheel holder kits.

How many different skateboards can Sergei assemble from the proposed components?


Sergei has 120 zeds, and he wants to build the most expensive skateboard that he can afford with that money. How much money can he spend on each of the 4 parts of the skateboard?

Skateboard parts

Amount of money (in zeds)


Wheel holders

Metal and rubber parts

Record the results in a table

Problem No. 13 Cubes

Question: CUBES

In the photo you can see 6 cubes, indicated by the letters from A before f. For each of them the following rule applies:

the sum of the circles depicted on any two opposite faces of the cube is always equal to seven.

In each cell of the table, write down the number of circles that are shown in bottom faces of the corresponding cube. (a) (b) (c)

Task No. 14 Household waste

For environmental homework, students collected information about the time it takes to decompose certain types of household waste that people throw away.



Banana peel

Orange peels

Carton boxes

Chewing gum

A few days

Polystyrene cups

More than 100 years

A student wants to plot this data in a bar graph.


Bring one the reason why a bar chart is not suitable for depicting this data.

Problem No. 15

Find the only possible path from one of the upper cells to any of the lower ones. You can only move to cells whose numbers are divisible by 7. You cannot move diagonally.

Problem No. 16

Using any arithmetic operations, make the number 100 from five fives. There may be three possible solutions

Problem No. 17

A husband and wife walk together from a hypermarket and each carries several bags of groceries. The husband says: “If I take one package from you, then I will have 2 times more of them than you have. And if you take one package from me, then everyone will have the same number of packages.” How many packages does each person carry?

Problem No. 18

Turkeys and goats are running around in the farmer's yard. All together they have 20 heads and 52 legs. How many turkeys and how many goats are running around on the farm?

Task No. 19 Geography tests

At Igor’s school, a geography teacher offers students tests and scores each test out of 100 points. Igor's average score for the first four tests is 60 points. According to the fifth test he received 80 points.

Question: What is Igor's average grade for five geography tests?

Average rating: ...................................

Problem No. 20

There is a pond in the city. One of the pipes can fill it in 4 hours, the second in 8 hours, and the third in 24 hours. How long will it take for the pond to fill if 3 pipes are opened at once?

"Option 2 Pisa"

Option 2

Task No. 1

Dunno and Gunka decided to go to the cinema and invite Knopochka with them. Study the movie schedule and friends' plans for this week and determine which movie they can all go to together, observing the conditions indicated below the table.

      Real squirrel

      Rio 2

      The beauty and the Beast

      Once upon a time in the forest

      Ollie and the Pirates' Treasure

      Thunder the Cat and the Enchanted House


      The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage

Problem No. 2

3 tons of potatoes were brought to the vegetable store. During sorting, 120 kg was waste, and the rest of the potatoes were put into identical bags and sent to 3 stores: the first - 300 bags, the second - 320 bags, and the third - 340 bags. How many kilograms of potatoes were sent to each store?

Problem No. 3

Three candidates ran for the post of mayor of the city: Alekseev, Borisov and Volodin. During the elections, 1.5 times fewer votes were given for Volodin than for Alekseev, and for Borisov - 4 times more than for Alekseev and Volodin together. What percentage of voters voted for the winner?

Problem No. 4

Without any means at hand, find from the examples below the one whose result (the product of numbers) differs from the rest.

A) 2 x 6 x 36

B) 2 x 15 x 16

B) 12 x 8 x 5

D) 3 x 32 x 5

D) 3 x 4 x 40

Problem No. 5

One train left city No. 1 for city No. 2 at a speed of 40 km/h. Another train came towards him, going from city No. 2 to city No. 1 at a speed of 60 km/h. Both of them go without stopping at a constant speed. How far apart will these trains be 1 hour before they meet?

Problem No. 6

The motorist looked at the meter of his car and saw the symmetrical number 15951 km (read the same from left to right or vice versa). He thought that, most likely, another symmetrical number would not appear any time soon. However, after 2 hours he discovered a new symmetrical number. At what constant speed did the motorist travel during these two hours?

Problem No. 7

One gentleman made a will totaling $14,000. Additional conditions of the will: if the wife gives birth to a son, then the son will get twice as much as the mother. If a mother gives birth to a daughter, the daughter will receive half as much as the mother. As a result, twins were born: a son and a daughter. How to properly divide a will?


The gardener has 32 m of wire with which he wants to mark the border of the flowerbed on the ground. He must choose the shape of the flowerbed from the following options.

Question. Circle the word “Yes” or “No” next to each flowerbed shape, depending on whether the gardener will or will not have enough 32 m of wire to mark its border.

Flowerbed shape

Is there enough wire to mark the border of the flowerbed?

Form D

Problem No. 9

Task No. 10 Communication on the Internet

Mark (from Sydney in Australia) and Hans (from Berlin in Germany) often communicate with each other on the Internet. They have to go online at the same time so they can chat.

To determine the best time to communicate, Mark looked at tables that showed times in different parts of the world and found the following information:


What time is it in Berlin if it is 19.00 in Sydney?

Answer: ................................................ ....


Mark and Hans cannot communicate between 9.00 and 16.30 local time, since they must be at school at that time. They also cannot communicate between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am local time, as they will be sleeping during that time.

What would be a good time for the boys to chat? Indicate the local time for each city in the table.



Task No. 11 Export

The charts provide information on exports from Zedland, a country in which units use zed.

AnnualexportfromZedlandVmillions of zeds,1996-2000 gg.

Export distributionfromZedlandV2000 g

Question 1:

What is the total value (in millions of zeds) of exports from Zedland in 1998?

Answer:................................................ .....

Question 2:

What is the value of fruit juice exported from Zedland in 2000?

A1.8 million zeds B2.3 million zeds C2.4 million zeds D3.4 million zeds E3.8 million zeds

Problem No. 12 Colored candies


Robert's mother allowed him to take one candy out of the box without looking into the box.

The number of different colored candies in a box is shown in the diagram.

What is the probability that Robert takes out the red candy?

Task No. 13 Bookshelves

To assemble one set of bookshelves, a carpenter needs the following parts:

4 long wooden panels,

6 short wooden panels,

12 small staples,

2 large staples and

14 screws.

A carpenter has 26 long panels of wood, 33 short panels, 200 small staples, 20 large staples, and 510 screws.

Question 1: BOOK SHELVES

Which largest number of sets Can a carpenter assemble bookshelves from these parts?

Answer: ....................................................

Task No. 14 Choice

At a pizzeria you can always get a pizza with two mandatory toppings: cheese and tomatoes. But you can order pizza according to your recipe with additional fillings. You can choose from four different optional toppings: olives, ham, mushrooms and sausage.

Vera wants to order pizza with two additional fillings.

Question :

How many options does Vera have for choosing different combinations of the additional fillings offered?

Answer: number of options ...............

Task No. 15 Test scores

The bar graph below shows the results of the biology test by groups of students designated as Group A and Group B.

The average score of Group A is 62.0 and the average score of Group B is 64.5.

A student is considered to have passed the test if his score is 50 or more points.

After looking at the diagram, the teacher concluded that Group B performed better on the test than Group A.





Group A students do not agree with her opinion. They try to convince the teacher that the students in Group B did not necessarily perform better than them on the test.

Using the diagram, give one mathematical argument that could be used take advantage Group A students.

Problem No. 16 Ladder

On the image a staircase is depicted with 14 steps, the height of which is 252 cm.

Question :

What is the height of each of the 14 steps?

Length 400 cm

Height: ................................................. cm.

Problem No. 17 Sequence of “ladders”

Robert draws subsequence“ladders” made of squares. The construction steps are shown below.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

You can see that in stage 1 he used one square, in stage 2 three squares and in stage 3 six squares.

Question 1:

How many squares does he use in the fourth stage?

Answer: quantity squares...............

Problem No. 18 The best car

The automobile magazine uses a rating system to evaluate new cars and awards the title of "Car of the Year" to the car with the highest overall rating. Five new cars were evaluated and their ratings are presented in the table.


Fuel economy


Internal amenities

3 points – Excellent

2 points – Good

1 point – Not bad

Question :

To calculate the overall score of a car, the magazine uses a rule that determines the weighted sum of all points received by car:

Overall rating = 3 · S+ F+ E+ T.

Calculate the overall score of the car "Ca". Write your answer below.

Overall rating "Ca": ................................

Problem No. 19

It is necessary to find a path from some square in the top row of the grid to a square from the bottom row, passing only through cells with numbers divisible by 3 without a remainder. You cannot walk diagonally.

Problem No. 20

Using any arithmetic operations, make the number 100 from five ones.

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"Answers Option 1"

Answers Option 1

Task No. 1

It is necessary to add foods containing iron to the first day's menu, since liver contains more iron than buckwheat and meat.

Problem No. 2

Problem No. 4

Answer: 30 gifts

Problem 5

The second option is always better, because... the second discount goes to the reduced price and in general the discount amount will be smaller.

Problem 6

B) C minus B is always less than A. Solution: it is known that a triangle always has two sides that add up to more than the third. For example, A + B C. If B is moved to another part of the inequality, we get A C - B.

Problem No. 7


Problem No. 8

Solution: using the drawing in the figure below and the Pythagorean theorem, we get: (the symbol ^ means exponentiation) AB^2 = 30^2 + x^2, AC^2 = 20^2 + (50 - x)^2. But AB = AC, because both birds flew this distance in the same time. Therefore 30^2 + x^2 = 20^2 + (50 - x)^2. Opening the brackets and making abbreviations, we get: 100x = 2000 or x = 20.

Problem No. 9

Question 1: Answer B

Question 2: Answer C

Question 3: Answer B

Question 4: Answer B.

Problem No. 10

Question 1: 12600 ZAR

Question 2: 975 SGD

Question 3:

    Yes, at the lower exchange rate (1 SGD), Mei-Ling will get more Singapore dollars for her South African rand.

    Yes, 4.2 ZAR per dollar would give 929 ZAR. [Note: The student wrote ZAR instead of SGD, but it is clear that the calculations and comparisons were done correctly, so this error should not be taken into account]

    Yes, because she received 4.2 ZAR for 1 SGD and now she only had to pay 4 ZAR for 1 SGD.

    Yes, because every SGD is 0.2 ZAR cheaper. Yes, because when divided by 4.2 the result is less than when divided by 4.

    Yes, the exchange was in her favor, because... if the exchange rate had not decreased, she would have received 50 less dollars.

Problem No. 11

Answer: “NO, the conclusion is incorrect.” The explanation is based on the fact that only small part diagrams. In 1998 there were 507 robberies, and in 1999 there were 516. Consequently, the number of thefts increased by 9, and since the diagram is not presented in full, we cannot judge the percentage increase in the number of thefts.

Problem No. 12

Question 1: minimum (80) and maximum (137).

Question 2:(D) – 12.

Question 3: 65 zeds for the platform, 14 for the wheels, 16 for the wheel holders, 20 for other parts.

Problem No. 13

Answer: Top row: 1, 5, 4, bottom row: 2, 6, 5.

Problem No. 14

Question: The reason is focused on large differences between the data for some types of waste.

    The difference in the height of the bars in a bar chart will be too large.

    If you take a 10 cm column for polystyrene, then a column for cardboard boxes will be 0.05 cm high.

The reason is focused on uncertainty data for some types of garbage.

    The height of the column for “polystyrene cups” is indeterminable.

    You will not build one bar for 1-3 year data or one bar for data

Problem No. 15


Problem No. 16

Answer: 1) 5 x 5 x 5 - 5 x 5 = 100; 2) (5 + 5 + 5 + 5) x 5 = 100; 3) 5 x 5 x (5 - 5: 5) = 100.

Problem No. 17

Husband = 7, wife = 5. Solution: Let's say that the husband is carrying "y" packages, and the wife is carrying "x" packages. Then from the conditions of the problem we obtain two equations: 1) y + 1 = 2 * (x - 1); 2) y - 1 = x + 1. Substitute x from equation 2 into equation one: y + 1 = 2 * (y - 3) = 2y - 6 or y = 7. Substitute "y" into either of the two equations and find x = 5.

Problem No. 18

14 turkeys and 6 goats. Solution: there are 20 animals in total. If there were only turkeys, then they would have 40 legs, but there are 52 of them, i.e. 12 legs more. Each goat has 2 more legs than a turkey. Therefore, you need to divide 12 by 2 to get 6. As a result, out of 20 animals on the farm, there are 6 goats and, accordingly, 14 turkeys.

Problem No. 19

Question: 64 points

Problem No. 20


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"Answers Option 2"

Answers Option 2

Task No. 1

Answer: Rio 2 movie

Problem No. 2

1) 3000-120=2880
2) 300+320+340=960
3) 2880: 960=3
4) 3∙300=900
6) 3∙340=102

Problem No. 3

Volodin – x
Alekseev – 1.5 x
Borisov – 4(x+1.5x)

1) x+1.5x+4(x+1.5x)=12.5x
12.5 x – 100%
10x - ?
10x∙100: 12.5x=80

Problem No. 4


A) 2 x 6 x 36. You can notice that all options except 2 x 6 x 36 are divisible by 5.

Problem No. 5

Obviously, in 1 hour the first train will travel 40 km, and the second 60 km. As a result, 100 km.

Problem No. 6


Solution: The next symmetrical number is 16061. The difference is 16061 - 15951 = 110 km. If you divide 110 km by 2 hours, you get a speed of 55 km/h.

Problem No. 7

Solution: of the amount of the will, the daughter should receive one part (x), the mother two parts (2x), and the son four parts (4x). Total: 4x + 2x + 1x = $14,000 or x = $2,000. As a result, the son will get $8,000, the mother $4,000, and the daughter $2,000.

Problem No. 8

Form A - yes

Form B - no

Form C - yes

FormD - Yes

Problem No. 9

No, Yes, Yes, No.

Problem No. 10

Question 1: 10 am or 10.00


Answer: Any two time values ​​or time intervals that differ by 9 hours and belong to one of the following intervals:

Sydney: 16.30 – 18.00; Berlin: 7.30 – 9.00

Sydney: 7.00 – 8.00; Berlin: 22.00 – 23.00

Sydney - 17.00, Berlin - 8.00 (or Sydney - 5 pm, Berlin - 8 am)

Problem No. 11

Question 1: 27.1 million zeds or 27,100,000 zeds or 27.1

Question 2: E. 3.8 million zeds.

Problem No. 12

Question: IN 20 %

Problem No. 13

Question: 5

Problem No. 14

Question: 6

Problem No. 15

Answer: One correct argument has been given. The correct argument may be related to the number of students who passed the test, the disproportionate impact on the results of the entire group from the performance of the weakest student, or the number of students who received the highest grades.

    More students in Group A passed the test than in Group B.

    If we do not take into account the score of the weakest student in Group A, then the students in Group A performed better than the students in Group B.

    Compared to students in Group B, more students in Group A received grades

80 or more.

Problem No. 16

Question: 18

Problem No. 17

Question: 10

Problem No. 18

Question: 15 points

Problem No. 19

Problem No. 20

Answer: 111 - 11 = 100

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geography teacher

State Institution "Priozernaya Secondary School"

Geography lesson using tasksPISA.

The purpose of man is intelligent activity.


Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) - An international study to assess mathematical literacy, reading and science literacy of 15-year-old students in general secondary, technical and vocational education, conducted in 3-year cycles. Each cycle focuses (two-thirds of testing time) on one area of ​​study—reading, math, or science. The main objective of the PISA study is to determine whether 15-year-old students have the functional knowledge and skills necessary in modern living conditions. More than 65 countries around the world are participating in the study. The program is coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

In the National Action Plan for the Development of Functional Literacy of Schoolchildren for 2012-2016, the main functional qualities of a person are identified:


    the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions,

    ability to choose a professional path,

    willingness to learn throughout life.

PISA has been conducted on a regular basis since 2000. This year's study focuses on science literacy. The previous study with this priority was conducted in 2006. It involved 57 countries. This time their number will reach 70. The progressive increase in participating countries allows PISA studies of subsequent cycles to talk about assessing “global competence” (Global Competence).

PISA 2015, like PISA 2012, has an additional, innovative goal, namely the assessment of the functional literacy of 15-year-old students in an interactive environment.

Currently, the view on what a basic school graduate should be prepared for is changing. Along with the formation of subject knowledge and skills, the school must ensure that students develop the ability to use their knowledge in a variety of situations close to real life. In later life, these skills will contribute to the active participation of the school student in the life of society and will help him acquire knowledge throughout his life. The PISA study aims to test the presence of such skills, that is, to prepare young people for “adult” life, which distinguishes it from other international studies, the main goal of which was to test subject knowledge and skills defined by school programs, mainly through the completion of educational tasks. or completely unrelated to real life.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of schoolchildren, especially at the middle stage of education, are trained by teachers to memorize material, perform actions according to a model, and implement one-two-three step algorithms. It has long been known that the implementation of no matter how complex algorithms does not develop the creative abilities of students, and in the worst execution, it leads to the fact that the student is not even able to repeat these same algorithms. This is the reason for a quarter of the unsatisfactory grades in geography obtained annually in the Unified National Test, and it is also the reason for the more than unsatisfactory results of the PISA tests.

One of the ways to implement the competency-based approach is to compile and use tasks in the PISA format in the educational process. The specificity of PISA tasks lies largely in the fact that the conditions and questions are set as independent ones and, at first glance, are not related to each other. Connecting conditions and questions is the student’s task. For such “connection” it is necessary to involve personal experience, additional information, and work with context is necessary. Hence the design of PISA tasks - they most often represent a description of a situation taken from real life practice. Neither the conditions of the tasks nor the form of the question are strictly tied to the subject situation. On the contrary, the translation of a life situation into a subject situation is the difficulty of the tasks. Each task is a situation, a case that requires a solution. The question and conditions of the tasks are related to personal experience, additional information from other sections, therefore, PISA tasks are integrated.

When composing tasks in the PISA format, it is necessary to take into account their following characteristics:

─ conditions that are not required to answer the question;

─ there are a lot of unnecessary details, and some of the necessary information may be missing; it is found, for example, in a question;

─ the necessary information is presented in different formats (text, graphs, tables, reference books, personal knowledge);

─ the necessary information is given in the logic of relating it not to a specific subject (educational or scientific), but to a specific life situation;

─ the form of the required answer is not specified or is specified in a noisy form. The answer, according to the question, must meet the requirements, which were also not clearly formulated.

Individual tasks in the PISA format are used as cognitive tasks at various stages of the lesson in order to develop research skills, independent thinking, and cognitive interest of students.

A set of tasks in the PISA format is used both diagnostic and educational, as the student acquires new knowledge and new skills.

Assignments should contain questions of various types - multiple choice, short answer, and extended free answer. In the first case, the student must find the correct answer among the proposed answer options; in the second, write down your answer without giving any explanation; in the third case, the student is required to write down his decision, give a rationale, and give an argument. Sometimes these questions are interconnected, and in the process of sequentially completing them, students must notice patterns and come to some generalizations. Sometimes questions are independent, and the answer to a subsequent question is not conditional on the correct answer to the previous one. In the same task, questions of different types can often be presented: first, multiple-choice, short-answer questions are offered, and at the end, long-answer questions.

When performing competency-oriented tasks like PISA, the main attention should be paid to developing students' abilities to use geographical knowledge in a variety of situations that require different approaches, reflection and intuition to solve.

Tasks in the PISA test format allow the teacher to solve several problems simultaneously:

─ assess the level of development of students’ written competence, i.e., how much the student is able to understand the text and obtain the necessary information from it;

─ assess the level of development of subject knowledge and skills;

─ assess the level of development of general educational skills (intellectual, cognitive, culture of written and oral speech, etc.).

─ assess the ability to independently acquire knowledge and choose methods of activity necessary for successful adaptation in the modern world, that is, to act effectively in non-standard situations;

─ to form cognitive interest in the subject through the development of research competence;

─ facilitate comparison of student progress in relation to each academic subject and education as a whole;

─ identify ways to reduce differences between current and expected results.

Involving interdisciplinary information in the process of completing PISA-type tasks contributes to a deeper and more meaningful assimilation of program material; students acquire and improve practical skills in identifying cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena and processes. At the same time, favorable conditions are created for a meaningful understanding of facts, theory, laws, specification and deepening of previously acquired knowledge in geography, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology.

Students' interest in geography is a necessary condition for the learning process. The higher the interest, the more active the learning and the better the results. The lower the interest, the more formal the training, the worse its results. Lack of interest leads to low quality of learning, rapid forgetting and even complete loss of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, it is very important to increase the level of students’ interest in geography and monitor its changes, which is an integral part of the PISA study.


2. Dakhin A.N. Competence and competency: how many of them does a Russian schoolchild have? / A Dakhin // Timely thoughts. - 2004. - No. 2. - P.43-47.

3. Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies as an effective-target basis of the competency-based approach in education / I.A. Winter. - M.: Logos, 2004. - 208 p.

4. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies as a component of the personality-oriented paradigm of education / A. Khutorskoy // Nar. education. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 58-64.

5. Kholodnaya M.A. Psychology of intelligence: paradoxes of research. - Tomsk: Publishing house Tom. un-ta. - M.: Bars, 1997. - 392 p.

6. Modular competency-based professional education (methodological recommendations). - M.: Publishing house. Center NOU ISMO, 2003. - 34 p.

7. Kovaleva G.S. A new perspective on literacy. Based on materials from the international study PISA-2000.

Development of tasks using PISA technology

Economic and social geography. 9th grade

Lesson topic: Labor resources

Option No. 1

Read the text and answer the questions

Labor resources

Labor resources are the part of the population capable of working in the economy. They include three population groups, see diagram on page 95 of the textbook:

A) working teenagers - who are 15 years old.

B) able-bodied people of working age are the largest part of the labor force (from 16 years to 58 years for women and up to 63 years for men)

B) working pensioners

In the labor force, there is a group of people called the economically active population - these are working people and those who are unemployed for some reason, but looking for work. Another group of labor resources is the economically inactive population, people who do not work for various reasons. The active population is distributed unevenly across the country: 2/3 of the workforce is concentrated in the south and north.

Question 1: Labor resources

Who will be the workforce? Circle "yes" or "no" for each statement.

Students of our class

Women 65 years old

Visually impaired, 40 years old

Male 30 years old

Competence: analysis

Context: local

Level: 3

Expected answer: no, no, no, yes

Question 2: Labor resources

Determine which group of professional and social structure your parents (teachers) belong to. Explain your answer

Write the answer.


Competence: Interpreting data on a scientific basis

Context: personal

Level: 4

Expected answer: teachers work in the tertiary sector, since education belongs to the non-productive sector and are hired workers, since they work in government agencies.

Question 3: Labor resources

Economically active population




Where is the majority of the workforce located, explain the reason


Competence: Interpretation

Context: local

Level: 4

Expected answer: The higher the population, the higher the number of labor resources and EAN; if there is a high EP in the area, then, consequently, the proportion of children is large, and this reduces the number of labor resources and EAN.


Topic: Geographical research of Kazakhstan.

Text: Starting from the 16th century, geographical information about Kazakhstan began to be generalized in official institutions of the Russian state. In connection with the establishment of Kazakh-Russian embassy relations, the tsarist authorities began to collect information about the Kazakh land through ambassadors, merchants and travelers. As a result, new data began to appear about the nature, people and borders of Kazakhstan. Using this information, the Kazakh Kadyrgali Zhalairi (late 16th-early 17th centuries), at the request of Tsar Boris Godunov, created the first historical work that has come down to us - “Collection of Chronicles” (“Jami at-tawarikh”). This collection, in addition to information about the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, contained extensive information about the cities, rivers, mountains and borders of Kazakhstan.

Map: Geographical studies of Kazakhstan.

Explanation: This map outlines the routes of travelers and explorers of the territory of Kazakhstan, where symbols show the path of each scientist.

Question-1: What are the true reasons for scientific research on the territory of Kazakhstan?

Explanation: At the end of the 17th century, all cartographic materials about Kazakhstan and Central Asia were summarized by the outstanding Russian scientist S. Remezov. The result of the scientist’s work was the “Drawing Book of Siberia,” containing historical and geographical information about the territory of Kazakhstan.
In the 18th century, Peter I paid special attention to the relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan. He considered the territory of Kazakhstan “the key and gateway to all Asian countries and lands” and made plans to subjugate it to Russia. In this regard, the king, having equipped military expeditions to Kazakhstan, gives the task to explore the Caspian Sea and the outskirts of Siberia.

Answer: free.


Context: global.

Level: 2
Expected response: In the 18th century, Peter I paid special attention to the relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan. He considered the territory of Kazakhstan “the key and gateway to all Asian countries and lands” and made plans to subjugate it to Russia.

Question 2: Topic: Geographical studies of Kazakhstan

Name the researchers who contributed to the foundation and development of modern geography and to the study of the nature of Kazakhstan.

Answer: free.

Competence: explanation of the phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

Context: global.

Expected response: These are great travelers not only of the Russian Empire, but also of Portugal and England. Outstanding scientists of that time P. S. Pallas, I. P. Falk, P. I. Rynkov and others participated in the work of this expedition. I. Muravin and A. I. Butakov conducted research on the Aral Sea and the lower reaches of the Syrdarya, and G. S. Karelin - on the coast of the Caspian Sea. And the discoveries of P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N. A. Severtsov, Sh. Sh. Ualikhanov, I. V. Mushketov, A. N. Krasnov, L. S. Berg and others, which were of particular importance for development of geographical thought of that time. N.A. Severtsov made a trip to the Aral Sea region and the lower reaches of the Syrdarya. In 1864, he explored the western and northern spurs of the Tien Shan, Zhetysu, Kyzylkum, Karatau, Ustyurt and Mugodzhary. I. V. Mushketov (1850-1902) - an outstanding Russian geologist and traveler. His research helped to establish the patterns and causes of many natural phenomena. A. N. Krasnov (1862-1914) mainly studied the vegetation of the desert zones of the foothills of the Tien Shan and the coast of Lake Balkhash. V. A. Obruchev and V. V. Sapozhnikov in Zhungaria and the Tien Shan, N. I. Andrusov in Mangyshlak, S. S. Neustruev in Southern Kazakhstan took part in these studies. Thanks to them, the main patterns in the structure of the soil cover were determined and the main types of soils in Southern Kazakhstan were described. L. S. Berg (1876-1950) famous geographer and naturalist. He began his activities in Kazakhstan with the study of salt lakes Teke, Kyzylkak, Seletyteniz. In 1900-1903, he participated in the Aral expedition, described the types of shores of the Aral Sea and the desert forms of the Aral region, coastal sands - Kyzylkum, Karakum, Big and Small Badgers.

Question 3: Topic: Geographical studies of Kazakhstan.

Based on the drawing and map of the research routes of the research scientists, as well as the text of the textbook, answer the questions:



Answer: yes/no

Using the text of the textbook, determine methods for researching the territory of Kazakhstan:

aerial photography




Which scientist gave a complete description of the Aral Sea and its coasts?

I.V. Muskets

A.N. Krasnov

P.F. Palace

Competence: Interpretation

Context: local

Level: 4

Expected answer: 1- B,C,D; 2-A

Option #3

Physical geography of Kazakhstan, 8th grade


The purpose of the lesson: development of skills in solving educational problems of a non-standard developmental nature with their application in practical activities.


The position of the East Kazakhstan region in the central part of Eurasia, as well as the Altai Mountains located on its territory, determined its main climatic features. In general, this is a sharply continental climate with large seasonal and daily temperature differences. Summers are hot and moderately dry, while winters are cold and snowy. Minimum temperatures in January, according to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, range from −27С° to −33С°. However, with the invasion of Arctic air masses, the temperature can often drop to −52C°. Blizzards are a regular occurrence in winter. Maximum temperatures in July range from +32C° to +37C°. However, in the absence of rain, summer temperatures can reach +45C° or even +47C°, periodically causing steppe fires. The average annual precipitation ranges from 300 to 600 mm, in the mountains - about 900 mm.

Question 1. Climate of Kazakhstan.

What climate features are typical for the East Kazakhstan region?

The climate of East Kazakhstan region is moderate

Plain areas are not sufficiently moistened

The amplitude of annual temperatures is less than 40°

Correct answer: Yes, yes, no.

1. Competence - explanation

2.Context - local

4.Question level -2

Question 2. Climate of Kazakhstan.

Analyze the precipitation charts in Ust-Kamenogorsk and answer the question.

What types of precipitation predominate in this area?

B. Rain - from March to September, snow from October to February.

D. Rain - from April to October, snow from November to March.

Correct answer: D.

1. Competence - description

2. Context - local

4.Question level -3

Question 3. Climate of Kazakhstan.

What advice would you give to summer residents who have moved for permanent residence from Shymkent to Ust-Kamenogorsk?

1. Competence - interpretation

2. Context - local

4.Question level -4

Option No. 4 (PISA)

Subject: “Forest-steppes and steppes”

Map"Natural areas of Kazakhstan"


Question #1: Using paragraph 38 and this map, determine the correct answer.



Answer: yes/no

Explanation: By comparing the map of the location of natural zones with the text of the textbook and the existing knowledge from the 7th grade course, you can find the correct answer.

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local;

Level 2

Expected response: yes, no, yes, no

Question No. 2

Subject"Forest-steppe and steppe"


Scheme“Soil types in Kazakhstan”


Answer: free

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 3

Expected response:

Question #3

Using paragraph 38 and the map of “Agricultural lands of Kazakhstan”, answer the question: For what economic activities are the soils of the forest-steppe and steppe zones suitable?



Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 4

Expected response: A.

Question #4

Characterize the natural zones of steppes and forest-steppes of Kazakhstan using a given plan:

    Climatic conditions

    Animal world

    Use on the farm

Answer: free

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 5

Expected response:


Response Plan



Geographical location of the natural area

Climatic conditions

January T – (-24)

T July – (+24)

Amount of precipitation 500 mm

January T – (-24)

T July – (+24)

Amount of precipitation 300 mm

Soil and vegetation cover

Animal world

Use on the farm

Environmental problems and their solutions

Option No. 5 (PISA)

Topic: Rivers of Kazakhstan

Text:River is a watercourse of relatively large size, fed by precipitation from its catchment area and having a clearly defined channel formed by the flow itself. Other authors give approximately the same definition of the term river. Only watercourses with a basin area of ​​at least 50 km 2 are usually considered rivers. Smaller watercourses are called streams. However, there are rivers that can freeze or dry up for a short period of time. If a watercourse dries up most of the year (such as dry valleys in deserts - wadis and cries), then such a watercourse is not considered a river. Rivers do not include watercourses that do not have a drainage area (such as channels formed by currents during tides or surge phenomena in coastal areas or on islands). Even large watercourses (straits) connecting lagoons with the sea are not rivers. Watercourses with artificial beds (canals) cannot be considered rivers. Rivers are classified according to various criteria: by size, by flow conditions, by sources (types) of nutrition, by water regime, by the degree of channel stability, by ice regime, etc. There are 85 thousand large and small rivers on the territory of Kazakhstan. The length of seven of them (Ertys, Yesil, Tobol, Ural, Syrdarya, Ili, Chu) exceeds 1000 km. All the rivers of the republic belong to the Arctic Ocean basin and the internal drainage basin. The first feature of the rivers of Kazakhstan is the difference in age. The river systems of the lowland part are old, they are experiencing a late stage of their development, therefore the valleys of the lowland rivers are well developed and wide. Deep erosion of these rivers is weak, and lateral erosion is strong. The rivers of mountainous regions are younger in their geological history. They are going through an early stage of their development. The longitudinal profile is poorly developed, there are narrow and deep valleys, and a large fall slope. The rivers are characterized by strong deep and minor lateral erosion.

The second feature of Kazakhstan’s rivers is their uneven distribution across the territory of the republic. In the lowland plains, the density of the river network decreases from north to south.

The forest-steppe and steppe zones, where more precipitation falls, are rich in rivers. The density of the river network in the north of the republic is on average 4-6 km for every 100 km2, in the central semi-desert zone - 2-4 km, and in the southern desert zone - 0.5 km. The rivers of Kazakhstan mainly have different nutrition: snow, rain, glacial and groundwater. There are about 7 thousand rivers in Kazakhstan, the length of which exceeds the 10-kilometer mark. In total, there are more than 39 thousand permanent and temporary watercourses in the republic. The country's largest rivers include: Irtysh, Yesil, Tobol, Ural, Syrdarya, Ili, Chu. The length of each of them significantly exceeds the 1000 km mark. The Ural carries its waters to the Caspian Sea basin, the Syr Darya flows into the Aral, and the Irtysh, Yesil and Tobol are water arteries feeding the Arctic Ocean.

Question No. 1: Create a definition of the concept “Small River”:



This is a river with a basin area of ​​less than 2000 km 2, located within one geographic zone, but its hydrological regime, under the influence of local conditions, can differ significantly from the regime characteristic of most rivers in a given geographical zone, and thus become azonal.

This is a river with a basin area of ​​less than 2000 km 2, located within the forest-steppe and steppe zones, but its hydrological regime, under the influence of local conditions, can differ significantly from the regime characteristic of most rivers in a given geographical zone, and thus become zonal.

This is a river with a basin area of ​​less than 1000 km 2, located within one geographic zone, but its hydrological regime, under the influence of local conditions, can differ significantly from the regime characteristic of most rivers in a given geographical zone, and thus become a zonal natural phenomenon .

This is a watercourse fed by groundwater from the entire catchment area and has a poorly defined channel formed by the flow itself, the length of which is less than 1000 km.

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 4

Expected response: A.

Question #2:

What determines the full flow of rivers?



From the level of mixed nutrition

Depending on the amount of precipitation and terrain

From climate

From latitudinal zonality and groundwater

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 4

Expected response: WITH.

Question #3:

Determine the size of the rivers:


Large rivers:

Yesil, Irtysh, Tobol, Ural, Syrdarya, Bukhtarma, Chu

Tobol, Irtysh, Yesil, Ural, Amu Darya, Ili, Chu.

Irtysh, Yesil, Tobol, Ural, Syrdarya, Ili, Kama

Irtysh, Yesil, Tobol, Ural, Syrdarya, Ili, Chu

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 2

Expected response: D.

Topic: Rivers of Kazakhstan

Text: There are about 7 thousand rivers in Kazakhstan, the length of which exceeds the 10-kilometer mark. In total, there are more than 39 thousand permanent and temporary watercourses in the republic. The country's largest rivers include: Irtysh, Yesil, Tobol, Ural, Syrdarya, Ili, Chu. The length of each of them significantly exceeds the 1000 km mark. The Ural carries its waters to the Caspian Sea basin, the Syr Darya flows into the Aral, and the Irtysh, Yesil and Tobol are water arteries feeding the Arctic Ocean.

Irtysh-the main tributary of the Ob. The total length of the river is 4,248 km, which is the second figure among the rivers of the Asian region. The length of the Kazakhstan section of the Irtysh is 1835 km. The Irtysh's nutrition is mixed: in the upper reaches there is snow, glacial and less rain; in the lower reaches there is snow, rain and soil. The nature of the water regime also changes significantly. The river water is fresh and soft. Water mineralization varies depending on the season from 136-253 mg/cu. dm in high water up to 300-324 mg/cubic. dm in winter, increasing along the length of the Irtysh from south to north to Ust-Ishim, outside the Omsk region it decreases slightly until it flows into the Ob. The salt composition of the Irtysh is calcium bicarbonate, less often sodium. The source of the river is located on the eastern slopes of the Mongolian Altai ridge (the border of Mongolia and China).

The section of the river before it flows into the flowing lake Zaisan is called the Black Irtysh. After the waters of the Irtysh pass through the Bukhtarma hydroelectric station, the prefix “black” is changed to “white”. It should be noted that in addition to Bukhtarminskaya, there are two more hydroelectric power stations on the Irtysh - Ust-Kamenogorskaya and Shulbinskaya. They are also located on the section of the river below Lake Zaisan.

The Irtysh is navigable for 3,784 km. Navigation on the river begins in April and lasts until November.

The Irtysh is rich in fish. It contains: sterlet, nelma, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, pike, perch, crucian carp. Recently, carp, bream, pike perch and Baikal omul were released into the river.

The Irtysh has about 17 tributaries, the largest of which are the Tobol, Yesil and Uba rivers.

Question #4:

Select the correct river characterization plan:


River description plan

1. Source of the river; 2. Direction of river flow; 3. Mouth of the river; 4. Length of the river flow; 5. River feeding; 6. The nature of the river flow depending on the relief; 7. Tributaries: left, right; 8. Economic use of the river.

1. Source and mouth of the river; 2. Direction of river flow; 4. Length of the river flow; 5. River feeding; 6. The nature of the river flow depending on the climate; 7. Tributaries: left, right; 8. Economic use of the river.

1. Source of the river; 2. Direction of river flow; 3. Mouth of the river; 4. Length of the river flow; 5. River feeding; 6. The nature of the river flow depending on the natural zone; 7. Tributaries: left, right; 8. Economic use of the river.

1. Source of the river; 2. Direction of river flow; 3. Mouth of the river; 4. Length of the river flow; 5. River feeding; 6. The nature of the river flow depending on the relief; 7. Tributaries: northern and southern; 8. Economic use of the river.

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 3

Expected response: A.

Question No. 5: Using a river description plan, characterize the rivers by groups: Tobol, Yesil, Ural, Uba.

Answer: free

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 4

Expected response:

Tobol- length 591 km, basin area 426 thousand km?. The source of the river is located on the border of the eastern spurs of the Southern Urals and the Turgai mesa of the country. The Tobol is navigable at a distance of 437 km from its mouth.

The water supply is mainly snow, with the share of rain increasing downstream. The flood period is from the first half of April to mid-June in the upper reaches and until the beginning of August in the lower reaches. The major tributaries of the Tobol include the rivers Uy, Iset, Tura, Tavda and Ubagan.

The river crosses the following cities: Lisakovsk, Rudny, Kostanay, Yalutorovsk, Kurgan, Tobolsk.

Yesil (Ishim)- flows through the territory of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, is the left and longest tributary of the Irtysh River. The total length of the Ishim River is more than 2,450 kilometers, and the drainage basin area is about 177 thousand km 2.

The source of the river is located in the low Niyaz mountain range. In its upper reaches, the river flows mainly to the northwest and west, flowing through a narrow valley, constrained by high rocky banks.

After Astana, the floodplain of the Ishim River expands significantly, and then begins to move to the southwest. Just above the city of Derzhavinsk the river makes a sharp turn to the north; near the city of Petropavlovsk the river turns to the northeast.

After this, the Ishim flows to the West Siberian Plain and flows along the flat Ishim Plain. Here the river forms a wide floodplain with a large number of oxbow lakes; in the lower reaches the river flows among swamps and flows into the Irtysh near the city of Ust-Ishim. The river is navigable starting from Petropavlovsk and 270 kilometers to the Sergeevsky reservoir.

The Ishim River is mainly fed by meltwater. Ice binds the river in the first half of November, and ice breaks up in April. High water on the river occurs from May to June. In the lower reaches, the river floods up to 15 kilometers during flood periods.

The main tributaries are Zhabai, Koluton, Akkanburluk and Terisakkan. The Sergeevskoye and Vyacheslavskoye reservoirs were built on the river. On the banks of the river are the cities of Sergeevka, Atbasar, Petropavlovsk, Astrakhanka, Yesil, Ishim, Vikulovo, Astana, Derzhavinsk and Ust-Ishim.

Uba- right tributary of the Irtysh. The length of the river is 278 km, the basin area is 9850 km? The Uba flows through the territory of the East Kazakhstan region. The river is formed as a result of the confluence of the Black and White Uba. In the upper reaches there are rapids, in the lower reaches it breaks into branches. The food is mixed, but snow predominates. High water - from April to mid-July. The average water flow 8 km from the mouth is 177 cubic meters. m/sec. It freezes in November - early December, opens in April - early May.

The Uba, like other rivers of Rudny Altai - Ulba, Narym, Kurchum and Kalzhir, has clean, transparent water thanks to natural filters - a rocky bed, sandy banks and bottom.

Ural- originates on the slopes of the Kruglaya Sopka peak (Uraltau ridge). The total length of the river is 2428 km (the Kazakhstan section is 1082 km), the basin area is 231 thousand km?. It should be noted that the Ural basin is the sixth largest in the world.

The mouth of the Urals is divided into several branches. The fall of the riverbed is 664 meters. Upper Ural - up to the city of Ural flows through rocky terrain, and there are often rifts along the way. Only after the Sakmara River (one of the largest tributaries) flows into it does it finally become a typical lowland river. Here its channel is quite wide and winding. In the lower reaches the valley widens, and the river forms many channels and oxbow lakes. The Ural is a fairly fast river. It would not be possible here without reservoirs either.

The river regime is characterized by uneven flow. The difference in the total flow in a low-water year can be 10 times less than in a high-water year. For 10 months of the year, the Ural is a relatively small river, but in the spring it turns into a powerful and raging stream, spilling its waters for many kilometers. In spring, the width of the river reaches 36 km. In a short time of spring flood in the Urals, up to 96% of the total annual flow passes. The river is fed mainly by snow; the Urals receives very little from groundwater.

The tributaries of the Urals include: Bolshoi Kizil, Tanalyk, Guberlya, Sakmara, Gumbeyka, Suunduk, Bolshoi Kumak, Or. In the upper reaches of the river. The Urals are a natural water border between Asia and Europe.

In the Urals there are the Verkhneuralskoye and Iriklinskoye reservoirs, as well as the Iriklinskaya hydroelectric power station.

The river is navigable. The river is home to sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, carp, catfish, pike perch, and bream.



Topic: Forest-steppes and steppes of Kazakhstan.

Target: to develop the ability to solve educational problems of a non-standard developmental nature using them in practical activities.

Lesson type: lesson-research.

Equipment: thematic cards, task cards, group work scheme, assessment sheets, wall tables “Plants and Animals of Kazakhstan”, “Types of Soils of Kazakhstan”.

During the classes:

    Org. moment. 2-3 minutes.

1. Formation of groups.

2. Separation of roles in groups.

    Checking homework:

    No. 1 – card with the question: “Every plant community is an integral part of the landscape...” - L.S. Berg. Describe the flora of Kazakhstan.

    No. 2 - card with a question: What do you think: does altitudinal zone affect the flora and fauna of mountainous areas? Justify your answer;

    No. 3 - card with a question: What climatic factors contribute to the formation of flora and fauna;

    No. 4 – card - task for the “Critics” group: supplement or correct the answers of classmates of groups 1, 2, 3;

    No. 5 - card - task for the group of “Experts”: Determine the level of correctness of the answers and, using arguments, evaluate the work of the groups.

    Studying new material on the topic “Forest-steppes and steppes of Kazakhstan”

Option No. 4PISA

Subject " Forest-steppe and steppe"

Map"Natural areas of Kazakhstan"


In 1696, the Russian government ordered the Tobolsk governor A. Naryshkin to “make a drawing,” that is, to draw up a geographical map of the Kazakh land. The voivode instructed Tobolsk employee S.U. Remezov to complete the drawing. The instructions stated: “Write the steppes from Tobolsk to the Cossack Horde and to Bukhareya Bolshaya and to Khiva and to Eik, and to Astrakhan, where is closer and how far are the days during the journey dry and watery, in summer and winter and rivers in number and size and food for people and livestock would be scarce, and the crossings would be accessible, and the stone mountains would be passable, the tracts would be known, and for everything, make a drawing of three arshins in length across two, and sign it exactly on the drawing.”

Question No. 1



Answer: yes/no

Forest-steppes are located in the north of Kazakhstan and stretch from west to east

Forest-steppes are located in the west of Kazakhstan and stretch from south to north

The steppes are located south of the forest-steppe and stretch from west to east

The steppes are located in the Aral Sea basin and stretch from west to east

Explanation: Using paragraph 38 and this map, determine the correct answer.

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local;

Level 2

Expected response: yes, no, yes, no

Question No. 2

Subject"Forest-steppe and steppe"

Explanation: in the forest-steppes of Kazakhstan there are chernozem and gray forest soils; in the steppes there are dry chestnut and chernozems.

Scheme“Soil types in Kazakhstan”

Question: What factors contributed to the formation and distribution of these soil types?

Answer: free

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 3

Expected response: solar radiation, moisture, relief.

Question #3

Using paragraph 38 and the map of “Agricultural lands of Kazakhstan”, answer the question: For what economic activities are the soils of the forest-steppe and steppe zones suitable?



Development of crop and livestock production

Growing wheat, buckwheat, barley, sunflower

Breeding deer, cattle, horse breeding, sheep breeding

Creation of environmental protection zones, hunting, fishing

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 4

Expected response: A.

Question #4

Characterize the natural zones of steppes and forest-steppes of Kazakhstan using a given plan:

    Geographical location of the natural area

    Climatic conditions

    Soil and vegetation cover

    Animal world

    Use on the farm

    Environmental problems and their solutions

Answer: free

Competence: interpretation;

Context: local

Level 5

Expected response:


Response Plan



Geographical location of the natural area

In the north of Kazakhstan, stretching from west to east

To the south, forest-steppe zones stretch from west to east

Climatic conditions

January T – (-24)

T July – (+24)

Amount of precipitation 500 mm

January T – (-24)

T July – (+24)

Amount of precipitation 300 mm

Soil and vegetation cover

Chernozems, gray forest soils. Vegetation: birch groves, alder, rowan, aspen, shrubs: hawthorn, rose hip, bird cherry.

Chernozems, dry chestnut soils. Vegetation: herbaceous (wormwood, feather grass, fescue), along the river valleys there are shrubs and trees.

Animal world

Foxes, moose, deer, wolves, hares, roe deer, gophers, jerboas. In river valleys: beavers, muskrats, otters.

Foxes, wolves, hares, roe deer, gophers, jerboas, snakes, lizards.

Use on the farm

Logging, arable land - growing grain and industrial crops, pastures - cattle, deer breeding, horse breeding

Crop farming - grain and industrial crops using irrigated, melon crops, on pastures - sheep breeding, cattle breeding, horse breeding

Environmental problems and their solutions

Problems: wind erosion on plowed soils, soil impoverishment, deforestation.

Solutions: changing soil cultivation technologies, applying fertilizers, expanding the network of afforestations and reforestation on deforested plantations.

Problems: wind erosion on plowed soils, soil impoverishment.

Solutions: changing soil cultivation technologies, applying fertilizers.

    Lesson summary:

    Summing up the work in groups: filling out evaluation sheets.


    “During the lesson I worked on “5”, “4”, “3””

    “With my work in class I helped:...”

    “The lesson seemed to me...”

    “I would like more in class...”

    Homework: § 38, put natural zones of forest-steppes and steppes on the contour map.

Basic general education



PISA - competency test

The PISA project is an international program for assessing the educational achievements of students. Let's look at how PISA tests are fundamentally different from the tasks usual for Russian students, what knowledge this monitoring study tests, and what other ways to diagnose the literacy of schoolchildren around the world.

International tests

The international program for assessing the quality of education PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) has been conducted every 3 years since 2000, and is held under the patronage of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The purpose of this large-scale testing is to assess the literacy of 15-year-old schoolchildren in various types of educational activities: natural sciences, mathematics, computers and reading.

“PISA allows us to understand which country will be more competitive in the future due to the potential of the younger generation”

Galina Kovaleva Head of the Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education of the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education, PISA coordinator in Russia

In addition to PISA, there are other international monitoring studies that have a narrower focus. TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study), for example, aims to test the quality of math and science education for fourth- and eighth-grade students. It is carried out with the support of the International Association for the Assessment of Educational Achievement IEA. In addition to monitoring the quality of knowledge, TIMSS is also intended to identify differences in the national education systems of different countries.

And testing PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) is aimed at assessing the quality of reading and understanding of text in elementary school children. Like TIMSS, it shows differences in national education systems. The PIRLS study is conducted every five years, and has already been conducted four times: in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016.

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PISA and functional literacy

The PISA study includes different types of tasks. Almost half of them are questions with free answers. And there are questions with a specific, non-expandable list of answers. This means that the student must produce an independent answer, which will be limited to specific words or numbers. Almost a third of all tasks in the test are questions with ready-made answer options.

The main difference between the PISA program and the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and other Russian tests is that it, first of all, assesses the ability of schoolchildren to use common sense and logic when performing non-standard tasks. In this regard, it can be said that PISA follows modern educational trends, because the ability of students to apply school knowledge in life is a critical aspect of functional literacy and 21st century skills.

PISA tasks do not test memorized material in biology, geography, physics and social studies, but students’ competence in various contexts of these subjects and interdisciplinary interaction: human health, natural resources, environment, ecology, discoveries in the field of science and technology. There are interactive tasks aimed at observing an object, in which you need to draw a conclusion about how this object functions. There are tasks with an analytical solution, in which the task is to foresee the further development of events or the action of some objects. In 2015, PISA also introduced tasks for collective completion - collaborative ones. Such tasks involve joint problem solving. Virtual assistants act as partners with whom you can discuss, analyze and solve a given problem: organize, create, invent, remake or fix something. Such tasks show how the student interacts with a partner, how he distributes responsibilities, and whether he knows how to negotiate.

Examples of PISA tasks from different years:

Russia's positions and expert opinions

Russia's performance in the international ranking of countries whose students have taken the PISA test remains low from year to year. But we must admit that recently our country has managed to improve them a little. The Russian Ministry of Education has decided to prioritize other areas of educational activity and announced that communication, teamwork and the ability to structure one's activities will be key skills that should be developed in school.

Well, the Asian countries can boast of the best results in the international ranking: China, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Japan. Following them, according to the already established tradition, are Finland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Alexander Poddyakov, a professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, believes that the PISA tests also have some shortcomings: many interactive creative tasks, in his opinion, should have a more flexible answer system. In several tasks of this type, the expert noticed errors: the developers simply could not foresee other (also correct!) options for solving the tests.

But the American professor of pedagogy at the University of Arizona, David Berliner, says that the results of the PISA test are not at all related to the level of education, but to the quality of life in the country. In the United States, by the way, students do not perform well in PISA testing: in 2015, the country took 28th place in mathematics, 24th place in reading and 25th place in natural sciences. Russia's positions then were as follows: 23rd, 26th and 33rd places in the same disciplines.

Galina Kovaleva, PISA coordinator in Russia, notes that low test results in our country are due to the fact that teachers teach a subject excellently, but do not notice how individual students in the class acquire knowledge in this subject. In addition, Kovaleva says that the Russian education system is noticeably different, for example, from the Finnish one (and Finland almost always leads in PISA). We have entire schools for talented children, but at the same time, lagging students are completely “abandoned.” In Finland, there are no “lyceum” classes or “specialized” schools: gifted students are allowed to study independently, and special individual education programs are developed for those who are lagging behind.

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Kudarbekova Zulfiya Tuzemovna.

North Kazakhstan region named after G. Musrepov KSU "Stavropol Secondary School".

Teacher of Russian language and literature.

The purpose of the lesson: to form reading competence among students; learn to analyze text from the point of view of developing functional literacy.

Lesson objectives:

1. developing the skill of deciphering text, revealing meaning and content;

2.development of the ability to extract information, interpret, analyze;

3. education in acquiring life experience from reading, identifying the problem of the relationship between man and nature. To promote a caring attitude towards nature.

Lesson type: learning a new topic

Lesson type: workshop lesson

Methods and techniques: active forms of work

Expected Result:

- learn to justify their point of view on the basis of previously known information and information from the text; relate the information in the text to your own experience; find given information in the text;

Find data in the text that illustrates a certain idea;

use information from the text to support your point of view;

Finding factual material – basically asking who (what)? Where? When? what did you do?

Lesson structure:

1.Organizing moment

2. Motivational beginning of the lesson. Setting a goal.

3. Stage of updating knowledge.

4.Stage of knowledge acquisition.

5.Stage of consolidation of knowledge

6. Reflection.

7. Lesson summary. D\Z

Will the seas really freeze tomorrow?

Will the birds fall silent, will the pines freeze?

The dawn will no longer be able to rise,

And the sky will ask: is it really too late?..

N. Dobronravov

During the classes

Greeting from the teacher: Hello guys. To make our lesson interesting and productive, should we divide into groups?

Creating a collaborative environment:

Technique “Make a picture” (students choose pictures of a rhinoceros, giraffe, baobab tree, lake, outline of a map of Africa). The result is a picture: Africa, lake, around: baobab, rhinoceros, giraffe.

(Remember the rules of working in a group: don’t interrupt, respect your friend’s opinion, follow the rules, find a solution to the problem together)

Teacher: Question for groups: What will we talk about in class today? (about Africa, flora and fauna...)

Teacher: to clarify the problem of our lesson, let’s turn to the epigraph (reading the epigraph)

How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph? What problem will we touch on in this lesson? (ecology topics)

U.: The world community is concerned about the problems of drying up and dying inland bodies of water - seas and lakes. There is a UNESCO project dedicated to saving the three largest endangered seas - lakes: Aral, Dead and Chad (in the center of Africa). The drying up of these reservoirs is classified by the UN as an environmental disaster on a global scale. The topic of our lesson is “The lake playing hide and seek”

Presentation on the topic of the lesson (the presentation tells about Lake Chad and shows pictures of flora and fauna)

Teacher's opening speech:

U: The slides do not contain all the information regarding the lake. I suggest you work with the text and extract additional information

Main part. Information and operational stage.

Working with the text “Chad - Lake of Central Africa”

Exercise– analyze the text, answer questions about the text.

Instructions for completing the task

The “I-you-we” strategy is used»

Stages of work:

  1. Students think about a problem or question independently (5 minutes).
  2. Students exchange ideas with a partner (2 minutes).
  3. A pair of students share ideas with another pair in the group (2 minutes).
  4. Students in a group discuss and prepare to present their position, choose a speaker (2 minutes).

Chad - Lake Central Africa

The lake is located in a tectonic depression. Over millions of years, the lowland was filled with sediment and water. The climate changed, became hotter, and the water surface area gradually decreased.

Chad remains the only large body of water in Central Africa, despite the constant fluctuation (every twenty to thirty years) of the lake's water level. Because of this, the lake does not have clear outlines, sometimes increasing to 26 thousand km 2 and becoming the twelfth largest in the world, sometimes shrinking to 1/10 of its original size. In addition to natural reasons, there are also human ones: residents of the banks of the Shari River - the largest of the rivers feeding the lake - take too much river water for irrigation, which has already led to a sharp reduction in the area of ​​the lake. In addition, the bottom of the lake is constantly rising, as silt, sand and lake mud are layered on it.

Lake Chad is home to many species of animals. Millions of migratory birds, including flamingos and pelicans, flock here from Europe and Western Asia. The fauna of Chad is especially abundant in the summer-autumn period, when the savannas in the south and southeast are covered with lush vegetation, and the green crowns of acacias and baobabs are visible above the tall grasses.

The life of 30 million people living on the shores and in the surrounding area depends on the existence of Lake Chad. But the life of the lake itself is under threat. Statistics on the rise and fall of water show that in the 20th century. its level has never reached the heights noted in past centuries. If Lake Chad really disappears, the consequences will be terrifying...

Questions and tasks


  • This is a text about Lake Chad
  1. 2
right wrong no information in text
2 The lake has clear contours
4 The Shari River feeds Lake Chad
  • The bottom of the lake is constantly rising, as... _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Lake Chad is home to many species of animals:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Determine the type of subordinating connection in phrases if:

Agreement is 1

Management is 2

Adjacency is 3

  1. Complete the proposal.

If Lake Chad does disappear, the consequences will be dire: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Are there similar environmental problems in Kazakhstan? Name them.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Write about how you can help nature.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1g. Presentation of work

2g. Ask questions to the speakers

3gr. Answer questions from speakers

4gr. Evaluate the answers (disclosure of the topic, accessibility, reasoning, emotionality)

Checking answers by key (on slides)

Questions and tasks

1 .What is this text about, choose the correct answer:

  • This is a text about Lake Chad
  • This is a text about an environmental disaster
  • This is a text about the fauna of Africa
  1. 2 . Place the v icon in the correct column (true/false/no information in the text)
right wrong no information in text
1 The lake is located in a tectonic depression v
2 The lake has clear contours v
3 The lake bottom is constantly rising v
4 The Shari River feeds Lake Chad v
5 20 million people live on the lake shore v
6 The water temperature in the lake reaches +15 degrees Celsius v
7 Millions of migratory birds flock here, including flamingos and pelicans v
8 The green crowns of date palms are visible above the tall grasses. v
  1. Continue the sentences using information from the text, pictures from the text, and knowledge gained in other lessons or from other sources.
  • The bottom of the lake is constantly rising as ...silt, sand and lake mud are layered on it.
  1. Lake Chad is home to many species of animals: rhinos, antelopes, giraffes, zebras, hippos...
  2. Determine the type of subordinate connection in phrases if:

Agreement is 1

Management is 2

Adjacency is 3

Draw a conclusion in groups: what environmental problems are outlined in the text?? (students' answers)

Reflective-evaluative stage:

Finish the sentence

  • Today was new for me...
  • It was interesting to me…
  • I will need this for...
  • I taught myself...


Evaluate the group's work. (Members of the group speak and evaluate their group).

Homework: Write an essay on the topic: How can I help nature?

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